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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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hentai to realism thread

Post requests or fills! Solo is much easier to do than multiple characters.

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Chance for less cartoonsized eyes?
Great work.
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Tall big ass women

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Anyone have any other photos of this whore or know her social media account names? Please tell me she has a tiktok account shaking her tits.

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>You give me pic+name of videogame/anime character
>Tell me what do you want to see
> Could be straight or lgbtq
>I Generate and give you the result
> Both of us happy
Time may vary depending on complexity
I will do this until I get bored and Will put a notice if I'm done taking requests
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it turned into ntr here for some reason,hope you don't mind
I wrote it wrong, I meant bbc
Even so, thank you great wizard!!
Can we get pokeman Lilie presenting a hairy pussy
idk who that is send a pic

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Sauce pls
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Do you still remember the name of this hentai manga or no

Holy shit I'm stupid. It's a really unfortunately placed sound effect bubble. Even zooming back out, it still looks like a bizarrely long uncircumcised cock. Jesus Christ.
here's a better upscale

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wanna see your family/irls/gf with a black cock?
discord landonorrisfan
Please do it to my wife
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could you please do it with this milf, thank you in advance
Please and thank you
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Please, and thank you heaps in advance!

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Can someone xray my friends tits. No bra on, thanks!
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Pussy please.

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Deepfake, fake her, nudify, cumshot, any panty fake, any edit
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Perfect! Thanks bro
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Any fake on this one?

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Anyone know whose fine ass this is or got more of her?
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Im taking trib request!
Kik : potatobrainn
Disc : roughrhino

You can also post request here!
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Request pictures of meaty asshole lips like this

Can someone fill in the white hazing around the line work with the appropriate colours? I've tried to shop it myself but can't seem to figure out how to use the multiply tool with screwing up the colours that are already present.
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you shouldn't use multiply. instead get 1 layer and set it to darken, then paint over all of the spots where you want to fix it and once you're done duplicate the layer and set it to color to fill in the greyish spots.

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can someone help finding the origin of pic? no image searches helped

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Upscale and lingerie/underwear edit please
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
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Sure, that would be awesome!

Could you do another lingerie/underwear for this pic for the girl on the left? Been trying the kissing Ai too. Unfortunately not working well for me on ComfyUI
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Or this pic, whichever one works best. Thanks wiz and appreciate the work!
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Ty anon! These are great!

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