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Recently got back into Quake with the release of Quake II remastered, and came across some photos of this model online-I thought I used to have a copy of it, but can't find it-I can only find the similar Ninjatoes version.

Does anyone have a copy of this model they could scan and preserve for the future? It is pretty old; from 1997! I've been searching for it for awhile with no luck.
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>I can only find the similar Ninjatoes version.

Sorry dude, I've got this one already! I appreciate it though :)

This place still has and sells them, at least as of 3 months ago. Pretty cheap. Someone should buy one and upload it.
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He-Man re-color
Anyone able to confirm they still sell these 1 year later?

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If you can make this thing a reality I'll resign as an art (netzach) tutor. oragami is kino
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If we try hard enoughwe can make it
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I said there was someone who could do it
And this is why /po/ is the best board on the site.
looks amazing!
How did you make it?

Is it possible to create a highly detailed 1:64 papercraft car?
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Hi, new to this board, normally from /o/
Recently I found out Toyota had a little collab with Shin Tanaka, a papercraft artist
the problem is, this was years ago for a car collection that is now discontinued, the app is also not on the app store either

I happen to own one of these cars still and I would love to print out the design and put it on my dash
I saw some on ebay but those are a bit price, and honestly I'd rather not pay for something I can print myself

Anybody know if there's a PSD of the tC version somewhere?
Specifically the red one, since its the exact car I have
can you download it? Then how do you print it, regular print on a A4 shiet of paper?
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yes, i just downloaded one
is that paper really?
How to make a paper car | Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTTcOf8hy4E

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Is there a term for this type of 3D models? I love this one, I'm looking for more.
A lot of (animal) models are unfortunately too flat for my taste. I tried to google "3D animal origami" but I only got a bunch of tessellations/modular origami. Please recommend me some diagram/models to fold.
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One of those flat models I meant. They look much better from the side.
i would call these shell models but idk if that means anything to anyone else
Not really.
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ahh. yeah, i tried googling different terms and there doesn't seem to be a name for these sort of husk-like models. i'm not sure if this fits what you're after, but i've always been fond of Anibal Voyer's ghost model

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Link to Origami Library in Discord again:
We really need your contribution, please participate if you can
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Who asked for this?
Hey! Any1 knows a japn site or any site where 2 BUY the JOAS34 mag, 2nd hand even? I really dont want 2 buy a susbscription much less a membership.
Nope, and since it's brand new, you're not going to find it second hand right now either.
Why don't you offer money for a scan?
The subscription that offers that issue is

13500 Jpy so about 90 USD.
There's 6 magazines, 1 special and like 2 extras.

Make an offer accordingly.
Sometimes these things show up way later on Yahoo Auctions or ocassionally ebay. Yahoo Auctions is a pain to buy from outside Japan, but there are forwarding services to other countries.

Honestly just paying for a membership is probably the cheapest and easiest way to get a copy until someone posts a scan.

Pepakura had a version update and I was wondering if anyone has a licence key crack or the hex value offset to unlock locked pdos.
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Its a program for unfolding 3D models into "foldable" pieces, which you can then print and put together. bunch of other shit you can mess with but thats the gist of it
6.0.3 offsets:

6FF74: 0F8414010000 -> E91501000090
8C501: 85C0 -> 33C0
8E332: 0F84AD000000 -> E9AE00000090
8E483: 7512 -> 9090
8E48C: 7509 -> 9090

The extra change is to bypass an integrity check that got added.
They still haven't fixed the problem with pepakura 2 pdos mentioned here >>609418.
Thank you so much for sharing this! Do you maybe have a 6.0.3 license keys to input as well? Or does this offset also bypass the key verification?
ya, can't get any keys to work, plz help

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I make small Origami to the point that when I gift people Origami they toss it in the Trash because it's too small to be recognised.
Either that or I'm just too bad at Origami lol
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Reverse image search led me to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMWiA-0pZKk
I need one I am sad
No you wipe your butt with that hand lmfao I don’t want your toilet paper
I used to go to my local mall, sit at a tablet next to the railing (2nd floor) and drop origami cranes over the rail. They glide down. Then I would just wait and watch people light up when they found them.
I do bill origami and throw it to my burlesque and stripper friends, or when paying another artfag for something.

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As the last thread won't take any more posts, starting a new one...

Cerastus knight castigator

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Chaos Wardog

Not mine but here you go.
Intercessors are good overall and their rules are free on Killteam though
Frickin board removed file. Here u go again.
Here's some sisters I edited a bit. It ain't mine though.

Paying my sincerest gratitude to those dedicatied enough to create these amazing templates. Took an entire week, became my most badass room deco.
Any advice on how to expedite the process? Sitting like the hunchback of Notre Dame for 9 hours every day for 7 days is hella unhealthy.
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(lost his teeth template when I was constructing this guy, got a chance to reprint them)
(or more pessimistically, i exchanged mine for his)
Experience I guess.
I’m not sure I could do it now given how long it’s been since I built anything. But I built this Tyranitar at one point. It took me about 12 hours start to finish nonstop overnight. I did it to pass a lonely New Year’s Eve back in like 2008.
This looks fucking brutal. I'm not a regular on this board but this is AMAZING.
I fucking LOVE Tyranitar
This thing looks so cool oh my god- If I had seen that anywhere else I would have had to have zoomed in on it to tell it was paper and not plastic figure

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I want to make Tim Avery from son of the Mask as a papercraft figure. Can you help /po/???
no, sorry buddy
Sorry can’t do it
ill try
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I see

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made years ago and I want to recreate, cannot find the diagram or name of the shape anywhere
That's called XYZ, and your picture seems to be Francis Ow's model.
You can find its diagram here:
man that's cool it doesn't even seem possible
No problem.
the 3d paper jew

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Do you guys only fold paper cranes and glue Warhammer figures? I've never seen a bookbinding thread here.

Printed and bound House of Leaves. Split it into 2 volumes because I was afraid to work with so many pages at once. Covered with paper-backed vinyl (black) and linen fabric (red), which will probably collect a ton of dust pretty soon.
Couldn't decide how to put the titles on. Should have made a debossed rectangle with a paper label glued inside. But I hoped that hot ink transfer would work. So I made the covers first, then printed the title on ink transfer paper, and found out that pressing a hot iron to the cloth-covered board warps the board due to heat expansion. Tried on small swatches first (picrel). This method won't work.

As I understand it, my current options to put the title are limited to
>linocut transfer
>screening (sponging the ink through a trafaret)
>just print a paper label and glue it on top
Don't have any hot stamping tools to work with foil, nor the desire to purchase these materials.
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Those look riveted to me, not soldered.
different lurker here but that's a great setup
deckled edges on a book is the best thing ever btw
I just do classic Japanese bookbinding whenever I want a sketchbook
You could try 3D-printing a debossing tool to deboss the board you're using for the cover. Then when you glue the fabric onto it, use a bonefolder or similar tool to push the fabric into the recess. You could leave it like that, or try to paint the recessed area.
I've never done this, so I don't know how well it would actually work.
What's the appeal behind that? It doesn't lay flat at all.

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I made these some weeks ago for my Mom. I neglected to take pictures of them at the time. I had her bring them with her when she last visited me so that I could photograph them.

All 4 models I'm posting ITT are from Tomoko Fuse's "Origami Cranes."
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the patterns and colours are so pretty! where you got the paper from?
Thank you! They were actually a Christmas gift from my Mom last year. I think she got them from Amazon. I believe it's sold as chiyogami paper, but it is a lot more thin than other chiyogami I've used. The exception is the envelope >>621002. That I made with some craft paper from Hobby Lobby.
>chiyogami paper
had some but the pattern is particulary neat, will check it out, thanks!

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I finally found the NOA magazine 202 but I don't have an diyzhen invite so can you guys get it for me?
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That was as unexpected! Thank you for the info!
It's legit, going on sale late august on aladin. U can do a search on faceb 4 prigami pro and get all available info.
Or you can find it on Yoo Tae Yong twitter.
Thanks for the info.
Will b aiit

Is there anything more based than making one's waifu/husbando out of paper?
making nortubel characters out of paper
Yeah, actually getting laid with somebody you love.
>3dpd shit
sounds like cringe

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