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Overwatch 2 is free and on Steam. You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.
>you can eat dirt for FREE right now, you literally have no excuse!
Saaaars do the needful and play blizzard
Why the fuck would i ever touch this after seeing how they've fucked over their own players? It's like these companies think we aren't paying attention lmao. If I'm curious about your game but then hear about literally any controversy I will very likely just skip on your game. There are millions of games out there I'm not going to be hung up on one that might up fucking me over
They ruined the matchmaking balance since season 9

Season 8 I was GM and more importantly matches were fair

I've been diamond ever since and every match is a total random toss-up of former GM players and retards.

Idc about the actual rank, I just want fair matches.
But what if I drew a picture of an attractive lady in the dirt?
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For me it's Zarya
Can I acquire cosmetics from playing the game again?
don't mind if I do :)
did not read your post, kys
Has anyone ever been convinced to play a game because someone on v made a coomthread about it? I can't imagine anyone falling for that other than turdworlders.
Why would I want to play a game that attracts turdworlders?
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What's our opinion on 6v6 coming back?
It's fine if they're both part of your harem, anon.
I'll play when the alleged 6v6 returns

I might play again because of it.
i'll play when they remove role lock
Make a thread when they get rid of a phone number requirement.
Why is shilling like this not banned yet?
>s-silly goy, the game is FREE*, its not shilling if its f2p ;)
Did they fix the monetization system and bring back lootboxes?
>no PvE ever
No thanks hoss.
ass is safe horny
so is your mom LOL
what a retarded ass run
I don’t have to invest time into a shit game to masturbate to the girls.
they got rid of DEI so it's cool to give them your money now
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>release ass hero when player numbers are in free fall to try and bait some coomers back
they're in the process of baking DEI into the company's structure aka BRIDGE
this is a good bait post but still posting to spoonfeed retards
I will now play your game.
no they didn't. they just renamed it. it's still the same Jewish tricks
>it's free
No it's not. You pay by wasting your free time.
Why do they keep making sexy characters if they don't want ppl making pr0n of them?
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I want to BE Mercy!
I only care about the porn
im never going back to the game
haven't played since the first season of the first game when i reached it was hot garbage
I'll literally pay you more than blizzard to stop making these threads.
I played it a bunch when it was new and I feel like I've been done with it for a long time now.
okay, how do i play in auto pilot on slow motion mode in third person so i can just strangle my willy to juno?
I got a 2 week suspension that ends on August 4th
there's an open queue mode where everyone plays 3tank/2support
I exclusively play Lucio in that mode.
what'd you do
Told a Hanzo player I hope his future daughter becomes one of edp's victims
Excuse? I have no excuse, what I have is a reason.
I dont play woke garbage.
oooh you mentioned this in another thread KEK
i just play with chats off and i haven't eaten a ban yet
they look sub af
Last time I got toxic it was just a chat mute. Gonna try to not get banned permanently since I actually do enjoy playing this game
It's a bad game, somehow worse than the original, and I didn't even like the original.
I would only play overwatch 2 if their dicks came out of the screen and made me suck them
last time I tried it it played like shit. There's no punch to the weapons and enemy impact is almost non-existent.
This is what people who brag about not playing the game jerk it to? Christ
how's it funny? i just want an immersive experience
coomers have always been a blight
yes they're all trannies
At least have higher standard
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we keep many threads alive though
i am a man
Which girl do you think would be the biggest
i will suck you off
I am hard as a rock now
And I'll take them all
Tranny game for fags amd browns.
No thanks.
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for me its this bwc queen
dibs on sombra
Oh ya can't wait to play more fucking snap tap shimmer flying bullshit.
>8 years later and /v/ still making these shit low quality Overwatch threads
>tfw you are a cartoon character floating alongside juno's rear end in slow motion
>tfw her rear end's aroma has completely enchanted you
For me? It’s topping JQ.
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Is Overwatch Classic out yet
It requieres a telephone number. I have no telephone number because I do not use any cellphone and I do not even have a hardphone at my place.

Without it I can't play Overwatch.
Does it really, now? Grim times these days indeed.
Cannot wait for the blender animations fellas. Absolutely stoked.
Kill yourself.
You can't even see this in game, what is the point?
No. They literally can't go back to 6v6 because the new engine is so poorly optimized that the Nintendo Switch wouldn't be able to handle 6v6.
Ugh... Quite pungent indeed my dear. Was that... *snifffffff* eggs I smell? Ah yes, exquisite.
>he doesn't pick Torb and then follow the supports around at ass height
If you make enough dirt drawings i bet you could get the gacha fags to pay for it
How do I play this Marvel game?
>that one webm where the Play of the Game was torbjorn looking at widow's ass while his turret got a Team Kill
im just too old and based to play a game like this with a bunch of annoying fags.
the game is pretty good though
>all these years of doomposting
>blizz releases one sexy DEI character
>all forgiven
>infinite ammo
hard pass
Proof that chuds never buy anything, why even cater if all they do is bitch and whine.

Literally the most hottest character and nobody wants to play.
gonna munch a bit just to spite the antidirtfags
Only betas get led around by their dick from product to product, you're just an infant going from toy to toy
which overwatch girl has the biggest dick?
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grade A fuckmeat
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Why are there so many actual faggots on /v/ who get triggered by fictional lesbos?
All LGBTP get the rope
So when are you hanging yourself?
They are bisexual
The fuck is the point if you only play as the mech suit?
>you're like me!
No sorry groomer
>acts like a faggot
>only reply is a 'no u'
No, I'm not a faggot. But you totally are one.
You just got done using "no u", retard.
Try again when you don't have some coomer brain fog.
Not so much the attraction to women as it is the bitchy attitude people write those characters with.
Wish I could find it. Definitely a top PoTG moment.
give me one (1) good excuse why you shouldn’t be eating dirt right now
Experts say it's bad for you, trust the science chuddie
Honestly as long as the dirt remotely resembles an anime girl I'll eat as much dirt as Japan wants me to
Least pathetic coomer.
why should I care when I see REAL ass every day when I get off from work?
I love Japanese cartoons
Nigga, I hope you are just pretending to be this retarded.
One day we'll round up all of you LGBTP and put you in death camps
Guys! Lust Goddess is free and on Steam! Go now and play a true f2p gacha that totally doesn't cheat right before your very eyes! It's fun, fair and balanced!!!
it's not fun
D.va x Brigitte
Zarya x Mei
Tracer x Widowmaker
Pharah x Mercy

And now I will leave this thread.
No thanks. I haven't played a Blizzard game in 10+ years. They are a terrible megacorp that makes shitty games for the masses. Hard pass. Also I'm not a pathetic beta virgin who needs all of his games hyper sexualized.
Shut the FUCK up, tranny freak.
>shilling this hard because of marvel rivals
lol blizzcucks shills are so sad.
Really? is mcree still there or...?
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It's filled with literal shit-eating faggots, marysue congoids, and Chinese CCP worshipping cheating faggots who abuse auto-aim and cool-down skipping the moment they start to lose.
Go back to ribbit, nigger.
Again with the projection.
>t.ranny faggot
which one has a penis?
Yes we already know that you are one.

Gerard Way literally created Penni Parker and he said he made her to "Capitalize on Evangelion fans"

How souless can one person be? So shamelessly contrived. That's like saying "duhh, Pokemon is pretty popular so I duhh- uhh I made Pikachu Spiderman durr"
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it's not a run she's sliding

They renamed him Cassidy and made him a huge faggot
It is scientifically proven that all yuricucks are trannies.
I tried to get into it, but it's kinda boring, too time-consuming, and I'm not a fan of style. I liked Fortnite more, but still not enough to play it nowadays, way too much content I dislike.
I get it they try to throw in everything to have some bait for everyone, but I'd rather play solo games that have 100% content I like, than games that have 5% content I like just to be more social.
>food analogy
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>thinking everything that can be eaten is food
Give me 5k freedom bucks a month for the rest of my life and I will play your tranny game.
>You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.
They asked for my phone number. They can fuck off.
I don't waste my time on shit
Peak redditor trying too hard to fit in.
Fun fact, trannies like to try and psyop anything into it being tranny related. So, you coming out of the woodworks to just yell, tranny that tranny this is just something that trannies do. AKA, you're the tranny.
Also, majority of troon shit is male x tranny. Which is just two faggots who're in denial.
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"Let us Doxx you in real life when our bullshit game filled with a diverse cast of faggots enrages you until saying some nono words, goyim!"
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Fun fact, /pol/chuds like to try and psyop anything into it being politix related, AKA they're trannies
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SAAR please
I don’t know what pajeets have to do with overwatch but I’d rather be a shit eating jeet than a shit eating marvel fan. Capeshit and Star Wars has ruined entertainment. Every god damn day there’s new marvel slop or SW shit. How do you faggots CONTINUE to care about comic books and a series that should have ended after the first trilogy.
Shit game
>Have sexy designs
>In first person game
>Only other players can enjoy your character's sex appeal
You are literally being cucked by the camera
>You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now
Juno isn't out yet. That's my excuse.
all the heroes are free and unlocked from the first moment I login?
>he himself brings up faggots out of nowhere when someone tells him to fuck of with his gay shit
>starts crying when someone else brings up trannies
Kek what a hypocritical tranny bitch.
The porn is free and on pornhub, why the fuck would I play the game?
>MFW I would rather just play the Guild Wars 2 because all of the dumb objectively shitty employees got fired by the NC Soft
It feels good, lads.
Nobody is playing your immensely hated flop of a game you shill, even for free.
Only if you have playtime from Overwatch 1. You have to unlock heroes if it's your first time playing.
>muh reddit
You're the one who defended the LGBTP in the first place
>out of nowhere
Based tranny faggot trying to saveface.
This pic is so cute and reminds me of me and my gf (mtf). Mind if I save this one, xister?
is not about the IP, or the fans, is about the better game, looks better and PLAYS better, thats all
ur either so proud or stupid to realize or ur shilling the game for rupees for a sinking company
>You literally have no excuse for not playing it right now.
I have one. I don't play shit games
>b-but muh new coombait character saved le west
I don't give a shit you retarded shit munching obnoxious coomer animal, the game is still fucked and probably beyond repair. Them going back to 6v6 is only one tiny small step to make the game somewhat better and closer to it's golden age.
You are doing this because your boss said to or you go back on the streets
hnghhh wish i had an OW friend to let me goon to their character
GOD I wish that were me
Not that anon, but:
>looks better
I'd incline to agree
>PLAYS better
Maybe in design sure, but it is still unpolished as fuck and feels like a game that was originally mobile and ported to PC. Maybe give Marvel Rivals time to get better, but it feels less polished than that Gundam OW clone at times.
Based, fuck yuritroons.
Get a key from someone already in or get a drop from watching Twitch streams
Overwatch sucks
Overwatch porn sucks
you suck
Just a worse dva if we're being honest. But if you want to hitch your wagon to china feel free
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Trying way too hard
Nobody is gonna forget this is pozzed tranny shit
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That's the complete truth, yet honestly? Their coombait game is kinda weak. It's like they wanted to bait coomers back but they're still in the aftermath of the blizzard workplace scandal, so they couldn't make an actually sexy character. Yeah, bodysuit, yeah, ass, yeah, skating movement, but they didn't drop another Widowmaker. Even from 1 to 2 they nerfed Widowmaker and removed the deep vneck. Nerfed Tracer too, see >>683815972.

This sounds like coomer rambling but I have a point here. I'm trying to say is that there are other companies making games that have the same appeal as overwatch gameplay-wise RIGHT NOW, and there's no scandal or internal corporate backlash stopping those companies from printing coombait. Juno isn't any big change in their design philosophy/restrictions, she's way waaay too safe to accomplish what you're suggesting they're trying to do.
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Her OW1 model didn't change you're just retarded and don't know how anatomy works despite spending all day looking at naked people.

The skins in OW aren't just texture swaps btw. That's why OW2 Dva has a bigger ass but if you use the OW1 skins it's not. Both exist in the game.
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wow it's actually amazing
Do you not eat food? How do you not understand a food analogy?
Sure, OW2 is still playing coombait too safe for it to be any kind of unironic player holding strategy.
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>posts the OW1 skin
Okay, faggot.
>entirely leg planck length ass
Wrong, but a point made: Even the legs are thicker in the OW2 model. It's a straight upgrade.
The average anon sees this as a food analogy
I see this as a suicide invitation
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I'm tired.
Yes. I have. But only if the person is legit and not an obvious marketing shill. Also, in the case of actiblizz, their own employees told me not to play the game.
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I love being a healer!
Everything I want out of this franchise could already be found on free adult sites.
As someone who's eaten dirt I'm pretty sure it's on par with overwatch. Meaning it's not good or fun and kind of a waste of time that you contemplate why youre even doing it in the first place
>Overwatch 2
This whole game's existence is a scam
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So is Psychopomp, a game that isn't corporate goyslop.
Does healing earth count as dirt? I've eaten that before.
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Dogshit you found on your lawn is free. You literally have no excuse for not eating it right now.
Nigga they better be paying me to play it
hypnotizing sometimes I wonder how a super AI might kill us all one day, shutting down our brain processes just by making us look at some image or video seems strangely appealing, just imagine having a kill switch in your brain you're not even aware of
um, can you mod characters to look like this ingame?
>trys to talk about state of the game
>the last four replies
bot thread
Will play only for her
>body type
How does a buff woman count more that a fucking dwarf?
Blizzard doesn't make video games, they make subversive propaganda
It doesn't run on Windows 7, that is a hard pass.
So when is 6v6 coming back? I'll try it then.
No, and any attempt to will get you perma banned
no wonder OW sucks so much
>still no snuff porn if tracer being fucked, killed, and rewound in various ways
Come on humanity, you can be more degenerate than this
Season 13 so November
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I'm not a nigger I don't care about asses
Well what's your excuse?
that he doesn't eat dirt? what was even the point of this response
>Buy OW1
>Blizzard delete OW1 and replace it with OW2
>OW2 is F2P
>I have to buy bundles and passes like everyone else even though I bought the game for full price

Can someone explain to me how is that not a money getting stolen?
You got exactly what you paid for.
First post best post

the only thing I need from overwatch is the r34, class based team shooters are for retards with no skill, no reflexes, no map awareness, and thumbs for all 5 fingers
>sets money on fire
>money burns away into ash in the window
>"I've been robbed!"
Hah no
>class based team shooters are for retards with no skill, no reflexes, no map awareness, and thumbs for all 5 fingers
post gameplay of you playing tf2 please, thanks
So do you play quake or are you larping?
I played that shit, until I watched the developer commentary and one dev said "well we had originally planned to have 9 different types of grenades, one for each class just like tfc, but we realized our playtesters were dying to them too much without knowing what happened so we removed them completely."
Yeah, great game design, hire retards to test your game and then dumb it down for your average mouth breather, I never played that piece of shit since then, and I bought the fucking orange box.
What have they done since then to increase the skill ceiling? Oh right, hats, and a littany of weapons all of which shoot a cone because aiming is too hard and was removed in development.
I mean I used to, quake live was fun for a bit, quake champions was a complete fucking dumpster fire as inspired by the insipid cancer that is class-based press-one-button-to-get-free-kills dogshit for retards. The unreal tournament circa 2012-2014 ish was fun so they killed it obviously, it did not have instakill instawin zero aim buttons and your average retard will quit a shooter the second he goes through a round with 0 kills because his "class" doesnt "counter" anything for free kills.
I tried playing cs2 but I stood in a hallway with an awp and got 5 kills because AI for cs1.6 was smarter than your average cs2 player
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This is simple bait but this user has no idea of what a C-tap is, which is super simple nowadays, and he's just a baiting nigger.
Photoshoped as fuck
wish there was some good zarya x JQ content
Now that you mention it
Is there any threesome featuring jq getting her holes filled up by road and rat cock?
So you don't play the genre you love so much that's much better than all of the modern goyslop hero shooters?
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I'd trade all the Overwatch porn produced if it meant the game would return to how fun it was during open beta.
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I've long accepted games of skill are dead and modern gamers are retards that I don't want to play with.
It's just me and ultrakill and neonwhite now when I want some taste of the glory days.
And I don't consider tf2 or ow2 any less goyslop than calladooty, they're both the same shit you can throw 40 different guns into a game with 5000 attachments the fucking thing can never hit the center of the screen 3 times in a row anyway so who the fuck cares what the aestetic looks like.
>And I don't consider tf2 or ow2
i can't take anybody who says they're a seasoned arena shooter player yet can't discern the difference in game design between ow2 and tf2 seriously
Oh, okay. I was just curious if you actually played any of the games you touted as superior in every single way to hero shooters, but I guess you don't actually play them.
I suppose one doesn't have instakill abilities stolen straight out of dota, doesn't mean it takes skill
quake 3 is 25 years old and I've been playing it since I was 9, I have over 5000 hours in that shit, no I don't play it anymore, it's not out of a lack of love for the game but a lack of content, I know every map and every powerup timing like the back of my hand.
I refuse to play Blizzard games
Sounds like you enjoy eating dirt, have fun playing OW2.
>I suppose one doesn't have instakill abilities stolen straight out of dota, doesn't mean it takes skill
You have no notion of nuance, and you are probably lying on the internet which is quite sad.
I bet you've never formed a single opinion of your own either, which speaks about either how incapable you are, or how spineless you actually are. Quite sad.
I'm kinda annoyed Overwatch 2 is going to be aesthetically better in character designs (for the most part now) but is going to be an unfun piece of shit against Deadlock.

Deadlock genuinely looks like a roster of shit and turds.
Ivy is hotter than anyone in OW
the game is pozzed trash and not worth playing even if you're payed
You're right. overwatch is closer to if you were to take counterstrike, add dota abilities, remove all sense of relfex or skill, and sell it to the masses
TF2 is more like world of warcraft combat where you just generally need to look in the direction of your enemy and click auto attack
Does that help?
For the record, having played both, overwatch takes more skill, because despite the dota abilities it actually has a few weapons that can hit the center of the screen.
Also apex has a higher skill ceiling than both, and is still shit.
Also make all the dumbfuck bets you want I'm not here to validate your stupidity.
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all Blizz games should be free if you think about it. If only there was a way to make that happen
>i was okay with it until someone told me i was retarded
weird flex but ok
99% of Junker and Zarya art is futa garbage because artists are faggots and muscular women are inevitably casualties to futa
I wasn't fine with it, I thought it was meh and vastly inferior to tfc.
>no destruction
>baby artstyle
>weapons don't require any skill, all weapons that could be aimed were removed
>secondary weapons were a joke (fixed a bit after they added shit like the flare gun) so really you only have 1 gun which puts it at half the number of guns you get in cawwadooty and 1/10th the number of guns you get in quake
the reason I was sitting around in developer commentary was because less than a month after buying the orange box I had cleared episode 2, portal, and gotten bored of tf2.
so you played a game you thought was shit....and only stopped when someone revealed you were retarded

Anon if gamers didn't spend half their time justifying why they wasted $60 on a shit game nintendo and sony would be out of business.
I wanted to get my money's worth, and didn't
Built for BBC.
Never needed an excuse to not want to play shit.
grim. i didnt
I look like this
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is futa straight or gay
>Futa sub, smaller girl dom
>Futa anything else
Depends, is she the dominant one, pegging? If so gay
But if it's a pov of fucking a futa in the ass while she tittyfucks herself and busts in her own mouth then it's straight
If the futa girls are muscular and have cartoonishly huge cocks, then it's very gay.
it's good
dont care, want one to give me triplets
depends on whether you consider futa a whole separate biological gender or just the combination of male and female
if it's another gender then it's not gay unless it's futa on futa
if it's male + female it's always gay
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has the amount of male parts gone down? not gay
has the amount of male parts gone up? it's gay
simple as. if you're replacing a guy with a futa that's objectively more feminine. wait this topic fucking sucks
I think guys who like dominant futas with big cocks are weird asf
Futas should be submissive only with tiny pp
All the right wingers I know like the big dick futas so I'm concerned for them
I'm waiting for Juno to drop, I already finished the BP
>Porn models are already out for Juno
Alright what are some fetishes/scenario's you'd like to see with her?
Wait, are her skins out yet?
>rigel got updated 2 days ago
sure thing bud
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Her skins are not out yet. The model that's been released and edited is just her base one.
>the helmet stays ON
i can tell from just looking at the artwork and characters that the game is dogshit, all the gameplay ive seen just looks like a total clusterfuck and really bad. like a somehow worse version of valorant.
tf2 is much better
Of course it stays on
how else are you gonna recognise that it's her?
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>heard that the porn is good
>look for myself
>it's all futa shit
>or widowmaker BBC
>or mercy BBC
>or a combination of both

I hate to agree with coomers, but you're totally right. There's other coombait games out there with legitimately fun gameplay and little to no sex scandals behind the scenes of their greedy little jewish corporations. Probably not jewish, but you get the point, I'd rather eat dirt like it was suggested earlier in the thread, than to spend another second of my life consuming anything related to Overwatch
the only people who play overwatch are cuckolds, I mean anyone who plays a game made by blizzard is a cuck
Or milk drinkers
Sorry anon. Busy playing Caesar 3.
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i like video games
got 'em
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Paladins is also free and on Steam :^)
Sorry, they were built for it
Is it gay to want to be a woman with a huge dick?
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good morning saar
No, it's 100% straight.
Subsections of gamers would eat it right up, yummy yummy waifu shaped dirt!
>coomer appeal
>first person game

Worthless argument. Play Fortnite.
I will now eat your dirt
Imagine being such a colossal faggot that you can't use tags and bitch instead.
not gay. what is gay is getting an older dommy mommy trans gf and having her destroy your butthole every night without a condom. that's very gay.
>t. has an older dommy mommy trans gf that destroys his butthole every night without a condom
Love that french kiss. Are there any more animations that put extra detail in the kissing? Most of the porn is just plap plap plap, not actual sensitive stuff.
she's a woman, she's always getting topped
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>all those 5v5 shills that wasted two years of their lives defending a shit game mode now got BTFO pull by the devs
kys shill
>The unreal tournament circa 2012-2014 ish was fun so they killed it obviously,
is ut4 dead? pretty sure they are STILL doing multiple styles of tournaments to this day and the best guy from there just became the best valorant player within the last year
Can you not read?
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>5v5 shills are fucking devastated
>Also apex has a higher skill ceiling than both, and is still shit.
every top aimer i know has either quit in the last 2 years or went back to old arena shooters using discord for pugs/cups because apex became yet another game ruined by controller aim assist
Whatever this new character is called has a bigger, better ass than Widowmaker.
Your tard wrangler isn't doing their job I see.
God I love wobbling butts.
It doesn't matter, she'll have a fat ass in the inevitable SFM porn all the same. But just to be clear, what you just said is not true. If you're so sure prove it, and prove it with official models.
>one of edp's victims
who or what is edp?
The proof is literally right there in the fucking OP.
Widowmaker has a very shapely, nice ass but characters like Mei and now this one clearly have a bigger one. Maybe even D.Va after her Overwatch 2 buff.
this character isn't in the game anymore and when she is in the game you will never get to play her because the other support player in your party WILL insta lock her because she is literally the only fun support in the game.
>characters like Mei
Yes, but I don't know why you're bringing her up.
>and now this one
No, it's smaller.
>No, it's smaller.
You don't want the burden of proof, I don't want the burden of proof, neither of us care to dig into official models, whatever. I'll just restate that I'm not impressed with the dumpy and move on.
Fuck off Blizzard PR Man
for crying out loud it's not like she's a stick
that her bodytype is the way that it is is why she's popular at all
so pointless to change it
>fair matches
>fps game that is years past its prime
You're lucky you got what you got, you carry retards or you join the secret club custom games with the other jaded vets who are dead inside.
you shills are pretty desperate i'd say
I have anxiety about being thrown into a new game where how well I do also effects other player's experience.

Like I dont even fucking know how to play the game, and you are going to throw me into a match where I'm supposed to know how to:
>play a role
>know the map
>when to push objective and when to hold
>general gamesense

All the first fucking match I have, and 4 other people are counting on me for this info and to work with them towards objectives and coordinate pushes? Man fuck that, way to much investment to just start the fucking game and learn controls and get a feel for how to play.
One nice ass doesn't delete the dogshit gameplay, dogshit map "design", LGBT shit and the extremely jewish OW>OW2 change.
No thanks.
effpie beepie
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At least wait until Juno is actually out before promoting the game. It'll be about another month
Why does it take forever for new heroes to release anyways? 3 heroes per year is kinda slow
you must understand, they're a small indie company
Welcome to FPS past 2015, it's all tiny-team-size objective based matches where knowing what to do or expect is even more important than doing mechanically well. It's one of the main things that make it an ASSFAGGOTS FPS, which was already one of the more degenerate genres.

Blizzard especially has always been fairly retarded when it came to player expectation, they make games/game modes with all the veneer of being casual but if you play casually you ruin everyone's time including yours, and they never make an effort to teach players how to actually play their shitty game.
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dis nigga spittin
For me, it's Symmetra
dirt is rocks
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>use tags
>half of the porn is gone
>Overwhelmingly negative
Oof. Pass.

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