I remember a YT video where it was basically wojacks/basedjacks talkingAtheist:>Noo I am a chemical sacks of meat is a meaningless universe I must drown my sorrows in hedonism!Christ fag (angry face and cross) >You fool only prayer and fasting can give you eternal life! I will become immortal!Gnosticism-jak>I will escape the prison of yogobeloth! I can not find this on YT anymore.
>>1511457>obligatoryThe wojak is right.>Forest niceWhy? Elaborate. No seriously I like to see you explain this one.Is it because you where indoctrinated to think forest pictures = feel good?Lets see every animal and plant dies.Whatever they do they will die a miserable and painful death one way or another.Their death is inevitable.There are numerous diseases and defects like squires growing their teeth into their head and dying a painful death. What part of this do you think is GOOD?Ignoring this all animals are in a competition and in a murder fest. Predators murder to survive.Plant eaters harm plants and plants are actively trying to starve one another to death in the forest.Yes trees growing is them actively trying to outgrow and suffocate other trees. The weak are killed in this process.What part of this do you think is GOOD?
>>1511524All death is inevitable. Life is pain and struggle. That's why you try to alleviate it. As a human you have the power to make it less shit. You can give up or you can ask for broader shoulders even if you think you pain is meaningless. Sure you can be crushed by this realization but you can also realize it and do things. Life being beautiful and cruel are not mutually exclusive. Life was never about feelings but your actions and their consequences.
>>1511532>if you think you painPain is literally meaningless. >struggleIrrelevant.The point is the inevitability of DEATH.You failed to answer anything only wrapping yourself more and more into religious retardation>Atheism badYou lost all credibility right here. Lets see your retarded wojak religion>Gnosticism bad because a rive and forest exist.I point out how incredibly retarded you are.Let write this for the non retard population, from your retarded meme picture>I can't believe he demiurge did this, it's horrible.>Everything is imperfectThese are statements of fact. If animals where perfect then why do they die? Why are they engaged in a murder fest with one another?Animals are imperfect and have defects like the teeth of a squirrel that will result in its death.Every living animal is doomed to death since it will grow old and die. I'm an Atheist Transhumanism/futurist and disagree with gnostics however gnosticism makes far more sense then any other form of religion, it has its own special problems however you provided nothing to challenge gnosticism.The fun fact religious fagot is that you must agree with everything gnosticism says>The world is imperfectsThis is your viewpoint if you disagree with this why do you think you will live forever as a magic ghost/spirit/soul in heaven without pain after you die?Should your afterlife not be limited and not longer then 120 years also? If mortal life is perfect???>Muh reincarnation!Buddhism literally says everything in the world is wrong and evil and the goal of Buddhism is to perma kill yourself and destroy your own soul to never reincarnate in this cursed world.Once again you know nothing. >As a human you have the power to make it less shit.See Transhumanism. Basically we have the chance to become immortal machines with technology and live forever.1/2
>>1511532>>15115342/2>As a human you have the power to make it less shit.Once more you are a retard who says self contradictory things.>make it less shit.Why? Your own ideology/religion says that everything is already perfect! You self contradict!Either way your entire religion and ideology is nothing more then the meaningless farting of an absolute retard who can not handle reality. You lack the ability to think or make valid conclusions. You are nothing more then a NPC programmed with meme responses.>OH gnostics say life is bad and imperfect?>AHA checkmate gnostics! Here is a picture of a forest!The best part is that you never lived in the wilderness you never lived in nature you are some fat fuck who goes back to his sedentary life and gets his propaganda from shit like bambie cartoons.If you love the forest so much why don't you live in it? Your late civilization sedentary life is the only moment in history when humans did think nature is good based on your retarded cartoon and TV propaganda.
>>1511535you don't understand Christianity
>>1511537>I can not answer the debunking that debunked meLOL.You are a brain dead retard who repeats memes and can not think.>you don't understand ChristianityI understnad it perfectly you fail to udnerstand anything.LEts do it like this, if you fail to answer this we all agree you are retarded and agree you are wrong1) Do you have a everlasting life in heaven when you die as a christian?2)Will it be a good thing?3)Will you be happy in heaven?If you fail to answer this we all agree that you are wrong on your own religion and to retarded to think.
>>1511544Look a retard posts!>>1511546You are retarded and you agreed to this because you did not answer the 3 questions.
>>1511549WOW a video so obscure that no one can find it!From a channel that no one knows! You sure are proving yourself being a retard.PS: >>1511544>Muh raptureDaily reminder that this happens every time!https://youtu.be/QynNpzqYt0Y?t=882You retards are literally wasting your money on rapture shit. Every time!
way to sperg out about a meme