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Magazine ad for a watch. I liked my previous iteration before my professor told me to change stuff. Everything shown has to be included. Not sure what I can do to make it look better. Any advice? Much appreciated
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Also, if you can change the picture, change it. >>458937 is right as the only story the guy shows is "ohh for fuck sake, i forgot my Seiko at home, third time this week"
yeah now that you mention it, the "available..." paragraph absolutely needs to be below the "inspired by..." paragraph in a much smaller font. basic shit really
>Also, if you can change the picture, change it
if he can't he should just photoshop the watch in the guys hand. it's a trivial task even for a first year student
Originally they were in different spots, but professor said to place them there.
Thanks for the help guys
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About the "available at" paragraph, I see you have two options:

–Move it below and try to rationalize with your teacher. Use these ads as argument (there are plenty more online), take a look how the store text is the last on the bottom on both.

– If you really need to place it there, create a hierarchy on your text as people don't read long strings.
Something like:
Seiko yadda yadda
Starting at OCTORBER 1, 2024

Also, about the watch, make it bigger. Be inspired by other seiko ads.

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what is /gd/'s favorite album artwork?
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Banshee (2015)
learn to reverse img search newfren
Dennis Forkas' covers for Behemoth (Satanist) and Ahklis (Melinoe). That Animals one is up there.
>21st Century Onions Man
Cool question. Maybe Radiohead?
which album tho

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This is it. Graphic design can now end as a discipline.
The pinnacle has been achieved. It's all downhill from here.
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I work for figma - give me your hot takes / feature reqs / q's.

in b4 ligma
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Why the hell isn't there an official Linux client?
I hate the fact that this platform encourages “collaboration”

Except it’s more like, shitty designers tweaking my own designs when I’m not around.

I remember the art director I worked with would go ahead and move my headlines and/or body text into spaces that were marked up by the brand’s template to leave open just cuz she thought it looked better, without knowing what the templates required. Or she would move shit into spaces that needed to be left empty in a banner that required a video insert.
Everything this guy said, really.
Yoi havent found or cracked a drafting program by now?
get a real job tranny.

Creative Market and Envato have good paid ones. The CC library also have plenty of mockups that could be of use.

If you need free ones, my advice would be to use unsplash to find a royalty free picture of what you need and learn how to build your own mockup. You will both learn more about how they work, will have a higher quality one, and will not be surprised when the "free" mockup you downloaded was actually a paid one and you now need to pay extra for it. Also it is the non-headache approach. The downside is that it will be slow at first, but soon enough you will have a lot of mockups you own.
Also if you find yourself in a job that demands custom made mockups (packaging, perfumery, food products, etc) your skill will be of good use.

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>go to uni for animation
>half the professors insist on using picrel for animation
are they mentally challenged? this is actually the single most unintuitive way to animate things, probably because it wasn't made for that
Its perfectly intuitive as that how animation was always done.

That said some shit like krita which better embeds timelines and onionskinning is built around drawing is likely better.

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I'm trying to make a 31-EDO keyboard and am stuck on deciding how it should look like.
An octave has 31 keys and the white ones, for now, correspond to the regular piano white ones
Any suggestion? I could try to not make it look like a piano eventually
Its not an octave its a 31tive
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I know nothing about music, but it seems that it has already been done. Is there a reason why you don't like this design? If so, think/research on how to improve it.

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So a stationary company reached out to me asking if I’m interested on doing some contract work for them. I said yes, however they want to do a paid test run.

The first task of the test run they are looking to establish an email welcome flow. They have a basic welcome flow with one or two emails but not enough to capture the entire email funnel.

That’s all the info I was given. Based on that, do I just go ahead and start designing, or should I ask if they have specific copy in mind?

I’m used to doing design work where a creative brief, copy, brand guidelines, and access to a DAM platform with licensed graphics, logos, and photos to work with are already provided for me. But this while I worked for production agencies.

Should I ask the client for all of this info, or is the client expecting me to come up with my own copy and graphics?
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Klaviyo you can just drag and drop assets and text to create emails and directly publish it to whoever subscribes to the email. I would still create the assets in whatever software you’re used to using and then export the assets into Klaviyo, especially if the company plans to do internal reviews or QA before publishing.
OP again. I’ve been talking with the client over Slack. He keeps asking for my input over the Welcome Flow plan and asking me if it would positively impact open rate.

Dude, I’m a graphic designer with an illustration background. I don’t know shit about marketing.

Also, he hasn’t provided copy and is already asking if I can have these emails done by next week, implying I should just come up with copy. Like idfk how much copy you’d want and how it should sound. That requires going into your site and finding the info.
Just testing
A “test run” but it sounds like I’m fully into the work. Maybe they just want me to help with this one welcome flow for now.
Unironically use chat-gpt to create the copy. Try to use similar lengths to the ones they have already done. Also, make it clear while talking to them that it is chat-gpt and it should be revised, but say you spent some time creating one that could be nice, fixed some points, etc, even if you just copy pasted what the AI overlord spit.

About the "positive impact in conversions", talk about your visual call-to-actions, how the flow is nicer, how you noticed they were doing XYZ and you managed to improve by doing ABC, etc. Keep the conversation on what you know and on your reasoning about why you organized the thing you are doing.

Give it to me straight, lads.

How is the move from Adobe to Affinity?
And how does Affinity square up with Photoshop?
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There's no presentation mode in Affinity Publisher (like crtl+shift+W in InDesign), it's absolutely over.
Been using it for two years doing texture work for vidya game development. Only have a handful of things that I miss from Photoshop.

Affinity Photo does not have an equivalent Save for Web feature like Photoshop does. You can do some kind of "web dither" Floyd-Steinberg with no fine-tuning, but that's it. If you like doing pixel art or web-conscious work, you'll miss it in Affinity Photo. You also cannot edit videos or GIFs as you would in PS. Last thing I miss is the Generate Normal Map feature in older versions of Photoshop.

I've converted friends and peers to use Affinity Photo, though, for how good it is and how shitty Adobe is. I definitely recommend it, Anon.
It's already got it, Anon. Offline, too.
Apparently, I just got hired to work for a publisher in my country because I mentioned le Affinity.

I was just told they are tired of Adobe fucking with them and have been planning to move from InDesign because performance issues. So when I mentioned that I use Affinity, they got so excited(realizing now I should have asked for more money).

I started off with Inkscape for vector graphics and got used to how easier it dealt with nodes(aka "anchor points"), so switching to Affinity was so much easier because of that similarity. Started with Affinity Publisher because InDesign was just annoying to use, got into Designer this year, and now venturing into Photos.

I just hate how Adobe apps hide all the cool things deep inside menus needing extra clicks to access. In a nutshell, Affinity has a much better and more modern UI.

I'm still attached to Photoshop because of Content-Aware Fill and Selection and a few features here and there. But getting used to Affinity Photo still. And besides the AI stuff, I'm struggling to find something you can't do(arguably quicker) that Photoshop does.

Realized that almost all the cool things Photoshop hides from you are just "Tools" in Photo, so my toolbar looks like this.
Congrats. In which country?

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No Jaguar thread? What in the actual fuck.
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Erm sweetie a logo is not a brand mkay.
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the whole thing has to be a troll, right?
the managing director's name can't actually be "Raw Dong Lover"
No, it's an age old automotive tradition to base a vehicle's name badge on the shape of the animal it is named after, picrel is another famous example that is as accurate as the Jaguar explainer graphic.
which one is the biological female?
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>tfw your life sucks but at least you weren't named Raw Dong Lover

examples of schizo designs?
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>le schizo XDDD

yeah you will get that egirl pussy with those graphics, but instead of secondary school soo deep deviantart emo nihilism,
you should be 35 years old dependent on pity of your elderly neighbours, involuntarily obsessed about simply how similar words sound, and with celebrities and things on the telly, more so basic bitch learning impaired layman uninteresting everyday things rather than anything "esoteric" (haha samhyde mde amirite xD), and assigning meaning to mundane word and number combinations or patterns in the drywall and watching hours and hours of autogenerated shitty youtube boomer 'documentary' slop about aliens every single day, and posting on \g\ about the feds breaking into your walgreens pharmacy account and terrorizing you whenever you receive indian spam from stolen hotmail accounts in your email or mobile messenger and sending scammers your passwords and telling that your neighbor is pumping POISONOUS GAS in your apt ventilation whenever you got blood pressure and heart problems due to the genetics+weather. basically an unstable out of shape invalid burnt out on and risking liver failure on megadose of ssris, with a mind of a 13 year old, that needs an adult caretaker for life. haha so funny and hilarious.
*goth egirl
(of course)
you should visit a group home, it would be HILARIOUS
and goth egirls probably like nihilistic aesthetic esoteric smell of urine and 50 year old fat people real life actual schizophrenia is really esoteric and deep and aesthetic
holy fucking saar
David Dees. Thank me later.

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tried my hand at it in audacity, then did some extra work in PS. what do y'all think?
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yes. this is the correct answer
yep! took each databend a step at a time until i felt satisfied with it. even used a .bmp to fuck with the different rgbs, even though i then just put red layer over it all on PS
Looks pretty cool!
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cool stuff, anon. i love this kind of stuff.

if you don't know about it, i would look into slow-scan television and throw that into your arsenal. you can get some really interesting -- and controllable! -- effects by taking an image, converting it to audio, then playing it back through a microphone or running it through audio effects before playing.
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(cont. from last reply)

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numbers numbers

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Talk about designs that are /gd/-rated kino.

Share your favorite designs you think are good and tell us why they're good or ask for feedback.

>Type inspiration

>Random inspiration

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I mean this gold thing. Tried to recreate it with photoshop liquify but thats just not it.
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Looks more like a turbulent displace localized rather than a liquify product
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Premiere or after eff3cts?

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