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Discuss ABCDs
I forgot event ends tonight
Now I have a bunch of time limited energy drinks that will expire before Doggo event
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Elsie killed Weronika's father.
And Neo helped bury him, apparently.
New merch idea, nyochiocar for each character. With wheels.
nyochio bus filter....
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>Donuts can save D4DJ if they go full lewd with Maho
Would Eimi like ABCDEFU? Or is it too normie-y for her
three hours until energy drinks expire and their daily missions end
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>Another collab which may not come to global ever
We are so back
>Is bushi fault
>Westoids believing is yuri
modern anime fags really do not watch anime at all lol
It had an entire secuence in which a hag rants about how seiyuu-idols are just a bunch of sellouts
Rika x Shopie?
Who were the other two again?
How much does it typically cost to collab and which party pays for it?
The anime is really niche unlike matoslave or even Goddess Cafe.
So it must have been cheap.
It depends, it could be anywhere from 0 to whatever.
Some games do a split revenue where specific limited collab items with a set price is split with the other party.
Games like DJs where's it's a banner could do it based on rolls or diamond sales if it follows the logic from above.
But for who pays, it depends on who comes to who first, but in general the with a disadvantage in the agreement is typically the game receiving the collab
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It is yuri, retard. They literally call it business yuri in the show.
She is a divorced lawyer who is concerned that her daughter's idol job won't last.
Nothing about selling out.
We will only get yuri collabs from now on since yuri doesn't sell. Except Mahoako.
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Looks like we will get both OP and ED. Pretty good. Thanks, Miiku.

>I'm jealous of Gurumiku's collaboration with "Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote." Even though Garupa is Oshi no Ko (just a matter of taste)
>business yuri
nvm why westoids /u/ crowd is as chaotic as they are now
>but they touch their titties
so as any girl of any male harem
nip yurifags are celebrating the collab so you are objectively wrong
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Even over there stuff like lycoreco still stirs debate over if its yuri or not.
Moreover, the girls are not gay compared to Hayacoco.
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Seiyuu Radio doesn't have male characters that serve as shipbaits for the girls
>I fear
I fucking funny how a Mahoako collab has the potential to be the next matoslave collab within westoids despite is just girl on girl action.
Who said the girls need to be gay for yuri?
>Bushi is going to put in indefinite hiatus the male bandori next year
Bushi is truly cleaning the house this year
I bet Bushi also planned this for D4DJ but Donuts was against it.
Now, is Donuts the ones who may put D4DJ on hiatus .-.
Imagine if we somehow get a WfM collab. There is only a minor reference to SuleMio and the event is mostly Shinobu and Michiru fighting over Gunpla. The girls will be partnered with the MS instead of the pilots. Miiko's father's company will somehow develop a working mecha during the event.
Have you read the LN? No? Go be a fag elsewhere
>yuri LN dengeki print with an anime
Adashima collab next.
Even better:

GirlsLine collab!
There's a small possiblity that Shuukura gets an anime and Gurumiku has collab with it. Datechan should be included there for thematic purposes.
Do Shuukura also do drugs?
>eos the new game a few months after launch
>"we are putting the whole project on hiatus because a character content project needs dat game!"
Keep Groovy Mix alive!
Reminder you can buy JP gems from
now if you are blocked by Google or Apple due to regional difference.
Hayacocofags were a mistake
It's a false flag
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New location! This time in Shibuya!
Who do I use as supports?
What if collab with My Girlfriend's Not Here Today but Hayacoco?
cards with passive skills that can active in support
there is a filter option in the search panel exactly for that
Kokoa's character in Seiyuu Radio is a seiyuufag seiyuu obsessed with MCs (Sophia and Rika's)...
Found Hayate's character in Seiyuu Radio!
god kokoa makes my girldick so hard


LN author celebrates collab
>on "there no need to be gay for gay shit"
Las thread anon was right
Hayacoco addition show how the "romantic relationship" of the other djs are as real as Nagisa's guitar during lives.
I love the Fes Hayate card monitor item so much.
A Rare item outside of relationship event top 1000th rewards that displays a couple.
>Special Yell
How I've missed you
Kokoa L2D boob window...

Just realized her winter casual's window is higher than chest hence no cleavages
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Is it ElWero or WeroEl?
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What's the reference, Kingdom Hearts?
Why are we collabing with animes I have watched now?
LN author has made comments on all card art
>Notice character's items

>rare angle and rare hat

>wonder if lewd outfit would make it (lol) and incognito mode items

>Yuhihime becomes meal for the gal
That's cute.
Towa best wingman
Is this the first time Pumina has been brought up in an event story?
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UniChØrd... forgotton...
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Happy birthday, N-

Wait, wrong character. That wasn't very cute of me...
Who is they?
Wait, I don't remember this song. From their live?
>Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote LN makes JK duo radio shows popular in D4DJ universe
>Lumina decides to host a DJ duo radio show
>Pumina is into pairings, and she calculates the optimal pairing of Rika x Sophia for the radio show
>Sophia is tricked into this because she thought she could make a JK friend (WeroElsie don't count since they are famili)
>Guests for the show: Hiiro is invited for her YouTubering expertise and Kokoa is invited for her Tsukkomi expertise
>Rika bringa them to an amusement park to break in Sophia
>Hiiro: "Nice, just like what she did to Tsubaki."
>Bonus cameos: Michiru and Elsie comedy duo
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I still don't get that
Michiru and Elsie cunny duo*
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I hate this site.
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Ri4 youtube radio announced
hoping it'll be as entertaining as the abyssmare one was.
A robot
Damn you shitpost here too?
Needs more bare JK legs
What did they usually talk about? Are the episodes still up?
Yeah they're all on the JP D4DJ Channel.
tl;dr it was seiyuu gossip type stuff with the angle being to shill the ARK concert from earlier this year. That aside they also gave some insights on behind-the-scenes stuff like:
>What the auditions for Abyssmare were like (IRL)
>What the VAs' personalities are like while grinding rehearsals.
>Joke segments where they act in-character/speculate how their characters would respond to X/Y/Z.
>Reading fan mail.
It's all in JP with no subtitles that I'm aware of, but if you have enough of a grasp on the language to read/listen to the event stories on JP you'll probably be fine.
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When's the next trashy battle harem/romcom collab so we can make Noa the protagonist?
2.5D Ririsa
Noa will make the girls cosplay
I can already see Kokoa as one of them due to her hair...
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Song aside this could be good...
Shutter Chance is great
Amanesu even reposted it on X
I heard that's yuri though
Who doesn't have a holiday set yet?
Tsubarika units
michiru is so sexy when she's jealous...
Only the Elf oneesan who likes their teacher who is not part of the harem
The anime X account finally logged in and reposted our collab
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Looks like Bushiroad will continue to publish a final compilation CD for each unit with their solo covers. PKPK was already out, and Happy Around was announced earlier.
Only one unreleased song and funnily called Last Song...
Every OG 5 units did a "end/restart" themed songs earlier this year
^Bonus tracks and covers are unreleased too, anon
Happy Colorful Days ミ
Begin Again
Last Song
>TV variety shows are using I shall be a cat
>arcades are playing vital signs
we are so back, djbros
waiting for mermaids
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vital sign goes so hard
WIN-WIN is so good
Kokoa loves to eat bananas. There are n piles of bananas, the ith pile has piles[i] bananas. Hayate has gone and will come back in h hours.

Kokoa can decide her bananas-per-hour eating speed of k. Each hour, she chooses some pile of bananas and eats k bananas from that pile. If the pile has less than k bananas, she eats all of them instead and will not eat any more bananas during this hour.

Kokoa likes to eat slowly but still wants to finish eating all the bananas before Hayate returns.

Return the minimum integer k such that she can eat all the bananas within h hours.
Important question to solving the question, does kokoa only use her mouth to eat the bananas?
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I don't get it.
Say you build a loop that steps through each hour checking if the value of k(okoa very sexily eating her alloted number of bananas per hour, licking condensed milk or white chocolate off her lips, fingers and the bananas she's eating while Hayate deeply regrets her absence, though unsure why) is less or equal than the value of i (the number of bananas in a pile), increasing both i and h if so, else only increasing h and decreasing k from i until i<=k. The minimum integer you need to know to see how many bananas Kokoa has (very lasciviously consumed while thinking of Hayate and her closet of toys, and getting kind of wet and squirmy during the day) to eat in order to eat all of them is, logically, the max of i, since she can only eat k=i bananas in h hours. That means the algorithm is of complexity Oi(oioi!).
This is a very serious answer so feel free to prove me wrong.
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k=i bananas per h hour*
The rest still stands.
Event idea: Kokoa catches Michiru posting on /vmg/, she sees all posts about her and Hayate on the D4DJ thread and feels disgusted about anon and Michiru. The ending reveals it was Elsie who was shitposting about them all along.
How does Pumina fit into all of these?
This card edit guy is actually really good
michiru and elsie get sent to noa's house for correction
kurumi is there
Pumina manipulated YouTube feed and recommended Kokoa's channel to Hayate.
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Birthday Girl
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For me it's
Yatile designed Tsumu's upcomimg CD cover character
And MV too
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In light of recent events, how did Noa get away with it?
Whats going on in sekai thing? Never seen an anime girl this horrified.
We collabed with Higurashi, anon
Something something read story something something someone disappears after reading it
>xitter is more excited at the idea of a long-lasting character is trans all this time in the lore than they ever be for Hayacoco reveal.
Hayacoco is kino
But as time goes by it shows how Unichord failed to attract new fans even in Japan.
Wait nips surely can't be this fucking woke
noa loves
noa is love
cunny heals
unichØrd is special, it's why it's niche
the needy streamer collab showed people just need to give them a try...
Noa has good taste.
Oneeloli spinoff when? Guest starring orbiter Towa.
Why? Trans characters aren't uncommon in japan, you lack culture.
Depends, many transvestites in anime but they rarely gaslight their biological gender
No that's only when it's sterotypes to mock trans.
Normal ones will do the classic "I'm a a woman inside (heart emoji)"
I have only ever seen that line from joke characters
the best you get is the writer's self insert as a loli
rare situation where I have no idea which post you are replying to
it all works
Checked around and found out: the character Noa seiyuu Hinata plays has always been ungendered with a quation mark on his ingame profile. The newest event that has this card art >>1589886 had him getting bullied by 4 male classmates who point out he is a man crossdressing as girl. The only debate left is whether he is mentally ill or just an anime trap. Some naive nips are wondering if his profile will change his gender to male lol. People are waiting for some follow up story where other characters may comment on his gender. Given he actively conceals his gender for 4 years since the game came out, it's likely he is mentally ill.
Given the popularity of pjsk in the west, it just makes sense to pander like this. Bushiroad is too skittish for it but Donuts would definitely have done it had D4DJ was as popular in the west.
So she's a trans girl, gotchu.
Tsubaki could have been revealed as mtf had D4DJ been popular...
Brave and valid!
With a real suicidal story arc? Go ahead.
D4DJ is so toasted.
How are we even supposed to compete?
>Bushiroad is too skittish for it but Donuts would definitely have done it had D4DJ was as popular in the west.
Hayacoco was revealed back when the west still had some ounce of interest for Gurumiku. And they went to business without any tangent.
Yet, not only they were overshadowed by Abyssmare, they did shit to bring new people to the franchise.
Thank god Bushi and Donuts realized all the gays and stuff went to other rhythm games thus they stopped to pander to them ages ago while keeping Hayacoco gay instead of backpedaling.
I meant trans
nobody cares about gays anymore
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I'm quitting if there is a trans dj

Side tangent, but this is exactly why I hate DEI shit. Like why would it matter if someone is transgender? Isn't it the point to become the other gender? Why must media shove the fact it's a trans rather than it's just another girl but she used to have a penis. This is why I hate the BTQ+ agenda.
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only two genders desuzo
the rainbow belongs to otaku/god
their tricks never change!!!
Trans people go through complicated lives because they are trans, and that can make an interessting story. I don't give a shit about trans characters, but I understand.
>Tsubaki as mtf
>Falls in love with a girl who crossdress as a boy but is confident about her sexuality as a girl
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>accidentally derailed this thread
I just wanted to point out how Noa got it good unlike the other three...
You keep talking too much about them in a thread for a game that has nothing to do with them. It's like they're living in your head rent free.
Noa is getting it good until she gets caught in a restroom with a child and has to register as a sex offender.
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Why did Student A say it? Is Student A a chud? I knew we shouldn't have trusted these 8man archetypes.
Speaking of trans
Bump cover when?
Has she ever not been a chudette?p
Doggos lost. Chuds lost. D4DJ... Lost...
Considering the previous doggo song was meant to be bad on purpose I wonder how their second single will sound...
compared to HapiAra
I'd love a loser Noa arc and the other photons have to "rescue" her.
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Hayacoco TCG never ever
we never even got that shit in EN Weiss.
I never forgave EN Bushi for that shit. All the talk about DJs "stealing budget from bandori" might have been true in JP but EN Bushi never even gave us a chance.
Bushiroad never believed in D4DJ...
>thus they stopped to pander to them ages ago
Err sis what about Hiiro's one-sided lust for Aoi's melons?
>join raid
>player 2 joins
>npcs fill
>player 2 picks cat's eye
>d4dj crashes
>hit player 2 again
>spams sorry stamp
>picks cat's eye again
It's almost like they're so aware of how annoying they are that when the game just shits itself, they think I've DC'd from them
12 day events on EN are quite the grind. At least other people will respond when I spam the nyochio emote
just got the nyochio bus again
the image changed the distance where nyochio needs to go but modern macros should easily bypass this still.
collab ends today
>two soulful yuri collabs in a row
Hope the trend continues
We need a het collab for balance
SAOAGGO collab would have been a prime candidate, but I don't think it's possible now
All the characters are flat or lolis and nagi just quit...
Lyrical Nanoha then.
name them
>Muh lolis
Not @ you retconning the wataten collab which was from an actual yuri magazine kek
Last 2
What if the upcoming funny Abyssmare cover is a cover of Sophia seiyuu's recent funny song from Mahoako?
noa loliwife anime collab
or het slime girl michiru...
t.most problematic Hayacocofag
love yuri
simple as
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>Nagisa former seiyuu just went crazy with her live guitar at the lastest popipa concert.
>Still no news for the new Nagisa Seiyuu
On her video she spew a lot of things, but she skipped how tiring it was to use the guitar as a toy during lives because is so obvious is also one of the reason
>Another Budokan concert for Bandori next year
>Also in spring
inb4 the upcoming Budokan D4FES was also Bushi idea
>wataten collab
That's an artistic choice. Everyone looks like that so it doesn't matter who plays the character. In like SAO where LLENN and fuka being absolute midgets. This also doesn't change the fact that the entire female cast is flat besides some secondaries.
>loves fast chocolate
>farmed the rika raid until the end of the event.
>fast chocolate
I don't get it
>Budokan with one band: fill the venue
>Budokan with 10 units: half empty
Bushiroad is gonna dab on us so hard.
Nyo... all I did was just use natural voltage and the bonus cans from the event with no bonus cards

I assume it's a "pun" on Hayai-Coco
Rika raid was hard because a YouTuber was farming in it a lot
He ended up 1st place on the event ranking
>bonus cans
Those are a lot
It's not like it was a secret, what else would people use those time limited cans for?
based autist nip making a title coveted
>no event
>no special
missions finally looking clean again
>Final episode of the doggos
it's over...
Event after that is EoS
Oh they finally remembered that their events should actually have Doggo cards
where did you doomposter faggots come from
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nip anons are already discussing how donuts will sell each dj unit piecemeal to other companies once girls band cry takes off...
Yeah just like the last two Donuts games flew off into the atmosphere.



>5000th 304,893(SP券の壁)


Bad collabo or actual EOS? or a combination of both?
And once again
For what the fuck EGOEGG was made for?
vestigial from the bush era
EGOEGG is going to be D4DJ's MyGO without the anime to make it popular.
I mean it's a niche among niches
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it's just one bandori schizo/troll/whatever spamming. He shits up the /jp/ bushi seiyuu thread too.
Anyway donuts streaming aimi's DJ band in suits @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyA9kQ-R0pI Didn't think I was going to fap first thing in the morning but here I am.
Speaking of /jp/
One of the EGOEGG was in a Boss coffee ad recently
The one playing guitar between Yumi Kawai (vocal) and Tommy Lee Jones (dj)
Men in Black collab soon

Agent J - Muni
Why do males always blog about their penis? Why do you want other males to know about your penis?
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So Floral Knights (Merm4id x Rondo x Ri4) won't get their set of SP cards?

New cosplaying kino is coming
I am thinking I am gonna roll new Doggos...
might be an easy to tier event if you roll doggos
I'm rolling at least for the Shika.
Taking final predictions:
Will Doggo finally beat Happy Around?
Will Eimi find love?
Will Eggs be teased at the end?
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And will Doggos be banished like CoA were after this?
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post the AI one
We went from Hypnosis Mic/Paradox Live to Denonbu/kpop with the doggos.
I'm surprised they can hold their flow through the song.
Was Yurie Igoma doing her rap reps?
I luckshitted 3 doggos with minimal diamonds but missed her.
I like it, I hope we get more doggos and when eggs come, the new 4 units will take over and have their own anime
>D4 has a decent rap unit to compete against those ikemen rap franchises
>But they are also on the brink of EOS
So who came up with the idea of the gender bender 8man band?
Bush or the D with a hole?
Can't wait to see Igoma rapping live.
I think Hypnosis Mike is just retiring the stage play cast. The franchise isn't EoS'ing.
I sure hope you get your gay anime
And make it extra gay
meme face collections?
>gacha tickets from 1-1000
Donuts need bigger bait before I bite
Doggo tummies
Me on the right.
Me in the middle
The tickets are so insignificant they may as well be a point reward but its to be expected that they still didnt figure out how to do ranking rewards after all those years.
why did they cop out and made the white powder sugar instead of cocaine?
It's like black lines across a ma○ko
Because it is sugar and not cocaine
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>There were 4 audience members in Doggo's 1st live. Bell dad's acquaintance, Shiika/Bell's relative ojisan, and 2 OLs who came for Date-chan uninvited
What is Date-chan doing with old women...
>They are recording the live
>Shiika makes sure the camera is behind the guests
>Eimi points out you still can't really record much of Kyoko that way
>Shiika replies that she is just trying to record from the angle how Kyoko would see the live

Based Professional. Also shot down Eimi's suggestion of taking a photo with Kyoko after the performance.
Those are Date-chan's kouhai in high school
That is wholesome
They are older than CoA
Shiika and Eimi selling drinks
>Shiika hides behind Eimi when Kyoko comes
>Eimi jabs that she is in adolescence before realizing she literally is
>Kyoko praises Doggo for running the club house
>Eimi muses that she almost became Kyoko's woman
>Gets poked hard in the back by Shiika

Cute Yuri
Shinobu needs to put a collar on Kyoko
Bwll running sound checks.
Date-chan sings.
>"Thank you."
Eimi sings.
>"Shut up that's annoying."
Shika scratches discs:
>"Perfect Perfect So Good Thank you so very much!"
>Shika and Bell make promise to be together always because Date-chan sempai is more like a sensei and Eimi is "that".
I identify with Doggos I will be so mad if they ended up winning in the story.
>that vtuber girl and her whateverchords...
why are they like this
To be fair I saw a nip fan pointed out that UniChØrd is the only unit of all 9 units pre-Doggo not qualified for D4Fes. They are technically an underdog unit in-universe.
It is just like how losers hate other losers because they remind them of themselves so much. Hence Eimi refuses to acknowledge UniChØrd, and considers it a winnable fight when battling them in the earlier episode.
IIRC Japan's drug laws are insanely strict similar to what >>1592493 said. They're probably outright not allowed to make a direct reference.
Doesn't feel as hard as last one (pun intended)
also redeemed by the fact michiru related to the doggos...
Wtf this is really good. I love doggos so much bros.
>to Denonbu
Just as I hoped.
>when eggs come
keep coping
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How do you trigger the voice? I got Sophia randomly on the title screen and she is just saying the usual D4DJ Groovy Mix.

Looks like we are jebaited.

You can hear it now, they talk together which is pretty dumb.
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Why does PreCure Date seiyuu phrases it like Doggos will go the way of Call of Artemis? Will we ever see them again?
>that engagement
Lumina is definitely botting.
>be Rinku
>casually ruins Eimi's keikaku
Read on X that Eimi's result line これはもう勝ったでしょ!勝ったな!ガハハ is from Girlish Number by Doggo writer Wataru Watari
All the doggo lines are cute as hell
Have you found other references in them?
Does that mean Eimi is a fusion of 8man and Chitose?
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I know donuts shills are here
the doggo lyrics are cringe
give me date-chang you fucks
>CoA and Doggos not included
The Bushi erasure
Donuts can't stand that people want Doggos and not Hayacoco
Even though Hayacoco are the only ones not appearing in Doggo story?
losers do not need to be in another loser's story
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Collab when
UniChØrd's countdown voiceline is so cute!
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What's THAT Halloween song?
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Are white dresses hetchadcoded?
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>6 collab songs
Who the fuck are we collabing with for these many songs. Girl Band Cry?
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Sexualized Minor Michiru
plus 2 Base Songs
Are Abyssmare and Rondo alone not getting original songs for the anniversary?
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New side story after Doggo. Adaptation of the stage play from last year or new story?
No more Main stories? I guess after the Doggo and Arisugawa Student Council, it would be EGOEGG side story.
After which it is EoS.

Haya-Coco arm linking...

Lyrical Lilyの4人と初等部からの知り合いである園能寺咲耶が有栖川学院の生徒会長に就任した。
伝統と規律を重んじる咲耶は、OG会の会長を母に持つ中森瞳と謎の新入生・原口莉亞瑠の 1年生ふたりを生徒会に引き入れ、親友の久遠愛弓とともに、学院の風紀を乱すLyrical LilyのDJ活動を阻止しようと動き始める……

Looks like the exact story of the stage play.
Still doesn't preclude them from getting L2Ds and even Cards like CoA and Doggos.
They are using the character names made up by Akao Hikaru.
How should I feel about it?
The main girl and left are very yuri with each other.
Right girl is a chuuni.
You can find plot summary of the play in the thread from last year early May.
See >>1594477
Probably lasts till 4.5 Anniversary, at which point EGOEGG story starts. Then at 5th Anniversary they will announce end of servive just in time for GBC launch.
It's better to die yuri then live to see yourself become het
>ending your 5 year old game for a game that will last 1
The Toho money will make sure it lasts long.
Plus I heard it is super popular with the Chinese.
Anything popular with the Chinese becomes succesful due to their sheer number even if most of them don't pay.
>Deam! The collab cue from the Bush era sure is long! Thankfully Donuts will focus on solo stories after they are done with them!
>The play from the Bushiroad era
Once a Bushi ALWAYS a bushi!
What abour yuri?
michiru, kurumi and marika = goddesses
shame we don't get to see datechan in this...
doggo, student council, egoegg, new girls -> new d4fes where UniChØrd wins...
>new girls
What's their gimmick?
>new d4fes where UniChØrd wins...
All OG units retire and Abyssmare become MCs for the D4Fes like Mana did, which leaves Vtuber something cord, student coucil mommy, egoegg autists and new girls to fight for the scraps...
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I can't believe they put Shika and Date-chan on a bus. What a waste of good characters.
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Tsubaki and Aoi are from Bushi
LiryLily from Bushi
Hayacoco from Bushi
The doggos from Bushi
Thus, even the yuri is from Bushi. Despite the matoslave collab was also from Bushi.
>Aoi hair
>Noa hair
>Maho hair
Did Donuts lose the rights of their hair's colors to Bushi or did they fuck up for the anniversary.
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Noa and Maho look right though

Only Aoi went from raven hair to aoi hair
Will the bus come back?
Dang that's pretty. Also glad that everyone gets a SP this year instead of what they did last time although I can't imagine trying to pull them is going to be very fun
Rondo makes sense since nagi went bye bye, even though the unit is literally tsu-chan and friends

This is a deep metaphor, nagi leaving rondo was the start of eos, and when abyssmere makes their announcement it will be eos, that's why they also don't have an anniversary song
glad we moved away from bushi
>32 SP units
>"Up to" 100 free spins from raid event
>third NV line
>NV select package
fuck rolling I guess
>black tier for spending dia now

>16k dia
>4 roll call tickets
>49 ticket pulls
>2025 4* ticket
>web packs
>>>30万 + 4.5万 and 3x 4* 2025 tickets
>>>20万 + 3万 and 2x 4* 2025 tickets
>>>10万 + 1.5万 and 1x 4* 2025 tickets

see above
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eimi said it will
waking up @ michiru hours
can you buy dias from the site? I'm tempted...
I don't know how you link it, but they're probably testing the waters right now. I'm still personally going to buy through GPlay since that's the easiest way to not have my bank call me after every purchase
It took me so long for the bank to understand, yes I'm dumb and I bought multiple packs of the 10,000 yen one within 30 minutes.
Another reason to hop over to JP. Your guys' diamond prices are a steal compared to what EN has to pay.
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Use your ID copied from the profile + token (a temp code) issued in pic related for linking. It's very easy.
Sis... We're both approaching eos just one sooner than the other
You also 1000 free dia for just linking.
See the issue is my bank knows to look out for GOOGLE * Bushiroad charges and ignore them.
Actually I wonder if I will get a call from them since I think the charges are now GOOGLE * Donuts, cause I've been paying with Play store credit recently

Unless this is time limited, I'll bank these free 1000 for in case of emergency
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Happy Around selection memoria CD from Bushiroad Music
It's NOT a physical only song?
2 more weeks. Trust the plan.
Should've put the shitpost nyochio song in there
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/ourmom/'s TOD (Tokyo Otaku Date) cosplay soon...
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Why is everyone in a dress? Kind of sexist.
Shuukura did the same and that's a yuri LN.
It's pretty.
Lilies Ballet
It's forced
Denobu's EGOEGG/MyGo equivalent played DJ Nanmo Wakaran in their event for some reason.
Why are Doggos not in the anniversary?
>Hayacoco from Bushi
Watari is a Bushi employee?
Banished to the Shadow Realm along with my hag wives
More Denonbu collabs please, the songs are always great
Is my go in bandori?
If not I just love how there's these groups affiliated with a franchise but not in it
Pretty sad to see Donuts doing this to the new face of the game.

It only took them 4 years to figure it out

Was the doggo chart actually bad?
>A Bad Cynic Doggoの新曲のHARD譜面がずっとミスさせようとするループな感じで腕が死ぬし嫌いだわ

Donuts/Bushi can't ever win

Maybe wait until the weekend before anni4 talk happens
Implying Doggos are ever getting a song again now that they're on a bus alongside CoA
That aside I'm more surprised people gacha at all in this game rather than just sparking. I don't think I've ever pulled on a non-free gacha if it wasn't with the intent to go to 300.
Yes. Only the Vtuber band is not in Bandori
Can we finally admit D4DJ is /soul/?
That's not possible, Michiru is a born main character!
I believe that a positive feedback will bring them back. It's not like they cost as much as CoA.
Speaking of which we haven't gotten a questionnaire since forever. I want some collabs and also the Muni-Kokoa family union thing.
>Date-chan knows Weronica but Weronica doesn't know her
What is the deal with her?
I don't see the Bus. They are back to square one with the club house popularity dropping back down to normal level. This sets up reasons for them to start shit with other units again in future events.
Do you anonymous guys think the Arisugawa Student Council will get L2Ds for the story, cards for gatcha, and new original songs by the cast?
>get L2Ds for the story
>cards for gatcha,

God I hope so. I'm gonna miss Date-chan otherwise.
Doggo charts aren't that bad. desu the worst HARD ones have are some offbeat notes, but it's still a GFC first try.
I'm expecting the Doggo treatment.
Maybe the questionnaires will become more common now that Donuts is fully in charge? T7S gets questionnaires once every few months, usually a week or two after a major update.
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Eimi confirmed to like Rinku? The way Shika likes Kyoko.
>Michiru seiyuu didn't say anything about Anniversary
She hates UniChØrd now...
>Was the doggo chart actually bad?
Nah, it's not any more difficult than, say, Nanmo Wakaran or Now or Never. If anything, Naber hiring is a great addition to the game. His style is very noticeable on the sightread. I wish Donuts would hire chartmakers like him Exsch or Luxance onegai
Needy Girl Overdose by far has the worst charts for a series of charts.
Both Doggo charts are easier than Nanmo Wakaran IMO. But that's just because it's been 4 years and I still struggle with fast consecutive scratches...
I personally hate internet overdose, or any charts with variable speeds. The one thing a chart has and it lies to me
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Even Cirno?
That's the absolute worst one, the slowness has no rhyme or reason
I liked the variable speed shift in that HapiAra chart.
My costume this year is... Tah-dah! I'm cosplaying as a high school girl! I do this every year so I'm already a pro at it.
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>engaging personality
That's one way of saying cow tits lol
3rd NV line...
I assume no birthdays for Doggos and upcoming Student Council so they don't have to clutter the calendars.

Makes me wonder if EGOEGG will not be Another Story because Donuts have invested in a real life unit. We will see if they get birthdays.
This game is pretty interesting. I hope it lasts long.
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This is a reference to the game's age rating
Can't believe they have a robot running around YouTubering these days in D4DJ.

Mayonaka Punch collab when?
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I can't believe just one person was enough to meme him into relevancy.
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Dolls for this feel?
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/gfg/ is that way
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Is this Eroyoro?
It is pretty ero alright
I can imagine them trib
Yep, we really need that doujin
How do we convert him into a yurifag
WataTabe collab when? Bell as the fox please.
Shika card episode is gold
>Eimi finds Shika in McDonalds, wearing Yoba school uniform and KNOCKOUT cap
>Asks what she is doing here
>"Getting into the mood for tomorrow's Live"
>"We don't have Live tomorrow... oh wait PKPK's"
>Asks how often she comes to McDonalds
>"Once a month judging by the Xitter posts"
>"Please don't change the subject to Kyoko"
>A wild Kyoko appears
>Shika has to hide her face and pretend to be random Yoba student
>Uses Eimi as intermediary to talk to Kyoko but Eimi gets fed up when the sentences get too long
>Goes to toilet and screams
>Eimi doesn't know what to talk about with just her and Kyoko, ends up asking for a signature
>"Sure but it is kind of embarrassing signing for a friend. For Azai, right?"
>Eimi instantly falls for Kyoko and becomes her woman
>Steels herself and says it is for her friend
>"Okay that girl from earlier right?"
>Shika returns after Kyoko leaves
>Screams when Eimi gives her the signature
>Doesn't seem to mind it is addressed to Shimazu

Wish the game had more wholesome yuri like this
Wish they give Shimazu-san more comrades like Mori-san, Yamauchi-san or Nabeshima-san.
So this event confirms Doggo unit color is Yellow
>first she falls for Shika and makes a unit for her
>now falls for Kyoko
What's next? It turns out that Eimi loved Rinku all this time? This dog has no loyalty!
I would watch out for the 2 classmates of hers...
Kyoko's and Rinku's harems are too big.
And Rei recently just told Muni that she is cute...
My favorite one was an area convo for the first Cutopia event when Muni told Saki she played a princess for a play when she was a child, Saki then said that they should make another play so that Saki can play as Muni's prince.
hi, i don't play the game (anime-only), but i watched all seven bad cynic doggo stories on youtube and they were really good... seriously hoping it's not the end for them...
This is a DJ game. They need to get a cover before they lose to Michiru again and we can kiss their asses goodbye.
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A-chan is a 8man, B-chan is on the run for murder, C-chan got a restraining order from Kyoko and D-chan was arrested for multiple accounts of felonies. The doggos are finished
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So, Nagisa new seiyuu will be announced in the 4th anniversary or after it.
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I have no words
He actually added electronic version, but melonbooks blocks all not jsb/american express cards now
Please buy the merch and go to the Lives...
This happened because you didn't play the game. It's YOUR fault.
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Here is your new guitarist, DJsis.
Wait, the drinks expired?
I never checked the BB date, but expiring before the event is over is way sillier than expiring 16 hours after the event is over.
>giving away near expiration drinks
Why is Donuts like this?
It's for the weekend exp boost period which ends at noon for some reason
So last batch expires after mere 12 hours
if they release full versions of the doggo's songs i'll buy them for sure...
That's dumb
I never noticed that I have like 8 cards and none of them are American Express
Elsie keeps trying to enslave girls but we have yet to see her succeed once.

Now I want to see fanart of the Doggos on the four with collars on, getting petted by Elsie.
Is Kyoko a school prince?

New EGOEGG song Blue Dream
that's kind of hot
but it'd be hotter if it was noa leading elsie, michiru, kurumi and bell by the leash
Noa doesn't give me any dom vibe
In fact she looks like a M
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Lost Unit IX
noa needs experience but once she gets it...
I completely forgot about this
after ego egg? they all look like sluts
These were just EGOEGG before their designs got changed.
Or maybe those were placeholder silhouettes in the first place.
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Track list looks decent. 3 unreleased full originals on Disc 1.

I personally prefer Hey Be Ambitious over HAPPIEST DREAM but whatever.
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She is back.
King, I think.
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Pants off, anon.
Anons, how are we going to celebrate the anniversary? Only 2 days left.
Buying and fapping to that PM doujin
Photons moving for a world where only yuri exists.
I'll just pray we get a few more years of life after Budoukan...
There needs to be a way to get the GAHAHAHA sound byte
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Finally bought it(he uploaded it on dlstite too today)
>Kurumi is sick of the unrequited love between Haruna and Miyu
>Miiko is already planning to dick Kurumi
Damn, total yuri loss
Why is Miiko always backstabbing Kurumi? Is there truly no honor among gremlins?
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EN keeps getting exclusive stuff

Student Coucil unit deconfirmed... no plan to implement as DJs.

On the other hand, they changed Chiharu's character to have a connection with Hayate. So I guess they will add Haya-Coco into the story somehow. They were not in the stage play.
Doggo Birthday and NV confirmed. Birthdays reveal on 4th Anniversary.
NV cards will get special voicelines around birthdays.
Would be interesting to see how they will change the story of the play.
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Kokoa jealous time?
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Free Navigation period on the birthday?!
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>Student Coucil unit deconfirmed
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Very sad. Sakuya is sex.
Hope they'll get porn at least, but we all know that they won't.
It is better that way. We already have too many units. They should remain as voiced NPCs that occasionally appear though
Yuri porn, I hope
>Bushi invest on Yuri
>Got Scammed
Well it seems the Sasakoi collab with gurumiku will never be complete as well.
Donuts should finish the last 2 episodes and then Haya-Coco sex OVA.
Not even Imoimo had it this worse.
She will learn that Hayate and Kokoa are lesbians and try to expose them. She will then be ambushed and be forced to drink the Arisugawa tap water that turns everyone gay.
Would be crazy if they make Sakuya and Ayumi canon. Even seiyuus ship them already.
So Happy Around were prominent in Doggo's story, with PKPK and Abyssmare showing up last episode, and Photon and Michiru Lumina popping up when Doggos went to Yoba earlier.

I guess in addition to Lyrical Lily being the main in the upcoming story, plus Merm4id who were supporting roles in the original stage play, they will add a bit of Haya-Coco in it.

That leaves Rondo. Maybe they will be prominent behind EGOEGG because of the hecking guitars.
Remember when Michiru was obsesed with Shinobu?
Funny how it starts with a popular funk sample.
I really love d4dj for being up to date with music.
wait for their relationship event
Remember Haya-coco?
They seemed to hint at something between them on the stream.
I remember they forced Bushiroad to sell the franchise.
I'm still surprised Donuts had the money to save us.
Yuzumoon said the change is something that some people really like
I can't see anything but another explicit yuri couple
no more gahahaha....
im still waiting on the ksrp sound effect pack...
Some people could be anything even 25ji or Ave Mujica level edginess or maybe even going full sci-fi
Yeah. Donuts hate yuri and prefer edge like drug use.
More like Bushiroad forced Donuts to buy it
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Trust in Yuri
Oh no emergency maintenance
Cool, I love missing daily log-ins. Might just drop the game if it's not done in the next 30 minutes.
>leaving right before new canon yuri couple
I mean missing the anniversary log-in is basically bricking your account.
Date-chan is literally Hitler
Lord Elon's favorite number!
That's Amane's birthday
I wonder what dumbfuck UI changes they'll bring this time
No wonder the Doggos got a trend icon for free!
There's no bricking your rhythm game account desu
But being greeted by an emergency maintenance popup right over the 4th anniversary login screen is a pretty funny image as a whole. Great things await
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2 units left (EGOEGG and Vtubers)
>he still hasn't fc Hai Yorokonde
account bricked...
420 blaze it
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Unlike Bandori fans and AssLily fans, we love iinchou here
Donuts please, my growth will be capped, and I didn't collect my dailies
How long does it take to maintain a rhythm game goddamn
>Disk Parameter to 10%
I am tired. Gonna do UniChØrd and Ri4 only from now on.
Catching up with Sasakoi manga extras...
We're almost approaching 8 hours of total maint
Great anniversary, glad to see things never change
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>All player event point milestone
>monthly missions
>alarm function (through notification)
>DJ TIME lock mode
>mileage now count webstore purchase, will lower gacha pity ceiling
>monthly high score rating change

>menu change
>story menu change
>DJ TIME from live menu
>parameter to 10%. player rank to 500. UniChØrd Abyssmare CoA character rank up to 神推し
>result voice renewal
>doggo profile birthdays
I'm starting to suspect D4DJ might be a meme franchise.
eta reset

sayonara anon
Unless I read it wrong, they extended the login period bonus to tomorrow. You should be fine.
>happy around countdown voice and login campaign extended
but what about club cans, tours, daily missions
It'll soon be nyover.
I demand compensation yuri.
Like the Doggos swapping spit?
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I'm in
meant for >>1598408
I just do my oshis
adding date-chan adds to the burnout though...but this is love...
The servers are being hammered
>1.3G download
>stuck connecting server
doggos in loading screen!
Holy shit, I'm in game but doing things that communicate with the server shits itself
Either the overseas IP filter switched or the servers legit just died
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dead game, I can't connect to multiplayer
Happy Anniversary! Here is to another year of Haya-Coco and Yuri!
where do I buy?
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Running out of bandwidth is a good thing actually.
>30 minute wait
jp is still dead huh
Never seen so many different people in this thread.
Instead of their own online store, Bushi sold the acrylic stands through Gamers this year for some reason...
Keyrings and banners were from Raffle.
So second hand shops for banners...
Devs didn't expect this many people either.
They didn't upgrade enough...
yup still dead
at least michiru looks gorgeous with her hair down...
It's almost 1:30 am, Nips should let the gaijins play, there's no event, no new time limited missions. They can do this later.
it's (not) working again. Don't come in and crash the server for me
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I'm gonna wait another hour just for (You).
Stop telling me I got some new titles and let me in so I can do my dailies
damn now I know why people want to come in
That's not even enough for a single 10 pull
They are not all 10
collected total was probably 21k? I'm up 45k but I know I was at least 20 away from a spark
I was only at 4k and I only jumped to 6k and some change.
I did one (1) multi live and as soon as I finish the song, I get hit with the connection issues again. Donuts why are you like this
I managed to do 3 growth squares so I can wait for 2 hours before I start freaking out about being capped
Same for me. I didn't even get to see the results screen.
My favorite part is making it past the login screen only to be cucked by the tips screen
It eventually got to the results screen for me, but it's so unusable right now, I'll just wait a couple hours to do the rest of my dailies.
I just want to get rid of all the news....
I want to have 99+ news
>Maintenance update
What are the chances Bushi took its share of servers on the divorce...
We moved servers in July
Bushi DDOSing our servers out of spite...
I believe this
>banner up yet
>event not up yet
>anniversary missions not up yet
>anniversary login bonuses not up yet
Why is every player still slamming the server? There is nothing to do.
The NVs have new lines?
>wake up
>still server error
What is happening...
Thank you for playing D4DJ
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How big is the powercreep this time?

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I hope there's an event in 4 hours, I want nips to be even more angry
It's not too bad...
Why is it downloading so slow? The game already barely has players
Me thinks there's only 1 server for this game
Compared to other games with 2-3 (Download server, Login server, Game server). That's why some games can have login issue but players with the app open already can play. I believe FGO is an example of this, since it's typically a western/chinese method to reduce server load.
I love that cosplayer so much it's unreal.
Not sure whether to be happy with the player-spike or pissed at donuts for the shitty server maintenance. Probably both lol
Shit I bought too many 2baki discs... I guess we'll wait for Anni 6 for +15%
>server problems even on late night and early morning at japan
Yeah is filthy gaijins overloading the jp server
There is a reason a global server exist
well maybe they should pay for the music licenses on the global server
jp only filthy gaijin
just look how your presence is giving problems to our non-gaijin server
go back to your global server
event today?
Should be in 25min.
That's when it should be, however, normally anni raids start at noon but the banner drops at midnight so people can get the anni SP cards and level them before the raid
So I think it's a free day




well then, lmao.
hope you're logged in, it might be the easiest or hardest time to get a title
>seiyuus have their own server
uhh event doko?
I got the 4th Anniv. ticket and diamonds in my present box but the event and gacha still aren't up.
>free tickets
>no gacha and no event
event is up
It's up now.
should have honestly split the gacha by units
>anni4 gacha
>10 pulls
>only 4 of them have the anni SP
This is gonna suck with 32
>From unimare wanking to doggo wanking
I'll take it
>has to specify 4.5 is for doggos
Are they not going to get any normal events?
They're on the CoA bus
>inb4 they make them the new face of rave
Only 3 selector tickets?
get lucky like this anon >>1598810
Theres one more for hitting x score on the event
they're barely at growth cap
Well I guess I'm doing T1000, I don't want to brick my account
Are the 4anni SP not needed? I've seen a lot of people running their ET4s instead of new SPs
5th anniversary for Eggs!
Are there 3 anons here who want to attempt a room to get a #1 title?
Sorry, I am Nier, Automatard.
Fuck gold tickets I never get anything
Still stuck in tip screen.

Should I try a vpn for that global player express?
>10% parameter cap
Yeah, no, I think I sank too much time already in that.
What are you buying with unit tickets?
I never clear tours so the only tickets I have are from events and those big stage ladders. You get enough tickets to 10% a unit who's been at 5% after you hit level 30 and if you had been natty playing events.
I can download the patch and 1G+ cache just fine
but can't login regardless of iOS/Android, JP IP/Global IP, Wifi/Cellular...

I think they do have load balancing tied to your account and if you happen to be in the busy server...
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game started working no problem here since the update rollout
luckshitted marika and sophia... need michiru but I wanna save the dias...
the cards aren't that good by themselves but you'll want them for ranking if you plan to
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Okay so the nyochio bus is about an hour or two of grinding. Nips say it only counts while in lobby and resets when you hit home. If that's the case nyochio only shows up after an hour.

Now the question is:
When does the bus come back?
>rainbow ticket at 2m points
I shouldn't... but...
it's a random 4* from the 2025 pool, it's not a select
I saw a theory that people who logged in just after the scheduled maintenance were the ones who got bugged and Donuts may have to manually correct their data, hence they still can't log in now.
riaru is funny...
>michiru won't let go of lumina's hand ever since she got the robot body
that's the stuff...
>I may gave you away but my DNA still runs in your, buggy, code
Let me in!
Cool, hope we'll get their next song as well.
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Only got one per ticket, but got the one I want
>free pick apoloticket
Thank you donatsu
>still can't get in
Am I banned??
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>the longer you played the loner you get locked out of the game
Of course my last ticket gets no new 4th anni cards
>Miiko 4th anni convo is another 4th wall break about how they never move a year after 1st anni
Imagine if 5th anni Miiko is fully aware of the inconsistent timeline asssuming we reach 5th anni of course
>started playing some gacha eroge
>gurumiku let me in
They know
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Why do ladies love Kyoko so much?
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Shikanoko next month and we'll be playing Jingle Bells on Christmas (very interesting).
If Bell was born a day earlier or later, she could have been Misuzu instead
How is her name written again?
Probably because aimi voice. If my wife who made me drop like 1.5K last year to win an autograph in the one EN peaky event is anything to go by bitches love aimi.
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It was pretty bad because they debut about the same time so when I tried to search for nip yurifags posts on X on Bell and Shika, only to get her and Temari instead
>Started playing during merMAIDs event
>was never locked out
I think this was just cope for >>1598876
Or could be cause I sat at my desk autistically refreshing the app
>7h38m screen usage time for D4DJ
Hayate mentions Kokoa in 4th Anniversary voice line
I would expect nothing less from these lesbians
I think it is both. First you need to get your data corrupted by the bugged rewards yesterday just after maintenance. Then to recover it, Donuts perform a slow, maybe even manual method to recalcuate everything. So players with more complicated historical data get recovered slowlier.
Never trust aimi fangirls.
I want to see ninja Rimi interact with DJ Shinobin.
im going to sell my whale account for beer money
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Artemis producer is Merm4id producer
What's his problem?
I think it is because Shanon seiyuu is in his talent agency.
I'll give you tree fifty for it
So there's no more 2024 tickets right? I don't want to do a 9 pull
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Eggs were just wearing winter uniform all this time?
Oh no Eggs are in the loser high school
surely some oversight by donuts will have one still
Which one is the best get?
>limited and a new 4*
>limited with two 3* dupes
>no limited, but a new 4*, new 3*, and a 3* dupe
With the first two, at least they'll help for the rest of the event. the first and third ones is guaranteed more gems, but the second one has the most dupes so that's less materials to waste on buffing cards I already have.
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> 3* dupes
You get enough usbs to max out whoever you need
If you're asking you're not ranking, so just B yourself, it's not like you're missing anything as all cards are in the 2025 banner.
okay but what if I don't have a best girl
Why is D4DJ BGM so good?
where do the credits play?
Happy 4th anniversary to the sexiest oufit in the game
second sexiest below miiko's black swimsuit nano
also fuck this marika card is so good... I love d4dj so much...
in that matrix of menu buttoms
also from login screen, besides OP movie
Is custom rateup banner better than paid auditions this time, with so many on rate up plus 2 pity picks at 300?
My top two are probably witch kyoko and succubus hiro. I'm not a cunni enjoyer though so chalk it up to difference in tastes.
Oh wait custom banner is only 0.167% for every role, audition is 1% in every 10 rolls

only if the custom comes out at ET4
Did they say anything about new full combo lines? Because I've heard a few.
The one thing I hate about anni raids is the annoying pop ups when you return to TOP

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