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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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How long does it take for a project like OrcKino to get published?
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>they are trying to fuck something solely for the sake of pleasure and not procreation
Wrong, the best thing about hags is hag sex and impregnation. I WILL save their eggs.
>I get sick when I see old people
>interdimensional backflips
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its a funny cope though
Aetoria or Salt Coast. Who the fuck picks living in... Cen... taur over these two?

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please don't be shit
please be shit x2
re-ports are ruining the game industry
please be shit x3 keep up the chain to kill it faster
Really excited for it. Going to try the demo as soon as it downloads.
Whatever it is, it's already better that Octoshart Traveler

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ive been searching for challenging jrpgs for a bit now and haven't really found stuff that sparked my interest, whether it is an action or turn based combat id appreciate some recommendations
7th Saga
Oath in Felghana can make you hate it in nightmare mode
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>Let’s start with a release time. As rumored, Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date— more specifically, Summer 2025. July if I had to give a guess, if not then August

>Post launch DLC is on lock. Lots of customization stuff for party members and both protagonists. Smaller expansions, and I believe a more size able expansion separate from the main, base game

>As already heavily reported, the main color is green and the theme is black and white. Duality is a major thing in P6, and the protagonists (Kuro and Shiro) represent this among other things.

>On the topic of two protagonists, I don’t believe it is a matter of picking one. One protagonist (male) takes priority over the other. Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime

>The game takes place in an art school. This is where the black/white and duality thing also comes in. lots of modern art and traditional art clashing— one of the center conflicts will be modernity vs tradition

>Remember art is subjective! another smaller focus will be on the different mediums there. music, painting, writing, etc. expect this to influence the main cast, too
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I guess the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.

Do you want to make some curry? I hear the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.

You should probably get some sleep. I assume the game has already started for you because you're checking your calendar, talking to random people, repeating the same pointless tasks each day, and occasionally playing a decent JRPG.
Is this bot malfunctioning?
P6 won't be green, retards. It's not a cool color.
this post is racist against irish people.
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Assmad fatlus retard

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I'm getting filtered real quick.
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New RS2R trailer and demo my dudes
New Seven scenes, new classes, remaster classes incorporated into the main campaign, and final emperor
Nice, I was wondering if they would drop a demo
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>director barely has any credits, first time directing
>lead planner and battle planner seemingly have no credits at all
Not the strongest first impression, hopefully they know what they're doing
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>Coppelia also got turned into a sameface waifu
>MORE classes when all possible niches have been already covered
>One of those if the fucking mermaid to rub salt into the wound of nereids being losing their fish part
>Those absurd damage numbers
>That atrocious english dub
Meh, these people really don't know what they're doing, I guess they will bait some normalfags with this at least, and now most of the stuff about the Seven Heroes' backstory will be in a non mobage game
Oh well, let's try out the demo and see just how bad things are
I may have to restart RS2. I didn't have a mage for this slime dungeon and had to grind to get someone killed and then grind the new mage up but now enemies are kinda getting unreasonable to deal with.

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Does this game have anything to do with Caligula or Rome or did they just pick out a cool sounding western word?
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seems to be fanart from the official twitter
here's some reynatis from oguchi
dude the fucking guy from persona 2 wrote this
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Hot. I still hope for an Overdose Edition of Caligula Effect 2 or a third game, would be nice to see the concept explored again.
But I feel like the times of making a game based around Hatsune Miku (lol) are over.
Could make a game about Vtubers, very similar concept. I mean, that’s basically what Regret was. If you got some to voice act in the game you’d get guaranteed sales from their fans, too.
>But I feel like the times of making a game based around Hatsune Miku (lol) are over.
Why? Miku's been more relevant than ever for a couple years

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What's the best Compile Heart game?
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What kind of schizophrenic drivel is this? Are you really trying to involve me in your imaginary war on whatever the fuck you're on about? Take your meds.
Out of the ones I’ve played the highest quality game all around with the least glaring issues to drag it down was Neptunia MK2. I think VIIR might be better but I haven’t played enough yet.
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mary skelter finale

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It's Monday yet again, time to talk about monster collecting and monster raising games. What /mon/ games have you been playing? Are there any upcoming /mon/ games you are looking forward to?
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>Generic monster models are used for plot significant npcs
This is always how DQ has done it. Hell I struggle to think of a Mon game where the monsters are plot-significant that aren't just the default version of that monster. PMD, SMT, and Digimon games all do this.
>tone problem
That's also just a Dragon Quest thing. Probably most exemplified when a protagonist gets turned into a fish, floating around the air, and witnessing a girl enter a church full of dead people. The phrase
>There's no response. It's just a corpse.
Is basically a running joke throughout the franchise. That's just what DQ is.
Yeah I had the same criticism because all that I had played before DQM3 was DQM2 decades ago. Its just how DQ games are.
>Game has a tone problem, can have a cutesy scene where Rose gushes about sweets, and then 20 minutes later a giraffe man says he's going to strangle you to death
That's not a tone problem, it's a girl acting like a girl and an evil monster acting evil. They are both different because they have different roles in the game.
Now if the game had a graphic scene of Giraffe strangling Psaro to death, that would be a tone problem.
Finished Yarimono last night. I did not expect a hentai game to have the most hype tournmant finals of any mon game I've played.10/10 easily worth the $22.50 I paid for it. But the sex scenes were the worst part of the game and I just mashed through them after a while. The art was good but the scenarios were cringe. Almost all of them are like "You won the battle and I now consent to you raping me. Bwuuooohhhgghdhh I'm a LoVeSlAvE to your BiG cOcK!!!" *ahegao* *squelching queefing noises*

The character writing and story really carry it. Gameplay is fine and smooth, plays like a modern mon game should. Team building is very limited since you can only carry 3 Yarimon and one is locked to your starter that has story significance, so you only get to choose 2 to have on your team. Finished story and post-game stuff including the battle tower equivalent in 15 hours. Did not bother to unlock all the sex scenes since there's no achievement for it. Overall I would recommend, but you'll get much more out of it if you actually get off to ugly bastard corruption hentai. Oh yeah the MC is an ugly bastard shota but he actually turned out to be a pretty likeable protagonist so it didn't end up mattering to me much. Like I said the character writing really carried this game which I found very surprising.
I've just started this and am only an hour or so in, and so far I'm not particularly grabbed. The 3v3 battles and focus on party composition is great. I maybe expected more from the 'metroidvania' gimmick. I don't even really want exceptional platforming, but all of the areas seem empty and boring. I think I can endure that if the platforming stays mindless, but if it turns into bullshit I'll probably drop it.

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She's fan favorite to losers and queers. Real men pick pretty much anything else, and real Patricians pick Leaf
Where can I get that leaf plush?
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Alive isn't evil.She is in love.
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Should bosses be immune to status effects? Currently playing the SNES version of pic related, and when even Thor can be affected by Shock after a Zio spell, then you know your gameplay is shitty. In this case, the gameplay would still be shitty even without the omnipotent Shock, but anyway. What do you think is the correct approach to this issue?
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This is actually an elegant solution. I like it.
The problem with that is that the action cost of applying status affects should be commensurate with their power and you are tying two effects to the same ability Why bother applying a weak status effect to a boss when you can do something else?
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Weak is just a moniker to contrast with strong.
Question of balance, applying a 50% hit reduction on group of regular mobs with big attack stats that can be dealt with in few turns vs. a multi round boss battle where a 20% hit reduction will very likely result in a few misses saving your party members healing or reviving, leaving them to be able to buff, debuff, and set up.

Or maybe a strong Mute spell stops all casting while the weak variant affects spell casting speed, or increases to turn delay, or maybe alters the boss' ai so they're much less likely to cast magic and you can even add flavour on that one by adding text saying something like "The lich broke through your curse of silence!".
It's not stopping you from taking those big deeps but it will give you breathing room and opportunities to react. Games, like movies, or books are an experience and those dramatic moments can add a lot to it, especially if you dress it up right with text, and/or animations depending on your budget.

pic unrelated, it just looks cool.
20% hit reduction is strong as fuck but I get what you're saying, they are still powerful just not as. I think that this won't be commonly done, although I think I might've seen it in a game before, because it still doesn't resolve the heart of the issue: developer laziness/incompetene in designing challenging encounters because of all the moving parts in an RPG.
Two factors I've noticed that have to do with this are, skill bloat and numerical bloat.
If you start doing double digits and end up doing millions at the end there's simply no way to balance that unless you do hard level scaling.
Add in that many turn based games give you dozens of skills that are either very similar leaving only damage scaling as the difference or make every character/class a master of everything giving you too many options regardless of situation.
In either case you have a game with very little wiggle room for creating a challenging encounter is difficult, limiting players while making new skills an event is more rewarding imo.

A decent example of the too many choices is the original FF12 release on PS2. If you don't do side content and just go from plot point to plot point with no incidental leveling with building characters as dedicated roles it's actually a really fun experience until you reach a point where they expect you to have 6 masters of everything characters around the Arcadia arc.
The zodiac release fixed some of that but they bloated HP and MP gains to the point where every character becomes an unbeatable tank. The problem of very limited MP without the unlockable multipliers made the original FF12 so much more enthralling, I felt like I was playing an old school RPG crawling those dungeons.

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Who was in the right? Ramza is an idealist who values honor and diplomacy, Delita is a pragmatist who believes ends justify means.
>there are things beyond the power of our changing, Ramza, try though we might…
>do not say that - if it can be endeavored it can be done!
>will endeavor grant me an army?
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It's not necessarily even a "mistress" like he was cheating on his wife and Ramza and Alma were illegitimate, lots of places historically let noblemen have whatever kids they want with whatever women they want. It would be an internal affair with whatever man supplied his main political wife whether it was a problem to recognize those kids as equal to hers.
It doesn't matter. Balbanes first wife was clearly dead. Apparently he married again, having Ramza and Alma. Even if he didn't marry her, he is well within his right to legitimize their children.
I always assumed it was after Oran was burned at the stake
He's a twink.
they definitely make him sound like a soft faggot in war of the lions.

look at this gecko dude is so badass - i dont knoiw why people say this gamerino is reddit
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So true, at the very least they should hire a voice actor that can talk like a man.
Inventory management ruins that game.
It lacks QOL features to keep boring stuff at the bare minimum, and sorting is so slow it feels like it is using bubble sort.
Also the game should provide a rest time for the video card, so it can cool down. There is no need to keep rendering all the 3D background shit when you are in full screen managing your loot and stuff.
i dont get it
true sorting out inverntory to rearrange my characters quick items takes forever and is pain in the ass. you would think they could make it fucking work after all these years since BG2
i almost finished ACT2, need to kill that void bird-dragon and geenie and its all clear
i think i gonna fuck Lohse too, i should take that elven bitch back in the fort...
i think i gonna shag Lohse boys, she got mindraped by deamon lord and i was kind so maybe ill get my dick wet

too bad only like 5 people played it lol
5 qulaity fallout enthusiasts are better than 500 same japshit games and moeblobs
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I only speak english, and I don't like bad translations sorry guys.
i heard Nevada's translation is alright, its just Sonora that used auto-translator

No bathing until the Graces remake comes out!!!
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In what way, him messing with the AI partners or being able to mess with his AI? AI partners don't play very smart against bosses with super armor. I think the most times I ever saw them eat shit was against Baruk, you could try setting their strategy/artes so they focus on long-range attacks
It felt like I was pulling teeth because everyone kept doing nonsense. I had to control Leon myself and spam Phantom Edge. I could be underlevel given that he was at 33 and i just broke 27 after the fight.
Mint obviously, should have named her Vanilla instead. Otherwise, I don't think fucking like a tiger or being a big boobed ninja are really character flaws. Maybe Stahn's sister or Shirley?
The most "perfect" female character in the series is Claire. Everything she does and says is morally and logically correct, she has the charisma to lead the other girls in captivity with her to safety, the charisma to persuade crowds, and even the charisma to be a better queen than Agarte
If Tales had a スクウェア三大悪女 of its own Shirley would be front and center, no question

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