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Haven’t seen one of these in a while, post your topster and guess people’s letters
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give recs if you want :3

cis gay
neet transbian
bi mtf (with great taste)
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Wipers - Is This Real
Hot Snakes - Automatic Midnight
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral pt1
Ty Segall - Melted
Not enough sad shit
Hood - Cold House
Ovlov- Am
Matt Elliott - The Mess We Made
Usoqu - Кoмнaтa в мoeй гoлoвe
Dirty Three - Ocean Songs

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gay man
mtf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGU9M5rTX_I

how does it feel like to fail your parents, making them realize their son is just some tranny dicksucking bitch
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>sissy captions dirty talk
>tttt reassurance aftercare
60% of the time, it works every time
i am still someone's son
nobody will ever know about what i am, and i can never change being male
jokes on you i cant aford to transtision so i will just fall in ever deepening dysphoria
Being a woman is not lesser than being a man.
This isn’t a reddit sissy community. Gtfo

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i'd rather die a virgin than have loveless sex.
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i would walk in with a couple large pizzas and a case of beer. i would offer everyone there a slice and a brew
>hahah anon its words on a screen close ur eyes lmfao
>haha I'm just messing around, you can leave if you don't want me to touch you
There's no word for a person like you, but "cunt" comes close enough.
i fucking hate you, ihate you i hate you i hate you why are you mean do you wanna see my nudes???

actually, this is a board about LGBT topics, which *can* include that, but also it has alot of threads about transitioning and a much wider range of topics, it's more like an AA meeting being held in a warehouse that also has a room with a bar in it and a room with a basketball court it in and XYZ
haha yeah sure anon, make sure to post it to un.see and set it to 6 hours unlimited views
e-whoring yourself is a great alternative to hookups, much less of a commitment and the attention i've got from is like heroin
Ok I'm done with you, it's clear to me now you don't actually have any issues and are just larping.
Fuck you for making me turn on my empathy for your lying ass. You can go ahead and stuff broken glass up there and bleed to death.

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total [REDACTED] death edition

chudpoon qott: what is your least favorite minority?
non-chudpoon qott: do you like kitties? :3c

previous: >>35545015
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he just needs a tan
your DI scars are uneven. are you trying to twinkmode? because other than the scars and oddly erect nipples, you're great at it
Kill all theyfabs
Behead all theyfabs
Round house kick a theyfab in the ovaries
Send theyfabs fathers to school in drag to make them detrans
Make theyfabs lift weights
Make theyfabs pass a masculinity exam before transitioning
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When are you getting your wings trender

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today I will sillypost
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Lol wut
I'd put my butter in that dog.
! Dog wit da butter !
Defeated by the mere existence of peanutbutter and a nefarious owner


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>targeted advertising thinks im a virgin
holy shit, it's so over.
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He should get a hair transplant and better glasses instead of spending money on an ad
im not bred no
>What male loneliness epidemic?

>like a 6/10
SIX? Are you fucking broken?! He's a high 8!
Jesus Christ the expectations on men are insane, he's handsome, well groomed, put together, and has actually paid for targetted fucking ads to get a girlfriend, just to be middle of the pack?!??!?!?!?!

You need a fucking slap.
no im saying 6 out of 10 on the crazy scale,
that's the same thing

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faceapp is fun C:
I like tricking if into thinking I'm a girl so I can pretend that means I pass.
the gender filter doesn't really change my face and just gives me longer hair
lyijg whire
While I wouldn't call it super reliable, you should consider that a good sign as it means your face isn't too far off from feminine as far as the AI is concerned.

Though, that's only if you're picking feminine 2 filter, not feminine 1 (which I've come to call "The Hon Filter" because it doesn't feminize anyone's face).
Should I assume most trannies and femboys posting their faces on discord are using apps like this?

my dick hurts so bad when i get erections now
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If you are trans do not listen to this person please.
You need to make your penis fully erect for 10 minutes at least 3 times a week to prevent it from atrophying or you'll end up without enough tissue to get proper SRS done.
but i dont want srs
It's always good to keep your options open anon.
You don't know what you might want in 5 or 10 years.
could be the inverse too. from age 11 to 22 I wanted srs but now I'm happy with only an orchie, because I dislike what results are currently.
I am "this person" and am, in theory, open to srs in the long run. Would I not be able to revitalize it with enough dedication over a long period of time leading up to the operation years from now?

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--- Bizarre Ballad Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
>QOTT #2: Do you wear/own any jewellery?

Previous thread: >>35495057


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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>my penis borderline doesn't work
No. I want my partner to have a functional genitalia.
You all should go for bisex stuff in front of everyone, but instead of My Chemical Romance and other 2000s bands who did performative bi acts, you should do for real.
Please tell me you're at least Top Vers. I need a bass bi boyfriend like you to flipflop all afternoon.

Glad you enjoyed! Seems not everyone yesterday liked. Eh, it is what it is.
Ngl it felt rushed, a bit rough on the edges, but the design was fantastic and I love a bimbo villain. People should do more of these movies. This trend needs to come back!
>not wanting to date someone with a floppy dick
>automaticaly transphobic
That's a great idea, we will be the first band to ever have a 50 person bisexual orgy live on stage

>Please tell me you're at least Top Vers. I need a bass bi boyfriend like you to flipflop all afternoon.
I think thats the first time anyone has ever wanted a bass player boyfriend. Now normally I'm just a top but if your nice I'll let you butt fuck me.

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last >>35547271
qott what is the unhealthiest behavior you refuse to give up
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your response signifies lore

>both men and women
You don't see the problem here?
I want to masturbate but i'm not horny. What do?
i have a headache :(

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qott: do you drink? what do you like to drink?
qott2: how important is family in your life? are you content with your involvement in family life?
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that's fucking awesome, keep track of it, it's fun
dms I fucking hate the 1min cooldown for talking
Can some of the guys get in on it?
this is nice
hopefully my dick hasn’t shrank out of existence by october. i’ve lost 2 inches in the past few months :(
I despise Indian men.
Okay then, kinda racist and unrelated

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Anons do you think trying to become a vtuber would help with my dysphoria? I imagine learning to basically draw and 3d model would be extremely unforgivingly difficult but it might be nice if i could set everythin up..
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lol thatd be funny anon, FABtuber
if you do it i'll watch your stream anon
VR chat would probably be more effective
ive heard it takes ages to learn to draw so itd prolly be years before i stream..

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Why are muslims so anti lgbt? Can they be reformed?
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and who the fuck made you the grand arbiter of western values
I agree though, all abrahamists should get roped
They are anti LGB but sometimes fine with the t
israel is "reforming" them in gaza right now :)
muslims aren't, third worlders are.

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Is it selfish of me to want someone to save me. I've already tried saving myself
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if you have a decent face and fat distribution, most people dont care about someone being chubby
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I would like to mutually save and be saved by someone. Tranners tend not to want to be saved though.
thats ok, my tag is cheriiyaa
i sent a request over

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Hi qott - whats your favorite car? I like the civic del-sol.
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its hard af to cut eating as a coping mechanism out. Ive lost a bit of weight but still have about 7kg to go and i just rubber band a lot. but i suppose you gotta look at the positives. ive gotten to 68kg in the past, and i can make it to 63kg if i really try
im fucking 89kg
im a monster with a gut of a beer drinking terf loving englishman
ONLY positive is my tits gotten big and I can just pretend I am fat to people.
Every night I waste my money on take out cause I am retarded.
I dieted from 95 to 85kg in a few months last year, you can do it..
But now I want to be somewhere mid 70kgs and I'm constantly hungry so it seems impossible, but we can do it still..
I have been eatng nothing but veggies and stuff but at night the chicken deluxe special form the local eatery somehow ends up on my plate and desk
Im weak after getting home form work and nothing says relaxation than spicy chicken.
Ill try to be strong
I wasted around 4k euro in the last 5 years eating crap.
Maybe more
testosterone has permanently disfigured me

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