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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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170 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
The way that mask crumbles for just a second as she re discovers the repressed memories of the birth of her scarification. Effortless recomposition. And finally, at the end, she can't hold back the well of tears and they overflow. You're some kind of jaded, methanol guzzling, idiot if you can't tell that this child feelings and memories are sincere and deeply painful. She tries so hard to repress so much. I fantasize about sawing through my mother's jugular like she's a rancid piece of meat I'm trying to remove from a carcass, at least thrice monthly, and I'll still never know pain that deep. I gotta get the fuck out of America.
I remember being 15.
Well, I wish I didn't see that.
What a shit liar you are. How about you actually try but with something more sure fire. A gun perhaps? Pun intended. It should get you in the right frame of mind.

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Mong/Esc thread
Post whatever you have, all discussion is encouraged.
Ask away and anons will deliver.
165 replies and 18 images omitted. Click here to view.
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it's honestly not even demoralizing, i'm just worn out from dealing with other people's problems. there's always a divorce or a kid or a sick pet or chronic illness or rent hike or SOMETHING that tugs at my heartstrings and makes me want to help out. and i sympathize, because life is hard and i've been through plenty of bad times myself, but i want to focus on my own happiness for once. an escort seems ideal for what i'm looking for: maybe we talk a little beforehand, we fuck, i pay her for her time, we go our separate ways. it seems so much simpler and comes with way less baggage.

what forums would you recommend i check out? most of the escort sites i've seen seem like they're relatively straightforward. the other board seems okay, as does tryst.
A less reliable but funny method is google/yelp reviews. If you see female customers giving the place bad reviews and confused why the masseuses were so dismissive to them, while male reviewers get good reviews that's also a potential sign.
Usasexguide and The Erotic Review are my main sources. The former is better in my opinion, as it's free to use and you can message other posters. I guess "demoralized" is how I feel about dating now. I see the same stuff you do, but I don't feel as much sympathy because the situations they're in are avoidable and predictable 9/10 times. I can't find anyone with their shit together and their head on straight who isn't already taken. Which, of course, is why they're taken.
I've only done it by having a 15minute break time inbetween and this only worked because she owned the place so she was ok with me going over my time
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i'll check them out, thanks.

and yeah, i can understand that. it doesn't bother me if someone needs help, i've needed help before. i just wish people were more upfront about their shit, y'know? or at least had a better handle on basic problem solving skills so i didn't need to be the adult in the room so frequently.

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Asian females falling in love with white boys
139 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
Source please
Because Asian “baddies” on an international scale are actually “mid” and “mid” white mean are actually top tier? Some realism for you
ya this is an epidemic at this point
>JBW has always been law but it's reaching a new level of public acceptance
no it's not lmao. stop the fucking cap.
do asian bitches no that this threads we'll evenually cause harm to them from poc men in the long run??? saying that white is our only type of man is the fast way of btfo by a non white man. god asian woman are so retarted.

File: Oi! Showers(1).webm (3.28 MB, 512x768)
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Racist content preferred but not strictly so.
Tips, tricks and prompts also appreciated.
114 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Biding Time.webm (3.97 MB, 768x768)
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This bops MUCH harder than it should!
sounds like you used Peter Tägtgren in the prompt for the growling vocals.

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Woman in lace, sheer or open lingerie
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nice b8 m8
Holy fuck who is this?? Sauce please

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Send all the webms u have
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bro if i was some super rich dude i would make this thing my little slut girl so fast.. hes so fucking hot

Lmfao are you blind?
Looks like Lafawnduh from Napoleon Dynamite lol
And those ass zits, yuck
Built for BWC

He looks like that Asian exchange guy from silicone valley lol

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post some really nice looking, symmetrical, large boobs.... please.....
283 replies and 165 images omitted. Click here to view.
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File: Hot Girl Blowjob.webm (3.96 MB, 1138x864)
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234 replies and 130 images omitted. Click here to view.
Probably Tarzan with Rocco Siffredi.
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With hundreds of thousands of Russians dying in Ukraine, Muslim gangs have replaced the ethnic muslims in their cities. They openly admit they are here to replace and rape the ethnic Russian. This was Putins plan for the failed invasion all along.
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Same anon
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JAV Thread
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I forgot her name.
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The lie is that she was fired for voicing an opinion. Idiot.
Natalia Poklonskaya.
fun fact: she's currently wanted by Ukranian law enforcers for treason
anyone has archived her instgram? she has over 1k pics and a gazillion vids that may vanish anytime since she officially discontinued it and all her other public activities and social media
Watch out for trains.
Ukranians are almost corrupt as russians.
Slavs gonna slav.

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Genetic Lottery Winners
62 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
It is not a coincidence that they were born to their parents. The "lottery winner" in a genetic scenario would be the one born with some one in a million genetic mutation.
Great for porn, not for everyday.
A human gamete has 23 chromosomes, half of what the parent human has, randomly divided: 2^23=8'388'608.
A human as created by the fusion of two gametes (1 egg * 1 sperm) therefore is the result of genetic lottery with plain and simple odds of 1 in 2^46 = 70'368'744'177'664 (over 70 trillions (short ladder) AKA 70 billions (long ladder)).
Multiplied by the chances of random single nucleotide mutations, funny crossovers between chromosomes, deletions, inversions, trisomies, mosaics, internal twins...
>Genetics isn't a lottery
I think the 8 billion different people on the planet might have a different opinion.
Life is a lottery, and you don't always win..

Post people either getting what they deserve or good samaritans standing up for people
69 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fail, no justice in this video, kys faggot.
In his own mind he was the coolest dude ever.
The guy in the black shirt is now pregnant.
Amerikas Arschloch im Wandschrank.
red chad VS blue cuck

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havent seen a thread like this in a LONG while so i took matters in my own hands

post soviet war edits are okay too
104 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
vocals remind me of this impossible to fkn find album

he looks like white stromae
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As in find in physical form?
Alex Jones seems to be doing well.

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