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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

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wake up babe new whiteness map just dropped
cant believe im posting with danish shitskins
milk be spicy

Previously: >>196402483

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Nie ma za co
good luck
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I suppose we must learn and memorize words by speaking practice, not just by consuming massive YouTube input or Anki going. The shortest way to get a massive vocabulary is to shout out and repeat with voice training.

Yeah, the best way to quickly learn a foreign language is to get a native speaker who constantly corrects you and sticks with you all the time. If that's not possible, try going to a park or a mountain and putting on a one-person show, inventing a new character while loudly speaking your lines. I tried this approach today while hiking, and honestly, two hours is about the max you can do. For those two hours, I was non-stop moving and exaggerating my mouth movements as I talked to myself. Once my voice starts to wear out, I switch to listening or reading on the way back home to wind down. Every sound should be recorded with deliberate practice. I regret my wasted years of putting myself just on YouTube and Books. JUST GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT HOUSE SHOUT OUT TO THE SKY AND BE AN ACTOR
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Bunu nasıl bulurum?
Bayağı zor
Büyükannem dikmeyi sever
Burası çok kalabalık!
Sana verdiğim dergiyi sevdin mi?
Şu an bişey aklıma gelmiyor yemek konusunda bayağı cahilim :(

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"i'm rich, bitch!" edition

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Honestly very weird scene, especially how they show about 5 frames of her bare foot for no reason and then the black guy finds the boot in its mouth and immediately recognizes it as hers despite it being a completely no descript black boot
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>he's here everyday
no he isn't
no he isn't
no he isn't
Yeah lol it’s so random
Monster sucks the boot of and then you have 0.5 seconds of her slimey toe spread foot
Also after they walked like 200 miles in the desert her bare foot is still clean so I guess the ghoul had some succin of his own going on
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>Also after they walked like 200 miles in the desert her bare foot is still clean so I guess the ghoul had some succin of his own going on
I wouldnt doubt it, there was definitely some foot fetish shit going on there
Ghoul nigga was like
>yum vault dweller callus haven’t had some of that in 200 years

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i wish i could fly like a bird.... edish
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I presume you'll be going out today to talk to all the homeless people you see on the street so that on YOUR death bed you avoid regetting not having connected with all of them?

No? Why's that? Because you don't give a shit about homeless people. Most people don't. To make your son homeless is to say the same thing: that you don't care what happens to them. She isn't owed a relationship with me.
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discovered a new sustainable alternative to peat moss lads
see you in forbes magazine when i'm a billionaire chumps

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>This is the place calling you degenerate
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Why this be?
Poland found another juicy cock to suck, so it was all good. China on the other hand specifically did not do what Russia did, which was liberalise politically.
The whole debacle is proof that trade is king. You can be a little submissive bitch or a big dictatorship shithole and still have things go good as long as you keep trading. Russia took the stupidest route.
theyre legit, there like 2 or 3 of these hour+ long docos about russian and czech street kids in the 90s, i only watched one of them, grim asf
>these guys are now either online defending russia or dead in ukraine
at least they had a good ending

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can ANYONE here talk inglish?
grode gud måste smörja in dina feta gyntuttar och olja in bögröven din
Han kommer dock fortfarande vara fängslad i minst 16 år för andra våldtäktsdomar
vill bli plappad av dig bäjbi
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Goder morgon

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It's happening again guys...
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Based Americans
link to reddit thread i wanna read the comments
safe and effective
Why don't they just try to breathe
How hard is breathing
Do socioeconomic factors deprive their lungs of their respiratory capabilities
unironically yes. poor people tend to have bad diet which leads to obesity

I'm going to stay up in my country. Do you stay up in your country?
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Yeah rewatching death note
I just got up in my country
no im off to sleep goodnight

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are you pushing 40 in your country? I was born in November 1984, been using 4chan since 2005. I look like I’m in my late 20s and early 30s because of my stress free neet lifestyle. I’ve never worked a day in my life and I got a meme degree a few years ago.
I can't wait to see your ass in a nursing home :) bald bitch
That's not fair _| ̄|○
I’ve been on Finastride since 2009, I’m never balding
How? Just don’t work buddy. It’s not that difficult
Nothing like good'ol razor can't do :) I'll wait for you.

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Why are flyovers like this?
It's boring in their state, so they have to mutilate baby boy's penises sadistically for sport and fun. Also they drink the blood of the foreskin btw.
Also this shit was not common when United States formed. So basically it's more like returning to the tradition
I feel sorry for every single person with a mutilated penis
what's the deal

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ich würde...
ich will 4 chan nicht kaufen ich will graz bis an die see baun
>Unten gibts halt nicht
Natürlich gibt es das. Oder es könnte das geben
SHut the fuck up spamming shizo cunt

dind know whats wrogn with me but the taintet shoor is stronger then me :D

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is this the strongest word in english? i f eel like everytime you use this word you win.
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Jimmies were rustled one too many a time and evolved in to cope.
because coping is an integral part of anglo culture, you have to slap them with a 'holy cope' from time to time
Is this a yt pipo cope from being called Timmies so many times?
how new are you?
It’s definitely
>newsflash buddy

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We live in a matriarchy and woman exists in a quantum state where she is both oppressed and the oppressor, depending on her whims and whichever option is more beneficial solely to her individual self she chooses. Problem is women are inherently irrational creatures, even more so than most men so this decision making is almost always emotional and illogical.
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why do you care bro you masturbate to drawn children
bought some liver

supply and demand
beatings can fix it

imagine a western whore who calls you incel.
take off your belt, beat her face until she bleeds or cries. if other men do the same, she will stop doing this.
supply who? demand what? liver is based though, I eat it with buckwheat

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edizione piedi di sorella
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io vivo in mezzo al nulla per procurarmi la colazione dovrei camminare almeno 20 minuti in sola andata
>farsi spennare
cazzo sei un contadino medievale
>succhiarmi il cazzo o la figa da solo
cosa intese con questo?
mi sembra italiano corretto, cosa non comprendi?

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