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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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scat thread
235 replies and 104 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thanks for posting that, I was starting to question myself a bit when I was attracted to the masked video but the full face cleared those doubts real quick.
Any good panty pooping in this thread? I don't care for the other stuff, and there are too damn many bait and switch clips where she just pulls her pants down instead of filling them that it doesn't feel worth it to sort through.
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Islam is a scourge upon the Earth, the motherlode of bad ideas, founded by the grifter, warlord, murderer, pedophile, rapist, slave trader, thief, liar, torturer Mohammad (piss be upon him) that Muslims revere.

The last thread is now deleted, and I don't see a new one. I'm not the OP of the past threads, but I enjoyed them.

This thread isn't necessarily about Christianity being better than Islam (although it is, and Sam Shamoun content is encouraged). I like the Hitchens approach: all religions may be equally false, but that doesn't mean they're all equally bad. Islam is by far the worst.
74 replies and 37 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't get it what is wrong with the stores you told, is it because he hit a woman
Islam is the only right religion in the world it is the only one that say live life like you're meant to leave it Allah did not throw us into the land to suffer but to live
>Islam is the only right religion in the world
Post more ISIS quotes please
I'm not even a Christfag but imagine Christians seething so much over a Muslim pointing out basic facts in their text.

>"Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan"
And the police are arresting the guy who spoke the truth.

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182 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
and the sauce is...
This will get you put on the sex offender list. Public indecency is a crime. But she's a woman so of course she'll get away with it.
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Do you see this entire thread? It wasn't a cop that knocked on her window dumbass

Both of these look like mutts
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im starting to re-consider if i should spend that much time organizing my porn collection, i dont even jerk off that often, its mostly just a outlet for my OCD
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>im starting to re-consider if i should spend that much time organizing my porn collection, i dont even jerk off that often, its mostly just a outlet for my OCD
I know what you mean, I've thought about this myself. But honestly I don't see anything unhealthy about it. It's just a fun little organizing thing for me. And every once in a blue moon it's nice to go back through this curated collection just for me. I need to find a better option for browsing than the windows media player
Damn that is hot. We got any more frot content?
Too homo

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Black women are notorious and renowned cum dodgers. Diamond Jackson is the sole exception.

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post your best futa/dickgirl webms preferably futa on futa,dickgirl on dickgirl,futa on female, dickgirl on female

Images are also allowed,

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this is the most cringe post itt
Gita on female is the only entertaining one
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Swords, knives, axes, etc.
215 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
Black buck colonized?
The aryan samurai (black shirt) kills a satanic Mossad agent in a 1v1 dual (all ppl making fun of the sao theme song are zog agents btw)
its just friendly banter, mate
>ridiculously inexperienced
how should an experienced person act then?
thats a good one kek

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Women pleasuring themselves with non-sexual objects, no dildos, vibrators, beads and the like
68 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
Holy fuck thats incredibly hot
Sauce pls
If it blows up then it was worth it. kek
>you used to call me on my cell phone

Post trans women in submissive/feminine roles. sensual stuff is highly appreciated kissing, hugging and all that
10 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
I love trannies so much
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Yet here you are, again
Projection is a defense mechanism in which an individual attributes their own unwanted thoughts, feelings, or behaviors onto others. This indicates deep-seated insecurity or guilt about their own desires or identity, leading them to deflect by accusing others of the behaviors they themselves engage in.
Cope harder for your disgusting attractions. Someone has to remind you freaks how unnatural trannies are. All they will ever be is a horrid caricature of real women. A man in dress no matter the artificial hormones he is on, no matter if he cuts his dick off, is still a man and nothing you say or do will ever change that fact

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bonus for them being embarrassed about it . no scat , biological females only
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Webms of celebrities with porn audio
145 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
you niggers actually fap to this shit? you could be making good deepfakes, edits or shops but instead you make this borderline down syndrome shit really? you guys are zoomerfaggets and should kill yourself, make better content next time fags
No he was right
You just know she's taking it up that tight ass
any of Margaret Qually?

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baking a new creep thread to plug this channel


anons have probably already seen it but damn.... dude gets up close
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He'll tell tonight at the bar "I just got an awesome blow from a hot girl!"
my dick isnt going to survive this beating, thank you anon
it's staged
any truth to the rumors that she's on OF?

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Only BICs can satisfy white girls
203 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.

That dude's dick is like 3 inches. No wonder he pays for pussy
>U-uuuh! But he has inch dick !!!!!

Seethe lol
Why is this so funny to me? I just can't take Indians seriously lol, they're just so gross and seedy. No matter the clip in this thread, it's still an Indian.
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>206 posts
>39 images
>only 16 of said images are of indian men
>the rest are reactions
>barely 8% of posts are related to OPs delusional fantasy
Not even close to true, I'd prefer to die than get fucked by an Indian. Even if he was extremely rich.

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