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File: Hyouka-scaled.jpg (239 KB, 2560x1448)
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post chitanda plz
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File: wallpaper yeah.jpg (98 KB, 1920x1080)
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Das it, I just really like her
81 replies and 76 images omitted. Click here to view.
Does anyone know the artist?
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Muscle girls
69 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.
love it, the art quality is on another level.
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Here's the page from the artbook. Crop it to suit your wallpaper needs.
too much muscle girl art is in portrait

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reallife pic, but anime characters
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hmmm, one of these artists is as cheap as I am

(do u accept friend applications frAom femboys?)
Any anon know how to view full size pics from archived threads from sites like achive palanq win only some images are viewable others lead to 404 not found nginx error or else anyone of you have any mega or drive link of pics from previous thread

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I'm surprised there isn't any thread for my favourite isekai anime yet, so I'll make one here!
11 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.
sorry boss ill post a gigabit image of anime boobs next time, fuck off man
i like your wallpaper anon :)
lets keep sharing our love for this anime
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here's the full

Thought I'd make a GuP thread since there seem to be none and it's a wholesome anime.
38 replies and 33 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why not?
I can't believe this. I've never watched an anime. Today my brother convinces me to start this with him.

I never come to 4chan these days, much less this board since I don't watch anime, but here I am and this is the first post I see...

what does this mean?
It means you should watch some more Girls und Panzer.
Nice. Are there more of these for the other schools?

Lemme see some Rin phone wallpapers
227 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
Great thread, sorry I don't have mobile papes.
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ai expanded to 1920x1080

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I need some papes of our favorite oni. All I have are assorted images in non-wallpaper format, so I have to adapt them. I'd appreciate if you help me, you can include other characters as well, as long as 02 is in.
180 replies and 154 images omitted. Click here to view.
her spine must be fucked up
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this is my favorite one so far
Have you watched the anime, anon?
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arigato anon

Ranma .5 papes...
Post Them
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I would be a sad panda
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Wo ai ni

Need more.
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any 80s or 90s animes wallpapers, nothing after the 2000s
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Actually just re-read it a few weeks ago, and agreed. Would've loved to have more.
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post them
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name of that robotic creature?
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Re Zero collab
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POV: you go to the guys in the room who are 18 years old

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Underwater cities, sea life on land, diving, aquariums, surreal water themes.
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Range Murata thread. Desktop preferred. I'll dump what I have.
205 replies and 132 images omitted. Click here to view.
Could a normal person ever commission him?
Are all of these from anime? Or are some just random girls? I haven't heard of him before

I love Last Exile so much, I had this as a pape for almost 2 years when I was a teen. Tatiana was probably my first waifu, and gave me a thing for girls with pixie cuts.
Two of them are from the series Shangri-La that Murata was the character designer for. The rest are original art by him.
>you must eat the ENTIRE egg

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