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whats the difference between femboys and trans people if they both want to be girls?
67 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
femboys wanna look like girls and stay a boy trans people want to look like girls and they also wanna become a girl
accidentally didnt add a comma, pretend theres a comma between the words boy and trans
why you're doing it. autogynos are trans, but if ur gay and you just want to arouse other men you can try the femboy thing
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ok seeing as this isn't a fightan thread anymore and back to being a stupid >>>/pol/ tier thread this is now a spiderman thread

how do i shot web

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

should i order delivery food at 4 am?
you should have sex incel
cute timezone (do it)

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chewsday innit

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Illyasviel von Einzbern of the Fate series, originally appearing in the visual novel Fate/Stay Night, is one of the most, if not the most erotic characters in all of Otaku culture. In her original incarnation, her petite appearance in contrast with her polite but haughty character makes for a strong first impression. Her white hair, red eyes, voice, and choice of outfits make for a cute combination. However, it is also perfectly natural to be aroused at the appearance of Illyasviel von Einzbern in all of her incarnations. In all of the Fate franchise's years, Illyasviel von Einzbern received multiple outfits; from her magical girl-inspired costumes in her dedicated manga and anime spin-off Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, to her servant look-a-likes in the gacha game Fate/Grand Order. In all of her outfits, Illyasviel von Einzbern never fails to be the peak of eroticism not just in the Fate franchise, but across all of media in anime, manga, Japanese video games, and all other media that fall into the Otaku subculture. To call Illyasviel von Einzbern the Aphrodite of Otakudom is no exaggeration. Personally speaking, I am someone who has a taste for big breasts; Tsunade from Naruto, Orihime and Rangiku from Bleach, and the countless other anime, manga, and video game characters with prominent busts all have piqued my interest and even provoked my lust at certain points. Of course, numerous other fictional characters of various traits and sizes have elicited similar reactions from me. However, none of them have incited the same level of sexual attraction that I have developed towards Illyasviel von Einzbern. Indeed, even a man of such varied tastes such as myself have to admit the level of eroticism that Illyasviel von Einzbern brings to the wider Otaku sphere. While my opinions about the Fate franchise have been a mix of both positive and negative points recently, I believe that the sex goddess Illyasviel von Einzbern is one of their crowning glories.

Your fortune: Good Luck
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This is an image of Illyasviel von Einzbern of the Fate series
>>11830577 (dubs)
What did it say?
No clue
i drive

Your fortune: Good Luck
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I'm establishing myself at "the cherry poster" of s4s.
Look upon my works ye mighty and despair.
good luck fwen
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one of the better fruuits

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spongebob boiling in a pot of shit
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He got ADHD
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Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Insufferable little cunt

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don't eat the fucking yellow boogers
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steel ruler
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I’ve felt the mank rise up in me
I’ve felt the mank dong rise up in me
and we pretend that we're bread

apparently i am not going to sleep in any reasonable timeframe, because le youtube knows it's monday and recommended me a full micker concert

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it took all fugging day, but i beat sans btw
i think i might need the quints to beat micker though

can you go check my're quads
it's still monday in hawaii for another hour, so i will keep listening to the micker sans duet

if i get quints today, then i kill le miku and complete the genocide run
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ok, it's not monday in america anymore

time to listen to some juno reactor


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I usually dont have sex with animlels

what if they were underaged <///<
OwO desu ne
I think this is romantic~

I think this is hot! and cute!!

What's ur poblem with kekky... haven't he/they drawn even cuter lately?

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the word "brainrot" pisses me off.. just call it "meme" or "shitpost" or "chronically online" like everyone else
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esl can't into language because his retarded native tongue is insufficient for discourse on the level of toddlers
news at 11

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>touches grass
this is also a brainrot phrase, you just did what you were criticizing.
You, as a gen-z indoctrinee, cannot understand how disgusted I am by your vocabulary. Every time my nephew uses a phrase like "that's fire" I want to hold him down and vomit directly into his face.
i wasn't criticizing the use of chronically online phrases, i just don't like the word "brainrot"
i have nothing against saying skibidi rizz ohio sigma and all that shikanoko jelqing edge goonery stuff (otherwise i wouldn't be on h#ccin [s4s] of all places) i just don't like the word "brainrot"
it's a very nice seal

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anons, thermals indicate possible quints in [s4s] funposting sector >>11833333


anons, Yuji Sakai is at 16% ground force operational status *krrt*


Your fortune: Outlook good
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when you're listening to asmr and there's a loud car in the background revving up
>be me
>inside my room
>on the computer
>window open
>loud noises
>old ass cars being loud
>perfectly legal
>rip down the roads
>no brake pads
>banged up muffler
>revv that bad boy up to try and move forwards
>get somewhere
you really think [s4s] would make 3000 posts in one day
i haven't listened to asmr since the pornhub purge where it temporarily all migrated to youtube then got purged there too like 6 months later
you really think threads in [s4s] die in one day
YOUR MOM will die one day ^w^
i know, then i'm not going to have anyone to spam call when i'm so lonely xxcuttingxx or have cooking questions anymore

i talk to her for an average of 1 hour a day once per week, but if i talk about how trump is an idiot or how her family in florida keeps getting coronavirus because they all had a bad reaction to shot 1 and didn't get shot 2 at all, she instantly hangs up

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Should we let them in?
do you value your life?
I want in <3<_#

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