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Hail 14 lil baby Sneesus's
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>virgin to such a degree that he trooned out and gave birth
Remember that your pet needs bitches just like you do.
>rare phenomenon called parthenogenesis
>He doesn't know that parthenogenesis is the default form of reproduction of all living species
It was a female from the start obviously. Males don't have eggs and can't reproduce without a female
you reckon mary was human parthenogenesis or just that elites are actually snake people that simply want us to believe they are lizard people (many such cases)

>be me
>be /an/out/
>have a lake that's also an estuary because its fed by a river to the north and the south side of it waterfalls directly into the bay
>popular fishing spot but the fresh water side has very few banks that are accessible because of the trees
>eagles start nesting on a small island in the middle last year
>fucking bird watchers are shitting up the place
>setting up for hours is the fishing spots with their chairs
>not respecting its a shared space by borderline camping out there all day long
>by the way those banks aren't just used for fishing but are the main artery the waterfowl use to get in and out of the water

I don't know what to do about these faggots, they're ruining the environment by existing in it wrongly
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Become a falconer and terrorize them with the thing they love so much
would be pretty funny, might have to try

it could be a legal pitfall for them because a fisherman has legal protections against harassment and I don't think bird watchers do
Take up flyfishing and start catching their gear on the backswing and tossing it into the lake
the fish belongs to the birds, not you
retard faggot
this, fishers are the absolute scum of the earth

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Is it possible for humans to breed a new species of monkey that can be used for slave labor or serve in military
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You can just automatically assume that any picture of a Macaque you see is staged
and the majority of a immigrants arent asians, theyre africans, indians, or central and south americans
>he doesn't know about tree crabs
Why don't we breed humans to be monkey like instead?
My thoughts exactly…
As has been said several times, that’s already a thing.

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Animals on treadmills.
cool shrimp

Please adopt your next pet from your local animal shelter.
Give a poor animal a home.
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Anyone else autistically browse local dogs for adoption?
>confusing rescues with shelters
That’s what I meant yeah. Ok.
Did they sew his eye up?
She lost it while a stray
they're actually more invasive than cats when that happens

you're not aware of this because the west already took care of the problem. in corrupt/retarded countries, feral dogs are the single worst invasive species.

to get rid of cats simply stop letting them out and stop feeding them. nature picks them off. to get rid of stray dogs you have to actively go out and hunt them down because they survive far better than the "dogs are helpless and ruined" memes imply. the way the dog genome is structured sets them up for rapid evolution so a small population of feral dogs quickly produces dingo-like mutts and in time they are absorbed into the local large canid population, bringing with them a longer socialization window and 0 fear of humans. cats are more unchanging. their wild form was near perfect for their niche. their domestic form is severely nerfed, and their genetic inflexibility prevents rapid unnerfing.

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not a big fan of frogs
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My mom finds them ugly, i think theire badass just like every other terrestrial bird.
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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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>when a critter catches a bird, they are catching a dinosaur
Damn that makes the whole scenario that much cooler
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>Pmph! - pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff blub blub blub blub
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"It's not the dog, it's the owner!"

Give that same owner a gerbil and let's see if it bites a baby's face off
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It IS the owners fault to some degree even (maybe especially) with le respectable soccer mom, why have they gotten an incredibly high drive dog aggressive dog.

Getting a dog like that as a family that leaves it lying around the house IS irresponsible. You shouldn't have an APBT unless you're an active single male.
The APBT has ALWAYS been a fighting dog, it's descended from the Cradley Heath strain of Bull and Terrier. The bull and terrier mixes and the sport of dog fighting are mainly a result of the original Bulldogs being mixed to ratting terriers with the banning of bull baiting. When bull baiting was banned it became less viable to keep pure bulldogs and they were mixed with ratting terriers to greatly reduce their size and increase their prey drive.

I don't even entirely disagree with your points, just you're incorrect on the APBT history.
exactly. It's like when a trained bear or tiger or monkey mauls it's owner. Everyone, even shitbull owners see the story and go "Oh well DUH! what did that idiot think would happen? It's a fucking bear for fucks sake!"... So they acknowledge that genetics always trumps "training" and "upbringing" when it comes to animals. But when it comes to "my heckin doggos!", genetics go right out the window.
>But projecting is pretty common when you corner someone in an argument.
As someone who lurks a lot around here i can confirm this. It's gets a circle jerk of no u spamming into a second if they don't agree with you
>Yes. That's what makes me a good person
>Makes fun of chavs for abusing pitbulls
>Does literally the same thing but with 4chan
Fuck no dilate retard
Too late youre already pozzed

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>throw stick
>the boneless borzoi florps after it over the grass like a magic carpet
I saw a video a while ago where a puppy borzoi meets an adult for the first time and the puppy cries because of how big and scary the adult is even though it just wants to play. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't find it anymore.
my brain can't compute that larvae state borzois are still as big as "normal" dogs
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Shes totally aggressive and schizo. Very obsessed with keeping the house, garden and yard perfect because she has no life or hobbies except for watching politicians or shit like family feud. Or starting fights with family members. She wants literally every animal dead and asks the family how to kill them and borrow supplies. The deer, gophers, foxes, birds, hedgehogs, bunnies, cats, squirrels, lizards, iguanas, moles, bears, possums, raccoons, gators, skunks, frogs, snakes, bees, mice etc She chose to move to a heavily wooded area. She puts out and sprays crazy amounts of poison and baited food. Spent hundreds on it one month. She has her own fucking cats and yorkies but they're indoors. Doesn't listen to risk of them dying or her eating garden produce that has been treated with too much poison. Its clearly making her mentalness accelerate. Grandpa doesn't stop her or care. He is a lot more normal but still shoots and sometimes cooks the animals depending on what it is. He would rather eat poisoned animals than spend his welfare on food from shops. I'm thinking of going no contact over this and other problems with grandma.
Depending on where you live you can file an "anonymous tip" as the intentional poisoning/hunting of certain species is verboten

Game wardens are extremely vindictive and once they're pissed off they come back to check
>Shes totally aggressive and schizo. Very obsessed with keeping the house, garden and yard perfect because she has no life or hobbies except for watching politicians or shit like family feud. Or starting fights with family members. She wants literally every animal dead and asks the family how to kill them and borrow supplies. The deer, gophers, foxes, birds, hedgehogs, bunnies, cats, squirrels, lizards, iguanas, moles, bears, possums, raccoons, gators, skunks, frogs, snakes, bees, mice etc
She sounds fucking based if she is omnicidal and not just "I kill ugly pests!". Leave her to her garden anon. It clearly gives her something to focus on and care about
Get her an e-collar

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Unlike humans, alpha-species animals exhibit perfect 10/10 form at all times.
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...and a marked decrease in this site's userrbase
This dude should be in the Olympics
Shut up
Having seen an osprey retardation thread on this very board I am inclined to disagree.

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How common is a full intact snake shed? I've lived innawoods 30+ years and just now seen one
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I guess it probably depends what kind of materials they have to rub against
I get really good ones in my tank because there's a super abrasive rock with a log right next to it and it can just squeeze through there and unwrap itself like taking off a sock
Snakes having an incomplete shed is the exception, actually. All snakes shed their entire skin and eyecaps all at once, an incomplete shed is usually signs of illness or bad environmental parameters (usually too dry), through even a good shed can get broken at the very tail end if the snake is being impatient and rips it.
Finding them intact in nature means it's just relatively recent and hasnt started to be eaten by anything yet - detritivores love em, apparently.
How is it that you sound calm about this? If I know there is such thing nearby I would freak out.
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It's a chickensnake, probably this one
In Australia
All the time
I see snake skins quite regularly

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I look like this and say this.

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Hello, this is my Cat Kira, she is very well behaved.
She has some nasty scars on her neck from the people who had her before, does anyone have tips for Cat keeping? And how i can make her feel better? Just some basic stuff, thanks in advance!
Cute kot
>smelling cat while you eat disgusting food
just cat faggot things!
Cat website, subhuman thirdie
You're not allowed to move till she's done cuddling, don't pet her belly and when she gives you little bites it's a sign of affection
It is covered in hair lmfao

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