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All discussion of the 2024 US Presidential Election should be posted on /pol/. >>>/pol/
kurva anyátok
>>204247780>képnév>számsor végén kis mez a grétaiféreg lesz
>>204245882Jöhet a faszketreces kép!
Medián: A Tisza Párt átvette a vezetést a Fidesztől a teljes lakosságban és a biztos pártválasztók között is
>>204247948ez a rudis pedofil, ne nem mondod
Australian exceptionalism
>>204246315italian women are more sexo
>>204246351she's italian-aussie though
Why are new worlders more busty than europeans?
>>204246315Kek I used to make this thread all the time. What's her name again? Zoe something greek
edizione dell'imperatore
ora trump dà il via libera a isreale di invadere il libano
>>204247966i carcerati sono tali per una ragione, purtuttavia
>>204247966ammazzati alex
>>204247991>assolutamente non alex
>>204247987Vittime innocenti delle toghe rosse
Do you think Americans will be more pleasant to talk to now that they have genuine hope for a better tomorrow?
>>204247838its okay Jeb, in my heart you're my president :)
>>204247806Dream on. He's not purging his grandkids.
>>204247631If a better tomorrow means more Israeli worshipping and war against iran than yeah
>>204247956Israel worship is a cornerstone of amerigolem culture. It wasn't going anywhere no matter who you vote for.
>>204247631no because trump won't actually fix any of their problems what i'm wondering is how they're gonna blame spics and trannies now if the spics are trump supporters and trannies fade out of the media. they're certainly not gonna talk badly about god emperor trump or paypal gang
fwiend edish
President Toilet Bog Fart vs Sir Poo Barmer
>>204247935volvo lad
why did he even want to be president again wasn't he frustrated enough after his first term
>>204248006probably an ego thing
78 year old man lol. Kinda mad that
This thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy.Previous Thread:>>204218024learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt過去ログ:https://desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/日本語スレッド/次スレを立てる前に必ずスレ立て宣言してください。次スレリンクも忘れずに。Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
>>2042465203式機龍がそっち向かったぞ!! (「・ω・)「ガオー
wtf americunny is so back
edycja incelskabez anime
>>204247435>>204247543dacie radę
>>204247612ktoś musi
zaspalem na kolokwium i nir wiem kurwa co zrobicjak mam to usprawiedliwic?
>>204247768nijakpytasz sie kiedy będzie poprawka i wtedy przychodzisz
zimny poranek, nie ma co
Guten morgen Ausgabe
>>204247952>>Wie gehts?gut gut>Was steht die woche an?arbeiten >Was geht am wochenende?zoqqen und schlonzen>Pidser mit kohler oder lieber fanter?fanta uniron fr fr keine kappe
>>204247952hob ka oide...
>>204247976ausbildungmir fehlen einfach noch o 200€ damit ich anständig essen und leben kann. Und ohne sorgen durch den Tach komme
>>204247990Deine irland flagge ist weg interessant
>>204247949würdsch nicht in dich investierenrausgeschmissenes Geld
Or Team NOspitality?
>>204244132Potatoes and tomatoes were both introduced to Europe by Spain. Every country here owes us a thank you.
>>204244101Stop posting this fake piece of shit.
Why the tranny colors?
>>204245904Because Europe is tranny
>>204245166thank you
uneventful evening in november editionprev >>204241062
>>204247927Yeah the equator is getting unlivable especially in lowlands, and it doesn't snow anymore in the "temperate" zone
>>204247339you're retarded if you think this MAGA cult will end with Trump
>>204247965nah its not
apple flavoured
A fine morning.I'll live here.
I'm a manager, a soldier and a scientist (also counts as a craftsman)
Isn't this just the plot of that one brandon sanderson book?
I'm an influential writer, artist and general.
A17 NEET BVLL reporting in
I love moldovan girls >>204223331
>>204247272not attracted to blacks
I've seen a chart that Bulgaria surpassed Romania by GDP per capita PPP, how is that possible??? I thought Bulgaria is already a failed country, the sick man of the EU. Macedonianbros, explain this???
>>204247815Nice Turkish ass
>>204247843we have already overtaken hungary, bulgaria is nowhere near us
Forrige tråd >>204123168
>>204243935USA (israel) dikterer vores politik på mange punkter
Hodesmeller på jåb
kigger på posca tusser
>>204241766du er en dårlig hacker, anon
Hvor meget vandt ham der gutten (førtidspensionisten) som oddsede på Trump?