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My old boss has a not-so-private chat check it out and share your findings

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To anons defense, there was was a time when especially on /b/ indirect nypa request were a now

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What would be the best anti-virus to use if you're going to be downloading exes' from potentially malicious parties? Windows Defender isn't too bad for regular use but during testing it lost to proper AVs when it came to ransomeware and a few malwares.
I know people say just use common sense, but it really just comes down to being unlucky, when torrenting, anyone can put any file they want in it, or the hosting site could be compromised, I just don't want to have to reset my PC and potentially have all my passwords breached.
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most autistic answer on here.
same as saying use a mac. no joke.

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Audiobookbay recently added a feature to disable comments on torrents because people kept making fun of the dogshit political books that get uploaded constantly
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(maybe gore) politically incorrect video - Indian Codex II


long URL magnet exists in Freenet, you can view from Freenet or from Tor using this gateway (if it works) :

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the train section is great

H.265 for smaller download. Over 1000 videos.
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Any in 4k?

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Liz Vicious
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anyone for VSexie? I think her irl name was Vanessa Rand

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Hello there,

just casually updating the torrent i did few years ago,

last update was December '22, i had to skip June '23 so you get a whole year worth of updates,

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i Need this, anon where are you

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just a really bored guy that seeds torrents for fun.
if your torrent needs seeding just post it and I will see what I can do.
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Tara porn collection


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A dump of Adam Lanza's ("CulturalPhilistine") YouTube channel.

Discovered circa 2021.

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Fascinating. He was an evil genius all along? I wonder if Inmendham knows this guy was a fan of his?

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Night of Fire edition

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Is there a similar podcast to this? Something funny but also where they have based thought and opinions, not your typical NPC normie. I used to listen to cumtown but that's over now.

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Just uploaded my first torrent to rutracker
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>stop pretending to be me.
I feel this right now more than anything

/t/'s general thread for television show torrents.

Previous threads:

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Doco series about Aussie Criminals

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>HITOSHI MATSUMOTO presents Documental/FREEZE (subbed and RAW):

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There are two files.

The first is adobe_creative_cloud.zip, a compressed zip archive that contains 19.9 GB of lossless PNG images. These images have randomized dimensions between 512px and 1024px in both width and height. 19.9 GB just so happens to be short of the 20 GB limit of the default Adobe Creative Cloud storage provided at their introductory level. These random garbage noise images maximize damage done to AI during training. In addition to poisoning, which causes generated results to misalign with the intent of the prompter; these images exist to reduce generated image quality. When image generating AI trains on noisy images, they become grainy, blurry, hallucinate content, or and generate random content.

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torrent seems to be dead. ive been waiting for a while and im still stuck on fetching metadata

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Electric Light Orchestra torrent;
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Velvet Goldmine (1998)

In 1984, British journalist Arthur Stuart investigates the career of 1970s glam superstar Brian Slade, who was heavily influenced in his early years by hard-living and rebellious American singer Curt Wild.


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