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Hi !!!!!!!!!
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You look like if someone took a bag of hammers and spread raw dough over it
You look like if a bulldog got hit in the face with a shovel
hey julie ya know what ? your photos are not good but ya know what else? rooders are definetely far worse on real time entarnaitment selfies spy jul , winker
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[s4s] stands with Israel
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what pandemic what is woke didnt woke used to be ebonics that meant something about believing in conspiracy theories now woke means gay
how does that work woke used to mean about being awake and now it means believing youre a dog or a fairy or something that could not be less awoken
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between you and I conspirationists always did scuk ...ha ha ha

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
they were always so far out so far away from the truth and talking about stupid things which were not real like star gate and not talking about things which were real like the radios and psychology as part of the NWO agenda
No with dignity
I love big boobs

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>I KNEW your skin tone was too dark to be from Sinnoh. you're NIGGER, aren't you!?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Nice upskirt

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3 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Ohh this fucking sucks ...

I don't even have a place to recover now I gotta deal with this!???
Wtf I can't afford an ems I know you don't gotta pay em but still auuuugh

Omg this sucks
Ok actually it feels better already maybe it's just a sprain

Ok let me go rest it..
Omg this is a problem
..id I cannot walk then I how the fuck will I make money??? And I'm down to $2400
Gon is a enhaner but for him to realize that much power....oof


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I'll do my best so I can get back to those peaceful carefree days.
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Death before naivety
Wish you the best!
I've been working on being the person teenage me tried to repress because being like that is "cringe".
Now I've learned there's nothing more based than being cringe!
ignorance may be bliss...
but ignorance is also most assuredly lethal.

my 2¢
Ignorance by extension is pure. Crystalline. Genuine. It is. Whyi adore kids they are honest and purein thought

Take a dog or a child into a room and they will show you quickly they are smarter than us. In our vanity and our purported intelligence
i get what you're saying. but......

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
–Thomas Jefferson.

santa claus fucked my head up at 4 yo.
i had a deep understanding of physics and aerodynamics from watching roadrunner every day for the entire summer.
they're telling me this thing can fly.
my mind called bullshit.
i found out it was my duty as a "crystalline" kid to believe.
my parents needed the fantasy more than i did.

kids can be a lot smarter than they're given credit for and i think maybe the booze is making you nostalgic and perhaps a bit maudlin.

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Worshipping japan is a sign of low IQ
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i'm from tsun province in menhera republic
i hate japan, and i hate japanese
thats why i'm learning japanese, so i can better understand japanese history and literature, so i can understand how to hate them even more
karen dubs

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Good... good idea

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this is what tranny woke twitterfags love to do with their dad when no one sees them
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Why do you have this saved onto your computer anyway

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
You will never be funny

Does anyone know what this site is? or at least where is it from? history of photographs? what is it even written there?

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happy friday s4s
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it looks like she has one to me
dubs confirm
I love myself a moist beppinpeppin burt come on it looks like she's giving bith to liquid glass
Did the “girl” you had sex with also have a penis?
You are literally disproven by OP's image.
Must be quiet embarrassing for you, huh?

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dead board wake the fuck up WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP
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you didnt even accept the link stop being a sissy
I'm tired. Not only that but I've a sprained ankle
move the fucking chess liar i am right here
i thought you were fucking ukranian
i'll be friends with israel
my screen didnt change into a match you send the link this time then
Ukrainian? I'm a hot blooded American first and a anglo saxon second

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i should be liiik
but me be liiike
i fail its ok
i just draw and listen to song

Your fortune: Average Luck
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i tried to shade and do more prespectiv
maby someday
can draw other thingy interact with lumi
like give spoon full off soop or somting
maby need to wait so am sick
so can draw better cause idea off uhm happen real life
me lil weird sometimes

well see if was guitar saga lumi
lumi would have known!
didnt know

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draw Lumi interacting with some of these
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i tried my best...
im low on sleep again drawing becomes hard...
it's looking very cute, don't worry
also, don't sleep on sleep, rest is very important, even a small 30min nap can help quite a bit
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tank u
but i think its bit subparr quality
i dont still know how to eyes
and uhm im kinda tired but not like rly its odddd

spongebob boiling in a pot of shit
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THE PROGRAM FOR THIS EVENING IS NOT NEW you've seen this entertainment through and through
you've seen your birth your life and death you might recall of the rest
did you have a good world when you died?
enough to base a movie on?
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Aren't you the guy in those /v/ threads
Do you even remember what the issue is? You just tryin' find where the tissue is.

The forehead girl
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les fragrance ?
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Where did she find that?
Next to her futon when she woke up
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You all need jesus unironically
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I habb seighted thy right path Fren and on thy left bear foot
fell tunes
you need to look at some ink blots.
you were doing good earlier.
did you remember to take your pill?

maybe take two pills this time.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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I deleted all my frog folders

Your fortune: Average Luck
9 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
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My personal favorite forg!
Cool story bro
tomorrow skin is best as it is broad daylight beez
Leave it to a pepeposter to apply that sound faux dissonance that saves you from your reality Lol

You can fool yourself but not me

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