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qott: Would you date someone who dressed/groomed/acted fem but didn't take hrt?
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oh thanks so which hours are good for what?
I don't think I'm ugly just a average guy that supposedly looks younger than their real age
*woof* *woof* [spoiler]in trannyism[/spoiler]
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I'm smithing so many helmets. I'm going sell them all on the grand exchange
,,,, hey
Thank you I am gonna make it now

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>sex with fully grown adult men
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You are discriminating against my babyface, fuck you
isn't that implied with sex?? with adults???
>OP is attracted to adults
>people think that's sus
pedohysteria is getting out of control
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>sex with men that have daughters older than me
What does fully grown mean

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Previous thread reached bump limit - >>36655796

Do you like sushi?
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Yeah, I just look like a weird guy after FFS. I really wish I was a passoid, my life would be so much better. I'm so jealous.
this is genuinely not true i get many comments saying i look average and/or im bloated etc. i get a bit more positive comments here but that’s because this place is full of chasers
why is your lower face darker

do you have hobbies? a job? how do you keep yourself occupied? you need to forget your trans sometimes
But you already know you pass, you probably never get misgendered at all. Surely that's a good indicator of passing?
Not gonna lie.
Only things feminine about you are the inability to take a selfie or buy a top the right size for you

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Has anyone else's parents walked in on them naked or in girls clothes? My mom saw my breasts and she's not taking it so well
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My dad walked in on me playing wow probably with a dildo resting on my desk like a paperweight, but he was drunk so idk if he noticed, but kept asking if i had something to tell him the next few days
wait till your mum walks in on you in your diapers....
omg srs boymoder??
I never forget the post by another srs boymoder who got caught by her sister coming out of the bath
And her sister just said like oh I have a sister I guess or smth like that
So what? They're not her breasts.
I never saw that post that's hilarious

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get in here gay bois!

>sorry but no trans people or trans related material whatsoever
previously a >>36665324
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The person you posted doesn’t look like a high school student. Better freak predator.
look at how long and unkeep his hair is
Anon those are my pubes.
I'm not him obviously but since you mentioned it what are some such ways you can take care of yourself to slow down aging
i just got a prescription for hair loss stuff, what else should i know
The pedophile incels that insult masc posters and masc images should be called out like this.

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im back/pookie edition
Previous thread: >>36644612
QOTT: do you get bitches??
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are you having fun with this league i saw you on
Why are you people obsessed with cartoon children
because we're all pedophiles raping children just like all transgenders now go away kiwinigger
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Cartoons are based nvm i am just retarded

And convince them to transition. My current twink kill count is 2.

Picrel was a sports playing jock gym bro that was a closet case that regularly bottomed for men who I started talking to 2 years ago, this is her now.

Anyone else want to get groomed?
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Now I want pink heart panties
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Could you fix her?
so so easily
although the sadness in the eyes might take a little longer
>she doesn’t know

That sad fuck has been taking HRT for more than 8 years now (or so he claims)

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>its not ok to misgender tranny pedophiles

Is your objection to this because you sincerely believe that a trans woman IS a literal woman, and not just a male suffering from gender dysphoria. Or is your objection because you don't want to see your fellow pedophiles treated poorly?
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If you think pronouns are a conditional pleasantry then you are definitionally transphobic
You all know this to be true I don't know why you don't just say "yeah you're right I think trannies are delusional men" instead of playing this same weird game over and over
so it's all just a nothingburger
cis people don't get misgendered when they do horrible things. being trans and having correct pronouns used isn't a privilege to be taken away
My objection is that we don't call Adolf Mrs. Hitler either
It's like, deliberately giving mixed messages or something. Both confrontational and cowardly

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Hey I'm the ftm who made a thread a few days ago about being in trouble because the friend group found out I had sex with a 17 year old MTF

Well there's a bit of an update:
So for context my friend group found out about all of this because the girl was going around saying I'm her boyfriend (I'm not).

she found out that I don't regard her as my girlfriend second hand via this drama and not from me gently explaining it so she freaked out and had a hissy fit now she's telling everyone I raped her, messaging every single person who follows me on every social media saying I'm a rapist.

Do I just kill myself? Is my life basically ruined now?
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kys moralfag
i can't believe midwits like you still post on 4chan defending law and normies
>she's telling everyone I raped her
why have sex with a manipulative bitch like this?
i hope no one believes her. how can she regard you as a bf one minute and a rapist the next? women like that deserve death
important question
what do you look like and how'd you fuck her?
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I look like an NPC moid. I sucked her sweet lil pp for a bit, straddled her and grinded against her for a bit then rode her face until I came
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>I look like an NPC moid
so like this?

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Okay LGTB/ros/ Keffals pointed out that you can't say "cisgender" on twitter. What do we think of this?

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you like being female
you like taking dick
you like not having facial hair
you like being a bitch
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The best around
Exclude the being female part and you’re pretty spot on
No, I don’t use bathrooms anymore, only your daughter’s mouth
hands are such weird things arent they anatomically speaking
Cuddling with someone for one night no sex no nothing and we never talk about it again and no one ever finds out would fix me

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Whatcha smoking fags and trannies?
Got an ounce of lemon cookies hot n fresh
Eurofags btfo
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>scar on wrist
>Do you have a therapist or anything atm to tell this to?
nope I got friends, family and jesus christ
based, dont let the kike tell you to speak to (((the))) (((rapist)))
sweet island skunk
How much for that lil goodie bag looks aight

Is sucking cock something inherently unmasculine?
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This is kind of why I've been distancing myself from femboy/chaser stuff.
Yes. It's shameful and submissive. A man should never put his mouth near a cock or vagina. It's disgusting.
Guess that makes me a bisexual top with zero attraction to women, femboys, or trannies.
>bisexual top with zero attraction to women, femboys, or trannies.
Masc fuckers are just ashamed gays who claim to be "bi" because they think that makes them more masculine. LOL.
as a trans girl, this makes me want to give head to someone (not u though loser)

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36638995
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bitches will circumcise their baby boys but leave their dogs balls intact
white women baka...

(Apologies for the blog post)

I had some questions about transgender relationships. I am a transexual. I always considered myself ace, or agp with only meta attraction to men. I was more of less super asexual before srs and starting prog. After that I was able to coom altho it takes forever. Recently I found I cud have some interest from female ASMR. This got me thinking Abt these ideas
I was wondering if transgender "lesbian" relationships exist? Or well, exist beyond bi/straight women who like penis in their vagina? Or where the transgender is basically just the boyfriend? Prior to coming here I always generally thought the only relationships between trans and women was like Kaitlyn Jenner style where a straight guy becomes trans after being married, but they don't wanna divorce.
Is there something beyond those 3 scenarios?
Also, how do u know what ur sexuality is? Naked images.of women and men do nothing for me but I just look at romantic texts or ASMR.
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>trans and women
Sorry I shudnt have phrased it that way. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm a transexual and took hrt and stuff because I wanted to be a woman/look female. I'm highish on a benzo I took due to anxiety attack that's why. And I guess I have some gender concerns too but I try to be polite and respectful and keep it to myself

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>Destroys the trans community worse than Dylan Mulvaney
nothing personel kid
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nobody IRL cares.
I mean we do, I've never seen anyone noteworthy in the trans community (who isn't fucking insane) support these idiots like Philosophy Tube, Keffals, or Ava Kris Tyson. It's always fucking cis people who keep propping them up, like when Anthony Padilla had that cringe as heck interview with Ava where she wore the giant ass stripper heels and looked like someone's creepy uncle in drag.

I honestly wish cis people weren't so fucking obsessed with these circus freak. What I would give for a world where people's first thought of what a trans woman is like was more along the lines of someone like Mathilda Hogberg and not Dylan Mulvaney or the Mr Beast transbian pedophile.
>our mistakes
i didn't even know who she was until this week, kiwinigger
issue is weirdos get attention so it's always going to be this way. And only the really messed up trans people or unfortunate trans activist perma hons actually actively share that they are trans.

Unfortunately by the nature of most trans peoples goal being to stealth only the fetishists attention hoars, giga hons, or political activists will be known about.
Not true. Mostly only bots and Indians follow Mr. Beast. Mulvaney did way more damage to the point of somehow tanking long term sales of the formerly most popular beer in America.
I don't think most regular people know who Kris is let alone know about him posting about lolis or whatever.

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