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Manga or anime that doesn't shame male or female virginity or the choice to remain as one before marriage.
I'm still not exactly sure what you want, I'll take instead your question as, "a show in where a character acts very modest, religious, or conservative and isn't being put down by being called a virgin and the show puts some focus on their 'pure' or conservative nature/lifestyle in where they normally would be called that" Now I don't recall these perfectly so it could be the case that it might've happened in them. If my rephrase of your question isn't good then please correct me

>My Dress-Up Darling
male character is very modest/conservative in lifestyle compared to the female character. They grow to have a cute relationship in where they never really put each other down ever

>TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You
guy meets girl and decides he wants to marry her and she agrees. Years go by that they've even seen each other then they get married. The story is about their marriage life after waiting for each other

>Kaguya-sama: Love is War
I think it might've happened for the blue haired male character, the "loser" at one point, but engaging in sex or "unpure" things isn't the focus of the characters or the story. Rather their arcs are about finding the person they love. The MC's are "more pure" compared to the other students in their classes which the show references. Ultimately because they're waiting for each other

>Tomo-chan Is a Girl!
Main girl is very "innocent" and isn't put down for it. The Main guy as well is but he butts head with the female friend of the group a lot but I don't recall him ever being called a "virgin" by her

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Thanks. Kinda tired of all these manga's that assume sex is an obligation in a relationship and you are somehow lacking if you don't have it. What's worse is when underage characters agree with this and there is not counterpoint

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So, I remember when there were these groups scanning all those great artbooks. DPG etc. I lost my HD and animeartbooks.tk does no longer exist. Does anyone know where to get a torrent of HQ scanned artbooks? Capcom, SNK, Amano, Toriyama etc. Much appreciated.
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>I lost my HD and animeartbooks.tk does no longer exist.
That's why you buy physical copies.
Nothing gained, nothing lost

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Can anyone recommend some reasonably modern (last decade or so) magical girl shows that aren't trying to be subversive, edgy, suffering-fests, or generally dark? I'm tired of the Madoka offshoots that feel the need to break all their characters, but that's all I seem to be recommended lately.
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Magical girl shows have been dead for over a decade unfortunately. Unless of course you're fine with aged-up hag Sakura in Clear Card or the borderline hentai scenes in Mahoako.
Precure is the only safe option. Sure you've already watch'd Heartcatch.

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Hi all, I'm writing a book about my time spent in Ukraine last year. The current working title is:

An Englishman's Explorations in Ukraine: Part 1


An Englishman's Explorations in Ukraine: The First Exploration

Could someone, using the pic related as a template, make a very professional-looking book cover, incorporating the title into the cover, please? I mean to get it published on Amazon Kindle within the next few months.

Much appreciated, and my disc is barrrelrriderrr if you wanna add me and catch up on the progress of the book, once it sells I will be more than happy to pay you for your time and effort if I use your cover art. I'm planning to write at least 2 more so it would be great to stay in touch for more artwork. Thanks again - an Englishman.
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Can't say it's especially professional, but here's my crack at it. Good luck, anon.
You did not explain this. Wouldn't it make sense to explain as much as possible what you want, and give feedback on the work already done?
Post a higher quality photograph first. Looks bad when you fully open it.
Thanks Anon this is fantastic!
That's the point, so people can edit it to make it look better.
You can't make shit look good. Even >>1458100 looks ass when you fully open it.

Hello. I'm requesting a certain song or music that's familiar to anons here and /wsg/. I can't remember the entire title except that it had bittersweet lodged somewhere in it's(I think). What I can clearly remember is that it doesn't have any lyrics, and the artist who made it had
this kiryuuin satsuki gif or art of her as his background for the youtube vid. Thank you and good luck in completing my request :)
What an absurd character design. A warrior in high heels?
You should see the main character's battle outfit

How do you prove these two expressions.
For context this is on homework for electromag 1
math undergrad here
i have no idea of what am I looking at but it has the same format as the product rule for derivatives
I think I see what you mean but is it right to treat the infinitesmal da/dl/dt as part of it? I think the way to solve it has to do with rewriting the terms within the surface/volume integrals
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Recommend me a new phone that isn't a slabshit phallus-sized headphonejack-less piece of shit that I need to hold with two hands to use. I've tried asking /spg/ on /g/, but there are too many shills there. I'm looking either for a regular smartphone, or a flip phone--any type of flip phone; I'm okay with dumbphones, but I'd rather not use KaiOS shit or creaseshit. The last phone I really liked was my Samsung J3 Prime from 2017. That lil' nigga is still going strong; it has longer battery life than my new slabshit samshit phone that tickles my autism when I put it in my pocket.

Here are the rest of my demands:
>preferably Android, not some KaiOS spin-off
>Less than 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or within a few mm of error
>3.5mm headphone jack
>USB-C is a plus

Recommend me a smart phone phone with dimensions similar to 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or a flip phone--preferably from the Asian market that can be made to work (reliably) in the states. I know of the Nokia flip phones, but I've heard that they're unreliable pieces of shit.
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>I don't really care about base storage since I'm not a retard
it's good to have a decently sized storage space though, a high spaced sd card is supposed to be the cherry on top. Though I do understand where you're coming from, my previous phones charging port stopped working and I refuse to get it fixed because I know some nosy shithead is going to try and go through my files and he'll see all the coomer shit I have on there because I was an idiot and didn't put it all on my sd card.
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I've been using a Unihertz Jelly 2 for about a year and a half now. I'm very happy with it.
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Good shit, nigga. Finally we're getting somewhere. I've seen them before. Idk why I didn't think of them. It's REALLY small though. Not necessarily looking for a chode phone, but I guess this is pretty much the only chode-sized phone running the latest version of Android.

Like I've mentioned above, If I'm not satisfied by what's on the market right now (anything that's still getting updates to the OS), then I'll probably just settle for getting another J3 Prime, or go the route of the flip phone. When I say flip phone, I don't mean crease shit, nor am I explicitly referring to "dumb phones". I don't want to deal with KaiOS bullshit, so I think I'll either look into which Nipshit/Worst Korea flip phones work in the states--either dumb, or full feature running some version of Android; whatever it is that zoomer nostalgiafags are raving about on TikTok.
Asus Zenfone 10

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What is the blurred background referencing?
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Probably Epstein's Island
She looks like she is BUILT for gamer men
Ferris Wheel
>eating ice cream
>summer attire
>carnivals and ferris wheels are usually open around summer time
>Ferris wheel is almost at its peak and she is looking for some D too suck on
seems about right
According to some replies on the original post, it's a reference to Shoujo Ramune (probably a hentai)

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I have a friend who made a YouTube channel some time ago (@mrMOnke950), he posts mainly low quality videos and edits. Can any of you please give me some feedback to give to him, it would be much appreciated.
Remove the black child from your profile. Use picrel.

Where to go for questions about manga translation from japan to english, including suffix and sfx and such. here or /jp/? is there a thread for that type of stuff in /jp/?

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I keep seeing references to this classic Japanese anime or manga but I can not for the life of me find what it was. It had a bird that looked kind of like this in it.
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Never mind. It was this. I was confused because I had only seen a black and white image.

You don't have to solve it completely but give me some hints. Keep in mind I have almost no knowledge of physics at all, and please don't be surprised if the problem looks too simple to you. I have required level of math however.

>φ = 45°, ∠BAO = 90°, vA (velocity A) = 14m/s, AB = 70 cm. Find vB.

I don't really understand what vB is let alone how to find it. It means "velocity B" in some sense but I'm not sure which.
Not a physician mathematicist but to me it seems the solution will depend on knowing the size OB which doesn't seem defined by how you worded the problem. Are you sure phi is the pictured angle and not the angle AOB for example?
Anyway, A and B are connected so they rotate together. A moves on a circle of radius OA, B - on a circle of radius OB. By being connected they have same angular velocity. Angular velocity is vA/OA and also vB/OB. So vB = vA*OB/OA = 14*OB/70.

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I am a medical student and i have acquired a medical book pdf for free (medical book are so expensive) but the pdf is very laggy! I already tried to compress it on websites like ilovepdf or pdf24, it kinda helped but at the end either the quality is shit either it's still laggy!
Here is the mega link to my pdf: https://mega.nz/file/YBoBgRZT#Se9BpPE_xrnaOqsJTmmSborM10lficbg4wmuIKKfGPQ
If you have any solution anons you will make my day!
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seconding SumatraPDF, it's extremely fast
try doing it as print, select chapter page range, and save as pdf rather than send to printer
Looking at the book, the problem is that you're using a book that was scanned. The only alternative to the proposed solutions left, would be to look for the e-book version (which should be 10-20 times smaller).
>Use SumatraPDF.
Not possible on android

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I befriended some kid in a shooter after a few days ago, plays nice, speaks mature for his age. Recently we had a conversation where he brought up that he was still in school, which then resulted into complaining about his assignments. I said that it couldn't be that bad, but then he sent me this shit: "There are 10 red apples and 15 green apples in a basket. What are the chances of pulling a pear out of the basket? And the apple?"
Do Ukrainian folks really be solving this as freshmen?
0% pear, 100% apple.
It doesn't say there's no pears though, that would've been wrong. If you have a can of coke in the fridge, it wouldn't mean that the chances of a tomato laying there too were 0%.
That's the simple logical conclusion that you have to make. Wouldn't really make sense for them to answer their own questions.
And the chances of my dick being in your mouth is not 0% but here we are.

Genius alert.

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can you rate this meme on a scale of 1-10
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fait enough
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Low effort. 1/10
This is great I give it a 10
imagine believing the original is superior

>Posts the original to show OP who's boss

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