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Got a new rat cage, is decent enough? What can be improved?
That's rat luxury
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Unless you're really worried about falls, you're letting a lot of vertical space go to waste. Get some perches and branches and ropes and hammocks or something and hang them around the circle areas to give them shit to climb on.

Aside from that I don't see any real red flags.

Is it safe to pet a bear if it seems friendly?
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>I just want to hug them

That's the problem. Some of them want to hug you too.
Eh, they do look a bit too fluffy to be coarse and plasticy like deer.
Though it might feel like matted dog fur from the looks of it.
Hell yeah, there's even a movie called Grizzly Man where a guy shows you how easy it is to be friends with bears. I missed the last 20 minutes but it was amazeballs!
I saw the last 20 minutes. It ends with him becoming part of a bear family, and living his life as the stepfather to a bear cub
nice tongue

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Say something nice about him.
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could also be a little weasel, I saw one just some weeks ago
OP here. Is this a joke that's going over my head? The animal in pic is clearly a stoat. "Ermine" and "stoat" are different terms for the same animal.
I put a stoat on you because ermine.
I wish to give it scritches and kisses

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- Ailuridae (red pandas)
- Canidae (dogs)
- Mephitidae (skunks)
- Mustelidae (otters, badgers, wolverines, ferrets, weasels, minks)
- Odobenidae (walruses)
- Otariidae (eared seals, sea lions)
- Phocidae (earless seals)
- Procyonidae (raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos)
- Ursidae (bears)

- Eupleridae (Malagasy mongooses, fossas)
- Felidae (cats)
- Herpestidae (most mongooses)

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I think you’re confusing mustelids with mongooses, which are in feliforma. Mustelids (weasels, minks, badgers) look like mongooses but they’re genetically caniforms


I will say mongeese as the plural till the day I die, it just rolls off the tongue better
he does an excellent job explaining why caniforms are clearly the superior build
What has wildlife done for me? Get rid of it

fat idiot
Be nice. Thats not okay to say to someone.
>fat idiot

Always about you, op?
Feed him popcorn kernel in the summer sun

There are marine ungulates (cetaceans), marine/aquatic carnivores and mustelids (pinnipeds, otters), aquatic rodents (beavers), but no primate species that can be considered marine or even semi-aquatic in its lifestyle.
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>how this happened without selective pressures associated with a semi-aquatic lifestyle
But that's how it happened. That's like saying "ask how Nazis happened without WWI" or "ask how Mt. St. Helens erupted without magma". Your statement is nonsensical.
Interwar fascism/Nazism is inconceivable without WW1
Seals just did away with their tails altogether.
These monkeys would probably evolve in a similar direction.
You need to be 18 years or older to use this site.

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Can they see a bullet traveling trough the air?
pretty sure it already sensed the movement in the water before the tongue even came out
If anything it looks like these frogs just have terrible aim lmao
>frogposters who have no arguments

Post puppies!

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Would animals that have a larger brain mass than humans (dolphins, elephants and whales) be able to achieve human intelligence or even above-human intelligence if their brains are microchipped and trained via a universal language like mathematics?

Unlikely. Your microchip idea is purely theoretical.
>dolphins, elephants and whales

None of these animals approach human-level cognition.

Most of the "science" in the field of animal cognition is total crap.

Its a fucking stupid graph anyway because obviously a 1kg animal wont have a 10 kg brain

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Yes, that's really Moo Deng:


Elephants, koalas, and pandas also do this.
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Your a big scat guy
Moo Deng needs to eat the poo poo to become big and strong!
Moo deng is a scat stacy
she's eating da poo pie
Why tf is this garbage thread still up

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> Babirusa
> Tusks grow into its brain and kills it.
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>I'll start with a hint: cicadas. Bet you can't understand what I'm talking about.
Because the watchmaker argument doesn't make sense.
>You find a watch in the desert you assume a watchmaker did it
Yeah because we know what watches are and that they're made by people. That doesn't mean we should assume everything was created by someone. Like Runamo, which has been thought for centuries to be runic inscriptions, but it turned out they were simply naturally occurring fractures in the rock. I guess sometimes humans see design where there is none.
anon, they switched to parthenogenesis because their species got raped by castration infection
That sounds very plausible, is there evidence to this?

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>Its fate was sealed.
fatty lol
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First images of the new WWD. Looks already better than Soulless Planet.
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>prouve once and for all that most dinosaurs had no feathers! Ah ah! Take this!
That's already been done
Nice timing.
I'm still getting a job to finance more researches. Just in case.
any other lurkers watch this man slowly grow more and more deranged? sad because a few things he said in the past made sense but now he's jumped the shark and reached david peter's level of lolcow.
It truly is sad. Because i agree with his sentiment that speculative paleo art is retarded and the most conservative a reconstruction the better. But then he says some absolutely insane shit
he was always insane
if he made sense he was copying someone else or you confused him with someone else.

Get fucked!
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>nooo you need to halt economic progress. think of the leopards.
haha ak47 go brrrrrr night night kittycat
>>turd wurlders cut down all their forests
>>forest animals are forced to kill farm animals and people

This is exactly what Europeans did over the centuries in Europe. Why do you think only "turd worlders" do this? They're just emulating Europeans here.
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Thank you very much, anon.
It took me 1 000 000 000 hours in Paint to produce it.
Picrel is what I wish I could do one day, though.
Why are you posting about killing animals to make room for profit on the animals and nature board?
>They are absolutely and purely pests that only hamper their efforts to develop a civilization.
If they could develop a civilization they would have wiped out those "pests" thousands of years ago, especially considering they had a decent headstart on everyone else who has actually developed a civilization.

And I thought pandas and koalas were lazy fucks.
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I'm a tiger and I only sleep 12 hours a day. And that's why I get all the pussy. Rise and grind incel faggots.

You have to try harder than that, if you wanna make something of yourself. This thread is full of cope that I didn't even bother to read.
They don’t have time to wait. They have to eat before something bigger and stronger steals the kill.
The long noses…
Dogs are the superior and more successful build. Caniforms are found on every continent and biome.

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