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It's ova edition
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The disabled 47 year old judge dredd larper is drinking all alone in his wheelchair on a Friday night.

A cautionary tale if there ever was one.
Everyone is spainnonce until proven otherwise.
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on de bokkles of cider aha yes de lads
Ah i see. lad
i think it's mainly because of me posting the same few pictures for the general which I understand is annoying but I have my preferences

i think the biggest problem is when I do post and spaino is around, he'll meltdown and end up spamming tranny porn which is a bigger problem so in a manner of speaking, people would see me responsible for that

Now I have a wheelchair?
spaino, with absolutely no malice behind this question: would you honestly not take up therapy?

Almost as sad as being a tranny and working at aldi

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>call yourself the "country of romance"
>make cardboard beds like these

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If you're not happy with it you can just sleep on the floor
ungrateful fuck
I wonder how much it cost France to make their cardboard beds. Shinzo Abe gave the contract to make cardboard beds to his brother, who has a cardboard manufacturing company. It cost $2000 per bed.
>pierre is sent to this bed without dinner because he asked his wife for a paternity test
its so short. did they have longer versions?
>the cuck shed is now the cuck bed

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Israel.. Greatest ally.. Just wanted to say:

You have some good music.

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שיר טוב של ארגוב
Was expecting בוא לבר and I'm pleasantly surprised to hear something else.
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You are a life-saver. I was looking for it for some time now
He is Greek
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He kind of gives off Stavros vibes, doesn't he?

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>meet up with cute euro boy
>he thinks we're gonna bang
>i drug and circumcise him instead
You're welcome, eurofaggot, enjoy it.
(PS: I fed the foreskin to a duck)
well did you at least bang afterwards?
Nope, I'm not gay.
not based bro
circumsicion is kinda fucked up desu. i seriously don't think it's that much big of a deal, i truly enjoy ejaculating but it's not right. i'm not going to circumcisise my children and my whole family is going to hate me for it. life is hard as a jew, you won't ever understand
send him to me if you're not going to bang that cutie buddy

Edição descalça
Anterior: >>200193638
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Bostil é o que tem na cabeça do Pauno Kugos mlk kkkkkk
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O problema é outro, e sapo-postagem é meio meh..
mr beast vai ser a mesma historia do pewdiepie
um monte de trouxa tentando cancelar ele, mas quanto mais batem mais cresce, que nem massa de pão
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vou ir pra Sakhalin pra achar uma namoradinha meio japonesa meio russa
quem ousa postar minha musa fora de minha presença??

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Well, is he wrong?

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edycja pojebana
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tak wyglądasz
Czy Pana/Pani zdaniem zapach i smak dostarczonej wody jest odpowiedni?
Czy woda dostarczana jest w sposób ciągły i pod odpowiednim ciśnieniem?
Czy jest Pan/Pani zadowolony/a z jakości wody?
Czy pije Pan/Pani wodę prosto z kranu?
skąd to wiedziałeś?
nie wiem, może to fetysz inflation, czyli nabrzmiałego brzuszka lub chęć skrajnego poniżenia kobiety dla swojej satysfakcji.
bidenflacja mnie dobija

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Juuh toimii ja on myös ihan hyvä idea varsinkin alussa jos ei kokonaan suun täydeltä käyrää saa ja jos henkilö on myöskin goonaus mestari niin vaatiikin tuttua puristus voimaa että tuntee mitään.
mitä, etkö halua kuunnella jotain suomalaista podcastia aiheesta ukrainan sota?
tuli suht loistokas bisnesidea mieleen, joka helpottaisi paljon asioita sekä jopa työllistäisi nyymejä.
pidän sen kuitenkin piironginlaatikossa koska tämä maa ei ole siihen vielä valmis.
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Imetkö sinä usein munaa?

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Common Sense edition
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Are you this sad dog?
me too except i dump them in your tummy
No, I am a human.
poor thing
no i'm more like this standoffish dog

تحيا الجزائر
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My mom has cancer.
ovaries cancer from me pissing inside of her ?
Mtn3soch al2khwan dba ayjikom mol 9ob3a sawda2 ayt9bkom
شكون طلق على ربك من فايسبوك رجع تقود ل Moroccan mix
>doesnt know the hat man

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ITT we post italian women (sardinian edition)
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she's north italian so stfu
does she do porn
that's it I NEED Italibooba. I'm repatriating my DNA
Hopefully not, otherwise I would do nothing more but fap

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Edición: época de los 90s
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cuando parece mugre literal si, o es diabetes o pre diabetes
Dame tu chiquito, morra
Pinché Mona naranja superior, la hikimorí esta bien pendeja y la rubia una mustia
eres un huevon maricon la concha de tu madre che boludo

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Turning is too spicy for American cars
>Drive Americ-ACK
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>Holland is small and Swede is gay
Thank you guys, it feels like before 2008 again.
in 2008 they had already legalized homo marriages
Is that a 2024 Mustang against the purple miata?
that was incredibly satisfying to watch. give me more

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>boss notices the anime girl wallpaper on my computer
>asks me what that's about
>instinctively reply "it's my wife"
>she looks at me with confusion and disgust like I'm irredeemable garbage
It's over
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My wife Chino is so cute
your wife chino is so cute.
Its beyond over
Things that never happened:

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