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What is /n/'s opinion on these? Fun on- and off-road transport, or rolling deathtraps?
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So on other words you are mad that you've got exactly what you were looking for after investigating picrel?
Is it good for courier in doordash/uber/glovo?
I want maximum chill and sit on them as much as possible while riding, but I heard that it is impossible to sit on them at low speeds due to low stability, only over 20 km/h, is it true?
Everybody uses electric scooters/mopeds for that.
Usually those which a meant to be speed limited and can take bikepaths. Most will then remove the limit.
If you pick the right one you also have space to put the box somewhere, either between your feet or at some rack.
You can also get a ICE moped but then you don't have a plausible reason to use the bike lane.
>clown theme but synthwave.mp3
death sentence

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All modern cars look boring and similar, to the point where car collectors focus only on older cars that look cool. I wonder why?
>be car engineer in the from the 40s to the 70s
>make cars look as cool as possible, with bright colors, so people will be drawn to them
>begin to fetishize speed
>min/max your design’s aerodynamics to increase speed
>cars begin to look alike but at least they are fast and fuel efficient
>but police pull over speeders…
>and fast drivers like to wrap themselves around trees…
>consider going back to less aerodynamic, more interesting designs?????????
>no way, never change because easier to do the same forever
>wake up one day, wonder why you live in a gray world driving a gray blob to a job talking about efficiency on excel spreadsheets
Do engineers really???
>aerodynamic design = greater fuel efficiency = more appealing to consumers
>market tends to prefer designs they're familiar with
>crash safety regulations limit design options
Put it all together and you get alot of samey shit
unironically your type is the fault
>emissions obsession
>clean energy
>DON'T HURT THE CHILDREN(tall front ends, other ped safety stuff)
>fucked up carb/epa rules about smaller vehicles have to have stricter emissions, thus larger vehicles are incentivized.
I gave up and ride motorcycles now or take my bike.
>greater fuel efficiency = more appealing to consumers
Would a consumer really pick a fast car over a cool looking car? Blackpilling if true.
>they are fast and fuel efficient
on what planet? modern cars are bigfat bloat, they do not -feel- fast (which is what makes driving fun) and they are not efficient at all

cars, like bicycles, peaked in the late 80s
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old old cars are gay
with a few exceptions

agree about the colour thing, in an average 20 car parking lot there will maybe be 1 car thats not grey

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Since the days of Repack the sport exploded and splintered into various specialist sub genres, but for me this is what cycling has always been about, simple bikes out in the wild, taking on terrain that shouldn't be bike friendly.
Here's a nice film that covers the birth of the sport from the perspective of a photographer who was part of that American story, tons of cool images.

Of course off road cycling has many points of origin, in the UK we have the 'rough Stuff fellowship', which claims to be the oldest off road cycling club in existence and predates the Repackers by several decades, here's a link to a thread that talks about that.

No doubt throughout the history of the bicycle right across the planet, small groups and individuals independently 'invented' mountain biking' by simply taking whatever bikes they had and riding them in the wild. It would be great to learn more about the history of mans off road cycling adventures and perhaps discover where this amazing sport really was birthed.

Share any images and stories here.
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Mtb trails have got much more extreme I was watching old World Cup videos on you tube and it's what I'd ride a gravel bike on

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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>makes me kek that this iconic German train is used within Switzerland
Most train lines in Schaffhausen are actually German. There's the two swiss lines from Zurich and Winterthur which have the short stretch up to the city of Schaffhausen, everything else os part of the Hochrheinbahn (upper Rhine railway) which runs along the Rhine on its northern side. To the east it goes to Konstanz via Singen, to the west to Basel via Waldshut. The fastest way to travel from Schaffhausen to Basel is on a German train running mostly through Germany. For that reason, back in the day those classic German rail buses where in use in Schaffhausen on the German lines. Pic related is in Neuhausen on the line from Schaffhausen to Erzingen (Schaffhausen-Basel mainline). The line from Schaffhausen to Thayngen is part of the line to Singen and Konstanz. On it run both the Schaffhausen-Singen S-Bahn suburban trains (two per hour), as well as the swiss-operated trains that only reach Thayngen (was one per hour, now it'll be two).
The only rail line that was ever properly from Schaffhausen was the Schaffhausen-Schleitheim interurban tram which was closed in 1964. It makes me incredibly sad that we lost that rail line.
Two years ago:
>Beringen had four trains per hour during rush hour
>their trains were operated by the swiss Thurbo (SBB subsidiary)
>Thayngen had only three trains per hour
>two of them operated by DB
>the DB run trains were literally the worst service in all of Switzerland with constant delays, cancellations and shitty rolling stock

>Beringen service cut back to half-hour all through the day
>Thayngen gets 15-minute frequency during rush hour (3 trains per hour off peak)
>all of them run by either Thurbo or SBB

Well well well how the turntables
everybody in favour of kicking Germany out of CHAD? They only embarrass us.
It's not that Berlin is so good at it but that most of the rest is like >>2027052
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Anon delivers

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What do you think about the new plan to tunnel under the 401 highway in Toronto?

They want to build trains and additional express lanes underneath along a stretch of about 40km of an 15-20 lane highway

Over 500,000 vehicles use this stretch of road per day
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Or you could just stop importing hundreds of thousands of Indians every year and not need to pave over everything with condos and trains
Definitely for sure, Chang!
I'm starting to recognise you as a poster here. It's interesting how I never see you post like this on any other board.
those condos replace parking lots and strip malls you're retarded

also the Indians can't afford to buy the condos and live in slum housing outside of the core. Brampton is like 20km northwest of downtown. those condos aren't actually being occupied lmao a lot are just investment pieces that are driving the housing prices up
They live 4-8x the standard occupancy, tenement style to afford it. It still drives development and rents up.

>Ayys/time travelers arent rea--G..ACK!!
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What about it looks modern to you?
planes didnt exist until 1937
think about it
The nose and cockpit glass
>First flight: 1968
Seeing modern looking thing next to old looking thing is like... Ayy shit

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What exactly is wrong with congestion pricing in general? Most people in NYC don't drive so they shouldn't subsidize roads. Also lol taxis being 1/5 motorbikes
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"Real" capitalism doesn't exist just as communism. What a surprise! Yet there'snoless democracy in North Korea than in the us.
>Every capitalist government
Every government has taxes.
Yes, at the moment there's not a a single state in the world that is not capitalist. But in the past there were. And, surprise!, they also collected taxes.
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What about like London for example
>And I'll still lube up rather than endure pubtrans
Pretty much stopped reading there lol
Also, you forgot
>youre a commie
Implying commies are not the only living beings on this planet worthy of being called human.

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What tech, policies, city designs, etc, can be used to alleviate traffic congestion in the U.S. of A? I've seen some people suggest that we need to essentially obliterate The current car centered transportation networks we have in favor of stuff involving buses and trains (a ridiculous pipe dream Yes I know but I would also like to know if fixing the traffic issues is actually possible)

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>multifamily housing
No thanks
Trains work but they're ultimately a miserable experience. Same for buses.

Working from home is a practical solution and should frankly be an mandatory option for all office workers, which would alleviate some traffic.

In addition, if everyone worked from home it would allow office building to be transformed into bugmen shelters, which should help with the lack of housing.
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I don't want to live next to a gas station and across the street from a plastic extrusion plant and my backyard is up against a slaughterhouse. Zoning eliminates those sorts of problems.
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Did a ctrl+f for "black" and "african" with zero results. Are you guys for real?
I get the idea of boosting trains and buses to reduce traffic, but that can't work in America because of blacks. I used to be a poorfag, I lived in DC for years and visited NYC multiple times, so I can say with certainty that blacks make public transport a nightmare. As long as we're going to live in a diversity dystopia then we must I repeat we must solve this problem using traditional highways. After a decade of driving in a car and being free from AYO MAYN AYO SHEEIT MAYN MUHFUGGIN YOU GOT FIVE CENT HUH MAYN YOU GOT SEVEN CENT MAYN COME ON MAYN SHEEEEIT then I would never step foot on public transport. Hell I visted NYC just a few weeks ago and saw innumerable black schizophrenics screaming in public, and whites trying to get to work would just walk around them and pretend not to notice. I saw one black stagger around, look down into a garbage can, then honk like a goose.
Never been to Europe but from what I hear they're not doing much better than us.

When I go to big cities, I see an abundance of cars just blocking the streets creating traffic jams and such. I think the reason why is because a ton of people live in the cities to the point where they not only expand "horizontally" like building more buildings in more areas around the city, they also expand "vertically" like building higher and taller buildings like skyscrapers for more people to live in. So what I would like to know is, since so far roads only expand "horizontally", why can't we build roads "vertically" like stacking roads on top of roads like skyscrapers stacking story on top of story?
Also, yes, I'm a newfag to /n/.
Cars belong on >>>/o/
Oh, but I thought that because roads are a medium of transportation that maybe it belonged here

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Can I into gliders as a poorfag?
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Just join a club, it's cheap. NB if you weigh over 100KG good luck.
FPS drone is flying for poorfags. Good skill to have if you're ever drafted too
>how much does it cost to get pulled up once?

depends a lot on the specifics. discovery flight might be as low as $20 or free. tow to 2000ft for a 30 minute session should not run above $150 as far as I know.

>Is 50k€ enough to get started?

this is a question better asked of the people in your local aviation community. I would expect that budget to get you all the way to solo flights in a club owned aircraft.
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I highly recommend it if you have a bit of spare cash. I bought a share in a fiberglass glider from the late 80's for <$10k. A tow to 2000ft was about $60 at my club, yearly club fees about $250.
It's different for every club, but the common theme in my country is that coaching is completely free (you just pay for the tow/launch and glider hire). You're expected to get there early and help out throughout the day, even if you're not gliding that day. It's a team effort and volunteering keeps it relatively cheap.
>Can I into
No. You have to pass a grammar test first.

Pic related DC-8
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Those lights are neat.
It would be foolish to blame the Charles de Gaulle disaster for the entire demise of the Concorde, it was just one nail of many in the coffin of a project born from sheer pride and against better economic judgment in the first place.
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It's in the background of the airport stage in KoF '99:
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>we could have had this instead of the 747
>6 engines
Jesus I just bought stock in Exxon thinking about it

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American high-speed rail map from transportation researcher Alon Levy.

Which line would you build first?
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>Sample size = 1
I accept your concession.
>Your sources: My imagination
Kill yourself.
Your concession has already been accepted. There is no need to continue losing.
Turning Los Angeles into a high-speed rail hub would be such an awesome transformation to watch. LA would go from the most car-dependent big city to the most rail-friendly city.
>LA would go from the most car-dependent big city to the most rail-friendly city.

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This is my imaginary island country of Regalia.

What kind of transportation would be feasible on this island? I imagined the country as a British colony settled in the early 18th century and gaining its independence after WWII. The population is around 1.8 million, though the overwhelming majority live in the twin cities of Kingsport and Arkham. The interior of the main island is sparsely populated and mountainous, with a few dormant volcanoes.

I'm trying to imagine the rail lines connecting all the cities on the south coast, and the ferry system between Kingsport and Arkham.
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Okay so forget the volcanoes...

But I still wanted some decently sized mountains in the main island's interior. I'm going to ignore the topography of the other islands because they don't really matter.
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If you're going for the realism route the environment could still have very dramatic landscapes, just not the swiss-alps pointy snowcapped all year around type typical of fantasy, more like pic related. I for one would love to see a climate that's more "sub arctic" in nature than usual. I'm already imagining ice-breaker trains designed to plough through avalanche debris. There would also be a lot of rare natural recourses typical of ancient crust, like diamonds, gold, nickel and platinum or even uranium. Perhaps mining could be their chief export?
How deep is the water around there? In real life that shelf is about 200-250 feet deep, so how much are we raising the sea floor around Regalia?

I wanted the dropoff to be just offshore, with the island following the contours of the shelf.

I imagined the vast majority of the shipping and commerce to be in the shallow bay area.
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letmeshow,,,the future.,
,,hybrid cars/elevated rail.,
,,,,180 mph rail,,50 mph street.,
,,easyinstall,over houses,,,marshs.,
,why isnthisnow?

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Going to have to be a 300 km/h average speed for a 5 hour trip.
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Ah yes the Great American region of *checks notes* East Frisia
Let me guess you drove from an airport to some DaNang or NhaTrang and maybe some shitty tourist section of a road to Bana Hills?
I've been living in Vietnam for 2 years and traveled all over it. 95% of the roads are shit.
By most criteria those "third-world countries" are much better places to live.
Yes, please go there and don't consider moving to US, there's nothing good here.
Don't try to hide your pain behind sarcasm. In 2024 the us is one of the worst countries to live in.

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Baffinland (a large mining company in my territory) will break ground on a new arctic railway between a mine and a new deep sea port, making it the world's northermost. To be a conductor on it would be sick af
>To be a conductor...
You do know that conductors don't actually run the engine, right? That's an engineer.
Same diff
>island of ice and rock
>no sun in winter
>no night in summer
>no trees
>have to share the 8 women with hundreds of miners
no thanks but you do you, op
>in my territory
4chan has Nunavut posters? Grim.
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OP definitely has a Polar Express fantasy

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