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Welcome to /t/orrents. Reminder ALL requests belong in >>>/r/

Beginners tl;dr Guide for Torrenting:
There are a lot of clients to choose from, here's a couple: Deluge, BitTorrent, uTorrent, Vuze.

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Japanese Cosplay v77

>Trifecta of free filesharing:
-DDL: links on [javusb, kisscosplaymoe, cosplayjavhdv4 blog, fap-cosplayjav blog, avgle] (use adblocker), mega.nz links on /t/ and UploadBank on LilyW website,
-XDCC: PRIVMSG or QUERY LilyB/Reiuji at same server as #4chan IRC channel (/msg Reiuji !list),
-this thread and the archive
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Thank you my guy

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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1312259 #39

1304480 #38
1297654 #37

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Answer me you pathetic roach >>1320313
Her longest post ever was from last year, I said absolutely nothing about f4m or f4a posts you illiterate esl nigger. Until you find a longer post from any of the years prior don't reply

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Megapack and torrent collections of celebrities
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Nice try, AOC

Hard Boiled

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sauce on that?

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>The Empire Unmasked - Ryan Dawson (2017)


>9/11 Missing Links

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Anyone have a Linda Moulton Howe collection? r just the one about Antarctica and Secrets Beneath the Ice?

Anything about Ayylmaos please.

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Hello /t/ community, I haven't been here in a very long time and I would like to see some educational documentary movies.

Golden rule of the thread;
Do not make a request without contributing something.

Previous deleted thread ;

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had a mild chuckle now that I've watched the documentary

>Gaki no Tsukai, Documental, Wednesday Downtown, Lincoln, Knight Scoop, etc.:

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Remember to check nyaa, forum.holopirates .moe, and mogu.holopirates .moe before requesting (or be publicly shamed by your oshi)

Thread archives:

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Ririka ASMR, and Roara mouse pointer cursor pack would be awesome.

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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever,

*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit

Previous thread >>1309390

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why are you not replying like this to 80% of the stuff shared here?

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vr porn general v8
v7: >>1303718

>I just got a Quest 1/2/3/whatever, how do I X/Y/Z?
HereSphere. HereSphere's DEMO is fully featured, with a nag screen every couple of minutes. If you don't want to pay for it, are annoyed by the nag screen, can't find the APK, or don't care for the extra features, DeoVR is free.
>I just got a Quest 1/2/3/whatever and I don't want to copy files/am too stupid to use SMB/am stupid enough to have tried DLNA?

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mr. chang missed a spot last year

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Post hardware that you are using for torrenting.
Here is mine :
- Intel NUC
- WD Blue 2TB
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gluetunn and transmission in the one docker compose stack
transmission has
>network_mode: service:gluetunn

Orphicbunny Onlyfans - 2.68GB

I just finished with it - She's worth it SEED

192 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
tsunderebeam's sucrose foot and blowjob anyone? I know someone posted here some years ago but I lost it

The biggest gooner collection ever! Over 6 terabytes (24,000+ vids) of porn to fap your life away to! Enjoy ;)

121 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
I've had this in my seedbox for a week now, it's not even downloading. Can someone please send? I'll leave it up until my ratio hits 5 or 10.

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