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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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I created the winged scorpio in prehistoric age the time life was vivid. It came from nothing.
Super neat
That an actual beetle?
Bring back vivid life, this thing looks awesome!

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Does Origami help getting a gf?
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>does crafts help you at getting a gf?
yeah if you're scouting kindergartens or women with autism maybe
sports or some niche stuff that she will be interested in would work better
it mostly boils down to your bank account and height to be honest, after that the last dealbreaker outside of your control is your dick size
apart from that just be self confident to the point of looking like a narcissist high on cocaine who just won the lottery and had sex with his dream girl 24/7
literally this, and parents who don't force their kids to do regular sports too should be jailed or even killed. Origami and other nerdy stuff like it can help you get a girl but only IF you ALSO fit and "sportsey", and even without the girl shit you are just better as a human if you are fit, and specifically you are better at nerdy stuff too if you are fit, a fit body and good brains are a good combo, there is no downside
I guess, if you can do it really well, then it's possible.
lmao fucking incel doomers on a /po/ thread, now i've seen everything
you two buttbuddies fuck off back to your discord
Thanks for the advice, Red Green!

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made years ago and I want to recreate, cannot find the diagram or name of the shape anywhere
That's called XYZ, and your picture seems to be Francis Ow's model.
You can find its diagram here:
man that's cool it doesn't even seem possible
No problem.
the 3d paper jew

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What is your favourite thing to make?
This. At work I leave them all over the place because I make out out of every old sticky note once im down with it. Could probably do it blindfolded and one handed by now

hehe, le funny mustache man
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First attempt at origami in years.
Thanks for this
ha ha yes start wars that kill 10s of millions so funny amirite ha ha
>welcome to /po/
nice, thanks, you da real MVP nigga

Hello, this topic is for people to make "public" exchanges, that is, post a file publicly and the other person posts another, so that everyone can download it. For example, I have Origami Double and I want to exchange it for Marine origami. If anyone posts Marine origami publicly I will post Origami Double the same way. Thanks for understanding.
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Does anyone have the Griffin CP by Markogami ?
So I don't know where to ask, but I tried making an account in paperzone and when I try to register it just throws me an error saying
>The email address you entered has been banned by the administrator. Please try another.
Which is fucking impossible because I made the email 5 minutes before registering on the site. What the actual fuck is up with that? Is the site closed to new accounts?
they likely banned temp and other crap emails
I used a fresh outlook email, because those faggots apparently don't accept tt or proton.
>out vitun look
microsoftpenises (pun intended) climaxxing on bill gates' faggot cock are not welcome here

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> I'm new to papercraft and I'm starting to use it as a relaxing hobby and as a cheap way to decorate my room
does anyone have any tips for starting out? I'm new to this and I feel I'm not very proficient and would like to get better
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Had some time to work on this, really not the worst for a test fit!!! I had to spend a lot of time ungluing the blazer to complete it, easily avoidable mistake if I planned the assembly out better. Learning moment.
The individual fingers, and the final glue+balance will really test my resolve, but after seeing this progress, I'm motivated.
Just ordered some, thanks. I'm working on keeping it clean, and using less glue.
I recently got back to papercraft and this is the first thing I tried. I got it from an archived version of the Canon website on waybackmachine, they still have models on their site today but I like the old ones better.

this desktop town (village?) one is super fun to put together and you can even make a bigger city by printing more copies. I hope you have fun if you try it!
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I had to cheat some obvious parts, but it's complete!
As long as youre satisfied with it..good job
Dubs alert

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Feel free to post your collections, your works in progress, or your star hordes! You can find lots of inspiration in the old thread (http://boards.4chan.org/po/thread/515222) Remember /PO/ is a slow board so please don't bump the thread. I created the last thread over two years ago. Here's to two more.
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>I put them at various places around the town for people to find
Well I know what I'm doing this weekend. I could probably do this with other Origami things that I just have laying around that I don't really like/need.
You need 50 prayer
I can't make the final step (pushing the sides in). Paper just doesn't bend that way and I end up crushing the whole thing or it refuses to bend at all.
OP you still here nigga?

Mam I love azumanga, if anybody has any model of this series pls share it, I want to make and archive any model that there is, specially the PS1 game models.
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What a coincidence. I am currently in the process of ripping the models from the game. Almost figured it all out.
If you don't want to wait, you could use the debug mode and use Avocado emulator to rip the model scenes yourself.
Oooh yes I would love a little osaka for my desk :)

I hate it but I still love her with all my heart.
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That's a fine looking work, especially if she's standing and stable, without the need for support
if you did that by eyeballing every piece of paper cut out, i'm impressed
did you colour everything with crayon?
>>622079 yez

Is there anything more based than making one's waifu/husbando out of paper?
making nortubel characters out of paper
Yeah, actually getting laid with somebody you love.
>3dpd shit
sounds like cringe
Pic is kill but Just out of curiosity was it 2D or 3D posable doll?

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No Stencil thread? What has happened to /po/ ?
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Just an idea but wouldn't making a silk screen fix this? It takes a bit more effort and money to make but I think the effect would be cool.
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This looked fun so I tried it, does this have any glaring issues?
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Moar stencils
Since the janny deleted my other post showing it more straightforwardly, don't forget you can use a paint bucket tool to identify islands.

Previous thread's life finally ended after 3 years. >>553409
Let's start a new one!
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I've literally only done origami like twice in my whole life and I got hard filtered at the heart step 5.
Is origami meant to be this hard or am I just 'tarded?
Had fun though.
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Salvaged that paper and did the diamond, turned out okay so I went ahead and tried out the rat.
Everything was going well until I got to step 8, from there it was just straight downhill. I want to say I enjoyed it, but being so close to making a good rat and failing so spectacularly in just few short steps kinda pissed me off.
Anyway, here is my armadillo/rat cross breed.
used to be like that, but then I started watching origami videos and pausing and making that shit at the same time with the video. After a while I could do (easy) shit from paper because the terminology and folds were already familiar. Then it was just folding and now I can do quite impressive models.
that's actually very good for a beginner
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Sup bros. I saw a video today where people discussed obscure hobbies they had and one of the people said origami, and they also said they enjoyed leaving cranes in random places which got me interested. So i followed a tutorial and made this crane for my first time. It was pretty fun! Some of the reverse folds were hard to get right, but I definitely want to make more cranes (and other animals) to get better and more knowledgeable!

Please share this origami book, I need it for the construction theme
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That would be great, thank you!
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Anyone Could share this?
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J'ai besoin de ce livre, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider s'il vous plaît ?

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In remembrance of the last paper planes thread, which just so happened to be one of the oldest boards on 4chan that passed away quite recently, this thread will serve as its successor. Hopefully this thread won't be prematurely bumped into oblivion like the last one did.

Anyways, this thread could serve as a sort of "Paper Planes General". Feel free to post your designs, .pdf files, and folding instructions. Anything goes as long as it flies or at least looks like its supposed to.
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TAI Hürkus trainer flyable 3D paper model.

The legendary Vulcan bomber
English instructions
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Im having a hard time making his f-22 from the youtube tutorial does someone got this book pdf pls
Since the site seems to be dead, I've made available all the paperaircrafts.com models that I've been able to get a hold of.


If anyone has some that I don't (that aren't "compressed" and rasterized but still vector based) I'll be glad to add them.

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