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Fucking end this humiliation ritual please I won't be able to show my flag here anymore
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aya nakamura (the black rapper with big tits) butchered an Aznavour song and Celine Dion sang a Piaf song
>No Françoise Hardy
>No Joe Dassin
>No Michel Berger
>No Sardou

So. Many. Missed. Oppurtunities.
>2008 kino opening
>2012 kino opening
>nothing but shit since
Japan was awful for the lack of ambition (I cannot believe they didn't make a Gundam to carry the torch or have a guy on the Akira bike carry the torch, easiest basedface moments ever) but France just wasted everyone's time with this OTT bullshit
Dutch East Indies
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I just watched this
What the actual fuck????
is she french or american?
she ate the last supper ALL OF IT AHAHAHAHAH
Youre an idiot

prev: >>142981578
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>they're celebrating a lead early again
that worked out well in June, right?
if McNeil hits a grand slam I am going to shit in my pants and sit in it for the rest of the weekend
Stop bullying Thorpe
Mariners gape ya azz
Mariners clap ya cheekz
If Vientos hits a grand slam I will post cock

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literally me
Anon, Ubisoft is French
woah how did they do the flying stars??
holy based
hehe cute

I did not watch this shitshow. Can someone give me a qdr of what was so bad?
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>1:04 long version
I think that's the original version from the "Lucky Boy" album. The one used in the music video and the ceremony is the edit by Thomas Bangalter, of Daft Punk fame.
Daft Punk split. They were still here in part, and many artists from the same label were featured.
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>Daft Punk split.
I didn't expect a live performance, but I guessed they'd have some of their own named tracks feature
Is this like the French last supper or something?
>starts with Zizou
>shit goes full Assassin's Creed
>parade of nations over boats and at the beginning of everything
>Lady Gaga doing some cabaret recorded shit
>faggotry everywhere
>everything is pink
>more boats
>polyamorous shit
>somebody steals Monalisa
>Fall of the Bastille feat. Gojira and Opera (kino moment desu)
>French anthem in the middle
>Aya Nakamura and later some bald rapper
>more boats

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Why cant they win the rugby world cup
Why can't you?
Southerners cut northerners from receiving funding and taking part of the championships because we are "too far away"
Aren't you like a 1000 times richer than those poor fucks? Even Chili and Uruguay are playing Rugby at an okay level now.

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First Pitch @ 7:10pm CST
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attaboy nico
same, he’s the biggest cubs homer in media (at least off the top of my head)
I absolutely love him, every cubs player is a hall of famer in his eyes. He used to be on the radio a lot more frequently and he’s a massive Hendricks fan, I hope Kyle has a good game tonight
I’m interested to see if the cubs trade anyone beyond Leiter/Nerris/Smyly.
Tauchman feels likely, Belli and James less so
redpill me on tauchman
Very good eye at the plate, hard to strike out. Reliable batter for walks if not base hits.
Then he got injured, and hasn't bounced back quite yet.

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Press S to spit or K to kneel
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it's hard to even fathom this level of pozzification

WHY DID YOU DO IT FRANCE WHY?? Just wanted to watch sports :(
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S to spit on the gay parade, but K to kneel to Black QUEENS Nakamura is hot and I won't be ashamed of saying it
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>Sodom and Gomorrah trending because of the Paris Olympics
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Mexico too
what about gojira?
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I bet the sense that mexicans are very redpilled
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you asked for this
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> child sacrifices and gay sex
Flip those around and you’ve got my vote!
See how much Paris aroused this guys emotions?
>Heh. Any publicity is good publici-ACK!
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I asked to have sex with Gagas big nose
works for anything but the olympics

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they did not do cool stuff in Tokyo, because of muh masks, and empty venues, and stuff
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>Being an albino it's not normal. It's not normal to be infertile. It's not normal to be born without a sense of smell
Those things aren't a choice anon: but it is a choice to choose to partake in homosexual behaviour, and you shouldn't. Just like it isn't "normal" to be an alcpholic, but one is born that way, so they have to pledge abstinence to drink their whole life. It's the same with homosexuals: the Christian view is that if you are gay you must pledge abstinence your whole life, in the same way an alcoholic pledges abstinence. And the same way you conquor any vince: gambling, straight sex addiction, drug addiction, etc. It's a vice: a perversion of something healthy and normal, and they only way to defeat it is discipline, fortitude, and self-control.

Tchykovsky and his brother were gay, amd in his letter to his brother, he called homosexuality a disease, and that the only cure was abstinence, which he commited to, and believed it allowed him to compose gloripus music that all generations have admired. Maybe one day, you'll harness the same power.
Imagine if countries still had their own unique ethnicities and style of dress, so we could actually enjoy the parade of different peoples from around the world.
Instead of the French delegation just be black people in western-style suits, and then the British delegation being black people in western-style suits, and then the American delegation being black people in western-style suits.
I do feel bad for the nips, they got a rough deal. despite the covid they were able to do a decent opening ceremony, I'm quite certain that had covid not been so they would have pulled off something far better then 2008 and 2012.

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>them tan lines
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Latinx women belong to big anglo cock
Yjk am englishman is taking this picture

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For those that haven't seen it yet. Where my Johnny-come-lately Ameribros at?
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>he thinks thats bad
Just you wait till the boats are over my guy
they were busy giving fellating interviews to some of the burger athletes the whole time it was happening
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That dinky little Cambodian boat
I wish the Argentinians sang
Escuchen, corran la bola
Juegan por Francia pero son todos de Angola
Que lindo es van a correr
Son come travas como el puto de Mbappé
Su vieja es nigeriana
Su viejo camerunés
Pero en el documento
Nacionalidad francés

It's a heartwarming anti colonial song
Just woke up and watching the replay
>>They decided to parade the teams outdoor in pissing rain
>>On boats for some reason
>>Some teams have to share a boat, while some teams get a pathetic little dinghy with a motor (see Congo)
>>All they could do was wave and smile at the camera - wearing their disposable raincoats
WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS DUMB IDEA!? The athletes seem to be in good spirits, but god damn is the sight miserable

>Old white man passes the torch to a black couple
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>tf, tp
Anyone that makes brown people citizens of their country is retarded. The more they do it the more retarded they are. It’s literally asking for your own destruction, and to turn your home into a shithole. And yes that includes my country. Doesn’t make France any less stupid
Denmark is not that bad
France isn't a white country0

What went wrong?
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Same thing with England and New England (New York and Washington DC specifically)

Full of sandniggers.
It went wrong? It was crazy, I sure didn't fall asleep like last time in Tokyo
I wouldnt have heard about it if not for 4chan
Gaulic ethnic history is like reverse eugenics, where the weakest tribes getting pushed out of Germany, Scandinavia etc ended up there.
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>david irving

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Baldal edition




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Man I'm so happy
love that conchita is so close with mirra, judging from what the vlog it's quite rare for coaches to be this friendly with players
>wake up
>see walkover
>but not for mirra

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