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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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also why arent there any good images for any of the characters? This is the best picture I could find for her and its still shit
rhys SEX
Don't put general in the title or jannie will delete
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should have become a furCHAD, plenty of pictures of them
How does chest contribution work in the guild? I know activeness is tied to the weekly guild quests, so I'm not worried about the distribution, but in the contribution tab I'm at 3 chests while other guildmates are at 45+. It should be tied to placement in various game modes, but from the one-time guild challenges I see that I'm the only one in my guild who has beaten a hell difficulty dream boss (and I'm always top100), and the only one who has cleared floor45 of all the faction towers.
Do I have to be top 100 in arena and honor as well? No way that's gonna happen.
Labyrinth? I'm walled by the lack of M+ for the next difficulty, I literally can't play that mode.
Battle drills? Hasn't started yet so they can't be ahead because of it.
Alpha boss? Same as above.

I don't see my guildmates being far ahead, but having only 40 chests less than them doesn't feel right.
What hero should I get from guild shop?
Is there ANY point to deep dives in arcane labyrinth?
If you like to get raped in the very first stage after having cruised through the normal labyrinth without issues, that's the right place
Well, I have a 50% success rate 1 out of two, lol in reaching the deep boss, but the whole thing looks like a purely e-peen thing.
Also, kind lame that they stopped with the characters specific bonuses they had at first.
Gonna double post
>miss 1 or 2 days because of irl stuff
>already started day 3 of 4 instead of launch
>instantly fall behind, miss out on Top 200 rewards on everything so fall even further
I know it's used to "pay so you can catch up ;)))" but it works the opposite for me.
>no point in pvp unless top 10
>no point in arcane lab because no reset
>no point in honor duel
>no point in daily boss because whales take top spots
>next chapter thingy needs high resonance
>few can reach the world boss in v5
>guilds are consolidating and still can't finish the challenge
kek my server is dead at exactly 1 month too
is this the natural life cycle in afk arena too?
Í do notice a lot of f2p's just checking out, people from my own-build guild included.
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Should I use omni corn to get my cecia to mystic?
Skill issue
If she's your first mythic do it, she is probably your best DPS and although you want her to mythic+, while you wait for the extra 2 copies she gets a nice stat boost.
Don't use acorns to get her to supreme, unless you have the copies ready for S+.
M+ is the sweet spot for a lot of units, and all Epic heroes need acorns for legendary and mythic.
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>Just 1 more copy of Odie for M+
>No more dream shop dupes
>Shop resets in 6 days
>No letters left for summons
>Somehow lower level PVP enemies tank more on normal characters than mine
>Somehow they pop up ults with the same arti but no Rowan, unlike me
>Team I've wiped the floor with multiple times suddenly demolish mine
PVP feels way too rigged in this game, there's no consistency.
To add to this
>I'm higher level
>Higher rarityies
>Ults just stay stuck on 99%
>My heroes fucking start doubting their attacks and don't finish enemies
Your Guild probably has Activeness Distribution rather than Equal Distribution like my guild
You can check this by clicking guild> guild chest and then looking at the top of the roster next to chest summary

It should say the activeness required and what type of Distribution the chests are under. In my case with Equal Distribution it doesn't matter how many chests a single person earns we give or take until everyone has the same number. With Activeness only those who contribute guild quests throughout the week get the rewards.
I see, what hero should I get from Guild shop btw? It's the only use for guild coins right?
Cecia's copies are a solid choice, unless you pulled a lot for Vala or Florabelle, Cecia will be your DPS carry for a long time.
Grab a copy of Rowan if you don't have him and you don't plan on spending money (you get a free copy of him with your first $ purchase)
Grab a single copy of Brutus, he's a clutch for a lot of stages.
Other good choices are Hewyn (for the late game, or earlier if you didn't pull Smokey), and if you plan to do PvP also the granny, Igor and the blind dude
What does Cassadee smell like?
Guild coins, anon
Not arena coins
Just choose whichever is your favorite
If you're a metafaggot pick Reiner
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why is Meerky naked
luckchads f2p vs virgin whales
who wins?
>get pale crown
>somehow go 0-3 against absurd mixed comps
lol lmao
but on a serious note they need to buff the lyca one and the stats light bringer one
Supreme Odie let's gooooooooooo
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why not?
Just need the Dream Store to reset and I can get my Mythic+ Odie and Marilee is not too far behind (Needs three copies).
Helpful guide for now
Unless you're a whale yourself, then you're always gonna be whale food.
>random bit in ukranian in the middle
Game accurate, as it also has random bits in chinese
so how bad would it be to go for scarlita instead of reinier as a f2p?
You get every single hero available minus Florabelle in the daily logins so you'll get 1 of everything, including the Hypogeans and Celestials
If you just want to get her early it doesn't really matter
>Krueger over Koko
>Lyca over Damian
Wait what? Arden is actually good?
he's a mauler so he's anthro
why is he exposing his crotch
it's unofficial iirc
it has lots of questionable stuff
>artifact rating not considering f2p or afk battle (making defense artifact better)
>or at the very least, in an organic way considering how you unlock them one by one
>Viperia at all in this day and age rather than Niru
>not putting Caroline at all
Krueger definitely over Koko, at least make Koko epic but you should invest on Krueger
feels like it was made prior to launch
kino game, my fav characters are the squirrels, nigga thats nuts
How does Niru even work? I've only ever used him in the tower and he doesn't ever seem to do much
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his ult prevents a character from dying
at m+ he can resurrect
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>this is a girl
An extremely sexy and fertile girl at that
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Because he wants to, leave him alone
Odie does the same thing that little loincloth covers nothing
Odie is a grower not a shower
>Need 20k diamonds in ~2 weeks to secure S+ Florabelle
Will I make it? Not a paypig
honestly 20k diamonds is pisseasy to get even if f2p
My nigga skreg got replaced by a loli
And I'm not even mad
>still no 4chan guild
oh well
Unfortunately that's pretty much impossible with the way servers work in this game. At this point people aren't gonna really want to drop the account they've been playing on to move to a different server for a 4chan guild. Also I highly doubt there's even enough people to finish a battle drill unless you open it up to normies which is another issue.
also do you really trust 4chan guild on a game whose gm can powertrip
I've been in /vg/ guilds for a few games in the past, including ones where guild activities/rewards matter a lot too. Have yet to experience something like a power tripping unhinged leader/officer popping off but idk maybe I'm just lucky. That being said the concern is still valid of course but I've found that the way people shitpost and act in threads hasn't often been reflected in stuff like guild chat.
Why did they make this game have guilds like that anyway? Why not just make flat equal rewards or participation-based with no input needed from the GM?
I wish the GM of this random guild I joined did his job and cleaned all the people that haven't been on over a week. We didn't even clear the mid boss during the last battle operation.
This *bouncy fat brown tits* is *bouncy fat brown tits* our *bouncy fat brown tits* victory!
Arden is good but not in early game. He has good synergy with the massively OP Eironn/Carolina team because M+10 Eironn shits CC and Arden's cloud targets CC'd enemies, and at M+ he also adds his own CC to the mix.
If you all quit your current accounts and start from scratch on my server I can make a 4chan guild :^)
>get Artifact to buff a certain hero
>only get 1 extra copy of said hero for the rest of the duels
Won a handful, but this is bullshit.
Today I wanted to try the redhead mage artifact and I got zero additional copies of her, and I only fished for lightbearer rolls the entire time.
That artifact is hilarious and absurd if you can get things going. Who knew Granny Dahni could be yeeted off the arena.
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>M+ Odie
>put him in with 3 tanks and a healer or koko
>leave phone in autobattle for the next 6 hours
Controversial opinion: restarting on a more recent server is not a good idea, new servers have high F2P competition because you have new players that came in after the initial #ad spam/honeymoon/FOTW/let's check why my favorite streamer plays this, and thus are going to stick around longer than people who started 2 weeks ago and probably already quit. Then of course there are whales also on new servers.
I think mid-servers (around S200) are the best because the ultra whales are in the first 100 servers, F2P autists reroll on new servers, and these middle ground servers remain with a few invested whales and the few F2P that managed to stay in top200 regularly.
How can I tell which server I am on?
I'm in Server 149
Settings -> Others -> Character Switch
>Krueger definitely over Koko
absolutely no
I see no point in upgrading him, he already survives in Dream Realm with low ascendancy
Koko is fundamental to push stages and Abyss
you clearly haven't faced later DR
Koko meanwhile shouldn't be receiving much damage to begin with since you plop her far away. Most of her use is achieved through leveling up than ascending.
>later DR
you mean Endless Mode? I have a Kruger epic and he survives
you do you
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why are they shilling wilders so hard I'm so fucking sick of them
anyway they're doing a near end of season boost so you're gonna see more purple essence from your afk rewards
>these two fuckers
>bear that goes fuck you and stuns your team
>those armguard thieves
>laser beam goes brrrrr
Crystal defense is such garbage holy fuck
you can heal crystals
Thank god, I've stalled out hard around 140 due to the lack of purple dust
>Mythic+ Odie just snowballs once he gets a kill and people drop dead one by one
Yeah, I see why people recommend to get his EX to +10.
I'm still at +8 and I'm out of orange essence, I get only 1 per day in dream ranking and once a week in guild chests, fucking Chinese Jews
Your tower lvl 75 push?
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I'm still at 55
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surely he won't be OP and a must have right...?
The sister looks cute
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are they going to release both of them? or are they together like the twins in AFK Arena
damn, I don't care for either of them... but I hope we get the adoptive dad sometime in the future.
I'm going to send them gay furry porn in the mail.
>skip button
>not anthro
Patiently waiting for one or both of them to be OP so f2p autists reroll on new servers and I climb up on my server
>server in the 350s
>bought both gazettes and travelogue
>still can't top 100 on primal lord, dream realm, pvp ecc
how many whales are there in this game? and how do you even buy purple dust from which I assume they're doing
Skill issue, I'm in a server 2xx, I bought the poor man's gazette and travelogue and I'm top 50-100 in primal and dream bosses
cute buttslut. would have been better if he wasn't white though
Why forced furries into the game?
non-stop babymaking sessions with Temesia
I should remove the heroes from the wishlist as soon as they reach mythic+ as a f2p right?
>ugly whaman
Yes. Also for Heroes that you can buy in the Arena Store (like Cecia and Igor) in the Emporium, you can probably take them off at Mythic. For A-class, I read it's recommended to keep Odie and Marilee on the wishlist even if they are Mythic+.
Okay here are some real tips, I see a lot of misinformation being thrown around.

The best setup to propel you into late game is as follows
>rush marilee S+ ASAP, buy her out of dream realm first, AND put her on your 5-man wishlist
>yes, you put an A rank on your 5 man wishlist. In fact put odie there as well motherfucker
>not only does this give you 5 copies of them if you hit them on the pull, it ALSO reduces the total A ranks in the separate A rank pull rate, meaning you'll be building your Antandra, Korin, Arden, and Damian even faster as well
>other 3 units should be smokey, rowan, and thoran
>once marilee/odie hit mythic+, and they will quickly, you can take them off the 5man wishlist and replace with carolina and eironn
>seperately secure brutus either from arena shop or standard banner, one copy only, but isnt fully necessary until late game
>rest of arena currency can either go to cecia initially if you feel like your pull luck on dps was shit, but ideally you focus rowan, then either hewynn for more arena defense focus, or casadee for dream realm focus

This is the fastest way to build the afk/abyss pushing comp (Brutus, Antandra, Smokey, Rowan, Odie) as well as the offensive PVP comp (Thoran Carolina Arden Damian Eironn) while also pushing high in dream realm with Odie, Korin, Marilee, Thoran and smokey

The main reason to focus marilee first is that she is true MVP in dream realm, which gives the most significant rewards in the game by far, being massive amounts of A rank dupes, tidal and temporal essence, and other rewards along the path to endless (high level weapon select chests in particular). Marilee will pay dividends upon dividends for your account and propel your growth simply through ranking high in dream realm. She will buy you mythic+ odie before you even need to start using him.
Other tips not specifically related to that strategy
>temporal essence is extremely rare if not ranking in top dream realm, to where beyond the initial rewards you get, you will get so few that it will take near eternity to take multiple EXs to +10. This is intended whalebait design and once they feel they reached whale saturation on that power up system, they will make it easier for f2p to get to say +15, and make it so the whales can then buy up to +30, before repeating the process with a whole new upgrade system, and then +30 becomes doable as f2p but the new upgrade you have to whale to max. Completely intended design. That being said, I would hyperfocus on Marilee and Odie primarily. Absolutely to +10 but Im unsure at the moment if +15 and forgoing all other units would be best or not.
Other than that, your main comp characters only should get those invested, primarily any that have a new ability or modifier unlocked at +10 that could be game breaking, as opposed to just some % increase of an already existing ability. Then focus on just getting the non+10 worthy heroes to +8, priority descending as follows DPS>Tank>support
The reason for stopping at +8 is that up to +8 the base stats and stat types you gain from each +1 are great, but dimish heavily on +9 and +10.

>save your dolly tickets. Only use them on all the stargazer pulls you can each month. Theres still no telling what the income rate of those is like beyond the first month of the game with all the one time rewards. And any other way you can acquire stargazer pulls either from the challenger arena store, dolly tickets, guild store, wherever, do it every month. Those who get reinier mythic+ first beyond the whales will be at a much greater dream realm advantage, which again is currently the best game mode to invest into.
I feel like I'm losing to pvp a lot lately. game giving me enemies with higher power too.
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>60 gold soulstones
New code
100 Diamonds
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>he redeemed
>claiming code with "extra steps" (i.e. special characters)
you fell for it
Has anyone calculated monthly gem income yet?
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>9 out of 10 of the top ten for alpha and dream bosses are in the same guild
Whales have absolutely zero competition sense outside of optimizing guild rewards and of course spending money
>servers will be grouped into districts when seasons come
>some content will be competitive within the entire district
yeah this game is fucked, everything about seasons seems geared towards making people spend more. I hope I can maintain my top 100 spot f2p.
>seasonal content is locked behind reso 240 and 1000+ afk stage level
yeah because a plurality of the people playing your game are definitely reaching this at some point
I've been playing for 18 days and I'm more than halfway there so why not
>18 days
>more than halfway
exactly my point. the majority of people who will download this game will have dropped it by that point. what is the appeal for newcomers if they can't access any of the cool new stuff for like a month after download?
the season will actually last long enough to have people reach it at least, and it's permanent content rather than "event"
They just introduced a double afk rewards buff to let everyone reach 240, it should be more than doable as long as you log in every day to collect the free stuff and the buffed essence.
Also the season lasts 4 months, even if you are the most faggotest of casuals you can get there a couple weeks later.
Also the season doesn't drop at the same time in all servers, but it depends on the server creation date. Newcomers who start on server 500 today will have the same number of days to prepare as players who started a month ago in server 1
It's literally impossible to get past legendary 2 in arena. I'm 100% sure everyone but me are bots carefully placed by Lilith specifically against my account, with [my power + 100k] and [my ascensions + 1 tier]
I'm Legendary 3, should make it into challenger tomorrow assuming it starts at 3200. f2p btw
Two banners or double banner?
Nice AI generated post, bot.
Hell yeah I reached last stage at resonance 200 yesterday and I'm getting 5k dust now
Got enough to upgrade 2 heroes to 210 already
whats wrong with atalanta?
she is a lesbian
most lesbians i met werent lesbian...
She is trash
she's niche but seasonal skills might save her
honestly I stopped using Atalanta for Brutus
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Fun game, been playing for a couple days. Anything in particular I should be focusing on? Is it worth building both Cecia and Florabelle, given they seem to be very similar characters? Running them both in my default lineup now unless I see a bunch of walls and they both seem pretty good.
>stuck on a stage getting absolutely ran over without killing a single unit
>gather enough purple dust and level some back line shitter 10 levels
>suddenly I'm the one who runs them over 5-0
how does this work? there is no way it should be making that much of a difference
see >>1458076
I wouldn't focus on Florarabelle or any other rate up character since that banner has way worse rates for purple characters, some of which are really good like Odie
but that's just how I'm doing it maybe I'm wrong
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Team for Snow Stomper? On epic difficulty, getting timed out right before getting the kill. Fuck that snowman debuff
blue artifact on cecia lets you summon carlyle before the first snowman, helps take it out super quick
That did work on the first one, but everyone still gets too distracted with every other snowman, and times out. Cant even control ultimates so they just waste it on a snowman, its almost like they knew exactly how to make this cancerous.
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i am in a guild by myself. you can't claim the contribution chests if theres less than 3 people participating.
yeah rate ups are lame with the stuff you could potentially get. just wait for her to be part of the pool.
Anyone else server25?
your damage is enough to threshold one of their frontliners before the enemy healer can heal them up and you snowball from there
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>odie at +9
>25 oranges to farm
>too far from arena champion
>too far from faction towers 70s
>one orange a day from dream realm top100
>all of a sudden can finish 240 in just two days
that end of season bonus is so good
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>anon's Odie starts with 0 energy
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I love this yeen
I didn't think for myself and got baited to buy odie over marilee in dream store. Regret it so much right now.
Should I leave my rank 8 guild for a rank 3 guild?
How much better are the rewards?
Feel kinda bad leaving these noobs behind though
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>Can't even remember anymore how many pities in a row
This game was made by niggers for faggots
don't be racist bro wtf... either way i'm surprised there isn't more racial diversity in the cast lmfao. there's like, what, 4 non-white people in the entire playable cast? no non-white npcs anywhere? the devs literally aren't even white
>picked horse girl to do the haggle
does the other guy do it better?
No one want forced diversity.
forced diversity is literally a myth besides, like, overwatch and apex. also this game is literally not based off of real life, they could have as many non-white characters as they want. it's a deliberate choice to have a cast this white
>forced diversity is literally a myth
oh boy...
Found the retard
/pol/ samefag shitposting at this hour? don't you guys have waifu gacha games to increase post numbers
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>threw diamond into normal banner
>vala suddenly now Supreme+

I think I'm set
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God I love this faggot
It could be worse, you could have bought viperan because he was good in your early team
Of course it's just an exampe I didn't do it haha just saying that it would be awful right haha
Faggot nigger I've also pulled only valas in the last 3 pities I guess this is our destiny now
I haven't bought viperian once and I got him to mythic before Odie/Marilee, I'm pulling so many copies of him that now I feel committed to M+, then I'll happily remove him from the wishlist
Viperian is one of the best units for battle drills and apparently pvp
>brought the x8 marilee pack to get her to legen+
>dps still abysmal compared to my supreme+ vala
>need 20 more dupes until I can M+ her

I feel scammed
Best part is some other random shitter like Satrana will be meta in seasons so everyone except for one waifufag will be cucked.

Yeah no shit she doesn't do anything until M+
Viperian is great for anything where a dps sustain is needed. He's more like a life stealing warrior than a mage.
It's the same for Brutus refusing to did and gives his own lifesteal.
Satrana currently has 1 niche use as an immortal tittyshield with that 1 artifact that grants energy every so often. Just give Sat that energy on ult item and there is a brief window where she is out of immortal.
Wait, how the hell do you do a 10 pull with diamonds? I only have the option to do it with tickets no matter how many diamonds I have.
have you tried clicking on it?
...I've been single rolling my gems all this time.
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What are some good teams for pushing AFK stages that aren't Antanda/Cecia/3 healers cheese?
holy brick, you should only do 10 pulls on the standard banner because it costs 2700 gems instead of 3000
M+10 Odie, 3 tanks, 1 healer :^^^^^)
Does the
>10 recruits guarantee an A-Level or above hero
in Rate up and Epic banners also count for individual pulls? Is there a reason to always save for 10-pulls for rate up and epic banner?
>can't defeat crystal defense
>watch records
>3 deployed: smokie, hewynn damian
>use it
>it worked

i am dumbo
I'm 99% sure it counts for individual pulls too.
what day does the boosted afk rewards start? in terms of logins on the free character event page.
It counts for individual pulls as well. If you have envelopes it makes zero difference going singles or multis. On the other hand, if you are using gems it matters because singles are 300 and multis are 2700.
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>supreme Odie +10 and supreme Thoran +5 on the same day
My precum cannot stop dripping
brutus outclasses antandra
right now I use brutus/cecia/smokey/shakir/rowan
why did they change Smokey's ult animation
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should've named myself 1989 Tiananmen Square then
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>in beta he has a found family backstory and butts head with you because his family is being held hostage by the villain
>changed story in release, where he is now a hotblooded guy who has moments of being a himbo
Whatever you do anon, do not go to World Chat 13.
nobody is quitting. 28 days in my server is only getting more competitive somehow.
Because more and more people are reading guides, some of them are succumbing to the spending monster and leaving their F2P soul behind, and in general everyone has better luck with pulls than (You)
>S hero choice chest after 7 days
Another eironn let's goooo
Are you guys still auto battling AFK Stages? I'm at 700+ and basically have to watch other players' replays to copy their team, artifact and hero positioning to win. Can't auto battle anymore
around 650 and yes
I do change positioning and some heroes from stage to stage but the battles are on auto
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>1 off M+ Thoran
>1 off M+ Celia
>1 off M+ Smokey
>1 off M+ Temesia
>10 off M+ Odie
I'm gonna spike so fucking hard
Arena store's about to reset anon. Or does it vary depending on your server?
yeah I'm pretty sure it's just every month
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>run out of gold upgrading equipment since each piece cost me 200k
>finally have enough dust but forgot that I don't have gold anymore
>can't lvl up now and have to wait for reset
>Supreme Arena: 3v3 cross server PvP
how the fuck does this work?
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Which one?
Do you care about PvP?
Whoever you think look cool.
even if you don't care about PvP Reinier is still a must
Reinier until you get him to M+
Aside from the first few days of totally awful pull priorities, this is exactly what I been hanging around on. Nice, but depressing I can't optimize more and just have to wait for copies as I feel the soul-crushingness of a single A-hero per 10 pull.

Also I didn't know it took that many acorns for supreme for A-heroes, I am so fucked with how many are near that level. I should have been getting the acorn chests in the guild instead of gems.
tbqh you should be functional at m+
Would be helpful to ignore the upgrade then if it works out. I don't have a single m+ unit yet, everything is just hovering at mythic or L+ with a single copy to go to mythic. Far from a powerspike besides Odie who I am getting to m+ on shop refresh, everything else is gonna be a while so got to plan acorns ahead.

I do question the guide on getting Marilee to m+ before Koran and Kruger, especially Koran. We all have a pretty high Cecia, is she that good at m+ to drop Cecia and ignore Koran?
marilee is mostly used on dream
Korin also excels in dream, and in some stages is basically necessary if you can't heal. Just he is also useful elsewhere.
The chick is better than Reinier in pvp
>teleports enemy cecia into my rogue
Whoops meant to post this in snap gen
>made a girl avatar with my kpop waifu as the name and the pic
>some guy from my guild is now flirting with me
do I just ignore him?
This is the part where you get him to simp for you and buy you packs and then ghost him after
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thank you lilith games
should I take odie off my wishlist after getting him to M+ or keep going for S+?
Avoid the woke character
Barely 2/5 lvl 200 resonance
Can I make it to 240 before the new season?
how many days left in your server and what stage are you on? I cleared last stage 4 days ago and I'm 2/5 240 now, was at 5/5 200
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>1 away from epic recruitment pity
>Change the wishlist to 4 A ranks and 1 of the epics I want before doing the last pull.
I feel retarded for not realizing that this was something you could do. Oh well at least I got my Smokey, better late than never.
Wait you can actually do this?
>Season in 10 days
>Only 2/5 at 180, 3/5 at 170
>AFK stage 772

I gotta get my ass in gear
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Well it worked for me just now, pic related is what my wishlist looked like before hitting the pity and I did get Smokey from it.
Damn, I'm 20 away from my next S level so I'll have to remember to try this
fyi if you think this guaranteed you smokey thats not how it works, you will get 5x the A rank char if you get one of them
the wording saying "you'll still recruit an epic hero" is just plain wrong
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Damn okay well dumb luck pays off then I guess. And yeah that exact line was what gave me the idea to try it.
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time to be stinky
>took me 20 stargazer balls to get gay cat clown
Truly was a 50/50 haha
Don't do like this dumb faggot guys, he was incredibly lucky because God had pity for his retardness, but it's never worth it putting A ranks in the S wishlist, don't get baited by the 5 copies even if you are fishing for the last 5 Odie copies.
One single S copy from your chosen pool of just 5 heroes is invaluable, you'll realize it when gems dry up and you only get pities and shit pulls from non-wishlist pulls such as golden orbs and daily login giving you the rhyno after 7 days of waiting.
Why is battle himbo Shakir so fucking arousing?
Yeah, as you play you'll realize getting A heroes to higher ranks is a bit easier if a bit grindy compared to S heroes
Based. I want to get him too but literally everyone is telling me to go for Reinier. I haven't even spent my guild coins yet because I'm still unsure lmao.
I got him from my day 28 login and it feels like he's not useful anywhere.
Who's better in Arena for nullifying Vala, Igor or some tank like Brutus? Does Vala chase only Igor until he runs out of tombstones? Is this viable even with a base epic Igor vs a M+/S Vala?
All I see now in arena at legendary3 are teams with roided Valas, I would like to test some comps but each failure takes away a ton of points.
if you want to build some other mauler then sure but it's going to delay his further ascensions a bit
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Igor (minimum 1 ascension tier below vala) or
any tank that can at least tank 1 ultimate from vala. Basically just don't let vala get a kill and she won't wipe your team.
what a dogshit game lmao
installed because the art looked great but holy fuck this is by far the most blatant most cancerous white-people implementation of gacha i've ever seen
I was laughing when I saw someone had a epic Igor with 70k below me.

And then I proceed to get absolutely annihilated with my fucking supreme+ vala
This. There shouldn't be brown characters in a gacha.
But the devs aren't white they are chinks
Also you will never be a woman
the trick with vala is you put a tank behind so she'll target the tank instead of your squishy units
Yeah but it must be a beefy tank if it's a M+ vala, if she gets the kill she becomes invisible and starts raping everyone else.
I wanted to know if a base Igor has enough time to place a tombstone so when he gets clapped he doesn't die regardless of vala's power. Or if Brutus can survive the first hits and pop the invuln only on vala's ultimate.
Any tank that can take a hit or two in the backline ideally within range of a healer. What I typically use is Temesia whom I have at Supreme with Enlightenment to deal with CC because by the time she reaches the backline, Vala would have already done an ult and turned a stunned Temesia into a sitting duck. I don't have a high ascended Igor, but I use him if he is available in Proxy Battle request to bait out Vala and Silvina.
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shakir pls
What is the best team for pushing afk stages?
Your M+ carry of choice Cecia Vala Florabelle depending on who you pulled for, smokey, koko, brutus and thoran/antandra.
When you get M+ Odie you just stack 4 tanks and Odie, and you manually target his ulti.
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>nigga thats nuts
Fuck you too game, despite smokey being on both wishlists from day one, he is only at mythic, and ONE COPY away from mythic+/supreme for the past couple of weeks, and despite ranking top 20 in every dream realm each day Im rank 40 on the bear world boss simply for not having smokey higher up.

Then I pull a bunch of epic invite letters and get a double pull with Vala and Carolina, then another Vala, but no smokey.
The only Dream boss I am stuck with is Croaker. Fuck that shit.
Croaker is gatekept by Thoran. If you don't have him, tough shit, you will never ever do well. Thoran + Smokey with spread out DPS so aoe attack doesn't one shot and he can heal everyone up at once.
If you paid for anything and are complaining kek
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He's an isolated unit assassain (rogue) so he's best used in pvp where someone with a vala or cecia in a corner pocket all alone is ready to be clowned on

If all the enemies are grouped together and there's no one by themselves (by themselves = 1 tile space from all sides unoccupied) he is terrible until there's only one left standing. Also, his kit damage is not buffed when fighting bosses either despite them being the only enemy, so he is really underwhelming there too.

tl;dr funny meme unit only good for gay surprise butt sex
I have thoran by legendary. I have legendary kreuger, supreme odie, legendary+ mari and legendary smokey. That damn aoe bubble hurts more than it needs to.
Eironn currently works well by grouping enemies together, and enabling small AOE nukers to shine.

I imagine one day soon theyll have a reverse eironn that separates all the enemy units so berial can make all his clones easily
How many people on your server have reached stage 1125 already? You can check this by looking at the leaderboards for the forward journey event.

I was suprised my server only has 162 people there so far, and Im on a sub 100 server.
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Maximum flower pussy achieved. Lucked out on getting 1 of copies needed for S+ early.
>afk 887
>8days until season start
>resonance 200
can I hit 240 in time?
The chipmunk in the afk stages started saying something after I beat 695 but I skipped it and now I have 3 stages to choose from, what did it say?
If you do your dailies and the side/town quests and claim the instant afks (I suggest also the 50gem one on top of the 2 free ones) and do the 3 daily alpha boss runs you can get a full +10 on 5 heroes in 2 days. So yeah in 8 days you can get 40 levels easily. Worst case you lose a couple of days from the start of the season, but it lasts 4 months.

You can choose which stages to challenge, so if you are stuck on a harder xx5 or xx0 stage, you can skip them and do the xx1,xx2,etc first, at least until all your 3 slots are occupied by hard stages that you skipped.
Beware that from stage 700 onwards, every xx0 stage requires 2 different teams to clear.
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>Shakir is now Pokemon Nemona but a muscular, half-naked wolfman
I'm getting an erection... Is this what they felt?
>got temesia as my first M+
>got her weapon to +5
>she's fucking useless and dies before she even gets her second cast off
oh no no bros I think I might have bricked myself
why would you ever invest into Temesia as your first M+? Why is she even in your wishlist?
>finally get to champion in arena mode
>literally everyone even the leftmost opponents have at least 50k power more than me and multiple supremes
>can't even choose a doable opponent in 7 refreshes
Is this it? How do I complete my weekly wins now? Am I getting farmed in defense until I drop down to legendary?
>why would you ever invest into Temesia as your first M+?
because she is my first M+
>Why is she even in your wishlist?
because fuck rowan
Women are a mistake
every day I fall farther behind aaa
You should have rerolled on an empty 400+ server and not skipped even a minute of grinding in the most optimal way watching 10 youtube videos every day contradicting each other about the best units to minmax and if you happened to purchase one single wrong copy in the deam store you are FINISHED PERMANENTLY BRICKED FOREVER
anon don't feel bad. we all know you're gonna drop this game once WuWa arrive
I just gotten cucked on my rolls after having some initial good luck. I've been 1 thoran away from M+ for weeks now.

true unless seasons are somehow peak
>the uwu clan
Furries gonna have a field day once the new season drops.
Same bro. I'm even on one of those "empty" 400+ servers the other anon was referring to but recently dropped out of top 200 for DR and Lone Gaze and can't get back no matter how hard I try.
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Feral loli armpits
>A-Rank aoe Warrior
oh no he's going to be Mauler Valen isn't he...
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thanks, I try
>more femroids
>humans with cat ears
someone mail a pipebomb to these fuckers
>bricking yourself for literally no reason
Newer servers are a trap, because they collect:
>people quitting older servers to reroll in an "empty" server, failing to realize that anyone who does this is an autistic minmaxer who follows guides to stay competitive. All of these people are F2P, thus even more competitive.
>new players who are more invested than in older servers, because the novelty of the newest game and the #ad spam on streams is going down, so they are less likely to have started the game "just to try", "just because streamer x is playing it"
>whales who will be in any server
All of those will either quit or follow guides, guides which are much more detailed than last month when everyone outside of PTR rejects was mosty testing stuff.
TLDR: good luck!
T-thanks haha... Though to be honest I got into this game to have a good time and collect characters rather than to compete with other people. Yeah missing out on the Lone Gaze frame sucks a bit but ultimately it was my choice to skip Vala and I got punished for it so that's fair.
The game is not as competitive as they picture it online. If your goal is to clear pve content and collect heroes you can do it at a slower pace, but you will eventually clear everything.
The only things that have a big impact based on the competitors are dream realm, arena, and guilds.
Guilds are easy, join a top20 guild and just be active and do your weekly guild wuests and your daily battle drills.
Dream realm and arena are only a problem for EX weapon upgrades, but as a reference with a single EX+10 (Odie) you can clear all AFK stages and at least 200-300 abyss stages, even if all your other M+ are at +0.
Everything else is just single player stuff with leaderboards that have zero impact. You will progress slower but you will progress.
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I feel you. He's the only mauler I don't have and I'm thinking of suicide each day.
Which one of you posted that terrible honor duel guide over there?
Me :^)
Don't you win 9-0 100% of the time with Silvina? :^^^^^^^))))))
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>lvl up to 240
>from now on you can lvl up with only purple dust
>can convert EXP to dust
I'm lvl 260 now
yeah that honestly feels like the best way to approach the game
if some one wants to compete let them compete but competition is not required if you're just looking to have fun
As someone who started on afkarena way late to the party, even on a new server there were new whale alt accounts that were 1000x my power level in a matter of months that I had no hope of catching up to. I still had a lot of fun.
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dad looks like a recolored shakir
wuthering waves???
Temesia's big ______!
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How far does thing go till? And are you able to max out the VIP thing from it eventually?
Should I be stingy with these silver forging stones? It doesn't seem like you get many.
reso lvl 240 is the cap i think, it probably ends with that, the afk stages and the story

nah, they're the last tier for now. spend em how you want
>get into top 200 on my last attack
>rank still hasn't changed to Champion
wtf is happening
You need at least 3200 points.
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Having Temesia on a horse follow you in Remnant Peak maps is peak Journey.
Oh. Contact CS, I guess.
Where to spend Hollister coin?
There's a NPC in town, I think his name is Keith or something?
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you don't ascend directly to champion when you get to 3200
you should have a button to right of your cropped picture
>youtube is so full of afk arena grifters regurgitating "reactions", it's actually hard to find official channel videos in search
For guides look for Volkin and Barry for quick to the point videos, or Zeeebo for more detailed guides. Or turtle if you are a gigawhale and you don't mind watching 50 minutes of video for a tier list.
>Volkin and Barry
That's who I settled on, yeah. They still do the inane "Let me read you the newspost/describe what's happening on screen in this trailer" occasionally though, especially Volkin
My last three golds were Temesias somehow
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>stop at 3100 points doing the 5 daily arena battles
>open game hours later
>suddenly get mail that I'm Champion ranked
Kek. I don't know how these rankings work, but the EX weapon mats are greatly appreciated.
probably resets at midnight china time
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Not sure about the time because I am in the same timezone as China. When I was AFK I won about 3 matches and I opened the game at around 4:30 p.m. It probably has something to do with passing the guy below the Challenge Match Qualification line in the rankings.
How do the weekend champion qualifications work? I got to champion rank 2 days ago and so far I've been trashed by everyone both in defense and attack because everyone and their dogs have a full supreme team while I'm a complete shitter and an easy prey for any attacker.
Will I 100% get kicked back to legendary on Monday?
People who say to take A-ranks off your wishlist after M+ have gotta be retarded, it's only 200 acorns and 20 more copies to get them to S+ so you might as well go all the way. You need a lot of S+ units for that paragon shit anyway.
Those 20 extra copies of Odie, who at M+ is already perfectly capable of carrying your ass through all the 1125 AFK stages and 200 abyss stages, could be 12+8 (almost 2 ascensions) for Marilee M+, who will greatly boost your dream realm and alpha boss ranking at the same time.
Will Alsa be good? Will she be meta? I wanna roll gacha, but everyone telling that Flora isn't great in the endgame at all. I dunno where to spend my diamonds.
>Will Alsa be good? Will she be meta?
Impossible to know before letting whales test out the unit.
how do people even go past legendary
>wanting wokeness
luck or money
I'm not saying continue to buy him from the dream store, just to leave him on the wishlist.
then save, bro. someone will come along
Man, Mythic+ Odie is a game changer, way more so than the likes of Cecia or Carolina.
But maulers have other good units such as Koko, Antandra and Kruger, and there's only 2 spots in the wishlist, and if you are buying marilees and korins from the dream store you can only pull the other maulers for a few weeks.
Seth is Brutus and Shakir's cumdumpster
>losing at round 5 nets four points
>forfeiting before round 1 is -7 points
>winning 9-2 nets 40 points
lmao what cancer trash theres no balance to this nigger mode just reroll artifacts until you get one that stomps 9 rounds
Is there even another artifact aside from Pale Crown that lets you stomp 9 rounds?
cecia overrated iykyk
>was ranked in the 80s in dream realm in the past week or so
>suddenly 120+
>sync 200
>afk 820
I'm ngmi...
>just auto'd 200 stages to the end of afk after luckshitting supreme cecia
they advertised game as being strategic btw
Stages from 1000 to 1125 are much easier, I've cleared 50 stages before the power indicator went from grey to red
>30 regular pulls to pity
>of course get pity
>get the least wanted hero in my wishlist
>have another 10 of the other premium pulls
>1 purple
I hate yellow people
>oh cool this guys only damage is cecia I can just teleport her into my team and win for free
>oh just kidding its supreme so it just lives and kills everything haha :)
nice game chinks
>oh cool this guys only damage is vala I can just bait her endlessly with Igor and win for free
>oh just kidding its supreme so it just instashots Igor before he even has a tombstone
nice game jews
>not just using a no dupe Rein to teleport Vala to your side and kill her instantly
He's a retard and a racist he doesn't read how the characters' skills work kekw
Is it true it's better to deal with arena later on the day rather than during reset?
Higher ranks farming you lower your rank anyway
Before reset is just the same shit as at reset
Just full on gamble silvina and reiner+tank into their side
Add mythic eiron to the chucklefuck cluster
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>Gain 100+ points, check a few hours later and I'm almost back to where I started today
>Accepted I will be eternally stuck in Legend 2
Welp I was hoping I'd be able to get the last set of gold essences but idk now.
I was hoping the "convert xp to meth" was gonna unlock once you get one unit to 240, not the whole reso hand
I keep getting fucking smokeys even though he was already M+, meanwhile Thoran and Eironn are one away from M+ and never coming home.

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