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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

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Why are Americans so dumb and stupid?
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So you're a confederate Mexican?
You ARE a nigger, and nothing will ever change that.
Rent free. It’s nice to be on top.

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>born too late to explore the world
>born too early to explore space
>born just in time to watch the extinction of cursive writing
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cool giberish bro
Thanks sis
لا تحصل هذه المشكلة في مهبلي

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he thinks he is a pastry
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But I am not.
check again
You deign to feign that you're a dane ???

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nosie edition

>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

>Will there be a season 3?
>Will it be ass
>fishtank Season 2 tv links

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what's funny is how the real human viewers still haven't risen beyond 100 after all this time so they can't drop the botting & let organic growth take over. this whore has a customer turnover problem because her only product is sexuality

reality finds a way of getting to these sad lonely men eventually and she seems to be drawing in the same amount of fresh paypigs as those that get fed up and leave in an endless cycle. how disgusting it all is...
Her mom and other family are always watching the stream and sometime even drives her around. So she's still being monitored by people who care about her and need to know where she is.
Also the benefit of it being a live broadcast is that at least if something bad does happen people will know and can maybe intervene in a positive way instead of it exclusively being abused by bad actors.

Funny enough she's more likely to get hurt in her room playing with sharp objects than she is going outside and talking into a phone with someone who is clearly listening on the other end.

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This is just American culture, nothing new.
as an American citizen he is 100% right in that he has protection of his free speech under the first amendment.
dumbass turd worlder
Greenland is not the turd world

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where to find audio of women pooping

OLmaxxing tomorrow..
TK proves criminals have higher IQs than INs.
Beards don't bleed, you imbecile.
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Hypertension meds? That might be a good sign to stop niggersmoking...

How many meds are you taking btw? You've mentioned several already...you're being pumped full of meds by the pharmajews.

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i never watch homosexuals
this isn't that interesting... wheres the mental breakdown
that you know of
maybe in some other episode. i made miso soup too.
good subject but this gag could definitely be much shorter
does this happen to ofws?
miso soup? you liked it?
i don't think so.. i drank with them last friday and they had beers which would be a bit difficult to dump out unnoticed

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Chewy anon makes four threads in a row this is too old edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:

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if it does go down you could easily eat a month with the gains
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I'm going to have pizza for lunch
scoops, are you trying to banevade again??

I wish I were a sea sponge.
Not a care in the world. Just sitting there on the bottom of the ocean eating whatever the fuck sponges eat.
I'd literally be able to fuck myself.
I'd live to the age of 200.

What's not to envy?
I wish I were a sea cucumber
Eating micro plastics, breathing mercury water and drinking nuclear waste doesn't seem about right

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Service Guarantees Citizenship Edition

Previously activated almonds: >>21348742

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)

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C'mon Thomas Jefferson, stop acting like you're doing the world a favor by bleaching brown girls and just admit you find them attractive.
Being attracted to them and bleaching them is not mutually exclusive.

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I’m not memeing when I say I love Anthony. I genuinely have a strong infatuation towards him and his emo hair and I actually am mentally ill and refuse to go back on SSRIs.
BFE enclaves created your semiwhite enclave
because having both different eye AND hair color angers jews less than only having different eye color.
The insane thing is that blonds consider themselves pure whites
when they only exist because jews never culled them.
Also, you can't be Scottish because Irish are literally identical.

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every time i make a thread here i completely forget about it and it dies before i can read whatever replies they may have gotten
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step on me....
eat shit
whats that on his feet

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I can’t focus on anything other than Anthony.
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Gay men should have rights then
Irish homosexual is an oxymoron.
Anthony website 100%

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