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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

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2.5 anniversary imminent
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shhhh you can't like anything involving h*mans
it wouldn't be so bad if the character focus weren't so bland as fuck. like I said before, this is like a shittier version of hot springs and adventurental.
and there's that lingering disappointment of being set in Sepia... WITHOUT the beloved characters from Sepia.
it's not that it's humans specifically for me, it's that I don't give a shit about any of these losers and most of the new sepia roster sucks. with bashkar being on part 2 maybe I'll care a bit more but knowing his character he's probably gonna job instantly
I don't mind human but this was easily one of the dumbest and boring ones. At least it was just filler I guess and Bashkar coming in didn't really help either. I look forward to Ragnar getting some focus for next chapter. Didn't help we already have a hero and virgin event while all the banners were just random mobs when we are still missing others.
>hero theme
>no tight suit with muscles shit
>no hero corruption shit
>just lame literally who virgins
fucking absol of all people already had a good fanart on what a Sepia-themed superhero event could have been

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Anniversary in 1 day-ish. Did you save your rolls for lyfe wife?
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Nah, there's never been playable males.
The "gear" in this game are non-combatant NPCs and they nuked all the male ones from that.

With the bent of the game and the tone shift it became a little weird to be having male characters as the gear who I guess setting wise were there to look after and arrange things for the actual harem.
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in CBT. I would have been okay with him, if instead it was MC was selectable and playable, and not in the gacha pool. Like choosing aether or lumine, but instead ling yi or adjutant
What happened to the people that maxed out male gear?
They just swapped the png with females, nothing gamebreaking.
It would have made a lot of sense too since Adjutant apparently has super powers.

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Praise be to Keikenchi, the only consistently good writer in FGO
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>Mandricarbro actually cleared it
The absolute madman, I'm happy for him
Xu Fu also works for one of the supports if you go the critical route and you have an arts servant that benefits from it like Saber Hokusai.
Already did it, not required fr FeMerlin NP.
T1: Both Castorias arts buff and the other 2 skills of one Castoria, order change that Castoria for FeMerlin and use FeMerlin arts buff. Fire Oei's NP you get over 50% of refund.
T2: Rest of the other Castoria's skills. Fire NP you get over 60% of refund
T3: FeMerlin NP charge along with Oei's, fire NP to get over 2 million of damage surpassing Oberon's strat that gave over 1 million but never reached 2 (although I've yet to test him with MLB CE so he might actually do that as well).

It might be required MLB DMG CE since I recently MLBed it, although I think the 1st time i did this I'd yet to MLB it but I'm not sure.
You'd think they would have banned Nagiko from going near the water slide after the second time she did that
You can try and implement any laws you like, doesn't mean you can stop the Sei from Shonagoning every where she wants, how she wants.

Did you summon for anyone on the newest Sacred Stones banner (ft. Nidavellir)?
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I tried to do it with other themed trams but most aren't up to date. The two new mythic are a pain for them to beat.
So, like a shitter, I resorted to powercreep and newer characters. Heidrun was still a pitch to kill and kept healing after 99% of combats and ginny was one of the only characters o had with anti-healing so the final kill goes to her.
It would be cool for her to get a cute festive alt, just to see what they do with her.
dam, this Abyssal isn't possible without a strong recent mage, huh
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Give someone a fairy harem.
Fuck that bat, holy
It just becomes a red flying Chrom

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With Natlan coming soon, thoughts on the Pyro Archon?
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So, is this part of the "updated" characters models they are supposed to start doing from 5.0 onwards?
I ask because she looks of the same goofy proportions, just a little bit taller.
She got nerfed into the ground sadly, which totally killed my hype for her
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he is really good a riling up the schizos
I really doubt we'll ever see noticeable tweaks in standard proportions because that sounds like a visual consistency nightmare unless they rebuild older models as well.
/gig/ has been an absolute mess of jaded schizos and cuckposting since fucking 1.0

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In this thread, we talk about Another Eden.
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Depends on who it is. Mazrika for instance doesn't need it if you're rolling her as support.
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After reading this I went through the gacha SA units and ranked them by how I would prioritize their awakening.
Utpalaka is a little difficult to determine since his Stellar Skill's multiplier isn't on the wiki yet (and having to simulate Echos and Scars in calculations) but I think I'd put him somewhere between low A and mid B.
Alt Akane is really nothing special. She should be switched with Tsukiha, who is a superboss destroying rape machine with her SA.
>Alt Akane
Permanent Singular Focus for herself, her Stellar skill is Her Strongest Skill But Better adding on -100% Earth Resist and 6 stacks of Earth Break to all enemies before activating Hawk Talon, her SB multiplier is about what's expected of an SB skill, and her SB Activation with majority shadow is 80% Katana damage which is stronger than pretty much every SB Activation other than Weakness Multiplier +1 and Barrier Pierce against a Barrier boss.
Was actually one of the hardest to place, but she ended up where she is because her Stellar Burst is DOGSHIT.
Compared to damn near every other character who can use their SB to wipe out an HP stopper/entire life bar with a between-turns-instance-of-damage, Tsukiha's SB does 0 damage, instead giving her Ascended Blade, Risktaker, and Hold Ground.
Sure her Myriad Blaze adds another 3k hit after using another skill so she can do 6k total per Scaling Serenade, but if we compare her to Alt Akane inflicting 6 Break to double all 4 of her Hawk Talon hits, that ends up being 8k total per turn with Stampede while also being able to remove an entire health bar with 12k Stellar Burst Stampede that still leads into 4k(effectively 8k) Hawk Talon.
Comparing her to other characters is also not favorable to Tsukiha; Oboro can use his SA to ascend to Raijin 3 during a T1AF, Ciel gets an EoT post-HP Stopper hit, Minalca gets a 12.5k attack that ignores defense (you know, that thing that Alt Akane has in her base kit and Tsukiha doesn't get even with her SA)
Man, I got two alma, what is the optimum way to play with her?

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What do you mean? Like after the Rays ending? No, its left ambiguous on purpose.
Yeah everyone in Rays are just copies, even the collab characters. The originals are still back in their own worlds and doing their thing, so any character being sent back is actually be sent to their death since they’ll just cease to exist, they’re not taking over the original or merging with them.
Rays was fun but I rather have a real Radiant Mythology 4 instead of a Rays 2.
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Looks like Marcus was going to get a Halloween alt down the line. Shame, its looks cool.
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That's his Tirgland costume from Asteria.

have you grind for your monthly rewards bros?
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>has anyone else noticed you get the attack token a lot
yeah and i'm pretty sure it's intentional too, since the core of the new weeklies is just a rehash of swain's 5* adventure with some extra modifiers replacing the game start: triple citybreaker
>take Nasus to Asol
>get to him no problem
>first game he just stalls out by blocking my nasus every time making me do negligible amounts of damage until he rolls an obliterate
>second round he rolls an obliterate early then gets me stuck between a perfect lethal (thanks to his 6, 7 and 8 mana champs all having overwhelm) or a survive for 1 round -> rally into lethal because summoning nasus again will kill his sion
Sometimes they just force you to lose.
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Just wait till you take on nightmares and Lissandra/Swain.
I have.
I'm trying to clear the board with everyone, which with the addition of Liss/Swain seems unlikely.
>take viego to lissandra
>get the undying item on encroaching mists
Suffice to say, Pissandra did not survive this

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You ARE spending all your gems on the collaboration-exclusive magical girls that will never be seen again, right? RIGHT?
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>chains of harmony proc BEFORE chain of suppresion disappear
many such cases
If you mean the Krishna chains, these are called "chains of salvation". Just making sure we're talking about the same thing. On a related note, if Mephisto has the chain, he gets deleted before adding his press turn, making this a bad matchup. I always knew his extra turn being added by his passive instead of his active would come back to bite him
Funny how they immediately hotpatched in buffs for everyone with a press turn adding passive so they wouldn't get blocked by Furykado. Wonder if they'll tweak Krishna for the same reason.
the purple stars are cool though...
>On a related note, if Mephisto has the chain, he gets deleted before adding his press turn
I thought this was the case for every demon. They just die.

Preparing for 1.1

Expectations for the first major update?
Who are you saving/pulling for?
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Her gameplay plan is just one step above the rest, mainly by managing having her skills ready when finishing combos
I like that there's a character like this now, not everyone needs to braindead easy to use because they get boring
>I’m a retard so Changly is too complicated for me.
Press basic attack four times. This puts you in a state where your fifth attack will either be a slash horizontally into an explosion vertically three times (Thundering Mephis is an example of exactly how it works just in a shorter range forward) or a jump as a phoenix launching the enemy into the air where you can combo them for another combo but then get dropped to the ground. While in this state you also have a Fusion damage buff.

Your Forte Circuit is a giant Fusion explosion in a circle in front of you and requires four of the previous special attacks to build up. If you have Yinlin it's the same radius as her burst. You also gain a bar if you you Intro into her.

Your burst is a giant explosion of damage also in a circle in front of you. It instantly grants you an entire bar of your Forte Circuit.

So the ideal way to use her is start with Verina and buff, go into some coordinated attacker and set that up, then go into her. Use her burst, immediately use her FC, then do four attacks to get the Fusion damage buff so that you can use Inferno Rider to its full effect and start the loop again. Alternatively you can stick in her longer and earn her FC through attacks naturally, swap out, buff, coordinated attacker, FC into burst into FC into IR.
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Here’s my in-depth tutorial on how to play Jiyan
Oh, and I can't believe I forgot this but her skill gives her a FC bar as well and immediately sets you up with the Fusion buff. So you can also skill into FC into skill into burst into skill into FC and swap out to constantly have Fusion buffs.
PS5 footage for all those interested.


sword of convallaria coming out on july 31st


i never finished tactics ogre as a kid but im interested anyways
available on steam so no need to play on your phone
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I can already picture the bricked shitposting about choosing the "wrong" skill on any unit
It's not even an SRPG, it's a lazy afk game with the Phantom of the Kill IP slapped onto it. The "gameplay" is just portraits bonking into each other like Memento Mori.
anyone knows how rerolling works?
apparently you can play as a guest account to keep rerolling your initial pulls. But it takes about 10 minutes of tutorial each time
even on the Steam version?

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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience
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So I'll know what minimum amount to always keep in my stash.
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Awesome, I'll have Sylus ready
sylus rabu
I think it’s mostly because pb was pretty open and receptive to their players in their last game so goodwill carried over. Unfortunately pb sort of blew through most of that with how they’ve handled WHB
>2 crates
>missing both Raf and Sylus myth pairs in the lot
Which would be better to get. I have Raf's Sea God pair so I was thinking Sylus, but I don't have many 5* purple Raf cards

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
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>had to 25 pulls for a single Kenpachi and another 25 for a single Gremmy
>didn't even get a Kenpachi dupe while pulling for Gremmy
>50 pulls and they're both 1/5
Rerolled on an alt account. It took 25 steps to get both...via ticket.

R.I.P. to your wallet.
Oh yeah, he is gonna dominate the meta for a whole year. You can just tell.
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Step 5. Saving status? For fags.
Now post your Kenpachi, fag.

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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Yes, just moved the buttons a bit to my liking
It brings me joy, this game, but now I kinda have doubts, for the same amount of money I could get coomer gacha currency for 2 years and be happier than by spending it on a single draw here, I like the bp50 theme and theres the 2x bonus, so if I were to buy it I would never buy anything else in this game
you should really consider reading books or something. spending money on virtual skins is like worse than doing crack
books arent as entertaining though
felt like I did poorly but it gave me a bunch of ranks in my placements
Thats it
Bought my last monthly pass and will only use 1cp tickets for draws from now on
Will only buy the mythic cards bundle once to give my gun tracers
Fuck this shithole

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