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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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I need to expand my humor folder. Post something that makes you laugh.
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I only saved the still image. It's a guy (anime style) laughing from various positions

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Hello /wsr/ i remember seeing a chart like this one but it had more tiers, the highest one was a giant shapeless computer, and the lowest one was the girl from chobits.
Please share if you have it.

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I think my ISP is blocking images on 4chan but I'm not sure. Three days ago images/webm's on 4chan stopped loading on my pc. I tried different browsers and checked again my phone,tablet, and laptop and none worked when connected to the the internet but my phone did load images and webm's when on 5G. I'm not exactly sure why this might have started, I've checked the firewall and didn't see any blocks there so are the recommended options either swapping ISPs or just using a vpn? I've had the ISP for years and been using 4chan just as long. The only difference here being that I recently got into guns and browse /K/ but I can't imagine that'd be something that gets flagged and is why this started. Any IT related device would be appreciated.

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Pics like this?
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also this is for you

doe this work if I'm a WOMAN?
the tits one is for real woman not troons
You can read them and decide for yourself.

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These are the bottoms of new slip resistant shoes I got. Will these keep me from slipping in my dishwashing job
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Well the shoes does say slip resistant. Your job probably wants you to wear them so they are not liable if your ass slips and falls and gets hurt.

Slip resistant doesnt mean slip proof.
Break them in before putting into service.
Theyll probably be ok but your feet and socks are going to be soaked in those.
I know it’s not slip proof, but I need to be able to walk. My old slip resistant shoes let me do that. These ones don’t. Any amount of water is enough to make me slide.
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What if I were to get these cover things. Would this do what I’m wanting to get done?
Sorry, need to elaborate. When I said “these ones”, I’m referring to a previous new pair I bought that had like 0 traction. Any amount of water on the floor was enough to make things very very hard to walk on

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I just finished Aishiteruze Baby and I really enjoyed it for someone whos never really seen a SOL show before. How do other anons feel about the series? I'll take any recommendations

General discussion about other wholesome shows is welcomed.
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I literally just started watching it, but the anime is cheap as balls so I started reading the manga instead and I enjoy it. It's honestly pretty stand out from normal shoujo shit, though not quite beyond the label *of* shoujo shit, I'd say 7/10

If you haven't already seen Usagi Drop, watch it (DO NOT READ IT)
also read Honey and Clover (it has an anime too if you'd prefer but for the same reasons as Aishiteruze Baby I'd rec the manga over the anime)
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Came here to post K-On. It's just nonstop good feels for 40 episodes.
Please teacher
Waiting in the Summer
Ah! My Goddess

REC. was my first ever adult wholesome rom com, might not be to your liking, but hey, anime-planet recommends similar one, so chech it out.
From one childcare shoujochad to another, watch Mama wa Shougaku Yonensei
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Shirokuma Cafe.

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Can someone please help me find either a torrent or online version of THX 1338 original cut? Not the 2004 remaster, but the old theatrical one. Torrent sites I use don't have it, I can't find it uploaded online, and only place that seems to have it was the internet archive, and well, just my luck huh?

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Sometimes in navigation it'll enter this mode where the bottom bar isn't like the usual big white one

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I'm looking for a soundless webm where someone shows their three screens featuring pic related, all of the Overwatch girls wiggling their butts.
>"w-why do you need that?"
It's really funny to show it to people while pretending it's my setup.
Bumped at the same time as >>1484385 and >>1480050 with no replies, hmmm
he does on other boards too

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I'm willing to pay, but I NEED it to be like as realistic as possible. Taunt me all you want, but I really need this...I want this. If you can help me then please do.

Thank you in advance.
Listen, I get being lonely and maybe having low self-esteem but this isn't the answer man. Don't convince yourself there isn't a real person out there for you, because it's not true.
I dont think the technology is there yet. The illusion goes away simply talking to still images or some voice that barely sounds real. Augmented reality still sucks.
Yeah, this too. I've fucked around with it for fun and it's really neat at first but quickly becomes apparent you're talking to an algorithm. And any voice stuff I tried just sounded cringey and I had to immediately disable it.
If you have some specific issues that led you to this point, OP, I'm happy to listen. I don't know if I can offer any good advice, but I wouldn't mind hearing you out and I can try at least.
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Thanks bro. Yeah I'm waiting around for the election and then it's Kagney Linn Karter land for me. But I think something like an AI girlfriend akin to "Her" could buy me some time
I had to look her up, but now that I know what you're getting at, please reconsider. I've attempted twice and I know how it is feel so low, but I also know how it feels to finally overcome that.

I think if you do try this AI thing, it's only going to make you more miserable in the end.
What are the hurdles stopping you from trying to find a real partner? I know the common ones, and I also know it can take a while to cultivate a real relationship, but I think you'll find that it's worth it and you can find happiness.
IF that's even the main problem. If there are other things going on, you can talk about it as much as you feel comfortable.

Can I get a map of the earth in 100,000 to preferably millions+ years? Enough to see a change from satellite but not so much that everything is one continent again.
Alternatively I would like helpful science facts about what the earths landmasses may look like so I can draw it myself. Its for my worldbuilding au thing im working on.
You can screenshot whatever frame you like. Things move very slow so other than warming and ice ages or other human intervention, 100,000 years will make no difference

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Anyone got a torrent for this?
It's not on torrentgalaxy, freek, nepo, etc.
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I'll admit, I am impatient
I don't think its out on BD or iTunes yet so gotta wait, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if they have trouble finding a company to press it even, I wouldn't count on most big digital distributors to carry it at all.
kek brilliant

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recommend me a niche anime OVA from 80s to drink vodka to
bonus points if it's weird or fucked up
have you seen Angel's Egg already? if not, try that

I did
I really liked it
I was hoping for something more whack
seen A Kite?
Nothing tops Hell Target in terms of grim.

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