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I'm from the US and am on vacation in Europe and I bought this pate in the store earlier. I really dig the simplicity and color of the design.
50 replies and 37 images omitted. Click here to view.
true. if that is how you spell germany
reminds me of this one, which is basically the Supreme clothing logo. actually, the older version is even closer to your pic
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the new versions would be fine without all that tacky added-on crap on the right
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I love packaging that has basically remained unchanged since the day it was introduced.

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It's a dating app.
Which of these logos is best?

Vote for one or more please. 1 to 8.
what hard to do with no idea what the app is or what even what its name is
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start by eliminating candidates,
I'd scrub no 8 and 7 due to how close they are to Burlington Coat Factory.
I agree with >>454883 about 7&8

1- meh, looks like a bad brush script G
2.ditto, looks like a weird 3
3. Beats by Dre logo on fire
4. Not 100% perfect but Winner by a mile...classic look, readable but still fun and quirky
5. Looks like a G *and* a 3
6. Looks like someone scratched off part of your camera ready art and the printer didn't catch it. Also Bitcoin-y.
I like 5, doubles as sperm since it's a dating app, do you have a high definition image of the logo you could post here, or the vector file? 1 is good too, I would say 3 is the worst.
Maybe if you tried adding heart inside the hollow in B? Just don't make it look like pregnancy app.

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It's time to apply for the next Antarctican flag.
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don't know shit about flags or antarctica.
I think the faux-3D look of the current one sucks ass

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kek every designer think he is the next hot shit, really the most pretentious field
DALL-E cannot output SVGs.
You realize that Illustrator has a vectorize and image trace tool to do this automatically?
Oh no, he has to do one extra step and that is to Google JPG/PNG to SVG. Damn!
you never fucking used that function, did you? kek, go ahead and try that with OPs results.

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Just look like mexican feminist designed. it was terrible we must turn back
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it's the only good modern state flag redesign. MN was literally created by an /r/vexillology user who isn't from the state and Utah already looks dated despite not being official yet
you dont even fucking live here dude, literally no one here cares about it
fuck off
i bet youre from fucking arkansas or some shit
fuck you
or if you are from MS, i bet youre some fuckwit from d'iberville or somewhere up north like tupelo
I just want to say that Georgia's flag is just this Confederate flag (picrel) but with the state seal slapped onto it, it's been memoryholed thanks to the much more popular battle flag so the average schmuck has no idea it exists
stay cucked lmao

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Is this a good logo?
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makes me think of steak
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I prefer this logo

> Muh soul
> Muh human ingenuity
> Muh art

AI will never replace such quality
Needs more pubes
Looks like an copy of this.

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Save all your files as WEBP to save space preserving quality!
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If it's so good why isn't it everywhere yet
Because it's new.
AVIF is from 2019, JPEG XL is from 2021, these formats don't have decades of widespread adoption like PNG and JPEG.
sorry for only getting back to this over a month later, tfym, i presented my findings and you're the one who got all pissy lmao
why wasn't webpiss a container format to begin with then?
the last time i tried to save a fucking webp image as png so I CAN ACTUALLY USE THE IMAGE it fucking crashed my entire pc. not even shitting you. i have no idea why or how. fuck webp and any site that uses it. fuck off.

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>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
>adobe exec tardrages and immediately kills off the only real competitor "xD" (which is multiplatform and also works offline)
>designers get cucked even further in the limited, strings-attached choice of proprietary software they are allowed to use

being a designer is being fucked in the ass by corporate goons

(no you can't view and edit those print documents unless you pay up for the pantone catalogue index integer table tax sorry)
*pirates ur software*
oh looks i saved thousands
Never buy adobe shit
Figma was a step up from XD and they kept improving it. Doubt they could catch up now. I remember Adobe used to charge to export pdfs from it. That's why I switched.
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i just need some program i can rely on for drawing UI, made with that kind of thing in mind

i've recently worked for a company that people have heard of and in last 5 years they have majorly moved between at least 4 saas in-browser things for making and sharing UI designs, mockups, diagrams etc. and the recent one of course being Figma

from time to time i do freelance work and i find not being able to entirely work offline or store project files locally for years and edit them without syncing to some online account insane

seeing Xd being put in "maintenance mode" sucks, meaning even a pirated version may not work in near future

it's possible to draw and store 2d vectors on a computer without sending them out to some internet server, sounds crazy and archaic right
>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
thank FUCK!!!

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My uni has reduced everyones Adobe AI credits to 0 and won't be issuing new ones. Thanks Taylor.
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He spilled coffee on the professors Macbook Air.
My uni unironically pirated the suite
based uni
LMAO, more like poor fags.

ITT: /gd/ that looks like a... you know...
Radar Operator: Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.
Colonel: What is it, son?
Radar Operator: I don't know, sir, but it looks like a giant...
Jet Pilot: Dick. Dick, take a look out of starboard.
Co-Pilot : Oh my God, it looks like a huge...
Bird-Watching Woman : Pecker.
Bird-Watching Man : [raising binoculars] Ooh, Where?
Bird-Watching Woman : Over there. What sort of bird is that? Wait, it's not a woodpecker, it looks like someone's...
Army Sergeant: Privates. We have reports of an unidentified flying object. It has a long, smooth shaft, complete with...
Baseball Umpire : Two balls.
[looking up from game]
Baseball Umpire : What is that. It looks just like an enormous...
Chinese Teacher : Wang. pay attention.
Wang : I was distracted by that giant flying...
Musician : Willie.

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Is this Austin Powers?

I am seeing a lot of designers move from IG to Cara due to new AI rules/implementations these last few days. Is anyone else seeing this?
2 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
i follow high profile designers and creatives and publishers
never heard of it
lucien smith is the only outsider making a potential dent in the market.
Never heard of him. Care to share why you think he might make a dent in the market?
i just made an account this morning and while the social media is still in a buggy beta state it's nice to see other artists in your feed instead of slop ads and brainrot reels
i like the idea but the app barely works at the moment
my ig feed is great. no bullshit. just dont click on dumb shit and you can have a pretty pure feed follow artists and designers and thats it.

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Neither of those look like anything in here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_symbols_of_Canada

Could you specify what it's meant to be?
Considering Canada is flooded by Pajeets, the poo stain and the smeared leaf used as toilet paper in the new symbol are incredibly spot on. 9/10, W Turdeauland!

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What do you think of this style and design?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
maybe a bit of a foot rub and tummy kiss too
that sounds lovely! I wanna have that too!
you get a toe kiss too
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Doesn't look like a real metal band or album cover. Probably some shitty zoomer "I have no interests or personality so please invent one for me" clothing company.
The logo and art have a different look to them which comes across as amateur. I guess that's morphed into a fashion style now, sort of like spastic anime covers that mix english and japanese. But the coarseness to the main picture still seems cheap, you can tell a better image was run through some vectorizer.
If you're a metal fan you'll feel that the logo style doesn't particularly match the exploitation/horror art style of the main picture.
Also somewhat vaginal.
In short, disgusting.
>them zoomers
stamping around vector geometric and splatter and foliage brushes and and patterns with random gibberish dafont fonts text and 3d renders interspersed just because you could around 2000-2008 was just as meaningless substance-less fluff "graphic art"

lots of people get into "graphic design" not so much for the utilitarian & business side of it but to be able to make pretty pictures and collages

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Should've used Kanye's Graduation as the op pic but yes I like superflat
>asks about a legitimate art style
>posts skittles teeth the snitch
not even remotely similar
The snitch uses superflat, don't see your point.

Any suggestions for improvement?
12 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Absoloot brayn rot
ITT: americans
didnt know it could get worse

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