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this bitch is the dictionary definition of hot and crazy, dated a club owner almost as old as her ultra rich dad, when he dumped her for turning 18 she got wasted and crashed her $200,000 car into her moms $300,000 car, got wasted again and went on a rampage with a kitchen knife threatening her mom and several other people, and all while waiting for her court dates shes still all over social media shaking her probably fake but still fantastic tits.
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Names of these women?
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More Lauren Duffy please.
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>celebm allowed
62 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
>those arms
Sydney Meyer
Sydney is gonna be fat in 3 years tops. I don’t get the hype around her… ya she’s got huge tits but so do billions of other chicks. Ana on the other hand is only gonna get better with age.
She's pretty in a very American way and she's willing to do nudity in pretty much everything she's in. That she's an alright (nothing special) actress also pushes her further along.
That was back before jewwood turned into woke feminist slop that can never ever ever cater to men in any way shape or form. Sexy women out, hot dudes in.

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270 replies and 184 images omitted. Click here to view.
so what was this supposed to be?
would impregnate

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Cucks POV bonus point for cuck busting early
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File: JandKvids (18).webm (3.84 MB, 1072x1920)
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the hotel bbc was this one - this clip was at our house
Awesome! Thanks, bro!
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at the hotel here
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at the hotel the day before I got there

File: Lockjaw (1) (1).mp4 (3.07 MB, 1920x1080)
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Anything having to do with shooting out fat ropes to this fetish.
253 replies and 182 images omitted. Click here to view.
thanks you sir
bunkr. [delete this] cr /a/VBl5F88J
bunkr. [delete this] cr/a/jh7EG1eP
try this
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Yes, this subfetish is completely deranged

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pee pee edition
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blowjobs, oral, BJs, etc
257 replies and 159 images omitted. Click here to view.
sauce on the girl
such a great cock
best by far
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>hogtied beside him while he just uses your head like a onahole
>You get so desperate and needy but cant touch anything
Ye, having hands tied up, all horny and unable to do anything about this.. and then being used seems hot.
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You white boys need to stop jerking off and start dating asian girls. Seeing these threads gives me hope so I decided to make one.
222 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is mostly Indians, not whites.
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i hope reality and these threads can show asian men that asian women are all strickly in the sphere of white men and that they truely don't care a single fuck about you, so when the race wars in america begins make sure you stock up double the bullets one for the meatshield and one for her god
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Not funny. Trump DOJ should investigate threats to WMAF couples.
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You know they would for other couples but when it's with a white man people get away with saying just about anything about them even on social media

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I missed the last thread, can we get another?
75 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
This guy gets it
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you can check 95DJZ on twitter for asian girls.
hornyhippie, reddit
the GOAT

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post trannies getting used like proper women
no solo vids
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>no solo vids
Chud look like DAT?!

Monthly Gathering Edition
2D/3D animated stuff. No IRL shit.

>source on song?
Use Shazam (either the mobile app or their website) to find most songs.
184 replies and 115 images omitted. Click here to view.
i fucking love gacha girls my favorite thing about them is the porn. burnice looks so fucking hot. her ass looks great as shes fucked. her tits look so good while i titty fuck her. her riding me looks so fucking great. her body and tits look so fucking perfect i fucking love zzz porn
nicole is the main reason i know of zzz. i saw her so many years ago and couldnt wait to see porn of her. her tits and body look so great as shes fucked. zhu yuan's ass looks so fucking good too
i fucking love it when girls are riding it with their hands behind their head
her ass looks so fucking good riding it
0:08 hot as fuck seeing her ride it
0:09 i love that viiew seeing her while i grab her tits and mouth as i fuck her
shes so fucking hot riding me until i creampie her. her tits look so nice popping out of her jacket
Nicole's perfect tits and body look so good
she looks so fucking hot with her legs open getting fucked
0:06 i love her face here. her tits look great. i love her moaning
0:07 i love all the 2d/3d porn of her. those tits and body look so great
0:09 such perfect tits holy fuck. blobcg makes the best zzz porn

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
ellen joe's tits look so good as she rides me
0:04 i love the way her ass looks as i fuck her
0:06 suck my dick. the porn is the best thing about zzz
0:11 i love how great the quality of zzz porn is. that ass and those tits look so good
that heaven holy shit. jane still riding me after i cum in her. fuckkk that ass is so good
0:04 those tits are so fucking perfect i fucking love zenless zone zero
0:06 zhu yuan's ass and tits look so fucking amazing i fucking love how they both look here. slapping her ass with my dick must feel so fucking good. i love the way it jiggled
so fucking hot the way they're saying no. they're ahegao faces after they take it is hot as fuck
0:08 they both look so fucking hot doing the ahegao face. their tits, their ass, their body, all look so fucking good and even hotter they're holding hands while fucked. kinda weird zhu is being fucked by a hilicurl but at this point i dont give a fuck it's so fucking good
0:11 i fucking love how hot Nicole's face looks as shes fucked while shes bent over. i fucking love it when girls are fucked like that. her tits look so fucking GOOD. the jiggling from her ass getting fucked is amazing
zhu's ass looks so fucking GOOD i dont care her ass looks fucking incredible riding it
FUCK. her ripped leggings, raised leg getting fucked with her tits out and covering her mouth is hot as fuck

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
incredibly mid thread
>doesnt contribute

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trannies/femboys/twinks showing their gaped hole
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If you aren't aware, in the 1950's and 60's an ethnologist, John B. Calhoun ran experiments on rodents where he provided them with a sustainable, perfect rodent utopia. The aim was to see what would happen to a communal society and the rodent behaviours if they were given everything they needed to survive.

Essentially, the rodents quickly bred to the point of over population, at which point disputes started to break out. The rodents became divided into 'teams' you could call it. And started becoming aggressive and intolerable of rodents from outside their 'team'. A class structure became evident, with some rodents becoming 'the beautiful ones' these guys started living at the top levels of the enclosure, and prevented any of the lower class rodents from coming up. Using violence if necessary. They permitted certain groups of rodents to bring them food and bedding in exchange for protection, so that they never had to leave their high nests, and mingle with the lower class rodents. Shortly after, female rodents started to become awful mother's, either by not breeding at all, or not caring for their pups, to straight up killing them. The rodents who were raised by bad mother's didn't learn any social skills as a result and could not function in the society. Large portions of the males started to revert to homosexual behaviours, completely dismissing their role within the society, which ultimately brought a collapse of the utopia and the experiment ended.

They were given everything to the point that they become overpopulated, aggressive, divided, and lost all thought of their traditional roles in society.

There's a hell of a lot of parallels to human society here, and it's an extremely interesting thought exercise. What are your thoughts on this anons?

Post hot titty bitches for traction.
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Also the females becoming 'bad' mothers was largely because the population boom meant males were constantly defending territory from other mice that would have otherwise left the area and established new territory elsewhere. One important piece of the study is that the mice had limited space where in real life and human society, mice travel to new territory and cities are constantly sprawling
So males constantly fighting means they died or burnt out very quickly which left the females to defend their litters. They started engaging in aggressive behavior effectively filling the niche of the males who became too stressed to continue fighting all the time
This meant that though they had ample physical resources like food and water, they lacked the social resources of a normally functioning ecosystem. Eventually the mothers were teaching fewer and fewer pups the behaviors necessary for mating/rearing/nest building and so eventually the population reached a point where most of the females didn't know how to mate or rear pups and males simple didn't care to even try to mate because they grew up in extremely stressful conditions where grooming themselves was the least problematic behavior so the only one they partook in
My dick is like 7-8 inches and i watch porn nearly every day
>Are we inevitably going to collapse?
Population decline is the order of the day until all the societies with toxic women decide they are done with that shit and detoxify their women. That means the West and Asia. Both have women fully infected with toxic behaviors and attitudes (for different root causes, but feminism is a primary cause).

Social collapse will reset things back to patriarchy though, because the simps all die off and the remaining tough men fix shit and will hold the surviving women accountable. And if no tough men come to be, the society will extinct itself or be replaced by thirdies who HAVE tough men.

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Does anyone have more videos like these? I am always searching but did not manage to found more like them.
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Sup /gif/

I'm a normie closeted degenerate who has recently been obsessed with making faceswap porn of people IRL. Quality is all over the place since I'm not an expert and mostly use one decent program I've found. Let me know your thoughts and if you think it's hot. I don't try to get black dudes I just find models with good scenes.

The particular girl I use the most looks so similar to Nancy Ace the AI doesnt recognize it, its fucking insane, unfortunately shes usually pretty softcore.

This thread will take me awhile because most of my clips are way too large of a filesize and I'm lazy, feel free to post your own.

Also- if you're really fucking good at AI porn vid edits, I'll work something out with you through Protonmail and pay you for more. I've worked with another guy here before.
This is one of the brunettes I use. One blonde, two brunettes. Hard for me to find files I dont have to compress rn
FFS so many of these are jsut above the 4mb size
Yea im pretty decent at making these but theyre for personal use so Im shit at compressing these to the right size
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A girl I know who looks like rosebeck but aint

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