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Why aren't big wheel bmx bikes more popular? They seem like the best all around option
>can hoon or cruise
>kino aesthetics
>not associated with lycra roadies or neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs
>not associated with lycra roadies or neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs

Unfortunately they are already associated with niggers doing wheelies and crasing into people and cars.
But that's based

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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

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Isn't it still at least a year before it's launched?
actual TRANSPORTATION news: FAA has returned Falcon 9 to flight status, and they have three more launches scheduled before the end of the month, all Starlink.
Theres white people and there's everybody else
Where there is no one there to stop you and keep you in check
you'll burn all the resources until we're all dead
I could have built 10o ebike batteries from the lithium cells in your white man's tesla.

His father made money from apartheid

he make money from making black people dig for lithium cells right now.

you are the Americans after all.
Looks like its made out of vinyl plank flooring.

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Anybody here working in trucking/dispatch/freight brokering or something related?

Seems like there's no love for trucking on this board
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They are terrible at estimating time it will take you to get somewhere.
I would try to tell them about road construction and traveling to miss rush hour in major cities,
They dont get it, To be fair its more complex than you might think with your hours of service
What about fuel costs? How steep is the difference between hauling a 5k lbs load vs 25k vs 45k actually?
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If I am really light, I can get as much as 10 MPG
When heavy and in the mountains on I80 between denver and salt lake, its more like 5 to 6
I-80 doesn’t even go into Colorado.
How much money you made? Why you quit?

> Nashbar.com circa 2006 quality frame
> $2,000 (frame only) because a childless polyamorous hipster pothead peed on it
> Olive oil is a great chain lube btw

How much longer is this going to continue?
Why does other people wasting their money bother you?
Could be a good local deal for 200 usd nearby.
The same people buying those buy 4000+dollar rivendale's and modern road framesets.
At least Rivendells are steel so there is a chance they ride nice. You cannot make alumeenium ride nice.

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general thread for general aviation and the general topic of aviation. in general.

-Sexual Tension edition-

previous: >>1994899
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You have no jet time
lads I still can't shake the regret of not having become a pilot. or not even being in the aviation industry. I watch so many aviation videos, follow accounts but now with 36, wife, kids and mortgage it's totally over. I live my dream in FS2020 but I want to fly a 747 in RL so bad...
You either do it now or do it never. You’re not too old, but you will be too old really soon. Up to you. Being a simfag and online avgeek is honestly a fate worse than death if you ask me. The path before you is wide open and you choose not to take it.
What are you currently doing for a living? Can you just get your private/instrument and be content with that?

literally nothing is stopping you form at least joining the aviation industry other than the low pay for anyone other than pilots, mechanics/techs, or state employees (faa, airport ops, airport LEOs)

You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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endurance geometry frameset?
Nope, as the other anon said you can get endurance or tall stack less reach frames if you look hard enough. Also if you look some frames have proportionally more reach/stack in the smaller sizes, and as you go up the reach doesn't increase much while the stack does.

many vintage bikes are like this. My largest frame has a 58cm top tube but a 63.5cm seat tube, and since the top tube is level it has a TALL boi headtube.
With modern sloping tubes that's plenty easy to do. I see custom bikes with it too.
But the headtube is practically nonexistent though? Look at the pic. Or we can look up the numbers. If that's a 2012-ish synapse, picking an admittedly arbitrary size of 48 (woman) and comparing to same-era same-ish size giant defy (allroad/endurance geo) the head tube is 15mm less on the cannondale, so unless the BB is practically scraping the pavement I don't see how it's can be called a tallboi or high stack geo
two of those have gears tho
having standards does not make you gay, you barrel scraping coomer simp

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Why is this system so easy to take down?
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We can't let our support for mass transit blind us to the other things the regimes building it are doing.
Yes I think I'm smart enough to know there are stuff more important than transit.
>Why is this system so easy to take down?
Lack of redundancy. If eco-terrorists turned several highway interchanges on Interstate 10 into rubble, there's alternate (if less direct) freeways, older highways, and if all else fails streets. It's not just freeways; if there were Amtrak routes that got taken out there's enough freight rails that they can take that destinations can still be reached. Even power lines have dozens of networks that can be rerouted and service restored while the affected areas are rebuilt.
>if there were Amtrak routes that got taken out there's enough freight rails that they can take that destinations can still be reached.
You're saying as if that wasn't exactly what happened there with the TGVs being rerouted on the classic lines. As much as capacity allows that is.

This is a very common thing I've seen in every internet discussion about cyclists, whether the debating parties think bikes are a good method of transportation or not, they all seem to agree that lycra-wearing sport cyclists are the satan of the roads even though they harm literally no one compared to cars and at worst simply run red lights and use the full lane

It just seems weird to me that something so harmless causes so much rage and downright murderous meltdowns, regular cyclists seem to all agree these people are the reason why they have a bad name and get killed everyday, so are lycra cyclists REALLY that bad?
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>I go faster than I can see to stop in
You're cancer and I hope you run into a broken down truck and stop stealing oxygen , you inbred Cletus cunt (no offence lol).
I like you and I hate being tailgated. I might get a sticker that says "Chill out, it's a lovely day!" Or "I got up early enough to not rush lololol".
>Road cycling is for a wealthy elite.
What? You can get a new fresh carbon sled for less than 2k$.
>Roadies chose to suffer for fun.
Its fun to workout and challenge yourself anon. Healthy too. I dont know where the suffering part is hidden in your argument.
I don't understand lycra since it only gives a worse workout for the distance put in.
Say you bike 50km in shorts and some t-shirts, now put on lycra and the same distance requires less energy. Your workout is now ruined unless you increase the distance.
Why would you do that when nothing is gained?
Going fast is more fun.
Going farther is more challenging
Wearing cool jersys is nice

If my life was all about gains I wouldn't be on this website.

A thread to discuss bike touring - bikes, routes, gear, stories, etc.
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Doing this lil tour, starting Friday.

I might meet some of you /n/erds along the way.
OP of the mini-bitch fest checking in, just wanted to clarify that the post you're responding to is not me.
halleå fellow malmö fubbick
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Finished this yesterday.

Bornholm was fucking NICE, super easy to get around and the island is beautiful. Camped on a beach and it was 10/10. Getting to and from was also easy as the ferry goes every 2 hours or so, also cheap.

The rest of the journey was a mixed bag. The coastal route was nice, and going from Morrum up along the old railway line was pretty sweet.

Got soaked in the rain a few times, and I had to take a couple of detours to avoid live firing ranges.

From Torne, I had to get home and this sucked shit. Constant headwind, nothing to see except fields, very hilly, no campsites/accommodation for miles. I did 150km one day just so I could get a decent bed and shower - oh I forgot to mention, my air mattress had a slow leak that was pissing me off and i couldn't get a decent night's sleep.

The roads were busy in places, but eventually I reached a town 40km from the end and just got the train home. Overall pretty ok.

The front pannier setup was weird. Bike felt balanced, but the air drag was very noticeable. Don't know if I'd do this setup again.
nice tour, front panniers suck

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What's the best configuration for a thrust reverser:

Target type or cold stream?
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It just werks
dangerously based
[descents menacingly]

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Going to my local bike co-op tomorrow to try and find a commuter. I haven't riden a bike since I was a kid. Should I look for steel or aluminum if my price range is $200ish? There's bound to be a lot of junk
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Do not buy anything without also buying the tools to at least measure, clean and, replace a chain+chainring, tension spokes, and replace tires.

Also, protip: get a chain waxing regime down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbz3NGbwyuc

Once again, do not buy a bike until you cost those things in, or you will ride it for a few weeks/months before dumping it because "it just doesn't shift right" "it feels gritty" "the bike shop wants more money than I paid for it".
Both of you haven't considered that OP lives in a place where the bike co-op needs to armor their building.
You're buying on the low end of things, steel and aluminum are fine materials. Buy what they have that fits you well, fit is the most important thing. After you get a few months of riding in, you'll get a better idea of what you actually want.
>steel or aluminum if my price range is $200ish
that's not really important.
you should first look for a bike size that fits you. then either get a rigid MTB that either has , or budget to get, slick tires.
or a road bike that has frame clearance for 32mm tires or more (1¼ inches wide), ideally already with those tires or else budget for them.
the co-op guys should be able to help you with all this, but if not, those are your primary criteria.
Yeah I have lots of money. Just don't wanna get niqqa'd

Name one single reason why owning a car is ethical
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>sidestep reality and transform the argument to one that car opponents think they can win.
Is it possible for us to change your mind about anything?
Is it possible that you are wrong about anything?
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why is this thread full of ad-hominem by people who know nothing about those they are speculating about and not suprisingly they also end up being wrong all the time?
maybe try an argument instead for once ?
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>maybe try an argument instead for once
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whyouso,,,mean?,just because OPis a childrapist,gatejumpingooning, shill foretards,, you goff on hisintentionalazy attempto be a Woman?,
,,,walled,,uhhh,imean,WALKABLE citys are more effecient if everyone hasankle braclets with Shocking function to controll who getsin therestroom.,
,,,did you just PUKE onmyshoe?
Because /n/ is poor and cannot afford a privately owned automobile.

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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if you don't put in your exact address your score is fake btw
Cannot wait until I can move out
What's stopping you
most of these people screaming about cars are underage and in high school or middle school
>Walk score 58
>Transit 32
>Cycling 74
Definitely could be higher.

Fuck this garbage French dogshit design
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all hail Blitzventil
>It never ceases to amaze me how some people can blame an inanimate object for their own lack of skill and patience.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people can defend a defective object

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how do you rate babbys first road bike? 700 bucks for this used, with a powertap g3 and ultegra di2. its a specialized sl4 tarmac pro mid-compact. holy BASED!
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Good to know fren. You know that our kind triggers cagies the most?
Be safe out there, the fat positivity movement is actively trying to kill us out there. They could do anything if they get 2 minutes late to their daily MC'ds appointment.
remember to wear glasses, eyes are fragile
topkek, people in cities are unhinged. inconvenience them by 20 seconds and they get hysterical. i havent ridden my bike on the street yet, im gonna get a garmin varia first, and a good bike lock. theres a nice paved trail in my city for bikers only so ive been going there
i want some racing goggles kino, but ill settle for a fignon special
I mean, people get stuck by lightning all the time, too
I undermine your power when I ride my bicycle

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