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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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Just finished the main story. 100 more quests to go. People say it's not as good as FFT but I like it. Very comfy. Anyone else ever play it?
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why bother when you can 1-shot basically everything outside the tower by dumping a potion on their head?
Personally find it disappointing.
I don’t allow fat people in my clan
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What are your wishlist in FFTA3?
I would have liked laws to be more integral to the gameplay, since I think it's the most unique thing in this spinoff franchise compared to the OG FFT.
1. laws should be designed in context of the mission (just like FFTA2). And there can be multiple of them (like in FFTA1)
2. judges will appear in each missions, as a neutral party with valid stats, but they are virtually invincible. They won't appear in Jagds though.
3. Yellow cards and red cards should return. Yellow cards should have a penalty on stats, while red cards behave like usual (game over / sent to prison).
4. some job abilities should involve laws to the account. like for example, dealing higher damage while afflicted with yellow card, or even going so far replacing an ally in prison with self.

It's Monday once again. Time to talk about monster collecting and raising games. What mon games have you been playing? What upcoming mon games are you looking forward to?
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>Post clearly made him assmad
>Pokemon also had way more breadth of single-player gameplay
Keyword was "had" Xy had and onwards legit have less content than kemco games.
And your point is? SMT is literally a VN in terms of content quantity.
>Lots of dialogue while being a by the books dungeon crawler
>Lots of dialogue while being a by the books on rails rpg
Point is, they're the same shit. Most romhacks are just math reskins and fangames don't get finished as much because they overshoot their scope.
>I literally give an example of a 'typed' Demon with Jack Frost. My point was is that the designs for the vast majority aren't hard-restricted to visually indicated a type affinity like Pokemon designs are.
I don't agree that SMT designs are less hard restricted than Pokemon.
If you are talking about the ambiguous ones like Pixie, Kobold, etc.. it's the same with pokemon. They are mostly going to be Fairy/Normal typed.

>The core of the gameplay is hitting super-effective moves. And >entry hazards are used so much to enable functional one-shots from the damaged health.
Okay, so I don't understand, because this is basically build-up play, which SMT has as well with buffing. However in SMT, there is no such thing as setting up the battlefield with entry hazards, terrains and weathers in SMT, you can only boost stats or charge.

>Why should I have to go and play unofficial fan content to experience the supposed depth of a game's systems?
And the only reason I brought up other systems because that's literally the only thing you can say Pokemon has over SMT. And even SMTVV brought in what are essentially abilities, which you brought up for Pokemon.
Starting from SMT VV. And the difference between these abilities are just actives that deal more damage or different elements. Where is the variety?

>How? That's what they were used for. Could've brought up Z-Moves instead, which both promoted one-shots or turbo-charging buffing moves to enable sweeps.
Nah, you are only talking about sweeping and one-shots. There are other stall strategies involving Z-moves and hold item setups. Pokemon has many gimmicks, which SMT can't hold a candle >inb4 it doesn't need them to be good

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>Pokemon has many gimmicks
...Which you only notice in fangames and pvp. CHADgon ball fusions? Solos pokeslop and shin megaymay tengoy

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Playing through this in earnest now, and I cannot believe /v/ tried to make it out like it's bad. It feels like Fallout, gritty, scraping by, a hope in a apocalyptic world, go the wrong way and the enemies are too tough and numerous, stay in your lane and carve out a path, ect. I really cannot get behind the criticism of the game not having a lot of dialogue choices, I really like the system where you just answer yes or no to stuff, or ask a question about the subject matter, or a possible dialogue option that opens due to charisma and personality skills. I think people romanticize old WRPGs, and gave JRPGs a free pass. Fallout 4 is like the JRPG of WRPGs, and that's just fine. You explore around, you get into an enemy encounter, if a character engages in dialogue you just press the action button to advance it until the text box ends. There's no issues here. Fallout 4 even has the weapon mods from New Vegas returning, so there's lots of nuance to the gunplay that even the original games lacked.
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You don't have to do a single thing with anyone else if you don't want to. You're basically just upset that other people get to have the same fun with you.
No it's hard for you to get this but Fallout 76 is not the type of game I want.
I didn't think so either. Every game has its haters.
Cool. Every game has its shills.
No without mods no one would go back to 3 nv or 4 there all ass and barely work without the mods.

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Oath in Felghana is by far the best game in the series, I would highly recommend it. Ark of Napishtim is almost as good. If you really like these two, try the others.
They aren't ysy.
I tried 1 & 2 on wii VC and it was fucking stupid
v kino
Not really. They're okay. A few of them are good but what Ys fanboys won't tell you is that the majority of the series is underwhelming and nothing exceptional.

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Man i just got this game a few days ago, it's actually is really fun despite most of the gameplay being running around talking to people or doing puzzles. Especially love the comic-booky artstyle. Currently starting Hollywood. Killed that Gangrel guy.

What was up with that lady who recognizes you? Is she actually a hunter?
Rosa is pretty hot ngl.
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It's almost like vampirism is a curse

Sometimes i feel like i have encountered Nosferatu in real life.
Half the shit in WoD is written with one of the author's hands down his pants.
It's my all time favorite game. It actually captures the feeling of being in the LA area really well. One of my favorite moments in all of gaming is creating your character, stepping outside, and immediately wondering, "do any of these people know I'm a vampire...?"
>do any of these people know I'm a vampire...?
The coolest part is that some of them do, unless you're nosferatu, then just about everybody does. Easily one of the greatest role-playing experiences in all of video games.

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Will Baroque be good start for me with japshi-i mean jrpgs? From description its contains every single thing i find cool and interesting... i heard game is not too childish neither and kinda reminds me Fear and Hunger.
Any advice for newbie in the subject?
Learn english before posting on 4chan
It's an awful game and nothing like a jrpg. It's one of the cases it would be better to just watch a youtube video on it because you unlock scenes that tell you the story but they're under very deliberate conditions, many of which are permanently missable from inconsequential actions like talking to someone too early. Actually unlocking all the scenes is pretty much impossible, and we only know them from hackers.

PS1 version is the worst version because i'ts a graphical downgrade from the Saturn version and it 10x (TEN X'S) the amount of floors you have to do for a run, and you have to complete dozens of runs, while also no adjusting hunger mechanics and so on, making you far more likely to starve to death if you're not at a dead sprint with an OP weapon. The Wii version is ugly but has QoL so it's actually a viable version since everything else is the same.
>nothing like a jrpg
Thank jesus
just read the story in youtube or nervetower instead of playing the game, trying to make sense of the plot is impossible without several playthrough and game isn't fun enough to do that. even beating it once is a fucking mission because simply winning doesn't progress the plot, you need to do alot of very specific things with almost 0 hints
if you still want to play it then pick your poison, clunky as fuck combat but great creepy atmosphere in genesis/ps1 version or vice versa in ps2/wii remake

What are some good games that /vrpg/ would recommend, where the player has to traverse several maps/segments to reach key locations.
The only two that comes to mind for me are BG1 and the Geneforge series. Curious to know if there are others.

Games like BG2 and IWD does not fit the bill, since you just get a location on the world map; there is no played journey from A to B
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I thought Avernum had more of a free-movement exploration world-map. But I'll check it out. It's in my backlog either way, thanks
Never heard of it, will check it out, thanks
The second remake is like that
The first one is screen by screen, aka traversing several segments to reach key locations
>The second remake
lmao vogel
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You might be into Bastard Bonds. It's a really weird, pretty gay (like actually) RPG focused on exploration, with fairly simple combat and character building, but absolutely fantastic atmosphere and exploration. It's pretty cheap on Steam, if I recall. Check it out - you might enjoy it.

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Thirst 2.0 is still coming.
The Innocents are still being ruled.
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i want a refund
Nazuna looks like peak wife material here. Now come to me.
Ah, the anti-Nazuna...

Are there any mechanics you encounter that completely kill any sense of immersion or believability?
For me, the very concept of a stealth archer. The vibration of the string alone would be around 60-80 decibels (depending on the bow). I'm not sure how anyone could fire a bow in a cave full of bandits and just expect people to not hear it.

Another I see in a lot of rpgs is the "petrified" status effect. The original biochemical information would be permanently lost after being replaced with mineral structures. The idea that you could cure petrification would be like trying to un-bake a cake.
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The game was never about them
>how D&D has been ruined implies that it's primarily because minorities were allowed to be represented in-game
lol, no. it got ruined almost immediately by tsr and then wotc. the people who complain online have virtually no familiarity with the hobby, they are secondaries, losers who latched onto rpgs because they had no friends.
>trying to divest D&D of its stereotyped image of only being played by anti-social basement dwellers helped its popularity
they've been trying to appeal to women and discourage "misogynist" nerds for decades, as if dudes didn't want more people at the table. people like watching people play games. influencer marketing is everywhere. this isn't a good thing.
Damn, that was something else. Ketamine?
>A cursory glance at most 5e products seem to imply that the whole "Everything is a San Fransisco Pride Parade" thing isn't really true.

I mean probably if you move the goal posts back to non-AAA books we can find some that weren't molested too much, sure. I think orcs are more like mexican immigrants now judging by the last art I saw.
>the one that turned the gypsies into actual human beings
I suppose this is you attempting to be subtle. Personally, I cannot wait till every single fantasy race is "diverse tolerant human in cyan/magenta/purple this time" (Now with horns/wings!)

>I will point out that it is odd that trying to divest D&D of its stereotyped image of only being played by anti-social basement dwellers helped its popularity, though.
I seem to remember a whole mass marketing conflagration of products including M:TG and WoW that caused that first before the woke stuff started dragging it all down. Wonderful attempt at gaslighting cause and effect and conflating your particular political leanings with apparently "the reason the genre was successful throughout history"

Robert E Howard wasn't a basement dweller. Lovecraft was. Asimov? Zelany? Good friend of Tolkien by the name of C.S. Lewis? I think they all had influence on this genre. I think you're painting with a wide, very gassy brush there to try to take credit for things that were not really invented nor influenced to the positive by the groups and degree that you claim, but that's another feature of your politics that many find detestable.
Can't fuck, marry or kill npcs

What's your favorite Paperlike RPG game?
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>Op just wants more goymes with timed hits
>Two autists arguing over which overrated slop is better than the other
Everytime on this board. Its ugly as fuck, but you want bug fables and those steven goyniverse rpg's if you born with gayness. (Color splash mogs both btw.)
>Uses nintoddler for mario game
>While shilling another mario game.
There's a reason wiisolvs1 laugh at n64 and goycube tards
>While shilling another mario game.
Where did I do that? Holy shit, why are people so fucking retarded? Sometimes I legit feel like the only person in the room who isn't making up their own version of reality at all times. Is this a zoomer thing or a symptom of the vaxxx?
unironically a gem
Virgo Versus the Zodiac.
>Vaxxtard shills getting snipped for a fake kungflu
>Vax screws up his ability to double cross hex decimals points when using a fucking calculator
Holy row "sniffs" Roooow "wakanda lost" ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! yur BOAT!
U just KNOW this tardo lardo shilled donkey kang on the kektendo 64 on shitboxlolzertube for YEARS when people ignored the shitty 2d meter gayrio goymes. Not only is the reddit spacing in your post impossible to read for an adult, you shit on sega and sonic over their bad luck for bioware working on what would've been opus. Your 64 years old slopped bitchboi and gaycube were shit. LOL. Mad sonic isnt slop? KEK. Buttmad over mario 3 being shit? HAHA. finally admitted the new super series was a mistake? COCOCO. Wasted your time on multiplayer skid racers? JAJAJA. Es dumb?
If it weren't for goyven on the cover, I would INFECT that dick in my mouth, scirlpy joojew with the power of tak artstyle is the kinest of the nono's for a children's game.

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Remaster in 2 days, new Suikoden game announced, Suikoden II anime coming soon

let's have a thread
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I love Suikoden and I agree the original looks like ass
You need a finished game of 1 to load some extras on 2, like using the previous hero in your party and the weapon level of returning characters will be higher. The main story is easy to follow without having played the first one, but there's some side stuff like the vampire plot that started on 1 and continues on 2. You should play 1 because it's a short, linear game that still has a good story, while 2 is a true evolution and full of content.
All PS1 JRPGs are pretty much janky.. but that's where the charm lies in. Like playing the Star Ocean 2 remake it feels lacking so much in content because all the jank has been removed, so the content now feels much shorter in particular.
>Suikoden III announced
That was like 25 years ago bro
Only Suikoden 1 had a rough visual, with fewer colors and no sprite idle animation during battles. Suikoden 2 is a pretty competent 2D looking game that still holds up.

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Play the evertree saga
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and to add, at this moment >>3729521
he was second guessing his actions at the prologue
>if I hadn’t fixed the vote, would these kids have still been cut?
so it was a mix of regret and acceptance of his actions
meant for >>3729517
this instead of this >3729521
being a drawer and a writer at the same time is definition of suffering

Anyway, how do people generally manage to create at least primitive assets for their IFs? Chapter headers, logo, maybe blog formatting, intro post shit and all that.
GIMP and Photoshop if they're willing to put in effort, hiring someone else to do it if they're artistically unskilled, or CoG hiring one of their regulars for it if it's an in-house game.
thanks zaper

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>Board full of nothing but bots and ironic shitposting
What a waste of bandwidth.
It’s just a slow and sleepy board. But there’s more real vidya discussion than /v/.
pot meet kettle
>Kingdom sharts
Lol. Kek-lmao even

We're never going to get Ogre Battle 65, are we?
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So if my reputation is already rock bottom i can just keep collecting money forever with no consequence? Thats crazy...
There are much more efficient ways to trivialize the game if you don't care about reputation. What semblance of balance the game has works only under the assumption that the player is attempting to maintain a high reputation.
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Try Symphony of War, it's basically a big love letter to Ogre Battle
Thread's 19 days old. Stop answering to a dead OP.
Slow board. Keep recommending to the bedridden op

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