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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

First Shadow Hearts game was solid, but this was a fucking masterpiece.
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>Especially the red head
Rebecca is the most fucking annoying character I've ever seen.
I love how she twirls her guns in combat and denim short shorts.
I backed it and the Wild Arms game they were doing and they really shit the bed. They released that shitty game no one wanted and then turned around and said “oh no actually this was just a test to try and interest a studio in supporting development!” Basically lied about their intent and had no means to release their game.
Never back anything. Ever.
This is one of those games I wish I played years ago because now I want to play it but I'd rather do it on a CRT on actual hardware and copies are too expensive.

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Game A
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats

Game B
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs

Game C
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats
>the story is affected by the player choices

Game D
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs
>the story is affected by player choices

Which of these is an RPG?
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>any game where overcoming a challenge (combat, using skills, persuasiveness, etc) is abstracted away from the player through visible, in-game stats and mechanics
I just learned yahtzee is an RPG
I've actually played True Love, and yeah, that game is right on the border of genres. you could call it both an rpg and a VN, and both would be valid. it happens sometimes. That being said, pointing at the fringe cases is often disingenuous, and ignores the other 99% of the genre.
Yeah I agree, I'd even call True Love a visual novel first and foremost since it comes from that tradition. It just also happens to rely heavily on RPG mechanics.
Player skill or stats determining outcomes doesn’t matter. That only determines if it’s an Arpg or an rpg. Both are rpgs. So every game type is an rpg potentially.
CYOA elements doesn't make it a roleplaying game. Compare it to the original Choose Your Own Adventure gamebook series. The CYOA gamebooks weren't roleplaying games while the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks were, since they had RPG stats and RPG combat mechanics.

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time for joy
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Bls riff drawing yes saar do reedem ze riff
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You're in luck! I've got just the thing for you.
Well Done!
fanks brotha, I like seeing your riff disposal amalgamations
Alice truly is pretty.
so so soooooooo pretty... It wont be long until i can finally make my own RPGmaker Game, complete with stolen assets and copyrighted material!

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Thirst soon to be quenched
Innocents yet to be Ruled
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Use Kuu Yolnaya Faria. Faria uses Culling Eye on first turn and have Yolnaya buff up. Dita uses Grim Torture on second turn and have everyone use AoE skills to blow them up that turn. They won't even get to move.
Is Hakika married? This is definitely a woman's hand.

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Yeah, that looks completely different from the hand we saw from a few years ago. Also looks like he's the one recording it, so it's a girl he's with.
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>hakika beat the globo menace and got a wife, but still does globo stuff with the help of his wife that's probably a fujo
What a twist
I don't see a ring on any fingers here. Might just be one of hakika's family members or something.

Are there any games like Dragon Age: Origins that aren't turn-based tiny-people slop that looks like it's for a smartphone?
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>ctrl+f "spoonfed"
>5 instances
What an insufferable narcissist.
It's hilarious when newfags samefag because not a single one of them has any subtlety and they may as well put on a tripcode telling the entire thread who they are.
>Zill O'll
It's honestly really sad how conceited you are, then again being delusional and bitter is a very common trait for westoids, especially biodrones.
Too fat
>>Dogshit mmo combat system
You mean one of the best system which opens way to an amazing AI programming tool?
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>best system
Lmfao, good one.

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>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One

Best intro in RPGs hands down
>Choose your destiny - be our salvation...
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Vault Dweller did loads of drugs and took a hefty doses of radiation, it's damn miracle his descendents aren't worse.
>Vault Dweller
Isn't he both a member of the BOS and legit savior of NCR?
How on eath do you go from high tech bos/vault member,ncr's today tech to tribal shaman unga bunga retards?
Complex systems won't survive the coming competency crisis.
If anything him doing all of that is why the Chosen is an absolute chad that blows up Oil Rigs, befriends Deathclaws, becomes a Porn Star, and inseminates both a Mother and Daughter of a Mafia boss. Maybe Unga Bunga life isn't so bad.
He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game you stupid Fallout 4 faggot.

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We need more pragmatic characters and choices in the games. Everyone is either a goody two shoes or an edgelord and it's cringe.
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need a cyoa where you can defile the heavens...
But it is okay to be a moralfag.. provided you have enough power.
Might does make right.
does it really? You cant dictate whats right with power forever,.
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tell that to the big guy
Thats because noone knows how to make good edge-kino that doesn't take itself too seriously

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Why is the sequel so much less popular than the first game? I just bought it recently because of the all time highest discount and it really doesn't have the same hook as the first game. Only 2 endings and 1 character specific one?
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First game had some Dungeon crawling aspect to It that, despite being trial and error, made It quite fun.
Ive never played the Second game and probably never will. Not only it isnt set in a dungeon It is also peak trans game.
If they were addicted to porn, they wouldn't get so easily aroused.
>t. Cuck
Abella belongs to Marina
This, this, this. All girls belong to Marina
Holy shit BASED
I have never met a single smart Fear and Hunger fan.

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Will an RPG ever go mainstream without humans as an option? Imagine a whole world without Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Usually every franchise are only allowed one unique race, which is usually shafted to expand on the standard ones.

What's the best 'new' race you've seen when playing? Something like the Huana or Qunari.
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Abuse? This is just the yapping of a small dog. I'm not even really reading your posts because they are so dull, just pick out a sentence or two and shit on it for being autistic drivel from someone preaching who doesn't even play video games but wants to posture as an expert on them.
Like a Redwall RPG?
This the furfaggot thread?
Elves are just more feminine humans: slender, pure, supposedly wiser. They sit around in woods and talk for ages talking about the follies of men while doing nothing to stop them.

Dwarves are just more masculine humans: rough, industrious, prone to violence. They drink themselves into a stupor every second hour while in a brawl over the last good steak.
'Race' is just sub-speciation for humans. The differences is merely time and adaption.

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The series needs more male characters. The limited female cast was fine for bullet hell and fighting games. But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building.
Garbage universe that only produces lazy garbage games. Fuck touhou.
rinnosuke is a chad
>But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building
No? No.

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Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
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We could have had an awesome deus ex thread but you made this awful thing instead. What the hell is wrong with people here? Why is it so hard to play games?
Why do you hate reading so much?
is deus ex really an rpg? i mean it's got elements sure but ehh idk. i once made a castlevania thread which i would say is closer to an rpg but jannies didn't consider it one.
well in any case it is a very good game at least.
Nope, it has RPG elements for sure, but the game is a hybrid of a lot of genres, Stealth/FPS/RPG/Adventure. RPG nerds just like to claim any game as an RPG with the "one drop rule" because they think that means it is better.
OP picrel is me playing Deus Ex, you absolute Mongoloid.

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The only real souls game.
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also overstatted str dex and so more faith or just going for a larger axe is possible like the dragon one
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this is within weight without blue flame
better axe
better look
Is Bonerfist good or a meme?
no reach weapons and good is a difficult sell but...
for instance I should really level to drakekeppers axe str for the reach
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you have bad taste if you say it's not cool
also ds2 is the only real souls game because you have no need to go to ng+ with the ascthetics

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I want to play the Amiga versions of the gold box games, just as they were played back then (grid paper maps and all). What's the best emulator to do this with? Any tips? I've already done this with Wizardry and enjoyed it. Also general gold box discussion thread.
>grid paper maps
You don't really do this in Goldbox games, as you get an Area command to see the whole map.
I've always used WinUAE in the past, not sure if something better is around now.
But isn't it just a plain map without a key?
Yes, you can't see doors or secrets or illusionary walls, but I always found you don't need to. I never drew a single map while playing these as a kid. The area map and memory was enough.
Uh yes you do. It's not as necessary as games with massive maze like areas like Wizardry, but most people do map in the goldbox games.
Most brainlets, maybe. Entirely unnecessary, it has a map built in.

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What are the essential RPG Maker games?

More specifically, which ones are actually worth playing from start to finish?
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The ending? I couldn't tell you.
You have pretty strong opinions for a game that you didn't even beat then.
You can't even use the "It was so bad I quit before beating it" excuse because the game is too short for that excuse.
play /vrpg/-made kino
>Person calling a game garbage hasn't played it
Did I click on /v/ by accident?

Just because of you anon I'll play it just to spite you. If it's as bad as you make it sound then at least I can laugh at how bad it is.
Ok so I finished playing this game.

It wasn't as short as I expected, but still not very long. That said this game is really good. The story and setting is genuinely unique and almost every aspect of the game's storyline is ridiculous. The characters are pretty interesting, and I liked Chun's storyline a lot. I think there's some really good writing and environmental story telling.

I want to say there's some cliche "Cute game is actually scary!!!" aspect to the game but since it's really old I'll give it a pass, and even then it's more for storytelling rather than corny shock value.

The combat in this game is barebones, but at least it's just barely difficult enough that you have to pay attention to it. Most story based RPG Maker games usually make it virtually impossible to lose, here you have to make an effort to win. The battles are just tank and spank until you win though so whether that's a plus or a minus I have no idea. Part of me wishes the game just committed to either no battles or making them a lot more interesting.

I gotta be honest usually story based RPG maker games don't hit me very hard but this one was great. I wasn't expecting something so original from the overly cutesy anime character aesthetic but this game still managed to hit me despite feeling like I've been jaded from playing too many other games. After playing so many games I felt like I already knew what to expect and can't feel much suspense or interest in story based games anymore, but this game still managed to curve ball me.
Thanks for the recommendation!

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