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Futas not really caring about their surroundings. Dick's out where it shouldn't be. Masturbating in front of others, anything of the sort.
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The skinnier, the better.
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it's also common for anorexics to have hangups around sex. kind of a typical cause for the disorder. you could consider therapy too.
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English isn’t my first language, what is a “hangup”?

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Previous: >>11066954

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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why is it so jpeg-y.
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filesize limit, anon
Hey man I've thought hard enough... third leg Niko from love live... how original I know lol but she's an S tier waifu. Petite boobs with a big ass would be great if you go with it please.

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Big/Bigger Edition
Previous: >>11063161
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>Ugh, THAT's my washcloth?! I guess you'll do....
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Yachie wouldn’t need to use her will manipulation powers to get me to rub her turtle dragoness feet.
Who is the artist? Saucenao ain’t showing anything

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Previous >>10986672
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kill yourself
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>Says the universal phrase for more
Here you are good sir
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Hello /d/. Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
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Here are a few of my favorites:

The Saint and the Snake by ZDemian - one of their non-futa, non-BE stories: https://e-hentai.org/g/1977068/ff76d68429/

A Dick Magically Remodeled To Be Huge! Let's See If We Can Get It All In, Huh? - shortstack scientist makes a man huge with science: https://nhentai.net/g/424257/

Miwaku no White Sauce - Pastry shop owner expands a man's testicles so she can use his seed in frosting (hot, if balls expansion is your thing): https://nhentai.net/g/256089/
I've never written a story in the greentext style. Let me try it.

>Friends tell me not to date the witch
>Do it anyway because big titty goth GF
>Date goes well, she is flirty and teases me
>Invites me back to her place
>Hell yes
>Cabin in the woods
>Am I gonna die here?
>Makes me some herbal tea, smells funny but drink it because horny
>Everything goes blurry, dick becomes hard
>She pulls my pants off and starts licking my dick
>Erect as Isengard
>She gets on top and puts me in her
>She's unbelievably loose at first, but becomes tighter as the sex goes on

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Wish there was more of this stuff of firls upgrading or molding men to their liking.

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did the image quality get dropped on sadpanda galleries? shit all looks like thumbnails these days and text is barely legible unless you download
>hanging out with female friend
>compliment her outfit but tell her it'd look better with a whale tail
>"the day I wear a whale tail is the day you wear thigh highs"
>banter and tell her to be careful before starting an arms race because I'd look better than her
>we both have a back and forth until arriving at the final outfit of thigh highs, crop top, skirt, and whale tail with the final level being glitter make up (which she always wears)
>laugh and concede the situation
>she tells me if I ever want to, I can input the launch codes anytime
Fuck. My heart was racing
Buy the thigh highs to test the water. If she likes it, buy the full outfits and make an event out of it. Ask her to do your makeup/show you how to do make up.
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Frens, I need some help. I saw some forced fem art of this character, Shimon-chan, a long time ago in a crossdressing thread on here.

It was Shimon-chan, but either naked or in underwear (and implied to be a boy), with a couple older butterfly/fairy women showing him the pink dress they were going to make him wear. He looked reluctant and embarrassed, and I can't find the pic on the usual sources. Anyone know it?

Sorry for the repost! Have a lewd pic of the character for reference.

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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.

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please remove the people in the background
Thanks a lot! That’s the first time somebody did my request :3
Please remove the whole upper frame and, if possible, complete the missing part of the silver hair that will be missing. Also please remove the bit of red hair at the bottom.
could someone remove the thing coming from her pussy please?

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futa on male
feminine dick-owners on biological males
vag or no vag, cope better

more searchable edition i guess

previous thread >>11070750
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I haven't ass fucked myself in about a week and all day long I've been feeling the inside of my ass throbbing and squirming. It's practically begging for cock
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dudes rock edition
previous >>11021318
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Here is some slop, don't thank me
>knows it looks like shit
>posts it antagonistically anyway
This is why no one likes aijeets
I've been trying to tinker with dall-e3 but it keeps getting cucked
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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

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Goddamn it I got suckered into the Prompt Writefag in my daily search for breast expansion.
>Favorite tropes
Lactation/Hucow is god tier
>Size Theft is also based (who has those old ruby chokers comic?)
Size is 'effect at a distance' aka the more people fap to X the bigger their tits grow
>Size Pills/Potions/Low Magic. Aka Chocolate Milk Pills gone wild.
Insecure growth/youth is up there but not my taste so much
>Air Pumps/Fresh Kicks is nice. Gas tanks expanding tits and my dong since the age of 8 thanks internet.
Nonconsensual especially when combined with Air pumps/beachball play. Sometimes the hoisted by own petard where it was consensual but stopped being so
>Sensual expansion where it was any of the above but where the breast expansion feels so good that they stop caring about it
And finally - the slow return to normal. I don't like the idea of these girls actually destroying their lives, just maybe be stuck in a room for a day or a few hours or something. I'm not a 'popper' per say.

Checking my actual prompts database.

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Also that point where Fuziepop art tries to show up but then the fucking FOGLIOS BITCH SLAP IT BACK TO BORING.
That's Viv art?
The one I linked from has Viz style imp in the background.
That just looks like a basic generic imp to me

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old thread:
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actually it is so
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Boys(?) with femme faces and masc bodies.

Discussion: is there such a thing as an ambush with a dad-bod?
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I mean yeah, but I would suggest posting them in Cboy thread.
Kek. You could use that logic to say that an ambush is just flat chested futa. I do not see it.
Nigga it's got fucking tits and the head is drawn like a woman. Of course you cant be that. Troon out, you sound like the perfect candidate
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You know, I started getting weird eyes from people for liking guy like these, questioning me as to why I do not just fap to women... I do fap to women. Like, as soon as a guy gets somewhat feminine, it is strange how the concept of "what is gay and what is not" gets thrown into the conversation. Am I just allowed to fap to bara porn when I gain desire to bone a guy?

Well, excuse my tangent. I just found it amusing.

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Continued from >>10977350
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Ishikawa Hirodi, if I am not mistaken.

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Glue, slime, mud, quicksand etc
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When glue is soft and stretches like this, it gives the illusion that you can get out of it, all you have to do is try harder. But this adhesive is designed to trap things many dozens of times larger than these two poor girls. Without the special solvent, there's no point in even trying to get their feet out of that trap. Seriously, they don't stand a chance. It's impossible. However, our girls do not know this and continue to struggle against the viscous sticky mass firmly clung to their bare soles and toes.
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I love normal glue stuff, but I desperately wish for more girls glued together

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