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her mission is to seduce the target to steal important information and then defeat the target
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They are guinea pig
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is it suitable for her?

they're beauty and cool

cute rat
She look like guinea pig
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thx for compliment she's go to bed
She's cumming with an orc and goblin

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Charmy Charmy

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
if it rains, the flame goes out, and Charmy dies

painkillers + beer pure bliss
what kind of beer do you like, anon?
Mostly Pils, but I also drink Lager or Altbier

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birthday boi here just turned 25 this morning
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thank you anons too
not a fag thread, im sure you can go look for one of those somewhere else, maybe /soc/ or /lgbt/
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So you want step in + take the cock.
happy birthday anon!
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Yea happy birthday now bend over+ take it up the ass!!

This is nice board

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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dis is bury nice board indeed anon...
vitiligo bury a cute!!!!
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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two same fortunes is pretty lesbian

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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I have been drawing for years and I always feel like I am stuck in the same thing, or that my drawings are not progressing or even if that happens, I don't feel that people notice it, sometimes I would like to interact more with my drawings and people but I don't know how :c

(I drew this)
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It's really good advice and I never expected to appreciate my art a little thanks to 4chan, I think I'll be posting more often here but looking at my older drawings, they're no longer scratches from an edgy child
In your drawing I feel the UGLY STENCH of your festering hands and your googly eyes! Blech. I can just SMELL the wretched things on that piece of trash paper blech. Barf!!! Ugh!
I'll accept it, well done!
To get to the otter's side?
theres two options for inspiration
one: get an autistic interest you suddenly want to devote all your time drawing
two: do psychadelics or something

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im cute
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>I know you heard the rumors
whomp whomp incel, I’m on my death bed
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takes balls to say that

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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S4S meetup.
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My otp :o3
More like /b/ meetup
Saged for rudepost
unchecked doubles on the last page!
kamala harris was never 'border czar'
the tsar died over a century ago

How can I be a better boyfriend to my girlfriend?
aww sweathearth, ur already the best bf ever! Im so happy ur using 4chan bc i said i like to use, fr, eu te amo meu amor<33
haha ew?

Gender is a thing that was imposed by large corporations to divide people and increase their control over us. From the very beginning, humans had no gender and reproduced by kidneys. Romantic relationships don't exist, they were also invented by corporations to make us spend more money and control us.
Sex doesn't exist, it's a reptilian invention to help corporations (which are run by reptilians), to monopolise sex for both parties and to create the Great Filter to get rid of the ‘real’ people who know this truth.
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time to run the reptlians found our place

Your fortune: Bad Luck
unchecked doubles on the last page!
I heard they reproduced by rib but I wouldn't expect a moron like you to show any proof
Kill yourself

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Get out of new york today or you're zoomer trash.
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why won't you die already old man
White people party at the skate park, but BLACK people party at the grocery store

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unchecked doubles on the last page!
good shit

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

> Feeling depressed because of discontent with life
> Decide to talk to best friend
> Tells me he's going through the same shit
> encourages me to keep going
> Makes me laugh
> Refuses to elaborate further
> Leaves

What would I do without you bro
I guess you'd tell us who you're quoting
get well soon retard

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goodnight [s4s]
thank you for being my friend
sleep tight cute passposter!

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Watch my infant
I would pet his head and watch beevus and butthead with him

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recycled thread
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special [esforce]s
unchecked doubles on the last page!
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going out to lunch today… again!
luckymiii xd
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hmm I want a button up shirt but with sweat wicking material so I can look fancy when I hike xd
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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