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A State of Being Edition
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Like father like dogson.
this one actually looks normal... mayeb the world is healing
smashed and badass
If that looks normal your head's been SMLAMMED and SMASHED.
It's hardly normal, but it basically looks like an accidentally healthier English Bulldog (which is essentially what it is). It's probably a mid stage foundation dog for SMASHLETS not actually exhibiting the "desired" features but there as a reservoir of bone girth and "stockiness"

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I like them too.
It really isn't.

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>be lion cub
>be born with a barbed prick
>have a one in eight chance of even surviving to adulthood because if dad gets desposed by another male lion the other male lion will kill you to put your momma into estrus
>at the age of 2 get expelled by papa and have to team up Double Dragon style with other male lions just to survive(usual outcome is slowly starving to death)
>much like Double Dragon, you end up fighting your friends for the right to take over a pride and mate
>have to also take over a pride by fighting an established male lion
>IF you win - only get two to three years as the "king" of a pride
>But hey, 3,000 sexual copulations for every one lion cub you make
Is it worth it /an/?
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>You ever seen that study on baboons, where alpha male baboons were more stressed out from trying to maintain their place at the top of the hierarchy while alpha female baboons were secure and comfy in their positions

they should've stopped being power jockeying faggots and become matriarchal like bonobos then
is that supposed to be Varg?
The male lion just wants to be alone with his Switch
That doesn't sound much different from the life of a human male in 2025.

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Are dolphins evil?
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it's funny because this is 100 percent true. if it was okay to do this you know white people would be the best at it.
>dolphins are scarier than sharks

Have there been ANY fatal dolphin attacks on humans in the wild? Even one?
>DEI Geographic
>Pajeet talks about dolphins
I haven't clicked this because e-celebs only deserve death.


I'm too scared to support him. Is there any sexual stuff happening in this cult? Why would it be in the deep web otherwise? If yes how can I join them?
>put females in their rightful place
>take what they want
>treat their lessers as toys to be broken
>yet also affectionate and helpful to their friends
To be infinitely loving to your loved ones, and infinitely cruel to your enemies, that is the ideal man.
Dolphins are unironically based

These are the goofiest-looking niggas in the animal kingdom. I mean look at them.
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kek based
What causes this in hirsute pachyderms?

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Jan 21 is National Squirrel Appreciation Day, so get in here
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I heard from an incredibly reliable source that a cat convinced the lady to snitch on Peanut.
Grey squirrel immigrant scum are getting deported. Britain is RED
red or dead
greysissies are dying
redkings rule mainland evropa

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Here's a video of a leopard getting BTFO by a honey badger:

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Cape Buffalo >>>> Lion
Dogs > big cats



Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no
>adult male lion has to resort to taking out a PUP

Lions are pathetic cowards
>noo nature is cruel
So? wild dogs attack in packs 20-40 strong. Neither is more fair.

BEHOLD!!! The Mighty Dragon.
its quite fine
howabout I might drag this dick on your face faggot

Ive noticed that black and brown dogs are more likely to be ugly and lighter colored dogs are more likely to be cute. Anyone else?

Even with mixed color dogs like huskies and collies, more grey than black and more white than grey makes for a cuter dog.
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in light colored animals the facial features are more visible
that dog is kinda ugly
Sounds like nonsense. I go by what is practical and in practical terms solid or brindle browns will always be superior because it's a neutral colour that stands out the least when shed. Same reason why short single coats are better as well.
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This is called black dog syndrome and it's because the lighter colored dogs and cats are perceived to be better looking, easier to train and friendlier.

Just checking in.
see >>4930762

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Meds now edition
Rats need love
Rats need companionship
Rats need free roam time

Other rodents welcome

How do you give medicine to a rat?
I usually pin them on their back and get it in their mouth quick, followed by a sweet treat to get rid of the taste (raisin, dried banana etc.)
Dillinger was different, he wouldn't fight and just got it done quick (vid rel)
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Anyone have experience with the giant african pouched rats? They seem based. Bong don't even need a loisence to own one of this big bois
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>find out about a rodent
>looks really cute
>some even keep them as pets
>read up on them
>>The edible dormouse (Glis glis) was considered a delicacy in ancient Rome, either as a savoury appetizer or as a dessert
that was not something I expected to read today
you know, he does look a LITTLE tasty... maybe the romans were onto something...

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New thread to replace the one that was lost in the great delete.
Anhingas welcome also.
Promoting Cormorant awareness and appreciation, one post at a time.
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Pic from last Sunday
Good one
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RIP that one anon's petrel thread from 2023

I'll make you this new one.
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Shoebill thread
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I like bees. They're the only insects I feel sympathy for.
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>fat & ugly
>hairy all over
>secrete wax all over; terrible hygiene
>eat only sugary sweets
They're the fat, liberal women of the insect world.
Meanwhile wasps
>slim & attractive
>raises its young properly, with meat
>barely any hair on its body
>properly grooms itself
>knows how to live off the land; hunts its own food
Wasps are the rural tomboys of the insect world.
Thank you whoever deleted the image.
I have a ton of those around. They are so cute.
And some of them are pretty big too. At least bigger than I thought they got.
be honest anon
you want to fug the bug

Is it me or are nature websites getting much more brazen with using AI art in their articles?
Like what the fuck is this thing supposed to resemble? Not a vaquita that's for sure
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Really pushing the point home about people not knowing about them lmao
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Yeah okay sperg
>He does thing I don't like... which means he can't be on my team... which means he must be part of other team!
There's more than two options, you know. Reducing everything you don't like to "leftism" based off emotion is lazy and retarded.
>Selling out your own country to support an "ally" that hates you and dominates you is also leftism. That isn't conserving anything.
So the modern conservative party and Trump are leftists for supporting China and Israel?

>It's been around since the 70's and 80's.
Lol that's exactly my point dumbass. That's incredibly recent in the timescale of human civilization and invention. The fact that the 80's feels like ancient history to you just reinforces your age. You have no real understanding of nor appreciation for the world you were born into and what it took to get here.
fat guy boy xd

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