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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Welcome to /po/! We specialize in origami, papercraft, and everything that’s relevant to paper engineering. This board is also an great library of relevant PDF books and instructions, one of the best resource of its kind on the internet.

Questions and discussions of papercraft and origami are welcome. Threads for topics covered by paper engineering in general are also welcome, such as kirigami, bookbinding, printing technology, sticker making, gift boxes, greeting cards, and more.

Requesting is permitted, even encouraged if it’s a good request; fulfilled requests strengthens this board’s role as a repository of books and instructions. However do try to keep requests in relevant threads, if you can.

/po/ is a slow board! Do not needlessly bump threads.
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FAQs about origami

Where do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?

Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.

A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.


What paper should I use?

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How do you make your figures have more consistency? I have thought about resin but I don't know if it is a good option for paper. What method do you use?

Do u have instructions for the wyvern/dragon or is it custom?

It is from this video
White glue.

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Saw this on Twitter, wanted to repost it here, someone might appreciate this.
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Thank you, it was exactly what I was looking for!
A gente encontra um BR nos lugares mais inesperados
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Stupid grapes
is the at in the photo not their handle? cant find em

does anyone else remember lucky stars? those origami stars made by gently tying paper? bc I've never heard anyone else acknowledge them and i think I'm going mad
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man i love making those!
What's on your screen?
Wow my cousin in singapore used to make these
damn, that's gorgeous presentation. is there a second sphere inside that keeps the stars pressed against the clear sphere? it turned out really cool
I can really see these as the type of thing I'd get absolutely obsessed with and make thousands of but I've got clinically bad fine motor skills :((( I shall admire them from afar

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I have these books from NOA for 1-100

3,5,17-19,22,47,49,51,53,58,61-63,66,68,70-72,80-so on

Looking to trade with anyone who has NOA 533 and up or ones that I am missing from 1-100
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>Want examples of the others?
You're gutless, and don't have the cojones.
>Don't talk nonsense.
It isn't nonsense, they do not exist.

>All of these are available on some private forums.
That's where you're wrong.
Unfortunately, you're never going to finish this list.
Well that's of course obvious. It's nice to have the ones that were gently shared, the models are nice to teach kids.

Spot the differences!
(hint: it's really just a color change ;o)

Get the parts and instructioins to build your own free papercraft LEGO minifigs (and lots more!) from my papercraft webpage:

Have fun building!
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BIG boy
Hey, I remember him! :o)

But was he always so big...? It seems like he's closer now? :op

Majora's Mask is one of my absolute favorite games, so I had a lot of fun making the moon out of paper (instead of cheese I guess?). I hope you had fun building him too, he looks great!
ngl smoothest thing ive seen today
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Last week I:

1) Fixed all the broken image links on my webpage!
2) Paid for a Wordpress.com subscription so that my webpage doesn't show ads anymore
3) Got a personal domain name so that now my #papercraft webpage can also be reached using http://ninjatoes.com

The image fix didn't seem to stick though unfortunately, so I'm re-uploading and re-linking all the images again; I already re-did the homepage and some other pages and I'm working hard on the individual download posts, so hopefully everybody can enjoy my papercraft without any issues soon again!

Have fun building!
I founded this on Twinkid.
Any one has a copy of this lego?

My stuff

Say nice things about it
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I'm new here, how did you make the bottom left? I want that for my dorm
Thats some nice stuff.
Wow this looks just so cool! !
I like the Gura's one specially
I came to say mean stuff but that's super nice and clean, lots of variation and a dedicated shelf. Shit son I wish I was half as dedicated to anything. Good work!
pretty good job

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Papercraft with additional / alternate materials, aluminum, wire...
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I made this for the girl who cuts my hair
What is she, the mothman or something?
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no, admittedly I didn't have any plan when I started and the wings were an afterthought. she just told me she wanted a pink one and I found a pink shirt with a leopard print at goodwill so I went with that. my hairstylist is a derpy hippy chick so I thought butterfly?
I mean, it's a great craf and all, but damn, the shape of the eyes and the color-sheme, it's just so mothman-like, I dunno. Nice work in any case, looks like a lot of handywork and thought were put into it

First, is there a commonly accepted file format for digital die cutting machines, like .stl files for 3D printers? Second, how likely would a local print shop be to have a machine that can use such files?
Phone them and ask. Also try a local maker space.
Cricuts and the like use .SVG files but you can upload jpeg images to them anyway. print and cutting is a thing too, print onto paper, machine cuts it
Local scrapbook/card making shop probs have a cricut or the like.

I have been looking forever for this file. Can someone plz just upload the pdf to Google drive or comment the link where I can find the instructions for this?
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Idk which is which but i emailed Tez back
have you tried leaving the third world ?
have you tried telling your mommy you don't want to live in her basement anymore and keep feeding on her breasmilk every day for 30 years now?
Lifesavers, thanks for the templates!!

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Day 2
988 to go
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Skinny ties
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It was very humbling, I will say. I never wanted this to be something that I kept as a trophy or anything, so I was always going to get rid of them one way or another and throwing them out felt like it'd just be disrespectful. I wondered if I'd regret doing it after a couple days, but I still think this was the right thing for me to do. Of course, everyone ends up folding the 1000 for their own reasons, so I don't think destroying them is the what everyone else should do once they finish, but it was the fitting end for my journey. Life is all about moving on, and that is want I most wanted
that was me. still thinking about what could've been. tried to find the same kit online to no avail, similar ones look worse in quiality and are much more expensive. it's a stupid thing to get upset over, but to me it's just another proof that i can't finish anything i start
Congratulations on finishing, anon. I'm sorry about what happened in the middle of your folding journey but it's nice that you finished on Tanabata.
>it was the fitting end for my journey. Life is all about moving on, and that is want I most wanted
These are some beautiful last words to end your journey. It's been a treat folding with these cranes with you. I wish you the best in whatever you do in the future.

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Has anyone used just paper to make terrain pieces for their wargame, sort of like pop up sets like pic related?
I have, a long long time ago during my youth when 3D printers were science fiction and I had even less money than I do now. I remeber making foldable terrain for easy storage. Worked pretty good. The easiest is to make box terrain tho.

Paper figurines are also a thing.
Yes, there are a handful of people publishing war game and rpg papercraft. It's a shame it's not more popular as it has some advantages over 3d printing.
You'll be wanting this stuff:
Yes but DND maps

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Feel free to post your collections, your works in progress, or your star hordes! You can find lots of inspiration in the old thread (http://boards.4chan.org/po/thread/515222) Remember /PO/ is a slow board so please don't bump the thread. I created the last thread over two years ago. Here's to two more.
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Same >>546818
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it's okay, i can't do that thin strip shit either. but i can fold picrel
i'm surprised i haven't seen this model come up on here before. they're really satisfying, especially once you learn where to leave the paper uncreased
>I put them at various places around the town for people to find
Well I know what I'm doing this weekend. I could probably do this with other Origami things that I just have laying around that I don't really like/need.

I had a question but none of the existing threads are really too relevant so I thought making a general help thread from the get-go (beyond what’s in the welcome thread) would be good so even if my question gets answered the thread can be used for other people’s questions

I’m making a papercraft where I want to paint part of it gold for some extra pop, but I want neat and clean lines. I’ve seen a lot of artists use washi tape to do this in their art and I want something similar, but I have inkjet prints and don’t want any of the ink to lift up. Any tape recommendations? Or possibly other techniques? I’ve done some googling but I don’t wanna take my chances with buying a ton of tape just to test it.
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Your finna seethe though
Have you tried using gold paper??
I'm stuck on step 13 of Robert Lang's crab from "Origami Zoo". Pic related.
I also don't know how that fucking triangle in the middle exists suddenly. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Never mind, I figured it out. I think he left out an important part of these steps. The triangle in the middle was the key for what I was doing wrong. I KNEW I had done everything correct up to this point, so it was just about figuring out what I missed.
some sites you use to find templates? im a begginer

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Why isn't anyone using papercraft as skin for 3D printed stuff?
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its true tho, they get so pissed off anytime someone makes a new thread instead of commenting in a thread thats a bajillion years old and at bump limit. God forbid people are interested and make threads about papercraft/origami.
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No. Encasing it in expanding foam is though.
That must have took forever lol.
You have to glue together tabs at every connection?

I don't understand the 3D printing part.
Is it to give structure to the paper?
what was the issue with wireframes?
how? what material do you use for these? i cant imagine just paper being strong enough

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