/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!
2024 has been and gone. Are (You) going to make 2025 the year (You)'re game or demo is finally complete?
>>3713736>with his hot teacher!This was enough to fool me into playing it. tl;dr - insert hot teachers into your game.
threada almost at bl, post end of thread progress
I've been watching anime all weekend. Burning through all the Kadokawa isekais. Watching one from BandoNamco right now. Technically it's not an isekai, it's just "debuggers trapped in an unfinished video game".
>>3713488Mostly because there are next to no quality titles from the West. There is a constant ero RPG thread on /vg/ and >>3713495
>>3713849Well, when you see the "quality" of western rpgm maker titles that blow up, it's a bit of a wonder because of how low the bar is set.
I want to play through skyrim, last time I played it was in 2012 and I didn't even do the DLC, what's the modpack for me? Something that will make the game better but won't change it in such a way that it's not fudamentally the same experience. I don't care about graphics much but if something makes the game look objectively better (better antialiasing, more fps ect) at little cost to performance then I'd like that too, but I barely care, I just want to have fun.
>>3710205does wabbajack work?
>>3712023>look you might as well getNo thanks, tranny. I will simply play the game.
>>3710138Blood & Lust.Or at least it used to be the best, until the creator got fixated on including that cursed Rigmor mod that broke 90% of included mods and now the modpack is a clusterfuck.
>>3710138>modpackThey're all shit. Go browse through the mod websites and handpick the mods that seem interesting to you.
>>3713843I don't feel like doing thatsurely someone has already done this and posted their results.
What are your thoughts on the FF7 Remake series in comparison to the original?
>>3709541I like them, but not as stand-alone games. I basically just enjoy experiencing the world, it's locations, characters, and music again in 4K. The changes to the story don't matter to me because I can just ignore them; it's not like the original game has stopped existing.As games, they kinda suck. Just tons of cutscene hallways basically. Rebirth added ubisoft towers to the mix, which is also pretty gay. But I just ignore that and enjoy exploring the world and listening to the awesome OST with the game on easy mode. Seeing the entire world fleshed out like this is the kind of thing I used to do with my imagination as a kid anyway, but now I'm old and tired so I can pay $70 and a game can imagine it for me while I try to do laundry and disassociate from reality. Unironically worth it.
>>3713709He looked cool and in 1997 he was probably a lot of peoples' first brooding vamp dude, which is undeniably popular with girls and younger guys (and as we all know now, girls were the sleeping giant of FF sales). His popularity was set in stone decades before "cuck" was a word most people knew. Back before people had brain damage from 4chan, his story was simply "damn that sucks" with no further thought about Hojo plowing his woman.
>>3713709>This is the thing that makes me baffled how this guy became one of the most popular characters.>He was literally cucked by an NTR manThose buzzwords simply didn't exist in 1997. Mediocre white men weren't as obsessed with such things as they are now. They were too busy playing vidya games and getting head from weird band girls.
>>3713824>They were too busy playing vidya games and getting head from weird band girlsThanks for the trip down memory lane, anon.>mfw
>>3713824>Those buzzwords simply didn't exist in 1997. Mediocre white men weren't as obsessed with such things as they are now.True. The birth of cringe culture has ruined people's ability to unironically enjoy things. People always have to check what the internet thinks before forming their opinions, and every opinion has to come from the absolute worst faith possible, along with a sprinkling of identity politics.While this shit behavior HAS been around for a long time, unfettered social media access is causing it to skew younger and younger; in the 90s, it took decades of isolation and obsession to create the kind of usenet user who would even begin to care about that, but these days, kids are becoming more and more aware of the caustic social environment they live in at incredibly young ages, and now spend time worrying about retarded shit because they have a tiny screen in their pocket that gives them constant access to everyone's entire stream of consciousness diarrhea, so they start to worry about retarded things like enjoying a character who didn't have sex with a specific girl.
He's literally me. Update soon.
>>3713814did your dad rail you so hard that you couldn't focus on learning how to read?
>>3713833He wrote Watanabe, anon. Watanabe who's gender selectable, the only one practically confirmed too young to throw away their life on marriage yet and whose romance is dripping with very heavy underage vibes. He did greek love before it was cool.
>>3713836>gay sex is constantly on anon’s mindo:
>>3713820He said it's very different from what he's done before, and a far future mil fic is something he's already done before.
>>3713845slice of life with a school setting!
I am honestly confused how this has fans. Like even XIII was way better
>>37138094, 5, 6, 7, Tactics, 8, and 10 are worth playing>t. boomer
>>3713816okay nigger
>>3713801I really didn't like it when I first played it either, but I replayed it as well and there's some stuff there that I can appreciate like I said. It really is a game borne out of the shadow of VII like that other poster said, though.
>>3713835>but I replayed it as well and there's some stuff there that I can appreciate like I saidYeah, I was being harsh. I did find a lot to like about it on a replay, but it's still my least-favorite FF, and I probably won't touch it again for the rest of my life.
>>3713831>t. salty 9fag
>>3713170if you don't care about the old games aging like shit gameplay wise >>3713204 is fineotherwise go for berseria or arise then look at older ones if you're still interested
>>3713686Tales heroines really did just peak 20 years ago holy shit
>>3713655>>3713660What Anise got was Fever Time iirc
>>3713204If you don't like Phantasia or Eternia, then you probably won't like these games since 90% of them borrow heavily from those two.
>>3713822That was also in the JP PS2 version.Guy and Natalia were the outliers in the main group for lacking second MAs.
I never played the original Mass Effect games because I was a Nintendo kid, and my parents wouldn't have let me play M rated games even if I had an Xbox. I distinctly remember everybody raving about the second game and what a masterpiece it is, but I remember people being very disappointed by the third game. There's a collection of all three games that's out. Are they worth playing still? Should I only play the first two and not bother with the third?
>>3710598>I don't like irony>Television? What the hell is Television?>I have no sexual identity>When heads start talking, I tune out to daydream>I hold no ideology>My bros unironically refer to me as "Mr.Personality"whoa based you must be like the most ULTIMATE sigma male that our Galaxy has ever known holy crap can I have your autograph sir?
>don't call ash a retarded religious hick>romance route locked>have to kill her on Virmire now
>>3712143Sometimes the game forces you to romance Liara as a Femshep too. after she comes into your cabin before Illos begging to sniff your pussy and you tell her "NO WAY! I AM STRAIGHT, DAMNIT!" the game save transfer will usually glitch and assume you bang her relentlessly inbetweem ME1 and ME2
>>3710058Ass Effect is gay trash. You missed out on nothing.
>>3713832Well, I decided i'd just tell her to fuck off instead of killing her, but i'll probably have to edit the savefile to make sure anyway.How do you even do that, actually? Editing it for ME2...
Watching this ash ghoul guys randomly praying in grey ash mountains, while trying to hide beside the rock and listening Biosphere-Substrata and APX was my peak RPG experience. It was so immersive, not just random bot waiting to get killed but legit fuck up
>>3713551Lol I had a similar experience in Skyrim. I had just barely survived a forsworn group in the reach, low on health and potions, and I heard a dragon roar. I hugged a rock wall and hoped that it wouldn't detect me. Watched the dragon fly towards the horizon as sun set.Difficulty is necessary to really tease out that immersion. Unoptimized characters turn out most fun.
>>3713551It sounds like you don't like rpgs at all, none of this is unique to rpgs. Why do redditors conflate immersive with roleplaying?
>>3713669>Autism, the post
>>3713669>Why do redditors conflate immersive with roleplaying?You have a point, but immersion is a very important aspect of RPGs and their fans have always appreciated it because it helps them suspend their disbelief and get in the character they're roleplaying as.
Why is this game not discussed more frequently among the CRPG community? It's the most faithful adaptation of 3.5E D&D. It's focused on dungeon crawling. It's turn based, like all D&D adaptations should be. Plus the visuals are very nice. Yes, it was buggy on launch but it now runs perfectly fine with Co* and Temple+. Maybe because it is set in Greyhawk?Anyway, ToEE thread.
>>3713676and a real human bean
>>3713661>>3713671>>3713676>>3713679thanks for remembering, anonsglad you liked that playthrough>the videos he uploaded might still be on youtubeyephttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I4kDPTppQ0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I4kDPTppQ0
>>3713759correcting the first linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaaPxf010cc
>>3707873>no role playingThere is no role playing in any of the games you thing are crpgs. Lets face it, picking a pre-written dialogue option from a list (especially as they are all mostly flavor text) is not role playing. The defining feature of crpgs, like with any game, are the mechanical parts of their gameplay. The dependence on character attributes when determining outcomes in gameplay as well as managing character attributes being central to gameplay is one such feature. >not RPGsComputer games are not rpgs. An rpg is a board game.
>>3713345This. The only game that ever used the 3e rules was Neverwinter Nights. >>37116663e and especially 3.5 are a degeneration of D&D into a number bloat simulator by Wizard of the Coast (much like what MTG has become). It's an attempt to turn D&D in MTG: the rpg.
Well i fucked her and would do this again. At least shes human and doesnt like bullshit, unusual for women
Regular Shepards definitely should've been able to bang Kasumi too.. not just because I paid irl credits to download Kasumi but also because from an in-universe meta pov TIM is exactly the type of man who would firmly write in Kasumi Goto's contract that she is not allowed to reject Shepard's sexual advances under any circumstances. Even if for whatever reason Kasumi did not want to hook up with Commander Shepard he could still "force" Kasumi to have sex with him whenever he wants because TIM wrote her contract wisely. You should be able to "force" Samara into a romance as Femshep or regular Shepard too of course because she's essentially your slave during ME2 so she has to obey any and all orders to the T, even horrifically degrading sexual orders and cruel humiliation rituals because of her obsessive devotion to her Justicar honor, she has to do anything you say like Shepard tells her in the Nos Astra police station. Except if you Renegade rape Samara in ME2 and she survives the suicide mission there are very serious consequences you should have to fight Samara as in notoriously difficult OP boss battle later in ME3. No matter if you play Parafag or Renatard you are forced to kill Samara and also forced to choose to save only one of your two squamates very similar to Virmire. So if you bring Tali and Garrus on the Samara mission you're sadly forced between having to sacrifice either Tali or sacrifice Garrus
>>3706196Probably because EA retconned her cute appearance in LE when they went with a very bizarre writing decision to transform Yeoman Chambers into a monster... go figure she's universally considered the worst romance option after LE's release these days
>>3712061all she does for you is dance anyway. best just to fuck one of the other girls.
>>3706196I honestly forgot about her. She is pretty cute.>>3712061Please tell me some autist modded her back to being cute.
>>3712284>Please tell me some autist modded her back to being cuteProbably. But. The larger problem is Bioware/EA raped the Lore in what can be considered as one of the most outright brutal rapes of the entire 22nd Century. TIM is the type of guy who has a quiet sense of pride about always being able to recruit "the best" people in all fields, so in classic ME2 TIM was satisfied in the background what with hooking up cyberShepard with such a beautiful stacey-looking secretary to be his loyal servant, whereas in legendary ME2 the in-universe meta implication is TIM is deeply ashamed and embarrassed in the background because of the fact that this horrid grotesque pic related was "the best" he was able to scrounge up for your crew. Legendary edition Lore is a fucking circus, I'd definitely recommend sticking with classic edition (unless you can't afford to pay extra for the Geth Plasma Shotgun DLC)
Thirst 2.0 is still on the way.The Innocents have been Ruled.
>>3713684why can't he be real wtfwhere is Clar why do I suffer
What's the chronological order of playing the games?
>>3713704should've been an h-scene
>>3713724It’s just release order. See >>3713587>Play order is blight -> awake -> colony -> ASYLUM (spinoff) -> kludge -> L.Depth (spinoff) -> INNOCENT RULES (spinoff) -> thirst.
>>3713415Love your Nosh
Do you guys play chinese fantasy games? I don't mean gachaslop. I mean wuxia and xianxia stuff with unblocking meridians, forming a golden core and becoming an immortal taoist cultivator. The more high flying xianxia stuff is generally poorly machine translated and are pretty dense to get in to as a gweilo. I've played a bunch, but there's not really a standout RPG yet where you focus on the cultivation of a single taoist. There's Amazing Cultivation Simulator, but that's management sim about a whole sect. The wuxia games are usually better translated and easier for a westerner to get in to. Hero's Adventure Road to Passion and Wandering Sword are two really good ones. The latter actually has a pretty good story and the translation is very good. Hero's Adventure on the other hand is an amazing open world RPG with incredible choices and consequences.Recently I also played Matchless Kungfu which is a fun open world RPG like Kenshi with some questionable design choices, but it's filled to the brim with east asian craziness which I've grown to enjoy. You can have kungfu battles with wild animals, ride a pig, drink booze, play the guqin and castrate your enemies with certain kick manouvers.I'd love to hear some suggestions since it's hard to find good ones when you don't understand chinese.
>>3712737Didn't RI get banned and remains unfinished? I never bothered reading it because of that.
>>3712568Played quite a few, but most of them are shallow grindy jank. Tale of Immortal being as shit as it is yet still being one of the better titles is a terrible thought to ponder. Out of those I've played, hmm...Immortal: Way of Life is probably the best xianxia simulator? Not particularly great by any means, but it's the one that catches the vibe the best. Decent enough writing, tolerable turn-based combat with nice build variety. Cultivation actually feels like cultivation since the passage of time is a legitimate threat and each breakthrough is a challenging mini-game that you need to prepare for in advance.More generally, Scroll of Taiwu is the one I play the most. The setting and premise are more than just your usual set of tired tropes and Qiezi is erudite enough to infuse it with proper culture. It gets the "build your own martial artist" aspect the best, there's dozens upon dozens of interesting abilities with cool gimmicks, synergies and counters. The only one where I found the combat genuinely fun. It does absolutely suck at explaining anything (i.e. trying to live for long is actually detrimental since dying and reincarnating is like 70% of your progression, yet you wouldn't know it), and doesn't really have much to it beyond combat. Once you're out of the martial arts grind, Sword Tombs and sect storylines are the only meaningful content left - open world is shallow and static, social interactions are a joke, village building only serves to feed combat progression, etc.
>>3712568A monk told me I could only best him if I mastered the tools of cultivation so I stabbed him with a pitchfork
>>3712568Immortal life is decent its tales of immortal with better gameplay.
>>3712931>shallow grindy jankUnironically just the typical Asian game. If you want to skip the grind, just spend money in the cash shop--a status symbol in Asia; spending exorbitant amounts of money on infinitely reproducible texture and mesh files that take very little cost to produce in an online video game means you're special. If the game doesn't have a cash shop and you've been grinding for 10 hours and not getting the item you want, that just means you need to spend more money to improve your house's Feng Shui because you not getting the item which purposely was designed to have extremely low odds of showing up in your random loot means you have bad Feng Shui. Asian culture is degenerate. Asian games even moreso.
Is there a single JRPG in existence that even approaches the glorious fusion of technical perfection and pure, unadulterated, soulful charm that is Final Fantasy V?I played this game almost a year ago and everything else I've tried in its wake has been a disappointment. It literally ruined JRPGs for me; I'd rather replay this for the umpteenth time than touch anything else.
>>3712318The GBA font (for ALL of the Advance FFs) commits one atrocity that I find it difficult to forgive. If you patch out one thing, make it the "a" that sits obnoxiously above the x-height.
>>3708831>I'd rather replay this for the umpteenth time than touch anything else.Try Four Job Fiesta.
>>3708831MC is named buttz.I hated this game.Best Storyline is FF4.>Best friend genocide village>Friend disappears, kidnap loli who you killed her parents>She hates you>You protect her>She eventually falls in love with you>Meet Sam Hyde>Go kill an octopus>Sam Hyde finds his daughter dating iDubbz>flips tfo>Walk a bitComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>3712544>Try Four Job Fiesta.Planning on doing it this summer while the event is going on.>>3713250wrong
>>3712544>Try Four Job Fiesta.I want to do a Four Job Fiesta, but I'm legitimately more worried about rolling boring jobs than difficult jobs. Like, I'd rather have stuff like Geomancer, Beastmaster, or Dancer over Black Mage, White Mage, or Monk.
There, I said it. I've played and beaten all the classics. It had its challenging moments but this.. this right here is the most gayest balance I've ever fucking seen in my life. Your beginning playthrough determines some esports tier build. You cannot express and experiment unless it's OP. Or, if you wanna truck through the early game just spam grenades. Oh don't forget to mention save scumming. What a load of fucking shit this game is. It's trying so hard to be Dark Souls. There's no reason a game is this imbalanced.tl;dr fuck you.
>>3713620Well said, dev vs player cold wars are the lowest form of design.
Infusion proves that he understands the problems of underrail mechanics. The fact that people seem to be mostly against what they see from the infusion demo proves that they don't actually dislike underrails mechanics.Bitchers gon bitch.
>>3713624If bitchers are gon bitch, then that proves nothing at all. Best to actually engage with individuals and not worry about "people".
>Easy mode>"NPCs will on occasion act less intelligently than on normal difficulty"Wow the dev is really shitting on shitters huh?
>Infusion proves that he understands the problems of underrail mechanicsDoes he?Just because you punish conlets doesn't mean your game isn't going to be another min-maxing experience.Encounter design in underrail is atrocious with little thought given beyond>fuck X build at this momentBut its also the reason why people initially love it because they get to powertrip in many other encounters while completely disregarding who they fight against. I don't think I've seen anyone replay Colony Ship (or even praise it) in a while as a side-note.