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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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anime promotes pedophilia
anime promotes pedophilia
anime promotes pedophilia
anime promotes pedophilia
anime promotes pedophilia

say it with me everyone
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I got busy
it is
yes the pedo aspect of Japanese culture is le bad and should be removed
thats how they get you. lonely disaffected young man watches underaged anime girls and feels his pp tingle. sooner and later he becomes a tranny who spams anime on /bant/
they are tranime pedo troons
I *have* liked some anime in the past but I find most modern stuff, especially the things normies go nuts for since it's mainstream now, absolutely over the top with the cuteness and shit and awful.
I applied for a job speaking Japanese because I learned some japanese but i don't know if I can speak it well enough.

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The good old days edition

>/ftl/ News
• CK died
• Trish died
• Letty is alive
• Dave (CK's dad, not the arsonist turned rapist) is okay
• /bant/ had fallen to /ftl/
• /bant/ jannies were upset
• The /b/ experiment failed

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i watched 5 episodes of silo and the acting was cw-tier, idk why its praised at all
what do people even use insta for these days? it's basically like a doomscrolling/covert dating app, right? i have honestly no idea
just saw it on /tv/ earlier today
not rly into that

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Bianca :D edition

>What is fishtank?

>Who is this thread about?
Famous House winner and Fishtank Season 3 1st place runner up, BinxBasilisk

>Binx's accounts:

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>i just wanna be filled. i dont wanna do it.

0 results on every account i use now
bianca bros, we are so back
clown stream tomorrow and shes gonna start it with no makeup
gonna have to watch early bros

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prev >>21915898
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Opposite for me, I'm assuming they are together right now so they will show up together
The anticipation of whether they show up together or not, will be more entertaining than the actual stream.

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Based stirby won't tolerate bigotry
Stirby explain yourself

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A thread dedicated to discussion of resource investing/gambling.
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> over 9 days to cover shorts on Hycrofy
>who uses their formal names?
Asians mostly. And add formal titles on top of that.
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Good job, we had some fun when you were shorting SNWNGR while I was adding right around the time of the tax change and the Victoria fiasco that caused temporary collateral damage throughout the Yukon

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>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

previous: >>21878240
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queenly aura
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I dont really watch a lot of porn but when I do its a combination of feet/cuck/femdom it hits just right. but I can only appreciate it if the bulls are black and dominant and athletic af and have huge perfect dicks. I dont like seeing white men in porn (unless theyre subs - if the submissive is black it also ruins it for me), im 100% straight so a dominant white guy cuck video automatically ruins it for me cause it breaks the fantasy and makes me feel gay

I also really like those bnwo/whiteboi beatdown/ballbusting/stomping/forced dirty feet licking splitscreens and anything thats very degrading and beta and loserish for white ppl while black guys get to have lots of alpha dominant sex in the same video. Im also into taylor swift a lot
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this is the most jewish thing i've read this year
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fbf thread
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i liked the regular bachelor frog more. i have 12 more of these
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Market status = crushed edition

>Educational sites:


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my ESPP came through at the the start of the month. Hoping I don't lose half my stack to a literal crazy person.
what are you waiting for kike.
>they see inflation going for so long they'd rather say screw the short term I want back in for my long term growth

seeing a lot of doom-bull type articles/yt vids lately suggesting exactly that
>crash is impossible, any dip will just be met with QE/printing so any corrections will be limited to 10-20%
>government wants inflation to run hot and/or can't stop it, so just get stocks
>time beats timing, don't look at the price
>fed has new tools this time
>government simply won't let the market go down (as opposed to all the other times they wanted it to lol)
>just get in now before it's too late

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mahjong mimothy
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thats a female
the tiles are the game, the cat is the dinner
yes i did

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hello everynyan
how are you
very good thank you
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Which one is the real Osaka

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tasty and quick and maybe filling
lucy liu in my hercules ep, omo
I liked it
Sad about the ending tho
what part, him getting killed?

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big wobbly wet balloons edition

Previous good times: >>21902300

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)

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Look what I found

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