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Ah, what a lovely evening to ride my bike.
Moments before disaster
/nrt/ nightly ride thread
>see red light
>don't die
it's that simple
Wasn't this the train that some whitu piggu rode next to while a bunch of jap railfans were autistically waiting to get footage of the train and then seethed about the cyclist ruining their shot and made him into a 2chan meme?

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Why are they so (apparently) hated? People seem to dislike the fact that they have to wait for the lights to cycle before they can cross the road. But isn't this literally how they work in other normal parts of the world??

Also why are they called this? Because you have to "beg" cars to be able to cross the road? Do Americans really?
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This is a much more pragmatic solution that speaks to the mindless cage creature in the only language that it understands - violence.

>But isn't this literally how they work in other normal parts of the world??
In most of the world you make eye contact with the coming driver and give her.
I am a fan of this method desu
Thanks, but I already carry a gun.
Do you brandish it at vehicles while crossing the street?

Thoughts on Comac's C919? Would you fly on a made in China plane?
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>I don't know why you keep referring to shipbuilding as an analogue for airplane manufacturing.

Safety for one. LNG carriers can wipe out a small city if they go boom, their engineering and safety standards are comparable to that of passenger aircraft for that reason.

>because there is no reason to invest in a domestically-produced Chinese airliner if airlines can purchase or lease western jets at a lower cost

You're saying that in the middle of a cold/trade war between America and China. China will force their airlines to do so just due to the sanction risk. They have learnt their lessons from Huawei and the semiconductor sanctions. If you purely go by market forces, China wouldn't even be trying to build their own aircraft, they would just buy Airbus/Boeing like the rest of the planet.

>The difference between the military and civilian sector is that in the latter all 3 are required.

The military sector will provide the initial engineering expertise and support to start the ball rolling. It's much harder to start from scratch after alll. Once they have all critical competents like the engines, they will innovate after they have a stable product to dodge sanctions.

>The military cares only about performance, which can come at a significant operating costs (far in advance of the operating margin an airline has to work with).

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>large portion are transports
transport aircraft are vastly more powerful than combat aircraft. logistics win wars, and in terms of logistics the USAF has four times as many C-17's as the rest of the world combined, and vastly C-17's more than any countries fleet of woefully inferior stratetigc airlifters, and a fleet of C-130H's and C-130J's that dwarf any rival. the USAF has more ski equipped boutique C-130's than most countires have tactical airlifters overall.

really the whole
>the two most powerful air forces in the world are the USAF and the USN
quip hardly captures the disparity in power projection between the US and the rest of the world.
That amount of transport aircraft are only necessary if you're fighting wars all over the globe. If you're comparing fighting power in a vacuum by teleporting in all aircraft into a neutral battlefield and having them duke it out, they're aren't so much of an factor. Or if the US navy has to fight China right in it's backyard where China doesn't have to worry about logistics nearly as much.
They are also the biggest producer of medicine.
You have the freedom to travel. Many do not, maybe appreciate what you have hmm?

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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Just stop moving the goalposts
see >>1993562 and >>1993565
Again, welcome to the 20th century
Buffers and screw coupling work well only if you couple the train correctly: when coupling, the buffers should touch and the screw coupling should be tightened. By this you ensure - as you correctly state - that slack and compression are mitigated. Now guess who does it by the book today. I'll help you there: nobody. Even in OPs pic the screw coupling is hanging a bit and the buffers aren't compressed meaning that as soon as this train starts to move, the buffers get a slight gap between them.

The new DAC should mitigate this problem as the Schaffensberg type heads connect without gaps thus no slack between cars will occur.
gee whiz i love another boondoggle from "totally-not-a-monopoly" voith
and current (lv.4 or some shit) doesn't support data transfer (which is on lv.5 of spec, and is still as elusive as ETCS lv. 3)
FFS euroniggers can screw literally fucking everything

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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
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>lives in a place where school playgrounds aren't open to the public on evenings and weekends
>nearby shoe boutique is labeled as supermarket but drugstore with full grocery is nowhere to be seen
definitely needs tuned up. at first glance the map look about right though
When I was young. My school's playground would be opened and closed at random. So it wasn't something I could relay on.
Needs to be global not just muricuck only
My local library rebranded as coworking with latte and smoothies, and also hosts a lot of courses, though mostly for kids. It's a good public space.

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
Houston airport subway, it's the only example of a WEDway people mover built by Disney outside of the parks.
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The DDZ is still looking good... Quite aesthetic solution hiding the loco under the upper passenger deck.

I (mildly autistic) am to this day bothered by the design of Stadler GTWs due to that fucking engine/electrics compartment. It's like putting a small freight wagon into a passenger consist just because.

Inb4: they need to put the engine or electrical components somewhere
So does Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier, yet they don't need a fucking freight car for it.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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donated like 60lbs of books. going a bit neurotic selling/donating a ton of possessions. it's for the better.
does it spark joy?
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Didn't want to spook the Canadian geese.
Seen tons of these over the last month or so.
more relief than anything
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Night rides are the comfiest. Especially if they start at 14:00.

Show me the jury rigged shit you've cobbled together yourself instead of buying from a store.

5gal bucket panniers, homemade bags, diy anti-theft solutions, etc.

p.s., picrel was absolute useless 3d printing and raspberry pi bullshit
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surfacing the carbon for paint
I have seen this exact picture on reddit.
probably in a thread where the solution to a seized cassette was to wedge the wheel against a wall.
if I ever go there I am 100% gonna get their plans and then just open source them. knowledge should be free
You can already download the plans from their website here:

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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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Well I appreciate it. I try to apply the same logic I use in my day to day to planes, and I also try to remember how many flights I’ve been on before this new anxiety.
Might just start swigging a shot before flights though. Either way thanks a bunch
Don’t overthink it brotha you got it
Calm down seat 27B
Look up vagus nerve anti-anxiety techniques on youtube. You will find a lot of lilac clack hippy chicks humming and breathing, and all of it works.
Daily 4-7-8 breathing exercise for 8 reps helps to build immunity from overactrive panic response.
t. ex-panic disorder fag
I'm in the same boat but takeoffs and landings are the only part in ok with. The rest of the time I'm paranoid about turbulence. Used to fly all the time with no issues, it's a new development since flying with my kids. I'm going to get a valium prescription for my next long haul flight.

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Here is mine:

Just do it:
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Who asked bitch ass
How da fuck is hurt by johnny cash cycling music breh lol

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The Dictator

Bang Brave Bang Bravern OP Ba-Bang to Suisan! Bang Bravern Instrumental by Pan Piano

Ru's Piano of Rogue Encampment
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What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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>you have to build a complete bike network to my extremely high standards or it doesn't count
>wtf why is no one wanting to build bike lanes
No, the bad faith one is "you need my permission to ride a bicycle, in the form of this magical green paint, and if you don't use my green paint and go EXACTLY where I tell you you're allowed to go with your children's toy, I now have your permission to run you down and kill you and then go 'was he wearing a helmet doe?' while gesturing to the pair of mangled femurs and various hair and gristle and shredded organ meat jutting out of my crumpled, gore-soaked hood

Forester was right. Urbanists need to be launched into the sun
Not my fault they brigade the website with their shilling every day like this guy >>1993540
Yes. Every urban and suburban city should have a bollard/concrete separated bike lane wide enough for two bikes side by side, on both sides of the road, on all roads. Randomly ending a bike lane in 45mph car traffic is the equivalent of ramping cars off an unfinished overpass.
>extremely high standards
All a nigga need are concrete slabs and bike lanes that don't randomly end/turn into sharrows.

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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>90% is shit hard as a rock thick walled Tange tubing
good thing mine's not lol
>worst of everything
no, those are BSO's
>cramped geo
huh? most have tall top tubes and short head tube/seat tubes. So just get a riser stem.
Tons of 120-140mm stems out there.
Threadless 1in is fine too
>small wheel that are uncomfortable
pressure+skill issue
>limited tire selection
marketing. There are still decent tires out there, it's not fucking 650c or 27in.
>shit brakes
skill issue
lmao, it's the most versatile normal gearing you can get. Super easy gears for hills, decent gears for flats. If you want more flat speed they made 48th and larger chainrings for the 110 bcd. I even have tandem spec 56+rings.

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ok, but then what was the point of triple butting if it was going to be thicker than double butt anyway.
but yes, I'm the tall boi bike up thread
I meant mostly thicker on the ends where it needs to be stronger, and still reasonably thin in the center.
This makes a stiffer frame that can cope with more.
At least this is what I have heard from the miyata posters on other forums.
Remember, the bigger the rider and frame the stiffer you want the frame to be, up to a point for mild trail riding/road.
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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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Singapore handles urban art very well, much to the dismay of foreign dindu nuffins and their enablers.
Nigger behaviour, not compatible with civilised society
>walking amongst the giants
aka a bunch of pussies who won't even go for police stations and cars, or giant billboards. oh no, pissing off the popo or ad agencies would be the worst, gotta take the view away from commuters.
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nerd detected
Doesn't work, see picrel. Afaik only passenger metro not painted is NK. Even the israel metro has been done
Metro graf is a Western culture thing, not found in negroid, gook or raghead culture. Nice to see thirdies sticking up for fellow thirdies
Lmao just move seat fatty, I bet you don't piss and moan when a giant coca-cola advert blocks your window
here if you even try to paint the metro you'll get lynched by the community.

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Many politics of southwest airlines edition

previous: >>1972682
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It helps you're SA is why I like it.
the absolute state of frogposters
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Opinions on RENO?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZFK8sA7cEA
looks really cool, I wonder why is not that well known, I just found out about it by accident
I don't understand it. The whole point is that they're doing crazy shit and you might watch someone die. Then someone dies, just as everyone was hoping would happen, and they all moan about it and say it was a terrible tragedy. Or maybe they're just saying that because they're spozeduh, and that's part of being a fan but it's all with a wink and a nudge?
Any EASA ATPLs here?
I heard you can get a job in a jet with just 200 hours in Euroland?

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>What bags do you use
>What do you carry
>Why are all saddle bags shit
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Anyone know what cargo cage or mount the fork bags are strapped to. It looks pretty wide.

The trail bike is usually over packed. I use a rear track and a bag for all of my layers. Half frame bag with all the pocket stuff, spare batteries, sealant, and then a peanut butter jar with all my repair kit stuff in a water bottle cage. The rack is the T rack and has bottle cage mounts and I have the king cage mounts. Perfect for 5L bags or similar. I'd like to throw some other, larger bags there or out front on the forks, wondering if people use a cage with a larger foot to support wider bags. They aren't heavy but the weight isn't distributed as effectively as I'd expect.

The casual commute bike it's one frame bag and a stem bag. Just enough for water snacks, and a small repair kit. I think I will put a light rack on there if find one for nothing.

Road bike currently nothing. I want a saddlebag but just enough for tire levers, patch kit stuff, small multi tool, maybe a packable wind layer. I really don't like to bike specific clothing that much but might need to get a jersey or two so I have back pockets for keys, wallet, phone, and snacks. I could maybe see a small top tube bag as an alternative but it's my lightest bike and I'd like to keep it that way.
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Inujirushi kaban handlebar bag. Love it. Pain to import, Nippon really don’t care about selling to filthy roundeyes
why this over something like the acorn rando bag?
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Found them through Jitensha Studios.
Imported from JP was way cheaper than Acorn, Berthoud, Swift.
Ultimately it for my bike better too.
shit what a nice bikergirl ass

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