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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

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Game just launched, sign up to get every ssr for free, one per day

/vmg/ clan: StarSneed
put /vmg/ in your profile to sign up
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>reverses bunny
Based; maybe I'll put it on in the background later. Just a couple days til they reveal the next event anyways
New codes
redeemed, thank you saar
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Ranking in this game is comfy.

I used to suffer in afk2:journey
I got lucky with many 50/50's. I will not be summoning for a long while after this, so I hope these two carry me for a long while.

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What did you think of the FEH Channel and introduction to Book IX? https://youtu.be/z-JQ_3HS814
Do you think this is the game's last Book, or do you think it'll keep going?
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What's the best poverty tome I can give Linde if I don't have any of the arcane tomes?

>tfw she has two refines and both are shit now
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who cares?
Her character concept + design are fun and she's hot.
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I didn't really notice at first since I didn't really take a good look at her but now I see that Baldr's got some mad drills going on, meaning I have no choice but to like her now.
Voting for her in CYL
Seashell Bowl if you want to throw 50ish orbs at Summer Tharja.
Blarvulture if you want to wait until you naturally come across a Dorothea.
She's atkspd based, right? Most easily available blue tomes tend to be atk/res heavy. These two tomes come to mind, but you can also use the FEH builder to look at what weapons she has available to her.
Desert Soren's Magical lantern tome is okay as it gives special acceleration, and the "can't be slowed by terrain" can be handy with fire tiles and other terrain.
Summer Tharja's Seashell Bowl gives up to a 15 atk/spd stat swing and heals 10 hp after combat.

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Legends fest is about to begin.
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Trunks deserves a new premium unit but I'm not sure how to feel about more future buffs for part 2.
A new evo vegeta or an lf ssj4 vegeta would be cool though.
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Even an equip with his image will be good
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Well, the announcement is here.
The yellow aura reminds me a lot of Vegeta blue Evo and the dark aura reminds me of Toppo GoD
Assuming they repeat the anniversary thing, we would have two banners. What would you like to see announced besides the possible new Vegeta?
If part 2 ends up being Buu saga because of that free Vegeta can we see some buffs to Buu? Preferably Super Buu.
>orange and purple
>same shade orange as orange piccolo
>same shade of purple as beast gohan
It's time. you miserable fusion faggots shall bow down to your master and remember once and for all.
over 15k cc locked and loaded and expect to be at least 16.5k by banner launch.

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who dun it? someone plz help so i can get 5 rare for $0.99 thx in advance
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I did it, Immortal Miyamoto and Saito were the MVP, but 8-2 was just awful
Thanks for the accounts ;-)
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Officer ID isn't real.
Lol just joking my man. Dont show your id again for the safety of your account.

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Granny Impact thread
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retard patternfag
I don't bother swapping sets around either.
Fuck yohomo's dogshit artifact UI and system in general.
Raiden is DPS and support.
lmao, the old days when C3 Raiden was impressive

>another year, another celebration
Doggos in 6 months
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lumina will start selling hayacoco vids and michiru nudes for lumicoin because jcs can't afford a kickstarter...
At least Yoasoboring isn't No. 1...
They should sell hayacoco vids regardless.
Can't believe Kyoko betrayed Rinku like that. Wasn't KyoRin the ship to surpass KyoShino and MuniRin?
It's just the moisture

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remember shadoba? i remember shadoba
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I stuck around for a little while after maintenance because of Custom, but after a while I was seeing nothing but Heroes healstall shit (to be fair every card in endgame SV had random heal, draw, or face damage attached to it. Or all 3.) or dshit and finally lost interest.
Need a concede
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8th Anniversary just started, plenty of freebies and two of the most important characters in the story available as limiteds now
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He can't spam charge attacks anywhere near as fast as Cthugha though? I think? He gets one for free at the start and that's it, I'm not sure if there's a charger character that could help nightclub Wakan keep up with Cthugha for battlefield nuking.
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Do you think they will ever do a Live A Hero and Housamo crossover event?
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Happy 8th Anniversary Housamo!
qursha my love
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I feel like they want to but won't actually do it.
Live a Hero x Housamo was an April Fools joke... 2 years ago wasn't it?

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Let us discuss and appreciate all things about the mobile video game Azur Lane like proper gentlemen who have given themselves over to the pursuit and command of warships made manifest as cute and beautiful girls with our fellow /vmg/ peers!
I forget, still love ru tho
Take it easy!
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Based. It's very likely double UR too. I'm going with Götz von Berlichingen and Nimi Zwei.
We are so fucking back.
Good riddance
>UR sub to make the wolfpack great again
Good thing chink new year is right behind the corner.
swear she is going to come out of my tv/computer screen any moment now.
this is fine
I think I'm with you on this.
Before I thought that if Taihou was going to get a META then I'd oath that too, but now I think I'll just use these rings on dupes that I get from the gacha.
I hope that the IB UR is an aircraft carrier or even a submarine, this way I'll have a chance to roll her on the way.

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What's everybody's thoughts on the new Mythos? Is it shaping up to be interesting? Where do you think it will go?
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>Eva SA
I sleep
real shit
why can I not have both?
>Evsa Starchart
Not happening. Once they introduced the SA system they went back to start buffing all of the oldest NS characters (all of whom already received Manifest buffs). Newer NS characters that they never got around to giving Manifests aren't getting anything until they're done rebuffing all of the old NS styles.
>Once they introduced the SA system they went back to start buffing all of the oldest NS characters
They already did Melissa who got a her initial manifest and SA in the same update. They're not going in any coherent order.
source: I made it up and ignored all past SA picks

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don't know how many people play this one because it's not in english and even i can't understand 99% of the shit in it

but it's fun to play for a turn-based game, if a bit grindy for materials needed to boost your character, and some character skills aren't clear to me yet like this アミー break skill
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Yea, kinda. I have kanji background so the hurdle is less. Katakana still makes my head spin a little.
well yeah that's my hurdle entirely that i have to pause and wonder wtf i'm doing a lot outside of the combat mode, and even then when some enemy or even megido does something different, i have to look up what it does if i can even understand googletranslate(tm)
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You are getting there. It is all about repetition until you get a general idea what is what and how to make things work. Just a matter of time and with it going offline, playing m72 on a wifiless trip sounds not too bad.

tbt, i kinda envy you too. I know my teams well but not on an autistic level. I have became entrapped by the idea that certain strats = certain characters than "can't fucking read, so I am gonna get on my fours and feel my way out. Yea, it is 40 turns but I crowned it anyway :) "
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How are the free and guaranteed banners faring you so far ?

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10 Years until 2034

As of today:
New Collectibles in game
New Haru Jika Event with a New HaruJika (Chiisana) Song
Still no news on Project 06
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Tbh I'm not sure I'd want to collab with D4, at least right now. Their philosophy heavily clashes with ours.
Oh no. There's no live viewing like with Love Live orchestra.
Who even is

What are you doing?

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Not Just Gacha
I'm surprised that this thread hasn't been closed yet. Tales of the Rays remaster when?
Talesbros... We have a special news direct happening in the 16th. Don't lose hope
Let me the CEO of this series and i will save it

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Ash Echoes came out a day or two ago


Also on google/apple store

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finally a good run
Stat above 1000 give double the points when calculating engraving rating. You get less power but it doesn't affect your final score
what's the next ssr trace we're getting?
This one >>1624798
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can't see shit

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