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If we nuke ourselves into extinction, Dolphins will become the new masters of the world.
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Dolphin overlords! Based!
Cetaceans will never take over the world because they can't move around on land. They'd have to evolve into an unrecognizable terrestrial species again.
Archive is back up by now

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Shoebill thread
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These little niggas right here. Fuck are they smart. I love observing them because of their intelligence. When I'm driving and I see them scavenging in the road, it's entertaining to watch as they casually hop across the double yellow or across the white line to sit on the shoulder of the road and wait for me to drive by so they continue doing what they were doing. The fact they adapted to understand how traffic works in remarkable, can we show some appreciation to the motherFUCKING CROW?
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is trying to befriend and feed crows and magpies a good idea? There are alot around where I live and I love watching them and their shenanigans, but I bet there are laws against that and stuff and maybe you don't want to meddle with the ecosystem. But they also constantly rip open trash cans which is also annoying, so it's not like they don't have enough food already, and I bet it would be fun to try to interact with them because they are so smart
Based trips.

Plenty of people do just that. But do check local laws because some places ban feeding birds due to crows getting aggressive with other crows fighting for food.
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How often do you think about your childhood pets?
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Still alive and kicking.
because people think the two have
>same body language
>same mannerisms
>same training processes
>same petting styles
so when the cat doesn't like someone acting like a retard they think cat = le bad, and when the dog needs more attention than a cat then doggo = baddo. basically retards being retards
>weed chocolate
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i wish i'd taken more pictures of her.
then again i may have just lost all pictures from my first couple cell phones
You should see what the Germans used to do with it

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This is my theory. Once humans go extinct, crows and parrots will become the dominant species of the planet. They will eventually learn how to use/produce fire, and they will evolve to have small hands at the end of their wings (like the ones pterodactyls had) so they could be more proficient at making and using tools. They might also lose their ability to fly, and they will likely evolve much faster technologically if they'll have access to the research left by humans. Lastly, the two species will either evolve together, or one of them will end up like the Neanderthals and go extinct, while the other one takes over the world.
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Matt and Trey were correct about many things
There won't be another "human-like" animal with our level of intelligence after us, just like there won't be another "dinosaur-like" land animal the size of Argentinosaurus after the asteroid.
Do sea otters ever burrow? There were people who were skeptical about calling them mustelids because they never saw a sea otter burrow
Sea otters can spend their entire lives in water and rarely if ever need to go on land, so it's hard to say. Unlike other marine mammals, sea otters still have paws with semi-retractable nails on their forelimbs, like foxes do, so they should be capable of digging soil if necessary.
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scorpions will rule the earth, they did it once, they'll do it again now that their enemies are dead.
the countdown already started

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Lets assemble the funniest animal vids from the internet
Heres two that i return to over the years
Vids with animals killing each other is permitted , i think some vids of rats being fed to snakes are funny , but vids with harmless fun are more desired , or vids where animals pwn humans like steal their food and items skillfully

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Why do this freaks try to climb my leg?
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I do smitakeks on purpeso.
I eahte engrish
lookin for nuts
I hate the black ones
Squiggers are the worst
Are you a lanket
Do you look like a tree
they want to be freinds

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Can someone identify this bug?
I found it in my closet, wanna get rid of it
(In Europe)
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stink bug
Brown recluse
it's a stink bug
under no circumstances should you kill it inside
it's starting to get cold so be on the lookout for more
Uh oh, stinky
It's invasive, chink bioweapon if you ask me

swarm intelligence, hive minds, and all that, this topic has been more and more interesting to me lately. Ants, bees, locusts, schools of fish, flocks of birds, herds of animals and stuff like that
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nice one, you completely broke down the concept without getting it, I need to get on some of that shit
not so different from humans tbhdesu
You forgot to list China.
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nah that's just wacist, but here are some chinese fireflies if you want to... shit I don't even know what I'm doing anymore
so who cannibalizes the one who strayed too far chasing down a lost locust?

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Tips for raising garloids?
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I did, but I did it 6 years ago.

Seems like you are the one late on the care.
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Help how to i stop my garloids from snapping at me when i get close
grab them by the stalk and swing them against a wall
need to show them who's the alpha
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>edit made on june 19th of this year
alright which one of you was this
So do these things live beneath the beaches that people go to?

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These are dog breeds specifically bred to be indoor companions, you have plenty of breeds to choose from, which one you getting? Working dogs aren't meant to be pets
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I have big working dogs as pets and its kind of a nightmare and i have a lot of free time and a huge property
When they die im never getting anything other than min pin mixes ever again
Lords and nobles kept large dogs that had no real function. Most ways of hunting with dogs were invented solely to give the dogs and nobles something fun to do (walks around the same dutchy forever get old) and acquire way fewer calories than burned by the dogs and hunters.

These coursing hounds would lay inside with their masters and have free run of the place.
Working dog is a shit label really

Most so called working dogs are just normal dogs that are larger, smarter, and not crippled as opposed to being tiny retarded rodents that can only do command obedience. They can but do not have to do any real work and fetch can be enough for them. Most labs, goldens, setters, hounds, aussies, huskies and german shepherds go here even though i wouldnt call labs and goldens smarter. Go on a jog wow the horror of owning pet that isnt as dumb and sessile as a cat.

And then there are WORKING dogs that can really only work. Pitbulls, alabai, pyrenees, malinois, real working line border collies, need a job or they become extremely dangerous and neurotic. Most of the dogs that are really work only are guard dogs, personal protection dogs, dogfighting breeds, or high end herding and sport hunting dogs that sell for $5k plus per mutt. They basically dont have personalities. They are big bundles of mental illness callously sculpted to serve or perish. Dogfags call this mentally defective state "drive" but in humans we would diagnose it as something similar to aspergers or OCD with major aggression issues. These are not normal dogs. They are loathesome slaves that enjoy being slaves or they experience a total mental breakdown. They are incapable of being pets.
poodle are hunting dogs
He doesn't care, he's the anti-dog schizo. This is his latest cope since he's lost every "dogs bad" argument thus far.

Why are animals so interesting to you?

I'm from /his/ btw.
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I'm autistic
Because animals kind of act like they're on drugs all the time. They're funy)
Because they're fun
grew up watching Steve Irwin, he made little naturalists out of everyone.
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much wonder can be found in the natural world. stop and smell the roses, little autist

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What's the likelihood of ever seeing a mountain cat out in the desert/chaparral hills?
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Where can I buy one?
They're endangered wildcats.
Only way you could get one is opening a zoo.
They aren't endangered thankfully, they're classified as least concern.
what would happen if you crossed one of those with a normal house cat?
I wanna buy one rn

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Discuss raising chickens, ducks, geese, quail and other livestock birds for any purpose.
Not relevant to pet birds.
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>I'm sure I've annoyed more than a few people.
You're fine man, it's a slow comfy general and it's helpful to get advice as a newcomer like myself. We've hit the bump limit so feel free to make a new thread with a proper OP full of tips/links whenever
Extremely based
Also based
Good idea
New thread
I used to help run a general on /vg/ where there was a consistent OP with info, so that's where I got the idea
nice, thanks
I frequent a few generals like that. I'm hoping a new OP adds to it each time instead of running it myself.

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What kind of frog is Pepe?
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pepe was sad and then angry but he got over it
apu... tries his best
are there screaming frogs? i know there's screaming toads
A green one
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oops he ate the toy
.... I thought he was a toad albeit

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