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Ranma .5 papes...
Post Them
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loved Ranma as a kid OP, it was zany, energetic, teen, had action, and had the right amount of playful lewdness

try and provide some for decent resolutions though
File: shampoo.jpg (236 KB, 1978x1486)
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236 KB JPG
>provide decent resolutions
This manga is over 30 years old. The ensuing anime was popular back in the 90's, back when screens were under 800px. Finding stuff that isn't either bitrotted, JPG blurred, or on the small side is hard... unless it's brand new, anyway.Anyway, have annoyed Shampoo.
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Here's a screen capture from the current best JAP/LAT Ranma release, I think some good work could be done with these, but I'm not the man for the job.
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Nice grab. Back in the 90's, screen captures were the most popular kind of wallpaper. Those and scans of art were all over the early internet in all their super pixely 256 color, BMP/JPG glory. So yeah, screen shots of the characters in action or in a fun pose work great. Those pan-across establishing shots work nicely, too. Don't worry: as long as the thing doesn't have subtitles on you'll be fine.

Speaking of pixels... looks like everything old is new again. At least these look better than the dithering we used to see. Man those were bad.
this can't be real...
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Pleasantly surprised to see Ranma is making rounds again, after the two threads I made years ago

>>2207916 Hey! one of my creations is still floating around, thats nice to see, even if it was an okay attempt at photoshop. I even still have the exact cutout I used for it

>>2210904 it is, I was 17 when I made it with zero experience with photoshop, so its pretty bad in that sense, but not a bad attempt either

maybe ill post more of my own after I touch them up a bit

don't let the haters get you down mate, keep doing your stuff, please share more if possible, i'm all for it.
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The one time I come visit /w/ and there is a Ranma thread up, good day. I still have a metric ton of wallpapers from the threads that went on for like, 4+ months from a few years ago, I'll post a few.
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I've actually got a lot that are too big to be uploaded, plus a bunch of duplicates, so I'll just make a rar and post it when I get them all together.
>Make a .Rar
Go for it. And if you need a decent upload space, IceDrive has a nice free service. Also old content is always great. It's fun to look back and see what others thought was cool.
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I wish this one was bigger. Meh.
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3.37 MB PNG

ask and you shall recieve...

well, at least that's what the IMT threads are for
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It's almost Halloween. Anyone have Halloween-related Ranma 1/2 pics?
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Ranma and Halloween “cosplaying” as a girl made me realise I’m trans. So yeah, pretty on topic.
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Ranma seems to have that effect on people. It helped me come out of the closet. I'm always glad to see it when it pops back up.
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It's an amazing show and inspired me to get into martial arts. The gender bending only works because they have magical springs that can transform people. Don't go mutilating yourself, we don't don't have the magic or technology to pull it off
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I know someone else that did too. Here's a wallpaper I edited to have a dark background.
Sex is form and function. You meet neither and never will. Trying woukd just make you a pariah and a walking lie. Please anon, don't fuck this up for yourself.
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You are aware "out of the closet" means gay, right? As to your comment: it's clear you are so insecure in your own identity that you freak out over the identity of others. So sad to see someone so afraid they have to spend time lashing out at others instead of living their own lives.

There is no magic spring. There is, however, a second self in all of us. Embrace it. I hope some day you find and embrace the parts of yourself you are hiding. You'll be happier for it.
Did someone who's never had sex write this? I think so.
anyone has one in 3840x2160
I wish I could find more big stuff. This anime is super old so most of the stuff is from the 90's-00's (not that big). Anyone have a scanner and an art book or something? Or a huge monitor, a dvd and a quick "pause" finger for screen shots?
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I really like this style of composition, but dislike this particular paper
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bumpin for more ranmachan
more shampoo pls
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My current phone background
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this one is super cute so i made it to fit 4K
Good job!
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Just made this

please make more!
That would've been cuter if it was Shampoo as a cat.
I need more of best girl Akane-chan, please
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Couple of phone backgrounds
Any Maison Ikokku wps? semi-related, same creator.
No, wrong thread.
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Sharing some of my wallpapers I'll be deleting soon from my collection
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You're a cishetero male and you will die a virgin regardless, why are you so concerned about sex when you will only ever use your genitals to pee and masturbate?
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last one
why would you delete them? some of them look super cool
It's just something I do, obsessive wallpaper folder maintenance
File deleted.
this is the most based thread on 4chan. Ranma is the first manga i ever read, and the first physical manga i ever owned. thanks for reminding me of the good old days
I'm the OP
thanks dood it was the first anime I ever watched, its always been mine and my brothers favorite anime, he produced it to me
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I tried to make this one 4k, the line is a little messy though
Nah, it's alright.
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>no Haposai

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1.41 MB JPG
Another good set of phone backgrounds
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Full PNG: https://files.catbox.moe/1i2i59.png
Some Shampoo
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File: Ranma Wallpaper (50).jpg (301 KB, 1440x900)
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more in 16:9? i know the series is in 4:3, but it deserves an update for current monitors
This guy does great Ranma fanart, unfortunately it's never formatted for (monitor) wallpapers
File: [DPG]Ranma-046-047.jpg (870 KB, 2450x1750)
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From the official artbook
File: Ranma.png (1.35 MB, 718x930)
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You will be surprised how fanatical Ranma fans are. They tend to create Ranma general in /a/ (or Rumiko Takanashi general) all the time. Their persistence have results tho. Sure they only get few new fans but that that new fans might become as fanatical as old fans.
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Can confirm, i've been obsessed with Ranma ever since i watched it as a kid and read the manga
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Yoiko Hibiki
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Tada :)
Ryouga is an idiot.
He's still hot asf, though all Ranma characters are
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you have the original transparent background png?
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That's me done for now, later
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why even live?
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have something I edited slightly back in the day
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and because that one's kinda trash, something I'm slightly happier with
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You got the original illustration for this one?
thank you!
was about to post some head and shoulders but i stopped.
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i love boy Ranma and girl Ranma
needs moar Nabiki
They're trying to help you retard, they're even showing you kindness considering 4chan's standards. But by all means, mutilate your body and see how far it takes you
Let (him) mutilate himself and then go post about it on reddit for internet points
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Please tell me more about the releasse that I did not hear of yet.

I am still using my old divx rips I have on hdd lol.
more pls?
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I never should've let my psycho ex on my computer, i would have so many great papes for this thread that are probably lost to time...
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I would be a sad panda
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Wo ai ni
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