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Yeah, dimetrodons and pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, and you are a lobe-finned fish.
For the average retard, dinosaur will always mean "extinct lizard-looking animal", your autistic screeching will never change that.

Instead of going "ackshually" you should go the "did you know" route if you want to educate people and not just complaining like a little bitch on a javanese tree bark engraving forum.

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If I took every single ant on the planet - all 20 quadrillion of them - and dumped them in the middle of the pacific ocean, would any of them survive?
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I give them one nightly vertical migration of the parade of a several trillion whatever the fucks coming up from the deep for their midnight snack before they’re gone. That’s not even counting what the day shift planktonivore feeding frenzy does to them.
Yes, all of them. They all survived and are very mad. They know where you are OP, you cannot stop the consequences to come. You stand no chance
>If I took every single ant on the planet - all 20 quadrillion of them - and dumped them in the middle of the pacific ocean, would any of them survive?
But that's so unrealistic. You could never take all 20 quadrillion ants on the planet and place them in the middle of the pacific ocean. It's just not possible. You couldn't do that.
Theoretically it's possible
But that would never happen!

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>No big cat thread
Uh... pantherabros?
Post wild felines, big or small.
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>tfw no tiger wife
That's a big pussy
cheetahs... are strong.
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Looking good, even when dragging a carcass around.

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We used to do that in my city but then a bunch of them casually followed people out the front gate and ended up on the highway
There was an extremely low speed police chase and two died :(
-1 Charisma
+2 natural armor
killer tofu
john madden!
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I-E-A-I-A-I-O, why
As we light up the sky

Something that doesn't need to be cared for and can hunt by itself? Not that I wouldn't care for it; I simply don't want to end up murdering something because of my folly.
I have a spoonleaf sundew, I just keep it damp with distilled water and give it a ton of light and it's great
Sundew probably

Giant snakes like retic or burm can't thrive in temperate climates like a corn snake would. What if we breed them with carpet python? They can thrive in temperate/mediterranean climates as far as i know. Sounds like bullshit but i feel like this cross can actually have a place in the reptile hobby for people that wants a giant snake but can't house tropical species. What you think /an/?
>people that wants a giant snake but can't house tropical species
who would this be? If you have the means to house a giant snake you probably also have the means to keep it warm
A South African rock python probably could. It gets pretty cold where they are
>Giant snakes like retic or burm can't thrive in temperate climates like a corn snake would
It's because little snakes can burrow below the frost line during the winter. Wtf is a giant snake supposed to do.
Also those mediterranean climates don't get cold enough for those snakes to properly hibernate.
Slither into the sewers and overwinter with the flushed gators.

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I just had to rescue my retarded yoyo loaches out of this tube. One swam in pic rel and the other one swam in from the other side. They where properly stuck. I had to break the tube apart with pliers. Do your fish do retarded shit anons?
>gets in hole
>gets stuck

Sounds like a cat to me.
My freshwater fish, all the time. Saltwater, not so much.
I eventually just threw my tubes out because a vampire shrimp kept getting fully stuck in it. Fully natural aquascapes >>>>>>>>>>> everything else
I had a big fat pleco, about 4-5 inches long, who I almost never saw because he spent his 17 year life entirely inside this tiny little decorative castle prop I bought for the tank. Even after he went blind he could tell when the lights were out and would only come out then, and he was convinced no one was in the room. I'd go years without seeing a glimpse of him, wondering if he was still alive. When I saw him swimming around in full light a year ago I knew the end must be near, and sure enough he was belly up the next day.

RIP to the dragon in the castle.

I know of step one and two, though I've never encountered step three. In my experience cats are very good at judging what they can get through unless they're morbidly obese.

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What is this marmot thinking?
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He is thinking about if you are a faggot or not.
I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough
He is thinking how to make the greatest comeback in history.
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i killed a spider in a fit of rage. i am a fucking monster.
You are. Go to church and repent.
I kill spiders to accumulate lifetimes I must live out in repentance. My violence buys more time on Earth as I figure out how to defeat the creator. Even the humble jumping spider is but a flick away from a short stay in oblivion
Create a nice home for some as penance for your crime.
>to accumulate lifetimes I must live out in repentance
thats...not how that works
It is, it's called samsara

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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here

prev >>4801311
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Do you feel suddenly compelled to jerk off a dog, collect the semen, and use it to inseminate one of the dog's close female relatives?
health of the dog is not something that is remotely on these people's radar
ask if it’s neutered
regardless of answer, DO IT
and name the skeemlets references to the anonymous hacker side fourchan
just imagine the future of skeeming
Aren't all non black races are descended from Yakub. Meaning they're all X times Yakub, the first skeemer. That's why they haven't inherreted his massive intellect and head size, it's SMASHED and SLAMMED by all the inbreeding.
i think at least one white woman has attempted to

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I sometimes put out stale bread/pretzels/etc. for the birds and the squirrels to eat on the rails of our back deck. We have a creek that runs through our property close to the deck so water for them is not an issue. I noticed today that there were two wasps doing something on the pretzel pieces. Are they actually eating the pretzel, licking on the salt, or what? I have never seen this before today. First a yellow, then a red wasp. Any ideas?
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Probably just licking, they can't bite that. And as for "why" who the fuck knows, animals do lots of weird stuff.
It’s prolly after salt.
Depending on the pretzel, it probably wants sugar.

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Change my mind
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>Cats naturally want to live in a family unit
being a slave to instinct != wanting something. see this is exactly the type of double digit IQ anthropomorphization that the anti-neutering crowd loves to indulge in. it's a fucking cat. it does not have hopes and dreams. it does not want a nice house and nice lawn with a white picket fence and 2.1 kitties.
Idk, all I can say is my male/female cats were bonded and when they had kittens it's like they knew they were meant to be a family, ofc them and the kittens had to get fixed
Based Chinese
Retards like you can't recognize their own biases.
>it's like they knew they were meant to be a family
i didnt realize cats have flangechads just like pongos do, amusing

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>be me
>literally created to annoy you
>fuck you
>dies in your beer
Kill every one of those motherfuckers. I want them all to fucking die. Kill their wives killer their kids, kill their parents JUST FUCKING KILL THEM. GENOCIDE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS TOTAL FLY DEATH DISGUSTING VILE CREATURES SPAWN OF FUCKING SATAN
>fuck as much as possible in the 50 days you get on this bitch of an earth
>die in an ocean of beer
idk man sounds like they've got this life shit figured out pretty good
they're so fucking annoying and ugly. if you have seen the fly horror movie you know how ugly and terrifying their face is.
The bastards spawned in my trashcan, so I poured hydrochloric acid all over the insides to kill all the eggs and larva before disposing off all organic matter in the place so they'd starve to death. It's been a few weeks, they're all dead. For any sufferers, would recommend this method.

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Deer Thread
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You are 18 days late anon.
>only a vegan would prefer humane slaughter of a domesticated cow to chasing after a wounded deer as it suffers and dies in a panic
Hit song by the breeders?!
That's what you're doing right now. You tell us.
hello deer
ur bery betifel
open bob pls
show vegana
bitch lasagna

What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? Are there any "benefits" to them?
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You need to kill yourself and go back
why would something as detrimental and pointless as a tornado evolve? exactly what adaptation does it have? what ecological niche does it fill? atheists proven fucking retarded yet again.
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Natural disasters don't exist as a planetary balance or have some evolutionary reason behind it. They're just the product of extreme reactions.

Like, a planet doesn't develop its core in a certain way to house magma that will cause volcanoes and produce land. The planet itself is not trying to "stay alive" or "repopulate" like a tree or bacteria is. A planet doesn't even care if it can house life at all.
Extreme spider and wind adapted seed spreading events. Carrion for carnivores and scavengers. Especially aerial ones who already take advantage of disaster kills like various raptors with wildfires.
They stir things up

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