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no idea but i love her suit
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Nicely packed and well-used. What's not to like?
>title spoilers plot
love these

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Won’t stop growing edition
Post Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, pent-up, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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>no futa gf for a cum competition at the end of nnn
Now how are these silly bitches gonna get out of there?
Easy, one of them's gotta turn and get out ass-first.
Any pics where the balls are overfull but neither the balls nor the dick are hyper-sized?

Straight trap/femboy thread.
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>all the societal manipulation from insane mother fucker's like you gets wiped away in Trump's upcoming purge
Zion Don wont do shit, and I am not sure why you're seriously responding to very obvious troll posts.
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That's the less gay way to enjoy this fetish.
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So the site was nuked and along with it, the old thread for no good reason. Post slimegirls and any girl made of a non-solid substance. Melting elastic girls also welcome. No AI and keep futa to a minimum.
Previous: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11044572/#11094732
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not much, it was a first-person POV vore thing. The slime girl would attack you by melting her upper body into liquid and launching it into your mouth and get inside your body.
sort of like getting attacked in 1st person resident evil game.
i want a shogalite, if she sees me then watches my training to become a astronaut thank she'd visit before launch or capture me for zero g space sex?
I like vore and that would have been... kind of hot. Do you have anything more like this?
She will consume your space station and then milk you dry.
It's the shapeshifting and mimicry aspects that do it for me.
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(7/7) No- how can I think that?

When I slur a few words that are recognizable enough, Dwarf pipes back “How in McGillium's Magpies did you end up like this?” Soon enough I'm recounting it to all of them, keeping sparse enough about the details of the Necromancer to not earn a look of disgust from Priest. My bloated belly deflates just a bit as the puddle I'm sitting in starts to damped the burlap over me, and once I've got my staff I float my outfit over. Much of it shouldn't fit, but at the same time I barely recognize it. That woman did more than just patching the sleeve. I wouldn't have chosen a skirt for a dungeon, but without extra fabric to work with, I guess it's the best she could manage.

I'm a bit dismayed at just how much my big nipples show through the tightly stretched fabric, and even worse that they slowly leak into it now, but along with that shame comes an echo of that last climax. As my mind follows that trail I soon find myself as horny as I ever was back at the academy. I try to shake it off, and tell my companions that I'm fine, but I'm a terrible liar, and soon I'm watching Dwarf and Hunter work the magical bellows once more. Back and forth- in and ou- oof. Did I really just think that? I'm going to have to consult with Priest about how to keep these urges in check, aren't I? Or maybe I can find my way to the embrace of another one of those creatures...
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That's a cuntboy, OP.
It's just a regular boy dumbass

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Also known as 貧乳化 (small breasts conversion) or 無乳化 (breastless conversion).

It's been a while since we've had a good thread about breast reduction, so let's get started. Feel free to share ideas relating to the subject as well.

- Photoshopped images (貧乳化コラ) are welcome.
- Due to the lack of content AI is welcome
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Source? I googled and searched a bunch but there aren't enough clues to find it on my own.
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Looks like one of Maf's or Maaf, however he spells it.
Big tit envy is so mid ... and looks out of place in this thread. Where are the small tit envy pics?

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Head penis, Body penis
kubi-chinko kubi-manko
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Well there's something you don't see every day!

haven't seen one of these in a minute
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I like the first idea of the Evil Mage that releases the Curse. Though I'd say to make the Curse be more like a balancing act of divine nature. As in, people have forgotten and forsaken so much their connection to nature that the Gods (specially those of fertility) released the curse to nudge humanity back on the right track.

I say this because for example. If a character manages to accept the sensual nature of the Dorse, and embrace it. Instead of fighting it. He or She can the transform back into human, But, until the Gods fully decide that humanity has learned its lesson. Those afflicted, can still transform back into Dorses when they feel strong licentious emotions, or when they act like profligate again. That could be a rich noble lady wasting food, or someone slaying more animals while hunting than they need, just because they're addicted to the thrill of the chase. These could just be your party members learning their divine lesson.

The Evil Mage could certainly still exist. but more has someone that is weaponizing the curse and further spreading it. As the Gods themselves aren't really true antagonists here.

I sorta envisioned this as you having your party of normal companions, that then can transform while in combat to help fight or give a boost. Like a certain archer when in low health, might have her transformation triggered. Or another character straight up transforms for every fight because they're just a normal farmer that can only do damage while in the Dorse skin.

Also Afflicted people that turned into Dorses, and are fighting the changes go mad and attack/rape everything. Thus you have salacious enemies to fight a galore, plus you can save them by knocking some sense into them and then talk 'em into stop fighting the curse as that only makes it worse, were the opposite actually reverses it.
I did them myself, yes, but these aren't actually sprites. I didn't wanted to spend time to figure out how to do tilesets, so I just loaded a screenshot into Paint and drew a dorse on it.
At the moment it is more important to settle with the genre of the game, so I would like to hear suggestions about that.
I think that making an rpg with party of 1 human player and 4 dorses that can't transform is much easier than otherwise because it will be harder to balance and it would be less hot if the characters would be able to transform back into humans basically at will. But it was your preference in this fetish, I guess.

Also what demographics will this game have? Regardless of the format, there isn't much people who are into this fetish, I assume, so if the only players of it would be visitors of these threads it wouldn't worth it to make a big project instead of a small one.
If you ever make a sprite post it here. Someone else could maybe do something with them.
>It's 6 images to start a thread, anon
Don't spoonfeed 'em.

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Boys getting fucked by aliens/insects/monsters or tentacles.
Femboys/Traps prefered but anything goes.
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Pg10 bump
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Does the artist draw a lot of pics like these?

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Kemono is finally back edition

Previous thread: >>11105741
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If anyone also has the new Town of Magic update pls share, i mean the one after the dev did the bug fixes, someone said more animations were added and i want to check that out
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new doujin by hyoui lover incoming
>dull generic uninspired designs
>generic fantasy setting
I bet it'll be some kind of a totally inspired scenario like a goblin or criminal takes over one of them and then masturbates and then rapes the others and implants part of himself into them and then they all have sex and the last page is the princess grinning.
Knowing that this is from Hyoui Lover. Yeah pretty much.
I came to fulfill my promise. I think it shouldn't be too difficult. I will leave this link until the 15th.


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Stuffing poultry Edition

Previous Thread: >>11157486
Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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Haven't played that but a lot of games are deliberately obscuring questlines, then posting guides on their Patreon.
Just play evolution, farm skillpoints and solo the whole game
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This game reminds me of Paccsu.
Akabur wrote he is gonna release the game on friday. Kinda hyped, desu

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All Editors Welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Request in moderation
- Do not request edits of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Avoid posting extra references as separate posts. These also eat up the post count, so try linking them instead.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the artists! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Remember to use the Anchor for deliveries!
- If you would like to make the new color/edit thread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this!

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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requesting colors, make her legwear either golden or purple
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Requesting color please.
Color reference:https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9526149&tags=super_robot_wars_x-omega
requesting the removal of the laces and the spreader on her pussy
please remove the pee

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Images containing female top attire being worn by individuals without breasts
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His measurements seem unrealistic
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made for bwc
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Previous : >>11140434
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What’s the best thing for a boy to be transformed into? I’d love to hear your input.

A. A girl’s flip flops
B. A girl’s heels
C. A girl’s insole
D. A girl’s toe ring
E. A girl’s nail polish
F. A girl’s toe separators (for painting her nails)
Toe ring because it's not disposable and can be worn for life.
Would you like to be worn for life as a toe ring, making your owner’s feet look cute?

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Last thread reached bump limit.

Post insatiable women with large appetites and round bellies to match.

No Vore
Chubbiness is fine, but no BBWs

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11100325
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