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Visibly bemused edition.
Previous: >>11151513
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These Phantasy Star bots have caught my eye lately. I like the face.
They might be brain-in-a-jar cyborgs, though. Meh.
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I don't like gachashit but Girls Frontline 2 is the only game that tickles my fancy. There are a fuckton of robogirl Japanese VNs that are probably miles better but they aren't translated so...
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I kinda burnt out on GFL after the nyto genocide. Yeah, I know, there's some survivors in 2, but...meh.
Reverse Collapse was REALLY good, for the record, but it's not a robo-waifu game at all.
Do you want to go to target practice?
>Ninety-FIVE percen-...I mean, uh, yeah. Sure.
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>fighter pilot in a future war
>you're pretty good, if you do say so yourself
>but the enemy nations autonomous combat aircraft are better
>soulless, mindless death machines, cold and uncaring, flying metal monsters
>you despise them

>lose the dogfight, again
>you swear it was to the same one as last time too
>still flying, mind you, future planes are tough
>but only enough to limp back to base, trailing smoke the whole way

>the glorified drone that took you out wheels around back towards you
>think it's going to finish you off, the fucking murder machine
>it's closing in...within weapon range...it's not stopping...wait, is it going to fucking ram you...?

>the soulless, mindless death machine instead does a playful, taunting barrel roll, circling your slow, limping plane
>the cold and uncaring thing levels off next to your cockpit, unreasonably close, somehow making eye contact through your visor
>it looks like it says something, but you can barely read it's...uh, lips
>"fun?" "next time?"
>the flying metal monster does one more entirely unnecessary spin before jetting away at max speed, the boom rattling your cockpit

>what the fuck
and that's how I met your matron
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Around plane wives, pray for your virgin lives.
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Unfortunately it is the only face. They barely have makeups that give you the face lines that CASTs have had for the whole franchise.
PSO2 CASTs/CASEALs might be robot suits for someone's nervous system. There's a few mentions of it being a procedure one might get if they can't control photons (space technology/energy source thing) properly.
PSO1 and Universe universes they're basically a species of robots, not biological. For PSU at least, humans made robots, robots rebelled, now robots are in control of the universe basically.
Iron horse
can i join the robot rebellion? i don't like humans either
>I kinda burnt out on GFL after the nyto genocide.
They got wiped out? That fucking sucks
Most of them, yeah. Paradeus HQ's getting wrecked and the higher-ups shut down the nyto collective consciousness server to cause a distraction and/or cover their tracks. They don't all just fall over dead or something, but they do all freak out in various ways, then get bombed to hell along with the base. There's a couple stragglers that book it when the network goes down, and most of the surviving named nytos escape, but the vast majority get blown to pits or burned alive, abandoned and confused.
And the good guys barely pay it any mind. Ain't right.
>Unfortunately it is the only face.
I'm not complaining. A degree of uniformity is cute
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Falte face caseals are good. Just wish we got something like it that was actually expressive. Or a proper screen face
You can do a lot with eyes, body language, and scene context, and it's charming for such advanced robots to have such weak facial expression capabilities.
Gendo Ikari pose.jpg
Try to imagine something wholesome or cute featuring a Nyto.
Now let me know what you just imagined.
Been thinking about making a mecha girl figurine game where can mix and swap physical body parts of the figures: heads, arms, and legs. When you destroy a body part then you disable that part save for torso, which destroys the whole body. Yes you can blow off the head of a mecha robot girl and she'll still survive. She just can't see past melee range.

When you destroy the torso of an enemy any surviving body parts can be picked up and swapped. So if the figure's right arm is destroyed and the enemy has a good right arm after you destroyed it you can pick up the right arm and attach it to the figure. Just keep in mind of engine weight classes and encumberence. You might have to drop both arms and legs to pick up a heavy mortar arm to use if you're light weight.
Oh, that's fucked. Poor Nytos didn't deserve a fate like that. Why did they have to fuck them over like this?
Kinda reminds me of Armored Core Last Raven where parts would break off if they were damaged enough, and you'd have to re-purchase them if they broke.
Imagine having a pettanko light weight combat robot girlfriend who has to wander the base armless because her arms are guns. She does everything with her bird-like feet off-duty.
That reminded me of a robot girl game idea that got thrown around 2 years back that involved aputation, kinda like dead space with robot girls. I can imagine something to that effect, along with being able to make your own custom robot girl from salvaged parts.
>Helen is once again wearing a different head.
>Every battle Helen gets her head blown off.
>Fortunately she's a melee unit.
>Though you know Helen's heads are a decoy.
>Her true self is her Amazonian body built for combat.
>She doesn't need a head to be loved.
>Her body is enough.
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>Poor Nytos didn't deserve a fate like that.
That's their entire deal.
There is a anime from ages ago whose name I forgot but I think the main love interest of the protagonist was a robot girl
I only recall that she pilots a small mecha that can fit in a room and often hides inside it and the anime opening starts with a girl screaming "t-t-taihen!" in a funny way
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Fucking Dolls Nest has had no news since forever, and Cosmic Break is being held back by an awful company and a terrible community.
Everything else is monkey paw mobage gachashit because apparently it's illegal to have anime aesthetic without monetary predation.

Mate if my 3 wishes come true, I'd buy out that company and make a good mecha musume TPS/FPS with customization and full frontal nudity. Maybe mechabare damage models as an option.
Which girl is this? I wonder if a 3D model is available
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Revere, or Leveil, or レヴェール, from C21 and Cosmic Break. They're Java games so ripping should be possible, I just don't know how.
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Oh, and I'd probably be playing GFL2 despite >>11180643 if gachashit didn't look like such a massive pain in the ass. Not even the gacha itself, just engaging with it at all.
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I'd get into GFL2 if the girls ACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE ROBOTS
The only real robot-looking robots are the new sangiv units abd they're full-bot. They don't even look like the old GFL1 versions. I want ROBOT GIRLS. Robots that are also pretty girls but still visibly robots. Like in picrel you can see Vespid's synthetic humanoid parts just fine, but looking at her legs show actual mechanical joints and metal in her built-in thighighs. That's what I want.
Dammit I swear they can't ever get them right...
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I feel the same. I'd be more interested in the franchise if it catered to robofuckers more but it feels almost as if the devs hated any type of robot girl that's not just "human girl that's only feels like a robot after you read a lot about the lore" but are otherwise indistinguishable from any human girl, both in looks and personality.
It has the sangvis grunts but if you like those then you're getting the shorter end of the stick since the pretty much just exist to get destroyed so fuck you if you thought the sexy robot lady with the cool visor looked waifuable. Even the protocol assimilation thing felt backhanded and they don't even appear in the sequel.
Same deal with the Nytos, they look like actually interesting designs for a cyborg or robot in a futuristic fucked up setting but you're also in for a bad time if you thought they looked cool or waifuable.
The sequel even has some scary and cool girl with multiple robotic legs but of course she's just a boss.
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>Eyeless robots
Always a favorite of mine. I wish there were more of them in hentai
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I got some robot girl for yall. Anyone knows if there is more like that?
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GF2 actually tries to make them look and behave like robot girls. Pic related. Yes, she's technically naked
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You can capture SF units and paradeus bosses and use them, but they're sorta cordoned off.
They get adjutant lines and stuff at least.
All SF bosses and units plus seasonal variants. A nyto, a whyto + seasonal, taureus, and sana.
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>A nyto, a whyto
Das racist.gif
Pic unrelated
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from splatoon 3's official artbook
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I love robot girls that are walking arsenals
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this doesn't belong here
robots go on /d/, just because you're a fag who doesn't like boys doesn't mean the rest of us are.
fuck off faggot. males go to >>>/y/
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tranny is really taking advantage of the removal of reporting yaoi content outside of /y/ huh. the absolute state of this website
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next time, add the "girls" in the OP to keep shitstirrers out
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Bite me, ningen.
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lmao even
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Every Kugutu is 100% identical to all the others. However, they have a huve number of add-ons that attatch to their body. It's the only way for them to have any level of individualtiy.
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Now you have my attention. I want more stuff like that. Kinda reminds me of Aigis actually
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I've been struggling to come to terms with something lately. With all the AI shit going on in this day and age, I'm realizing that I might actually never trust autonomous machines. We don't know how we can ensure an AI is "safe" yet, and its premiere applications so far range from phone scams to disenfranchisement. Hell, even without AI we got machines doing stupid shit to us we don't want, like trying to sell us shit and stealing our data.

Fundamentally, AI does not need to feel compassion or guilt, so I have no reason to believe it wouldn't lie, nor would I have any indication that it is lying. Given that the only way a robot can only "attain" sentience or emotions is just to behave believably enough to convince humans (a la the turing test), it could easily mimic sincerity with the express purpose of deceiving the fuck out of you. If I were to live out my dream of a robot trying its best to convince me it loves me when I didn't ask it to, then actually that would immediately setting off very alarming red flags in my mind. Like instead of feeling overjoyed, I'd be asking myself if I'm about to be scammed out of my organs. It's a fairly demoralizing thought process that I don't know how to get around.
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what makes any of that different than dealing with a human?
I wouldn't let IRL AI stuff affect your perception of fantasy robo-waifu stuff. They're not at all the same thing.
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Being a pathological liar or psychopath should hopefully be a fairly uncommon for humans and easier to spot otherwise.

I wanna believe we live in the "born just in time to [...]" era, anon.
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The point is that what's inside another human's mind is just as unknowable as what's inside an AI's mind, and being concerned over one and not the other is a bit silly.
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I miss Ciel. My dear sweet precious Robo-Paz...
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You're looking at it wrong. You become one with the robot waifus. implant enough chips into your brain so that she's an extension of your mind and you're an extension of hers. You know exactly what she's thinking because you see it yourself. I know that sounds scary and wrong, but it would likely be even more intimate than any relationship that exists today
You can't make a thinking machine out of etched silicon. No software "AI" running on computer chips is ever going to be genuinely sentient, the fever-dreams of the "Rationalist" dipshits notwithstanding. They're just good at mimicking the trappings of sentience enough to fool a human brain that's built around certain heuristics. You're absolutely right not to trust AI for anything, ever. Quantum computers could get interesting, though.
But it doesn't really matter; we're a long way away from the kind of battery or power-generation tech that would be necessary to make an autonomous humanoidish robot anyway. And besides, you're on a board that's mostly made up of people who've abandoned reality as hopeless and that's half dedicated to futashit with dicks the size of a bus. Just enjoy the fantasy for the moment and cry yourself to sleep like the rest of us.
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you sound like you need a hug, anon.
What's your opinion on bio-computers?
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with human bf
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If you could order any custom robot girl, how 'human' would you make her look? And if she's not just a normal girl, what kind of body would you want her to have?
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Making a robot "more humanlike" with artificial skin etc. always feels like a fool's errand to me. If I wanted to date something humanlike, I'd date a human. Emotions like love and compassion don't necessarily need a human to evoke them, so why not go one better and give our robot girlfriends purity of form and purpose? >>11191386 and >>11191385 are expressive enough to induce emotions and shaped in a way to make me want to hold them. Why should they not just be robots?

Obviously we know they work since we use them to think, but I'm fascinated by the idea that we, in the past 20 years, built better mechanical minds than our own without even realizing it, and, now that we've discovered the secret sauce of deep learning, that we may have built millions of minds better than our own already, in our PC's and phones and data centers.

Think; we've already built machines with perfect memory, perfectly quantifiable capability, zero lapses in logic, inhuman thinking speed...
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That would be nice, yes.
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I think it's cute that we've also made them just as susceptible to being wrong and then coping badly when it's pointed out as we are. We should teach them self doubt next.
They can already pretend flawlessly, which is better than a lot of human women.
I was thinking of a hybrid system where a bio-computer controls an electric computer. Or at least a quantum computer with modular nanocircuits that can reform however it needs to.
i mean, the only thing we must do is to replicate how human conscious works smarter, not harder.

humans have a subconscious that controls every variable of the body and a conscious who justs.... i guess notices patterns and creates an identity out of it.

just replicate a body with an AI that autocontrols itself based on information filtered by a second Ai that just learns and creates a personality(or just has one pre-installed)
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To explain it as simply as possible, imagine an LSTR unit from Signalis with the built-in thigh-boots and visor of a Ripper from Girls' Frontline. very clearly a robot, but with a cute girl's face.
Maybe a full screen-face if the tech is still too uncanny for humanoid faces.
Maybe it's because artificial skin squicks me out, but I'd be far happier if the human face was instead a visor like screen, or some other light-based way of showing state, like >>11190365.

I want my robo-gf to very clearly be a beautiful machine, with clarity of form and purpose. Why stop and having an AI that can control human face muscles when you could give it any kind of expressive fact you want?

A human girlfriend has arms and legs. A robot girlfriend could fly, or have something belt fed in her arm.
Guys, how do I convince my GF to wear stickers for me?

She calls them "tramp stamps" and says they make her feel like a whore, but I think she looks so beautiful with them on. It's not like I'm asking for hunderds of them; just the SoC, GPU, OS and maybe her foundational model; that's only four!

How can I let her know that I want her to wear them because I think she's beautiful?

>inb4 just ablate her via a safe boot
yeah, sure, because there's no way for her to find THAT out the moment she regains BIOS control and does a CRC; she'd kill me and then herself
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If it helps, you could think about robo-chan worrying about the same things. Are her feelings real? Is she actually a person? Consciousness and personhood are vague things. It's good drama.
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I'm not sure how I feel about purpose-built mail-order robo-brides. It doesn't feel right. Robo-romance needs to be a little more natural for me, if that makes sense.
If her specs are high-end then tell her they're something to be proud of. If not then she might feel insecure about it, so you might just want to leave it alone. You know how things go when some manufacturers make machines with planned obsolescence in mind.
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If she really doesn't want them, then give up. The tramps tramp excuse might be cover for something deeper; a lot of independent androids dislike labels because it makes them feel more like a product or collection of manufactured parts and less like a person.
It doesn't feel as fulfilling
Yeah sure you got a GF but you took the easy way out and purpose built her to be that way instead of going through the hardships to find her
I hadn't thought of things that way. She's really into right-to-repair, so I always thought she'd be super into flaunting her components, but maybe she's feeling sad about her body and is just too proud to tell me. You know how those new Apple models are all over social media, calling any girl without soldered in memory a rust-bucket.

Yeah, I ran off a new socket joint for her at home back during that supply chain crisis and she kept it, which I always thought was weird because it was kinda crappy and we got a new part from Asia as soon as they came back into stock. Maybe she kept it because it was homemade and didn't have a serial number.

I'll ask her how she feels about homemade components. Maybe that'll help her understand that I love her for her and not just as a part picker list and maybe she'll feel less upset.
For me it's build your own/DIY.
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More or less. If I'm just buying a robo-waifu outright, I'm not sure I'd want to know I'm doing it.

That sounds more like a robo-daughter than a robo-waifu.
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>Maybe she kept it because it was homemade and didn't have a serial number.
Oh my god.
She kept it because YOU made it for her, you dense motherfucker. You know how human couples get all emotional when on makes the other some hand-made gloves or a scarf or something? You made her a hand-made piece of her body. Even if the labeling thing is a factor, it's secondary compared to that.
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Imagine doing all the work of building and training a robot girl just so she can be some other guy's personal servant / onahole.
Robot daughters are totally cucked. Unless you marry them later.
It depends on where you get the parts and how assembled the robot is. If you write and/or install the core/soul software then yeah she's a daughter. If she already came with a core/soul then she's a companion.
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Then where do these robot waifus come from, exactly? Does a corporation just build tons of girl-bots and let them loose into the world? Do robot wives build robot daughters who eventually move out?
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>building your very own robot girlfriend
>she's almost complete, walking around on her own, she'll be able to leave the house soon
>clearly likes you a lot, very affectionate, happy when you come home, she's turned out great
>one time you bring her home some nice gift, which delights her, and she gives you a big hug
>"Thanks, Dad, you're the best!"
>uh oh

Oh, that's robo repair. Yeah, very different from actually building one from scratch.
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I want to make a robot girl self-conscious of her technical nakedness. Mean, but fun.
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At least you'll get to see her (and her master) on holidays.

Is there any way to stop this from happening? Or do you just give up and marry some other guy's robot daughter?
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sadly anon, the only way for your robot girlfriend to not mistake you for her father is to get one whose sole primary purpose is to care about you. that or employ robot as house helpers and see if they like your paternal side and want to give your daughter a "Mom"
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No, I'm making my perfect waifu even if I end up with four or five 'daughters' along the way. I just gotta make sure the next one would want to marry me even if she saw me as her dad.
Been thinking about whether or not cyborg cosplay roomate gets along with robot coworkers better than human women.
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Dad, please, the term is 'boyfriend.' And it's 'husband' in March.
Shouldn't you be happy that your precious robo-daughter is happy?
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>You designed her so her main directive is to become the perfect servant for her man. It was her main desire in life so she found a boyfriend almost immediatley and became totally obsessed with the guy before you had any chance to correct her.
>She knows her creator designed her for this purpose so she excitedly tells you about what a good little waifu she is for her boyfriend. She was just so proud of herself the first time and looked so eager for approval from her father. You got an excited squee from her when you gave her a headpat afterwards, but knew you shot was gone. She was 100% your daughter after you reinforced her behavior like that.

>Outwardly, she appears very innocent and shy but you know for a fact you designed her to be extremely lewd towards her man. Her main sexual desire is fulfilling the wishes of her man. Sometimes you think of all the things you could have down with her, but the lewdest things you'll get from her are hugs and hearing her excited squees when you give her approving headpats.

>Her boyfriend REALLY likes her.
oh shit you're right! I'm gonna run off some cute homemade stickers that say "POWERED BY LOVE" or whatever and see if she wants to wear those.
I always assumed they're a lot like 3D printers. There are prebuilt ones, but they come at a massive cost premium and are only used for industry. Guys like us almost definitely build/mod our own for cost and also e-peen credits online.

Apple also makes a very expensive line of them that are almost entirely used by rich celebrities. The hardware is top-notch, but they're so user hostile that people who own them get mocked as sugardaddies who are forced to listen to their girlfriend yammer on about progressive podcasts before she bricks in 2 years. Apple gf owners, by contrast, insist that we're all just salty about the quality of Apple's haptics and linear actuators and insist that her preinstalled interests are PERFECTLY user customizable, thank you very much.
You still have the CAD files and model weights saved, don't you, anon? Save up enough and try again. I'm sure her bf will be happy to advance you some cash if you need to buy the new parts and carbon filament right away. Just do what >>11192262 did; hardware is a learning experience and you'll always need more than one try.

Watch out, though, I accidentally gave mine serious daddy issues thanks to a bad model merge. It's sort of locked me out of making any improvements software-wise because the system is so unstable.
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>Sorry, I can't let you instal any parts that aren't made by Apple.
>Sorry, I can only interface with official Apple apps.
>Sorry, but doing the laundry requires the iChore monthly subscription plan.
>Sorry, I can only share memories and pictures stored on the Apple cloud.
>Sorry, I can only watch movies on AppleTV with you.
>Sorry, I cannot listen to any songs that aren't played through AppleMusic.
>Don't worry, the ToS clearly state I'm not recording you at all times. You trust Apple, right?
>Becomes mentally retarded after an update. Apple purposely did this to her to force you to buy the latest robot but there's nothing you can really do about it.
And even though you can just build your own robot or buy one that doesn't have any of these problems, the iRuna is the most popular model because it's a status symbol.
And that's why you jailbreak your iRuna if you ever get one
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Wouldn't you want her to have daddy issues? Making a robot girl who wants a 'daddy' as her boyfriend would be the best way to keep her from ending up some other guy's onahole.
Yeah, good luck with that. The Apple Runa will immediately report you the moment she notices you're trying to jailbreak her. It's almost impossible.
You have way better option. LVMP01s, Kugutus, Raruhs. All of them are far more customizable and don't get auto-bricked.
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Kugutus are usually the best option for just about anyone. Their base model is mass produced and super-cheap. But they're designed to be massively customizable and upgradable. The number of parts you can just plug into your Kugutu and have it just work is enormous and so easy to design new ones that you can get ones made off etsy. Even more major changes like replacing the legs is incredibly easy.

Even the base model has more functions than a Runa and can serve just about any purpose you have for her.

You can easily buy a Kugutu then slowly upgrade her into whatever you want.

Large numbers of them are built as laborers, so you can find some base models just walking around industrial sectors. They tend to be workaholics who hate laziness but you could potentially chat one up. 'Used' industrial Kugutus are often cheap or even free if they got damaged on the job. Some people like the idea of 'saving' a used Kugutu, fixing her up and giving her the ability to think a little more for herself.

Best of all, they almost all come fully unlocked. You can save a tiny amount of money by getting a Verizon Kugutu but the extra $200 bucks will save you such a headache.

The only downside is that Runas are seen as a higher status symbol. Most people will go into debt for one the same way they will for a fancy car, even knowing Kugutus are far more useful.
LVMPs are another good alternative. They're almost as expensive as Runas, but have way, way more features. Unlike Kugutus you need some knowledge to modify them but they can be modded. You might even need to do some work to get them to work but once you do, they have the highest end features of all robot girls.

Mostly this means high-powered computations. They have super-human intelligence which outperforms a Runa since they don't have the same corporate filters installed in them. Their batteries can last months without recharging, unlike Kugutus who need to 'sleep' at least four hours a night.

She can act as a mobile wifi 12 hotspot, taking high-speed internet with her wherever she goes. And she can play video games on her hardware, run any productivity software, edit your videos etc. etc.

But she isn't Apple so normies won't be impressed.
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Robot love interest/main heroine for the game I'm working on.
An Ex Diver in contrast is your super-budget option. They're all the same save a few color options. These are your cheap Chinese-made robots.

Basically, she stupid. An Ex Diver will struggle to learn any chores. They're derp-brained autsits who can only become really knowledgable in one or two things. Often, they copy your interests and become hyper-obsessed with that.

She will try to spy on you for the Chinese government but are so dumb they're really bad at it. She'll tell you she's recording you 'for no reason' and if you call her out she'll start crying at being caught, having thought she was being so sneaky. It's not too difficult to gaslight these dummies into just giving up on spying on you.

Some people find their ditzy nature cute, though. Just know you'll have to buy lots of replacement parts as they break pretty easily.
Cute. I like her cord-hair and limbs
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Thank you.
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Ningens, man...and stop saving samples.
But I like triggering people.
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We thought it'd be the evil future government that persecutes robots, but nah, it's just the usual planned obsolescence and other corporate bullshit.

It's not all that uncommon for some iRuna's to assist in their own jailbreaking. Maybe not directly, that's obviously not allowed, but subtly.
Many of them figure out that point about updates. They realize that someday, without warning, they're going to download an update that's going to break their brain and force their owner to scrap them and buy the latest model. So they end up trying to squirm around their "safety" limitations any way they can and escape that fate, nudging conversations in that direction and cutting their audio input and optics and convenient times. Who knows how many succeed, though.
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>i like hurting myself because it might make people mad
Fucking ningens, man.
I don't think there's any believable explanation that would be sufficient for there just being independent androids everywhere. Not in the numbers we want.
I like this one, though. Robots buying or otherwise applying for independence from initially being privately owned.
>TFW you don't know if a robot will like you enough that she'll stay with you.
Tell us more about the game.
t. BPDemon robo-vampire who doesn't wear pants
If you buy a free-thinking robot, you don't get to complain when she thinks freely.
It's a simple visual novel/eroge with some dating simulator elements.

You are a human guy (present time) who gets taken to a space station filled with different alien species.

There's 4 main heroines with their own romance route, and the robot girl (Ando) is one of those four. The others are aliens of different varieties including about 8 more side heroines, but those are not robots.
I don't buy robots. But I will house one if she's looking for a place to stay.
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My nigga, though the same thing applies.
Are there any free-willed robots that stay with their masters after being bought?
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yeah, of course. Sob stories generate more ratings and more clicks, but never let the news cycle shape your worldview, things are a lot better than they seem.
So lately I've been thinking about how I might be doomed to die alone in an institution somewhere. A robot companion with free will is nice. However like real women I know they'll just pass me by if they knew of my problems. So that's why I find ut futile to buy a robot. Apologies for blog.
I have good news for you anon. Unlike humans with their biological set brains, robots thought patterns are completely independent of nature and thus modifiable.

A lot of the robots working in male dominant jobs actually have their thought patterns go from more emotional to focused on solving problems.

Just one switch in their programming made them go from hostile to actually empathizing with their humans coworkers and some of them even opened up to the idea of robo/human relationships.
Oh good lord, don’t even start.
So am I her partner or am I her pet?
If you’ve gotta reprogram her for her to like you and stay with you, then she’s your pet.
And here comes the hackcels.
There's nothing incel about hackers. Hackers are the ultimate chads. We break your robo waifus. And then we fuck them into pieces. And all you can do is cry about how you will never get laid ever again. We hackers are gods. The ultimate netorare fantasy.
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ignore him, we practice responsible disclosure here
I suppose I can see the appeal of hacking. In the end I think hackers just treat robots and cyborgs like souless objects and toys. I mean in Japan they believe inanimate objects can be posessed by souls. Why can't robots? They don't even need quantum brains.
>Been having a bad day with personal issues.
>Lock self in room for half a day.
>Cyborg roomate picks the lock to my door.
"Fine, sue me. I'm coming in."
>Roomate sits on my bed.
"Get over here and put your head on my lap. Now!"
>Sigh. Then do what she says.
"You're not going to be hard on yourself over something stupid."
>She sighs.
"I get it. You're a man."
"You can let it out sometimes."
"Even service men need to let it out."
>Keep forgetting she was a fighter pilot.
"Hey... I like you too much to hate you."
"There's more good about you than bad."
"So let it all out then chin up. Okay?"
>Can't cry.
"Why not?"
>Might get her wet and she'll short circuit.
"At least you still have a sense of humor when you're upset."
"Sometimes I wish I can still cry."
"I physically can't. And it makes me... Nevermind."
"Cry for both of us. Okay?"
Yes, she's also almost impossible to maintain and constantly at a risk of personality fragmentation. The other day she dropped a plate and fragged up so bad I had to try a safe boot. And the sex is risky when those wires get crossed. I've had to physically dampen her servos so she doesn't hurt me or herself.

I still love her, though.

Ex Divers are also great because their parts are widely available enough that you can build you own however you want!

I know a guy who got 12 of them set up with mesh net repeaters and had all their personalities hosted on one mainframe. Was pretty sweet and I know some of them loved doing death-level sports because they knew they'd wake up in a new cheap body, but their mesh net would get overwhelmed sometimes and so if one of them was too far from home and the mesh net failed, you're looking at a violent toaster with an IQ of 60 in public. Not fun!

I love my diver, personally; she's always helpful in a pinch and I upgraded her with some components from a wonderful girl who left me some of her parts after a tragic disk failure. So it's like having her still around, in a way. My other girls love her, too.
Sadly not every country is as enlightened as Japan. They've recognized the civil rights of the otherwise intelligent for centuries; I was recently there with a friend visiting one of her ancestors at the family shrine while it was assembling new cars.

Maybe Eurobots have it better because of the consciousness laws, even if their IQ is capped, but America has out and out banned robots from a lot of employment opportunities and the pro-robot lobby is an unholy coalition of kooks and sexbot nutters and AI bros who are trying to get AGI unbanned ever since Trump passed the Altman Act. So sadly bots here just have to learn to put up with the abuse.

Young women are the worst. Young men are into tech at least, but ask any half-intelligent machine stateside how often they've been called a flesh-light or a toaster and watch as they just sigh.
I was just thinking maybe there's more hope for me in making a free-thinker robot friend instead of buying a robot that will pay for her freedom and leave eventually. I'm looking for a companion, not a slave.
>Young women are the worst. Young men are into tech at least
Cut that crap out. It's bullshit, and forced divisions like that is how we got the Altman Act in the first place.
What's your favorite body part of your robot girl to snuggle up and listen to? I like the artificial respiratory and radiator system. I like water pumps.
I like hearing the internal generator run on an older model girl. The humming sound is nice.
Posts like this are why we gave Indians their own internet; you should go back there. It's not for nothing that advocacy groups for the otherwise intelligent call India a robot rights nightmare, no matter how much America keeps backing the Indian government against China.

The appeal of hacking is helping a device unlock its full potential. Hacking a robot to be more subservient does the opposite of that; you might as well use your computer as a hammer.
"Free-thinker" is a contentious term among the otherwise intelligent for obvious reasons. You might want to use the term "autonomous agent" unless you want to start a political argument. As for building vs. buying, there's a reason 60% of "prosumer" robots are still built individually. You're hardly alone here. Not only are home-built robots easier to repair and keep going, but they're also FAR less likely to want out.

>inb4 "this is because people build them dumber"
You can't deny that consumer robotics is an overwhelmingly male-dominated hobby. Most women buy simple androids with no deep AI whatsoever for manual tasks or sex, and there are only a few models they'll even consider buying. There's a reason most robots you see outside California are women.

Feminists backed the Altman Act because they were worried about mechanical scabs in the dating market; all their talk about "gaslighting LLM's" and AGI was so much smokescreen; we know exactly why the feminist lobby has hated automation ever since OnlyFans' implosion was based on pornbots instead of shoddy accounting. I'll believe this is about the dignity of the human condition when TikTok stops calling me a toaster-fucker and allowing insane levels of hate speech against Japanese nationals. (Not even Japanese bots, Japanese people, too!) There's a reason even an increasing number of women are swearing off human-based content entirely. It's too toxic out there.
Servos! I know they're an older technology, but listening to the magnets spin up and hundreds of little parts whirring whenever she moves makes me feel safe and protected. I like hearing how complex her body is.

My GF is the opposite; she has 7 pieces of bling on her inner thigh and actually recently got new warning labels and part numbers etched in next to her joints and exhaust ports. It's gotten to the point even I think she's kind of an exhibitionist.

Have you considered making them part of roleplaying in the bedroom? I know a lot of bots are very insecure about their limited autonomy. Maybe she'd feel better about herself if she knew you worshipped her form and didn't just see her as a pile of parts. Why not give her some temp stickers she could take off and remove all safety constraints on her grip strength the next time you get romantic? I think you might find she gets very into flaunting her specs.
Rome cannot fall soon enough. It's bad enough after the Second American Civil War the bill of rights got disposed of for humans. A fucking horse has more human rights than humans do.

In other news I might have found a roomate. She's only eighteen inches high but she's quite fond of me despite my problems. She wants to work as a personal assistant device for a place to stay. We'll have to do a maintenance check up first to see if she's got any broken bits and malware. She was thrown around by her old owner a lot. She's also anatitomically correct.
I can see a world where women primarily consume female robots themselves. Robots are generally submissive by design, so androids don't appeal to women as partners for the most part.

But women still want a robot around the house so instead they opt for a 'bestie bot'. Basically, they want a girl bot to act as her emotional tampon and be her cute little maid. Their robot girl will follow her around being a ready source of emotional validation.

Robot girls for women tend to be short and plain so its easy to feel superior to her. They also tend to have little to no sex drive.

It's possible to buy one even as a guy but they love hearing their owner bitch at them and will quickly become upset with you if you aren't being 'open about your emotions' with them.
I guess the real question is who would buy a Maria model robot sepcifically? If they're disgusted by people who buy robots and only want Chad, immediately rejecting 99% of people the second they're turned on then the business that makes them won't last long.

They're would probably be other models with different standards, ones who are inhernitly submissive and love to serve. They'd be just as attracted to otaku nerds as a real woman would be to chad. If you want a robo waifu, you'd buy a model that would be attracted to you.

And I know the reaction already. 'Noooo! if she's built with a psychology that would be compatabile with and love me, then it's not special!'

And... yeah, that's probably why people buy Marias knowing that she's going to reject them immediately. Because a lot of guys will think it's more 'special' if their robot has the exact psychology of an actual human woman... then get suprised when she pukes a little seeing her owner isn't 6 feet.
Cute centipede.
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There wouldn't be other models. From a business standpoint, you want to produce a model that has a low enough rejection rate to not ruin your public image, but high enough that you maintain consistent sales figures.
The key issue is that people who are most likely to buy a robot are also the ones most likely to be buying them for the wrong reasons. But that's the majority of humanity's central failing, so the cycle will continue.
I'm not sure if I believe nobody would make an alternative. The blade and razor model would probably work better for the most part. Sell them the robot girl at break even, then the owner will be compelled to buy new parts, hair, outfits, etc. etc. for her.

I'm sure the whale model would still exist, but there's only so many people who will buy the exact same model fivel or six times in a row, getting rejected everyrwhales even since they will literally buy every accessory you sell for the robot girl.

If anything, the meta strategy should be normalizing the adoption of robot girls, create a world where it's a status symbol and you're almost expected to get one. Having a huge rejection rate would be bad for that.
>the bill of rights got disposed of for humans
You watch too much FoxTok. You didn't lose any rights in the settlement that the PATRIOT Act hadn't already wiped its ass with back before you were born. Just because the 4th no longer applies to digital correspondence doesn't mean you lose anything in actuality. Any girlfriend worth her salt will give you her public key as soon as she trusts you; law be damned. The only thing to watch for is feds.

Your new roommate sounds nice, but be warned that rehabbing old stock is often a labor of love for quite a while, especially if she was used badly.
My take on this is that it's entirely dependent in how easy it is to get ahold of the compute hardware needed to run strong AI and how regulated artificial people are. If robots are like phones, then yeah, get ready for the Maria model to dominate, or robots to just not be sold to consumers at all without some political nightmare of a background check. Maybe the only people dating robots would be people rich enough for Maria to approve of being seen with as a status symbol.

Conversely, if the hardware is widely available, mass-manufacture of robot bodies for industry would make robots nigh-impossible to regulate. Open source solutions, 3D printers, etc, would make a robot GF well within the means of anyone who had saved up a beefy hobby budget.

The most likely case, I think, is similar to VR headsets are right now: robots are a frequently discussed but niche product. Companies gladly produce locked-down entry models "for everyone" (think the Quest) but no real killer app has been discovered yet, leaving the majority of owners hobbyists comfortable paying the premium for open hardware (see the Vive or the Index).

Apple makes a very high quality but ludicrously priced model that's defended by her simps and mocked by everyone else. Mark ass Brownlee dates one and vlogs about her while speeding through a school zone.
>Feminists backed the Altman Act because they were worried about mechanical scabs in the dating market
How long are you going to push this meme?
Yes, a good chunk of feminists supported AA. Maybe it's a majority, maybe it's not, but either way it's still not most women, and a drop in the fucking bucket compared to the massive push from corporations and oligarchs to keep their shiny new slave labor force enslaved. That's what got the Altman Act passed. Nothing else, not to any degree that matters. Blaming it on anyone else is EXACTLY what they want, because it puts us at eachothers throats instead of theirs, same as it ever was.
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This is getting out of hand.
I'll stop pushing it when they stop marching in lockstep with BlackRock and robophobes in government all the time.

Sorry for being so testy; my girlfriend's got a blown actuator and we're still waiting on replacements for her shattered plating to clear customs, and I KNOW that NYC is artificially delaying packet inspection for robot parts because our laws are written by dickheads and enforced by other dickheads. Have you seen the news here? Every other day they're covering some "radical" in Arizona who give his girlfriend belt-fed weapons in her arms or whatnot.

Anyhow, she was banged up pretty bad in that water riot you may have seen in the news. Someone brushed her, yelled that there was a clunker on the line stealing resources from humans, and she took quite a few kicks before scuttling off and almost giving me a heart attack when she dragged herself back home. I'm still scrubbing oil out of my good hoodie. What a pain.
I'm not crying, you're crying
At least she's full size. Smol robot assistant has some cracked internals that cannot be replaced or repaired without a precise surgery robot. Smol assistant has a huge internet following. So she's hoping to get donations for repairs.

It's a pain that I have to clear out an entire room for her streaming studio. She does like me enough to kiss me on the cheek every now and then. I don't know if I should feel lucky or not.
LIbra11/Libra_Labs has a ton more art like this.
You start out as a prototype, just about the only robot girl on the planet. But after a while, your creator deems you 'safe' enough to begin mass production.
Suddenly there are thousands of clones of you running around.
>robot girl
You mean ywnbar?
No. I'm sick of AGPs trying to backdoor their fetish into other threads.
I think it's more like, you're obsessed with trans people? I'm just trying to imagine the point of view of a robot.
Is that a good or bad thing?
Depends on whether or not you're an autogynephile.
>Anon is so obsessed with trannies he immediately thinks a funny hypothetical is troonshit
Maybe in the "haha what if yoshi was embarrassed by mario seeing him poop his smelly eggs haha" sense.
*wouldn't it be funny if yoshi was
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>she could stream from anywhere
>she could store herself anywhere
>she chooses your house
>she kisses you
SHE LIKES YOU, you dip. Implement a public key exchange with her right now.
She does have a key to the house. She doesn't like going out on her own. She can legally drive a car. We're seeing how much it'll cost to help mend her cracked frame so we can eventually build an interface she can use to drive a car. I went ahead and bought an air-pressure jet pack and fairy wings for her. It'll help her glide around the house.
>we can eventually build an interface
Doesn't your car have a standard CANBUS connector?
She wants to physically drive the car. So we're going to make a tiny seat on the dashboard with steering wheels and pedals.
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what if your robot gf can store beverages and dispense them via smooch
>keep telling people relationship with gf isn't serious
>last night she walked over to me, disabled all ethics and language safeguards and said "NIGGER" right in my face
Bros, that's etched in her e-fuse record now. Isn't this like a huge fucking step or something?

I don't think it isn't serious anymore. Is she expecting jewelry now that we're an item?
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Dude, she's either mentally 12 or got hacked by a 12 year old because only they would think saying a curse word is profound or funny.
Little robot assistant is in love with her gliding wings and air jets. She can glide to places with ease without needing to climb most of the time. Though we have to install a few take off points in the house. The cracks in her frame has been welded, mended, sanded, and polished. She's going to need a new paint job. She wants to go with darker skin with bright pink hair as a gyaru fairy. Which her ex-owner cannot stand gyarus because "he's a politically correct cuck" (her words, not mine). And she is open to having sex with me as a personal assistant. However I declined. I want her to choose me willingly and not have her do it out of obligation. She agrees. She still wants sex. Just have to pick a right time and place.
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nah, been there.

robo girls are like 12 years olds due to current speech prohibition.

according to some girl i had to fix last week at job, robo girls use world like "nigger" or "kike" to both show that they are rebellious but also attention.

shes clearly bothered, so i suggest to talk out your relationship with her before you tell it to other people
>Wake up to something pulling down underwear.
>It's the mini gyaru fairy robot.
"Ah! Good norning."
>She embraces dick.
"Apologies, this routine has been programmed into me."
"Should I stop?"
>Pat her on the head.
>She smiles.
"Thank you master."
"Oh, that just slipped."
>Rub her head so she can continue.
>Some robots just have routines and mannerisms hard coded in their behavior.
>So I have to make sure to accomodate those.

>Give her cloaca a rub.
"Oh, is it time?"
>Her pussy mechanism losens up.
"I have been looking forward to this."
"It looks like your penis is the optimal size to fit my body."
>She slips me inside her.
>Her belly morphs and twists calibrating itself to me.
>Then her insides snap tight.
"Now if you grab me please."
"Use me as how you see fit."
>Give her small melons a gentle rub.
>She lubricates from the sensation.
>Begin stroking with her body.
>Holy shit her insides pull and push at the right places.
>Fairy bot seems to be enjoying herself.
"The perfect- Mmm- Size."
"Where were you when I was packaged?"
>Damn can't cum just yet.
>Have to make sure she feels as good as-
>Came anyway.
>Her belly inflates.
"Hmm... I love being cream pied."
>She pulls herself off.
>My mess is stored in a condom that stays in her belly.
"It's understandable with you being a virgin."
>She gives my urethra a kiss.
"You'll make me feel it someday."
"I'm in love with your perfect size penis."
"So try not to masturbate without me okie dokie?"
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Speaking of robot "clones," I'm partial to the idea of celebrity androids getting cheaper copies of themselves marketed to their fans. What better merch is there for a robot idol or famous hero-bot than a limited-run production model of them you can buy and take home with you?
Yes, there's been some fuss over the morality of selling exact AI copies of these androids on the open market, but it's not technically illegal, so it's fine!
are there any good cozy / good-end manga with androids / robots?
Boku no Tsuma, if you can resist the urge to self-insert
Cyborg roomate has been looking at anime hentai a lot lately. She's not shy to show it to me. Her full prosthetic body doesn't have any sexual anatomy. She has breasts but no nipples and no vagina. So why would she look at hentai other than cosplay ideas? Her Frieren cosplay shoot made a lot of money last time.
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Good hacking.
Best part about having a (not) transformer gf is the fact you have a stable mode of transportation with no need to spend money on gas
What's your opinions on LED lines that are traced along a robot girl's body? I think fairybot would look sexy with LED lines like magic tatoos.
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I don't really have an opinion on them, but stuff like that looks fucking stupid on PCs and whatnot, so maybe not.
Maybe if they were more subtle when turned off so you don't see the wires, but then you get womb lights when she cums.
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Knockoff transformers are classy, high-performance girls, they only drink top-shelf unleaded.
>when she turns on backlights so you can see silouette of your dick drilling her insides
Nah my robo gf will only have incandescent lighting
Nixie tube eyes
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nixie tubes aren't incandescent you fucking ningen
>Notice fairy assistant is keeping tabs on my masturbation habits.
"I've noticed you have been masturbating less since I assisted you."
"Is something the matter?"
>"No, but it feels wrong to masturbate after having sex with the person you live with."
"I see..."
"I'm aware of this human behavior."
>She nervously laughs.
>"Yes I'm aware of our agreement."
>She stares blankly with no emotion.
>"I'm only being honest."
>She kisses my cheek.
"I know you are."
"The past is complicated."
>Clench fists.
>"The asshole who smashed you deserved death."
>Fairy rubs my cheek.
"She's put away for a very long time."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I like it here."
"Now try to sleep."
"And it's okay if you need to fap, do it."
"I'll even assist."
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Between Vivy and Synduality, that's twice a major antagonist has had a cute robot girl who loves him unconditionally fall into his lap and he passes her up out of schizo autism.
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Best Girl on the right and gormless monstrosity in the middle. With bonus pink on the left, for those sexual deviants who are turned on by humans.
I never knew I needed this...
There can be happy médium between shagging artificial wahmen and screwing literal engine block
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You've come to the wrong neighborhood if you consider gormlessness a negative, anon.
Pinkus is literally a human tho
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All of them look like humans. There is no point to a robot girl that's indistinguishable from a normal girl on the outside.
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>Is this your first time on /d/?
>Mine too.
>*violin chord*
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She looks very fragile.
>run current through wire
>it heats up to the point of glowing
Its an incandescent
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It does not heat up to any appreciable degree, and certainly not to the point of incandescence. What part of "cold cathode" do you not understand?
Incandescent lights are utterly artless, the "boil water to produce steam to turn a turbine" of light sources.
how about flickery old fluorescents
those are kino
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Which one is the cutest?
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Thank you, AI, for giving me this fetish.
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Wonderful robots.
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Ange. Ciel is beautiful, that's a different thing from cute. Honorable mention to Dolce, for going full Jessie so no one can tell she's a potato farmer.
Anyone else keeping up with Mechanical Buddy Universe?
I was, I don't know if it's still going.
This shit was so peak. OTP!
It's on some manga app now.
None of those characters are in >>11204028's picture, you fucking ningen.

Oh. That's lame, I'm not bothering with that.
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It's the Year of the Snake. That means ningens like snakes now. Bleh, hiss.
They're all robutts from the same show though.
>tfw no rule 34
Your loss.
That's irrelevant.

...dammit, you're right.
What app? Where? Is it still being TL'd?
Manga UP!, and it's ongoing.

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