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Holy fuckin based. How does someone just do that to paypigs with no moral remorse?
>posting an article from 2 years ago
Is there a bigger douchebag in music?
I think you mean to ask if there a more based man in music. The answer is no.
Snow means no
>rerelease long out of print live album
>change one track
>"live in paris" even though half of the songs were recorded in london
>change cover art to a more recent picture
>use a picture from 2006 on the inside

>shits on his own fans
so, just like his entire solo discography
A lot of seething Pakis are in this thread
this fat lad should heat up in no time lugging his ample girth around the stage
he built up an image that allows him to be a catty bitch. people love it. everyone who bought tickets to this specific event got their money's worth simply from the story that came out of it.
>"i was there"
that ticket stub is now possibly worth more than the ticket itself.
do you think he knows shit about exercise. mozz has been a sedentary incel alcoholic his entire life.
Gayest person of all time
You shouldn't put yourself down like that, anon
His declining ticket sales say otherwise. Last time he played in my city, the venue had to rope off the dress circle upstairs because seats went completely unsold. Most of the rest of the tour was blighted by poor sales.

Johnny Marr played the same venue 8 months later on a sell out tour, and all 3k tickets were sold out. Probably because he actually shows up and plays 2 hour sets without acting like a prolapsed homosexual

He was a competitive athlete and relay runner at school. So he wasn't always gin sozzled
No need to pit Moz and Marr against each other.
Like, bruv, just wear a blouse.
put a jacket on you fruitcake
the most exercise he gets on stage these days is when he's trying to find his way out of the dry ice fog
If I'm paying $300 dollars for a no show vs $45 for a sure bet, you betcha big gay ass I am
>he thinks people who listen to smiths are a well adjusted, sensible, reasonable collective of people instead of a bunch of petty assholes

hearty kek
This entire thread is seething Pakis
Homo. How cold does it even get in LA?
coould he not just put another jacket on? do some jumping jacks to warm up?
>people love it
mexicans women and homosexuals aren't people, anon
>ticket stub
Exactly how old are you?
Can't imagine seeing Marr was worth 45 dollars, anon
I was pleasantly surprised. No one touches morrissey on a good day, but for years his setlists have been repetitive shit and his band are weak. Marrs band were tight as fuck with very basic amps/pedal set up, no frills, the sound was fucking insane. half the setlist was all (the good) Smiths songs, not the whiny shit Morrissey performs. He can also sing better than i expected and was high energy and excited to be there, not phoning it in
I'm glad you had a good time, at least.
You ever notice Morrisey song titles sound like Trump quotes
>We hate it when our friends become successful don't we folks? yes we do. They move on, forget about you. I wont forget you, no i wont
Yes. The bands you like.
Its funny how this guy has a solid fanbase in some latin countries like Mexico and Chile. strangely enough, He´s not big Argentina..
it's probably painful and bad for your voice to sing in really cold weather
Wasn't trump playing Morrissey songs at his rallies a few months ago?

Morrissey threatened to assassinate him lol.maybe he was the one who ordered the hit
because hes a whiney crybaby attention whore with npd, just like the Donald

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