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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Remember to do your interdimensional laundry
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Yeah, it kinda sucks, mechs not having that problem shows it's clearly a cut corner because they didn't have enough money to either make them change forms or get more varied animations, same with Custom Techs and the various special Soul Techs/Sanguine Techs being the same animation as basic techs.
It's a big step up coming from Scarlet Grace, but it's still very frustrating that we can't have nice things because the suits are retarded.
>Custom Techs and the various special Soul Techs/Sanguine Techs being the same animation as basic techs.
That stuff I don't mind. I imagine the monster system is set up the way it is so that the monster characters keep more identity/characterization. Could be fixed really easily if enemies rarely/randomly dropped skill items that you could slot into monster-equips in the menu or something.
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was that axe always there
Everyone in Grelon has different dreams, you got the one where Romain dreams about being one of the people who plundered the church, hence the axe, in the other dream he doesn't have it.
Which arts do you need for sword + gun?

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CRPGs aged extremely badly with their clunky mechanics and wikipedia infodumps while classic JRPGs still hold up to this day. BG2 was quickly forgotten in place of BG3. RTwP shit was a product of its time. Something like pic related will remain timeless and iconic forever while RTwP slop is already almost forgotten.
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I actually WANT to like JRPGs because I love bright colors, cut anime girls, and hot anime boys. I'll play a game jrpg for a bit and after awhile my patience will just give out.

I want challenge, I want depth, I want decision making. Like take resource management. Recovery items are cheap to buy and the game floods you with them even if you don't spend a dime. The max carrying amount is huge. The only thing keeping my from trivializing the entire dungeon crawl is the self-restraint to not use a basic fucking mechanic to it's full potential. And that's without even getting into how absurd your MP reserves are. Why should I even care about efficient healing or reducing the damage I receive when I can cast heal 50 times with one character. And if they ever run out of MP I can recover it all back with my endless supply of mana items.

And now there are games that are so light on resource management they make my health and mana recover to full every time the battle ends. Many make it so if I FAIL the battle I get a free heal and get thrown right back in.

I want my anime boys and girls in magical adventure land and their drama and cute stories. But I can't sit through this. My brain needs something to do beyond mashing out the same commands and watching numbers go up.
Concur. I only power through jrpgs because I that they're just anime in a trojan horse of a game. The 'game' side really does suck after a few hours.
When I actually want to have an engaging gaming experience, westoid rpgs are meaty as hell and fun to get lost in.
>Can't find anything wrong with the post, so let's just label it schizo despite it being honest-pilled
The entire post is wrong, thats the problem
>Something like pic related will remain timeless and iconic forever
It will remain timeless and classic for people who played it while it was relevant. If someone who didn't grow up on SNES/PS1 era games tried to play it they would probably think it was mediocre.

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ITT we post shit games some people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians.
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Never saw anyone praise this game, even people that like it for the story and characters admit the gameplay is shit
BTW I'm a tranny and I LOOOOVE sucking big black dongus, uwu
>Gnomes are a stand-in for Jews
>Orcs are blacks
No, they are supposed to be turkic/mongoloid. Blacks were never really part of European history or folklore. However a Turk, Iranian, a non-Slav Russian, or a gypsy (aka North Indian/Afghan) would be very repulsive and be seen as an invasive, brute, dumb species to North Europeans
Thoughts on ToEE?

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If you thought the combat in this was bad, you got filtered. It really is that simple.
>B-but armor-penetrating crits!
Are based, yeah. They add a sense of gritty realistic insecurity to the wasteland, most combat encounters are potential death even if you're well stocked-up. Armor can be penetrated via well-aimed or lucky shots, this isn't unrealistic.
>But I don't care about realism, I want fun!
Go play Mario.
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>Should I install the restoration mod?
The answer to this is always "no" and it doesn't even matter which game you're talking about. They're always kludges of modder fan fiction "interpreting" cut content.
I got kinna pissed lately cause I wanted to do a Big Guns / Unarmed playthrough and looked up the perks, and slayer makes every melee hit a crit but you can't get it until level 24, but also has more crits which give a +5 chance to crit and can be taken three times..

I don't want to take more crits then later take slayer and waste 3 perks on it, but I also don't want to wait till level 24 to take slayer and grind through that shit until I'm bored with the game.

It kinna feels like bad design.
The combat is abominably bad in these games. It's primarily luck based with pretty much no strategy and the crappy UI makes things even more tedious than they need to be. It won't even let you control your own companions without installing mods. You can't blame the age of the games either because it's turn based. Turn based games have existed since the dawn of civilization. And even if that wasn't the case, there's no excuse for the gameplay being this bad when you can pick a random TRPG from a decade earlier and it would still play better than this.

Fallout 1 and 2 are shit games. The writing is terrible too so it's not like the role playing elements make up for it. Fallout games only became remotely playable when Bethesda started making them.
> The writing is terrible too
Yeah I was on your side until you dropped that stinker, now I just want you to fall down.
He's right though the writing is bad. If it wasn't for Tony Jay and other good voice actors, you wouldn't give a single shit about Fallout 1's story.

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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The pixel remasters aren't on sale right now so I bought 7 and 10. (which are on sale)
the original looks like shit
This is easily the best FF.
I love this octopus.
Magicite is a genius mechanic because the job system in FF is simply absolute garbage, and it replaces it with something FF excels at, adventure. You travel multiple continents finding the remnants of creatures of enormous power, either by chance or extended quest lines, and it feels extremely rewarding to add another to your collection. The more you have the more you can shape your character's development. This is one of the few examples of horizontal progression in jrpgs, which is common place in crpgs, where your options widen as you progess rather than numbers just purely getting bigger. It's unfortunate they undermined this concept in ff7 with materia.

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Sci-Fi with magic isn't represented enough in CYOAs. No, superheroes don't count.
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>mc a weak cuck
>can only win through pity
lol, just lmao
You could do that or leak the password.
It's in that thread, Junior, you know the one.
>Does it have a save system at least?
Even better. Switching to the character screen and back rerolls every die.

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More like shitout because it's shit
more like fuckout because i got the fuck out of that shitty game
Odds that OP wasn't alive in 1997: 100%
So I'm level 12 almost 13 with the Turbo Plasma rifle, the Alien Blaster and the Hardened Power Armor. Can I just go fuck the master and the super mutants? I feel very OP right now.
Rage bait

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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>What's wrong with it exactly?
NTA but like I said here: >>3480798
It's an ivory tower system designed in abstract models to solve abstract balance problems. The issue isn't "high might wizards" that's just the symptom and therefore the easiest thing for casuals to notice and talk about. The problem is WHY the game has might wizards. Stats are linked to arbitrary mechanics with overly-broad rules that don't make any roleplay sense in a game that is theoretically a complex RPG. It's one thing if you're making a super-abstract, simplified tactical game and want to do something like linking Intelligence to AoE radius. But it's disappointing in a game that's supposed to be deeper.
> why people get so butthurt about it
I don't think people are really butthurt about it. Look how many critiques of PoE fall into the "meh" category. The game is "tedious," "boring," doesn't excite people, doesn't hold their attention, is forgettable, etc. (see: >>3469498 >>3469607 >>3470607 >>3479804 >>3480324 >>3470660)

My suggestion is that the misguided design of the attribute mechanics are one of the bigger reasons why people just aren't able to get excited about the game.
>The game is "tedious," "boring," doesn't excite people, doesn't hold their attention, is forgettable
I'm really starting to agree with this "ivory tower" theory. A game made with no passion from anyone involved.
Everything from over-the-top balance, universal stats, uninspired world. Were the team just going through the motions, ticking things off one after the other?
>don't make any roleplay sense
that's complete bullshit and it's just
>abstractions I'm used to are great
>abstractions I'm not used to are shit
how does it not make any roleplay sense?
I can totally picture a mighty [as in muscular] wizard siphon more raw magical energy through his more powerful body

good luck explaining adnd 2e thieves not knowing how to take off a helmet though
or even better pretty makeup deflecting blows in PF lol
or 2e dualclassing logic
I can explain all of that, but I've had enough experience with poe midwits like you to know it's not worth the effort. There's no way in hell you are ever going to understand. Even if you are smart enough (doubtful) you are unwilling to even try.

I'm sure if you want to go back 6-12 months you can find some other PoE thread where I posted the above image and made the same fucking arguments to some other moron who wouldn't listen either.
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Trying to please infinity engine fans is a mistake, because most of them didn't even like iwd and are mental midgets that only like bg1 and 2 because they are piss easy baby games with infantile characters and progression. Watch swordhaven be an unplayable piece of shit because it gives them everything they think they want.

I put off playing this for years because I never liked job systems in JRPGs, but holy shit, they actually got it right. Everything feels fun and useful, and you never feel like you're going to be punished for investing EXP in the "wrong" jobs, or that you need to use certain jobs in order succeed.

And despite all the people complaining it has a "weak" or "nonexistent" story, I actually find it extremely charming. I just got to Galuf's world, and all of the party members are simple yet likeable, and the plot feels like a really fun, two-part fantasy/sci-fi anime OVA from the early 90s with a goofy dub. Very comfy. I can certainly see why some people say it's their favorite in the series; it's very unique.
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Yeah, I love playing fun games and talking about it on the forum specifically designated for games of such a variety! Thanks for joining in, brother!
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>And despite all the people complaining it has a "weak" or "nonexistent" story
Don't know where this meme came from but it's never been true. Its "base" or overall tone is slightly more comedic than 4 or 6, and its introduction is a little more awkward (probably to get the 4 main characters partied up ASAP), otherwise its story is on par or better than its peers.
>If I want unchecked unlimited progression I'll just play disgaea.
If that's the extent of your criticism, that's underwhelming to say the least.
I love job systems in games like these, FFT being my favorite, but something about FFV just rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was because of my age when playing it, but it felt like a chore, was boring, I had only the smallest emotional attachment to the characters, and didn't find there to be too much of a difference between the various jobs. FFIV and FFVI were both more captivating games, which I still find surprising to this day, considering how much I love customizing characters with a job system.

I guess the story and the cast just didn't reel me in.

I did take one thing from this thread however, and that is the importance of making it feel like time is not wasted when leveling in jobs that end up not being used long term. FFT does a good job at this, allowing support, reaction, and movement abilities to be equipped from any class, in addition to there being a slot for the skills from a subclass of choice as well.
It's the best FF bar none.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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stuns can't affect you if they deal 0 damage
psi will fuck you up though
bro your grenades? your commando??
Nice grenade bro enjoy your annoying ass cooldown while you chase people around moving an inch a turn.Yawn. The build was so boring that I thought I hated the game until 5 years later when I gave it another chance.
I thought Underrail was supposed to filter out people like you.
Stygger made the game too easy, holy shit.
It wasn't hard back then. You're just mad that I hate the boring ass build you like. I beat the arena with it then I quit. I'm glad that I gave the game annoying chance even though its fans are just as shitty as the heavy armor AR build.

High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Good thing every Krogan in the Galaxy is well-read on human name/title synax and also respectful enough to not insult Shepard by speaking his real name
>I'm putting a team together
>Then disbanding my team and surrendering our ship before ME3
Kind of. Depending how you define female
Please get help before it's too late.
If a thread is 121 days old that means no one actually likes the game. There are no exceptions to this rule.

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I just want a small farm with khajiit slaves
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can we ban mentions of this faggy game
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>"'Move along!"
Bethesda are cowards for not giving us a Khajiit gf in Skyrim.
You can be one, I guess
Khajiit are clever animals, and useful servants when trained from early youth, and so long as they are kept away from skooma. They are compulsive thieves and liars, lamentable traits that can be amended by stern punishment. By Imperial law, free Khajiit have the rights of citizens. Now there are Khajiit thieves everywhere.

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Just finished the main story and I really don't get why this game is so maligned. Did auto-battle really filter journalists that hard? Considering strategic orientation of the battle system toward paradigm deck composition and paradigm shifts, auto-battle was a good and useful mechanic. I think the "hall way sim" complaint is overblown, the linear and open segments are well-balanced. People complain about the "20 hour tutorial" which I really don't understand, the early-to-mid part of any JRPG is going to be a different kind of experience than the late-to-postgame, and this game does a good job differentiating the segments. Two-man battle teams present a different, somewhat more desperate challenge than the late game where you have all options at your disposal. And, I love the menus, I love the UI design overall and don't get why people complain so much about the Crystarium. Even though its sections are more linear than the Sphere Grid, you actually have pretty significant control over how you develop the characters until the deep post-game.

Admittedly, Taejin's Tower and Oerba feel unfinished, the weapon upgrade system is tedious, and the summons felt like wasted potential. But this game delivers on graphics, gameplay and story imho.

What did you think of FF13? Should I keep going with the post-game grind or just jump right into XIII-2?
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>Snow and Tidus both accept their difficult destinies with a smile, and that's what makes them good masculine role models
But they cry and whine about it! That's not masculine at all! Real men don't cry, real men repress their feelings until they turn into panic anxiety disorders that bubble out in explosive meltdowns following the ingestion of psyilocybin mushrooms.
>But they cry and whine about it!
I don't remember that part.
First part is schizo-tier.
13 just sucks both narratively and mechanically while also being a slog to playthrough. 13fags are delusional for defending this mess of a game.
You mean their entire story arcs? You don't remember Tidus crying about his dad, whining about being stuck in another world, shrieking hysterically when he discover's the meaning of Yuna's pilgrimage, screaming at Auron like a petulant brat? Or Snow's blowhard pretend hero facade that crumbles and gives way to him begging for forgiveness and feeling sorry for himself?

I mean I'm playing contrarian here and was being sarcastic with the whole repress emotions thing. I agree that they are ultimately good masculine role models because they overcome their crises and move forward rather than wallowing in the end, but they are also crybabies who do definitely have their hysterics.
>but they are also crybabies who do definitely have their hysterics
The irony of this anon. kek

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It's up
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Yeah, you're gay just like wlcat.

I only played the vanilla version before all the DLC and there were already plenty more classes than in any other CRPG. What´s actually been added? May give an extra incentive to revisit this now. Specially after how disappointing BG3 ended up being.
Many archetypes are just minimal changes of how the class works, few are a very distinct build.
Anyway. there has been one extra companion and class with his questline, 3 standalone campains, and one campaign that has been implemented main game and also serves as standalone roguelike mode. Also. a couple extra quests, events , spells and items.

Seems like quite a lot to look forward to then. I´ll check it out in more detail.
>May give an extra incentive to revisit
It shouldn't be.
All of the archetypes you haven't tried yet should in theory be just as interesting.

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