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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Thoughts on this character design? c:
34 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Looks w*stern
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is this supposed to be a reference to pearl from su
>thin elegant weapon
>rose in hand
>big fuckn reflective hemisphere
or plagiarism like su did too
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just got more important things to do than give a hoot about looks
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I actually based her off Tezuka's Princess Knight, Dio Brando and the Final Fantasy V time mage job alongside playing along the ojou sama archetype.
The schnoz and freckles (yes, they are freckles) are there to give her physical beauty flaws to go alongside her ego u_u

This is the main MC of my first project btw, she's a nerdy and shy fire mage and is a roommate and rival to the OP's character.
They go to the same magic academy ( M.A.R.I.S.A. which stands for "Magic Academy Rocca Isidora for Specializing Apprentices") :3
Unlike Ferfou's who's also part fencer, Cassia is a traditional mage.

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where can I watch unedited police dashcams of pit manuveurs launching criminals?
example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUP0PKGzeEQ&ab_channel=CornerOffice this but no censoring
i happen to be an avid enjoyer of pit maneuver kino

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does someone have the protein/whey/creatine powder brand meme where the name is "prison rape" or something
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found it
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i think this one is better quality

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Is 91 days the only anime with serious tones that isn't filled with shitty moeshit garbage or overused anime tropes? Literally every anime I see nowadays is copy paste generic tropeshit, is there any show I've missed that is this good?
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Anime shows are about supporting merchandise and license sales now. If they have a good story, then okay, they are trying to survive more than one season. But license sales typically only last about one season's worth of time and then the promotion campaign is over with. There's no need for the licensor to pay large fees to cover production costs and keep the show going another season. If the show can find another major license partner to underwrite the costs, then that's good. But many shows do not, and even though there are enough viewers, without sponsors that show just won't be made when other shows do have sponsors.
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+1 for Erased. It did a fantastic job of subverting the isakei trope by having the MC caught in a time loop where he constantly suffers until he figures out how to extend the next loop so he can investigate the setting. [spoiler]Whole show really focused on childhood trauma and what happens when those closest to us don't speak when suffering from abuse[/spoiler]

An anime I recommend is Monster; it's a very mature telling of a doctor who is thrusted with one of the most gravest conundrum, which is: if you met evil when it was a kid, would you kill it, if not, are you prepared to suffer the consequences of said evil growing up then ruining your life. Entire anime explores this conundrum in great detail.

Another anime that I enjoyed was Parastye. Don't want to spoil it too much but it's about extraterrestrial aliens that attempt to blend into society. If you've seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the 1950 one or the newer one) then it's basically like that. Parastye also has some nice music too:
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I also forget a little gem of an anime that I enjoyed which was 'Girls' Last Tour' - made me cry a bit. Basically about two friends being forced on an adventure where they explore a war torn world whilst reflecting on their friendship and what it means to them - no it isn't yuri shit or anything like it's just a telling of two friends getting into fights, dealing with conflict, realizing the value of being together over being alone, and some other slice of life themes too. I personally liked it.
I hate that the retarded /a/ mods don't just delete stupid troll threads instead of tossing them on /wsr/. Its probably hard to tell the difference from a troll thread and a regular thread on a board full of autists.
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cross game

what's on the table?

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can someone make a list of all dragon ball movies and where they fit into the show chronologically? including db and GT (assuming there are movies for GT, don't really know)
and do you think it's better to watch in lore chronologic order or release order? I initially assume better to watch chronologically but i imagine there might be references to earlier shit taht might be scuffed by relative release dates. Thoughts?

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Anyone know a good source to find free online training courses, for a variety of topics please?

Pirated or otherwise, I don't mean just IT skills, but also courses that cover different job roles for example and serve as an introduction to that career path. Doesn't matter how basic.

online-courses.club/ 1337xx.to/ thepiratebay.org/ /rutracker.org/ btdig.com/
Open MIT
Trouble with the torrent sites is I have no idea what to look for
I've not got existing courses in mind that I want to pirate, rather, I'm looking on where to find these courses to pirate in the first place, kek

Thanks, I will check here as well

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Anyone have the picture of pepe crying clutching a laptop?
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Alright only last piece of information I can give is that originally I saw it in some thread that was like "what would you do as a 24 yo neet with no job experience, education or parents" or something like that and it was reposted on a bunch of boards like /biz/ and /adv/ with the same image. Only reason I didn't save it is because I thought I saved it the first time. I can't find it in the archives because I don't know the exact phrasology of the op.
>I think he has a blanket around him but its red
Like this?
Or this?
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Or perhaps this?

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Okay, I know it might sound bad, but I saw a meme the other day comparing male and female body dismorphias. It described the male experience through a "schizoedit" of various phrenology/eugenics images and clips put together. If anyone knows the source or a similar video please share.
Highly likely that it was a blackpill/looksmaxxing edit

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best loli anime?
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The one who smelt it.
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Ojamajo Doremi.
Hoshino y, fuck yeah!
why are half the images in this thread 404'd?
Thread is 150 days old, multiple boards were accidently nuked on August 25.

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Anyone knows the JDownloader settings for twitter/x? Pic related, or any other way like an extension for scrolling and grabbing media?, for me JD always reaches a limit at around ~2000 images and then stops, I changed the settings bunch of times but no luck so far, I also tried gallery-dl

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Want to work with a coder. Don't want him to use the code I have to share it/sell it/make a business with it. Just private use.
Is there a way I can patent code so that I can control how it's used basically? Total cost?
The other problem though is the code can have rough editing to make it basically do the same thing as a way to create a loophole for documentation.. btw he was a friend in high school, but in the same time as I've grown older, I've developed much high standard when it comes to trust. Very hard to earn that with me

Looking for a song called "Nuke Iran" by Vince Vance & the Valiants.
They're most famous for their song "Bomb Iran," which you can hear on youtube.
"Bomb Iran" is a parody of the Beach Boys song Barbara Ann, "Nuke Iran" is apparently a parody of Duke of Earl by Gene Chandler. However, despite this wikipedia page saying it exists, I can't find it anywhere.
Interestingly enough, while the wikipedia page for "Bomb Iran" says they made a follow up named Nuke Iran, the page for the band itself does not mention any such single.
So it could be by another band, or it could not exist, or it could just be exceptionally rare

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from stlmugshots.com
google lens and tineye returned jackshit
thanks in advance!

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