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Last thread 404'd >>10911173
Dicknecks go here >>10925894
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new thread
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From this moment on i have a fetish for girls with fucked up posture. Haven't seen this one comin
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What should a long dark haired neet girl wear to bed? Nightgown? Panties only? Should she be completely nude for the enjoyment of her male family members?
The "cross leg in chair" pose feels like a very NEET way to sit but I'm not sure why
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Heh yeah it's comfy tho

>Previous thread

>AI image generators
https://novelai.net/image (online, premium)
https://perchance.org/ai-character-generator (online, free)
https://frosting.ai/dream (online, freemium)
https://pixai.art/generator/image (online, freemium)
https://civitai.com/ (online, freemium, account needed for NSFW content)
https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?isPwa=1&scenario=texttoimage (online, free, heavily censored)
https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui (local, free; check the OP in the threads of the Related boards’ section to get further informations)

>Anon-made size LORA for local SD
Ochiko art style: https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
Cramped - minigts growth: https://civitai.com/models/519243/crampedgrowth-concept

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nice great proportions
need pov looking up at giant futas and regular giantess but their breasts blocking their face
i need try to get auto1111 working to give it a go one of these days
Has anyone figured out a way to get it to show the giantess perspective?
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You would need to create a female pov scenario for that idea, but as far as I know it's pretty hard. I've made countless attempts on NAI and only got disappointing results, but I don't think that I could be luckier on local SD. I was lucky to have some decent female povs on DALL-E, but I never tried giantess with that.
Damn, that's disappointing.

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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, backed-up, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls. Last Thread >>10995834
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I've been writing in some of the other threads, and thought I might try it here.

>Katie sat at home, waiting for her husband to get back from work. That wasn't unusual. She loved him and missed him. But that wasn't entirely it. A casual observer might have thought that she needed help because she was pregnant with octuplets. Most normal women would have needed help even to move in that situation.
>Katie wasn't most women. She had bigger muscles than most men did, and could carry her eight months with eight babies full belly with, well not with ease, but with less difficulty than you'd think. Even with the basketball sized breasts that hung down on either side of it.
>No, Katies problem lay underneath her belly. It was her dick, in fact. It was 12" long and had been stiff for almost three hours now. 'Only one more hour before I need to call a doctor, according to those commercials,' she thought wryly.
>Katie wasn't saving herself out of loyalty to her husband. He understood that as a futanari, she had several times his sex drive, and didn't mind when she pleasured herself at home between stints of housework. It's not like she ever used herself up; she always had plenty left for him when he got home.
>No, Katie was frustrated because her belly was so big, and hung down so low, that she couldn't masturbate with her cock anymore. Her arms just weren't long enough.
>Even worse, her pregnancy hormones made her even more horny than usual. It didn't help that one of her kids would occasionally kick her in the prostate, which almost always gave her a semi if she wasn't already hard.
>Tom, her husband, understood this, too. He had fixed an onahole for her next to the bathtub that she could use any time she wanted.
>Unfortunately, she had broken it earlier today, shortly after her husband had left.
>And so her sexual frustration grew and grew. Sure, she could reach behind and use her pussy to masturbate, but her cock and pussy orgasmed differently and she couldn't get one off with the other.
>It had been almost eight hours since she had cum, and her body knew it.
>Unfortunately, a futa's body doesn't stop making sperm, especially when they are aroused. And Katie had been aroused all day.
>Her testicles, which were normally the size of chicken eggs, started to swell.
>Even worse, testicle expansion was one of her fetishes, which turned her on even more.
>Her balls were now swollen to the size of basketballs, and each was hot to the touch and tender.
>She couldn't find a comfortable place to sit with them and her belly competing for real estate.
>She was so desperate she'd tried fucking the couch cushions, but to no avail.
>She ended up lying down on the couch with an ice pack on her scrotum, not that it did any good.
>Finally she heard his key in the front lock.
>"Tommy! I'm in here. Come quickly!"
>Tom came in and saw her state. He had never seen her this big! "What happened?"
>"The onahole broke!" she wailed.
>He ran his fingers through her soaked hair and kissed her. "You poor dear, you must be in so much pain! Let me fix that for you."
>Tom removed his jacket and removed his tie. "Hawk tuah!" he spat on her erect dick. Then he took its head in his mouth and valiantly started working it.
>Katie started moaning.
>He started pumping up and down. Years of practice had given him the ability to deepthroat like a champ.
>Fortunately, she didn't need much encouragement. When he felt her start to shudder, he took a deep breath and took her to the hilt, burying his face in between her gravid belly and her overstuffed balls.
>Katie yelled as her long-overdue orgasm hit her like a truck. She bucked and kicked, but Tom grabbed her muscular thighs and held on as her seed shot straight into his stomach.
>She orgasmed for a minute straight, but that barely made a dent in her balls.
>When he felt her start to let up, Tom came up for air. After a few gasps, he started working her again.
>Fortunately, futa don't have refractory periods.

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>After an hour of diligent work, Tom got her back to normal size.
>Katie was in a daze.
>Her dick was finally limp.
>Her balls were now back to egg sized and dangled around her knees in her stretched out scrotum.
>Tom sat back to catch his breath. He had drunk so much semen that his belly had burst the buttons on his shirt. It rested on his legs and sloshed around with over three gallons of cum. He had to constantly swallow to keep from throwing it up.
>Between swallows he said "Let's...make sure...this...never...happens...again."
>Katie could only nod.
>He didn't let his stomach full of cum stop him from repairing her onahole, and setting up a backup, just in case.

How was that?
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Spelunking Edition

Here be writers/artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>11029944
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POV switch again
>My heart's pounding in my chest as I hear my ex speak to my wife
>I'm afraid a fight will break out, until I hear her reply calmly
>"Mellie, I truly don't wish to talk to you. He may not be physically equal to me, but he's extremely supportive and his company has changed my life for the better," my wife defends me, giving me an awkward stiffy which I really can't afford to have in such tight quarters
>My stomach lurches as she begins to walk away, forcing me along with her every step of the way
>Hear her muffled voice again through the leather and flesh
>"And our sex life is everything I've ever wanted, he's *very* detail oriented," she snarks back
>Feel my cheeks flush as I recall wrestling with her most sensitive areas
>Come to think of it, pleasuring her has been quite a workout, giving me more muscle definition than when I was normal sized
>Wife heads somewhere, and once I'm eventually fished out of her boot, I see I'm in a women's restroom stall with her
>Her face is scrunched up in worry
>"Baby? Are you okay? Anything hurt? I'm assuming you overheard what went down a bit ago, and I just wanted to check on you."
>I gaze up to the worried billboard sized face, and feel my heart swell with affection
>I validate her and thank her from the bottom of my heart, only to be met with a very quick and passionate kiss

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I like this picture a lot
Hey man, can you write an alt version where the wife starts cat fighting with the ex? I think that’d be really funny. Eventually the ex slips during the conflict and she falls into a rack breaking a couple of jars or whatever and gets kicked out. The wife goes to security office and she’s stressed and sweating (just imagine what it’s like in the boot) but eventually she’s let off with a warning bc ex drew first blood as seen on security camera. You write way better than me but I gave some ideas but change it as you see fit
Perhaps another anon could take that up if they see fit, I'm always afraid I'll never be able to do requests the proper justification they deserve.

I'm not very good with conflicts, I don't think. I like to avoid them in person and hypothetically online. It's like, my mind doesn't really "understand" how to write violence or arguments beyond a surface level.

Although, I can at least say I enjoy your version of events as well. The only problem I could see is it would be difficult to fight someone when you're trying *not* to press one of your feet down too hard. I had wife choose to leave because, even if she wouldn't mind throwing hands with a bitch, her husband's safety would have been jeopardized. No sense in avenging your tiny husband if he's just going to end up a nondescript stain on the bottom of your sock. That would mentally eviscerate the wife if she was the cause of that. Although I'm sure similar stories are already out there, stumbling across very specific scenarios is a treasure hunt.

But yeah, I'm not that great of a writer. I'm pretty one-note in my character personalities, and generally hate everything I pump out. Did a few greens this thread so I'm at least happy I could do that much.
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Was cute, here's a (you).
I appreciate the feeling of danger being in the shoe had. Something I feel a lot of greentexts in this thread lack is that sense of "holy shit, this woman is GIGANTIC and *could* end my life in an instant if she's not careful." Peak gentle is stuff that acknowledges this imo, even if the situation is entirely safe for the tiny. Helps get the sense of scale across.

Futas not really caring about their surroundings. Dick's out where it shouldn't be. Masturbating in front of others, anything of the sort.
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Post inconvenient /d/ bodies. Bonus points if they're visibly inconvenienced or embarrassed.
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>Breasts continue to grow.
>Biggest worry is bed sores.
>Get a special mattress that changes pressure at various patches to reduce pressure on skin.
>Still have to swap out sheets.
>That involves rolling them forward until I stand on my head, then a member of my family rolls up the sheet until they reach my breasts and places another sheet that is half rolled up in its place. Then they roll me back, pull out the old sheet and unroll the new sheet the rest of the way.
>Sometimes they put straps underneath my breasts so they can lift them with a custom cart and lower me into a pool so I can float around.
>Once a day they put a treadmill under me so I can walk. Have to keep my fitness up, even if I can't walk anywhere.
>Sleep on top of my boobs. Have to put sheets between me and my boobs or else I get sweaty in the night.
>Get online degree. Spend my days doing remote work.
>Breasts finally stop growing.
>Breasts are now taller than me.
>Takes multiple siblings to shift my breasts around.
>Get lonely.
>Try online dating.

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You may also enjoy this story I wrote in the "Schoolgirls Concerned about their Breast Growth" thread:
Yeah, exactly like that! I’d love to see a fully fleshed out version of this story, if you ever get the chance
Now THIS is good. Kudos
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Size difference edition
Girls with extra breasts, more than two.
ai is allowed
previous thread >>10949552
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Moo cow
I wrote a story in another thread about a girl who becomes a foxgirl and grows extra breasts, if anyone is interested: >>11073201

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It's been many moons since the last one, post funny /d/-related things
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A true epic of our time
MFW no 8' tall GF who can rest her tits on my head
I'm cackling
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Can't believe we had to end last thread on "shitting out their back dicks".

Anyway, y'all know the drill. Post conjoined/multi-headed individuals long as they ain't real people.
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There's a few out there, but far too few for my taste. That shit is my jam. I'll have to look and post a few.

This is me attempting to wrassle some new SDXL stuff, here's unposted ai smut junk. As a treat!
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Right from Gammatelier's page, enjoy!
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A slimy, flexible rod can be the ideal partner, if you give it a chance
>there is an assimilation thread, please post your fleshhorror abominations there
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Last thread splattered a while back, figured it was time we found a new one. All things onahole TF are welcome here; adjacent fetishes (sex doll tf, personality excretion, etc.) are permissible as long as onaholes have some focus. This time, I’m curious if anyone’s run into dedicated onahole TF games, they seem really rare. Also, we’ve heard a lot from doms in the last few threads, so it’d be nice to get some more input from the subs this time around. As long as they hold up under the use, at least.
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Honestly even better case is her "leveling" up making her better onahole, but also reverting any damage done to her.
So while normal girls wear off, get loose or simple get splattered like cum baloons, she is always tight and ready to go.
Makes me wonder what would her mental state be.
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I like the way these guys think.
Congratulations, whatever your name was, your unique status as a sex demon means your soul won't be washed away into nothing by putrid goblin jizz. In fact, you'll become more efficient at wringing out that disgusting cum with every use!
I'm sure you'll be very thankful of this twist of fate when you realize that you're not going to 'die' like the mortal onaholes surrounding you, but rest assured, that won't last. They're sent screaming and moaning into oblivion after a dozen uses or so, your hell just gets worse with every use. Ever seen a succubus become terrified of sex? Well, just you wait.
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And then she is used by ogre. Or another large sized monster.
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Oh no, doctors new medicine appears to have side effect. Further testing is required.

On side note the fact that she wears untransformed coat makes it much sexier.
Thoughts on other sextoy tfs like dildos and buttplugs?

A thread for women who are totally helpless
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Why are the limbs weirdly square?
Folded up. Google "bitchsuit"
Oh I know what a bitch suit is, I have worn one in a scene before. Limbs are roughly tubular, even folded in on themselves in a bitch suit or frog tie they won't have "edges". The artist has drawn the limbs so they appear like long cuboids rather than cylinders.
>I have worn one in a scene before.
Story time! what was it like?
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previous https://boards.4chan.org/d/thread/10903803/
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Great, except the dick nipples.
They're not dicks, they're more like teats
>"Jacking off" literal 6 inch long nipples
>They're not dick nipples anon, promise!!!
Ok anon, whatever you say
>Cows have long nipples
>When farmers tug at them, white liquid comes out
>Cows have dick nipples

In all seriousness, that wasn't my intention. A friend of mine in high school told us about a girl in her gym class who had taken growth hormones to get taller, but they grew her breasts really big. She said it also made her nipples really big and gross. I tried to write an exaggerated version of that and wasn't thinking about dicks at all.

At least in that story. I have a couple of stories in other threads that do have dicks in them.
Don't sweat it dude. That guy's being kind of a dick nipple himself.

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Pikachu edition
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