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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Looking for a gif or webm of the meme where a guy is singing on some kind of factory rail system and it has caption like "here comes our president Biden" or something similar.

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The banner has a bunch of robots and one of them says 'why are we attacking each other', I want the source of that

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I'm looking for a copypasta that I can send as an appeal to X. My account was suspended for saying the following: "I had such high hopes for his cancer diagnosis." My English isn't so good. I was trying to wish somebody a speedy recovery. Apparently, X thought I was wishing the person would die, and I got banned for "violent speech."

I've already tried the "woke hive mind" copypasta. Multiple times. It didn't work. Does anybody know any newer copypastas that work for "violent speech"?
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Twitter sucks anyway, time to move on


I'm sure one of you knows the right phrase for getting an account unsuspended. If not that, then some sort of strategy.
Looking into this!!

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'jak this

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Sauce on the remix and singer pretty please.

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Does someone have a picture with all/most of the board -tans in it? I haven't seen most of them posted in a while.
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And a sketch (by the original artist?).
the little girl near the front above /n/ is not in the labeled one here >>1477644 or the labeled one here >>1478064

also, this >>1478064 has /bant/ in her place while no other edition does.
Fucking hell, this is complicated. Wish I could find the original thread where this was posted. Someone said it was a drawfag from /m/, but I don't know when.
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Did some more digging, and that little girl is apparently also /bant/-tan (see https://arch.b4k.co/vrpg/thread/46067/#46481). Someone must have pointed out the artist forgot /bant/, or he realized that himself, then added both versions.
Pic related is a smaller scale version of >>1478063 (loli /bant/), but as a .png.
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Blue line art incomplete version.
I finally found the original sketch, but it's lost to time: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/14988134/#q15038150

Can someone edit a faded smug Pepe into this? You would be doing God’s will
where are the editors? have they abandoned this board?
>smug Pepe
could not find

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Can someone with an old school calculator put in 55318809 and take a pic of it upside down
Actually can you make it


If it will fit. If not the first thing is fine.
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I need to find this /wsr/

I am currently searching for a manga, I think it was a oneshot. It was the story of a depressed kid who meets a girl in an abandoned building who says that the end of the world is in a few days. She then asks the guy to do some random stuff around town before the end (something about light posts if I remember correctly).

The only thing I have is this panel that I took years ago. The kid liked to burn his stuff alone at night when he was depressed if memory serves.

Pic related
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Bump for interest
Do you remember how it ended?
mostly, I think the guy kinda falls in love with her and fucks up with the light posts in the city. the day comes and the city is beautiful, and (I think) that the end of the world basically doesn't happen and the girl claims she's god or some shit. It's pretty blurry in my head but it was pretty cool when I read it and was pretty depressed at the same time.
also it's not in an actual city, but it's more rural/village type of setting

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I don't know what this is called. It's a genre of rare pepes where it's something different but it's really a rare pepe. Please post the good ones. Please tell me what this is called.
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dumping more of my own, do not repost please
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What does it mean? I want to use it for my Wii U
You have 32 pending sectors.
Those failing sectors waiting for reallocation.
Failing of secors is usually regarded as the biggest indicator of failure in the next 1-2 months. Often once they start to pop up they pop up more and more.
According an analysis by google the failure rate has a peak shape, most drives after the first pending sector fail within the first 1-2 months - but if they DON'T statisticall the risk of failure afterwards lowers down again. A drive that survived the critical time period has a good chace of having a long life ahead after that.
Hence it tells you to be cautionous, not that it is faulty directly. It could just a single burst of sectors and that's it. It just tells you to be aware of the possibility of data loss. For less important data you can still use it.

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East asian girl 1 (wearing blue blouse) "pranks" east asian girl 2 (wearing pink blouse) by pointing a pistol at her own head and pretending she's about to commit suicide. East asian girl 2 seems really scared and sad about it. East asian girl 1 pulls the trigger and nothing happens, then she laughs and throws the pistol at the table she picked the pistol from. In the background there are two guys with suits and sunglasses simply standing there. They were in a setting similar to a casino, the table was green and everything around them was elegant, but they were the only people in the room. I put "pranks" in quotes because judging by the setting and the exaggerated reaction of the "pranked" girl, the whole thing is scripted.
Attached image is kind of similar to the video (in the sense that it has an east asian girl and a green table)

It works without issue in incognito and other browsers like Edge, but for whatever reason it just keeps looping.
I've opened up chrome's task manager and killed every process to see if it was an extension causing it, but it still loops.
what do?

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I need a potent laptop. Price isn't an issue, but I was thinking about the perfomance-cost edge.
2000€ tops. I don't care about software, I can pirate it.

A laptop for gaming and work; I have a good pc and I don't expect it to be better than my desktop unit, but I want something good.
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give links bro let us be thorough
Seeing as maybe you don't really know what you're in for, I think I should mention that when buying a laptop you don't get the equivalent PC performance.
RTX4070 Laptop GPU has ~10-15% higher performance than the desktop 4060 aka not as performant than the desktop 4070.
I'm not saying these laptops are bad, they're insane. I've got a Lenovo Legion as well and it's top tier machine.
Just don't expect desktop performance and bear in mind the small form factor means heat is harder to dissipate so the fans are working overtime when gaming. When playing AAA games on high settings mine sounds like it's taking off. Need headphones.
Here, it is a spanish page. Is the one I use. I just want the best cost-perfomance laptop but something good, I already have a high tech pc.
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