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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Welcome to /po/! We specialize in origami, papercraft, and everything that’s relevant to paper engineering. This board is also an great library of relevant PDF books and instructions, one of the best resource of its kind on the internet.

Questions and discussions of papercraft and origami are welcome. Threads for topics covered by paper engineering in general are also welcome, such as kirigami, bookbinding, printing technology, sticker making, gift boxes, greeting cards, and more.

Requesting is permitted, even encouraged if it’s a good request; fulfilled requests strengthens this board’s role as a repository of books and instructions. However do try to keep requests in relevant threads, if you can.

/po/ is a slow board! Do not needlessly bump threads.
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FAQs about origami

Where do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?

Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.

A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.


What paper should I use?

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Welcome, this is a SHARING thread, where you request and share single diagrams (preferably). And I would like to encourage sharing this mockingbird.
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Wei Lin Chen has an instagram and Youtube ,so just ask him .Also I believe Nicholas Terry stopped the origami pass a year ago
Doesn't appear to be in any OriFancy magazine.
right ,i literally just downloaded them all but the author said on this twitter post it was going inside Orifancy , number seven is late
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Thank you from the future, for a nice Bactrian camel gram. I love my Kawahata one in Duo Thai and I'm excited to try another style

I have no single diagrams anymore; for the past several years I've gotten a lot of material out of the defunct Mega once shared here, but most of that's gone. I hope I don't offend anyone by sharing a scan of a book. It's a common one that I've owned a while and I've also bought for others.

Hey /po/, I'm looking for good youtube channel recs to follow. I specially remember someone on here sharing their own channel and I found it kinda neat but couldn't find it ever again (it was something to do with their own personal collection of paper toys / scans). Post good youtube channels centered on papercrafts, origami, paper toys, dioramas etc and try to avoid any of that stupid kiddie shit please.
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Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Mariano Zavala
Zide Ju
Pape Rain

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Zide Ju
Pape Rain
Hi new to this board, but I like animation and was wondering if papercraft animation might be something worth pursuing. This is my channel and looking for other art form varieties. https://youtube.com/@doodlebobanimations7727
must watch

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I recently bought photo cubes to make dioramas but I really can't find any free templates so I would like to ask if anyone has the pdf of the GUMY art or BubzTea templates.
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Kino gj
I'm trying to figure out some way to have a groudon/ kyogre attached to a winding gear that animates it like the game, plays the cry, then resets. Where would I look for resources to design something like this?
Try looking into paper automata/automaton like Rob Ive's stuff and work from there. Just google it to see examples.
hory shit anon, this shit is fire.
>file no longer exists
someone got the op picture?

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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
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That's really good anon, maybe I should attempt one of the other templates myself.
looks good but try painting with watercolors
These are awesome! Consider taking it to another level by putting maybe a black card stock on the cardboard or even start on black posterboard!
OP, thanks for sharing these tatebanko. It’s great to see the final product. May I ask what the dimensions are of the uncut sheets?
I reckon the flat walls need layers of card.

Is it possible to create a highly detailed 1:64 papercraft car?
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can you download it? Then how do you print it, regular print on a A4 shiet of paper?
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yes, i just downloaded one
is that paper really?
How to make a paper car | Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTTcOf8hy4E
My browser says the site certificate has expired, damn this board is slow.

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I don't see any box designing thread here.
So picrel is what I think the well protected design to safely deliver fragile items, but this design is only good for small bottles but not for big items, such as for an item that's 2/3 size of a coffee table. I tried using the same material (cardbox) but the strength of the box couldn't support it. How would you improve this design so that I could still use the cheap card board stocks while at the same time it's able to retain shocks from being tossed around?
>I don't see any box designing thread here
Did you expect one??

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i made this for my mother
happy birthday mom
please share your creations too ^_^
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I should go and make a paper crane for my mom or something...
This is among the nicest boards of 4chan
From what I can see when I visit this place once in a lifetime, it's either the nicest, or in the top 5 of the nicest ones
Wow anon, this looks amazing!

My stuff

Say nice things about it
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pretty good job
>>615798 How much time did you spend for this?

This is a very cool origami
That has definitely taken a ton of work and dedication to the goal.
A mother fucking Ingram!!!
So clean, so organised, how did you even make these

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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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I created the winged scorpio in prehistoric age the time life was vivid. It came from nothing.
Super neat
That an actual beetle?
Bring back vivid life, this thing looks awesome!

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Does Origami help getting a gf?
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Jesus christ no!
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Big if true. It’s fucking over…
>does crafts help you at getting a gf?
yeah if you're scouting kindergartens or women with autism maybe
sports or some niche stuff that she will be interested in would work better
it mostly boils down to your bank account and height to be honest, after that the last dealbreaker outside of your control is your dick size
apart from that just be self confident to the point of looking like a narcissist high on cocaine who just won the lottery and had sex with his dream girl 24/7
literally this, and parents who don't force their kids to do regular sports too should be jailed or even killed. Origami and other nerdy stuff like it can help you get a girl but only IF you ALSO fit and "sportsey", and even without the girl shit you are just better as a human if you are fit, and specifically you are better at nerdy stuff too if you are fit, a fit body and good brains are a good combo, there is no downside
I guess, if you can do it really well, then it's possible.

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made years ago and I want to recreate, cannot find the diagram or name of the shape anywhere
That's called XYZ, and your picture seems to be Francis Ow's model.
You can find its diagram here:
man that's cool it doesn't even seem possible
No problem.
the 3d paper jew

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What is your favourite thing to make?
This. At work I leave them all over the place because I make out out of every old sticky note once im down with it. Could probably do it blindfolded and one handed by now

hehe, le funny mustache man
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First attempt at origami in years.
Thanks for this
ha ha yes start wars that kill 10s of millions so funny amirite ha ha
>welcome to /po/
nice, thanks, you da real MVP nigga

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