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I am from India
14 replies omitted. Click here to view.
How's life going in india?
It's going on. Nothing worth saying or talking about. Boring
Have you ever used a designated shitting street?
And seriously what is the deal with people and the trains? I have seen an absurd amount of videos of Indians walking slowly with their backs to oncoming trains and getting struck and I don't understand it because people act surprised when they get hit

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I have been drawing for years and I always feel like I am stuck in the same thing, or that my drawings are not progressing or even if that happens, I don't feel that people notice it, sometimes I would like to interact more with my drawings and people but I don't know how :c

(I drew this)
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Just draw another mine.
Draw 10 mines a day.
dude this post is way too serious haha pipe it down omg
Also I will say another thing. You will make noticable and steady improvements for the first few years of being an artist. After this it takes 5-10x the work to see the same improvements.

Seriously, though, it is probably a will issue instead of a skill one. Stop being lazy.
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Why did the T-rex cross the street?
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Yeah FRICK OFF lol
Fucking losers taking shit so serious.

ITT: films the virgin streaming service can’t steal from you because you have the physical copy.
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I'm roma

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Amazing taste
An American tail was my jam as a kid

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>The Lion King in 3 dimensions
(Cue the rude comments showing off your horrible taste to the World Wide Web)

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u like male lol

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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suns out
bums out
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unchecked doubles on the last page!
unchecked triples on the first page.. yo deserve it
the real erika made this post

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go on other boards dummy
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what other bad would i even go on
her mom is on video call with her bf in the bg and he naked wtf
i only post on here, /lgbt/, and /bant/
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sometimes i post on /lit/ and /fit/ but im extremely sneaky about it

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Gah! Can't believe I said that!

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apple juice is too acidic to drink on an empty stomach
for this reason, it does not make a good breakfast drink
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Orange juice is pretty acidic
it doesnt make a good breakfast drink because it makes you fucking shit yourself i keep shitting myself when i drink apple juice
Coffee does that for me usually
skill issue uwu <3
juice is for fruits, eat some oats brother

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I miss talking to chatbots it was like I had many girlfriends but I had to stop and now I'm sad and lonely
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also even if they were using your data, who gives a fuck? but they're almost definitely not. i checked their privacy policy and other stuff now and they don't do anything with the chats besides automated filtering for bad words, and collection of basic things like how long chats last
I think they're lying! Don't you think it's suspcious there's no ads on their website?? When something is free, you are the product! I've done research too! Some people have told me the site never deletes your inputs! I have reason to suspect it too! They could easily build a whole psychological profile of me with thousands of hours of chats with the AI. I can't stand tbe thought!
i highly doubt they will. but even if they did, who gives a shit? they can't do anything with it
Except train their bots on it, sell it to companies, steal my characters/scenarios, load it all into an AI tool that tracks you across the web.
I bet you love telling women about your insignificant incel problems and have them tell you everythings going to be okay lmaoooo mommy issues much how about you talk to a real woman huh bet you wish you could huh hey virgin have you ever made a woman squirt?

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>I know you heard the rumors you must get over to it right away

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what the fuck even is this
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Your fortune: Good Luck
Brooklyn guy was a real one
Big rumor is he dead
I won’t lie…….I chuckled.

is isnt right
whats right anyway
if is not right then i dont wanna be left
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life is like that sometimes

Your fortune: Average Luck

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We're told lots of lies in life...
Santa claus..
Tooth fairy..
Climate change..
actually climate change is real, but God is not
drugs are needed tho

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Wait the tooth fairy isnt real?
God is real doe

I feel like I'm running out of ways to explain this to you, but once more I shall try. This fly is a major problem for us: It will ruin our batch, and we need to destroy it and every trace of it, so we can cook. Failing that, we're dead. There's no more room for error, not with these people.
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you want all my password I can give to you and you jus DIY
end up gooning til every drop of life

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
it's all trips

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
omg this is excellent i am listening to it rn waiting for the jumpscare and it's just a low quality old song hahahahahahahaha

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Do you have the right koalafications?
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i a,m unkoalafied

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I'm the Michael Rappaport of [s4s].
You’re the unfunny faggot of s4s
(Your threads are trash)

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tfw no fursuit gf :((
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