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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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1. Search the Catalog to prevent creating duplicate threads of the same character, series, or theme.
2. Single image request threads are highly discouraged. Please upload some of your own content when making a thread.
3. Use the Vector Thread for requesting, sharing and contributing vectors with others.
4. Similarly, the Image Modification Thread is for rendering, extracting, and enlarging images.

Need help getting started? Try the following resources:

anime wallpaper with black or dark background
297 replies and 220 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Bump. Guess I'll make some.
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• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
• Please explain your request in detail. We can't read your mind; every hint helps us get you the image you want.
• Please give the specific image size desired: WIDTH x HEIGHT is the convention when giving dimensions.
• Please include all requests in one reply. Link any additional requests to the original request.
• There is a separate thread for vectors. Please take your vector requests there: >>>/w/vector
• This is a SFW board. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us before you post the link.
• Please upload and link to an image hosting sites such as catbox.moe; mixtape.moe; temporary file hosters like uguu.se make the most sense, so use them whenever possible. Please DO NOT use Imgur — it compresses images.
• Please DO NOT add white space NOR stretch/shrink your picture since that makes it harder to work on.
• Please be patient. Your request might be very difficult or maybe the available editors are not interested. Don't take it personally.
• Please DO NOT «bump» your requests.


• Please DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• Please BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.

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134 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you!
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Thank you. Can you remove background too, please
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No problem, here you go
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Please remove the text.

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Any wallpapers from any of Hoyoverse games, list includes:
Honkai Impact 3rd
Tears of Themis
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Older Hoyo games are also fine.
Zombiegaal Kawaii
Gun Girlz Z
Honkai Gakuen 2
Endless Journey
Valkyrie Anatomia
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gonna post couple of Layla wallpapers. I love this character so much
Im still waiting

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Post your vector requests and recently done vectors here.
Previous Thread >>2224896

>Before requesting, here are some tips:
– Only request an image once per thread. Bumping your own request won't help either.
– All requests are welcome, within reason, but remember:
– The poorer the quality of an image (in resolution and drawing ability), the less likely it will be picked up. The more detail seen and higher the resolution, the better.
– Full-body images preferred. Images cut off on 3 or more sides are very unlikely to be picked up due to their limited usage; keep this in mind when finding an image to request. (Hair or skirt edges that are barely cut off don't usually count)
– Requests for removing the background from an image (called a RENDER) and resizing requests should go to the IMT threads.
– Refrain from using renders for requests. Try to find the original non-rendered image; it is easier for vectorists to work with.
– Note: Overly complicated images are unlikely to be picked up due to their nature. IF your request is taken, please have patience.

>Anime vectoring tutorials:
—online viewable guide (Inkscape): http://sites.google.com/site/jjaaba/main

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173 replies and 106 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is there any website where these files are saved as svg or ai files, or is there any kind of database with such files? I mean the actual vectors instead of large png files.
no, most vector artists don't share their vector files unless explicitly asked, since 98% of anons only want a png, 2% of anons actually want the vector file, and half of those use them to sell bootleg merch
That's a pity. I always want the vector file, and I've never sold anything in my life.

Would it be possible to share the vector as well?
Was just looking through the thread, and seeing this not getting a response or even a thank(you) made me sad.

My amateurish critique: The linework is an adaptation of the artist's hand, which is hard to evaluate. If the artist is good, then so is the vector pretty much. One sentiment floating around vector threads is the idea of making sure that the vector, which is a ton of work, is a major upgrade in some way from the source image (?) -- this OR, a rough sketch of on-model characters acting and dressing out-of-context, is an absolutely ideal vector request. There is the possibility of making a more orthodox vector with smooth tapered lines and bare-minimum gradual nodes. This could be done with that sketch, and I would have probably tried to do it that way, but you did just fine in your method too. It just makes a different product.

The choice of colors, pattern fill, and bg look great to me. It is hard to make something that looks subdued when you have red, white, and blue, but there it is. The bags should probably have been colored. The white shirt is good.
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Can someone please make a clean vector version of this baby yoda on a transparent background? Thank you!

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Anime landscapes that give you that calm feeling.

Old thread: >>2126169
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Thank you for sharing! I am now using it and i can see why you are obsessed with it lol.
Great thread. Thanks to all contributors!

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What happened to desktop threads?
[spoiler]]sorry, best one I can post rn[/spoiler]
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Brazil mentioned.
can you share that wallpaper please? It looks so nice
Here you go, anon.
it's a very nice pape, thanks!
Is this Gnome?

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isnt this girl, like, underage? why is there so much lewd/horny art of her?
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Farewell, ARIA Thread.
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Please post more pics like this. Thanks anons.
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Any non-dogshit Bulma wallpapers? It's been three months.
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I've notice that there isn't an thread on this anime
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and this one has small bloom bc i thought it looked nice
I own the OST cd where thats from.
Original image here: https://files.catbox.moe/pr986z.jpeg

I edited the image to fit 16:9 aspect ratio
I wish we had more adventures of Osaka having a boyfriend who loved her for who she was and enjoyed her weirdness.

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post your best summer related wallpapers. summer is my favorite time of year

old thread: >>2135183
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My experience, I watched NYE fireworks surrounded by friendly immigrants
it's... windy
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Thanks for the pictures. This is a nice thread.

milk outside edition

Last thread (where screen related is taken from!) >>2212447
Archive-ish, for some inspo maybe?: https://archive.alice.al/w/search/subject/phone%20thread/

>How to rice
Use KLWP or KWGT + ANY launcher.

>Introductory guide

https://homescreens.org for inspo and some cute rices.

if you have a phone from 2012 check the older threads for deprecated resources!
212 replies and 92 images omitted. Click here to view.
curious if anyone has screenshots of rices that look great with night light/blue light filter. I'm not at all familiar with colour theory or graphic design, so I'm curious if anyone has had some cool ideas.
Do you know if this a KLWP preset I can download? Not the same anon as the other post but I'm also new to KLWP and have been trying to figure out how to make something akin to this.

Also, anyone know where to download Kustom presets? I've got the pro versions however only a couple actually show up in the "discover" tab of the app.
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looks nice. mind telling which fonts you used here?
having a hell of a time trying to find full res papes for my new phone, wallhaven doesn't support 9x21 (but they do have some, if you edit the address manually from ratio 21x9 to 9x21) also "all portrait" doesn't work at all.
wasn't expecting a resolution problem.

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