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Why did the Cyberpunk genre never really hit video games? In the 80s and 90s every sci-fi film, novel or media had cyberpunk elements.

Besides Dues Ex and Cyberpunk 2077 (and a few small indie games) its never really caught on in gaming. Why? It seems like it would be more popular for Noir style mystery games especially.
capitalism killed it. The genre was getting too much right about corporate control so capitalism had to bury it
Are you being retarded on purpose?
The only corporations that fit the evil megacorporation trope are State owned ones.
Many she's and ps1 era games had Cyberpunk elements, at least visually.

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another thread so anons can post lobbies and play together
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You keep trying to push this wedge, but I really don't care. I'm just here to defend Earth with my bros.
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>he boughtded the indie version of hd2
Dude actually thinks people are so stupid they'll turn on each other with just 1 low quality retarded meme
i like both
we should purge xenoscum together
>helldivers 1, fun game for gamers
>got along fine with edf, people doesn't flame each other
>helldivers 2, infested with trannies and activists
>constantly goes out of their way to shit on edf
really makes you think

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ITT the best vidya ambience music

i.e. music that's specifically about conveying the feeling of a location or time of day/year, as opposed to theme songs, characters themes, action/battle themes etc.

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This is peak Fallout atmosphere

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You want to sharpen your weapon? Well... it's a consumable item!
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I do
this but unironically
I like World and Rise a lot, but I do really miss having to properly prepare for shit. Honestly I don't see why they even took the little bit of time to add all the consumables to the newer games; they're never really needed until master rank, and even then the majority are almost entirely useless. Should've just gone full arcade hack-n-slash at that point. Add some quicktime button mashing cutscene events like GoW, normies would've eaten that up. My point being that they should've just done a full overhaul of the franchise instead of pretending the new games have anything to do with "hunting".
Just remove camp refills. That's the biggest reason.
I did not care for World.

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>PvE skill tree mode cancelled
>PvE campaign cancelled after 3 missions (~45 minutes of gameplay
>now they're prepping to revert 5v5
What was the point of Overwatch "2" exactly? Outside of cosmetic shit, the only differences between the old content release schedule and now is that they do more event and they are making new gamemodes. Almost makes me wonder if they're going to rebrand to just "Overwatch"
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They're making money now, but they actually sunk a fuckton into Overwatch 2, allegedly doubling the size of the dev team to get no tangible results
>What was the point of Overwatch "2" exactly?
Switching the monetization model to something even more predatory.
this desu, I still remember that one guy who did the math and even an account who only owned most cosmetics from OW1, which you could have 100% earned by just playing during events, suddenly became "worth" like $12k
This game has five years left max, lol
Too many alternatives out and emerging
>go back to 6v6
Will be completely pointless if they go back to forcing 2/2/2 Tank/DPS/Support meta.

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Overwatch 2 is free and on Steam. You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.
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Subsections of gamers would eat it right up, yummy yummy waifu shaped dirt!
>coomer appeal
>first person game

Worthless argument. Play Fortnite.
I will now eat your dirt
Imagine being such a colossal faggot that you can't use tags and bitch instead.
not gay. what is gay is getting an older dommy mommy trans gf and having her destroy your butthole every night without a condom. that's very gay.
>t. has an older dommy mommy trans gf that destroys his butthole every night without a condom

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If you had to choose one of these girls for marriage and reproduction for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
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>tossup between Maya and Franziska
I admire your eclectic taste
One if for hugs and kisses, the other one is for pegging
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She might not be that hot but she pings the cute scale pretty hard.
That's just because of the headband and tracksuit that barely shows how she looks. But she's probably pretty ripped since she wore that restraint system the whole time.
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>bright ray of sunshine who only wants to spread joy to everyone around her
>even when she's crying on the inside
I would take a bullet for this armpit angel

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In just got a 4080 super what’s a good game with Ray tracing?
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>Buyening a 1k card

It was worth it for the sloppa.
Why not just buy a 1080 Ti for $200 off eBay?
because i am a consoomer

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Looks okay. Not sure if Takeuchi Ryoma could actually pull off a definitive Kiryu though.

They adapted the original Yakuza 1 story, right?

>game has difficult choices
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I'm ready to have my brain blown out, your cat on the other hand...
>browns see an adorable baby
>immediately imagine themselves poisoning them (they don’t actually do shit)
lol why are they so subhuman?
>game tells you evil choice will give you more rewards
>good choice gives you almost as much
Based. Keep defending local wild life anon.

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How do we fix too who?
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im mpreg
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who is the cuter boy Miko or Mokou
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shit game
Well that's what it is called.

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It's been five years since Three Houses, how do you feel about where the franchise is now?
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Still salty the “gameplay” thread got auto’d


not claude
kinda surprised it took as long as it did considering a good few of the initial posts were clearly just self-bumps

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This is my team so far. What do you think?

Today I started my journey to Snowpoint city and headed into the snowy area which is my favourite area in the game. Because grass is weak to ice, I put Rapunzel in the reserve for now and put Evo back on the team, i then caught a Sneasel that I named FrostBite however I would unfortunately lose Tails to the hail during a fight with a trainer which it's be a while since a pokemon has died and now one has died. I decided to fill the void left by Tails death with FrostBite and I would go on to catch two more ice types, a Snorunt I named Jack and a Snover I named Yeto. I then make it to Snowpoint city.

Any advice for the next gym leader Candice?
which one is your favorite
Slit your wrist
does ur sneasel have faint attack? her frosslass has snowcloak ability so having perfect accuracy super effective move should help. it should outspeed too
based, hippowdon love
it's a fun way to replay pokemon while keeping your brain active if you're not a turbo autist
>Any advice for the next gym leader Candice?

Use your fire type you fucking retard.

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Will you die for a robot? Yes or no?
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Robots can’t really die if I can just back them up. This is like saying me deleting a file is murder. Human live and robot life do not play on the same rule set. No that Bethesda has the skill to lay that rule set out
Why don't you Pax these nuts, cueball?
I don't see any pax romana in your screenshot.
Sorry I don’t speak fag, say that in English
Bad question, I'm not dying regardless.

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This is the deal. You perform an act of great evil in my thread, and I'll pop open.
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I think Skibidi Biden was comedic genius and watch it every day.
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I called her a She Goat to her face
I have used a child to kill his own father with timed tnt bundle in Fallout 2
also sold Myron into slavery but I suppose that is a good deed
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bing.com /create
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9S is hot even like this
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Zoomers don't even know how big the Tamagotchi was
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I asked for a laptop for Christmas and got this one.
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apparently it was common for scumbag steves always had these
Phil was a cool guy

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How hard is it to play a Hatsune Miku rhythm games on a Friday?
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Do YOU know Hatsune Miku?
Download Miku with the app!
The consequences of a dominos contract deal.
Playing the long game.
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I need to jack off tonight
Do you think Miku is the same person in all of differennt depiction or there are multiple Miku with distinct personality/different person?

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>ruins powerstancing in your path
Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games nerf every build into the ground until there's like 2-3 left by the end.
You'd think the point of balance patches would be to increase build variety, but apparently not.
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I'm the guy he's arguing with. There were no bosses that had NO safe windows. It's just that some endgame bosses had some combos that couldn't be reliably punished, and it was really frustrating waiting long ass times to get a single hit when you could use a katana and get in at least 3x the hits.
>can't help but keep responding but blames the other's "compulsion to post"
the difference here is that I am doing so to see the triple down, and so far you've delivered. you post without thought or care, going so far to use the same "no u" argument you mocked not one post before this one. Maybe if you keep repeating
>u mad
you'll get that epic bantz win you oh so desperately desire, but can never obtain due to incompetence.
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I don't see a single mention of powerstancing in the patch notes
Are you dumb, or am I?
>when anon said greatswords he didn't mean greatswords but certain colossal weapon
I will never forgive From for naming entire group of weapons Greatswords, then making a Greatsword that is colossal sword.
Looks like Rakshasa blade

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