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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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Hola! Happy Monday let's get tribbing. Post your woman love doing family too! Be patient takes awhile to post
Disc: MexiTribber
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hot girls, have more on disc?
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Anyone got a way to enhance the text in the image? Trying to see user name for research
no matter what anyone tries, itll be guessing at this point. text is altered a ton
Original if it helps
Sorry this is the original!
It says nickyt991

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Any Skilled enough wizards out their to pull these off?, Nudify if its possible, thanks in advance!
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hi, hope u like this...

Face swap wizards plz .. videos would be sick but pics are welcomed
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Ah okay i see mate. But yess, she is stunning. Latina through and through. I have nudes of hers that I'd be willing to share too. I'll shoot you an email if you're interested. Would also love to see more fakes done, if you're up for it and have the time
Not expecting more fakes right now ofc btw, just maybe in the future
im not scamming anyone. have a result. just dont post here as much. but all good.

>>19523918 if you want to add. your call. i know he posted results so is what it is lol
no worries, i'm usually always down to fake girls who are attractive to me. you're good.

>> 19512584

1. Body only / Faceless
2. High Definition Images
3. No nudify

Requests that do not fit rules gets ignored.
Help from anons to fulfil requests welcomed.

DC:amused.skyyy for advanced edits
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i know the pic looks like shit, blurry and stuff.. im still hoping for the best
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bloody amazing, thanks!

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But can any wizards please fake and caption Skye

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gotta love women with no limits
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Please make my beautiful mother in law get fucked hard

The smell of her tits is just intoxicating

Help anon get his wank on please
A seat in Paradise is reserved for you wizards

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nude her
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Can she be nude?

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Is anyone else addicted to the idea or making edits of their irl crushes getting BLACKED? Whether it's your friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, exes etc.

Me personally, my friend Gabriela moved to Hollywood to be an actress and I have an extreme urge and fantasy of seeing her cast in some nasty interracial porn.

Like some Blacked Raw, Dick Drainers, Black payback, Seehimfuck type shit. She would be so desperate to be famous she would be worshipping niggers on camera in degrading and humiliating ways to please some kike producers. Licking their assholes, licking their feet or boots and getting super rough face fucks getting big black balls clapped off her face and getting her face pissed all over type stuff.

She is from a very conservative Polish Catholic background so it's especially degrading for her to be with niggers.

Hit me up if youre interested in partaking in this fantasy or if you want to shop her, deep fake her, edit her, make BLACKED posters of her, use her however you want within the kind of parameters I gave. Really let her have it. If any one is really interested in her I can give more information about her too. Let's have fun with her

Or if youre interested in watching me jerk off live and showing off her personal pics and showing exactly how I would want to see her used by porn studios and black men hit me up

Kik lilmushroomtip

Disc willbango
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Make her a QOS slut
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Back for more, guess I only have it in me for one thread a month nowadays. Sorry if I didn't get to you on the last thread, you have priority if you re request here. Let's have some fun! As always, MILFs preferred, and no furries. Also no racist anti immigrant shit. Anyone got any spooky requests for October?
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Continuation of this story. Setareh age 26 in her sophomore year of university. Sold her womb for tuition and rent money. Loves getting dicked down by BBC. Got into a few orgies and gangbangs thought out the year. Went into labor after a escort appointment.
bumping this
Mila is on a cabin trip with her husband. Husban goes hunting and return acting strange and primal. He gives Mila the screw of her life, and as she's about to climax he starts turning into a vendigo. Mila manages to get free and into the woods, but the monster catches her to finish what it started.

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Making fakes of girls I think are cute.

The better your photo, the better the fake. See the inset of the sample photos.
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Dead thread -bump
wizz is a big phat phony!
Alphabet-boys got him. Can't make wins from prison
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Using Stable Diffusion and Photoshop

-No Spamming
-1 face in the image
-Close up face pics work best
-Glasses not preferred
-Try to post upright pics, faces at a angle/laying down do not turn out

-I might be a little slow, I'm watching football right now
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Oh she is beautiful
bump, pls wizz
Girl in the foreground, or both. Thanks.
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Please Wizards I am desperate. Side note-she has huge tits.
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You drop the money for gaming and the ai is the bonus part lol Cant imagine buying a beefy pc just for this. Not worth, but nice. Good luck on your ai journey regardless.
Bump for these? Or videos?

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