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What are some of your favorite vidya animals?
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Most of the Monster Hunter roster, but there are some standouts:
Barroth is a brute wyvern with a large bony structure called a crown that makes its head look like a ship's prow. It lives in hot, arid climes and, like an elephant, uses mud as sunblock. Its an ambush predator that hides in water, using the holes in the top of its crown to breathe as it waits for prey. In a fight on dry land, a barroth is covered in dry mud that acts as armour and must be chipped away to do any damage, but in water the mud becomes viscous and can be flung at the player to trap them or left as a hazard.
Ahtal-Ka is a neopteron (insect monster) that resembles a praying mantis with a sarcophagus motif. It uses silk strands to hurl objects at the hunter and, when sufficiently damaged, assembles a fucking mech from nearby scrap.
Glavenus is another brute wyvern, one that inhabits several biomes. It is your typical theropod, except that it has a metallic blade growing out of the underside of its tail. As it attacks, the tail generates friction, starts to glow orange, deals fire damage, and becomes blunt. Then glavenus takes its tail in its mouth, uses its teeth as a whetstone, and stores the molten slag in its crop to spit at the hunter.
Barroth eats ants and termites, its not really predator of anything else, nor is that really a prow, it's more like a steam engine, I'm pretty the holes at the top are it's nose
how about Bats?
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sandslash is so cute
i wish pangolins were real
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little criter ain't hurt nobody

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>it actually was real all this time
holy fuck
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idk but they can sing in a choir
dog looks drugged out of his mind

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Cat logic literally be like:
>you feed me and give me a home for 5+ years
>you love me and pet me and snuggle me
>you bring me toys and treats to spoil me
>but you still might kill me and eat me at any moment because I heard a piece of paper slide across the floor
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lol. Weird dogredditor revisionism.
Cat website btw
That’s a nervous system issue, it’s just how they’re wired.
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>according to a tourist who only started saying this during an election year
This will never be a cat website. Sorry. If you want 24/7 caturday, it's over on r/caturday. If you want to be able to talk about cats in a curated circlejerk where facts that go against the opinions of the shut-in internet people who also fangirl over cats are suppressed, it's called r/cats. Goodbye.

There is nothing about 4chan that requires its users to hold cats in extremely high esteem.

You only need not violently hate them (ex: bugguy).
Cats are basically too dumb to actually think or even really "learn"
Based and parasite pilled

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Did this fictional Animal really fuck with anyone else’s autism? I was reminded of it today, and suddenly I remembered just how much I hate the very concept of a dog whose height varies from 15 feet to like 50. Where does he shit? Where does he piss? Just how much water does he realistically need? What does it take to keep him fed? Is it more efficient to just give him over 50 pounds of dry kibble a day, or would it be better just to slaughter hundreds of animals a week to feed him? How does he get any vaccinations? How is any vet able to properly care for him? What effects does he actually have on the local ecosystem? Has Clifford been neutered?
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Because neutering isn’t just about preventing reproduction, as I understand it it’s about controlling their hormones
I HATED clifford when i was a kid, something about the entire premise is just so ridiculous to me, like
>hey what if there was a big dog?
>not interesting enough
>what if there was a big dog with the intelligence and reasoning prowess of a human?
>now THAT'S a show i can invest in!
every children's show made by bongs is a fucking nightmare and should be cast away.
Wait till you hear what they do to female dogs
You castration cultists are fucking obsessed with balls, but many non golems don't worship Yahweh or Moloch and would prefer that the animal they care for have a functioning endocrine system. I note you never bring up the female dogs, despite the fact that overwhelmingly prevailing technique is to "Mortal Kombat" the poor creature's entire uterus, ovaries, vagina, and sometimes even parts of the urinary tract.

Nevermind the fact that neutering not only offers no physiological or behavioural benefits, it's actually in fact almost always detrimental to the quality of life of the animal, if not explicitly harmful to their health.

They have testicles and ovaries for a reason, and it's not just for decoration or for fucking.
because that'd be every white girl's tragedy

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How do you decide which animals you are willing to eat and which ones you are not?
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dont care about the opinions of a lesser subspecies
If it's not too filthy and gross I'll eat it. Like I wouldn't really want to eat roaches or crickets or annelids in general, but most vertebrates, mollusks, echinoderms, and many arthropods are good eating.
The friend/food dichotomy is perfectly rational when you recognize it as the product of agricultural economics, which is of course the thing our civilization and culture developed around because pretty much everyone was doing it from the neolithic to maybe 150-200 years ago.
>cows convert grass into nutrient-dense food, plus useful byproducts like leather and horn
>sheep do similarly to cows
>chickens, ducks etc vill eat ze bugs
>pigs are essentially garbage cans on legs that transform your kitchen waste into more food
The obvious trend in livestock's utility (nobody would have bothered domesticating them if they didn't provide any, after all) is that they take in available biomass, and convert it into something we can make more effective use of than the original. With the exception of milk, eggs, and wool, this utility has to be gained through slaughtering the animal.
Dogs are a very different situation, because they offer overwhelmingly more utility if kept alive:
>obligate carnivore, so slaughtering will always provide less meat than you put into it in the first place
>not slaughtering will instead provide you with many times its body weight in food through assistance in hunting and herding, as well as its protection
Slaughtering the dog therefore produces an overall negative yield. To do so is only worthwhile as an alternative to starving to death, but even then it is only a short term solution with long-term consequences, losing its support in getting more food in the future and making your already dire situation even worse.
This is what we had to deal with through pretty much our entire history working with dogs, so "eating dog = bad" has inevitably been deeply ingrained into our culture. Cats of course have a similar deal, because they would keep rodents out of your food stores and contain no worthwhile amount of food anyway.
the people who eat dogs are delusional pseudo-religious loons (any belief system but the church of england for those nuts) or hedonists (so evil) there's no sense in arguing with them

for what its worth we do "use cats and dogs as food". specifically unwanted strays are sent to rendering plants along with 4d livestock to become "protein meal" used in chicken feed. this is considered more efficient than just burying them and no dog has ever asked for their corpse to be used a specific way. worm food, chicken food, what's the difference?
There is usually still a "barrier" to eating wolves even if not "taboo"

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Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

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bro shit on his plant
Thanks. It seems there are no carnivorous sellers near me. I can order them online or take a day off to drive to the place to them on my own, not that I mind, but why waste fuel if online's convinient. Has anyone ordered carnivorous plants online before? Was it safe for the plant?
One important thing I forgot to ask, assuming online's safe, can I keep the plant in the same pot that it came in. Or is re-potting required? I am not confident in my repotting skills.
Overtime it might, but initially it should absorb nutrients. I think it could be cheaper than using long fiber sphagnum moss even with if you have to replace it every few years.
I have two dogs and they ruin the grass in my garden with their pee what should I do?

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crocodilians thread
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Are they strong (?) enough to stand on their hind legs?
no, their spines cannot curve that far
their tails are far too long
their legs are too short
their pelvic is in the wrong orientation
their hips cannot rotate that far
their center of mass is too far forward
comback when you invent a time machine and go back a couple million years and then youll find bipedal crocs
This is quite disappointing.
they're moisturized and in their lane, peak evolution hence largely unchanged for millions of years. gatorchads keep winning

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Good stuff pls
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It’s the same people
That’s true. The point I’m making is none of those animals are grey, so to assume dinosaurs must be largely grey would be incorrect
Yeah, would
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/an/bros... its plover
Plover? I hardly know her!
the crest has fallen...
we're so quack
>billions must fly

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Megalodon fanboys really expect you to believe their bullshit that the soiladon weighed 100+ tons when the only fossils of the shark are tooth and fragments. I guess they're trying to make sure that the Livyachad doesn't mog their favorite fish.
>19 foot great white shark weighs 4,400 pounds
>false killer whale of a similar length weighs 5,100 pounds
>11 foot lemon shark weighs 400 pounds
>11 foot pygmy sperm whale weighs 880 pounds
the assumption that a shark would be more dense than a whale of a similar length is pretty odd. length estimates for megalodon have always fluctuated, but i expect the weight estimates to plummet and pop science articles to ragebait about how megalodon wasn't as cool as you thought it was. it'll be the shrunk dunk all over again.

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whats the best ant for ant keeping?
probably camponotus penn.
The ants at the front of your doorstep are usually a good bet, unless you live in an "highly armful" invasive ant-infested area (especially thinking about Solenopsis invicta, but Linepithema humile is also hard as fuck to keep contained in an formicarium and harder to get because their alates don't swarm out, you need to dig and collect a nest)
I forgot to add : Lasius emarginatus is my prefered local ant for antkeeping, but it's easier to keep warm tropical ants in colder climates than to deal with cold climate ants in the tropics. Diapause is always risky (sometimes, the queen dies. Also happens in the wild).
Yeah i got a ton of ants rn, plan on selling most of my tetramorium immigrans since i have like 9 test tube colonies of them.

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Put some big ol' truck nuts on an albatross
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wth are these?
Nipples or pee spouts.
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Hunger: Felled
Balls: Restored

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How do you feel about macaques /an?
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Might have to take an opposite approach and become the monkey's pet in the wild.
>it’s a real pity
Dammit anon
If you made a pile of all the pitied monkeys how big would it be?
I'm not sure, there was a time where pity channels were changing monkeys on almost a monthly basis
I wonder why baby monkeys and apes have wrinkly faces but human babies have lots of fat around their faces

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Fish sticks edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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I want a vampire shrimp in my 20 gallon.
I know they greatly desire current so they can perch in that current and filter feed. Are there wavemakers sufficiently weak enough to make a nice underwater "breeze" for my shrimp without butchering the other small weak-bodied freshwater fish? I plan to put the wavemaker near the surface of the water: only the sticking-up hardscape should notice it.
If ANY current is too much for most freshwater wish, is there a place I could get a list of fish that could handle that current?
The only flow in the tank at the moment is a sponge filter, so not much at all, and it hasn't been stocked with anything yet.
I just really like the idea of shrimpbro perched on my driftwood picking passing bits of food from the water flow while a nice long grass plant billows in the breeze.
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Is that a leaf of hydrocotle japan growing up from my monte carlo? This tank is still pretty fresh, and I only just noticed this leaf is different. +1 plant I guess, I should move it before it entangles in my MC but I don't wanna kill it while doing so.
It's totally possible with a combination of a pump and creative use of hardscape.
Stick some ephiphytes to those rocks and it will look great. Consider nymphoides hydrophylla (taiwan lily). I know internet has conflicting and WRONG information on this plant. I can personally confirm that you can glue this stuff to rocks and wood the same as you would with anubias and it will grow just fine like that. In fact the taiwan lily i attached to a rock in my aquarium has been growing better than the section I planted in substrate just because it's a bit closer to the light.

Or, you could do all frogbit on the surface. The long roots would look good draped over those rocks.
Well it turns out I didn't get to him in time and now his stupid corpse is hidden in the tank somewhere, hopefully the shrimp will eat him

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