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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

I don't listen to much hip hop or R&B —not on principle or anything, just not stuff I've ever paid attention to—but a track off KEYTRAMINÉ came on during my morning commute, I ended up listening to the whole album, and I loved it. Please recommend other albums I should give a shot if this did it for me. I mean I guess I obviously should listen to Kaytranada and Aminé's respective solo stuff, but apart from that.

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My ex got knocked up and the nigga LEFT LOOOOOOL
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She always looks so snuggie
We want to give her a huggie
You guessed it right
It is Red Velvet's Kang Sluggie
nah she just got pregnant
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good idea. I'll join the official discords of the groups I like. do I just dm random people who I think are cool

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>Kim Porter
>would brag to Lil Rod that he's gotten away with murders and shootings

Who else has Diddy killed, raped, or shot?
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Also my theory is that Britney's dad went to a party he shouldn't have gone to and is being blackmailed by those two women. That's how they were able to enslave Britney through him.
Why he shoot her?
It's too bad about Combs, isn't it?
The Faggot Mafia. Cant wait for the trial, a lot of people are going to get exposed

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The Smooth Jazz Chillout

Genre: Smooth Jazz / Jazz Fusion / Soul
Artist: Various
Style: Vocal & Instrumental
File Type: Music Podcast


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Only 26 years old in this picture and he'd done it all.
Give up. It's too late.
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No. He wasn't 34 either. He was like 24 or 25 but had been playing professionally for 5 or 6 years
He had a shitload of success solo and with Wings, by far the most of the group. It's just overshadowed by the Beatles and he doesn't have a Yoko managing his estate and pushing his solo stuff like it's the only important thing he ever did.
>He had a shitload of success solo and with Wings,
Success =/= quality. He had success because of his Beatles fame.
it has little to do with talent, its about having put the time in to the craft. no one starts out as an amazing musician, it just takes time and experience no matter what. so starting late you are way behind for sure. but if you don't care about being famous or monetarily successful, then it doesn't matter. as long as you're having fun and enjoying the process, fuck it you're good.
I was replying to a post literally talking about success, but you're wrong regardless. He had a tonne of great songs and a couple of great albums, it would be considered an excellent career if he wasn't perpetually competing against the fucking Beatles and a dead martyred saint.

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ITT: Artists/bands that are impossible to discuss on /mu/
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The Wobblers
May God forgive me for posting this reddit link
Fucking Thracians make talking about this guy LITERALLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE
Because nobody knows who they are
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The band name “KoRn” is a
portmanteau of “kid” and “porn”.
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You seem to not want to see it
Holy shit, you mean to say that the band with the most molested frontman ever might have child abuse as a prominent theme in their work? Who could've seen it coming!
>Fans of the nu metal band Korn have finally found a loophole to achieve their signature backwards "R", proving dreams really can come true. The "R" was inspired by retailer Toys R Us, where one of the band members had worked. Vocalist Jonathan Davis then designed the logo
I never liked Korn growing up that much but I saw them live and they were probably the best I've ever seen live
OP here, same. I liked them since hearing their Got the Life single when I was 5 back in 1998. The new drummer sucks though, the gay drumstick throwing tricks are awful

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Baguette edition
Thème musical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d48amP2HONE
Passé >>124350310
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BBH mogs the fuck out of Femmeperor
ok but emperor actually sounds extreme and chaotic while burzum feels thin and repetitive. I think emperor, limbonic art, fanisk, etc. is better than burzum. Dimmu borgir unironically too.
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For me it's
I agree, could never get into emperor at all. It's funny because their overall musicianship is among if not the best of the well known 2nd wave Norwegian bands, there's just nothing to grab on to in any of the songs. Its actually a shame.
This is great

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I love her so much bros
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No because I'm able to appreciate plenty of actual avant gaurde classical composers lol. The music itself sounds like shit. I get you read your bug person kotaku article telling you you that the heckin math said it was good but it simply isn't. I like Magma too that was objectively pretty technical. No sense of melody,music that's driven by funny fart noise boomer humor shit more than the music itself,and an overall lack of pacing and direction make both Zappa and Dreamtheater unlistenabme to the average person. May not like it but it's true. From an artistic perspective there was never enough of a vision to begin with with project likes these and that's why they tend to fall flat,as opposed to good Prog Bands like Magma,Camel,Gentle Giant,or Amon Düül ii who could write actually songs first and foremost.
Magma couldn't hold a candle to Zappa composition wise, just some bullshit "dark" sounding riffs that anyone could write. Same deal with Camel, Gentle Giant, and Amon Duul II. All bush league stuff
Right because you think compositon is when you play notes fast and mime random shit at the audiance like a retard Magmas sense of pacing and overall ambiance greatly overshadows what Zappa was ever capable of. Same goes for CAN. You just have severe brainrot and are quite possibly retarded so you assume this is what "smart" people would like partially because you're not really able to recognize melodies or subtle touches here and there.
Like I understand you're mentally challenged and believe pretending to like Zappa will get you laid because you have no concept of modern popular culture or trends or the outside world.

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Boy am I glad /mu/ no longer hates this band
things have gotten worse since then
FUCK the Beatles
You're insecure, don't know what for
You're turnin' heads when you walk through the door
Don't need makeup to cover up (Huh)
Bein' the way that you are is enough

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>all you need is love
>beats wife
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yes it is
no it isn’t
It's redpilled to. What are you a liberal?
He should've beat Yoko
There's nothing you can do that can't be done
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be
It's easy


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>mogs any 90s millenial rap album

If you don't recognise this ablum is a masterpiece you are old and out of touch fr
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Travis Scott is a millenigger
Kys faggots
90s rap was Gen X
Trumps victory is gonna put you woke niggers against the wall. Enjoying your breakdowns right now
ok muttoid
this album aged like milk.
90's rappers are gen x.

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>3P maple>3+P mahogany>1P maple>>>>>>1P mahogany

Bodies, Solid-b
Bodies, Hollow-b.
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i like the sound of the MXR Phase 90
what is a more expensive pedal that sounds like a Phase 90
erm...can you say that again but in english this time?
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If you make it a major 6, you get Locrian natural 6 scale, a mode of harmonic minor. Give it a try.
I don’t think so. a lot of guitarists probably find it hard because it takes rhythmic precision that they don’t have. guitar is one of the least important instruments in funk tho. one of the best genres especially if you’re the person that lumps it in with soul. it’s just jazz without all the pretentious faggotry and less boring and formulaic than blues
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Low IQ thread doebeit. Rarely get non content posts like this on /g/
I guess that's why /g/ shits out good albums while /mu/ has nothing to its name

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that's the sound of me snoozing because I listened to this boring fuck album
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>10 minute long land acknowledgement
>categorized as slacker rock
>sounds nothing like Pavement
omg you aren't joking. these are the gayest lyrics I've ever read, it's almost parody.
what is known as "slacker rock" is nothing but a pathetic attempt to further compartmentalize rock music under an increasingly meaningless set of genre classifications. when people argue that that genres like bedroom pop are not real genres, while saying that avant-folk is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake as bedroom pop (plus the pretentiousness). your friend will never come up to you and say "I'm starting a slacker rock and noise pop (???????) band with shitgaze and art rock secondaries." these words are imaginary. they do not exist. examples of real genres include dub, noise rock, and uplifting trance. examples of fake genres include indietronica, ambient pop and "abstract hip hop"
>steal land
>lose your stolen land to a stealer
>stealer apologizes like a bitch years later

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