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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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This shit is worse than tattoos, I don't care. I hate it.
It's a blight
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white woman moment
Slutty looking women are hawt
The tattoos are worse. They are permanent damage. A girl with a nose ring can take it out and receive discipline on her bottom for being a dumbass.

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thanks for askin
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This place must be his biggest regret for sure.
Moot is a sellout who sold his baby to be in good standing with the neo-marxist left and a role at google, from which he was eventually fired. Not sure what he’s up to nowadays, probably working on some pathetic startup, shaking ass to potential investors trying to put food on the table for his SEAmonkey family

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those aren't shells, retard, and the munitions went through the roofing material and fucked up the jammer
this will stop small caliber bullets so yes. the roof looks a bit flimsy tho
Basolutely based.
>oinker artillery and missiles
about that....
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Looks like the cope cage 3.0

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The question is what mental gymnastics will be employed?

All of this leads up to the tradcon push for porn ban.

Why are these people criminally retarded? You think people voted on abortion rights, wait until you try to ban porn.
large parts of the left hate porn as well you dumbass
Muttporn is inconsequential.
There will always be produced porn from other contries.
yeah bro its not the fact that modern women are all whores its that men are looking at naked women
As someone that watches porn every other night for like a whole hour.
I agree porn should be banned.

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It's also homosexual
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She's very attractive, shame about that voice though. I'd go insane if I had to listen to that 24/7
Ethnic mixing within the same race should be avoided because nations are genetic realities not only a cultural construction.
Race mixing at the contrary is literally zoophilia and should be criminally persecuted.

Secret russian-ukrainian Istanbul agreement, signed in april 2022 and later revoked under british pressure, was just leaked by germans. These russian capitulation terms were as follows:

Ukraine has pledged:
- renounce any membership in the military alliance (NATO);
- renounce the production and receipt of nuclear weapons, do not allow foreign troops into the country and do not allow weapons to pass through;
- do not provide infrastructure, including airfields and seaports, to other countries.

In response, the Russian Federation promised:
- no longer attack Ukraine;
— in the event of an “attack on Ukraine,” the guarantor countries undertake to provide support to Ukraine within 3 days. The Russian Federation was not against guarantees of Ukraine’s security from other countries.

— Crimea and the port of Sevastopol were excluded from security guarantees, which, in essence, would transfer control over the peninsula to the Russian Federation.
— parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions will partially remain(within borders before 24.02) with the Russian Federation.


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The guy that was voted in by the eastern got forcibly removed. That's a coup
Boris is our slonyara.
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no its not. mccain giving a speech is not illegal. cry about it.
It is a coup, they forcibly removed him and started occupying institutions
it's not really that simple. yanukovych was preparing to sign a trade deal with eu while having a trade deal with russia. everoyne was happy about this because it meant ukraine would be neutral. but putin interfered directly and threatened them, so people got angry by it and started to protest. putin should not have interfered in ukraine's affairs, they should be allowed to trade with who they want its not russias business (and russia also was trading with EU so its just hypocrisy really). its obvious putin wanted to keep ukraine poor and also to prepare way for war, which makes sense and is confirmed by russian intelligence agents like igor girkin who are now in prison for wrongthink.
i mean its not even a civil war either as we know the original leadership of the fake "peoples republic" (a name taken directly from bolsheviks by the way lol) was guy like Valery bolotov and bolotov was murdered by FSB agents in his home in moscow and replaced.

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There were no christcucks no muzzrats at that time. Pigskins lived in their swamps and jungles walking on all fours. Humans existed only india persia Greece and Egypt. That's when India gave the first generative grammar which spans and accepts the oldest script/language in the world (Sanskrit).

Death to piggers.

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You wouldn’t last 2 minutes into the video without killing yourself, nigger
If they go back they can't contribute effectively to TOTAL PIGSKIN DEATH (TPD)
I salute these soldiers
Pigger shrinks and shrinks until it disappears completely.
Before 2100 mark ur calendars
Oh look, islamic indians fearing the white - Hindu axis trying to sow Discord.

How pathetic.
You know it smells crazy over there

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The jews are the judges, mayors, control the fed and state governments.
If you want your White ethnostate you first need to brand jews, impoverish jews, expel jews, and put the remaining jews in concentration death extermination camps.
After all jews gone we can exterminate the nons LEGALLY.
What happened to Kristen Stewart
They’re not Jews.
The creation of Israel was a reforming of the tribe.
Any Jews that didn’t move to Israel have abandoned the tribe.
Ariel Sharon said that in a speech when running for president and said it in an interview as president.
Netanyahu also said it in a speech.
These non Israelis living in the west whom identify as Jews are not Jews. They’re mentally ill. They Should be institutionalised.
from the looks of things she got one hell of a glow up
doesn't look like a strung out dude now
a solid 3/10 now
might bang

Just look at this support chart. Support peaked a year ago and then went to 0 for the US and more than halved for Europe.

This is like cheering on a boxer, then getting nachos saying who cares.
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the perfect symbol for the goyim to wear when they march off to be sacrificed. the midget schizophrenic inbred faggot Zelinsky has almost killed off two entire generations of Ukrainians. the best part is he had everyone else pay for his Ukraine meat grinder. then as a thank you he and his buds have embezzled hundreds of millions in our tax money.
Where did the tens of billions from 2014 to 2022 disappear?
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it seems there is a few hundred million missing from the Ukraine reserve. A jew embezzling is unheard of I know. Even other jews are screaming about the level of theft going on, they want in on it too.
Jewish oligarchs lived as parasites on the corrupt and failed Ukrainian state for decades. One of them funded the TV show with slimy Jew Zelensky portrayed as a humble teacher fighting against corruption. A corrupt Jewish oligarch funding a TV series with a corrupt Jew fighting against corruption, where of course you will never ever see a corrupt Jew, only corrupt Ukrainians. Later the same Ukrainians voted this slimy and genocidal Jewish comedian, that rabidly hate Ukrainians, into office. You can't make this stuff up.

The war is of course heavily supported by American Jews, as exposed by hero Gonzalo Lira, and he had to pay for his life for this video and other videos exposing them:

Here we have them with a Masonic handshake, pic. Ihor Kolomoisky and Ihor Palitsa at a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in Odessa in 2014

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Christcucks. If God is so benevolent and good, why does he allow picrel to happen? Explain yourselves.
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The kid in the picture almost certainly didn’t have an enlarged head at birth.

Have you reproduced?
I ain’t gonna change my sims around to post. Fuck you.
based and mutual assured destruction pilled
A computer could beat you at chess.
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This topic is now about donkey penises

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why does /uhg/ enjoy posting dead White people so much?
are they genuinely evil?
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russians are not white, and any sane person lost sympathy to them after Bucha mass graves, and Kherson torture chambers
That was not some monke pushing buttons from miles afar, these creatures are worse than animals, hacking people apart for their pleasure, like it was 1919 again
The unelected jewish regime seems to have pure Demonic pleasure when they execute conscription resisters.
It' zog damage control general. They want to expose you to as much gruesome shit as possible.
Butthurtbelters are the living proof of the fillowing:
1. Objective evil exists, and objectively evil people exist.
2. White people can be extremely stupid and evil.
3. White people have some sort of psychosis or genetic deviation that makes them hate russians specifically for no reason, but love to racemix with niggers.
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Everyone will eat.

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How do you Europeans live without a bidet? I’m beyond disgusted, and I can’t be attracted to a European girl anymore. I’ve also noticed that you literally smell like shit and pee. You can’t hide it with perfume
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Imagine living in United States of Corrupt Satanists
Anyway this isn’t my blog. Thread.
Je suis un vrai francais, Mon ami. Vous ne savez pas merde, gros garcon
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Det är inget att be om ursäkt för.
Idiote langage pour chattes. La Francais language est tous classe


▶Day: 794 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>At the same time, drone attack on the Krasnodar Territory, Russia, strikes were made on the Slayavnsk-EKO oil refinery, a bitumen plant, the Ilsky oil refinery and a number of other facilities. The oil refinery in the village of Slavyansk-on-Kuban was blown up.
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructire: 21 out of 34 missiles intercepted, damage to 4 thermal power plants reported
>USA announced a new long-term assistance program for Ukraine worth $6 billion - the results of Ramstein
>Denmark increased military aid to Ukraine by 590 million €
>Smooking in an oil base in Omsk
>The aid package will include ATACMS - Zelenskyy
>USA is sending a new $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine
>Biden signed the 61 Billion $ bill on aid to Ukraine
>Drone strikes on oil bases in Smolensk and Voronezh oblasts, Russia
>Most of the US military aid is already near Ukraine in warehouses in Germany and Poland - CNN

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If Ukraine had always been on the defensive, Russia would still be outside Kiev, around Kharkiv and in Kherson.
The victory in Kharkiv is why they still have some of Donbass
Yes, the US is incredibly corrupt. Did you just get internet in your tiny village?
remind me what people are sending money for.
I guess my biggest concern with drones , is say hypothetically if I was flying to Japan and had to e emergency land in Ukraine and I go outside and walk to get my surroundings. And I see an Ukraine drone just flying around me. I know that his fuck is gonna try to kill me even though I’m American.

A company like Vault-Tec already exists and connects the world's rich and powerful in a decentralized blockchain platform-like manner. And it also plans to destroy the world soon. In the meantime money and power is gained by televising this predictive programming to the plebs.

This is the Depopulation Event the elites have been preparing. Covid was just a test. This is what the Deagel website mentioned until they scrubbed it off the Internet, including the web archive. The Event is scheduled for 2025.
Note how season 2 release date is set so far away, in late 2025... It will never drop. Unlike the bombs. Every event from most recent history has been meticulously sketched out by them.
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I checked her out
Her name is Ella Purnell, Bong lassie
She has a little bit of a bug eye but a QT nevertheless.
Small BOBS tho. Seems to be happening much too often in the UK. Like Pic related
Sex with bong women. Please god give me bong woman to fuck like her.
Cowboy ghoul had a nigger wife pre-war. Lead girl shows interest in a nigger character, at first sight, and later solicits sex first. This show is softcore interracial porn, in video game costumes.
I love this posh small boobs bong girls like keira knightley and daisy ridley
What about the sex scene at the start? The only sex scene in the show. Why didn't you mention it?

it’s bullshit they used the plandemic as an excuse to discontinue 24/7 wal marts everywhere in america. what’s worse is 11pm is a terrible closing time. millions of americans have had their lives and routines upended by the decisions of the millionaire/billionaire corporate execs at wal mart. i used to always go at 1 or 2am just because i didn’t have to deal with dozens of people in every aisle when i went shopping and that’s when they stocked the shelves so they weren’t going to be out of anything like they so often are during the day.

have any other anons noticed this bullshit coming from wal mart? 24/7 hours suited wal mart well and now there is no more grocery store opened that late. Kroger closes at 1am but they suck tbqh. should we all start going to wal mart at 10:45 for giant shopping trips to see if this will get them to change?
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Someone did the math and realized customer satisfaction can decline without harming profits.

I swung by Walmart on my way to work, arriving just before they opened at (am. All of the good parking spots were taken by employees.

Retard take. There’s a segment of the population that works strange hours (not me). It also gave the store more time to prep for the next day while they weren’t inundated with customers.
thats nigger primetime. staff quantity is lowest too. walmarts at 3 am are people walking out with whatever they can grab, and no staff even being around them as they exit
>Someone did the math

one must assume this is true. americans are a docile breed of goyslop consumer
I though it was happening in the daytime too
they used to let you sleep overnight
was actually a edict by one of the owners
but niggers ruined it

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Previous: >>466312430
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Poland and Lithuania are planning/considering respectively to send back military age Ukrainian men - https://archive.today/6EeJH
>Drone attack on Minsk has been prevented by KGB - https://archive.today/zcMRX

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>from the European Championship in Poland to Russia through the Czech Republic
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>finns are retarded and always one step from officially joining the butthurt belt.
I can attest to that.
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same thing here
I heard he got kicked out for abusing his tranny powers
>they just don't consider him God incarnate, just his actual human son,
no they just consider him as a prophet
kot afternoon fren
yeah that i too didnt fully get.
the tournament was in poland from which he then fled to czech republic and then somehow to russia. maybe they left out the part where he goes to Istanbul or belgrade
>Pass bill that gives Taiwan billions in defensive aid
>Tell China that they will get sanctioned if they support Russia
>Literally a few hours before seeing each other US told China that their banks would be targeted if they helped Russia in Ukraine
And for some reason they expect good talks to come from meetings, are they truly this ignorant? Kek'd

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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You're gonna have a bad time if you keep this shit up, anons.
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metaverse you say?
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weather has been moody in the soviets still dropping to near freezing temperatures in late april and then 80F the next day
yes it's supposed to be very bad to sleep over 9 hours at a time it's supposed to be a sign of some kind of physical distress or severely disturbed circadian rhythm but that's just the jews trying to keep the hyperboreans from unlocking our latent psychic powers
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Best day of the week
Tiny awoo, big heart!

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