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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

76 replies and 25 images omitted. Click here to view.
Dont care
dont care
Dont care
>4 out of 7
not bad, anon
sea otter
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hannis short hair will be mised

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party edition

previous thread: >>122896642

>1) Don't worry, it's just fiction.
>2) We just talk about pop music and flirt with each other.
>3) We don't hate pop stars. We just hate the posters.
>4) All Swifties are Tayzos, and Tayzos are Tayzos.
>5) I love her!
>6) We engage in a moderate amount of tomfoolery.
>7) Everyone is gay on /wpop/, even the straights.
>8) /wpop/ has found no link between itself and making shit threads.
>9) We're all retarded.
64 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'm a Hayleybuster
Hayley makes me bust
Hayleybusting makes me feel good!
did anyone listen to the new choli boiler room, is it as good as the first one?

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I think it's by the beach boys or something. I know I've heard this before somewhere.
wouldn't it be nice?
A piano cover of don't worry baby

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Popcletus is Disrepected and Hated Here
Can't Filter This Edition


>Interviewer: Why Paracletus is, seemingly, more focused and straightforward perhaps?
>Hasjarl: This is because we consciously decided to give the songs structures that were somewhat closer to traditional rock structures.


Judiciary of Metal:
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We (whites) all love it here.


Newage is tranimecore, the nips love it just as Europeans do.

newage is unironically based

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Name a better third album from a band. I’ll wait.
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ship of fools edition
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broke bums always cash out out useless shit like buying designer shoes and gaudy shirts
the les paul is no different
especially that model that they definitely got discounted
zebra pickups on that tobacco type burst with no binding
disgusting, and tasteless like the common prs buyer
and just look at their living space
slapped together shitboard walls with visible nails or screws with an embarrassing paintjob

very sad

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sounds like fucking beefcake to me

and everyone is thinking it
post your shit, anon
imo solid state oranges are very fizzy and difficult to dial, i'm not gonna say don't go for it but really consider whether you're getting those features to 'grow into' later down the line or just because someone told you they were good.
If you're balling on a budget, are you really tripped up about the buffered fx loop? do you plan on having a pedalboard? are you going to play out or is this a practice amp?
I'm going to mostly gig and busk with the orange. I don't want the hassle of tubes and I like the look.

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I don't get it. This is the most basic shit imaginable, why is it getting astroturfed all of a sudden?
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To say the quiet part out loud, we're wondering why women would listen to her music, just in case that makes you want to revisit your post.
industry plant
Damn, Regina Spektor looks like that now?!
>Only explanation I can think of is the tranny/lesbian fan service
100%. There's a reason she languished for a year until the tiktok crowd found out that she was a lesbian.
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Face the wall

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>indie punk
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>glacial ambient
I will enjoy your sweet ass :3 little bitch

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why is their taste so trash?
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Yes, Central and South America.
Have you seen the catalog?
what's their taste? i know they adore the smiths, classic rock and reggaeton
Much less than you think, but more African than Jazz
>i know they adore the smiths
they don't though, not sure where that meme comes from... examples of western bands popular in Latam would be Guns N Roses or Metallica

Holy fuckin based. How does someone just do that to paypigs with no moral remorse?
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coould he not just put another jacket on? do some jumping jacks to warm up?
>people love it
mexicans women and homosexuals aren't people, anon
>ticket stub
Exactly how old are you?
Can't imagine seeing Marr was worth 45 dollars, anon
I was pleasantly surprised. No one touches morrissey on a good day, but for years his setlists have been repetitive shit and his band are weak. Marrs band were tight as fuck with very basic amps/pedal set up, no frills, the sound was fucking insane. half the setlist was all (the good) Smiths songs, not the whiny shit Morrissey performs. He can also sing better than i expected and was high energy and excited to be there, not phoning it in

*Perfects and ends music*
Nothing personal, kiddo.
The /mu/ consensus.
Free reply

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The Outfield Your Love
Similar songs?
both those songs are shit
cringe take
Violent death to pedantic contrarian autistic children
I like the demo of this song, it's funny that it was originally a nazi song.

zoomers don't know about ATB
Ecstasy is a good song but I don’t know anything else

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Which one has better OST?
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Jakshitter crucifixion
Daily reminder that cartoons are not art
If you only get your jazz and classical from tv then yes, it's a piss poor bar buried 6 feet under
I see your big o and raise you g gundam.
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Then nothing is

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