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>all women but me and this fag
>tattoed goth oversocialized whores abound
>if not that, then they're retarded tumblr users
>if not that, just retards all around
>IF there is another guy, it's some fag who wants to draw tatoos or tranime
I want to fucking kill myself. I have to do trade school classes to escape military conscription but after the first day, i'd rather go to the fucking army or commit suicide. I can't stand being around these worthless nobodies who think they're going to change the world. I don't plan on pursuing graphic design because it's a dead profession but I did have a passion for it and was autistic about typefaces and logos way back when. AI just had to roll around just as I was planning to pursue it as a profession. I had to go through with it because as I said military and because I don't want to work a wagecuck job if I can help it. You get gibs for being a student too so that's another plus. but I know i'm going to piss away 2 years of my life for nothing.
poor you.
*kisses forehead*
There's practice classes on certain days and theory classes on others. But you can get the gist through emails and PDFs and bullshit. I'm thinking of skipping as much as I can. They tell you that it's better if you show up but that it's not detrimental unlike practice classes.
You sound autistic and unbearable, please do kill yourself or go to the army.
>waaa waaaaa waaaa
guess what, sad incel? If you don't like it, feel free to change your specialty to something else.

>worthless nobodies who think they're going to change the world
as opposed to an antisocial and annoying 4chan user? they sound pretty based to me: full of naive optimism, social, friendly, helpful and caring. you could learn a few things from them
>samefagging this hard
OP's post mindbroke you.
>was autistic about typefaces and logos
You're a worthless nobody
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Homos and fat femcels with bangs got triggered harder than the 2016 election results.
Maybe but I'm willing to admit that. These people really believe their existences matter and that they will create all these wonderful things.
so your problem is jealousy about their dream being more realistic than yours?
Holy christ fuck off
Are you really complaining that you're surrounded by women that aren't all doomers like you? FFS, get laid.
Accomplishing anything starts with beleiving you can. Being a worthless pessemist who doesn't accomplish anything is worse than being a head in the clouds optimist who only makes it 20% of the way because at least they accomplished something. You aren't cool or interesting, you're just an asshole who's mad that other people are enjoying life more. Faggot.
Anon, for the love of yourself enjoy your time with those, I'm a student of computer science engineering and I wish I could have the number of girls you are sorrounded by, the number of girls that attend my classes I can count them with the fingers on my hand. Women are simple creatures, and as someone in that spends time in a field suffocated in efficientism simple things have the gift to bring a fresh breath of air.
Again, please explore the people you occupy the same space with, you should consider yourself lucky, those girls (as I noticed from some female friends attending those analogous girl filled fields) are starving for a male presence and they probably would enjoy a new friendly guy trying to join them.
You need TRT. I'm not bantering or slandering.
You need to fuck some bitches and play some sport, maybe you won't be so stuck up like a little girl anymore and see life with more light.
Also try to adopting more than ten words a sentence, it could help to sharpen your social technique; when in real life you can't hide behind a screen, little bitch.
Damn, I really struck a chord there, didn't I?
He's right tho, I'm currently in art school and most girls here are only accepting of fags because they want to seem nice and kind but on multiple occasions they admitted to me or their friends that they wish there were more normal guys like me and my friend
They are STARVING for real, dependable, strong male figures in their lives and you could be that person
And before you say their politics dont align with yours, I'm happy to say none of that shit actually matters
As long as you dont talk hitler or whatever you have a very good chance of atleast pulling any girl you might like towards the middle just by virtue of being a hard-working, strong man
Im not kidding you thats how these women operate, in their circles they are absolutely starved for traditionally male quasi father figures and they absolutely will shift their beliefs over time
>virtue of being a hard-working, strong man
completely agree with you there, but thankfully that doesn't equate with right-wing views
in fact, there was never a bigger divide between political views in women and men. and most women realized that incels and magats are lying about their political views, so going "i don't really care about politics" won't save you anymore either.
being a right-winger is by far the biggest ick in women, above gaming, anime or porn addiction
no adult person should say "they don't care about politics" 99% will think you're retarded
just say you're le enlightened centrist and use that to weave in whatever more chud beliefs you might have from time to time, the more yapping and long winded explanations the better, if you're affable enough they'll look past all of it 9/10 times
all of this works much better if you're handsome ofc
>the more yapping and long winded explanations the better
ah yes, because women love long half-hearted political diatribes
find it really funny when incels try to give dating advice
I'm literally speaking from experience, you don't actually have to listen to anything I say
OP here. How is this thread still up? Anyway to answer all of you. All of the girls there are
>autistic dysgenics
>whore alt girls
>one 40 year old
so my pool of women is grim. I'd rather not. I want a normal girl, not these weird types. But normal girls don't go to GD.
Pump and dump you fuckin chump
AI won't do shit, trust me.

"Generative" AI isn't generating anything, it's just trying to predict what pixels are likely to come next based on a shitton of images in its database.

This means that it needs Terabytes of images of dogs to generate a dog, let alone a decent dog.

AI is just the new crypto, a buzz word for companies to trick investors, just use your creativity and it'll be done
nobody said you have to date the girls in your class...you can date girls from other classes
think about people in CS or engineer classes, where there's like 90%+ guys
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>The Crow
This is cope. Say, I want to design a logo for a cafe bar or something. Why pay some guy for it and he takes forever when I go to this site, type in some bullshit and get a perfectly real-looking logo? AI is here, it's useful and it will make these people weep over the wasted time and effort.
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i'm tired of these posts saying graphic design is dead, you guys must be so fucking bad at it imitating trends that'll die and be obsolete soon, and following the massas taste. Be fuckn confident bout your art for god's sake. No AI would ever make a design with personality, with irony and sarcasm only a human could've thought.
Grow a fucking pair.
possible. but in order to grant you the desired status of superiority I wanna see your work. otherwise I deem 'cute words'
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this guy gets it. be likeable and confident and you'll get clients. you don't even have to be good at graphic design just learn to network you fags good lord
because its actually fucking garbage and if you were good at design you would know that. plus 40 year old business owners are too stupid to get on a website and generate a logo. they pay me to do that for them
Just do graphic design as a hobby, this "profession" is fucking completely dead soon thanks to AI.
In that scenario, the guy wanting a logo would not care if it looked good or not. Stop coping.
people still use that shit?
LMAO, all corporate AI is trash that can't follow orders aside from very specific niche use cases. The only thing that works consistently is heavily tuned open source AI, and that is not for everyone.
Cheap looking logo, no vector graphics, and if it looks good is probably a trade mark violation.

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