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Since there seems to be some confusion (or lack of reading) on the rules of this board, here is the concept of this board clear and simple:

/e/cchi is for:
- Pictures of animu girls featuring either sexy clothing or nudity without sex.
- Masturbation and suggestive touching pictures are allowed as long as it's one girl doing it to herself without use of toys.

/e/cchi is NOT for:
- Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
- Images featuring one woman touching another in a blatantly or suggestively sexual manner. These images belong in /u/.
- Images exclusively featuring men. These images belong in /cm/ or /y/.
- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.
- Pictures featuring girls with a loli body type, or Furry pictures. Do not post these anywhere except for /b/.
- Western art. Due to frequent quality issues and lawsuit-happy western artists, western art or fanart is not allowed, with very few exceptions.

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Previous Thread: >>2893473

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:

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Her clothes get snagged on things, but she just drags the things along with her. By the end she has a full Ikea showroom trailing behind her, but her clothes are still holding fast.
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Not to be a philistine, but you could make an AI give you a rough outline of any of those stories and tend proceed to edit it down until it´s a proper story. I think that will help you overcome the initial barrier to writing these down.
eh, pretty sure it's been a (for lack of a better word) "meme" for a while, the earliest example I can think of is that one of the girl with her bloomers caught in a hurdle in an impossible way after jumping over it. That pic is probably 15-20 years old now.

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old thread >>2892919
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as much boobs in one image
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There's something I find weirdly titillating about several girls not only all having huge tits, but all having very similarly sized huge tits.
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Inner senshi only, and Pluto to an extent cause she's always welcome.
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Previous >>2838787
Magic Girl Edition
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Someone really likes this pairing.
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Post women with hair down there. Bonus for natural hair colors (black, brown, blonde).

Previous thread >>2840098
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Recently I've started thinking I'd like to see a good bush flowing in or being rustled by the wind. Unfortunately I'm not sure a depiction of such exists anywhere.
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maybe I should try doing that in MMD, hmm

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>>2897552 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/

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The thread is for requesting colors/edits. If you want something drawn, go to the drawthr/e/ad.

Drawthr/e/ad: >>2892381


- Respect /e/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Link references instead of including them in new posts.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Don't be a dick to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you, you ungrateful shit.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.

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Can you tone down slightly the brightness/glare on the right side of this?
Thanks a bunch anon.
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Requesting remove bra and pants please.
Requesting to decensor the pic in catbox, and also to substitute the body in pic rel to make her nude (in catbox the feet are out of frame, in pic rel it is not)
BONUS: outpaint the rest of the bed and floor so that the image shows both her clothes and feet.
I hope my request was clear, but feel free to ask for clarification!
Also artist is Sozoshu in case you want to look up the image for editing.
Request nude edit.

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The last thread has just reached bump limit. However, the love for toilets never ends, so here's a new thread.

Previous thread: >>2860782
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With the way that "toilet" looks, yep.

Learn what fixtures look like, AI-chan.
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Where can one read this?
What tipped you off? The ends of her fingers looking like an Escher painting? Her sitting directly on the toilet bowl and casting a shadow on the air under her? The weird lump on the back of her neck radiating hair-waves? The door frame behind the deformed toilet? The weird barred window thing that can't stay consistent as it passes behind her and then just transitions into the wall?
What do you want punk?

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Artists of ALL experience levels are welcome.
I'm serious. That includes you. Yeah you. The guy/girl who's never picked up a pencil before in his/her life. You're not only welcome but encouraged to post here.

You know the rules:
> 1. Include full names and what series your characters are from.
> 2. Keep the request SIMPLE.
> 3. Compile multiple images into one or link to a gallery for additional references.
> 4. Try not to bump requests.
> 5. REQUEST drawings ONLY; this is NOT your personal deviantART page.
> 6. No AI deliveries.
> 7. Do not hijack requests.
> 8. PLEASE request only ONE drawing at a time.
> 9. Artists, post a sample of your work when "taking X requests".
> 10. No shitposting.
> 11. Keep it /e/.

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Requesting Skyla as a sexy jiangshi
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Requesting Kei and Yuri going topless on their next vacation and driving all the men wild.
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Requesting a pinup of Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats wearing a cheongsam/qipao (the smaller and more transparent the better) while holding a Chinese Shanxi Type 17 (Mauser C96 clone in .45 ACP).
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Requesting Rikka Takarada from SSSS Gridman doing the splits in the same pose as Samus on the right, please.
Would be fun if her jacket and skirt fall away from her a bit as well to add some humour to it.
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Requesting Chocolat Meilleure from Sugar Sugar Rune (more references: https://imgur.com/a/lmPhcZe )

Looking at the viewer, fully nude, sitting and spreading her pussy with a smiling expression (same kind of expression than the right reference)

Itty Bitty Titty Committee - 2024 edition

Post small breasts and flat justice.
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That's some very well executed work on the phone's screen.
Yeah, it does nothing for me. I am a little bisexual (I'm only into more androgynous guys), but that's mainly because men are pretty much guaranteed to not have boobs. I'm not kidding when I say I don't like huge boobs.

So are asses and thighs, and they don't give me that same repulsion.
They already were. Not every adult is a haggard behemoth.
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Looks like the mini bump girls thread was a bit more active this year, we reached the bump limit.
I can still see big tits as attractive in principle, but when it comes to my current desires, they just don't have the appeal they had in my younger days. They almost seem disruptive sometimes.

I just want to share my favorite wolf.
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The butch gurl boss cancer is a product of insecurity, same as its male counterpart
Holo has nothing to prove to anyone so she doesn't need to act tough

Previous thread >>2892919
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