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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

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>6th Anniversary coming soon!
>Langrisser x Captain Commando crossover in November!

>New Heroes Banner:
Virelia / Seraphina

Upcoming Heroes Banner:
>LLR Brightsummoner
>Tiana / Shion (Langrisser Millennium)

Latest update introduced the new game mode called Epochal Odyssey where you can unlock Einherjars.
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I mean she just came out and whales didn't even get a month to enjoy their EoL skin but I'm not complaining.
God FUCKING dam!
How did jp get the new skin before global?
Wew. Celica sure has good skins.
That should have been the EoL, luckily it wasn't.

Good question, I'm still waiting for Kaguya's, and now this one too. Probably Zlong some strange marketing strategy or particular agreements on the jp side.

Basically impossible to discuss this game on /vg/ so why not give it a try here. Let's talk the game lads. Did you enjoy the event? What are you working towards this next month?
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Mods stopped caring about the general, reporting does nothing except possibly get you hit with time out for doing too many of them. After shitposters got to run around freely for too long anyone who actually wanted to discuss the game left. Which then fed shitposters and doomposters more
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I just leave that part to the timer.
Once they're unlocked and uncapped, that's good enough for me.
Yeah honestly I'm just doing Shenxians now because the Pendant yield seems to be the best
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It started with the threads keeping one schizo to laugh at. Then the numbers kept growing, then once grub started to lose a lot more of its playerbase and thread posters /gbfg/ just got worse and worse as the undesirables stayed. Once they started to post in unison (from a discord that apparently plagues other game generals) it just became impossible to talk about the game in general. Anyone that do still play the game would rather go off to a dedicated discord or another fourm since those are moderated better because as >>1596249
Says, the mods gave up and don't bother deleting posts. Then again most just ban evade, they're so adamant on shit posting about a game they stopped playing that they will wait out the timer just to post the same spam slop hourly because they have nothing else to do.
A lot of the stuff they hyperfixate on is either not a big deal or a nothingburger but is treated as the biggest most horrible thing imaginable. A good example is then forgetting cygames treats themselves as a big tech company and having a conference with a section about AI in games dosent mean granblue is using ai art or using ai art to write its stories but the threads will make themselves believe that to be a fact.
The slop posters will also love to spam BA or any other gacha, Shonen, the same slop meme images hourly because in reality they have nothing in their lives and this is all they have. It's honestly extremely pathetic spending countless hours posting the same shit constantly for the sole purpose in ruining a discussion for a mobile game general.
People are saying grub is using AI art not because of a very recent conference but because the art department higher ups were directly accused of such by an artist that worked with them on that 10th anni animation.

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who dun it? someone plz help so i can get 5 rare for $0.99 thx in advance
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>No Bikkuriman but Yes Metal Slug
EN version of 13.8 would come out sometime early December, so probably too late for the next collab spot. Discounting Merc Storia, it would seem for the last two years the next collab would drop on April, so I guess that's when we'd get Bikkuriman?
Speaking of collabs, you think Ponos wil rerun the Ranma 1/2 collab since the remake is airing now?
>They are removing guides from the wiki
And into the trash it goes
I mean yeah, the guides belong in the trash
But in all seriousness, most were unhelpful at best and I dont envy having to quality check guides on the 1k levels this game has
you think so? Most lineups i tried worked perfectly.
If anything the "recommended units" thing they have now is beyond worthless.
You're telling me to use Uril, Doron, Luza on a relic stage? What a shocker!
At least the lineups had some interesting strategies occasionally

But at least you can still watch some eceleb shilling his videos on the wiki pages
Personally, I find descriptions of how a specific stage plays out and what sort of issues you might face during it much more helpful than a step-by-step overwiew of a specific tactic.

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Big fall foxes, (You)r Amagi has returned!
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i really miss old chikuma's style, and i wish i can find a way to make manjuu realize that we still need more botes who capture that mood
Last i checked genshin, arknights and such have plenty of dazzling dudes, perhaps that would be more your style?
I just want pasta to get skins more often then once every 11 months
I guess in like 6 months Napoli will get one.
>I guess in like 6 months Napoli will get one.
In 2. NY event. Skins for every PR 7 bote
Apparently the last year Tempesta ships are also getting rerun or something. Not sure if there will be two pools similar to the past collab reruns or if they will just get added into gacha or what.

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Thread for the discussion of the Japanese server of Blue Archive

Kisaki is finally playable after all this time, are you rolling?
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Wow, finally a good character gets added to the shop
Can't be assed to mald on insane/torment anymore, so I just did extreme. Still guaranteed gold lol
it's daikessen
there's no reason to ever consider malding for this shit, the rewards are the same
I prefer to get more coins but it's true that it's not worth trying hard to the point of malding for this shit raid
Cockmah only adds damage type on 75 eh? Either 74 is going to be extremely comfy or much harder than the higher floors because no damage reduction from armor type.

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Discuss ABCDs
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Wait, the drinks expired?
I never checked the BB date, but expiring before the event is over is way sillier than expiring 16 hours after the event is over.
>giving away near expiration drinks
Why is Donuts like this?
It's for the weekend exp boost period which ends at noon for some reason
So last batch expires after mere 12 hours
if they release full versions of the doggo's songs i'll buy them for sure...
That's dumb
I never noticed that I have like 8 cards and none of them are American Express

Are you playing One Piece Treasure Cruise or One Piece Bounty Rush on your phone?
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>do 2 expeditions
>keep grand line rank
game's dead
Red guard here, it's been a while bros. I'm still playing, although I'm doing East Blue league on TM and there's some kizunas where I simply can't try hard. 6-day work week is killing me and the game just isn't that interesting anymore, but I keep playing. Anyway, just wanted to say that there's an empty spot on SIMPER POL 9 if any anon is interested! >>1575694 Thank you
bro you guys have 5 accs that dont even login anymore for 100+ days
If you want a somewhat active team, the Firechads are currently down a man
This rumble super special, is this so far just for that free psy Luffy?

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2nd Anniversary soon
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Just got done with Gear&Sun UL total battle after chugging a ton of pots to farm drops from main quests.
I always hear about people ragging on how restrictive the game's team building is, but double defense gunner setups never cease to amaze.
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Potential Unlock poses
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Launch Anri too damn strong.
I am now hoarding 14 UR memory chips.
>Michiru is unvoiced in the new story
Did my game update itself wrong or could they not get her VA in time

I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
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Project Breach 2 CO-OP CQB FPS
Anything that can scratch the Darkest Dungeon itch? How that game isn't on mobile i don't know
Most devs don't bother because it's hard to sell games on mobile.
Kairosoft games I recommend:

1.) Pyraplex: Mall simulator game like SimTower with a twist: it's set in a pyramid. It's very cute, your focus is on making combos, attracting different civilizations to visit your pyramid, and, like all the games on this list, has a good new game plus.

2.) Tropical Resort Story. You run a tropical resort on an isometric grid and part of leveling up your resort involves improving ocean quality to attract animals to the area, e.g. dolphins. It's one of their city planner type games with a few maps to choose from during new game plus. The new game plus also lets you allocate points into things like having extra starting cash.

3.) Game Dev Story. That game tycoon game was a rip off of this one. If you have Apple Arcade, just get that version, because it has skins in it and maybe some bug fixes? B It's a management game where you select a team to create a game based on two things, basically: type of game and genre. If you want something like this that's more recent, try TV Studio Story. It's like Game Dev Story in that you're trying to find good combos of shows and genres, but, it involves some dollhouse-style mechanics where you have sets you can furnish with items that increase a show's stats.

4.) Dungeon Village 2. You don't need to play the first one. City planner + auto battler manager. You have a town of adventurers and you choose their equipment, class, design their town, and can give them bonus items like fruits, etc.

5.) Pocket Arcade Story, original, not DX. The DX one is weird in terms of how it handles things like fast mode. Pocket Arcade Story involves running an arcade. It's a furniture placement game, with combos, and you can develop your own arcade machines in the game. You can also have your arcade visitors fight against other arcades in a fake Tekken-style game.

Non-Kairosoft stuff: Balatro, Cultist Simulator, Luck be a Landlord, Slay the Spire. All four are on Steam as well as mobile.
necromerger is so underrated

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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

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I have no idea how rita made it up there I dont like playing her at all.
Barely any overlap between the three of us lol

>I have no idea how rita made it up there I dont like playing her at all.
Maybe it's like Eri on my side? I had her in my Ice team for a while as the third member, but I didn't really use her much since most events you only need one character for, and high level stuff forces you to take multiple elements, so for Ice I usually just take Amane (with a SPD280 bottom though, SPD200 is so slow) and DoA-Kasumi if I need a second one.
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I don't actually play. I eventually swapped Yotsuyu and Base for Kaoruko and Miku for daily weapon requirements.
I started playing a couple months ago because of Strike Witches. Now I patiently wait for the collab to return.
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Been slacking off on playing for a while now, otherwise it'd probably go my current go-to team of Anko/Ayaka/Azuki.
Apparently, my type is purple As.

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Happy Octopath Day!

We’re starting to get certain Travelers earlier than expected. Starting with Nivelle, or lovable Sacred Blaze Traveler.

At the same time we got EX Sofia and EX Fiore our featured Summer EX’s.

We get nobody next week (8/14) but on the week after (8/21) we get Union of Memories: Bargello/Sonia.

So when we get our next update (8/28), who will be our featured Travelers?

Will it be one of the Caits? Isla? Kilns? Rique? Could it be Shana, the girl from the COTC manga?

Or maybe we’re gonna end up with the 2nd Bravely Default Crossover. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, Sacred Blaze…IGNITE!
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It's weird. Even though Romancing SaGa global's the one in actual, officially announced EoS mode, it feels like this game's the one in EoS as RSRS is still getting new characters, events and other content while CotC global's never been more stagnant. I've almost finished maxing the ultimates on all my characters, just 2 more three stars to go, and I'm on my last batch of 5 stars to uncap with hunts.
It's perfectly logical. CoTC is just run by bigger liars with less respect for its players.
I wouldn't be surprised if COTC was being this dishonest because it had lost a lot of money and everyone saying 200k is a lot was just being a fucking moron who doesn't know Global servers still demand a number of staff to keep things running.
I got everything done. Travelers at max level. Pets at max level. All the veterans defeated. All EX3 Adversaries beaten.

All I have left to do is wait and see what happens and keep up with the Daily Dose while I do so.

Word of advice, once you’ve got all your 5-Star Travelers at max level, put your 4-Stars on hunts. The silver Guidestones can be recycled into silver shards and then exchanged for Golden Seals. You’ll need three of each to Overclass a 5-Star into a 6-Star.
You won't need shit, because 6 stars will never be a thing in global.

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Always feels good to see a world of one color
sup, what's the best stage for blue gems? 31-8 looks cool but idk if there's any better stage
I use 34-4. for links and blue orbs. It has 5 fights.
I got 2 from the only 30 multi I did and I already had her rainbowed.
And of course my GSSR from the Roshi banner was Videl who was already at 90%.
At least I got 1 month and all the new events to farm stones for HEROES.
that look good for link leveling but not that good for blue gems. 31-8 gives 10 but with a chance of 33 gems.

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don't know how many people play this one because it's not in english and even i can't understand 99% of the shit in it

but it's fun to play for a turn-based game, if a bit grindy for materials needed to boost your character, and some character skills aren't clear to me yet like this アミー break skill
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fuck, I forgot to tell you.
You have to capture it after getting down to 25% hp or after 3 drops. Do the VH version if possible since it drops more. EX drops the same amount but cost more ST.
>Do the VH version if possible
not possible with my current setup, can't even do the one before it without getting wiped
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TBT it isn't that difficult but it is a bit hassle even you know the mechanics
>stun/dizzy for the first turn or it buffs atk
>character and orb that can bind every turn (very important since this fuckface buffs every time he changes form)
>when shield comes up, put disease or that fucker will outheal
>mean face with many eyes, blind or it will buff and destroy the party
> dragon, curse (not that important but he will uber charge and ougi)

Can you show your characters, i might be able to point who might be useful.
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Pink: DPS (Gaap wants Bane Chaser orb, which you can farm with marchosias, the gun nun, he can also stun on a low chance. March can also stun with awakening skill and dps with ougi. Uval and Zepar self explained, bring any once you are comfortable with doom)
Green: Healer and ougi juicer, you want her to take care of colson the most
Yellow: bind, confuse and DPS (She is actually great for doom, your main star)
Red: Shock and bind, but you already have shaxx, so shaxx it is since she can shock and cause some damage with ougi, raise balaam too if you want more options in the future.
Black: Curse. Not really important since you have heals, but try to clear before doom's third ougi.
I missed 60 ベリト. He can stun doom on first turn.

Uhh, you pretty set for doom ig.
Shaxx, March/Balaam, Marbas, Colson, Berito.
For VH Shaxx/Jinmal, Marbas, Balaam, Colson and Berito.

You might want :
>rush kimaris, first in perm event. Can cause blind with yellow photon.
>jinmal c, i think she is above morax perm costume event. Pretty green hair lady. She can shut down doom's healing phase with a yellow photon.

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How's your team coming along?

Launch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMO1MHoRX0g
Feature Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JayO6KgbBeQ

>Official Site: https://soc.xd.com/
>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2526380/Sword_of_Convallaria/
>Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sword-of-convallaria/id6451019582
>Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xd.ssrpgen
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Doing just a couple of runs in Fireside Chat without having all the modifiers maxed out (which is what makes it hard as balls) gives you a ton of Canned Octopus which helps with grinding. If you don't want to spend a lot of time on it, you can just do like two runs and get the most important rewards (the secret fates and the three items). Then you can focus on the Voyage of Discovery and focus on the Talent Materials which are going to be the most important in the long run. Neither of these events are worth 100%ing IMO unless you simply enjoy the challenge. Meanwhile Voyager's Conondrum just requires you to be in a guild that isn't shit and it takes like 20 seconds a day to complete, and the New Chapter event can be speedrun in under 5 minutes by just clearing repeatedly 0-8-2 in one turn. I agree that the pace of events is too high, especially having two high-difficulty ones like Fireside Chat and Voyage of Discovery running at the same time, but if you're not a completionist you can at least get the most important rewards in all of them with minimal effort.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about EXP since you'll get it passively anyway. If you already have a decent team, training more units isn't the highest priority. The Level-up Training and Rank-up Trial modes having 99 bonuses per day is a huge trap, you don't want to spend more stamina on them than necessary. Aside from hitting your dailies (which doesn't take much) and making sure to keep up with Weapon Trial and Memory Retrieval, focus your stamina on events and Star Trial.
Thanks for the detailed breakdown bro, really appreciate it. I finished the Fool's Journey event, the guild one isn't an issue and I haven't done any extra runs on the level up campaign like ya said. I'm focusing stamina on Voyage of Discovery (I can't beat the boss on Diff 5 so I'm doing Diff 4) and trying to get all those 99 talent chests.
For Fireside Chat, it immediately wanted me to select one of three difficulty levels (highest being lv55) and I just backed out; is that something I can change later? I'll check it out later today and get those most important rewards you mentioned.

That just leaves the Elaman route in SoD, which I haven't touched. I have until Nov 5, I hope this route isn't as long as Iria Route, which is the only SoD run I've done since launch (got the good ending).
>I can't beat the boss on Diff 5
Remember that the final level is randomly chosen from a preset group. Some levels are hard as fuck, others are relatively easy. Since you only spend stamina if you win, you can just nope out on certain boss fights and restart the run. It costs a lot of time but this way you can finish level 5 with relative ease.

In my opinion, the boss difficulty is as follows (hardest to easiest):
>Safiyyah + Nungal + Nergal
>Gloria + Auguste
>Rawiyah + Maitha + Faycal + Beryl
>Miguel + Col
But of course it depends on which units you have available and which buffs you picked along the way.

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Yeah, the only times I've made it to the end in Diff 5 it was Agatha, then Safiyyah+Garcia, then Agatha again, so I guess I'm really unlucky.
Also, I remembered why I needed so much exp. I still have to do the final tarot and weapon trial stages (65, not the 70s that just came out) and that means having exp to level up like 10 low rarity characters I haven't built yet to follow the only video guides that don't use legendaries I don't have.
I see I'm going to hold off to see if I want to keep playing. I like the game and I have the team I want to build but with the way stamina is gated it feels like the game doesn't even want me to play unless I spend money. It's a horrible system. I don't mind a casual play once a day kind of game but it also is expecting me to grind like 4 different events and the fucking story. I don't understand the logic.

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