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I'm looking for a video of two women collegiate wrestlers wrestling and one of them has the other in a headlock but the one in the headlock suplexes her

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anymore pics of chinese people doing things like this? some kind of farming or bot-like mega setups
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In the next page, the two scientists prove that intelligence is a social construct, and each win a Nobel prize.

i remember seeing a vkdeo once that had AI cops arresting people in funny situations, like this one: https://youtu.be/p2uZ4WeU1_4 but with cops instead of wizards. also it had full AI voice acting
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guys I'm getting tired of having to wait and then doing the captcha only for the timer to restart like it's broken and also I'm pretty sure the put the captcha correctly but it still says mistyped captcha. I post on mobile app read Chan and sometimes on mobile. what should I do to have a decent experience posting on 4chan? I don't have any money
works on my machine
it works on your machine when you're trying to make a thread because it's probably impossible for me to do that
Pretty sure you just keep failing the simple IQ test that captcha is.
>Verification not required
nope, just tried to make a thread right now and waited the whole 300 secs and when that ended I clicked on get captcha and it counted down from 300 again. so... yeah...

When I was like 12, I saw in some scifi thing in a museum someone had a virtual aquarium, which was just a tv screen with an animated wallpaper showing a little mosasaur swimming around doing mosasaur stuff. I went home and frantically searched for it online but it didnt actually exist.
Today I have searched for it again and it still inexplicably does not exist, in fact I found barely any aquarium wallpapers at all for wallpaper engine.

I literally just want an HD video of a small prehistoric creature frolicking in a tank, I can add it to wallpaper engine myself. Any prehistoric creatures are fine really, as long as the environment looks artificial, I want to look over and have it seem like I have a little animal in a tank on my desk.

I'm sure little videos like that exist, but google is not being helpful. If you know of anything please share, thanks.
Ask on /an/, paleoschizo or his enemies will know.

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Looking for a webm, or the source of a webm that I remember posted in a feels thread.
I believe the cover was a still image, and it was a spoken-word monologue voiced by a young man.
IIRC the man described an event in which him and his brother witnessed of a man dying, and he went on to speak of the uncertainty of life, or something similar.
It was either a poem, a short story, or an intro to an album.
Theres an intro to a song this reminds me of its some midwest emo shit or something similar. Wouldnt know it off the top of my head
Yeah idk if this is it but its similar, look up sleep patterns- merchant ships
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I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum.

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I recently installed mpv using this tutorial

and I heard that you can cut clips from longer videos using it. I can't find a noob-friendly tutorial on how to do this(like googling gives me 1 hour+ videos that involve emacs and shieet).
here's what i use
my mpv's script folder is in appdata but i don't know if it's the same for yours since my mpv installation's done through chocolatey
once you have the script in place, you can change the keybinds to whichever key you want (make sure to note whether the character is capitalized or not)

What's her name?
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I should add that the name that pops up on reverse image isn't right. It is from some facebook that stole her pics. I know she has an OF, but I am just wanting the name and the insta if you find it.
annaceleste on OF

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Someone posted this pic in the wallpapers board (>>>/wg/8071079), can someone help me find the original illustration and the artist?

Thank you very much
Anyone? Thanks for the help in advance.
Thank you very much!!!

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Anyone here has the gif version of pic related? Been looking since yesterday but have no clue which keywords to use besides ^_^ o_o -_- 0_0 O_O °O°
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Thanks anon, I was gonna say I remember seeing it on /s4s/ but couldn't find it in the archive. Have a red ranger.
yeah I don't think you can even search for the _ character unless maybe escaping it in the URL
lots of characters are simply parsed as a space
Looking at this guys face I could immediately tell he was Danish.

Probably the only monster movie we've ever made.
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>when you nut but she's still suck'n

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I want to learn how to do pixel art, where should I start? Or how? I want to draw small stuff
draw thing with a normal drawing tool software then pixelate it, use a pixelart drawing tool to edit the result to your liking
this is what everyone does
Use MS paint or jspaint.app and zoom really far in

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What are some other platforms that allow you to talk to random people anonymously like omegle? Preferably not full of horny pajeets like the aforementioned.

I want to make this look kind of like the Brush Gods from Okami, with the green on the legs made a darker grey or even black, the dark grey on the shell replaced with white, and the lighter green on the head and wings replaced with red.
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I made this to kind of illustrate what I'm talking about. So something like this, but not terrible and ideally without painting over all the shading of the original image.
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It's a bit dirty but kinda fits with the artstyle.

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What should I watch next based on these recent shows I've enjoyed?
>Better Call Saul
>No Breaking Bad

Would someone please photoshop this wolf's head onto the head of the meme in my next post?
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To clarify, put the wolf's head onto the guy in this meme? Please and thanks in advance. If you want to becry spoonfeeding a baby, could you at least point me towards a free web-browser program where I could make this edit myself?
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WOOO thank you based anon this is perfect:)

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