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Adult books, magazines, sleaze novels.
If it's written porn I want it
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I remember trying one of these and it kept devolving into strangling girls.

I'm in the mood to watch some war movies.

The first one for tonight is this one:

The Beast / Beast of War (1988) 1080p 1.82GB

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Casualties of War (1989) (EXTENDED 1080p BluRay x265)

This one moved me emotionally when I was young. Most of all I saw after that was just pathos, action and entertainment.
Btw. A few weeks ago in cinemas around they showed the director's cut of Apocalypse Now (I saw it for the first time). Yes, yes - it's the same genre of war film as above - it stays in your head for a long time.


First time creating a torrent. Hope it works.

Larkin Love (56GB) - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78e2c1a61662babb6b7fae0a47ceb1039986f7b4&dn=Larkin%20Love&tr=http%3A%2F%2F59.36.96.77%3A6969%2Fannounce
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She got injections. You can see the dimples made from the injections sites when she does twerking.

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Doesn't include the girl in the pic, feel free to share more pablo lapierta anal castings if you have


feel free to complete the collection
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Gross latinas

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This one is one of the best imo. I hope to acrue as much vintage porn movies because they're low in size and feels like watching an actual movie

If anyone has large colections they want to share please feel free.

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>feels like watching an actual movie

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they are very difficult to find nowadays, stuff like pic related
Pirate Fetish Machine series
Private etc...
there are many studios who made great stuff like this in the early 2000s

old (new) school porn with latex, leather, proper lighting, reasonable camera work, some work going into the setting/aesthetic (not the rich girl house, yacht or couch seen in a gazillion modern porns), women dressed for the occasion etc...

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Where the japanese squid/octopii porn at?

/mommy/ for fans of pov taboo roleplay videos.

BTS edition
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pretty sure I saw more recent clips where she didn't have it

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Post rips of movies, shows and animation captured off these vintage formats for that nostalgic, comfy vibe and also for archival purposes

Please state the source used if possible.

Previous thread:
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Does anyone has a HQ version of the To be or Not to Be (Hitler rap) 1983 music video?
I've been searching for a while and everything only points to the music itself, not the music video (and most torrents that could have it were dead)
The highest quality I found was this video (with text on top)
But other crappier versions don't have the text of top like this one

Is the pirate bay still good?
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>wouldnt count on that to be super trustworthy then
As with anything you have to use your own discretion. No magnet aggregator is 100% safe.

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Includes the anime in better quality ([2048x1152), manga, novel, and soundtrack.

I found someone that recently made a remaster of this classic, and I decided to help him spread it around. However we didn't have luck registering on sites, they are either broken, we don't get verification mail, or the rules prohibit only uploading a single torrent. As a last resort I'm posting it here so you degenerates can judge it for yourself.

Some words from the author (full info in file info.md):

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I need to see 24fps anime interpolated to 29fps

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Hey /t/

I recently started dicking around with SVT-AV1 and ended up encoding the entirety of South Park and wanted to share it with you all.

First of all, this would not have been possible without Joy, who originally encoded and seeded the files in H265. Secondly, the main goal of this repack is size reduction. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look like shit, it's almost the same quality as Joy's repack, but at less than 1/3 the size. Thirdly, I did this on my own and it's my first time doing this, so if you notice anything to improve let me know.

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Fuck porn threads

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Liz Vicious
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Yeah, there's actually no 't' so my bad.
erome. com/poindixter
I just copy/pasted that time. Delete the space of course.

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216 videos || 427gb

I spent way too much time putting this together.

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>Not gonna go to Yandex to read fkn moon runes. Where is this pic from?
Found the source that way but maybe you and moon runes have some things to sort out so whatever

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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever.

*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit.

Previous thread >>1318890

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Being a hypocrite and continuing to flood this board with way too much porn.

> Hypno Matrix a unity based sissy hypno game
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came here to look for this as well

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