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let's get all the hyper futa in here, they can have hyper cocks, balls, tits etc as long as it's hyper and futa it belongs in here
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>with another poor innocent soul lost in their folds or mashed up against the boundary.
I don't think he does snuff, and god bless him for that.
Does hyper futa even have any erotic utility apart from autopaizuri?
urethra docking

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Size difference edition
Girls with extra breasts, more than two.
ai is allowed
previous thread >>10949552
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I hope she's ready for sex after milking.
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I think it could interest some people here
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Tall Cousin 2 Update: Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest. The wait is gonna kill me!!!

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10906454
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>if nobody pays for porn, there won't be any porn anymore
>if we don't hypermonetize YouTube, no one will post videos anymore t. Google (after 12+ years of unmonetized YouTube)
There are numerous artists who draw for fun, not just to turn a buck.

Rule34.xxx is backed up with AI slop and is ruined, but e621 banned all AI + has hundreds of new uploads (free) per day. e621 alone has over 10 years of FREE art (albeit furry)
sure, but I like hachimitsu's work, specifically, and would like him, specifically, to keep doing it.
>sure, but I like hachimitsu's work, specifically, and would like him, specifically, to keep doing it.
Ah, I see what you mean
I don't play for porn and don't intend to make an exception in this case either, but I hope other people pay for it because the hachimitsu younger cousin stuff is terrific and I want him to have every reason to make another one or something else that's much like it
We never realized it, but all this time, this was actually an origin story for a double-female-height world.

Well done, Hachimitsu.

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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, backed-up, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls. Last Thread >>10995834
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I never knew how much I would love the phrase "i'm cumming babies" until today lmfao
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Apologies for downsized resolution, images were too large otherwise.
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120195398
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>balls corrupted and forced into hyperproductivity by an over-virile 'donation' of cum

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: >>10949595

I liked the last thread and I want to keep one alive on the board, at least for now.
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My last image was an example of the first, this one is an example of the second. It's especially good if, in spite of them barely looking male, there's still things that tie them to who they are outside of crossdressing, something like their eyes, their body shape, their mannerisms, etc.
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How about a megane trap?
>high school senior year of track
>girls make it to the District 4x100 m relay (the last meet to qualify for state)
>1 of them is going to have to miss the meet due to grandfather's funeral
>the others get disappointed. None of the other girls are fast enough to compete
>jokingly say I should dress as a girl run with them (granted as a track uniform that would've likely just been the wig and makeup or whatever since uniforms are the same)
didn't go for it but sometimes I wonder what it would've been like if I did

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Pikachu edition
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Mad tr00n
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love how shouyu no sato went back and made some of girls' suits blacker

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>moving around like in Jetpack Joyride
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:

Wishes from the previous thread:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Every single adult person in your nation, including yourself, is now heavily infested with a species of alien tentacles that managed to infiltrate the water supply.
Men, women, Transgenders, the Elderly, everyone.

Predictably, chaos ensues, people panic and try to reverse it, beg for it stop as they reel from labor pains, but within 24 hours of everyone being infested, the chaos stops completely.
By now the tentacles have already transformed everyone into women and futanari, and summarily roosted in all available sexual orifices and sufficiently spacious internal organs.
Wombs, anuses, bladders, nipples, testicles, the works. All of the people have had their bodies entirely dedicated to the task of producing more tentacles, while maintaining legitimate life functionality.
The populous comes to terms to the new aliens they're hosting and soon finds them quite enjoyable, with public nudity becoming commonplace and sexual intercourse becoming a casual affair.
You'll likely notice that your nation lacks children entirely now, nobody has them, and nobody seems to want them at all. For the most part the tentacles have replaced them, the only reproduction the people want is more of the wriggling pleasure inside of them. At the more technical level though they've been taken, swept away underground and aged up into adulthood, and provided with a complete education aurally in the process.
The population will be maintained with processes similar to this, with developing embryos being taken by the tentacles to be aged and educated.

Past all of this, life continues on for most, they still go to work in the morning and do what they do, just the majority of what they do has become masturbate, have sex, and birth tentacles. Like I was saying earlier, birthing these tentacles have replaced nearly all life functions save breathing air and pumping blood.
No more bodily waste, of any kind, 100% of materials put into the body to be digested, are used to either power the body, or develop the tentacles, nothing else.
Everyone lives comfortable lives, spewing new life from their holes with every orgasm, in the broad daylight for all to see.
But not you.
After all, it's your fault all these aliens were able to arrive and integrate themselves with your nation so effectively! You deserve some sort of "reward"!

And to the higher species that brought the tentacles, what greater reward could there be than broodmotherhood!
You have been expanded amd mutated by all of your tentacular birthing that you've been completely immobilized, your stomach and any other good storage features you choose to have are bloated entirely beyond the scale of your own actual body. You have extra holes into all of these spaces to better ensure that you can take in just as constantly as you put out. The tentacles you got even wormed their way up into your brain so you never feel anything but joy and pleasure as you broadcast through all the controlling signals the mothership sends.

You'll live like a termite queen, fed and fucked, praised and prostitued, all from the unmoving throne of your writhing gut.
You would be the defacto ruler of your nation, but I'm sure you're quite preoccupied feeling like a balloon of tentacles, so the aliens kindly installed themselves as a surrogate.
Not to fret! Under their care and guidance, all of humanity will make for a truly wonderful subspecies, and you'll even get to journey the stars!
Still actively spewing with their spawn of course but that's to be expected.

>I wish for a slobby futa gf that's cutely unaware of how dirty she is
I'll bite. Granted!

Meet your new girlfriend Haruka! She's six and a half feet tall, she's incredibly chubby, her armpits are unshaved, and her oily skin glistens in the sun. She's relatively well proportioned for how fat she is, most of it settling around her ass and thighs, but you can tell from the crumbs stuck to her pretty cheek that her body can only get thicker. She never wears underwear, like at all, too uncomfortable she says. She dresses in loose fitting shirts to preserve her upper body modesty, but that doesn't really matter when you consider the fact that she almost never wears any pants. Skirts, maybe, but when you factor in her staunch rule against wearing panties, you can almost always see that she's got a dark, hairy futa penis and testicles. Of course, she doesn't seem to see the problem with freeballing it around everywhere, and despite the complaints and stares she gets from strangers she never seems to get in trouble for indecent exposure.

Living with her, you get to know her personality better. For one, she's kinda bad at taking care of herself and her surroundings. She's openly and brazenly flatulent, belching and farting as easily as breathing, only apologizing for it when you're out in public with her but never feeling any embarrassment for it either. She leaves her dirty, sweat soaked laundry all over the house, and basically lives in the nude when it's just you and her in the house. She hardly ever bathes, and when she does it's usually only after a month and only after her period. Her bedroom walls are covered in jizz stains from all of her masturbation sessions reading erotic fanfiction. Any bright spots? Sure! She's a great cook, but it's mostly homemade junk food, like making potato chips from scratch and baking ungodly amounts of sweets and fried chicken and buttery cheeseburgers. She shares a ton of the same interests as you, and she's a huge snuggler.
Your life with her is not going to be without its complications. Expect to get sat on a lot because her object permanence isn't the best. She's going to fart on your face and not even realize it half the time. Sex with her is probably going to be a blast though, but expect it to get hot and sweaty in a hurry, and expect her futa cock in your butt about as often as yours is in her pussy. Everyone is going to stare at you and give you disapproving looks for hang around her, but if you ignore them you'll find yourself hanging onto your gorgeous, albeit obliviously slovenly, futanari girlfriend.

>I wish for the power to turn women into fat-bottomed rubber blowup dolls that are helpless to have sex with me and can only verbally protest while their bodies act like they're super into it. (Total consent should be possible though)
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Granted. 10 feet is now the average height of women across the world. 6 feet is midget size. Because of this height and fitness difference, women become the dominant gender in society and all other aspects of gender norms. They are primary breadwinners, natural leaders, and overall sexual tops. Hell, the NFL is only played by women and the WNBA now subsidizes the male NBA (now MNBA).

Because of the size differential, male penises no longer give women pleasure since they're too small. Women attain orgasm only by two ways. First, their clits become so hard and engorged that they can use it to fuck men like a cock. And because women have no refractory period, they can fuck men all day and night.

Second is by unbirthing. This is the only way for women to be impregnated. For this reason, the new desired male trait is small size to fully fit in the vagina. Once inside, men can push and rub enough to get both of them off. Men can even directly penetrate the cervix and fuck it like an onahole. Bigger men who cannot fit are forced to be fucked.

>I wish I was a hot dragon girl in a high fantasy world. My cheatlike ability is straight invincibility. I cannot be physically harmed.

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All artist welcome! Decide what happens to this stupid neet girl. Write or draw what you wanna see. Multiple artist can respond to the same prompt.
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She lays in her bed, relaxed and smiling after waking up from a really good night sleep
Give her body hair all over, after all she's a neet why would she bother with touching a razor
If she's French or Italian you can give her a happy trail too hehe
Mom catches her taking wall mount dildo

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“Mayday” edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process of growing them. Previous threads:
Also, please try to follow the rules this time so this thread doesn’t get shadow-anchored or whatever
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Agreed...man it's super fucking gay that I totally want to get bent over by one and feel his fat tits pressed against my back. I don't know how to feel about this.

>A lot of good pics are furshit and can't be posted here
"Bent over" Bent over? Or like, a hug from behind while you're sitting?
Honestly, if I'm being completely honest with my fellow anons, both. Both are good.
I'd argue the majority of Anons here would prefer for this fetish to be just traps with tits.
Maybe a /y/ thread would be better for the Anons that prefer the more masculine variety.
There needs to be more art of him as a bustyboy. I might try to get something out of a drawthread or commission someone on skeb.

females becoming more beautiful
moderate muscle gain and breast expansion welcome
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Yeah I love stuff of women becoming hotter buit it's always wrapped up in some weird stuff like mind alteration, parasitism, futa or some shit.
I just want women improving, sometimes magically so
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tomboys in girly clothes going all shy is peak, I do agree they should enjoy it even if they are a little tsundare about it
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>tfw you get turned on by girls putting on MORE clothes that are modest and cute

I'm such a pervert.

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she's been indulging it regularly for YEARS and you're still insecure? if you haven't gotten the sense that she minds then i don't think you have anything to worry about lol
Anything new on the booru?
No. There’s never anything on the booru. I’m sorry but no one actually adds to it. You can add if you want. Actually just dump whatever you have there

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My weekend went badly and the thread died. Once again, post slimegirls and girls made of any liquid substance. Bonus for slime media finds and translations. No AI and keep futa to a minimum.
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wait, shit, I just realized this was posted already just now, I didn't bother to check the bottom of the thread

whoopsie daisy!!
I think I still need that hug.
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When they do stuff like turn slime inside but appear solid, I cum buckets

Post anything related to Futanari and discuss any topic related to Futanari.

Male-looking Futanari allowed.
Do not post anything else than Futanari.

previous thread >>10964215
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I've love shit that shows age progression and slow growth over the years.

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