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any phone recommendations that are good and cheap (around 25 dollars)? I'm thinking about getting the galaxy a25 for 25 dollars with boost mobile but I'm not sure if they're still gonna have it for that price. I was gonna get the moto g for 10 dollars but I want to get the a25 because it has more Ram and better specs in general. so do you guys know of a better phone that is around 25 dollars? the moto g and a25 both have a decent amount of storage, about 128gb.
If you're spending that kind of money then the main deciding factor would be condition of the phone.

The cheapest I'd use would be a used Pixel 5a as that's the oldest still supported by grapheneos. That would make a reasonable basic phone.

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I want to login into my old Snapchat account, but for some reason the password reset is not working and I don’t have the password. Also it's not accepting my phone number or email and the help desk is useless. How do I get it back? It’s my first account.

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What manga or anime character do you think the picrel looks like? He is the classic buffed, dumb and kind hearted guy of the movie. It resembles a character so much but I can't name any.

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I'm looking for a meme of a wizard saying something about the lines of: "The king wants to lay off the wizard because there were no attacks to the royal tower in years. My brother in Christ, how do you think is casting the protective circle?"
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>how do you think

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Recommend me the best horror books ever please
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Any History book covering the Holocaust. Horror does not have to be fiction.
Would the boy in striped pajamas be a good one?
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tried making this a thread but I can't because the timer resets after I press get captcha. fix this guy's, please. so here's the post I wanted to make a thread.
any phone recommendations that are good and cheap (around 25 dollars)? I'm thinking about getting the galaxy a25 for 25 dollars with boost mobile but I'm not sure if they're still gonna have it for that price. I was gonna get the moto g for 10 dollars but I want to get the a25 because it has more Ram and better specs in general. so do you guys know of a better phone that is around 25 dollars? the moto g and a25 both have a decent amount of storage, about 128gb.
Ok guys it works on the browser but not the app read Chan. Still got to wait 300 secs tho. Doing the captcha is already so much work, give me a break

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does anyone remember this russian-language horror youtuber from around 2014-2015 or earlier that used this clip a lot as a reaction?

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Does anyone here go on Ome.TV or anything similar? I'm using a Canon 650D/Rebel T4i DSLR camera, but I don't know how to get rid of the black border and smaller grey border around it. What do I do?

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what is the sauce on this song

Where in joshua tree is this?
Indian Cove Campground, Joshua Tree National Park:

You can "street view" / map walk along the motor vehicle navigable roads

Indian Cove Campground - Campsite
68917 Indian Cove Cir
Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
United States
No-frills campground for tents & RVs, with picnic tables & huge volcanic outcrops for rock climbing.

+1 760-362-4367

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
mvp, thanks

can you help me finding regular show in Portugal Portuguese l (not brazilian portuguese)

i only found on prime video but too poor for that
Here you go, OP


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Hi, I'm Bernd and since the COMPACT magazine got banned in Germany, I'm interested in whether someone archived available volumes of it. I scoured the internet and managed to find a torrent for a good amount of older volumes that sadly didn't have any seeders.

I'm looking for this magazine, maybe for archival reasons, but also to find out what's so bad about it that it got banned. I prefer the PDF format, but if its zipped images that's okay too.

My first request on this site, please be nice.

I'm trying to remember an old newgrounds flash game.
It's a point and click, choose your own adventure game. I think it has two parts.
For each scenario you get multiple choices i.e. shoot helicopter fuel tank or shoot pilot.
If you know the game i mean, thanks
You might be thinking of Henry Stickmin
Just remembered.
Its "Ray"

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Can someone draw Donald Trump being knocked out by a coconut that fell on his head?
if someone draws the picture please put the coconut song on it

it was narrated on a post shared on /x/ story was about a friend group who smoked weed in the woods and saw a humming water tower like creature and ran away with a car they all woved not to speak of it before doing so and some people claimed seeing the same creature i tried searching it up but couldnt find anything
do you remember the channel name or any details about it?
find the post again on \x\ board

I was wondering if anyone here could color the sun cross behind the skull and knives emblem red and outline the four white rays on it in the same shade of red. Some other guys and I are doing a WW2 where the British NS that were more open about their beliefs before the outbreak of the war had a militant underground wing that they all eventually joined when they basically became enemies of the state. Our RPs are inspired by HoI games

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