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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

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YER a Goblin of the GoblinSlayer universe. By sheer astronomical odds, while fleeing GoblingSlayer, aka the GobboCaust, you meet anuvva unlucky bastich: Yang Wuhan, 殃污琀, "Calamity-Corrupted Corpsepearl", also known as Divine Demon, Wyrmacide, Sword Specter, Wind Incarnadine, Gore Walker, Blade Emperor, the Absolute™, &c &c, who just got BTFO'd by an alliance of Righteous and Deviant Cultivators from his home universe.

In exchange for the lifesaving Thousand Year Lingzi you just happened to find just now, he swears to do you no harm and take you as his Disciple - Tudi - or, Toady.

Since then you've been busy:

Scoring a little-girl body for your new Seafood's soul transference; learning the Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form; killing a whole town to stabilize Seafood's new Pall Body, and for fun; joining the Rhean (GS Halfling analog) Resistance against the encroaching Myrmids (GS sentient bug race); investigating a purported subterranean Ancient City key to the Myrmid claim of Historic ownership.

After finding and escaping the Ancient City overrun with... sumfin, you find the fing wot destroyed the City's Dimm Temple in a biggy room far above the cracked rock ceiling.

Fittingly, you were just in the process of cutting into the superweapon's LIVE powercoupling and going into a cliffhanger when the thread hit page 11 and got chived.

Prevs Episodes

Ep1: http://thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6051761/

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wow, max 24.

Toady rep with the Resistance is topped out.
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Rolled 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 = 38 (25d2)

>24 Small Health Pots Getty
>[Helff Swigga] now 5/6
>Balance 22 Pots Pouched

"Another way is to wade in blood. A war is brewing again here, now with three factions, thanks to you. Go into the midst and kill. There will be plenty to kill, so you will improve quickly. The danger is, you cannot tell how many you will meet; should you be insufficient, you will die or be taken; should you leave witnesses, you will be known.

"If you would partake in war yet stay unknown, you can hide yourself from the three factions among a fourth: a great "Orc" horde, somewhere in the hinters past the Myrmid line, North Westly of the Dwarf Fort past Whythistle. If you find them you may elect to go with the main force in their ravages, or with the Goblin auxiliary. In the first you will likely be bullied, then envied; in the second you will meet fewer worthy enemies.

"In neither case will Shifu be with you; in such small affairs there is only blood enough to whet but not satisfy. If you seek the Orcs I shall stay even further off; with just one of YOU the stench is barely tolerable. The odors of forty thousands altogether would be unimaginable.

"Shifu gives you a month and a half to play. 42 Days, once you decide."


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>20DD used to fix Wagon

"And who might this be."

"Va Bluddslutt I'z got out from na Cherch cubby Sweetfudds. I fedd her ennuf Buggz dat she grew back."

"Ah. A Vampire. Who knew the Scaromate Paladins kept such pets. Your name."

"Casserfena Melliope. Of the Scaromate Inquiry... Formerly." She said it with a pained look, completely defeated.

"Oh. The Paladin's woman. Is this familiar."

Seafood sleights something from his own Pouch, smaller, neater than yours. Gold brocade silk.

The flash is Sordyfagg's sord, crackling slightly in Seafood's hand, somehow hateful of him. He overpowers its resistance by force. The Bluddslutt visibly flinches at the resulting BLAZE, covering her eyes, crying blood.

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• My Lord, may I speak. •

"What is it."

• The Goblin has no capacity for magic, yet shall need repairs to myself, the Dimm Kulti, and now the Dimm Beetle and ... Velery, as we go to dangerous places. •

• If it please my Lord, this your servant's Dimm Body may with some aid effect necromantic repair through its {UNHOLY GRASP} Spell-like ability. While your servant is unable at present to use the Grasp effectively in combat, it can be repurposed for repair with a Charm such as my Lord is capable. •

• Though, a caution: a One may become aware of my improvements, and so this body and the Goblin who most benefits from it may come more to ... their... attention. •

Seafood digs his ear idly, listening. When Moar Oww's done, Seafood passes the buck to you.

"Tudi. Your backside; your decision. And before I forget, hand me the Graincoin for rent. Seven a day for seven days. We are moving after."

(Seafood examines Daggy, closes shop in Whythistle and starts meddling with The Glowy and The Glowy Launcher in tomorrow's fillerpost)

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>Go and establish a FIGHT CLUB in the nearby Orc horde. Give in to the frenzy of battle with them in (relative) safety, and with reliable sparring partners! Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky and beat up their bosser, making YOU the new orc bosser.
Seafood doesn't know how gobbos and orcs work. But we do. This is roight up their alley, it is.
>N, cuck the dimmu queen even more

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"Did you really think you could succeed? With such a weight of sin, you never even stood a chance. Perish, now, and suffer, as you should, in the afterlife - for all eternity."


"WELCOME, weary soul, to ALTERORBIS a-no, THE- world of adventure, riches, exquisite cuties, and- well, A LOT OF OTHER THINGS. Now let's set up your REINCARNATION properly..."



The voice whistles.

"Well, aren't you a strange bastard. Looks like with your particular set of TRAITS I can only offer you one of these options:"


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>>Just rampage around while they're busy hurling spells at each other and farm the skellies. [tiered DC for EXP gain]
>Just rampage around while they're busy hurling spells at each other and farm the skellies. [tiered DC for EXP gain]


Roll 1d100 Bo3.

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Rolled 43 (1d100)

Like taking socks from a quadriplegic.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Lets see if we can get something juicy in the XP department
Rolled 72 (1d100)

watch this hundo

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It has been millennia since humanity became a star faring race. Enough time for stellar regimes to have risen and fallen, for technologies to be forgotten and relearned and for a diaspora of life; both human and alien to spread across the galaxy.

You are about to embark on a new business venture in star ship construction having recently bought a stake in an ailing shipyard out in neutral space. A run of bad luck and poor decisions has left the yard in a state of disrepair, the work force gutted, and capital reserves low.

It looked like the owner was destined to go bankrupt until they unexpectedly found a new business partner: you[i/].

You are…

>Lady Mayumi Shimada, member of the ruling family of House Shimada; a minor noble house in the the resurgent Empire of Raiha. Frankly the prospects of both you and your family aren’t great. Your meager holdings within the Empire mean you have (relatively) little wealth to bargain with and little clout within the Imperial Court. Having access to your own shipyard would grant some influence within the Imperial Court and perhaps allow you to seek your fortune beyond the Empire.

>Overseer Sizzar of Clan Quezet, member of a reptilian species known as Saurians.Generally your race does not like humans, indeed none of the other Clans would ever consider working with one like this. But the Monitor of Quezet is more open minded than the average saurian. The Clan having their own shipyard would grant them leverage against the hated Solar Union and the machinations of the Major Clans.

>Delilah Lamming, a member of the Mercenary Captain Galatan Starwind’s harem. Starwind bought a stake in the shipyard on a whim before leaving on his latest adventure. Delilah was left behind to handle the business side of things. Frankly it was a nice change of pace from Starwinds hijinks and a chance to pursue her own agenda…

((I don't want to say it's a sequel, but this is based on the events of this thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6019359/))
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>I remember we were also told that there's no interstellar space tourism,
Oh yeah. Man, that ergonomics tech really fucking sucks, then. I doubt that ships aren't already gonna have the ergonomics of the race that built them. The only thing it's doing is saving up on 'market research' for new races, but that's basically nothing.
>We need to get more work crews so we can actually build capital ships again.
>Get a R&D team
we have frigate berths yet no frigate schematics. No bueno.
We have connections to royalty now, I'm sure there's some Raiha nobles who would pay to have their yacht refurbished to the highest standards of luxury, which we can provide with the AI.
>Try to secure a client, you need to make some sales before you could begin to remedy the other issues.
New R&D department

Secure Client

More Work Crews

Locking in more work crews. Update will be delayed.

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The first thing you notice when you wake up is the smell.

Everything around you reeks of rancid acidity mixed with the musty odor of mold and fungus, like you threw up a really bad, really moldy cheese. The ground? below you is rugged, with random shapes jutting into your sides and back. Once you force your eyes open, against your tired, throbbing brain’s complaints, you see the world suffused in a radioactive green glow. No, wait, the world isn’t glowing.

You are. Your skin, hair, everything is glowing.

Looking down at your clothes, soaked in some odd, sticky fluid, you find yourself in better condition than you expected, albeit more than a little radioactive looking. You sit atop a pile of random junk- dirt, garbage, debris, and busted machinery, some of which is dated and some of which is so sleek and modern (despite the dirt and damage) that it seems out of place. Looking down at a speartip jutting out of the rubble a few inches from where you fell, you breathe a sigh of relief that you managed to avoid being impaled.

“The intake came on time, boss!” You hear a rugged voice ring out from behind you. He seems to be speaking some other, completely unfamiliar language, but you find yourself able to understand it perfectly as if it were in English. Wheeling around, you see a cluster of figures emanating light of different colors gathered in the distance. Your eyes are bleary- you can hardly make out any of the details, “Wait, is that Drop-In alive?”

“I think he is! Looks Terran too. He’s all yours, Mike!”

Terran- that means from Earth, right? What the hell is going on?

You see a gentle purple glow climbing towards you. Thinking fast, you pull the rusted spear that almost made you into a shish kabob out from the pile of detritus you’re sitting on. Managing to yank it out, you wield it to the best of your limited ability.
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>Gold District
Save best for last

>Head to the Gold District

You begin the trek down from the Black District to the city below- the closer you get, the bigger you realize this place is. It’ll take hours, maybe even multiple days for you to walk all the way from here to the Gold District. Eventually, as you reach the base of the hill leading up to the Gut, you see.. a bus stop? And not even like, the fantasy equivalent, it’s literally a modern metal bus stop structure. The only difference is the symbol for the bus: rather than what you’re accustomed to, it seems almost more like an elongated palanquin. You see a large, blue-glowing bug dressed in a tie, bowler hat, and a strap for his satchel, similar in appearance to the boss from the trash heap. You decide to take this opportunity and see if they know what’s going on.

“Uh.. what is this place?” you ask as casually as possible.

“Airbus stop. Hang on a minute-” He replies, adjusting his hat to get a better look at you, “Are you the new drop-in?”

“Oh, uh, I guess, yeah.”

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Gold District isn’t like you expected it to be, or at least this area isn’t: brilliant electric streetlights, modern in tech but gothic in style, line an asphalt road. The whole district seems to have a layer of concrete covering the natural fleshy terrain of the Maw, but, despite the relative familiarity of the planning, the buildings are an anomaly: you see modern apartment complexes sitting right next to Roman style architecture, next to traditional chinese housing, and so on. The whole thing seems to be a massive hodge-podge of not just places, but also time periods, with some of the styles (particularly brutalism and some traditional aesthetic) being fused together to varying effect.

The smell of cooking meat hits your nose- you forgot how hungry you were- but before you can investigate, you hear a shout coming from your left.

“You must be the drop-in!”

The voice is female and, surprisingly, in English, but it has a distinct accent to it that’s hard to place. You turn your head and see her- a short girl, maybe a foot shorter than you, with an oversized wide-brim wizard’s hat and a head of messy silver hair. She radiates a muddy red light, fluctuating with her heavy breathing as she recovers from running over to you,

“I’m Eleanor! Or at least, that’s my Terran name, haha. Nice to meet you!”

She seems nervous, like a kid at their first job interview. Your eyes wander over to her unnaturally elongated ears.

“Are you.. an elf?”

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Quick clarification- airbus and skybus are interchangeable. The proper term is Lyxish, and the words for 'air' and 'sky' in their tongue are identical, hence a bit of confusion for the translator
>The fuck's a Witch? (clarification)
Also murderers are based, (Randy) is our guy

A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.

This was not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You).
Your current skill level - half a step above other genius of your age? Lucky encounters leveraged to the best and a knack for navigating social situations.
You own a trove of technic for such a young cultivator - more than you can study efficiently, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A Phoenix spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you. Especially in such a ruthless and public environment than, say, a nationwide cultivator tournament.
Previously mentionned worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own. Alright, the Primordial Wolf might have helped you on that point.

Recently, you and your Stable Lotus Harbor friend partook in a capital city tournament organized by the Empress.
This required ample amount of training : all of you broke through 2nd stage before 8, the mark of genius-talent. You had to took strategical decision, and are pretty confident you could hardly have done better. Your fights seems to entrance a bored-to-death audience, giving you the new moniker of "Heartpiercer" - and a theme song https://suno.com/song/18f62c64-7ac6-402f-b6f2-30158f9a51dd
You were even granted the privilege of bowing at the feets of the 15-year-old 4th-stage young Empress - which you gifted a mystical karmic thread.
Now, you're checking on one frenemy and two of the foe that share a trait : all were deeply wounded and you bear some responsibility in the matter.
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*swirly hypnotized eyes*
>"I feel as my Empress demandssss. Oooookaaaay.
So if I’m understanding this right, she’s saying that everyone is stuck in their towns now, not just returned to them, and travel through the capital city is forbidden for now? This collapses the model of smaller sects by keeping them from shifting promising students to larger sects in exchange for resources?

If so, it sounds like she just collapsed a main pillar of trade in the Empire, that of promising cultivators. Relations between similar sects will wither as relationships between people who would move and remember those who helped them grow will instead stay at their home village, and the lack of resources means those outlying villages will starve. No reason for others to support them without something to trade, after all.

By the same token, large sects that used to sustain their dominance by poaching talented cultivators will find themselves get outclassed by others that may lack teachers who are good at their job. Talent can hide that weakness, and lesser cultivators feeding in will expose it.

Hopefully this is a short-term restriction, or there will be a large uptick in wandering cultivators and there will be great societal upheaval. But maybe the latter is the intent. Take down the old guard, build a new guard out of sects that have gained her favor by ensuring they have access to resources.

If so, we are incredibly lucky to know fusion right now because no beast sect will ever give up that secret, even if we climbed in power.
>Someone is feeding the empress false words. The question is who. And what was the gain from such an accusation? Someone is scheming for power possibly an internal force in the empire being puppeted by an outside one. It could be considered just be internal strife from the great library trying to trample breast sect power down a notch.

We'll have to talk to Master Ryota about this. Someone wants to ruin the sect or weaken the empire. Dangerous times afoot.

>You need more power be that yourself and externally to understand the current state of the board. Possibly creating a spy network.

Or using the motion as an excuse to curtail power
Confused. Why shut down commerce in the middle of a 'war'. The Empress must be very confident that the war can be won easily. Banning travel doesn't just stop the trade in children, it also stops the majority of the other trades.

Quiet Word had a plan to do what the Empress is currently doing, although he would have gone about it differently. He would have sucked up those with greatest potential into a 'Town Guard' while using his device to more efficiently allocate entry-level cultivators.

The Empress was likely consolidating power in some fashion. Of course, there was always the chance that she was just a Zealot for freedom and sought to break the hold of the great clans in general. A dangerous prospect which would require either great foresight to determine what would come next, or great hubris to destroy without having a pan to rebuild.

Either way, his fellow students were still children and had not yet been trained in etiquette or politics. Quiet Word assumed that came after you became old enough to lose your inborn chi, or perhaps never from the stories that he had heard about impolite elders and the shoddy courtesy of the older boys in Skystone village. Surely the weak had more need of teaching courtesy and humility than the strong? If they had cared so little for this training, how little did those who considered themselves strong care about courtesy?

Quiet Word also considered for the first time that the Gilded Waters likely had a strong desire for spiritual gold to gild their instruments. If they ever became a threat, alchemically poisoning their gold to bring disharmony to their music was a possibility. That or bending their golden strings to warp their instruments. Dangerous to wield such a delicate and complex weapon on a battlefield.
Intrigued, there had to be another layer to this command.
But the command to restrain our travel is only temporary so this shouldn't be terrible.

Also delighted that we saved Ryota and wise fairy

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Quest’s Summary: You play as Pangea, the daughter of The Emperor created to be an emotional support for the primarchs after Malcador convinced the Emperor that the primarchs, while powerful, are ultimately human. Pangea would act as a way to secure the primarch’s loyalty to The Emperor by having the primarchs relying on Pangea as their emotional support… if Pangea remains loyal that is.

As the sons of The Emperor return to the fold, Pangea created a bond with Alpharius, Horus, Fulgrim, Sanguinius and Angron. She still sees the future of Horus and her brothers’ betrayal but knows in her heart this is just one future, one that can be avoided. After bringing peace to Verona, she faces The Hermit, and eventually learns of Chaos.

With that knowledge, she is under Malcador’s tutelage once more to become the first inquisitor, to protect the budding Imperium and her Father’s dream.

People roamed the markets. Laborers carried crates of goods fresh off the ships. Merchants and customers haggled. Children held their mother’s hand as their eyes wandered from vendor to vendor. And the Princess stalked through the crowd, her gaze focused on a man with shaggy stubble and unkempt hair dressed in a tattered jumpsuit. She tapped into the man’s thought with ease, like entering an unguarded fortress.

They’ll pay for what they did to House Capulet, this will be my vengeance!

Pangea gently pushed through the crowd as she followed the man. She clicked her tongue twice, then paused, then clicked her tongue again. Luna broke from her side and skulked into the alleyway. Pangea parted the crowd quicker, using her psykic power to compel the people to move away.

Verona, oh my beautiful homeland… I’ll take many as I can with me!

Pangea stalked through the market in a hooded robe. The man approached the Albian Crusaders closer. Pangea tasted the man’s rage and disgust. In lieu of more offensive capabilities, she sharpened the subtler psykic powers. The Albian Crusaders continued to be vigilant about the goings on in the market, but were still unaware of one single man amongst the many.

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>write-in what you want to do with Angron
>"You're a natural empath, aren't you? Have you been honing that skill and other psychic powers? They'd certainly be useful tools in diplomacy and battle both."
Pangea's a powerful telekine and has learned psychic empathy and telepathy, if he hasn't been training his psychic abilities then maybe we can spend the day teaching him the basics? Or maybe even drag him along with us to see Magnus, Big Red's all about learning. Fucking nerd.

>Do you guys like this bonding sections of do you guys prefer straight to the story. Do you guys want this for each primarch?
I like these scenes and this IS what Pangea was made for.

I don't think bringing up the nails is a good move.
>I don't think bringing up the nails is a good move.
Fair. I'd still like to ask him about his health, though. The thing was rammed straight into half of his brain, there's no way it didn't leave any lasting damage.
>“Do you have any books to recommend?”

Let's see what Angron likes to read.

Question of the day: Do you guys like this bonding sections of do you guys prefer straight to the story. Do you guys want this for each primarch?

Yes. I think these give us a nice view on the impact we are having on the brothers.
The bonding is nice

This is a world facing change. For Generations the empire of bronze and magic rules. For centuries they prosper by trade and wars. Those were the days of our grandfathers, one by one the great cities burn, one by one empires fell, one by one armies march and broke among each other.

In this time of change, one more change is coming, a strange people from a strange land, a people who;

- They Delve deep into the earth to feed the flames that light there world.
- They are the bulwark of there own empire.
- They are shipwrights, almost finished building a ship for the wrong war.

They are first met by;
-a broken army, last of a fallen empire, led by the last princess of a millennium long bloodline.
-Shipwrecked merchant, momentarily blinded by the arrival of the strange people.
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Yes- just pick a location to use that Nat 20.

Town, Big chimney big building, or a outskirts house
Solid. Big chimney big building.
The princess, look from the 2 box of buildings and at the large chimney building- and see that oddly- 2 of the massive white chimneys are set away from the main structure, with a thinner and slightly shorter chimney right next to the building-

The building itself is surrounded by a fence of some kind of mesh, and is full of activity, people running around it, ontop of it, and on walkways that run along side pipes with the building itself being made up of a large squat square with a rectangle risen in the center, Cora is not a architect but even she can see things that are at, odd scale- those chimneys should have falling in on themselves, those walkways should have fallen on there thin supports, this strange gray metal must be stronger than bronze and lighter than stone.

Looking around she can see a trail of some kind made from 2, lines of something, that leads all the way out to the edge of the unnatural border between the vally that was and the hilly terrain that is. Where the trial starts by the structure is several large wagons with a black rock, Coal most likely, in them.

The rail trail is not the only trail, leading out of the structure is a straight line of forest that been cleared cut- in the middle of the cutting as equal lengths is towering skeleton structures made form a gray metal, faintly black liens can be seen going from one skeleton to another until the clear cut ends again at the edge, where several people can be seen gathered around the now dropping black lines. To far to make out much.

The princess feels more comfortable looking at all these- confusing things.

(Point of interest added; Clear Cut Edge. +5 scouting the chimney building, +2 to all other scouting checks, +1 to checks with handling these unknown devices)
The Princess take in what she seen so far- these are a strange people- with many strange things, this entire, town is strange- where did it come from, yesterday this was a flat shoreline between the Herculean Mountains and the Great Sea, now there’s a city- a wall-less city with many strange things even form this distance.

‘’The longer we wait- the longer these people have to do what they are doing’’

(Nat 20 Bonus)

‘’And the longer that they clam down, it seems like these people are, panicking, and use those horseless wagons to move around, so we should stay away from the roads.’’

the young princess turns around to look at her men

‘’If we must act- we should act sooner or later- to see if they are friend, or foe, and maybe, see if these people can help us reclaim our glory’’

The men was about to cheer at glory when the princess cut them off so they may not give away their position.

There are 5 points of interest that can be seen.

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Chimney should be (D20+6)(D10)

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>Design (D): Jonathan Hickman.
>Alt-Text: An infographic map of Earth labeled “The World” separated into differently colored sections.
>Dialogue Samples: Jonathan Hickman, Kurt Busiek, Bill Everett.


The System is Broken.

After decades of war, the world was rebuilt on a new axis.
The Great Powers carved the planet between them and the Globe spun on this Great Wheel.
But the rise of a new form of power has broken the balance holding up the planet. Atlas has fallen, now is the Age of Marvels.
You are the leader of one of the new superpowers of this world.
The choices you make will affect the fate of the planet and the cosmos beyond. For one of these factions may become the...


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For clarification, each faction's "good" or "evil" level will be up to player votes.
So if you want to play SHIELD like the CIA with jetpacks Godzillas and psychics that will be possible.
The same applies to the others, there are no designated "hero" or "villain" choices when ti comes to factions.
>Nation X
>>Nation X
Seems cool
though if that doesn't win
>Nation X
Fuck civil rights, if you want em you've gotta earn them

Their description does say "no matter the human cost," whether you interpret that as self sacrifice or the cost of liberating the unenlightened masses from their own ignorance

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Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6085624/

Rules: Add one alteration per evolution, save in .png, don't evolve a creature if you were the one to evolve it last, link/reply to the creature you are evolving from.

A massive extinction event has occurred, a series of meteor impacts devastates the surface and raises the global temperature sharply, leaving plenty of space to be inherited by new life.
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The gradated mesoshrimp is a small, more densely-armored crested shrimp with especially beautiful colouration which it uses to impress mates. That extra armor cos in handy because, being smaller, it's easy pickings for larger relatives and other predators. Luckily, it is also fast, and surprisingly fierce.
>all but one shark species died out
nooooooo :(
The oceans are a bit of a nightmare right now anyway iirc. Just think, anon: that one species of amphibious land-shark can now eventually recolonize the ocean and diversify to fill all niches with fancy NEW sharks.
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These sharks have replaced their grabber with two teeth in an attempt to hit the gaps in >>6127046's armor

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You are Uzumaki Naori, leader of the shinobi village of Amegakure. Before that you were widely regarded as one of the most powerful Commanders in the Allied Shinobi Forces, and before that you were known among those “in the know” as one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. But as of right now that honor goes to an organization calling itself ‘Kara’.

Fighting against Kara has been more of a frustration so far than anything else, and a generally unusual experience overall. While you and your own former comrades in Akatsuki were constantly engaging with the world, through mercenary work and through Kakuzu’s obsession with collecting bounties, Kara has made it their business model to lay low as much as possible. Even with Sasuke and international support from the Five Great Nations behind the effort, little progress was made until recently in terms of tracking down Kara’s “Inners”.

Interestingly enough it was your son who made the first breakthrough in identifying and intercepting a cyborg woman named Delta, who he brought you in to capture so as to avoid collateral damage. Then he ran into a former Inner named Ōga while on an undercover escort mission – of all things, during a school field trip. That would probably be hilarious had it not presented such a high risk of things going horribly, horribly wrong had it been a different combination of Kara and jōnin. Thankfully, Ōga surrendered herself into custody and agreed to emotional counseling to help her cope with the mild brain damage she suffered in her final hours before leaving Kara.

“So yeah, that’s where we’re at,” you sigh, after recounting recent events to Fū. “Dragging them all out one at a time and dealing with them has worked so far, so we’re gonna try it again.”

“Lemme get this straight,” Fū crosses her arms. “We’re gonna take an armored train.”

“Regular one won’t do, so yeah.”

“And we’re gonna pretend to be moving two prisoners to Amegakure,” she continues.

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alright, give me a roll here
>1d6, best three of four
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)


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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, formerly a single-digit warrior, now the warrior-queen of your ancestral homeland. At the moment, you know something very important – something you suspect that the man standing before you knows as well.

“I doubt it came here on our account,” you conclude of the asarakam, the ‘dragon-kin’, you and your cohort just defeated. “It came here for you. And the fact that it knew to come here may mean that the rest of its kind know that you’re here.”

General Waverly, the man currently in command of the last major holdouts of Organization loyalists on your home continent, considers your perspective.

“And what can you offer us to remedy this… situation?”

“That depends,” you reply, crossing your arms as you delve deeper into a thorny, rather unpleasant conversation. “There’s still the issue of Lavinia.”

“Lavinia?” he repeats.

“The island off the coast of the region we call Aquitan,” you clarify. “You’ve been using the northern portion of the island as a staging area for years. I want you off of it.”

“You’re talking about more than simply a major military and research post,” the general insists with a frown. “That facility is among the few we still maintain on this side of the world.”

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>>>Press him on the Asarakam, and details of the ‘war’ on the continent that you’ve heard of. Details have been surprisingly scarce.
>3d10 best of three
Rolled 7, 7, 10 = 24 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 5, 10 = 21 (3d10)

Rolled 10, 8, 7 = 25 (3d10)


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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting

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>I also wonder if any tourists show up specifically to try and hunt them. Dangerous game and all.
I wouldn't be surprised if some particularly hardy Yautja named the forests of New Salda as their favorite hunting spot.
True enough.
No. He hasn't learned what sex was until... Well I can't say. Spoilers and all.
Not necessarily strong, but sneeky breeky. Can even avoid ki sense detection, if the rumors that any still live are true. Karn knows IC, as he connects to every living being with the Champion power. Whose living presence may soon be more relevant to Karn, no longer living on his isolated little island and all.
>on average
There aren't enough for a large enough sample size, if any still live.
No, there's another forest the like to hunt in. But Karn Jr will discover that soon enough.
With the sheer volume of ki that Karn Jr has, we really should encourage Meloka to teach him her spread-your-ki-out-across-the-whole-battlefield thing. He'd turn the air into a thick glowing green sea that he could sense everything within and launch attacks from any point of.
>No, there's another forest they like to hunt in. But Karn Jr will discover that soon enough.
I wanna be concerned, but I won't lie, this could be exactly the kind of training Junior needs right now. Nothing gets you thinking on your feet quite like a proper Yautja hunt. Especially if the clan elders make an appearance.
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Image; Karn Jr. engaging in a light sparring session, displacing the planet's atmosphere with his ki. Oops.

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Happy Halloween, human mortals of /Qst/, from Overlord Nintjyr of the Voekhet Dynasty. On the 20th of April 2020 on your human calender, the human perpetual Cupanon on the board /tg/ blessed us all with the original Warhammer40k isekai. Neckberdia picked up the series, bringing Cupanon a larger audience, that included I. Many imitators followed in Cupanon's steps when he departed to give us stories of how they would have wrangled the setting with different staring positions, one of whom being my Dynasty's very own royal Cryptek High Transmogrifer Ishskar, who found himself possessed by a human soul that slipped out of chronological alignment by 12 million years into the past. Ishskar's story introduced so many to the Necron faction, and kindled in me a love of literature I didn't know I had. In honor of Cupanon, Ishskar, the official writers of black library, the friends I've made in this community, the audience who took part as background characters in Ishskar's story, the writers of the many isekais, the hobbyists who keep Warhammer40k alive, and my hailing Dynasty of Voekhet, I bring you the haunting retelling of the Necrontyr species, and the legions of the cold undead machines they became...

This story is pieced together from all the official lore I can gather, Ishskar's OC Necron Dynasty of Voekhet, and melded together cohesively by me with a little liberal conjecture.

link to Ishskar's Conclave (discord server): https://discord.gg/2V2q8NSF

But first a few disclaimers. Don't use this as a substitute for official lore, or do I'm not your Overlord. On top of my conjecture, be aware I am also going to be a unreliable narrator slanting the optics to favor my faction. Feel free however to use this as a jumping off point to explore official lore on your own!

Now, play your preferred spooky background ambiance on loop, dust off the sarcophagi of your ancestors, set your RGB steups to green, and enjoy.
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>The Crypteks forged mobile containment vessels in the likeness of the Necrontyr using the best technologies at their disposals, and lured in a lone C'tan using a artificial magnetic signature more pronounced than most star's.
>What exactly the Crypteks' plans were to control the C'tan obviously failed, because the first C'tan, locked in its new form, immediately took control of it and set about seeking more cosmic magnetic signatures to consume.
>The Necrontyr's cosmicly magnetized souls were the closet thing the C'tan smelled to star matter within immediate reach, so it reached for the nearby Crypteks, and ripped their souls from their bodies, devouring them in the most agonizing death any mortal could face that left no possibility of an afterlife.
>The rogue C'tan tasted mortal experience for the first time, and was immediately addicted.


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>The lone enlightened C'tan, never wanting the cacophony of mortal experience to end, set about consuming as many Necrontyr as it could, as quickly as it could.
>The constant injection of the drug that was the Necrontyrs' collective lived experience resulpted the mind of the C'tan into the analog of a Necrontyr.
>The C'tan began to question its own existence, just as all mortals do.
>From its own metal body, power, and hunger for souls, it concluded that itself was a god, more specifically, an incarnation of the Necrontyr's supreme god Aza'gorod, The Night Bringer, god of death.
>It resculpted its vessel to take upon itself the vissage of said god, and continued to feed on the Necrontyr, believing himself to be the rightful recipient of his people's souls.
>The Necrontyr, seeing the form it took on, began praying to Aza'gorod, begging him to stop.
>Aza'gorod knew that a proper God always listens to the prayers of his subject, even if he doesn't act on them.
>Eventually, their conversations ended with uncountable other C'tan recieving their own bodies and godly identities from ancient Necrontyr mythology.
>The C'tan looked towards the future, and seeing a galaxy full of life, saw the military aid of the Immortal Empire as pivotal pieces in consuming all the souls therein.
>The weakest of the C'tan, The Messenger, The Deceiver, Mephet'ran, made a deal with the Silent King Szarekh to grant his people immortality and the power to wage war against the Old Ones.
>It was an alliance made in Heaven.
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>The Engramancer Crypteks understood the concept of recreating a Necrontyr's mind in computable math.
>The issues was scale.
>For simple beasts, it would take only a year to recreate the memories and instincts of beasts.
>For a sapient Necrontyr, It can take a thousand or more High Engramancers decades to fully map all the complexities, which is far too slow to ever be viable, even for a Phaeron who could call upon those kinds of resources.
>The C'tan answered this.
>They would consume a Necrontyr's soul, and then the C'tan would instantaneously recreate in metal a new mind forged of the experiences that danced on their taste buds, birthing a artificial Necron from a Necrontyr's death.
>In addition, installed within the minds of every manufactured Necron would be the Command Protocols, binding all Necrons in absolute loyalty to the hierarchy upon which sat the now sick and elderly Silent King Szarekh in supreme control.
>The process of conversation from Necrontyr to Necron was called "Biotransferance".
>Marching with the Necrontyr into the furnaces of Biotransferance were our ever beloved beasts.
>They would all share the gift of undeath with us in the unfatiging Canoptek units our Crypteks had sculpted in their image so long ago.
>What noone expected was how the C'tan left us Necrons so horribly hollow.
>The C'tan left a starving hole in our beating reactors in the shape of our lost souls.
>Any digital analog of pleasure derived from the flow of dopamine was left out of our new minds.
>We became sociopaths that couldn't feel anything positive no matter how badly we wanted to, condemned to suffocate without lungs to breath, yearn without a heart to melt, and cry with glass eyes that couldn't shed.
>We escaped the agony of the body ravaging tumors just to fall into a brand new Hell of sensory deprivation.
>To dwell on the hole inside us was to submit sour minds to madness.
>The only thing that could shield our minds was the distraction of a higher purpose.
>The ongoing preparations for war left us with no shortage of that.
>Maybe the C'tan did this to us for the religious theatrics of our undeath, but most likely they did it out of pure malice given the contextual evidence of them leaving us Necrons with all the mortal capacities to feel pain.
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>Something finally broke in the now undead mind of the Silent King Szarekh.
>Everyone who ever had the Necrontyr at their mercy preyed upon them in some way.
>Revenge was the only proper reprisal for what the C'tan did to us.
>Szarekh was however powerless in the face of the C'tan in their ascendancy.
>Every world whos’ population was converted to Necrons made the C'tan immeasurably stronger on the glut of our souls.
>Designing weapons that could exploit the C'tans' weaknesses would take time, as they were still so poorly understood, so we held our audio emitters and obeyed the C'tan.
>Under their orders, we waged war on the Old Ones, and corralled defeated populations for the C'tan to feast upon.
>The rematch between the Old Ones and the Immortal Empire would come to be known as the Second War in Heaven.

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Previous: >>6085853
Your name is ITSASO MUNTEANU. You are a tall, gaunt, pale, and female IMAGEBOARD LURKER in your EARLY 20S. As your name implies, you are of BASQUE descent, but were born and raised in BUMFUCK, USA. You WERE an unremarkable mortal. Then, a couple of nights ago, you woke up thousands of miles away, decades in the past, and inside the story of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Luckily, you are an avid fan, and thus have the power of FOREKNOWLEDGE.

For reasons unknown, you ended up right near the most notorious antagonist of the series, the vampire DIO. Out of survival instinct, you told him of a fate yet to happen (the canon one) and got his interest. You went to his mansion and headquarters, and...have had a nice stay so far. Turns out it'll be over a year before the actual plot of STARDUST CRUSADERS begins.

The first full day, you met some mooks, read some books, and after nightfall got brutally stabbed by the Stand arrow. Thankfully, your will was found worthy, and you awakened a Stand named 『J-E-N-O-V-A』. Yes, after the FFVII one, and yes, you're pronouncing it "Jenova" and not the individual letters. Beyond being shaped like an alien pinecone (a "Mandelbulb"), and possessing some sort of fractal manipulation, you don't really know much about it yet.

After that, you chose to discuss the timeline more with DIO. He knows you're from a future time, but not that you're from a world where he's a fictional character in a comic book series. Nor why exactly you ended up here, but neither do you...He presumes it was part of some plan in his benefit, Fate and Gravity and all that.

You have time to change this world's fate, to minimize the suffering and death in the story you know. You want to stop as much BAD SHIT that happens in the "canon" as you can. But you also want to leave DIO alive. Why? You're not sure about "fixing" him, but to at least redirect his goals to something more beneficial. If good intentions can pave the way to Hell, can evil intentions be steered to the direction of Heaven (without an elaborate plan that resets the world)?

DIO was willing to listen so far, the most relevant item to him being "not killed and pursued by the Joestar bloodline." A truce might even be on the table down the line (pending one full body transplant), but you're the one who has to reach out to said bloodline...

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>>Recall a video you once saw of a pistol shrimp shooting "cavitation bubbles" from its claw. This could at least be proof of concept for another way to weaponize your Stand...but you'd better get as far away in the room as you can before poofing the duplicated air bubbles.
>Recall a video you once saw of a pistol shrimp shooting "cavitation bubbles" from its claw. This could at least be proof of concept for another way to weaponize your Stand...but you'd better get as far away in the room as you can before poofing the duplicated air bubbles.
>Recall a video you once saw of a pistol shrimp shooting "cavitation bubbles" from its claw. This could at least be proof of concept for another way to weaponize your Stand...but you'd better get as far away in the room as you can before poofing the duplicated air bubbles.
>>Recall a video you once saw of a pistol shrimp shooting "cavitation bubbles" from its claw. This could at least be proof of concept for another way to weaponize your Stand...but you'd better get as far away in the room as you can before poofing the duplicated air bubbles.
>Recall a video you once saw of a pistol shrimp shooting "cavitation bubbles" from its claw. This could at least be proof of concept for another way to weaponize your Stand...but you'd better get as far away in the room as you can before poofing the duplicated air bubbles.

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