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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Welcome to /po/! We specialize in origami, papercraft, and everything that’s relevant to paper engineering. This board is also an great library of relevant PDF books and instructions, one of the best resource of its kind on the internet.

Questions and discussions of papercraft and origami are welcome. Threads for topics covered by paper engineering in general are also welcome, such as kirigami, bookbinding, printing technology, sticker making, gift boxes, greeting cards, and more.

Requesting is permitted, even encouraged if it’s a good request; fulfilled requests strengthens this board’s role as a repository of books and instructions. However do try to keep requests in relevant threads, if you can.

/po/ is a slow board! Do not needlessly bump threads.
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FAQs about origami

Where do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?

Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.

A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.


What paper should I use?

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I have these books from NOA for 1-100

3,5,17-19,22,47,49,51,53,58,61-63,66,68,70-72,80-so on

Looking to trade with anyone who has NOA 533 and up or ones that I am missing from 1-100
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Does anyone have a full 40 page copy of NOA 343 they could share with us?
page 19 (page 17) had the worst fucking box I have ever made it was not fun to make :(
Kinda looks like pages 16-18 is supposed to be some kind of game, and your so called box is supposed to be a dice.
I duno anyone got some new one

Is there anything more based than making one's waifu/husbando out of paper?


Finally, origami instructions I can understand
You can fill a jar up with paper stars, its a cute room decor item.
Tried this a while ago and my hands started cramping bad after 20ish stars. Can't do this shit no more.

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I make small Origami to the point that when I gift people Origami they toss it in the Trash because it's too small to be recognised.
Either that or I'm just too bad at Origami lol
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use more elegant models
the smaller it is, the more immediately recognizable it has to be
no I don't know any such models but I wish I did because I also like small origami
super cope post
cute goatie. sauce?
>some sperg came up to me and gave me his orange candy wrapper
I make origami peacocks made from dollar bills and it's always well-received and after a while they can simply unravel it to spend the money. I lay the bills flat and spray them with Lysol and let them dry, which results in a clean and crispy bill.

If you're making really small origami you probably benefit from using something of better precision than your fingernails to crease the edges. I knew a girl who made very, very small cranes to use in jewelry and she used tweezers for the entire process, both to avoid getting any oil/fingerprints on the very thin and shiny paper, and to get very sharp creases.


How do we replicate this?
Source: https://youtu.be/3EbjlJdvPkU?si=IQfAG2LQtanTlYkj
Okay then.
Basically just this in different shapes and sizes and with pieces of paper glued to the popouts
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Sorry I forgot to post the image

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wow these take a long time.
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hell yeah dude, touhou!
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This is the new touhou thread, I hope it lasts as long as the previous one. Anyway, I did Sakuya a couple of weeks ago.
let's make it last 5 years!
Hi, share PDF? Thanks
honestly fold lines make it look kind of cool

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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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I went to /po/ instead of /pol/ by accident and don't regret it because this is amazing
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I've made a few
wave serpent
Windrider Jetbikes
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Noise Marines Pleasure Giver


been trying lowering the polygon count and all for the past 3 days
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again, thanks for the advice
will keep yall updated
If i (https://boards.4channel.org/po/thread/603852) may give you sort of pro-tip do a triage on what parts (hair, eyes, clothing and accesories) and mercilessly cut it off first before you do any sort of decimation be it manual or automatic. Not only they might make assembly overly hard so you might ultimately give up but they regularly look better scratch. Also do while you might be decimation and testing that model&texture in blender do bear in mind Pepa does its own polygon merging on load of complex model. One way or another thousands of faces gonna perish.
You'll want to look up some retopo and texture baking tutorials for blender. Most of the facial details will need to be flattened into a texture for instance.
Kill yaself
use the rael PSX version , dummy.


My stuff

Say nice things about it
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Wow really cute. Where'd you find the patterns for the small hololive ones?
cute as fudge
i found a blog page that has some pokemon rumble/bloons td/kirby templates!! havent tried any but it's here if anyone wants to check them out (https://crafterwongs.blogspot.com/)
person who posted this here, it's not just pokemon rumble ^^ the blogger also provided some chibi templates and links to more detailed papercrafts of the same pokemon

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Does Origami help getting a gf?
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Op is still waiting for his origami gf.
Girls like it a lot. I've given flowers and animals to lots of girls that I've ended up seeing for a while. One of my exes really liked cranes, so I taught her how to make them and we used to write notes and messages and doodles for each other then fold them into cranes and leave them in places for the other to find around the house.
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Girl here. Please teach us how to make Origami art. It's a fun desk toy.
Don't think it's because of the origami but i got and possibly still am pretty close. I guess it helps cause you're not just the next guy asking for her number, depending on how you approach it tho

Please post images that print well for use as origami paper! I routinely "chop up" a page to easily get 12 to 20+ squares out of a single print.
Multi-pattern images are really cool... allowing for several squares each with individual patterns.
Any good pattern that'll work for several squares with the same/similar patterns.
Black & White can be really cool when printed onto color papers.
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You get 16 unique squares outta this multi-pattern print!
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And a Happy 420 2U
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You get 18 vintage patterns!

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Yesterday I made this Miku figure, and since her arms could move I decided to pose her like my favourite dictator. I wanted to make a cute hat for her but I can't find a free template of the right kind.
The one I made for now sucks and I believe she deserves better.
If any of you can help me that would be nice.
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Try the one from this..probably needs to resize a bit..and find some gold paper and cut it for the insignia or something..
Hail Miku!
miku is so cute

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Post some spooky origami I can make please
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not origami but I've made 1:12 brooms for my figures
I'm finished making the hats too but they're a bit shitty
Seeing this thread has made me remember a model of an origami bat that turns into a human-shaped vampire, which i loved (the one i had made lost its shape and didnt look like bat or man anymore). I lost the name of the model and google didint help. I looked it up today and found it (probably because of the season).
Have the instructions and have fun (hey its stilll halloween) also sorry for the blog post lol
A simple skull origami, i also wanted to make monster/undead origamis.

Post your favorite Origami sets
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Nothing special here.
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i like the patterns.

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