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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Our thirsts will be quenched! Soon!
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Dita ticked all the boxes for me personally.
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>Butthole sniffers
butthole and smell fetish game thoughbeit
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Where do you think we are? We like donuts here.
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Don't associate him to the muppetmunchers

Anyone else thinks this game looks decent? I mostly see people bitching about it but it looks like one of the better action rpgs I've seen with multiple classes.

Story looks shit tho don't know how that will work.
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It had darker elements early on, but dragon age was always kinda goofy.
> linking to reddit
When even the highly moderated Reddit hivemind recognizes that something is deeply wrong with this game's art style, you know BioWare screwed up big time.
Origins was fundamentally a dark fantasy game, don't pretend like it wasn't. There were a few funny moments in conversations with companions and the like, but its setting and presentation remained firmly rooted in dark fantasy. This is in stark contrast to the aesthetics of Veilguard, which genuinely looks like a mobile gacha game with better graphics.
> a few funny moments
a ton, actually.

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With the advancements of OpenMW's Lua API, I see people making new scripted mods or porting MWSE mods everyday, Why do some people still autistically insist to play on the original engine?
also morrowind thread
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Openmw will always perform better
i just found this through google
looks like openmw performing worse
Ok, you got me, it's not literally always
Why Morrowind has an actual interesting original/alien setting while Oblivion and Skyrim are standard boring "medieval Europe" and "Scandinavian vikangz"? Aren't they supposed to be set in the same universe? Why is one so creative while the other two so unimaginative?
Morrowind was a PC game that was ported to Xbox. Oblivion onwards were Xbox games that were ported to PC.

>foul mouthed "you cant handle a real woman" follower
>actually I'm a lesbian follower
>actually I'm gay follower
>a literal mexican who talks like a cholo follower
>cross-dressing super mutant follower
>*gestures in sign language* "actually i am a lesbian" follower

Is this what games were like before the "woke mind virus"?
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>magaturd comes in to rant about how much he likes gay people that talk in regular person voice
Not OP but raul is extremely self deprecating and overall just a waste of space. You have to go out of your way to recruit him too.
Cass is fine
Raul is fine
Arcade is kind of annoying but not because he's gay, he's just that nosy nerd archetype.
Lily is female, she's just mutated and a schizo
I always kill Veronica in every playtrhough. A 2016-2018 character that somehow teleported into a 2010 game.
In the end the best companions are the robots and animals anyway, like every other Fallout.
>This game is a legit 10/10.
How? Gunplay, RPG systems, artistic design, they all suck. The main selling point is the game's writing, which is overrated in every Fallout game. It's barely a 7/10 at the very best.
>Underage chuds and their 2018 New Vegas memes keep forgetting that those characters are probably the most reasonable homos in any videogame ever considering the competition.
Buck-broken post.

Post comfy RPG locations
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pack it in folks, we've got a winner
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you're right but only the Stalker guy has the balls to play on Hard Mode

tbf there's a reason those 4 dominate these threads
>Perceptions of these areas were initially negative due to exceedingly harsh conditions regarding unfamiliar flora and fauna, rampant disease, harsh conditions, and a lack of civilization.
>this coming from a race that literally descended from harsh arctic climates that forced them to adapt by creating new technologies including agricultural developments
You’re expecting a Jew to be intellectually honest and truthful?

Falcombros... how are you feeling?
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They're trying, but I'm not entirely sold on the turn order system of Kuro. It kinda takes away a nice big element from the previous games.

I also don't know how to feel about the orbment system yet, but I'm also only in chapter 3. Feels like I have little to no reason to change plugins so far.
True, the turn order is a bit questionable and takes time to get used to. Hopefully, they tweaked it for Kai.
Azure feels like the only game where they tried to design the game around the combat system. Bosses actually have mechanics and optional win conditions. For pretty much every other game bosses are just walking stat sticks.
They're all shit combat wise
I liked how customizable your party was in Reverie.
Daybreak is braindead easy. I hated it.

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Has any game ever filtered and triggered shitters as much as underrail? If we have any psychologists here on /vrpg/, you ought to come check out the responses to this game; it's fascinating.

Genuine question though; do you know of a game that makes them as buttmad as this one?

Also general underrail thread, I guess.
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I regret buying this game years ago.
It's not fun just tedious
Any games in a similar style to Underrail that are worth a try?
After I beat it on Dominating without getting bored after doing Expedition, I'll never touch UR again.
I feel like I underrail isn't for even a lot of the people who play these types of games.
I also feel like it's fans are incapable of viewing anything outside of their extreme meta knowledge and experiences.
>I feel like I underrail isn't for even a lot of the people who play these types of games.
I sort of get what you mean. It's a game where it's easy to tunnel-vision towards your goal (i.e. bring a build to completion) and easily ignore the sum of its parts which are, for lack of a better term, very underwhelming. I don't think anyone actually likes the tedious oddity scavenging every playthrough goes through the moment Depot A is completed, for example.

No bathing until the Graces remake comes out!!!
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Bandai you have 5 fucking card games out right now, fucking stop
>15 Gels
>A meaningful limitation past early game
A girl with no flaws? Well, everyone would have to agree that the most perfect girl would be Anise-chan, don’t you think?
So are there any rumors about a new game or due to desperation they will churn out only remakes now?
There’s a new mobile phone game coming out next year
And another mobile phone game coming out it 3 years
And another mobile phone game coming out in 5 years

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Let's settle this once and for all.
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It's clearly 01
Light Switch 2 knows what she wants, I can respect that.
I’d have to know the resistance of each circuit before answering
I feel like "hotter" goes to Light Switch 02.

Certainly best girls.
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good pun

The DS was kind of an awkward era for RPG franchise revivals, wasn't it?
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also Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

Avalon Code
Away: Shuffle Dungeon
Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow
Children of Mana
Custom Robo Arena **
Deep Labyrinth **
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai & Zero
Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain**
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

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Nostalgia wasn't related to Skies of Arcadia, unless you're claiming that the latter invented airships.
>Who tf decided running should drain your HP?
*Miyazaki nervously chuckles in the corner before adding another poison swamp into his game*
>Let alone Wii
Imagine disrespecting Kinoblade Chronicles like that, my guy.
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Show me the part of the post where I said it was related. All I said is, it was a knockoff. And for all intents, it was, and a crappy one. Not quite as bug-laden as Black Sigil, but definitely had one game breaking one that the game became known for.

>I didn't need to grind, just use better strategy.
Love hating this game. The cheat option for having 3 home teleports should have been default though. It's fucking stupid to spend an hour platforming to a boss that does shit like this and then having to go somewhere entirely different for the same thing and no way back.
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Use the owl and switch midair.
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Boss at the top.
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You have to switch to the owl midair and then switch back, that's how I even got that high. Faster to spend 4 hours breeding quintar. Plus there are other areas you can't get to even if there is nothing there. Unless you can get there from above the tree but it doesn't look like it.

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Post your Fallout weapon of choice.
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trail carbine is the best gun, it's doesn't have obscure ammo like some other powerful guns.
Oh Baby!
Can never be topped.
You can get one early as fuck in novac, I love it.

>int 9
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>modding in a different ending
Why not just stop playing at the end of the game and pretend it ends however you want at that point
This is a great skill to master. You get to the end of the bad game and then just pretend you played a different, better game and didn't waste your time.
Considering the average anon has 4 int, i think 9 is pretty good.

The quest is fucked up. You can win that fight and are still forced to apologize and, if i am remembering correctly, if you don´t apologize her personal quest fails.

I remember telling the knights they had no jurisdiction on my domain and that breaking my law meant death. They still went ahead and ambushed and put us on trial. I choose to not submit, declared them in transgression and carried out the sentence. Quest failed.

It´s already bad enough that they gate keep the best rewards behind good aligned choices but to not give a choice at all is just fucked up for a game that proudly declares itself to be all about freedom of choice.
It's full of stupid forced narratives. The one that annoyed me the most was when Linzi STEALS from you. She takes money from the fucking state treasury to buy equipment to publish her shitty book.
You can't punish her for it. You can tell her to fuck off, but then you lose your money. The game expects you to forgive her, get your money back and then buy the stupid thing for her anyway. She can't be executed because of her gay immortality ring, but you should have been able to lock her in the dungeon forever.

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>it is the current year plus nine
>dungeon crawlers still use grid movement

Will Monomyth save dungeon crawlers?
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>out in October*
>*in Early Access
be glad it came out at all
I remember there was this one Kickstarter game that had like 15 artists and looked great and also collected a shitton of cash, but then they fucked around for five years and eventually canned it.
i remember it had this world map with different regions arranged around a hub right in the middle, which looked kinda shit, but I am sure some anon will remember what I am talking about. I think there was also drama around it being canceled.

But I guess none of that is a problem when your project is managed by some solitary basement dweller
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it was cryamore

what a fitting name
Wasn’t that the house label owned by half of daft punk
What if i want just a comfy dungeon crawler like shadow tower? I swear people really do latch onto one game then get fucked because nothing like it ever comes out

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