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Does anyone know the name for the song that plays in the title screen of this flash game? It feels so familiar yet I can't tell why.

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What are some novels that deal with consanguineous incestuous relationships?
time enough for love by robert e. heinlein
to sail beyond the sunset by robert e. heinlein
that should be:
>robert a. heinlein

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Best soulful Japanese games for the Switch?

I wanna remember the joy of gaming, last thing I played was Nier Automata and Dark souls series. And I realized I have a Switch just laying around.
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>copyright notice
what Nep is this?

FFVII, Persona 3 (go with FES or Reload. Portable sux), Azure Dreams
>what Nep is this?
It's a switch screenshot of Re;Birth1
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>dark souls
Those two words lead me to a thought. I didn't think it was possible but apparently there is dark souls for the switch.
Daemon X Machina & Astral Chain
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Slightly different request from OP, but I've never played a single Nintendo game besides Super Mario Bros in childhood and I want to understand the autism behind people loving these games and making so much fanart of them.

Which one can I start with as a normal gamer and anime fan?

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Posting again, need help finding these in size 9.5 preferably from a first party vendor instead of a secondary market like mercari or eBay.
9.5? what is this, timbaland boots for girls?

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Does anyone know where this webm is from?
pretty sure that's the Evangelion typing game for Dreamcast

What are some kino shota manga?
ask >>>/b/ or >>>/trash/
are you looking for onee-shota or no?
Anything involving shota.

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That's it, I'd like to know what's going on in South Korea.
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Not a request.
Go ahead, try to report it as off-topic.
The Guardian has a timeline.
>remotely useful for anything of value, ever

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Where can I get the raw mangas of gochiusa for free? I want to read Vol 11 - 12 in raw.
thank you anon.
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>rewatched bocchi
>rewatched k-on
Well, it seems I finally have to watch and then read Gochiusa?

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I can't see all scheduled live streams for the channels I have subscribed to. When I go to the Subscriptions page I only get shown a few scheduled ones mixed with new uploads but when I manually go to accounts I follow I see scheduled shows that do not appear on the Subscriptions page. How do I get a full overview?

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/wsr/ing a gif of deranged 3D model Miku laughing and aiming a handgun.
I already tried googling it and used all the boorus and 4chan archives I know.
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Holy thanks, king!

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I have an Alienware 17 R2 and I'm tired, someone help me fix this thing.
For a year now it's been doing this thing where it freezes in sleep mode, during shutdowns, and reboots. Keyboard lights stay on but it's completely unresponsive. Mouse lights go off.
10% of the time it shuts down normally but 90% of the time I have to forcefully press the power button.

I've done everything imaginable, so dont give me Windows 10 power options shit. This goes way deeper. It freezes or shuts itself down instantly when trying Dell update, Intel chipset driver install, Intel serial IO install..

I tried POP Linux on a live USB and it froze in sleep mode. I still refuse to accept hardware failure, it could be BIOS or something I mean there was a time when I got the pc to work after installing/reinstalling Alienware bloat for a million times.
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I have a hunch this could be the WiFi card having issues with sleep states. Was very common on the intel 6XXX line, for example. If you have the option of cabling in for a while and assuming it's accessible without major surgery, pop the wifi card out of the system entirely for a while and see if the problem goes away.
If it turns out to be that you can play around with firmware/driver updates for it or just replace the card.
OP here, I get these eventviewer errors every time I close the laptop lid:

Error message: Error code: 0xDC, Sub error code: 0x7C
Error message: Error code: 0xDC, Sub error code: 0xB1
Error message: Error code: 0xE0, Sub error code: 0x4E
Error message: Error code: 0x12D, Sub error code: 0x75

They might be Thunderbolt related. Drivers are up to date.
Live Linux also whines about usb port / IO issues all the time.
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OP here again

I switched to Pop Linux (from Win10) and I get these weird USB errors whenever I try to go into sleep mode.
I also get "watchdog did not stop!" when I shut down.
As far as I know all the drivers are up to date.

And yea, I sometimes get freezing even with Pop Linux.
What device is usb1-9?
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the keyboard

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does someone know the artist/s of these 2 characters?
yoya yogurt did the noise picture

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Trying to remember the name of an old anime movie. It was a kid's movie about a girl who I wore overalls and I think a small hat, and had an animal sidekick (dog?) traveling in a spaceship. There's one scene where she visits an alien kingdom obsessed with showing off their wealth, and accidently converts the king and by extension the whole kingdom into nudism, then is pressured into awkwardly joining in (nothing explicit).

If anyone knows what it's called I'd be verry grateful.
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Also no.
Nop OP, but that's definetely not it.
Am OP, and can confirm it's not.

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Can someone extract this sheet music for me? Please. Trying to get it in its full resolution. Gallery-DL, inspect element, and "allow right click" don't seem to be working.

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Here ya go:
network tab in developer tools show the url of each image each time you click them
What browser is that? I was hoping to get them bigger than that but I guess its better than nothing.

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Trying to remember a lo-fi song with lyrics that go:

... Better days (something something)...
I was yours and you were mine~...
(more lyrics I forget)

These lyrics were sampled from a song and I think the thumbnail was a black woman smiling on a subway train. It had similar feel to these two combined, its this type of lofi.

It was a woman singing in that song sample btw
nvm I found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-73nvxBw5k4
would've been a wild goose chase since I misremembered the lyrics too

(Special feelings, special time)
Always so special
(I was yours and you were mine)
Made for each other
(All the good I won't forget)
You will stay on my mind
(Saturday, the day we met)

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