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/qst/ - Quests

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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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I guess it's more like "write-ins mandatory with optional dice rolls, with some goofiness/shenanigans". Probably doomed for failure since "write-in only" basically never ever works, since the majority of questers seem to prefer choosing prewritten options than actually contributing to group story development, but oh well. C'est la vie
>since the majority of questers seem to prefer choosing prewritten options than actually contributing to group story development
As a player, I can tell you it's because often the quest doesn't have enough context established for me to understand what I can and cannot do within the fiction. Since quests have a slow turnaround, I can't just ask or have a discussion about what those limits are either.

As a QM, I've noticed that once that context is adequately established, players will indeed start doing write-ins.
>As a player, I can tell you it's because often the quest doesn't have enough context established for me to understand what I can and cannot do within the fiction.
This. Players need preexisting goals, be they narrative or mechanical, to guide decision-making.
100%. Plus, it's much easier to particopate throughout the day (on kunch break, etcetera) if you can copy and paste or +1 an option, to be frank. It isn't always a lack of engagement so much as a practical necessity if the voting window is limited and at a bad time for me.
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I'm so glad my players chose the best option for setting ever. I would've been happy with any of those three but god the Wild West is gonna make it so much more fun.

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*11:58... 11:59... 12:00.*

You may not know it, but your world has just changed forever.

No longer is Earth inhabited solely by Man and Beast. Gone are the days of the Mundane and the Magical existing only within the human mind.

As of today, a third pillar of life has forced its way onto your lonely planet.

*Welcome to a new world. A world... of Pokémon.*


Something startles you. You shoot straight up, eyes not yet used to the light now invading their lids, and rub your sockets in a vain attempt to surmount your groggy awakening. A vague thought floats to mind...

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>Southern California
>Dallas or Austin
How grim. That being said, California gives the most opportunities to bug out if SHTF and FEMA goes ballistic, so
>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.
>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.
Location aside, I would never choose to be a dirty urb*nite
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You readjust yourself. You're missing something. A hat, maybe? You're... not sure...

"Sir? Have you got any business to attend to here?"

You tilt your head up, towards the voice, briefly wincing as the sun is eclipsed by the large brim of a man's hat.

"I'm just makin' sure. We don't want no loiterers 'round these parts. I'm not sure how you cityfolk did it back in New York-" -your brow furrowed at the rude implication- "-but we don't take kindly to strangers lingering 'round bars."

"I don't want trouble, sir." You got to your feet and brushed sand off your legs. It took some mighty willpower to fight off the headache that followed. Good thing you already had plenty to spare. "I just... didn't have anyplace else to sleep last night."

The sheriff raised a brow. "I thought you said you had a room booked down at Bessie's place. Somethin' about having a reservation, I remember?" The stocky man's eyes narrowed as he went on. You distracted yourself with how much shorter he seemed now that you were both standing across from each other.

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By the time you'd gotten far-enough away from the building not to feel its heat, it was too late to do anything else. The sheriff had returned, and his first order of business was to cuff you from behind. His voice cut through your fear with a tone so sharp that the thought of it made you bleed. "You've got a lot of explainin' t' do, boy."

>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.
>Other (Write-in).
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.

I don't trust the dice.

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GET IN HERE. Used to love doing these 2014-2016 on /tg/ and /pol/.


Be a precise as you can when expanding/attacking/defending. If I can't tell what you want, I'll use my best discretion. Potential bonuses if I like your flavor text.

One roll per turn, make sure to include NAME, or COLOR, as well to make things go faster.

I don't really know how active this board is, so updates every 10-15 mins or so.


Light Blue

President Biden has been unjustly removed from the 2024 election ticket! Those traitors in the democratic party must pay, and we'll defeat Trump together, with the, you know, the thing, and, uh, yeah. Only the Lord himself can tell the President to step down, and he ain't coming down! Together, we can beat Vice President Trump!

>I don't really know how active this board is
The board's probably one of the slowest on the site, this will take several days at least.

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

The day is not quite over yet. You long to hide in your room and try to decompress but keeping a hold on your vassals requires a King to attend to their duties diligently.

Today in the darkest hours before dawn you were forced to fight off a Wyvern who decided to dine on two of your vassals. You went to their rescue with a cohort of Baphomets and dived straight into a terrible situation. Three deadly enemies trapped in an abandoned manor.

The Wyvern who ate your two vassals. The fear illusion plant who trapped you. A Knight of the Round Table who Dueled you.

The night left a mark on you. For you were killed in a Duel by GARETH, KITCHEN KNIGHT. If it wasn't for the Blessings of Avalon, you would have stayed dead. By the skin of your teeth, you survived and rescued the Baphomets still alive.

And now, a Feast!

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=villainess
Character sheet (temporary) https://pastebin.com/zp3atUUC
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>second spoiler
>To haruka's surpruse/horror she actually made her declaration a vow
She can accumulate guys to make a harem, then immediately disband it once the vow is cleared. The harem can simply be in name only to make the vow go away. She can pay guys a couple thousand yen to sign a document making them harem members, then burn all the documents to free them once they're no longer needed
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
Otome game fantasies

Silly cat lover antics.

Being drunk is fun!

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Walking around this city hasn't been useful in a long time, but you still feel compelled to show up in person- on time but on your own terms. On your way to your new job, you pass by perfect trees and equally immaculate arrangements of flowers. The sidewalk and pavement are both flawless. Your footsteps are the only ones to ring out as you walk block after block past blank walls and gigantic buildings with no windows or doors. The only way to note where you're going and how quickly by eye alone are the regular street signs posted out of inertia, and in case there's a celebration that causes people to leave their virtual paradise. There's no one else on the streets, which, given this used to be New York City, is depressing. Even if it was dirty, even if it was dim, it was still alive.

A sickening sensation fills your stomach as you realize too late that you didn't check if the Summoning Management Group's Northeast Branch actually keeps a physical door these days. Luckily, you see the actual entrance and the steps up two blocks down, and hurry along to get there. Your mother would tell you to check for muggers, but she isn't here, and neither are they. As picturesque as this city might look from the outside, you're happy to find somewhere people actually choose to be, even if only for a paycheck. Marble steps invite you up to a gold-gilded arch. The revolving door spins silently as you push your way in, pulling your suitcase closer to make sure it doesn't hit anything.

The modern interior design, generic as it is, is actually sort of an improvement over the wacky architecture some tryhards get up to these days. Sadly, the concierge is unattended, so you look around to see if there's anything besides the stairs to the next floor up. Not much, though there is a couch you can sit down on and a side table for you to manage your suitcase in. It's all blasé and beige here, solid colors and one lonesome painting hung over the desk. One of the walls has a window to an exterior that doesn't exist in that direction, but you take a deep breath. That was probably put in by a middle manager who thought it 'looked nice'.

At least you're in a good line of work. The salary they posted for your position was frankly astronomical, though you've been warned that you have to use some of it to do your job. Sitting down on the couch, you place your suitcase on the side table in order to shuffle through the contents. The paper copies of your employment are here, signed and sealed. These are redundant twice over, more of a security blanket than anything else, really: You've already passed the interview. You look up to see if anyone is coming up or down the stairs before rifling through your documents again.
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So this was a setup from the beginning? Kind of an unconventional hazing ritual, you admit.

"Are you sure his analysis is above average?" the blonde crosses her arms but begins to calm down a bit. "It took him a bit to look past your crotch."

"That's points for me, not against him," Beatrice dismisses her presentation as displayed on the computer screen. "But getting back to business..."

The computer-rendered demon holds up an equally digital file labeled To-Do and shakes it to draw your attention. "We've got some jobs for you, and while that little flirting session won't count against you, it didn't give you the free pass it might have if you had been a bit more successful." She draws out the first page from the file. "For instance, we've got issues with a prankster delivery demon. He's swapping orders for no particular reason. If you're ready to get started, we can head over right away."

"Eclipse City will be happy to have you," Carrollo says, and you're surprised she's calmed down so quickly. "After all, so many of us are looking to take time off. Not me- I'll make sure you're settled in- but you won't see all of your fellow coworkers at first." You suppose that makes sense. Being the low man on the totem pole means you get all of the shit jobs to start. "You're not going to get access to all of your resources at first, but you will get a payment card in case you need to make an emergency purchase for yourself or to fufill a demon's wishes."

She takes over from Beatrice, stepping in front of the computer screen. "The laptop is yours, but make sure you keep our REP ethics standards in mind." She begins listing off with her index finger. "Repeatability: Would you advise someone else to make the decision you didd? Equality: Would you be okay if someone else treated you the way you treat our customers? Publicity: Could you defend your decision if the results were made public?" After a pause, she sighs. "Welcome to the Summoning Management Group."

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>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?

I'm eager to be here and living the high life baby! I don't need weekends off, just cash and a place to spend it. We'll make time for fun.
>>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?
>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?
>What if I can't get a demon to agree with me?

Beatrice chips in when it comes to rewards. "In addition to your salary, every case has a payout value- that's how much we pay out to you for completing it. Usually, you want to spend less than you make, but you can use your own funds to cover the difference- say, if the job is important, or you're trying to make your reputation. Usually it's frowned upon to abandon several negotiations in a row." She rifles through the papers she has in her hands, the To-Do work for you. "Right now, you're going to have work assigned to you, but once you're settled in and credible, you're going to be able to 'bid' on jobs, offering to complete them for the lowest payout or leaving them to other negotiators- you'll be able to judge how much it'll cost you to close a deal, and whether it's worth it. Here's the file for your job, for instance."

Task: Meal Delivery Demon
Form: Avian
Attitude: Impulsive, Scatterbrained
Payout: 500EC
20EC is about as much at it takes to get a cheap sit-down meal, and twice that to get it delivered. It seems like they want to keep him, but not that badly.

The human takes back over, handing you a red card with a chip in it. "This is your expense card. It is intended to fulfill the functions of your job. That job is broad in scope and tends to involve a lot of impulse purchases, because demons, like humans, are fickle and demand to have specific irrational desires met. I once had to buy a jacuzzi for a labor-oriented demon, for instance. Very often, you may need to have demons on retainer: Some of them perform unique tasks they specialize in and that are useful in negotiations or fulfilling requests. As a result, the line between your personal salary and your work funds is very volatile. If you run out of funds, that's your responsibility outside of exceptional circumstance."

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Welcome, Monarch, to the world of Maversia. It has been nearly a century since the great Karamian Empire retreated across the sea to their home island. In their retreat they have left behind new lands for your people to move into and begin to thrive. Some bring with them knowledge, while others inherit the peoples and knowledge left behind by the Karamian Empire as it left. The land where gods once walked with men is now to be inherited by a new group of peoples. Will your civilization stand the test of time that the Karamians crumbled under? Or will you too join the endless dust of the fallen?

To Start
Race: (Include details if not a generic race)

How to Play?

Each turn Roll 4d100 for actions.
Actions can build, expand, attack, recruit, conduct diplomacy, and research. The primary gameplay loop is to develop your provinces, attack your neighbors, and acquire more provinces or more opportunities to develop the provinces you have.

Catch Up Mechanic: If you missed a turn, roll for that turn in addition to the current turn. If you have missed more than three turns, you receive 2 points for each turn that has gone by. Assign those to your provinces or to technologies.

The game will begin once we have 4 players. The game is always open to new players, so feel free to jump in if you see the chance!
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Fuck. We are still in a no crit-fail protection zone.
Literally all I need for this ruleset now is to know how it handles critfails, and despite having a nat1, I won't know.
And that assuming it's not dead already.
Rolled 55, 85, 97, 66 = 303 (4d100)

The upland slopes of Skox have presented the Skatrians with new versions of familiar weather; let us hope their detrimental effects will be only temporary.

1: Build a Mine in the new province of Skox to dig Metal ores from the higher ground.

2: Construct a Farm in Skox province so that we can feed our people living there.

3: Construct a Lumber Mill in Skox to increase our society's production of Timber.

4: Research Sculpting, so that our masons might learn to craft Grand and wonderful statues!
Rolled 53, 12, 87, 25 = 177 (4d100)


Name: Kingdom of Khabuz
Race: Lumpmen
Trait: Slow and Fecund
Population Growth is Doubled, -10 to Research.
Technology: Administration I, Metallurgy I, Agriculture II, Carpentry I
National stats: Pop 7, P: 8, W: 0
Province: Pop: 7, F: 3+(4), P: 2(+6), W: 0 Up: 0 | 3 free tiles
Province: Kindum | 4 Soil, 1 Stone | 14 tiles
Province: Zindushir | 3 Soil 2 Wood | 13 tiles
Province: Undushel | 3 Soil, 1 Stone, 1 Metal | 14 tiles
Developments: Farm II (Khar), Farm I (Unbiz), Mine I (Shathar), Farm I (Bizaralarag), Forge I (Gakinb), Logging Camp I (Gizilarag), Carpenter I (Gibunaram)

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Rolled 7, 49, 12, 80 = 148 (4d100)

Name: Clans of Glacialis
Race: Yeti
Trait: Mountain Men
Suffer no combat penalties for fighting in or crossing mountains.
Technology: Handweapons I, Husbandry II, Metallurgy I, Religion I, Masonry II, Administration I, Construction I
Province: Yepal | Pop: 4, F: 2+(2), P: 2+(4) W: 1 Up: 0 | 12 free tiles
Province: Old Hold | 2 Metal, 1 Wood, 1 Soil, 1 Stone | 13 tiles
Developments: Pastures II (Wisterton), Mine I (Craftbury), Forge I (Treley), Quarry I (Cleole)
Free Resources: 1 Precious Metal, 2 Soil, 3 Wood, 4 Metal, 3 Stone
Used Resources: 1 Soil
Units: 1 Axemen [Handweapons I] Up: 0

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Name: Republic of Skatria
Race: Lizardfolk
Trait: Imperial Legacy
Administration gives +4 to all rolls instead of +3. -20 to diplomacy rolls with city-states or other Remnants.
Technology: Administration I, Carpentry I, Agriculture I, Polearms I, Masonry II, Metallurgy I, Construction I, Logistics I
Pending Research: Metallurgy II 1/2
National Stats: Pop: 5, F: 5, P: 4, W: 0
Province: Skat | Pop: 5, F: 3+(2), P: 3(+4), W: 0, Up: 0 | 10 free tiles
Province: Skox | 2 Metal, 1 Stone, 1 Wood, 1 Soil | 12 tiles
Developments: Farm I (Lotan), Logger I (Albomyardge), Farm I (Causted), Quarry I (Insan), Mason I (Nankonagar)
Free Resources: 3 Soil, 4 Wood, 2 Stone, 2 Metal
Used Resources: 1 Soil
Unit: 1 Spearmen [Polearm I] Up: 0

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It is an age beyond history. Men have regressed to struggle once more against Nature, red in tooth and claw.

You find yourself in the wilderness, naked except for the bit of pelt covering your loins, and the stone knife in your hand. It is midsummer. The weather is fine, not a cloud in sight, and the morning air is invigorating. You were separated from your people during an attack by the hideous scalemen. Most were slaughtered, the survivors taken captive to a far away place. You managed to escape in one piece, losing your pursuers in depths of a dense forest.

The scalemen have been the enemy of your kind as long as you can remember. They came riding on their blind, serpentine beasts, ambushing you when your people had set down for the night. Those they didn't kill, they bound with strong ropes to the backs of their mounts and carried them away to their lair. The scalemen don't feast on the flesh of your kind, preferring the likes of the insects and fish, but they will sell your people as slaves to the other clans, where they must toil until their deaths.

One day, you will avenge yourself on these scalemen.

In the meantime, you must survive.

Before all this you were a:
>Hunter (skilled* in Athletics, Marksmanship, knowledgeable** in Trapping)
>Craftsman (skilled in Crafting; knowledgeable in Building and Tailoring)
>Healer (skilled in Survival and Insight, knowledgeable in Herbalism)
>Trader (skilled in Scouting, Communication, and Crafting)

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>Explore the area for a cave
>Gather materials for a lean-to [Survival]
>it's cave time
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You decide to take some preemptive action and seek out a cave to shelter in. After several hours of searching you find what appears to be a small cave in the side of a mossy cliff. It is about a tree's height up from the base and requires you to climb up the side in order to reach it. Although you're able to go up without much difficulty, and verify that the space is empty and suitable, upon coming down you place your foot at a bad angle and manage to twist it. It doesn't seem broken, luckily, but it hurts to walk. Having to climb up and down like this is also inconvenient. Ideally, you could fashion a rope or even a rope ladder (x4 Cloth or x12 Reeds), which would not only mark the spot but also make it easy to climb in and out.

As it is you can't even bring Dozer up there, so you'll have to leave him down below. You could also just keep looking for another place, although hiking right now does not seem like a particularly pleasant activity. It might also be worth getting onto some high ground again, to see if you can't find a more mountainous area, where the caves are likely to be numerous. You might even find signs of other people.

Day 3 - Midsummer [o], Cloudy, Forest
Stress: [W----]
Status: Wounded
Action for this Quarter:
>Continue exploring the area for a cave
>Hike to high ground
>Start gathering materials for a rope
>Start gathering materials for a rope

You are William, a student, discount mage, mole/resistance fighter, and not a cripple anymore. Finally moving to fulfill a promise of wiping out a small gang for a way too perceptive cook for future benefits. Getting ready for a fight against normal mooks that should be a quick clean up.
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Following Virgil to the side of the building as he guides the party toward a side door entrance as he motions them to keep an eye out as he prepares to crush the door knob. Flexing his hands a bit to get the blood pumping as he reaches out a hand first to check if it's unlocked as he hears a click as the door is pushed open to the bafflement of the party. With a shrug he slowly enters the building hearing a quiet creak making him wince at the loud noise only for Betty to press her hands against the hinges. Watching with curiosity as tendrils of gray magic leak into the hinges themselves and lubricating the mechanism turning a loud creak into a silent swing to let the party slip in.

Shuffling in quickly as the closes back up before flipping the lock on to slow down anyone trying to escape the building. Seeing cabinets, broken furniture, and old crates strewn about with cables taped to the floor as it powers the lights in the building. Slinking from wall to wall as sounds can be heard around a living area as Betty pulls out a fire extinguisher looking bomb and points to both William and Virgil to go up. Before pointing at her bomb and downward while crossing her arms in an X shape to deter them from moving back here. Nodding at her plan William lets Betty find a janitor’s closet as she starts setting up as Virgil and William begins slowly exploring the upper floors. Passing several doors as light snoring can be heard inside as both people use the outer hallways to avoid detection as they quickly circle the edges before pushing in. Spotting a hallway that looks cleaner and brightly lit with more care given to its presentation.

Sliding to the side of the wall as yelling can be heard on the opposite side by a single person complaining about the lack of communication from a patrol team and whether they ran off with his money. William gives Virgil a side glance and points his thumb to the door asking if it might be his guy. Shrugging his shoulders Virgil gives a half nod before pointing at William’s phone letting Betty know he might have found the target. Getting a reply back that her bombs are ready and that she will take care of the first wave underneath them. Adjusting their stances William texts Betty to wait one minute or when she hears screams above her as William knocks on the door. A few curses and shouts echo from the room as a quiet set of footsteps come toward the door as the knob turns open before Virgil slams the door open knocking down some mook as he jumps on him letting a few stomps slam onto the floor.

Part 2
William focuses on his real target, seeing a tattooed up boss without a shred of armor or weapons on his body, just random bits of dollars stacked on one corner. Disgust courses through William seeing such weakness displayed for a supposed dangerous enemy as terror fills his victim’s eyes as it tries to step back. Only to be denied as William rushes forward deciding to save his energy as he brings up his memory of shoulder tacking Rose to keep her pinned as he applies that logic now. Pushing forward with each step as he jumps over the desks and bowls over the boss and slamming his victim’s head into the floor. Adjusting his stance, William rains down one, two punches before the boss’s face collapses inward as his fist sinks into wet flesh and broken bone as two puffs and hisses followed by screams echo below the floor. Taking a glance, William sees Virgil finished caving in his victim as both begin making their way back down stairs to back up Betty quickly. Only for three gangsters to be outside the hallway half asleep as they exit one of the side rooms. Immediately spotting them exiting their leader’s room and appearing monotone in their eyes as William holds the spell in place for Betty’s cover. Raising his hands over as seven more gangsters come tumbling out of the room ready for a fight as Virgil checks behind for any flanking attacks before raising his fists as well.

>Battlefield conditions
Betty keeping the first floor occupied and screaming.
Ten mook gangsters are in front of Virgil and William in a hallway.
William armor energy 12/20

>Gangster mooks 1 and 2
HP ??/??
Mods ??/??
Equipment: ??
Special rule 1

-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)

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ze archives
-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)
I'll wait another day for other anon in case he didn't see the posts.

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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What the fuck, how has it already been over a year since it was posted? I remember it showing up like it was yesterday. God I hate time.

And yeah, same. It’s a bit of a shame only the most generic Pokémon quests seem to gain traction; the usual waifuing or straightforward championship stuff. The only exception I can remember is that Pokémon chef one which actually ran for some time and was a pretty decent read.

Probably not, no. Again, though, I really wish I had the time. Maybe someday…
New update in UTUTU: A multiplayer Kaiju Quest!


Apologies for long long delay in update - I got BTFO by my life for a while.
Just as I say this my weekend clears up. Might as well give it a shot.
Here it is.


I'll wait on another vote or two before closing the polls.

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You are Lorina de Lindan, princess, weapon-autist, inquisitor-in-training, and recently the victim of a large political conspiracy led by someone you don’t know, for unknown reasons, and with unclear goals. Honestly, you probably should have expected something like this would happen after joining a secretive society, the Inquisition to be exact, whose been tasked with the handling of Strangers, dangerous people from a dimension known as “Earth” before their Cheat Skills wreak untold havoc across your kingdom.

Recently, you’ve returned to the Royal Capital after being attacked by a suicidal(?) thug only to be greeted with a city on lockdown as anti-noble arsonists have attacked many estates, including your families. You were then unceremoniously grounded by your father and forbidden from associating with the Inquisition after a startling revelation leaving you to do the only logical thing you could, run away with a maid. Now, you’ve managed to sneak back into the city with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, formerly known as Midori Suzuki, to investigate on your own terms.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
Stop taking corruptive trap options
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland

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The last of the Emperor’s children has died. He has no heir, an aging wife, and failing health. From his bed, which he finds harder and harder to leave each day, he orders the main family of every royal house to send forth a Champion to court to decide the future of the Empire.

You are the champion for [Pick 1], in your early childhood you warded with [Pick 1]:
>Nethos, Clan Gerrard: Located in the Northwest in a mountainous region, the Nethons enjoy immense mineral wealth. Nethos is also unique because it is not organized as a kingdom, but instead as a sort of confederacy of mountain clans, where a new presiding family is chosen by sending champions to compete in a contest of the three sacred Nethon arts: Blacksmithing, Brewing, and Brawling. [Aspect: Competitor]

>Pan, House Goinsy: A modest kingdom east of Nethos and North of the capital. Lacking any real geographic or resource advantage, Pan has maintained its relevance through a focus on military discipline and strategy. Panese knights are considered the best in the Empire, with the exception of the Imperial knights (although many Imperial Knights are Panese in origin). Pan has a strict, militaristic culture. Many royal families ward their children in Pan to learn skill at arms. [Aspect: Chivalrous]

>Winterlands, House Reid: The Northernmost Kingdom, located in the cold tundras at the Northeastern end of the continent. Inhabitants of the winterlands are stereotyped to be gruff, independent, and self-reliant. The Winterlands cares little for diplomacy or currying favor at Court. They frequently find themselves in border disputes with their neighbors. Due to the lack of farmland in the Northern part of their territory, they cling tightly to the southern sections, and will fight fiercely to maintain their territorial integrity. [Aspect: Tough-as-Nails]

>Free Chalmuth, House Kabot: The youngest of all the kingdoms, located at an island west of the continent proper. Formerly a part of Ellia’s territory, but when the Fellants refused the island's call for troops to deal with rampant piracy, an uprising took place and the Chalmuthians refused to pay any taxes to either Ellia or the Emperor. The Emperor sided with the Chalmuthians, helped broker a peace with Captain Kabot, which involved installing the Pirate Captain as the new king of the island. [Aspect: Swashbuckler]

>Kingdom of Ellia, House Fellant: The largest and most prosperous of the houses outside of the Imperial family itself. Ellia has vast, lush farmland, sea access, and ample mineral wealth. Its capital is located directly west of the Imperial capital. Including maritime borders, it borders seven other kingdoms. Many have speculated that the Fellants aspire to secede from the Empire, or usurp it. Ellians despise Varyne and Chalmuth, feeling that their territory was wrongfully taken from them. [Aspect: Prestigious]

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>Free Chalmuth, House Kabot: The youngest of all the kingdoms, located at an island west of the continent proper. Formerly a part of Ellia’s territory, but when the Fellants refused the island's call for troops to deal with rampant piracy, an uprising took place and the Chalmuthians refused to pay any taxes to either Ellia or the Emperor. The Emperor sided with the Chalmuthians, helped broker a peace with Captain Kabot, which involved installing the Pirate Captain as the new king of the island. [Aspect: Swashbuckler]

>Crain, House Toussle: The most obscure of the kingdoms, largely located within a thick swampland that most find extremely inhospitable due to the dangerous wildlife, humid weather, and lack of farmland. Crain engages in some trade with Issi, foreign merchants, and Borealis, but maintains a fairly unimpressive economy and military. Like Errat, much of Crain’s resilience is due to the fact that no one has ever wanted to invade it. Crain is known as a land of witchcraft and dark arts, known for housing cults and sorcerous hermits capable of inflicting deadly curses, diving the future, and healing mortal wounds. [Aspect: Left Hand Path]

Pirate sorcerer sounds fun.
>Californicus Pereline
>Champion of Issi, warded at House Zane

Quick to laugh, and even quicker to share a joke, Californicus' sense of humor and good nature is known throughout the land. With somewhat clandestine support from the foreign lands, he emerges as the champion for Issi.
Gonna leave this up for a bit since I need to go somewhere. Will be back in 4-5 hours.

We Euron now

Argh, +1

The woman takes in a sharp breath as she stares at the murky looking hemisphere protruding out of the ground like a malignant tumor. “Yeah, that’s going to cause trouble. Queen’s tits...this is a mess.”

“That bad?” The young man with her asked.

She answers by applying a none too gentle smack to the back of his head.

“Ow! Alright, it’s bad. It’s just mud town though, technically we could just set the charges...”

She shakes her head. “Could destabilize the entire mountain. Besides, it’s a bad time anyway.” She spits on the dirt floor, then sighs and pulls out a handkerchief and wipes up the little damp spot. “You know the situation.” She waves her hand in the air, wincing. “The queen doesn’t want disruption. We’ll just cover it up and hope it isn’t too aggressive. Deal with it later.”

“Isn’t that...”

“Yeah. Yeah it is. Not our call. Come on rook, we’ll come back later.”

They leave. You remain, a murky gray pimple in a dimly lit room, surrounded by dirt. The room grows dark, then light again. The cloudy gray tumor that is you flickers with a dim light. You can do something. Just once. What can you do?

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>Capture. Reach out and take dirt into yourself

Lets make that tunnel
>Capture. Reach out and take dirt into yourself

Let’s make some clay men.

A thousand black threads reach out from you, scraping and taking the dirt that forms your little home. When it is done you have a tunnel, a tiny thing a man might crawl through if he must. At the end of the tunnel you discover a wall of packed stone. What is behind it you wonder?

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Stones. Stones seem promising. But what lay beyond the stones? And what could you find in other directions in the dirt?
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A mushroom, more moldy bread, and a bit of egg. And now dirt. A sizable heap of dirt in fact.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will.
You have forgotten something...
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
You do not seem very beloved.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will.
The hurt punk WILL obey.

You exert your will and issue a Command! Oh, wait, what command were you going to issue? Who were you going to issue it to? The man is gone, your little bread knight broken and reabsorbed.

You... perhaps have not thought this through. Perhaps you can Command the man even though he is neither formed of your power nor even present? You reach out, you strain, tenuous fibers of darkness form, reaching out far beyond your vision and view. They flicker and sputter before your Control is finally spent and they vanish. Did they do something? You have no way to tell.

Control Increased to 5

Darkness, light. You awake and ponder your next move.

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Stones. Stones seem promising. But what lay beyond the stones? And what could you find in other directions in the dirt?
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A mushroom, more moldy bread, and a bit of egg. And now dirt. A sizable heap of dirt in fact.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will. On who? To what end?

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It’s the 765th year of the Empress’ Calendar. And in a small, remote village in the Threshold, the most honorable guardians of the Realm and the fist of the Empress, the Black Helms, are dispensing justice for the most foul crime of loitering. This disruption of the peace was brough about when an ordinary street performance turned into a majestic display of dance that could put the most famous artisan troupes of the Blessed Isle to shame. Those who bore witness to this glorious show of skill fell under its thrall and a dance fever broke out in the crowd like a plague. Anyone who looked at it for too long was susceptible to joining the crowd of dancers himself. When one of the Black Helms themselves fell under the spells effect the rest of the guards were left with no choice but to intervene and put a stop to the festivities by force.

But Mnemon Jet knew little of that. All he knew is that he made a wonderful performance that brought a little joy into the lives of the people in the city and now they are tarnishing his work. Not only that they wer behaving in a manner more fit for barbarians, not those representing the Empress' Justice. He felt rage swelling within him, and the desire to make these ingrates repent.
"By the dragons, what am I thinking?"

"Those people were singing your glory and danced in your name. Their adoration was yours, and they took it. It's only natural to want to punish them."
The demon, Markolab, spoke in his mind, egging him on to act.

"No. This is insane. Clearly my mind is being affected. I can't afford to bring attention to my presence any more than I already have. I need to regroup with Kaya and Ena."

"Who says it's "you" who is to bring attention to himself?"

Jet paused in his stride. Then he took a sharp turn and headed into an alleyway that the crowd already ran out of. Finding a secluded spot he concentrated on the image of a person who does not exist. A man slightly taller, more muscular and more rough looking than him, with a prominent scar over his eye. As soon as the image was clear his shadow bubbled like it was about to boil over, then it sprung on him like a living thing and wrapped him in a tender penumbra of inky blackness. A few moments later his shadow became quiescent once more and his shape was changed to that of the man he imagined.
"How do I look?"
Even his voice was much deeper than before.

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He steeled himself to keep his impulsive thoughts in check. Acting hastily could prove to be disastrous in this situation. Rather he decided to trail the guards to see where exactly they are taking the girls, or rather what they do once there. But that was easier said than done. He had two disguises he could take. Neither of which were ideal in this situation. He'd need to make yet another one, which would push him even closer to the brink where his essence would start radiating outward.

"Here's a thought. You already have a third form to take. And it wouldn't even cost you any essence to maintain..."

His true form. The thought of using it did not cross Jet's mind. In the years since he became a Green Sun Prince he stayed disguised pretty much all the time. He liked it that way, it helped him ignore his true nature. But it was also a dangerous move. If people realized what he was it could be disastrous. Markolab however was adamant that unless they thoroughly examined him most people would simply write him off as a little weird at a distance, or slightly mutated at worst. There was also one factor which complicated things. In his thug disguise he made himself some ragged clothes to better sell the image. But the dynastic clothings were real. He'd need to get changed, lest someone identified him based on his outfit.

He looked to the side and saw some vagrants who were not bothered enough by the Black Helms to scurry. One of them was wearing a yellow, long sleeved cloak with a shroud. It was an attire commonly worn by travelers, as it was thought to bring good luck on long journeys. Jet approached him quickly and knelt down beside him whilst waving around a paper note.
"Hey. You. I'll give you one koku for your cloak!"

The man briefly stared at the brute towering over him. At first he thought this was a joke, but once he realized the sincerity of the offer he accepted it without hesitation. One Koku is approximately the monthly income of an average peasant in the Realm. Jet would've offered less but he did not have the time to haggle with the vagrant. Once the exchange was done he put on his newly acquired article of clothing and its previous owner ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Someone must've noticed the homeless man running however, as a guard approached Jet shortly afterwards and grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Hey! Hold it!"
The man turned him around but apologized as soon as he saw Jet's face.
"Ah. Sorry sir. We're searching for two fugitives. One with red hair, and another with a scar on his face. Have you seen either of them?"
With his green eyes the infernal answered.
"No ser. But I'll make sure to notify the guards if I see someone like that."

"Thank you. Have a blessed day!"

Jet cursed under his breath that the man was wasting his time and ran where he last saw Kaya and Ena before they left his field of vision. Luckily his sister had been pretty obviously resisting arrest so they are actually moving rather slowly with her. Still, they have spears pointed at her so she's forced to obey their commands. He wondered why they wouldn't just break out but he guessed that the girls did not wish to make a scene and instead chose to comply with the authorities. Well, it was probably Ena who decided that and Kaya is simply following suit.

He kept tailing them until the girls were taken into the constabulary, which was just an open field with several iron cages. But the place was not unsecure by any means. Several archers watched the surrounding area from wooden towers. Guards patrolled the block with spears, swords and other implements of war. There were even some guard dogs if the barkings were any indication. Worse yet, a man showed up clad from head to toe in heavy, red jade artifact mail and a direlance on his back. Quite an impressive arsenal, especially in such a backwater city.

The man handed over two bundles tied up tightly with twine.
"Your clothes."

"About fucking time!"
Kaya shouted at the man.
"Who in the Empress’ twat do you think you are?! You dare intrude on two dynasts during their visit to the bath house and drag them across the street?! Heads will roll for this! No, scratch that! Your balls will roll for this! And pray the great houses don't hear of this, lest we squish your entire bloodline like a pimple on our asscheek!"

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The man shook his head.
"Perhaps a night in the cell will have you come to your senses. Tomorrow you will give us your names and why the great houses sent you. Or else..."

The man left them and as Jet continued to follow him he could hear Kaya voicing her irritation to Ena.
“There. Can I stop playing nice now and finally get out of here?”

“No! Do you WANT to start a political incident?”


“Urgh. How are you two related?!”

Jet wanted nothing less than to break them out. But doing so without alerting anyone or alerting the girls to his true nature would be borderline impossible while they are under constant surveillance. So he focused on their captors and what he could do about them. The dragon-blooded headed to a rather tall pagoda at the center of the city, which must serve as its administrative center. Given traditional Realm architecture, the satrap would be located at the top level and that’s most likely where the man was headed.

He turned his attention to the soldiers patrolling the streets and their schedules. He waited until an opportunity presented itself when the guards had their backs turned and no commoners were looking in his direction. Then he touched the smooth wall of the building. Filaments of quicksilver sprouted from his palm, like tiny roots. Similar to lichen they gain purchase on the tiniest of crevices in the wall and allow Jet to scale it with minimal effort. Even when he reached the underside of one of the roofs he was able to walk upside down and over its edge. But he had to climb fast, lest someone spotted the strange man in yellow robes making his way up the Satraps office.

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“Easy for you to talk. You’re not the one whose neck House Cathak is breathing down upon! You’re a warrior Gourd, they like you. Despite the fact that you’re a threshold bumpkin that was just adopted into the family. Meanwhile I was laden with this task because I had the misfortune of not exalting. And now it’s MY head that they’ll have if I don’t produce the results they expect! So please cousin, stick to what you’re good at, killing things. And I’ll try to herd cats a bit longer. Make the girls talk. Have them reveal their accomplice. If not, kill them.”

“K-Kill? You can’t be serious! That would-”

“Not do anything. They have no official papers. We’ve received no word of their passing. They are not on official business. Meaning nobody will notice if they disappear. Do not let your softness dictate your actions, Gourd. They are here to destroy us. Remember that.”

“As you wish, cousin. But I’ll keep praying they speak.”

“You do that. I’ll give a call to our informants to see if they can’t track down our missing dancer.”

Jet felt his heart sink. Creation really has gone mad in the absence of the Empress. Everyone is ready to jump at each other’s throats like rabid, starving dogs at the slightest provocation. And Markolab is delighted by this.
“Well they do seem a bit on edge, don’t they?”

“How do I get out of this?”

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>”Get Kaya and Ena, get to the cart, make a run for it. How hard could it be?” (Flee)

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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/PErMtupK

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

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>>Let's train.
>>Let's train.
Leg exercises and lateral ladder training for Alex and Aplicable mons.
Focus on Fluffy with Endurance/Hp training until he is tired and then have him practice Cosmic power.
You could also adopt a Hondour puppy girl.
They can use Shadowsneak just as well.
Anyone trying anything will be too scared.
Might have to remind Fie in case she didn't try it.
>>I'm going to meditate.
>Let's fish.

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