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How is this made? I've seen some of these interstitials between 2 images before, but I've no idea how you make this.

Specifically talking about the interstitial video. The big boobs are made with AI
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(OP) Huh. Alright. I thought it was done automatically somewhow.
Surely it's not that difficult to do automatically, there was a software for the Mac OS in the 1990s that I used that was called Morph and you could create transitions between two images and specify points and stuff. I dunno what people use now.
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Hey, OP here. I finally figured out how you do it. I knew it had to be a thing some software has that I just don't know about. It's literally Photoshop. Photoshop can tween frames on the fly. I ran into by accident while doing something else.
Do Timeline > Convert to Frame Animation > Tween frames
although in the case of the chest image, it looks like there's one or two in-between frames but same method otherwise
Cool effect! Not sure how

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What do we think of the new pictograms?
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Not as readable as past years, and they would be even harder to read from any distance, it feels like they keep getting worse and worse just for the sake of being artsy fartsy.
They mentioned inclusion 50 times in the reveal. The mascot is Gender neutral even. Woke mind virus = bad design 100% of the time.
A literal tranny from Europe designed these logos. So, of course they're shite.
Who was it.
They look cool!

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did a year and a half as a freelance junior at a small office, got let go due to lack of work, owed $2k in taxes, now i work at aldi. Im ok with it
why didnt you pay taxes at tax time?
It happens sometimes

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what does someone like chip kidd or na kim charge to do a book cover? to design a layout for a book?
where to go look for numbers and comparisons?
what if i want Neil Packer to do an illustration?

should i contact his agent and ask?
bout tree fiddy
boat free tiddy
tanks mayn
Varies widely. Check portfolios.

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"Comparative Graphic Design" thread
fuck off back to your anti-gay hate thread and get banned already
Sounds interesting man

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what is /gd/'s favorite album artwork?
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Most are.
Banshee (2015)
learn to reverse img search newfren
Dennis Forkas' covers for Behemoth (Satanist) and Ahklis (Melinoe). That Animals one is up there.
>21st Century Onions Man
Cool question. Maybe Radiohead?

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How do you make these things? I've tried to find a piece of software that can add all the right filters and text but so far I've found nothing...
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Just use the appropriate typeface that mimics the kind of computer display/closed captioning/OCR typeface you want and add it to the image prior to adding the streaks and other stuff, paying attention to not distort those areas so much that they become illegible.

Picrel is a slightly condensed Atari typeface filtered in Glitchlab
why? every piece of unoriginal "muh motivation" drivel you can think of has already been uninterestingly put on a picture of an old statue with cheesy textures
vaporgram on ios or android is good
"Color Fringing" is that blue/pink glow that is coming off of the objects in that picture.

I use a free program called Irfanview to do this.

Once you load your image:

Image > Effects > Effects Browser > Chromatic Aberration Correction

As far as the VHS scratches on the image, that looks like a specific filter you'd find on snapchat or something.
Try photo editors

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This is the best major business logo in existence. If you disagree, you are wrong:

-NO reddit meme rotational symmetry
-forward slant suggests forward motion but not to the point of being obnoxious
-non-obvious association with product or service offered (pizza) but at the same time everyone knows exactly what it is
-simple, primary color scheme
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Who said anything wasn't "organic"?

Why are you arguing against things that were never said?
>like McDonald's...a pair of golden arches has no natural connection to that name or what it means. Taco Bell was named for its founder Glen Bell so a bell logo works but has nothing to do with tacos or even food.
Neither of those statements is incorrect, the word "organic" was never used, and clearly doesnt mean what you think it does.
lol ok mr semiotics. enjoy fucking the fuck off as reading isnt quite your thing.
Totally agree!/

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So, this is maroon.
and i dont feel any different
>looks a bit more crimson than maroon, tho
Good work, son. We could use a man of your talents at >>448260
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All it needs now is a golden eagle
Yep, that's maroon.

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I was wondering if anyone has seen this sort of art style before. This style is exclusively used in storefront signage at liquor stores, sandwich shops, eateries, etc. Growing up in San Francisco, CA the 90's, these signs had always stood out and fascinated me for their silly anthropomorphic nature, realistic detail and similar paining style. Have you seen these anywhere else in the United States, or around global community for that matter? Where did the inspiration for this uniform style (painting technique, eyes, subject matter) originate?
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One reason a lot of those may appear very similar is that sign companies will create a generic sign design/shape that allows for simple modifications to cover a wider variety of business/ product types...chalk and dry erase menu board signage does this a lot, I used to help out sometimes at a place that made these with a silkscreen cartoon chef cutout holding a chalkboard, who would be easily made into specific ethic chefs by painting different flag colors on his neckercheif or given different custom expressions, view directions, gender, etc. by blocking out the facial features in the basic keyline print silkscreen and adding different ones in a separate step.
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Literally "realistic detail"
Another reason the ones used for restaurants and adjacent convenience food retailers look so generic with is that if you search for "happy (food item) clip art" you will be inundated with cheap royalty free images, and places like that tend to be perfectly fine with that...budget places especially don't want to look too fancy with super slick, expensive graphics...even McDonald's "Mayor Mccheese" is sort of amateurish for a multi-gorillion dollar company.
Yeah, seen those around.

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Got it on behance. Is this a scam? I checked the name of the agency and it does indeed exist in Dubai and I didn't find any information online that it's a scam company. But the messages themselves are very strange and I really don't trust these "trial task" job offers. Also 800/month for 40hours/week is very low. I thought they are all millionaires in Dubai. I checked the files they sent and it's not an exploits or viruses. Should I just do it?
is a scam, don't take any jobs without an email conversation or a digital contract in place. 99% of behance DMs are scams the design or work is irrelevant, once you accept they overpay and then ask for a refund while the payment is still in process, meaning you get nothing and you have to pay them usually exactly around $800 for some reason, if you want to see more examples just google this:

site:reddit.com behance scam
Imagine if the people in these scam countries actually did something productive.
Sounds fishy. Be careful.

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Somebody was paid money to "design" this piece of shit.
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I like the flags and animation, I don't like the soulless trophy, it looks like a free stock vector
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fifa womens cup was better
I thought the thumbnail was a fish puckering their lips
Yep, pretty bad.

What now? How do I make cool wallpapers like this.
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Torrent a tutorial?
you can't.
you must join the Dems first.
then promise to vote for the dems.
then, youll be able to draw a mexican.
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Why not Krita?
Just search Youtube for gimp tutorial
Try this app

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What is your workflow like when you want to print a map using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop?

I'm a newbie so I've come up with just two methods which I'm not entirely satisfied with. They're either:

1 - Tracing a screenshot from Google Earth (manually with the vector pen or with the trace button like in picrel)


1 - Go to BBBike and select the area I want
2 - Extract the shapefile and open it in QGIS
3 - Go to layout and add items (legend, scale bar, etc.)
4 - Export as PDF to Ai/Ps and add some finishing touches

I'm inspired by works such as History of the world map by map, or magazines like NatGeo. HELP
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I wanna get to this level!!!
unless you are making an 'illustration' style map, best to use all the existing data sets out there.

i have a 'special' copy of arcGIS. very useful.
after that, there Rhino for dealing with anything non-GIS related
Sounds pretty complex!

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>can you make it "pop"?
>it lacks a bit of... character
>but how would it look like for colorblind people? You see my mother in law...
>don't forget about the bleed margins ok? I read about it in google last night
>can you do our gothic noir minimalist boho branding? Make it professional and robust
>is it centered? I don't think it's centered
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tfw you thought you were a creator but ACKCHYUALLY sought a career in a service industry.

Next up: wedding DJs whose encyclopedic knowledge of available music and how to arrange it into a killer set is ignored in favor of what clients want in the order and timing they want it.
maybe you did
If you had studied harder in school, you wouldn't be having this problem now, because you wouldn't have become a designer.
>cant center
Designers have it rough

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