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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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retard edition
79 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
anyone know the story with this one?
what was the desired end result here?
>not my problem
Gracias doctor
Lil Dicky has seen better days

2d/3d no irl shit
280 replies and 217 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Women being women
225 replies and 63 images omitted. Click here to view.
you just know he's gonna kill her eventually
blacked chungus when?
absent or indifferent father?
that's a lot of talk for a manjaw in her 30s
what did she do? be white?

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1.77 MB MP4
159 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
thats all Amish.
Men and Women.
Both sexes pull their own weight in Amish society. There's no division/hatred between the two.
it's very healthy.
Too busy filming to defend his own home
>not because it was atheist
Wrong! The soviet union failed because it's was economically corrupt, socially anti-theist regime,
They prosecuted any form of belief , which is an unrealistic goal and rather counterproductive.
This is reason the west was thriving in comparison,
Westerners were allowed to think, but that has been slowly changing.
imagine the grip
Random dude. You thi k IRS only goes after people they know personally? And yes the would. But keep spewing out BS, your only making yourself look dumb. Theres a reason why they just hired 1,100 armed agents.

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I just think it's a cute combo
44 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
>or wouldn't that work, since most of them like the abuse?
Even though they tend to like the abuse, it would be VERY easy to make a trans girl cry on camera and have a meltdown like in some of those famous facialabuse/efukt videos

>t. tranny who has had meltdowns during sex that probably would have been hot to you fuckers
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posting nunicult clips because i think she's cute
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That is a particularly delicious tranny. God I wanna fuck a cleanly shaved, skinny looking tranny like that. It looks like freedom.

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258 replies and 106 images omitted. Click here to view.
stop making the kids gay

Remember folks, there's lots of great pussy, this is a terrible example.
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People sit there for hours prompting an image generator, typing this whole story up, hit generate on a video generator site, generate the sound, put it all together, just to go back to their #goon channel on Discord posting picutres where they are getting cucked by bbcs
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India Thread.
39 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why do they always want to take selfies with these random white women?
To the average monkey poojeet the white woman is a goddess.
>Buddhists believe that gods are in animals, they worship their shit for this reason.
That sounds wrong given the Buddhist beilve any flith will immediately cause you to be tied to earth for that lifetime. Unless India has different Buddhist then china.
Chinese Buddhism is different, they eat a lot of meat in China while in India they are vegetarians.
There are surely many other points that differ.
Woah, I didn't know India was full of /gif/ users.

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Post videos of the most underrated fetish. NO FATTIES!
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looks like it's been AI upscaled/interpolated
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Jav Thread
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Same for these, fuck 4chan
The one with the kimono and the insane body Is Reiko Nakamori
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You must solve my riddles three,
if the codes you wish to see.
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okay anon, hope my ESL faggotry won't get in the way.
what about time stop

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mom/son objectively the best but other stuff is welcome
201 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
Probably right. Lots of dads, uncles, older males getting drunk and doing stupid shit

Girls also will keep it secret for some reason
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>LittleSisterAffair isn't the sauce for the hentai
Sauce please
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It's the "Fault!" series.
There was a TV documentary in my country recently about a daughter admitting at 27 years old that her dad had raped her since whe was prepubescent, and how she dealt with the aftermath while the dad was jailed away. She also says that people once confronted her and she pretended it was false and didn't know why. Eventually she came forth when the dad was getting violent again.

I think other than the fear of violence, a case like you described, where maybe a 50 year old uncle rapes a fully adult niece after a party, the reason a woman might keep it secret is because she'd have to explain why she allowed him to do it. There's probably a point of submission where you could push off the rapist but they don't. In the documentary the daughter also said she was afraid of people judging her for being a disgusting woman having done it repeatedly with her father. It's because for a while it was "consensual" but she was groomed, and threatened. So she's ultimately a victim.

Personally however, I just wish that consenting incest became less criminalized in some countries. For example, it will lead to 5-7 years of jail where I live but in countries like Spain or Italiy it's allegedly fine between siblings as long as it doesn't create a scandal.

Excluding movies (don't post movie nudity)
Bonus points for TV shows
168 replies and 63 images omitted. Click here to view.
There was this social experiment on Polish tv where two performance artists followed the instructions of the audience. They were immediately stripped naked

Vid can be found in link, can't be bothered to convert to webm
not JAV?

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Straight only. No trannies, no faggots. Whites only.
46 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
All these mutilated cocks... sad.


My heart stopped. No way this is real. I can't find anything anywhere. Is this a really good fake?
Only found a short vid in one place, no trace anywhere else.
Its real. But I think is the only scene she did that was "new" (not the two everyone has seen). She had a Facebook page under her real name that got discovered and she locked it.

Just the female booty in motion (fake or natural)

165 replies and 131 images omitted. Click here to view.
No ass
Who's this?
File: ThIs BaBy Got BaCk.webm (1.81 MB, 320x240)
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1.17 MB MP4

21 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Source please

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