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Women excreting their personality through bodily fluids, jelly, or onaholes
discord: SfPAXmtwE2
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I think there should definitely be some porn of him forcing Big Boggart to excrete his personality, considering he's one of the most attractive males in the game without his mask.

More male mana/personality excretion in general please, I've only come across this one so far.
Is it finally allowed or will the mods delete this thread yet give other scat-lite threads like diapers and fart a pass on /d/ and /aco/?
We need clarification, i don't want to stay on /trash/.
stay on /trash/

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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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I had an idea about a fighter having to assist a hyperpregnant preggomancer
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Ditzy bimbo trophy wife of a pharma executive takes an experimental fertility drug thinking it's a form of birth control and has unprotected sex with him. She ends up massive after only a few months, dealing with hunger cravings, ordering specialty made pregnancy clothes (from high end clothing retailers, of course), dealing with her lactation, and trying to move through the house after a growth spurt without knocking too many expensive things over.

Bear with me, this is the only pregnant bimbo I have, hyper or otherwise.
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Different writer here, might take a shot at this one since pregnant bimbos are pretty rare. No guarantees about length but I'll try to cover those points. Any other preferences (like size/number of babies) or stuff you'd like to see?
>Character is stuck in a time loop where the only way she can tell time has progressed is cause her belly keeps growing and has grown to hyper sizes
I once had an idea for a story based around this picture in which every the three day cycle looped another baby would be added until Cremia and Anju were hyper-pregnant.
I think a fun detail to add would be since time is looping, their bodies aren’t getting any older, thus technically making them immortal. It could lead to them potentially becoming gigantic if Link doesn’t stop resetting time
Don't exactly remember the name but the guy deleted all his shit and only does weird bimbo stuff now

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if it's like a giant dildo then maybe but if it's rock hard then that's gonna be a pain in the ass.
didn't know this was a thing before

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old thread:
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Genshin Men Edition

Previous >>10923769
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And yet the giant's the one whose gonna get the boner from it
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what labels a tiny uses are irrelevant when they get dropped in my underwear; why would i care what something smaller than my dick thinks?
>Be Me
>Born Autistic Macrophile
>4th grade teachers convinced me to actually try at school
>Became math wizard
>Study mechanical engineering, wants to design ace combat shit
>Pretty rizzless, all women in program have partners, still a virgin
>Writes a couple giantess stories in my free time. Prefers gentle giga.
>Graduate mechanical engineering
>No jobs available due to capitalist enshittification of the planet
>studying to become aircraft mechanic
>enjoy it but still feel need to do math and jerk off to giantesses
>keeps scrapping ideas for next story as I feel it's not unique enough from my last ones
>at party drunk. Kisses feminine trans man friend at party as a joke, cuddles with his BF too.
>brain starts running pansexuality.exe as administrator

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Anyone know any good My Hero Academia growth/macro stories?
do you have source for this comic?

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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After graduation, they are placed in mandatory service for the same amount of time as men. Since this is usually 7 years, they also usually finish around the age of 25. Prodigies may finish earlier, but if a student had to retake so many classes as to not have graduated by the age of 20, they are considered a sunk cost and simply thrown into slavery. This time in the women's colleges also gives them comprehensive classes on performing womanly duties, though often expanded to include medicine and other subjects a more 'educated' woman should know. In this time, they do not meet men. They are instead forced to focus on their studies. They are, however, taught much about how a man should be pleasured - they simply don't get to experience it. Because of this formal education most girls lack, arcanists are considered the cream of the crop when it comes to wives.

The mandatory service they perform is often either military or direct employment of a state official. Either way, they are far more than slaves. In the case of military, they will be placed under a commander or general. This is invariably treated as a for excellent performance on the battlefield. Because they don't have the same social stigma as slaves, they are treated far kinder. That said, this usually just means their time 'getting to know the squad' only comes as either a punishment, or is almost consensual. Non wartime mages serve a variety of important functions. Not so much as men, but still important. Life wizards can help to grow food, enchantment wizards often become spies or very high class prostitutes. This, too, is under the purview of a man, though often a state official who functionally incorporates her into his harem immediately. When their service comes to an end, they face the same problem as all other women - finding a man or becoming slaves.
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These graduates of magic college are considered very dangerous, though. Women who attend get a taste of power, and that can lead to a desire for freedom. As such, every graduate is marked with a magical tattoo on their crotch. It records all uses of spells, as well as the mage's name. Additionally, skilled divination mages are capable of detecting for a mark, for every single one is unique to that mage.

Unfortunately, there are still ways women manage to escape from the loving embrace of the patriarchy to perform profaned rights to the dark goddess. There are organisations outside of the patriarchy within its borders. Two of these are directly formed of women who have rejected the patriarchy, the worse of which is the Cult of the Unfettered Lady. The Cult is an organisation of druids, who quite firmly reject the worship of Padishah, citing that the women are the ones who truly created everything. They worship Sharbanu as their primary goddess, employing beasts and monsters as their allies.

The cult is not wholly matriarchal in structure, but its worship is - and this is an afront to the patriarchy. Foreign states are considered backwards and misguided for allowing women to be free, but at best the cult are misguided and harmful, at worst actively malevolent. Their terrorist and subversive acts include kidnapping and indoctrinating women into a pro-freedom mindset, consorting with otherworldly creatures, organising raids and monster attacks, murders and destruction of temples and holy sites. As such, they are one of the primary targets for the Inquisition.
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>>10980378 (You)
Members of the cult of the Unfettered Lady are to be punished to the highest degree. First, though, precautions must be taken against them. The cult is well known for its wealth of capable mages, after all. To prevent them from casting spells, they spend most of their time with hands bound in sleeves behind their backs and with a cock gag placed into their mouth. While this leaves them incapable of magic, they are also forced into locked, high heeled boots. After the threat they pose is eliminated, the first priority is getting information out of them. Torture is still the preferred method for this. Inquisitors have been known to employ sexual methods, but pain is the most prevalent. After this, they must begin their atonement.

A druid must be branded. This brand is always visible - either on the face, neck or breast. Second, to ensure they cannot runaway again, they are given the concentrated extract of an addictive flower local to the area, constantly making them aroused but making it incredibly difficult to cum. Unfortunately, one of the long term side effects of this drug is the degradation of much of the brain. Within a year, counting past 10 will be an impossibility. While constantly unable to cum, yet nonetheless stimulated, the girls receive lectures on how much the patriarchy loves them. Unfortunately for them, this is one of the cases where it is lying. The patriarchy hates them, and it will for the rest of their lives. It only has one use for them: parents with a magical spark beget magical children (more often, at least). They will never again go more than a week with an empty womb, as they are turned into breeding factories for the future mages of the patriarchy.

In this time, they are still slaves. In addition, they are told what their futures will be. Some of them try and escape and are given domination collars, but others see how much better things are in submission and beg passers by to purchase them.
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The old thread disappeared so I’m making a new one. I would link to the old thread but I don’t know how
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Previous thread: >>10979268

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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I love the veins on Nahida's hands. It's the little detais I like the most.
I can hardly tell. They all look fantastic. Can I request more futa of her from behind with a haiy ass if it's not too much problem please.
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Can I snag the catboxes for these if yall are still around?

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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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(Forgot pic)

Which is ideal... because after the changes... you'll already have a life, a job, and a nice home. Other people are unaware that anything changed, by the way. You're the only one... but you'll still get memories of your life in this world. Your two horny mothers, "experimenting" with your sister, your 4 daughters, half futa and half female, born from flings with casual partners... don't worry, they grew up fast, as kids do, and some were reincarnated, already having memories and being able to take care of themselves not long after you had them... but you ARE a milf, and they will see you as their "mom" (and yes, they hatched from eggs and look bird like like you). And as I mentioned, incest is fine so... do with that what you will. Single mothers are common though, and often get their FWBs to help them out, so don't feel bad about this, you were just a bit of a slut in this reality.

Speaking of! You are a fitness instructor, but not just ANY fitness instructor. Your fertility and ability to fuck longer, thrust harder with your legs, and take bigger members with your puffy, stretchy, cloaca like pussy (not an actual cloaca) makes you a VERY desirable partner, one that a lot of other milfs, especially those into "casual breeding", want to emulate. You'll gain this life's memories to help you do your job, but basically? You train horny, hairy futa milfs learn to have better sex, last longer, and for many of them, how to better give AND receive. They'll pay you PLENTY to live off of for this, and arguably more in "after class fun"... though you sometimes suspect that's part of the reason they chose to attend YOUR class specifically...

Teaching milfs how to PROPERLY sit on someone's face and hold their genitals there with squats, how to ride cock enough to be the one fucking, even when they're the ones being penetrated, how to clap cheeks without getting tired... even how to hold sex positions longer, and more efficiently, with PLENTY of yoga.
(wrong pic, hairless alt of all things...)

But... this is where the "paw" comes into play. While your girls will frequently "partner up", with casual sex being accepted in the new reality... YOU are the class's dedicated teacher, meaning while yes, you get to do these things to your students... they get to do them to YOU, and far more often. You only need to pull one aside for a demonstration, but them? They're paying YOU, and you have to give them the best hands on education you can. Every milf in your class will get to pull you aside for "practice" from time to time, or have you "evaluate" her if she pays for private lessons. Now, just to be nice? You'll only ever get futa you find hot, and you may refuse to teach Karens or anyone you don't get along with. The girls kinda like that about you, you know how to be blunt and keep toxicity out of your sex class. If you didn't know how to say no before, you do now. That being said? It's not an excuse to get out of being railed, evaluating a face sitting technique, or telling a student she can't practice sweaty smothering, cuddling, and frotting with you today. You still have to be nice and responsible where it's expected, lest you lose students, and thus, income.

Don't worry, your house is paid off. But if you stop making as much money... the first thing that'll take a hit are your contraceptive subscriptions (you use a LOT for teaching)... and you'll still have to teach. In a twist, you have to fuck MORE to avoid unwanted pregnancies... unless you'd be into them, but being pregnant won't save you from having to teach either, just means you have to do pregnant friendly stuff. Some girls are even into that...

You're strong, sure, easily able to dominate partners... but an entire class of other horny milfs is still stronger, so you'd better be thankful you're so durable.
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>I wish I was a cute "were-harpy" girl. I don't want to lose my sense of self, but quirks and instincts are fine. I just ask that I have a human and harpy form, genie gets to decide the trigger, and any other special things about it.
Granted! You will meet an adorable, nerdy girl. Well kept, straight edge, but shy and awkward... and yet? She kept approaching YOU. Eventually, either by you pressing, or her working up the courage, one of you will ask the other out, and things will go great from there. She'll be a good thing for you, and you, a good thing for her. She likes what you do, and even has a few hobbies you could be into... or maybe some things you WOULDN'T be into, but you'd support her for anyways, or even playfully tease her about, like being a fan of a trashy anime or bad video game.

But all is not well in paradise... why DID this girl grow so infatuated with you all of a sudden? Are you just THAT MUCH of her type? Did you do something that grabbed her attention? I'm afraid not. Or at least... that wasn't the reason. She'll absolutely say you're her type NOW. Truth is, she made a wish too... but with a FAR less benevolent entity. A witch who was jealous of her. Not the fun kind either, she's a bitch. She gave her a deal. "You'll find love, and he will be the most attractive person on earth to you, just sign here and I'll make it happen."

...But she tricked her. You are the most attractive person TO HER, and this will remain the truth, even if the witch curses you... which she will. Now don't worry, you won't turn ugly... you'll just.. become clearly monstrous and unable to show yourself in public without causing a stir. Good news is your GF is a monster fucker, and while you're not supposed to know this... the form you took was, ironically, one she finds VERY hot. The witch thinks she was SO clever with this, but I'm here to make that a boon for you, not a "problem".

If it was you two alone? This would be the ideal life. You'd be able to spoil your GF in your big strong monster body, she'd still love you, and you'd have a killer sex life. The problem is, while curse victims exist in the world, and are accepted... your new form is very intentionally that of a demon.
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...And yes, it's that of a very SEXY demon. Like I said... the witch thinks the 'irony" is REAL clever, but you're strong, SUPER durable, you can see in the dark... and your GF? Her sit on your face? Fuck, she'll ask you to sit on HERS with an ass and feathered package like that, worship it even, rim you, and no, demons don't use the bathroom so you two can play around with that. It won't take much to get your GF to a point where you can whistle and she'll bark, that's how hot you are to her.

Unfortunately... the public at large understands demons to be creatures of chaos that SPREAD curses... even though you can't do that, they'll still spread word of seeing you, and it'll eventually reach inquisitors. Now you can't DIE, not until your lover does, at least... but zealots of faiths from all over will "neutralize" you and lock you up before you can heal or reform enough to move again. You can't show your face or feathered ass anywhere other people will see it, let alone with your GF.

Now, I'm going to be a nice genie and NOT tell anyone that you WISHED for your GF to lose her face... and instead, offer it as an "out" for your predicament. As far as I'm concerned, you just made a kinky, but convenient wish to cheat the witch's contract. You CAN'T turn back to normal... but I CAN give you a demon's ability to let you show yourself.

Face theft.

You take your GF's face off, claiming it as your own. It becomes a mask you can put on whenever you want, and turns you into a copy of her, letting you show yourself in public, and even have some kinky selfcest with her, You can also drop "parts" of her form, treat it like a skinsuit and grow your dick, wings, or long demonic tongue out. Maybe give her a feathery butt. That's your business, not mine. But it leaves her faceless, naturally. Furthermore, you can't put her face back on... but most demons kill the victims of this. Since she's alive, if you aren't wearing her face, she can still "use" it.

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old thread:
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Large cheeks and wide hips
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So I won't write it
Teasing me like that is very rude
I don't think it's rude, this whole thing is very unhealthy anyways
>It has been almost a year since you started to notice IT.
>Dieting didn't help
>Exercising only made it worse
>None of your old clothes fit anymore
>You're currently wearing the largest sweatpants you found at the store. They're ridiculously loose around your waist, yet uncomfortably tight on the seat area.
>You can feel the fabric squeezing each cheek within, you'd think you were sitting on a thick cushion if you weren't deeply aware it was your own body.
>You're breathing too hard again.
>You shift again, trying to hide the raging erection you got the moment you sat down in class today.
>Shifting was always a bad idea.
>You can feel your ass accommodating inside your pants, rubbing against the chair, almost like a massage.
>You try lift a bit of weight off it, only to fall back too hard, barely suppressing a moan.
>You're actively squirming now, left, right, up, down, repeat, it just feels soo good.
>You know what is coming, you need to get out.
>You jump to your feet and thee jiggling starts, the huge masses giving you an unmistakable pear profile shake with the sudden motion.

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Have some more!

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Thread for damsels in distress, peril and predicament bondage. Everything ranging from kidnapped girls, heroines in trouble, war prisoners and bad ends.

Previous thread: >>10972625
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Miss what? A lady tied up and a rag that is based off of a misconception?
Jesus fucking Christ, scrape the barrel more and you might find a scrap worth a fuck.
No wonder people gave in to AI slop
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The artist, anon.
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I don't see the point in complaining about something that basically everyone thought was impossible a couple years ago.
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>lacks the critical information
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Thread for sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Questions of the day. Two this time, pick your favorite
Have you ever convinced someone else to do anal and they ended up loving it?
Do you consider yourself to be an anal only whore? Tell us your motivation.

Previous thread >>10965789

>FAQ - Read it before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

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Will that be enough to quiet me down? I really can't help myself >.<
>for most people the physical pleasure of anal comes from when something stimulates their prostate
I think I was born to be an anal whore, because a huge amount of the physical pleasure for me comes from the penetration, getting stretched open, and something sliding in and out of me
Stop fucking erping you trannigger
I get that, but actually I usually get different moods for it. Sometimes I'm about the stretching, in and out, feeling full. Sometimes it's the prostate. Sometimes the first part then after my hole is good and stretched I actually swap to fingering to hit my prostate. Usually it's pretty warmed up in those situations so it's pretty intense
erptranigga website

Men topping Futanari and Shemales/Newhalf. Images with no penetrative sex are fine as long as they still follow the theme.
Futa power bottoms are fine as well.

Previous thread
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>Men topping Futanari and Shemales/Newhalf.
I love dickgirls so much.
Someone's insecure lmao.
Maybe, but he is correct
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Previous thread >>10890811

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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Forgot image like an idiot.
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It'll be released on Futaket next month. I believe that will happen on the 4th.
Any female to shemale transformation?
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This is fucking gross and most definitely not shemale.

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