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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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#NOD edition

>Season 2.5 is now over.
>Who Won?
Who cares?
>Will there be season 3?
In August supposedly.
>What is Fishtank?

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oh yes, he is black...most definitely
Nah, just you. Picture might be real but I doubt it's Taylist.
And Cole said that Q is just like him, what did you mean by this?
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If you don't know my lore don't (You) me lad, I use MS Paint exclusively, the tattoo is real, I'm more retarded than either of you for getting this shit on my body, I'm getting it removed as soon as I can

>Going by his look, demeanor and (likely, based on his class status and upbringing) father issues, I am going to assume that if he is to be tempted by the sin of lust, it will be the serpent in the garden and not the fruit that tempts him. I must concoct the perfect specimen, and persona, to tempt Jordan's wandering gaze, especially while Tayleigh has gone. A "cock buddy" with only his plushie to keep him company is merely one fleeting glance from a mysterious, charming stranger away from giving into the temptation of sodomy.
>Lower class whites very commonly fall into homosexual behavior because of some type of dysfunctional relationship with their fathers, whether that be, a complete absence of the father in the home, or because of an overly aggressive father. Now I realize that Jordan lives with his grandmother, so there's a chance of absence, but I believe in the leaked photos of his family I saw a man who may be his father, if anyone wants to post those again, that'd be great, as they will assuredly come to play in the formulation of Jordan's Tempter.
>This might be a good idea but I think Jordan is more likely to fall prey to an older domtop/soft bear daddy kind of guy. I need to take advantage of his subconscious need for a strong, male protector, as well as the hatred he likely feels for his father. it has most likely created a psychosexual need to be dominated by older, stronger men.

I am a literal Oracle, I was only off in terms of Jordan's preference

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Alone on a Friday night?
Gosh you're so pathetic
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that's what I;m saying.
its just more sparkle gooning time
i love sparkle so much~ Perhaps i should make a thread

Anyways, it's 3AM in the morning right now and i need to go to sleep, plus im also drunk. Sleep tight fellow anons
tranny artstyle

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>e-celeb worship/faggotry
just get cable like the rest of the vapid normalniggers
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their life is so vacant and devoid of personal interest that they fixate on others.
it's a cancer comparable to lolcow obsessed retards from a disreputable website.
i just wanna be a silly moid without calling nonsense nonsense.
i cant do that I just use mullvad to torrent and let my friends use the 4 extra spaces I have
It is aneurism time, time to have an aneurism immediately

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when you wake up you are already many hours deep into a water fast
that's why the first meal of the day is called breakfast

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what is the best method of getting of getting rid of them?
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>I announce the Talmud:
Welcome back Rabbi Akiva
>We're over that anon, I asked why not if he did.
No, you asked:
>Why did jesus rape a naked boy in a park at 4am?
>Well yeah this is a thread about christianity, of course we're talking about jewish theology
Christianity predates and is opposed to Judaism.
>you are not christian
And what is the basis for your accusation? Could you not apprehend the import of the two citations from Denzinger?

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>Educational sites:
>Financial TV Streams:

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fucking based
short smoke alarm or battery manufacturers I guess
maybe short fire insurance
I want some mozzarella sticks
me too but i've got a bee's dick left on my calories today

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coldplay is one of the worlds most popular bands

they will perform in Finland in a Helsinki in about 18 hours from now


Helsinki stadium opens at 17:00

Then singers like Alma and Maisie are warming up the audience coldplay that comes later
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And? Go post this shit on /soc/ or something you unvarnished faggot
Coldplay is still around? I remember them being what women and fags liked in the early 2000s
I'm not sure where Finland is. Is that next to North Carolina or something?

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airbrushsie edition

>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

>Will there be a season 3?
>Will it be ass
>fishtank Season 2 tv links

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Fascinating how stupid she is
Did she?
Yes, Dokk has Josie added on discord. Do what you will with that info.
Hi Andy! bet youre jerking ur tiny cock to this rn

he is cheating look
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that is pretty good i think
you can ask him anything if you become friends with him because he knows it all
i don't have any questions right now but thanks for the heads up

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Mouth gaping tater tots are off the menu
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>Chris' Creamin & Dreamin
fucking KEK
>obsessed retard cry / complain thread #7162553
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ugh yawn wokeup

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>blog retard cry / complain thread #7162553
you have a tiny white pecker
you will never breed
you will always be a cuckold goonhitler
rome and mongolia says trans rights

The thing I like the most about feet are soles.
How about you?
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2D > 3D
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C'mere, little boy.
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No way, fag

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