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This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @ irc.rizon.net
#4chan-gd @ irc.freenode.net

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

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>Can somebody photoshop X? Can somebody make me a logo?
All requests for photoshopping belong on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests. /gd/ doesn't take requests or do free or even paid work sometimes. However, if you're new at something, asking "HOW can I X?" rather than "CAN YOU make X?" will give you better results.

>Can I post some of my work for critique?
There is usally a critique/What-Are-You-Working-On thread, and that is where work for critique go.

>Can somebody find [font]?
also check out your local torrent site or the font-share thread.
Remember to share and not just take. Also remember that using liscensed fonts in commercial works is a bad idea.

>Where can I find inspiration?

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What do we think of the new pictograms?
I think that they have been elevated from mere visual aids to striking coats of arms that serve as rallying cries for sports fans. I also think that they symbolise not only the different sports, but also pride, values, and a large and diverse family.

I plan to pick a coat of arms and wear it with pride!

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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

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Enjoying old and new fonts, their quirks and subtle differences.

(Using Menlo for anything uniproportional, like xterm.)
Looks like Ericsson Hilda font (corporate one).
It is tough to find files online and I can not share it for legal reasons. Sad, it is a nice font.
I am looking for 2 fonts.

First - a font used for core text (pic rel.).
Second - a font of derivations (pic rel.).

Both fonts look like a default font from LaTeX, yet those in picture look way thinner with wider spacing between letters.

Here I attach 2 more references:
* https://www.rogerfrigola.com/doc/rcc_control.pdf
* https://www.rogerfrigola.com/doc/researchtalk042012.pdf

Thank anyone in advance)
Just found some mong who uploaded the whole thing to Github a few years ago lol
Here you go
Pretty sure I got this one for free on Dafont of some shit.

Hi guys,
I'm doing case study design for a company presentation. Some of the studies are supposed to be Anonymous.

Is there a best practice at denoting that it is a real client without exposing their name? I've only really seen people use 'Client A' or 'Client in Media 1' etc.? No graphic icons/placeholders, just very general textual denotation.

I'm thinking of using some sort of related industry icon, or the anonymous glasses icon, or a company icon, or a case study folder icon with text i.e. [icon] + 'American client in X [industry]'. I'm thinking the specific industry icon would be the best to use but maybe there are best practices I'm missing here.

Any experience or am I overthinking things?
>I overthinking things?
Yes. All that case study stuff is useless. There are no industry standards because there is no conclusive research on any of this shit. Literally social science nonsense.

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Last thread: >>441761
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Draaaaaain gaaaaang
!Thanks! I have to go listen to that album again.Haven't heard it in a while, this gonna be good!

Thread dedicated to late 2000s glossy UI/website design
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take me back

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Adobe has and will always be shit. Use an alternative or deal with it.
Also site better sources than some grifting chud next time
What compels cumbrains to post shit like this completely unsolicited
time to make an opensource clone?
>use Premiere to make videos for the State
>Adobe suddenly claim and sell the videos from the State
Ain't this illegal?

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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
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this is terrible
the fuck you guys thinking?
No, but just like when faking old/crappy audio it's more about triggering the idea quickly and efficiently in the audiences brains than it is technical accuracy.

IOW technically accurate distortion and artifacts and the like won't necessarily register the way you want them to and rather than evoking some era or situation they can just look/sound like you don't know what you are doing in the present.
the issue is every youtuber is doing this shit (if they do have bumpers/graphic shit in their vids) and none have sam's autistic art knowledge since the dude went to school for it
i can relate with sam's story about the work culture in graphic design places.. maybe i should become a car salesman turned internet dad figure too
it's trash just has alt right halo. sam hyde reeks similar to reddit now

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>Adobe owns everything you create with their software
>Create extreme far right, symbols, graphics and logos
>They are now owner of it
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yeah - they just get the right to do whatever the fuck they want with the content you own and you cant do shit about it.
but yeah you 'own' it.
>"hello, can I use your kitchen to make this specific recipe? Of course I will pay for your tools, microwave usage, electricity bills, etc. Think of it as a rent okay?"
>"uhh what do you mean by looking at the food that I have been cooking with your own tools? Do you intend to steal from me? Stealing my recipe? Wh-what do you mean by trying 'just a little' from my food? Wh- NO! NO! NO! NOT LIKE THAT NOT LIKE THAT! YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT MY FOOD, TRYING MY FOOD EVENDOE ITS JUST A PINCH, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THING TO MY FOOD EVEN IF I MADE THESE FOOD IN YOUR OWN HOUSE, YOUR OWN KITCHEN, WITH YOUR OWN TOOLS AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
seriously why are you guys like this
look at what you've done OP. you made a bunch of faggots and ESLs have seizures
>seriously why are you guys like this
I guarantee you it's the same breed of people that think watermarking their instagram poster that 10 people will see actually serves a purpose.
waternarking helps me remember random naked girls names so i can find them again. - purpose.

sperg says what?

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Why are InDesignfags so sensitive? You can be critical of virtually any design program and the people that use it will generally shrug with indifference unless it's InDesign, in which case the userbase will lash out and rage at you while drilling home that ID is actually a perfect program and you just don't know how to use it!
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either way. you aren't bitching at all.
InDesign is such a based program. A lot of people don't even understand or comprehend its power.
tell us its power . . .
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>in a typography class
>professor keeps telling me I'm using indesign like illustrator
I know exactly what she means by it too
it's just instinctual, I can't help myself from breaking shit up so I have more control

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What software/site can I use to generate 2480 x 3508 pics?
personally I use
fug -_-
Jesus fucking Christ I got flashed on a site that's labeled as sfw

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I'm on my 4th semester and I always wondered why so many fags and trannies study this career, any answers?
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I’m gay and not studying gd because it’s too faggy even for me.
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Autists used to be classified as a form of schizo. ADHD is like the ultra-light form of both of these.
The actual "Polar Opposite" grouping from the schizo grouping is the set that contains psychopaths, sociopaths, and BPD.

I do wonder if psychos were the "original artists" centuries ago, because art is all about illusion and careful presentation. A tempera painting on wood panels - the predominant form of 2d art for most of european history up until the late medieval, but this does apply to oil as well - can look drastically different depending on where it's located. Being acutely aware of, and having no qualms about manipulating, others' perceptions is an advantage for artists and the people who they are making art for, but a disadvantage to society if such people have other professions.

Contrast this with how a sperg would probably be happy with his food and such taken care of and getting to do the same thing all day every day with good routines, rigid adherence to rules, and the fact that there is some research showing that autists actually do have "retard strength" due to higher levels of HGH. The makings of guards and other law enforcement.

Now understand that current society has the people in these roles flipped.

My theory on homosexual shit is more that it seems to be something that occured as accessory to - not a replacement of - heterosexual relationships. Countless depictions of ancient people in such ways.
>male soldiers being intimate with each other, then going home to fuck their wives and keep their household nice
>women "playing" in communal baths
This seems to indicate that both the "people accepted gays in ancient times" and "monogamy is a modern invention" are both wrong. My evaluation is that "strictly-homosexual extramarital relations between people who are close emotionally and mentally" fits many criteria:

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fags are attention whores.
The straights in the field are njoying the craft in silence.
all you see are the gays cause theyre loud and have to let you know about their sex lives every .2 seconds.
>glares in silence heterosexual resentment
stop shouting your fucking sexuality at everyone, cunt
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>The actual "Polar Opposite" is the set that contains psychopaths, sociopaths, and BPD.
the actual "polar opposite" is probably something like a car tire or smthg.
so what is the point in going for another arbitrary definition without even giving arguments?? (appeal to authority much?!)
there is a lot of interesting observations to be made from my original distinction...

also notice that schizo is not a diagnosis. e.g. there are *psychotic disorders* AND *personality disorders* with that prefix.
are you talking about schizoid pd? there are other issues that are NOT part of cluster A (c-A), yet still referred to as 'schizo'.

>greek "schizein", "to split":
schizophrenia is a misperception of reality (delusion) = "splitting of the mind"
schizoid personality disorder (c-A) = "schizophrenia-like personality disorder"
schizotypal personality disorder (c-A) = paranoia, anxiety
schizoaffective disorder = schizophrenia + mood disorder
schizotypy = disssociation, psychosis

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Call me a snob, but I much prefer grayscale color settings lately on Windows 10.
Even films and videos look better then. I friggin' grew up watching b&w television. Not your horrible boomer, just not american.
man who thinks he's interesting says "yes i love gray"
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Same here, but openSUSE Linux, KDE-Plasma and green highlights.
fuck that
i just yank the contrast until everything is burned out blobs
shits fucking kino
i hate everything so it works out

PS is for editing one still frame, how do you do this effect in sony vegas or after effects
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Color curves, contrast/saturation
You create a mask for the girl then change tje background
You literally copy the whites/highlights/midtones/shadows/Blacks for your luminetry. Look up how grading works.
It can't be done, it's too computationally expensive (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem). You just have to shoot a movie like this to have it. If it doesn't look like you want, try to adjust the lighting.
probably can achieve it with a lut

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Is there a specific name for this effect? I want to adjust the background color in my video to match the pic related version - all background colors changed into green.

P.S: Wouldn't mind explanation on the effects used on the character of the image related
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you are really useless
Yet somehow you managed to post something even more useless.

I wanna add to the chain of uselessness as well! yaaaaaay
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przysięgam że przez jakiś czas na yt się wyświetlała na zmiane tylko ta reklama i mentosy fanta

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