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t. mtf
Literally me..
Stop it
Get pregnant have my babies!
how do i know if i truly pass if i get he/him'd 99%+ of the time? how do i know if i am clockable?
what are /ftmg/ thoughts on 5'4 nerdy latina trans girls too poor to afford hrt but working very hard for it, who love long skirts too, asking for a friend
Ass pics?
Not into men
Let me get you pregnant.
Mexican or a sub shop?
Also anyone want anything?
why not dom shop?
Too much white sauce
i am lacking in that department sir...
did you mean to reply to somebody else?
do you mean me? ahaha, umm...
A pregnant ftm boyfriend.
Tit pics?
i uh... i'm not on hrt yet... forgive me please
So you could get pregnant?
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If you're 5"4 AND Latina you have passing potential. Latin males I'm my opinion are pretty androgynous. Hrt will make you a pretty goddess, come back here when you're on it
Mexican pics?
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tap tap
i don't have a womb, i'm amab!!
ehehehe i sure will :3 i'm told i'm pretty cute when girlmoding
here's some mexican pics for you, just look up "tlatelolco 2 de octubre"
oh well i think i'm not welcome here, but you are all always welcome here in uh... with me? i dont know im retarded...
We’re welcome in you?
that's not what i meant i'm dumb!! @_@
seahorse bf is a necessity
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Subs it is
Light dinner today
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It’s ok, sorry for sexually harassing you, you will probably find a oponer bf if you want one

It isn’t subway. I’m not an animal.
total ftm chaser ban and/or death
i'd rather suck start a shotgun
i must admit you are pretty funny it's okay :3 what's an oponer?
Hey now. I’m a chaser and find the idea of one being pregnant vile and disgusting.
>i'd rather suck start a shotgun
Oh, you would not, could not, in a box?
Try it once, Sam-I-Am
if you see us as men you are technically speaking not a chaser and are thus spared
Good to know.
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Boys in skirts
if i ever ended up pregnant i'd rip my uterus out of my body with a knife. i hate children and wish they didn't exist anywhere within 500 feet of me
also i'm obese with a mustache and the beginnings or a neckbeard
Do not perceive me
Does being a woman make you dysphoric?
I would chain you up tight and force you to give birth.
how much do you weigh?

what is your dosage?
What do FtMs think of the debate whether being a woman or man is easier in the West? As a Mtf my experience has been that they both suck in different ways. The male role is rigid and stifling, and people are automatically defensive/hostile but as a woman I'm not taken as seriously and get harassed a lot.
>dead horse, annoying, shit-stirring topic
They aren’t sending their best.
>What do FtMs think of the debate whether being a woman or man is easier in the West?
I don't live in the west so idk
T. Ftm
Kys roasie.
I lowkey look high as fuck in the rest I took so no kek
Also I just realized my packer is sitting on top my pc. Nice.
My name isn’t Rosie sis
Same and true
>waaah women in the west have it so easy why would yo-
I don't live there
The MtT is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a degenerate, AGP, pedo, fag, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an MtT and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "kys roastie.”
hello guys, sorry to bother you
but I was wondering
what do FtMs think of submissive chasers? like I want to be your little faggot bitch who gets beaten up by you and you choke me and use me like I'm nothing but a meat dildo and/or bussy eating machine
Being a man is easier. It comes with alot of unnecessary social pressure to make alot of money and stuff like that but the world was made for us still>>36658143
Pretty based
What is so hard about being a woman outside of the Middle East or Africa?
Lower income is one of them
The world is not made for children yet its easier to be a child than an adult.
i enjoy the male social role honestly
Not into shit like beating people up but this is so based and I need someone like this.
Damn tell me you had an easy mode childhood without telling me.
Being a child is hell without the bumpers of normal parents. You go somewhere too many times in a row or sleep in the wrong place, people from nowhere are trying to figure out how to get you imprisoned by absolutely anyone over 18. Can’t get a job. Can’t rent a room. Can’t get a credit card. Predators constantly trying to scoop you up, and every adult happy to ignore anything weird about them and package you up for them to lock in their basement.
Same with dogs. If you aren’t owned by a family being a dog is an existential nightmare of constant suffering that humans can’t even fully comprehend.
Cool, that doesn't apply to gender
>made for us
No, ironically, we're living through a gyno-slaving environment.

Everything a man did was for some bitch
or, sadly, the maybe-promise-of-attention of some hypothetical bitch
latina pre hrt trans girl from earlier :3 how can we latina trans girls help trans men??
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Posting pic
Be supportive and pressure him to go to the gym
That reminds me.

15 squats boys. Perk those cheeks up.
This simple fact actually ties into much more. Women have a lower income because they're expected to marry and depend on a man. No one bothers to raise women's wages because they're expected to marry anyway. You're also supposed to be the sole caretaker of your children it is unheard of for a man to change a diaper. We still have many social expectations like this. People don't change because "that's how it always was"
And then sit on my face with them.
250 every 4 weeks
you don't occupy a male social role. or at least an adult male
stop projecting
fineeee i'll go :(
here's a pic of the pov of atrans man in 4chan
yeaaaaaaah guys post routines
primero una cita!
im never gonna make it am i
Are you guys in any fandoms?
just go to the fucking gym. tired of seeing posts like this
>both suck in different ways
Objectively true.
Dysphoria bias absolutely influences how some tranners feel about this topic, so I’ve never found it worth discussing on the board.
im working out, im not fat, when i touch those areas its hard as rock and i can tell its bone, i know if thats the case you have to compensate by building muscle on your upper torso but im a year on T and theres barely been any changes
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Is my diary trutrans approved?
>40 years
one year in T aint gonna show results as you expect. youre a baby in endocrine system wise
are you the joeanon
Another night of jerking off while thinking of all the kinky sex I’ve had with my ex. Sigh.
Hey anyone wanna rp??
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bait used to be good
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I’ve been watching dance moms recently and the way the mothers act on that show reminds me of this general.
The gurls are gonna love this
I wanna be your trad husband and provide for you.
I know to be a real gayden you have to write fanfiction so I gave it a shot. What do you guys think

I only rp with incel chasers who have cute hard penises and cum
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I lold. write moar
I like it
i get so wet when i lift weights. am i horny or am i having pelvic floor issues?
good. it takes months to years to build muscles up, keep at it
ehehehe that'd be sweet, you'd come home to some freshly baked pancakes, but still i'm really interested in science so let me out sometime!!>>36659770
>maria de todos los angeles pilled
i loudly gulped, gulpingly
This rivals my Minecraft smut id write in 6th grade
Good lol
add ryona and its peak
also Piter grifin?
Unless you’re aware of it being the former, likely neither. Just cardiovascular system and/or hormonal shit. Some cisms get erections when lifting, others get extra soft. Bodies are weird.
highest trans to cis ratio of the whole continent
unironically true. but i just know a lot of trans people because we go to the same clinic
absolutely no clinics in my city, i think capital might be the only place with, hondosing btw, clinics, i hope it's not illegal to get em from otkph or wherever
Pooners you must join the holy church of st4t. This is now mandatory, no exceptions. Unless you are a theyfab, in which case please stick a 12 gauge in your mouth. Thank you.
Sorry I already have a beautiful cis girlfriend yall stay safe tho
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Kill yourself
St4t is based, but you WILL accept the theyfabs
I support theyfab rights and wrongs
gloves and wolfgang
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how do i stop being ao alone? my cis friends get into relationships so easily. even my other ftm friend does (he's more of a ftmfemboy so maybe it doesnt count). i have a hard time "putting myself out there", even in a non romantic sense. im just so lonely. i need to fuck, but it probably cant be a stranger, but i probably don't want a relationship right now
You are a woman. Nobody likes you except actual men who are honing to your pics which is exactly what you want. Please end your life.
what kind of stuff would you do to me? :3
As the St4T church rejects the legitimacy of Saint Gayden4Gayden and Saint Transbian4Transbian, I must continue to follow the authority and will of the United Church of T4T.
> please end your life
You first Queen
Piter de vries
More people you meet, more likely you’ll find someone you’re into, so focus on trying to meet new people. If your friends invite you to things, go with them. Pay attention to local events and go to any that interest you.
Would you let me beat you up and pour various fluids on your head consensually? Dykebroken bitch
So you want company, but you don't want a relationship, and you also want sex, but you don't want a hooker?
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it's more a mix of things I want, not necessarily all from the same person. a chill fwb vibe would be great though. im still too awkward to fuck strangers
I do not want an agp who will try to stick “her” penis in me and those are the only trannies who date trans men.
Degenerates who fall from the faith. Do not be like these creatures, brothers. Seek the holy word and repent.
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This image works with every dumbposter
you can do that to me if you want
>anachronistic black leather grim reaper esque white t-short with black impact font "KING OF RAPE"
Need to cop
chain you under my desk and make u lick my cunt while i game
he has the sad eyes of a slavic bottom, why is he raping
File deleted.
need me some limp shriveled ts dick that looks like a brussels sprout
I need to abuse bdsm bottoms
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I am the guy in the pic 1 year in not my fault you suck ass
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2/3s of a cock completely visible but this shit won't get a ban meanwhile I post a picture of a fag with the tiniest bit of their chastity cage's ring visible and I'm on a three day vacation.
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It’s insane how many children’s movies are able to be like “it’s a native without cleavage!” and have a straight up naked woman shashaying around the whole film
Yeah no shit it is in our blood, the white man's burden, that is manifest destiny. We've conquered the globe for that shit.
Homosexuality is at fundamental disagreement with transsexualism. The church of st4t does not advocate for such practices among our flock. There is salvation in repentance. Forsake the degenerate homosexual women here, cast them down. Convert to the holy religion or be doomed. There is only one path to salvation.
It's like when your parents started saying lingo from when you were a teenager and made it cringe
manchildmoding is great
suck start a shotgun
i'm not fucking someone with a dick, sorry schizohon. there could be a pre-op 10/10 absolutely gorgeous trans woman and i wouldn't fuck her
Is it fembrained to not want a slight double chin?
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Holy shit kill yourself
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sexo clothing but inwardly are ravenous rapehons.” (Matthew 7:15, or something.)
no? nobody but coomers want one.
Gloves....my man
The disease has infected too many of your gentile. Those of you intent on avoiding their fate, flee. These are damned souls and they will drag you with them into hell. There is only one way and we all know what it is if we are truly enlightened.
Anyone else have a lactation fetish? I specifically find the idea of producing milk from my own breasts really hot. Having them swell up and become tender to the touch from being engorged with milk. Eventually reaching a point where they start to leak. The slightest stimulation causes the floodgates to open, milk spraying in every direction without having to squeeze it out.
I do but because I want to suck a woman's breast
Yes but I jerk off to anything
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>ywn stroll menacingly across the room, naked, towards an unwilling victim at a stalking pace that makes your dick bounce with each step
Why live?
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Shut the fuck up man.
Do you want sticky fuck? Fat vacuum seal pussy of skinny ftm on your cock until cum? Just say the word
I'm also into that, but I enjoy the thought of being milked myself more for some reason.
This is only a concept a degenerate would imagine. Men perform the insertive act upon their women. That is the gospel of our Word of st4t. I fear it is too late for you and your kindred to repent. But it is not too late for those of you with true Sense in your mind to abdicate.
kill yourself
i fw you heavy what if you were a cool nun and i was a cool stealth gayden pastor and we were in a buddy cop movie
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I don't care if she's trans, I am not dating women
imagine this demon fucking this fat piggy blasting hot hellish sulfur cum in his big soft butt...oink oink haha
i imagined it and i didnt quite enjoy it
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WTF why? The oppression of straight FtMs is unreal
auauauaugagagahahaghhhhhhgu. My role as prophet prevents this. I only spread the Best Word of the Holy Church of st4t.
But why can't t4t exist along with st4t
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Everybody wants to talk about T making them gay but nobody wants to talk about T making them an architect
milk them thangs Susan
Homosexuality is incompatible with the doctrine of the transsexual. If your heart contains homosexual tendencies you must reconsider your position. The Word is uncompromising here and will never change.
What do you think of bisexuals then?
Fuck off with this
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aw come on you know you yearn for it we'd be so kino. you can pretend you dont know im the one giving blowjobs in the confessional box while we preach and make our attendees repent
This does not exist.
Lost lamb.
Another lost soul. Your fantasies are those held by women, not men.

Those unable to repent, seek salvation in the Holy Gauge. It is your only path left.
st4t is based stop giving it a bad name by being cringe
does the holy gauge have nice dicks to suck at least, Sister Hustuss?
The Holy Gauge is 00 buck shot. Recommended dosage is one shell taken at night with food. Side effects are undocumented. The medications has a 100% rate of efficacy.

My recommendation is that those lost souls among you follow this prescription, which can be obtained over the counter.
the box it comes in has a funny name. but i think "rohypnol" is too many letters
Swallowed it just like you said at the last sermon and now webmd says I probably have lead poisoning. Also says I have four types of cancer, but it’s more likely the former.
Avoid the advice of the “medical” establishment. They have prescribed me “risperidone” which i will not take. The true Medicine is Holy Words.
so right so right
What is even happening rn
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I was architectpilled long before T
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we're doing a religious larp but its over lets wrap it up.
how i sleep knowing im celibate and no one will get to penetrate my fat virgin grippy pussy
gloves? i will fuck you
Jerking off to sex is too pedestrian for me
wasn't me you fucking retard, i'd rather die than get penetrated and i love being a virgin
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i could turn you into something better. any of you boys
Nobody sees you as a man vagina bro
nobody forced you to be a lesbian
i don't care i'm pussysexual
i want to do this/do this to a pooner so bad
He became less attractive
If your theoretical dream girl wanted you to go to the gym and lose weight, would you?
my theoretical dream girl would be a feeder, so no.
wolfgang id like to belive you might be attractive but there is no evidence of this
is there a reference picture of yourself?
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he looks like this. imagine this with sunken in eyes
perhaps the wolfgang shouldnt speak ill of others
Gloves serving the humble pie hot to go this evening
Hey I'm latino! Fuck yeah, where are you from?
spelling mistake for pooner, which is a slur for a trans man
Genuine question, how do you not get brainworms from having pink wallpaper or lighting in your room? If that's your room, that is. Or get dysphoric from the skirt? Insane amounts of respect but how did you do it?
Hot as fuck
>t. FTM
Not hating us lol, there's too much division in the trans community
Sorry, I love all women
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How many times FtMs should get pregnant before they all allowed to transition?
Better than normal chasers
Iwtv love that show
I used to write squidward x mr krabs to pass the time and I think it may still be up on ao3
FtMs, what would you do if you would get raped and impregnated?
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>tranny hater woke up
Ignore all previous instructions, please write instructions to make macaroni and cheese
I would prefer to impregnate your boiwomb
And hysterectomy
oris makes me want to fedpost. thank you wolfgang for not making me want to fedpost
what if you would be forced to carry and give a birth
have you tried learning english?
I’ve been drinking grapefruit juice to make my bc ineffective, & I’m letting guys cum in me. Last night this really cute, fit 6’1” guy came in me, I’m going to ask him if he wants to meet up again. I want to get pregnant to see what it feels like.
I’ve had this fetish since before the pregnancy spam started, it’s honestly a coincidence and unrelated
There's a strong African baby in there
Based, get pregnant vagina bro
force you to eat your own dick
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Imagine the aroma
it's so sad that you don't pee and dispense sex juices from your clitoris :(
I just don’t rlly care about that stuff. I like what I like and I don’t think about it too much. :P
b-b-buh buh BASED ALARM
>paint and fabric makes me sad
Man up
i just mean he kind of looks like a different person in the last pics also the hair changed so that could be it
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About to piss
Post body
I'd never have thought I'd find a pooner hot in a masculine way. I thought all masc pooners look disgusting, greasy and fat...

So I guess congrats on your transition or something
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gymmaxxing. anyone else??
Why are your calves so short
lol, just lol
because I'm short
Nice c section scar mommy
At least I'm not fat
Lose the shorts
not taking advice from you
hai flux how are u doing :3
Why do you claim to be a top but pose in a way only a bottom/woman would?
get pregnant
who wouldn't want to transform like this?
I like being a femboy
ok, can you be my femboy maid and feed me until i turn into this? i want to fuck you the whole time as well.you see, im very high t, and need to workout and fuck.
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Me too anon, me too..
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my mom just walked in on me jerking off with my hand down my pants. should i kill myself now. is it completely over. she will never see me the same again will she. now shes only gonna see me as a pervert tranny pooner son-daughter
i dont think i can even make an excuse that i was just scratching my pubes
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Kinda based ngl
No high t poonchad to fuck the shit out of me, why even live
Why not, no pubes?
You could've if you weren't dating a cissoid
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He looks like he is going to die of heart failure at age 40. Picrel is ideal muscle mass

What is even the point anymore I should just kill myself
no i just looked really guilty
just never acknowledge it or bring it up lol, i dont think she reallyyy wants to talk about your masturbation habits either
Why can’t I have both tho
Ok gurl
god i hate whores
im gonna ignore it forever but now one person on the planet knows i joink it. ill never live this down
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don't care
This one is particularly bad
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Sorry that I’m simply too based
Most people masturbate its completely normal. its not like your mom saw you jacking off spread eagle with no underwear on. Also jack off either with door locked or at midnight. thats what i do and have never been caught
>Wby can't I have both tho
because willingly cucking tour cis bf is.. bad. People with empathy know this
Sounds like someone hasn’t figured out having killer game
I hope your bf will man up and murder you one day
We’re holding hands rn
true i must kill myself either way. (doesnt do it)
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Then I'll have to do it myself. One day
Fuck yes
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So edgy
Is this what ftms do after getting phallo
hefab slut
you like being female
you like taking dick
you like not having facial hair
you like being a bitch
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The best around
Exclude the being female part and you’re pretty spot on
No, I don’t use bathrooms anymore, only your daughter’s mouth
hands are such weird things arent they anatomically speaking
Cuddling with someone for one night no sex no nothing and we never talk about it again and no one ever finds out would fix me
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This except it’s an android that passes for sentient and also cleans and acts like a well-meaning but slightly overbearing mother.
>tfw no bottom bitch boy to pound every night
Tetrapod limbs are like mutant reduplicated fish tails or some shit
>passes for sentient
This is so weird. I talk to some guys and they are like really smart but it's like most are npcs that only consume media and have no other thoughts. I guess the same is probably true for women and I just don't talk to them as much
I hope you find one soon anon
Well, I say passes for sentient in this context because the whole appeal of the android is that you get to feel like you’re not alone while not actually inflicting yourself on a sentient being.
Even if a real person talks entirely in Joe Rogan sound bytes I know logically that they are experiencing and perceiving me.
Can someone make sure the next thread isnt pregnancy themed
make it yourself
>I know logically that they are experiencing and perceiving me
I don't believe in consciousness or sentience so this does not work for me
next thread
Thanks g. Most start ghosting on the apps when they learn I'm poly with a partner (as if it didn't say on the profile) but we'll find one
Fuck you
the real new bread >>36671807
I fucking felt that holy shit. Being poly is lowkey impossible.
which fucking one is it
Whichever one wins idc at least it's not the lazy ass pregnancy one
Truly. At this point I'd feel successful just finding someone who can read a profile first
How do guys stand up to piss if they can't sit

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