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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

I want to fuck Tim Henson
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The band is called “Humongous Faggot Dicksuckers”. He's the leader of their fan club.
Betting his wife could tell us.
No? Just a bit faded
There's no way this guy hasn't been ass fucked
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his butthole would be a silky smooth

Aliencore edition

Old: lol
FAQ: lol
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>they burn a Proud Boys shirt in the Yard Hard vid.
That was so awesome, like totally punk rock to go and burn a shirt of an irrelevant meme group in a video. Capitalism will fall any day now because of it, just need to promote transgenderism one more time and we have it guys!
This is so sad winston
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Check link.
>Also I'm trans.
Nothing wrong with that and you didn't have to mention it, friend. We welcome you here regardless of your assigned gender at birth or gender identity.
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Any Proud Boysian black metal

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uh jiheons married to me tho...
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j boy has become j woman
boomer eunbi

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zesty nigga
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I like his version of Send Me Some Lovin:

does zesty mean gay in zoomer?
There's a ninety-five percent chance he was hitting the DL gospel orgy circuit up to the moment of his death.
Projecting sodomite, find God.

You would not believe how much faggotry is in the Church.

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Why do artistic achievements from the right like the Sistine Chapel and the High Renaissance dominate any and all left wing artistic ‘achievements?’
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Seethe and dilate
Michelangelo was gay but probably rather conservative.
>hey, we have machines that can match the human brain in some ways, we can put people on the moon, we have worldwide communications and vaccines to prevent diseases, but you know what I'll talk about? Paintings and statues
one of the most pathetic copes I've ever seen
>the right
Makes no sense in that context, though the renaissance niggas were the libcucks of their time.

what are you working on?
what was the last thing you went out of your way to learn?
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you made it look effortless
It is. Next time just take the additional minute please. It's easier and quicker than the rest of the things you need to do to make a thread. There's really no reason not to.
I will stop bitching now.
im scared to post a track because of you
If you didn't put effort into it you better not post it cause I'm gonna slap the fuck out of you boy
>what are you working on?
This dance thing
Only got this loop for now, posted it in the last thread

Will get rid of the vocals

if cds were never lossless, and 99% of flac files are cd rips... oh god...
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If zoomers were ever human
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I bought an ELO vinyl without checking to see if it was 1980's original. Popped it on the ol' YP-B2 and the more complex sections sounded... slightly crunchy. I then began to notice the flimsiness of the album cover, the closed spacing of the tracks plus huge blank space at the end, and most damning of all, a print date of 2016.
>Did they use a shitty CD rip to make a fucking vinyl?
CD (16bit/44.1khz) is noticeably lower quality than both records and 24/96, CD's sometimes have "crunch" while ~1976 and onward albums seem to never have crunch despite having a lower """bitrate""" unless mastered poorly, ie in the back of a fucking van
I find 24/192 to provide nothing more than a bigger number in the file explorer but I still collect em
>CDs were never lossless
Ah, a retard thread.

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mogged by Olivia
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Imagine Kayleigh, introduced to lesbianism and sexually dominated again and again by Olivia Rodrigo.
It would be the other way around
Why dies she look so...wizened?
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The person on the right looks like the tranny from GTA Vice City Stories

I'm skeptical.

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What happened to Ice Spice, she was everywhere last year. What does she need to do to stay relevant?
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zoomers don't get club culture, they just want to listen to their cheese 80s pop retroism
brother, no
It turns out people like good music
Explain why embracing your inner whore and being a serious artist are mutually exclusive
They're not.

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>Burns was also the subject of tabloid speculation over his addiction to cosmetic surgery which bankrupted him and caused fatal health problems.[16]
he was funny on celebrity big brother back in the day, top tier bants.
thats all I got
He literally looked like a jap visual idol or something, was he first?
New Wave Britpop inspired J-Pop.

Rachmaninoff edition.

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>124234833
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T. Salieri
Wittgenstein raped your mind.
Wittgenstein's ladder cannot reach my mind.
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>Music came to a full stop with Brahms; and even in Brahms I can begin to hear the noise of machinery.
>a Jew says something retarded.

more news at 5.

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My dad tells me about seeing big rock bands as openers before they got famous and it got me thinking, there are almost no new group performers to see or hear anymore, it's almost entirely solo singers. Are bands dead? Is it a byproduct of the YouTube generation where talent isn't necessary to get famous?
yes, don't you feel sometimes like you were born in the wrong generation?

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Absolutely insane album for it's time
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No shit
dude you're saying this like the whole noisy schizo breakdown balloon rubbing sounds at the end didn't happen at all
if your dad really said that he's an asshole and i hope he dies
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Yeah, his first wife tells the story of the state he was in when they met. He practically gave up and started living back with his parents. She believed in him and kept pushing him and some of those songs were the makings of Transformer. Unfortunately he left her and start dating trannies. lol. Pretty sad since she seems so sweet and normal. Just sort of was his muse in the end.

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It used to be considered their best album. Why does everyone prefer Revolver and Abbey Road nowadays?
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This is better simply for having William Burroughs on the cover
Don't mistake /mu/s painfully awkward stumblings as representative of anything outside this board.
It's kind of twee which is not really what people are into nowadays. At the moment I would rather listen to the soundtracks: A Hard Day's Night, Help, Magical Mystery Meat, and Let it Be.
I wasn't baiting actually.
Because they're better.

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