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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Something that fits one page or less.
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Most house are basic-bitch boxes with a bitched roof.
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Hey I know the overlap between people who like paper modeling stuff and people who like home designs is small, but does anyone else do something similar to this? Design a little home layout in MS paint, print it out, cut it out, and tape/glue it together? It's nice to be able to better visualize home designs than just in my head and it helps me avoid using software. I've made a few of these and just finished this one about ten minutes ago. Seeing everything else here I know it may be a bit sub-par quality, but I'm still happy with how it turned out :)
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Just made another one, just over 2 inches long. Dunno how I feel about this one. I made a ton of mistakes.

I forgot to make the doorway for the bathroom, forgot the kitchen set backer to have a hole for the window, forgot the cabinet doors, glued the kitchen set a little low, and some of the assembly just felt kinda sloppy and bad

But hey it's done and pretty small scale. Meant to be a little model of a home that could fit in a 8'x20' shipping container c:
You should make a video on it.
even more off-board topic, does anyone know where i can get files for rooms like these that can be 3d printed?
cute :)
Finally graduated since posting that a year ago. I even used a few of the designs found in other threads as a part of my projects.
Most of the stuff are still correct, but
>Wall thickness is very dependant on the programme
>Average chair height is between 40-60cm and desks are 70-90cm for adults (there’s a whole ass guide on children’s depending on age)
>A staircase must have a landing of at least 1.20m length every 12ish steps, preferably less

Did you guys know there is a whole field of math related to origami?
I compiled a series of free documents from the web into a single pdf.
A lot of it is quite understandable even if you're not into math.
The length column in my index is a bit janky, you always have to look one row downward (too lazy to fix it).
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Hmh yeah seeing as both the numbers and the names are broken maybe I'll remake it
here is part 3! 4chan thought it was spam so I had to wait a bit.
There is also a part 4.
Thanks again!
Waiting for last part for when you get a chance.
Sorry for the future I'll figure out how to do the splitting properly. There is a part 5 as well.
Thanks, that's great.

If you have this book, please share it.
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thank you so much! I won’t forget you friend.
Looking for a flamenco dancer or a king diagram please from le pli or Six Les bains
voici deux personnes qui ont plusieurs de ces livres et qui sont trop égoïstes, gardez ces livres, égoïstes
speak english you uncultured swine
Use proper English, you savage barbarian. Don't you know the first character of a sentence must be in capital and the sentence should be ended with a period ?

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Day 2
988 to go
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Even though this was always the plan, it still was a little sad to see them go. Admittedly, I did end up keeping one of the cranes for myself. As I was moving them, I guess I didn't knot one of the strands particularly well and a bunch fell off. After I put them back on and re-tied the strand, I realized that there was one more that fell off that I had missed. Figured that was sign enough that I should keep just one with me.
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And then, just like that, all 50+ hours of folding reduced to three cranes and a pile of ash. I don't know, it just feels kinda weird to be finished with all of this. Will I ever do this again? Probably not, in all honestly. Folding 1000 of something was quite the journey, and I would consider doing it for something else, but doing 1000 cranes again feels like it would sully what I just did. Not by a lot, but the journey wouldn't be that special to me anymore. Regardless, thanks for all (probably four) of you guys who kept up with this and listened to me waffle on over the past year. Definitely not how I wanted this whole thing to go, but when does anything in life ever?
Skinny ties
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It was very humbling, I will say. I never wanted this to be something that I kept as a trophy or anything, so I was always going to get rid of them one way or another and throwing them out felt like it'd just be disrespectful. I wondered if I'd regret doing it after a couple days, but I still think this was the right thing for me to do. Of course, everyone ends up folding the 1000 for their own reasons, so I don't think destroying them is the what everyone else should do once they finish, but it was the fitting end for my journey. Life is all about moving on, and that is want I most wanted

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If you can make this thing a reality I'll resign as an art (netzach) tutor. oragami is kino
i cry myself to sleep every night knowing you'll probably never get another reply, certainly not one with the actual OG sponchbib sqidwurd origami you desire
Actually if there is someone who could do it
If we try hard enoughwe can make it
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I said there was someone who could do it
And this is why /po/ is the best board on the site.

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made years ago and I want to recreate, cannot find the diagram or name of the shape anywhere
That's called XYZ, and your picture seems to be Francis Ow's model.
You can find its diagram here:
man that's cool it doesn't even seem possible
No problem.

I'm making an effigy of a McDonald's nightmare golem
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Did OP die?
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I'm thinking based
file not found. Reup?
Hey OP, if you are still alive please send us an update from this thread.

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Papercraft with additional / alternate materials, aluminum, wire...
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if anyone still lurks here, I'm still making stuff every day I can. life is busy, my dad has dementia and my siblings are worthless so it falls to me.

neighbor asked me if I could make Hellboy for him, it's almost done
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I finally found the NOA magazine 202 but I don't have an diyzhen invite so can you guys get it for me?
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does anyone have diagrams for crested kingfisher by kei morisue? i found one on internet but they are pretty bad quality and barely readable
No sharing, no graditude. What did you expect.
can some kind soul share VOL 15 COMIC ORIGAMI 2 FEATHERED FRIENDS
SYN (JIAHUI LI - 李嘉辉) ?
thanks in advance!
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can someone please share CREASE CRAZY or the kamiya penguin. ty

Hey /po/, I'm looking for good youtube channel recs to follow. I specially remember someone on here sharing their own channel and I found it kinda neat but couldn't find it ever again (it was something to do with their own personal collection of paper toys / scans). Post good youtube channels centered on papercrafts, origami, paper toys, dioramas etc and try to avoid any of that stupid kiddie shit please.
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Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Origami by Michelle Fung
Always Yung .
Siesta Origami
Origami by Voice
Art of Fold
Origami _kimoro
Cy origami
Nick Wang Origami
M_k origami
Mariano Zavala
Zide Ju
Pape Rain

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Zide Ju
Pape Rain
Hi new to this board, but I like animation and was wondering if papercraft animation might be something worth pursuing. This is my channel and looking for other art form varieties. https://youtube.com/@doodlebobanimations7727
must watch

I created the winged scorpio in prehistoric age the time life was vivid. It came from nothing.
Super neat

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What do you think?
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>"Looks like we're going to need to make some budget cuts."
>Draws money sword.
Let's see Paul Allen's money origami
Its a cool flex
it makes me think of ryan gosling... lovely!!
Waste of perfectly good money.

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Anybody have this?
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reviving this
>just print it bro
>you have a printer in your house right
Go 2 Kinkos
Or I guess Fedex now.
Or whatever your local print shop is
get a knife out of your kitchen and cut it out of your screen, faggot
you do have a kitchen, right?
rad awesome thank you

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Pizza Cube
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teamwork makes the dream work
Once this is completed it will open a porthole. I’ve seen it before. Not to be trifled with anons.
He's a hungry guy
for you
>how many sides do you need to make a 6-sided object
truly a mystery

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