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/lgbt/ AGP culture is dead, it's 99% hsts youngshits now, every homescreen thread is full of proprietary software just like real foids have. Every other anon seems to be a nonwhite 3rd worlder or a twitter tourist now. This place has really changed
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What the fuck is the point of transitioning just to stay home in front of a computer screen writing code all day where no one will see you? If you ask me AGPs sound like the retards not HSTSs.
>AGPs create culture
>HSTS steal it
Like the Romans and the Germanics, the Han Chinese and the Mongols, a tale as old as time...
>chronically online young people today should LARP as chronically online young people from fifteen years ago
Times have changed bih, if oldfags wanted it to stay the same they shouldn't have gotten old and left
i used to be agp and im slowly converting to hsts :(
They're still here just not on this board

How do you get to come through anal only?
I've been trying for few months, with nothing happening.
I feel frustrated.
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I wanna do this and then hold a little bottle under them while they cum then tease/praise them for how good they did
that's not that far

when i was in uni i met this white guy who was a bit fruity. it took some time but he warmed up to me. i would fuck his pretty ass every single weekend.

at first it was just semi gay stuff like him sucking my cock or grinding against my cock. over time i made him do more and more fag stuff. id make him wear panties instead of boxers. id make him shave his ass, legs and arms to look prettier for me. he had a stubble when i met him but after a few months he'd always be clean shaven and smooth. i even got him to buy buttplugs that he'd wear so when we could meet, i would fuck him. i trained him to only cum from me fucking his sweet white ass. he wasnt the prettiest dude looking back but god, i wish i had a boy to train and mold into the perfect feminized slut.
Fuck I want you to do this so bad to me.
I wish I wasn't as lazy with shaving lmao.
I’d tell you how good you are while you’re shuddering and cumming for me. I’d love to massage your prostate till you’re face down and drooling all over yourself. I’d love to see how much you can take for me till your slutty little head is empty
Holy shit that sounds hot as fuck but let me tell you it takes a lot for me to cum from my butt.

Prev >>37963399
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a non-traditional family with 3 grown adult boyslaves
very recent yeah
its ok
not my first breakup and i doubt it'll be my last
You misunderstand.

ok. hope you find a fister soon. it's supposed to be better with a partner. and drugs
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did gaygen ever have cute posters like this?

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Qott: What's the best sandwich?
Qott2: Could you beat cap'n crunch in a fistfight?

Last >>37964074
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These stake sandwiches I made a bit ago
Sensitive prostate kind souled trans gf
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same, salmon in all forms is so good
my fav is probably gravlax
steak* holy shit I'm braindead
Damn that is amazing. I need to see if mine is still around

Digging long tunnels underground edition

QOTT: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
QOTT2: Did you already switch for the winter (or the summer) shoes?

SOTT: https://youtu.be/_5ioIlVTY44

HRT Information: https://diyhrt.wiki/transmasc
HRT Roadmap: https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-testosterone-hormone-therapy
Style Help: https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/index.htm
Fitness Help: https://ftmguide.rassaku.net/guide/fitness1.htm
Hair Loss Help: https://rhrli.com/blog/trans-men-hrt-hair-loss/

Previous: >>37928326
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I'm really happy for you man. Do things you love like play some video games, have a good snack, chill with a fav movie or show. Get your rest and recovery area prepped and ready. Things are gonna get so much better
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Anon, stop talking about Atwood because I wanna read her and I don't wanna have your schizotheories ruining the kino of what that book might be.
>Poirot is absolutely the kind of man that a theyFAB sees as gender goals
A fat belgian man with a faggy moustache? I would disagree on the "fat". Theyfabs seem more into the lean type of fagginess.
>cis women don't really hate anything other than having periods
Kek, no.
Bitches hate their weight too.
And a shit ton of other small things like the nose, the chin and the skin...
They hate what those beauty magazines tell them to improve.
I agree with the fact that pooners hate their bodies, hence the phenomenal body horror they produce, but they got a goal to fucking destroy it. The normie woman doesn't want that, they wanna constantly improove or something.
Eh not necessarily true, I had a laundry list of shit I would've given in the past but I've grown to not give a fuck about my body in those ways. It's a shell it functions enough to sustain life and I don't feel much otherwise. I keep myself clean and whatnot it's not like a depression thing, just like... I stopped giving a fuck about that side of things.

Also what this anon said >>37967628 is accurate.

I'm confused why you're telling me the legal name change thing because I never implied it or mentioned it.

I just said it was convenient for women to use male pennames in the past because no one wanted to read shit by women and they usually still don't. It's a common practice is all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You were talking about women authors as a group, I was too, so I'm unsure what a single example was meant to illustrate anyway.
What are you guys doing here when you could be in other Lgbt spaces, either in person or online?

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Last Thread: >>37960462

QOTT: How fast can you run?

SOTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX7zPlQjAr8

POTT: https://strawpoll.com/jVyG21bX1Z7

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

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ya sure thing bud
thats prob the skin of a female bear i bet
and the girlbear was prob very very gay
I wanna get better ones but that takes grinding and I have too many games that require my attention
That game is pure grind and nothing else though. Everything is meant to take ages to get
eh true, I just wanna relax and catch fish rn desu
let's be real it's fake fur

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hsts bottoms should be put in diaps by agp transbian tops
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unironically yeah lol, im hsts (fem2fem gay)
That's how you get pepper sprayed
if the hsts is a pickme then yes
if the hsts has a true womanly soul then she will gladly get diapered
If by pepper spraying a diaper transbian I get called a pick me that's a good deal

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previous: >>37876098

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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youre exactly my type i bet, sadly im not in europe lol
could you describe yourself a bit first please
pharma, chemicals, jeff rosenstock, duster and source games rock.
ASL: 29 MtF (just started hrt tho RIP) TN 423 Area Code
Letters: B and T
About and Interests:I have over 1000 confirmed chinese cartoons watched. Im an epic gamer who beat all the heckin Dark Souls. Also like /mu/sic though b4 the board became meme rap obsessed. I like /lit/erature and good movies like Eraserhead and A Clockwork Orange. I have a job and car.
Looking For: friends in the area or romance
Not Looking For: immediate hookups or old ugly bastards sending dick pics. If your cute and under 35 maybe.
I will accept your request and try talking but I am pretty solitary so i might seem quiet.
how do I get the courage to accept a request

i'm a slut but too many trans girls are not inspecting a man's penis before sex.
>we have to account for how slutty you guys are
>please look up and get acquainted to what STDS look like
>we do not suck a penis until it is thoroughly inspected.
>we can turn down a cock because there is something wrong with his penis
>we have boundaries they have to respect
>they are always more men; they are like buses
>Annonte shall not let a man pressure you into sex; when you detected something wrong with his penis.
I have ppp and refuse to have sex since it looks like an std. It's not but I don't wanna explain it or think about it.
i just make them put condoms on to protect my pussy
A lot of men have that. They get over it. Chill.

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Be kind to one another!

The following is NOT welcome in this general:
>trans discussion not relevant to the lesbian experience
>personal & discord drama
>trolling & hostility
>bad-faith posting, including your desire for cis4cis relationships

>QOTT: do you like mafia media like sopranos or penguin

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.

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i love being identified by the people i edated, i hope they know its me :)
>there is reason to live still for you luz
spiritually i'm already a 30 year old loser. there's nothing out there for me. there's no hope for me. even those on the fringes of society look down on me.
i look like this and age like this
is not having friends common? I still talk like almost daily to people I went to high school with and play games with them if not daily then semi-daily. Were all in the same city and meetup occasionally, I don't think I have super close friends but I have people to talk to and its chill
I thought this was the norm for zoomer outcasts
Depends, really. I changes schools regularly due to an unstable life and even then I don't live in the same city or even same state that I graduated HS in. My work and familial obligations + errands/chores eat all but about 1 hour of my life every single day so there's not really time to *make* new friends.

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Brown transgirls are made for BIG WHITE COCK
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Slowly giving a brown girl a bleaching fetish
wait like literal skin bleaching or like BLEACHED
I’m pretty sure he means BLEACHED
Raceplay fetish
I've posted this before, but as a racist right /pol/chud I have only had sex with/flirted with brown trannies and one Asian tranny prostitute.

I just like big asses. The Asian has no ass, but God damn are they feminine and cute.

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I am 30 AGP without a degree so I should give up and take hormones, whack off and play vidya all day, while dealing with the disgust from my parenst.
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I can still jerk off to my semi feminine appearance and buy girls clothes
is that what you want your life to be?
i too am a depressed 30+ neet agp who cds although i don't whack off and play video games
try to find a beta provider and if it doesnt work kill yourself
t. my life plan
If you're seriously giving credence to that idea then the feelings are only going to get worse as you get older and you will NOT become functional until you deal with them.

My advice is develop a transition timeline and then full send.

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FUCK discord edition
QOTT: what's the first word you see?
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i wouldn't be surprised if i had a massive stroke during one of my meth-binges and half of my brain is already dead. because that's literally what i feel like rn. like something inside me died around like 2020-2022
damn, that's rough. sorry to hear that
wait, nvm. i hadn't done meth yet at that time. or even HRT for that matter... fuck, it's like. COVID-19 killed my brain. must've been the fucking vaxx, man. or i guess just the lack of social contact and overexposure to internet and (non-meth) drugs like LSD, shrooms, DMT, alcohol, and weed
maybe it's chronic cannabis-induced brain-dysfunction?
Yo wtf did I nap through..
I've tried heatless curls and they are beautiful af but they last like an hour for me. I didn't use any spray or cream though so I'll give that a try. I also sleep with a silk bonnet every night for like a year now. It's game changing, def get one for yourself.
i don t feel much anymore, i don t even know if i have a brain, sometimes i feel barely anything and i feel like i am floating in a way and my head is almost completely empty
i'm so cooked rn

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what do you think goes through the minds of the cis people who work in trans healthcare and see dozens of hons every day? i went for one last touch-up at the laser place yesterday because i'm about to move abroad, as soon as i walked in i noticed the zoomer foid receptionist looked to be in worse form than usual, then i walked into the waiting room and immediately understood why. there were three other people and all of them were john 50s with booming manvoices. their clientele is mostly trannies and most times i've been there it's been an actual brickhouse. i've seen the hons give the staff a hard time before (chimping out over minor disagreements), yet the staff are always polite and gender even the greasiest of gigahons female. i feel like if you work at this long term it must eventually make you transphobic. any stories?
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stress has visible negative effects on the body that can cause complications for years to lifetimes on end. i dont think the dysphoric process of a wrong puberty is exactly "wrong body but physically healthy". Besides disistence rates for HRT minors is so low that I care far more about the 98%+ trans kids that go through the right puberty vs the few cis kids that will quickly realize their mistake and get off it.
>just look at [psyop reddit]

ok jan
>believing that detrans on REDDIT are psyops
What a cope and siege mentality... This is actually sad.
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>go to doctor
>'mr x please come in'
>sees me walk up
>'um ms x?'
>'nah mr x is right', i say in the most manly voice i can muster
>they instantly refuse to treat me like a human being
>So how did they diagnose this boy with GD when he behaves like a normal boy?
I know nothing about the specifics of this random (most likely fictional) boy. GD is extreme discomfort over one's own anatomy, not hobbies.
>on higher level
is actively preventing a starving person from feeding themselves any different from killing them?

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BT needs to drop the LG. Lesbians are insane weird groomer schizos and gays are aids ridden gross groomers, and both of them are at odds with bisexuals and trannies
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what about married asexual lesbian tranner nuns
I like lesbians. Nobody cares, shut up. also fuck you. Bitch
Transbians are either rapey agp men or bisexual trannies who larp as lesbians because they hate men
Oh yeah? Who's this?
im a cute tranny (other people tell me)

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