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you asked for this
i don't even think fat, gay or black people asked for his
I wish you guys could see the face my dementia ridden grandma was making while watching this, it was like she had died and was baffled to be in hell
My wife turned it off about 20 minutes in saying to much faggot shit. I love my latina wife.
keeping america white eh
My dad did the same, lmao
He did not believe me when I redpilled him about the West some years ago, now he does
This whole bit reminded me of Gaspar Noe's Climax (which is secretly based)
I asked for them to hang themselves actually
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I kinda would the 2nd to the left and the right.
I know they're men, that makes it lewder.

What's the deal with the whale in the middle and the Klingon though?
Why wasn't islam laughed at, only christianity?
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Because Islam is based and death to Europe.
I’m actually glad this is being shown to the entire world.

You voted for this shit. Expect more.
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I really didn't and I wish the gay would go away. I want go go back to 1994.
>get everyone taking about it
>Profit $$$
Your options at this point are vote for the most far-right christian nationalist candidate your country has to offer, or expect literal child sacrifices and gay sex in public at the next Olympics.
are you just now getting it?
> child sacrifices and gay sex
Flip those around and you’ve got my vote!
See how much Paris aroused this guys emotions?
>Heh. Any publicity is good publici-ACK!
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I asked to have sex with Gagas big nose
works for anything but the olympics
Celine or Gaga, who has the sexier big nose?
Was she there too?
What is with no french people playing at this ceremony?
At least you had people from the UK in London 2012.
French people don’t exist. They’re all Arabs now.
You know they’re running low on French talent when the only French artist they could get is some literal who death metal band to play a cover song.
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Last time your neighbours made fun of islam, they ended up getting killed on the streets.
>some literal who death metal band

Gojira is massive. Even people who are not into metal have heard about them.
Because Muslims kill people who mock their religion. While Christians don't exist.
Metallica would have been a better choice, but metal doesn’t belong at the Olympics at all.

Metal is largely negative and misanthropic, against the human spirit, blasphemous, etc and it’s also fundamentally low brow whereas the Olympics are meant to be higher than high brow, they’re meant to be elite and sacred.

I’m saying this as a metal fan. It’s not the time or place. Metal belongs in dingy clubs.
Leftists want this, they've been gloating about it since it happened.
>but metal doesn’t belong at the Olympics at all.
I disagree, it summarises the dystopia of globohomo perfectly.

It's the only actual human element at these things it seems nowadays.
kek stop torturing your nany with globohomo-slop man, walk with her in the park.
Even my lib brother agreed that it was too much
>metal outlives all other forms of music
As a lifelong metal fan, that kinda rules but it still doesn’t belong.
Eh, you could argue the femboys are our fault nowadays.
But I don't think any of us cared much for the whale and the Klingon from Timbuktu.
lefties worship brown people and they're easily deterred by violence. Christians do not respond to mockery and extreme blasphemy with violence, unlike muslims.
you mean the women and faggots
Metallica isn’t French dumbass
Why are libshits like this?
So is there no hip hop or even drum and bass (which it overlaps with in the UK) in France?
Bit odd.

I don't remember there being Trip Hop in 2012 either. Trip Hop is literally British and many people prefer it over Hip Hop. Trap wasn't really a thing in 2012.
Neither is Lady Gaga, but she was allowed to perform.

Don’t have metal at the Olympics at all, but if you’re going to do it, at least pick the most popular metal band on the planet.
It's not just liberals it's most normies now
I love satan so much
White people deserve to be genocided at this point.
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>somebody is plapping this slampig in the olympic village
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Is the goal of these things.
Reminder that corporations call the shots for these things (ESG) while not paying any of the tax that funds it.

Hey remember the French revolution, France?
I think it's time again.
Nobody is plapping that when there are actual fit promiscuous women that are plentifully available. Also does she look like an athlete to you?
Someone check up on the Jamaican athletic team
I wouldn't be plapping anything in France nowadays. You'd probably catch HIV at this rate.
>Metal is largely negative and misanthropic, against the human spirit, blasphemous, etc and it’s also fundamentally low brow
That's why it fit perfectly with this opening
Considering they showcased an interracial ménage à trois as a quintessential part of french culture I think you`re right.
She could be a white Latina let’s not be negative for no reason
Why does every drag performer ever have the same shitty prosthetic look?
There's something really dark about him making the woman fat. I wonder if homosexuals secretly resent the physical allure of women.
And reminder that the pharma financial racket that made HIV didn't pay the tax that paid for this ceremony while causing these pandemics and enforcing their guidelines for public events for the sake of, ironically, health and safety.

Viva la France. Land of hell.
ngl lads i think it was way too much
Imagine paying that much money for such a boring bloated tourist ad that is likely not going to be inviting for tourists.
Well done France. You sure love burning money.

Sure the trans shit is garbage, but the money situation is the real thing people care about. And the people are being heisted for this shit.
Yours was even more of a shitfest from memory and it was costly.
Beijing was the last time an Olympics was a positive influence.

I'm tired of seeing Olympians being the victims of administrators and other fuckers ruining their spotlight and making the Olympics not about sports.
The same problem as 2000, and 2000 was a very conservative ceremony.
It's the money that's the problem. Even China had problems with 2008.
Every olympics in my lifetime have been like this. Exploited for very shitty marketing.
They've had decades to learn from past mistakes and it just gets worse and worse.

I remember people getting so disgusted by the cost of the Olympics and how it was utilised as a post card here. And that was considered a very good olympics.
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i don't remember trannies mocking religions customs during Rio. I remember Gisele thought
The French Revolution is why we're in this situation. That was the beginning of the end of western civilization.
Poor Narsil, I bet if it could become sentient and animate/swing itself around, It'd happily kill all those abominations.
It was more the mismanagement and ridiculous funding issues I was referring too.
The content of these things is irrelevant.

We know from things like the Panama papers that none of the people in upper admin in corporations, the ones calling the shots for these things, are paying tax or are funding these things.
That's the real controversy.
No it was just the initiator of an empire.
These things regularly need to happen because state regularly need to get destroyed for the freedom of it's participants.
The revolutionaries were commies.
Read a book nigger
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i was watching this shit while working and my whole office and colleagues were saying "mira la cantidad de putos y negros en paris" jajaja so the french is not only niggers and muslims galore but faggots too? , that old nazi pic showing future france full of niggers etc was totally wrong ,their future is waaaaaaaaay worse
We just laughed the whole time
I didn't. In fact i specifically voted against it.
My point was: Terrorism works
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electionniggers like you are the worst wave of cancer this website has seen
you are larping as a white conservative facebook boomer
This is not marketing 101. This is globalist propaganda. It's about the demoralization of the population and the destabilization of the nation. It is a aggressive advertisement of the new world order. These people will not stop until everything you care about is perverted and stolen.

Do you understand? This is not a joke.
I started posting here in 2006.
i only got chlamydia raw dogging a whore in paris
man up lil nigga
that's embarrassing and hard to believe
you post like just like a /pol/tranny :)
I have. What happened after the revolution? The (((Enlightenment))).
I don't know what to tell you. I started posting here my senior year of high school in 2006. This website is like 90% bots and pajeets now. It's been a steep decline, kind of like the French Revolution.
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>electionniggers like you are the worst wave of cancer this website has seen
>you are larping as a white conservative facebook boomer
you would still be a shit shoveling farmer without the french revolution
the united states would not exist without revolutionary france you mongoloid retard niggers
I would've loved it if it was just haphazardly put together, but the obvious total fag propaganda fucked it up, and the showrunner forced Eurosong tier trash everywhere.
The French and Germoid did but got sabotaged by the globalist alliance anyway
What happened after was Napoleon faggot. Imagine defending an inbred Bourbon retard just because some faggots in a coffee house pretended to invent philosophy.
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>internet conservatives prove yet again they are OBSESSED with trannys and will continue to get easily and intentionally provoked by anything tranny related
If you could resurrect the French revolutionaries today, they would side with BLM, Antifa, PETA, and all the climate change and refugees welcome groups that chuds hate. They fought for the oppressed and left wing progress back then, it’s only rational that they would continue doing so now. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you should just be honest about which side you stand on rather than engaging in doublethink.
No they wouldn't retard.
>BLM, Antifa, PETA
you have no original thoughts
They absolutely would.
Why would left-wing progressives that supported liberalism, egalitarianism, and social justice suddenly betray the people that believe the same exact things they do and side with their exact opposite; traditionalist, right-wing conservatives instead?
The French revolution was first and foremost a revolution against an incompetent ruler and his bureaucracy that bankrupted their country. Not whatever your reductionist headcannon is. Show an average French revolutionary an axe wound doctorand they would ask you where is the nearest guillotine was.
you do realize we get the term left wing and right wing from the french revoloution? there was no concept of "left wing progress" only figuring out how to go from absolutism and feudalism to a republican system with the enfranchisement of the serf.
Because they don't make liberals like they used to. Your trad caths were retards who couldn't handle the power absolutism gave them.
This is absolute bullshit, the French revolutionaries tried to abolish religion, the family unit, and tradition in general, even going after the calendar. They were EXPLICITLY progressives and represent everything a conservative would hate. I’m not political, I don’t care if you’re conservative or progressive. But it is absolutely stupid and hypocritical to talk about how much you hate social leftism and progress in one breath, and then immediately praise some of the most famous left wing radicals in history in the next.
I’m just using them as stereotypical examples, cool your jets moron
Like 1 decade ago or so I remember articles about the "obese epidemic" and how to avoid abusing certain foods while having a healthy diet.
Lies. The french revolutionaries were the biggest degenerates on earth. Every single one of our social problems now stem from them.
It's because you see the French Revolution in the way Marxists rewrote it. There were plenty of groups that fought against exactly what you're talking about. Thomas Paine was one of them unless you think he'd be for trannies and faggots.
>I’m not political
yeah its pretty obvious you aren't well read anon
It was a religion made to be hierarchical and to exercise mass control. So:
>turn to them the other cheek
Unless the authority, these days not even that, your only option is to tolerate others because this makes you the "better person".
>they don’t make liberals like they used to
This is like saying that the KKK of the 1920s would support equal rights for black people if you teleported them to today because they “don’t make conservatives like they used to”. Why are you so desperate to pretend to be conservative? Just own what you are
madam cheesus and the gaypostels.
>I love liberty equality fraternity
Ok here’s an example of that equality >>143022207
What you claim to support and what you hate are directly opposed to each other. Be honest with yourself, you don’t need to read a single book to do that
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>channel 9 here
>news report literally hides all the shit we've been posting about here

I don't know what it is about Olympics, but they act like mature adults only when the Olympics happen.
I don't get it.
Every other moment it's clickbait.
I don't know if other countries respect their olympians this much, but it's like an obsession here.

Other sporting competitions don't get this treatment.
> want to watch a celebration of french people and culture
> forced to watch blacks and browns

is nothing sacred
we literally get the term right wing because of thinkers that were spawned during and because of the french revolution
It's possible to not want a retarded king to run your country and also not want what Marxists rewrote it to be. If all the revolutionaries were what you want them to be there would be no reign of terror.
White people deserve genocide.
That's not what turn the other cheek means, dummy. In Roman culture, soldiers considered Jews below them; they weren't worthy of a right handed, open palmed slap. The soldiers would would back hand them with their right hand and strike their right cheek as a signal of their inferiority. To then turn your other cheek and show them your left cheek was a non-violent protest. Rather than hit them back and get yourself killed, or run away like a meek coward, showing the other cheek was a way to make them either stop abusing you, or to acknowledge that you're not beneath them.

Jesus was teaching us to fight smart, not to be doormats.
Did you see 9news. They whitewashed a blackwash (the irony right?). kek
They never do that shit normally. wtf?
t. Alberto Barbosa
because France is an islamic shithole
>I hate woke crap and I love conservatism
>uhhh not those conservatives! That’s different!!
>mira la cantidad de putos y negros en paris
Based kek, wish Mexicans in the capital weren't as pozzed as the west, bunch of larping first world faggots
The conservatives that bankrupted France because they were shit at running country? Yeah.
I didn't
There is something ironic about a former Portuguese slave colony mocking Portugal as africanised.
>The conservatives that bankrupted France because they were shit at running country?
as opposed to the liberals who bankrupted france now while also exterminating the French population?
I'm from LA and it's bad here mexibro. People have forgotten conservative values in big first world cities.
> The Paris Commune was a French revolutionary government that seized power in Paris from 18 March to 28 May 1871

> The Commune governed Paris for two months, establishing policies that tended toward a progressive, anti-religious system of their own self-styled socialism

> Debates over the policies and outcome of the Commune had significant influence on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who described it as the first example of the dictatorship of the proletariat

wtf i hate paris now
i liked it ngl
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Yeah it was so gay and apathetic that a jew complained about it and made communism, which later influenced Hitler (despite what they were telling people). Both German btw.
Late 1800s france was that fucking gay that Germans made fascism AND communism as a reaction.
While reinforcing the UK Monarchy and restrictions on rebellion there.
That's how gay France is.
So gay they want to be denied their own heritage and let themselves be fucked by other nations and races, be it German, Arabic or African.

A country of masochists.
Liberal here. I think it's good to be inclusive of everyone. I was happy with the opening ceremony.
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Even my parents turned it off and asked what the fuck this is despite being the biggest normies i know. I don't think i've ever seen them complain about anything woke before. They really went too far this time.
The thing about France is that their elite inevitably reestablish a slave-master relationship with psychological torture every time. They've been doing this since at least the hundred years war to the point where England capitalised largely on it.
Then later Germany.
And nowadays Islam.

Their elite are just obsessed with domination at all costs over their own to the negligence of their own position in grand strategy.
Only Napoleon came close to inverting this. He kept the elite in line as former servants became the new order.

Britain and Germany had problems, instead, with the church fucking with both elites and peasants. I think most other places have had this problem.
France is a weird one.
Ok so you’re on the same side as people like >>143027489 and >>143022207. See there we go don’t you feel better when you’re honest with yourself?
It's excluding literally everyone that's not part of the gay satanic cult
It's so bad my state clearly had to whitewash it to prevent it shocking our own state as a negative reaction to values in that ceremony. On channels that normally spread these agendas btw.

How did they even do this?
Thanks France you fixed our media. How in the name of fuck?

I am shocked by the incident where South Korean athletes were introduced as North Korean athletes at the Olympics. Where is the fucking respect in this?
people who do not stand up for themsevles deserve to be killed. Hitler was right when he said the world is eternal struggle. No point in crying about it
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Just call them both Korea. Fuck me it's that simple.
Although I prefer the term Best Korea for North Korea.
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>people who do not stand up for themsevles deserve to be killed.
I disagree, do chickens really deserve to be turned into nuggets when they have no hope of breaking free?
I say, no, it's not very good protein 2bh. It might encourage poor eating habits.
That's a fitting idea for a country whose ancestors were criminals.
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>non-powermetal listener
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I prefer the term pirate nation.
Because Jesus Christ is real
There is no point in mocking false made up "gods"
interesting, never heard of that. where do i learn more about that? it seems like a lot of bible stuff was lost in translation
As someone with an epileptic friend, I'm unironically mad. They said stupid shit like "stand for the anthem *if you are able*" to pretend to be inclusive.
Then they turn around and make an epileptics nightmare , having a light show that would cause an actual medical episode.
They even had written warnings on some streams about the flashing lights.

You would think, the one and only disability that they could negatively affect with the broadcast, maybe they would try to accommodate them.
All talk
Go to the church, a good one. Usually Priests explain this kind of stuff.

Virgin of ""virgin mary" is another wrong term lost in translation.
Stop your piracy and return the country to the rabbits and emus.
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But the thing is, we've all nearly had some form of right winged extremist reaction nowadays, while France has not.
So I'm thinking that's why our news went ultra conservative here.

Most sensible thing they've done here in like 20 years. This could cause Atlanta terror attacks by people that think normalfags caused this, (when really it was elites). You know, your Tarrants.
Then again, our olympic mascot was a super saiyan echidna and I don't remember the media complaining about it at all. It's actually kinda funny.
Be wary from whom you take counsel

Matthew 5:39 is the actual scripture pertaining to turning the other cheek.
You need to read the Bible yourself, not find grifting priests who make their own context and wild interpretations of scripture
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What's even funnier is that the abos got no abo coloured mascot at all and the most abo coloured animal of the bunch got the aryan treatment.
Seriously I'm baffled by this.
how the fuck is epilepsy even real hahaha like just close your eyes nigga hahaha just turn around nigga hahaha
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How do you think ancient greeks would react to this?
Do you think they'd be proud that something they created still exists after thousands of years?
Or would they hate what it had become?
I didn’t
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and there's always a poor fucking kid roped into their degeneracy, man
Based, you got trad wife. You're so lucky
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Did the dude in the left really put his balls like that?
Don't think the cardboard beds were made for this tonnage
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Good morning spee :^)
kek you just knew
every single time
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It keeps happening
kek imagine they mocked Islam, paris would burn for a month straight
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No i didn't
Not into metal and have never heard of them, leave your bubble tomorrow and talk to normal people.
Because they know their real enemy and identify it.
They couldnt care less about islam, its an actually an ally in overcoming Christianity. Also, there would be terror attacks the next day and they dont want to die, as they go to satan.

>shove degeneracy on a sports event
>how dare you react!
did I ask for the complete humiliation of the Republic of France on a global stage?
I don't remember but maybe I did
based 56%

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