share ur fav sticky note origami
>>621490Nice one Anon.
I might make a paper airplane from a sticky note
do you guys cut off the sticky bit or keep it?
I made this little puzzle box called a soma cube for my girlfriend for Christmas. I was going to make a little wooden box to put it in, wood burn something on it, and then wrap the box up for Christmas with a few other things I have since returned since, well, she broke up with me. I haven't made the wooden box yet, and I'm kind of lost on whether I should finish it up for the sake of completion or if I should just make a paper box and wrap it up just to sit on a shelf, maybe for someone else or the next girlfriend, or just to sit as a trinket.
>>617730if you give it to a future girlfriend, do NOT tell her you made it for an ex lol.
>>617865that one is really cool with all the same color mine was a pain in the ass getting it to not look like a mess of random colors and i think ill give it to the one girl ive been talking to. She's also pretty crafty so i feel like she will appreciate it. Also, it perfectly fits inside a cube ~3x the size so I think im going to make a Christmas colored big cube instead of the white one i threw it in so it was locked up i think white red and green would be good
well i think this is good :)
Someone got a template for a simple box?
I love folding dragons.
>>622200>Sir, this is a McDonalds ...
Something that fits one page or less.
>>621345Most house are basic-bitch boxes with a bitched roof.
Does anyone have a file for an egyptian obelisk or a mesopotamian ziggurat?
What are cereal boxes made of? I know they're comprised of grayboard/chipboard but what do they print on? Is that white part part of the chipboard? Why does nobody sell this? This is the same as VHS box sleeves, NES, SNES, N64 boxes. Yet nobody seems to actually know how they're made.
>>619919Paper and board with that characteristic slick white finish used in packaging and high end magazines and catalogs where rich colors and crisp details in graphics and photos are important are clay coated
>>620334More info on clay coated board
>>619919I would say cardboard but one you disassemble the box you are left with what is essentially card.
Ok, even without the coating what should I look for just the cardboard? I print on glossy paper and glue to card stock already and it looks nice enough. Searching is a pain, results I specifically don't want always end up what I get when I search for these things.
>>619919It's a thin card board and they're glued on thin printed paper (think of gift wrap paper) for the design. the process from this video is similar on how you prep the cereal box, you'll get the idea. This is handmade and of course there's automated machine box that you just place the flat box template and it'll fold and glue the design together with a press of a button.
What kind of paper plane is this?
that doesn't even look like a paper plane desu
>>615412It's called the Space Cruiser. I've had a book of paper airplane instructions since I was a kid and this one was always my favorite plane. The book says to hold it from the back and give it a push to fly it, but you can grab the triangle on either side and launch it straight up as hard as you can, and it'll glide down nice and easy.If you do a little tiny crinkle on the flat part in the back you can get it to do some cool tricks too.
>>615946Same, I made hundreds of these as a kid
>>617732It looks like a paper jet.
I printed a template of a Konata figure, but I have a problem identifying some of the parts like the head (because I saw that the parts to identify the faces are in Mojibake) I wanted to know if u could help me here
This is how it is supposed to look finished
yeah, you're missing a few pages.
>>622179I said I had problems identifying the parts, like where to paste them, I already downloaded all the pages
>>622180Lol, i figure out by myself
I'm no longer on Windows so I can't test, but can you run Pepakura with something like Locale-Emulator to fix the mojibake? Or just use the Check Corresponding Face tool.
REQUEST: Side-by-side classic shotgunAre there any good weapon paper model makers that would either have a plan already made, links to some, or any help to making one?I've been trying to find one for Quite A While now and have been attemptin to create One by first modeling it out etc. but hit a "bit" of a setback with my computer frying up completely during a thunderstorm.Looking Now for the classic type of shotgun. Attempting to acquire the level of detail and possible function that are akin to the "Paper Manufacturing" brands level of quality.
>>608633 double barreled shotgun, but found some guns.
>>608633 be a help.
>>608633 might be as close as you can get.
>>610364I realized it's kind of funny that it's a gamebanana link.
Ey /po/, one of the new Pokemon from Pokemon Sun and Moon version is Kartana. It looks like this. Can you make it in real life with origami, and if so, how?-/vp/
>>621684I came here to check and am relieved. This thread belongs in a museum.
>>621684Kartana defended /po/ with all its might
>>621684>>621728>>621756Wtf I didn't even know about that. Funny that it happened just 4 days after my post. Would've been really ironic if it died right after I said it would last for many more years.I retract what I said, the site itself will most likely kill this thread at some point. I forgot to take into account that 4chan is, was, and will always be jank.
Anyone make a shiny version origami?
The day this thread dies is the day this japanese paper-folding website ceases to exist.
Do you guys only fold paper cranes and glue Warhammer figures? I've never seen a bookbinding thread here.Printed and bound House of Leaves. Split it into 2 volumes because I was afraid to work with so many pages at once. Covered with paper-backed vinyl (black) and linen fabric (red), which will probably collect a ton of dust pretty soon.Couldn't decide how to put the titles on. Should have made a debossed rectangle with a paper label glued inside. But I hoped that hot ink transfer would work. So I made the covers first, then printed the title on ink transfer paper, and found out that pressing a hot iron to the cloth-covered board warps the board due to heat expansion. Tried on small swatches first (picrel). This method won't work. As I understand it, my current options to put the title are limited to>linocut transfer >screening (sponging the ink through a trafaret)>just print a paper label and glue it on topDon't have any hot stamping tools to work with foil, nor the desire to purchase these materials.
>>612000I just do classic Japanese bookbinding whenever I want a sketchbook
>>612001You could try 3D-printing a debossing tool to deboss the board you're using for the cover. Then when you glue the fabric onto it, use a bonefolder or similar tool to push the fabric into the recess. You could leave it like that, or try to paint the recessed area.I've never done this, so I don't know how well it would actually work.
>>621123What's the appeal behind that? It doesn't lay flat at all.
What suppliers do you guys use? I'm having a hard time finding non A4 or US sized paper.
>>612185A few things I've noticed about trimming the edges of stacks with a boxcutter and metal ruler:-keep as sharp as possible, break off a blade, or install a new one-hold the blade at a shallow angle, making many passes with limited force. make sure enough of the blade is exposed (slid out) to accommodate your shallow cutting angle-don't remove too small an amount. If the material being cut away is less and 1/8" wide, it is more likely to buckle and foul the cut-if the cut material shifts at all, keep your ruler hand in place and remove cut material with your knife hand. Don't be tempted to simply slice through material that has moved into the cut, it'll often foul it up.-last thing is to pay attention to the tilt of the blade. of course, you're aiming for the cut surface to be vertical, but it can be easy to lose track of the tilt during deeper cuts. The force you use to keep the blade against the ruler can have a tendency to bend or tilt the blade if you're not focusedI've had some excellent Olfa boxcutters for years for modelmaking, etc. (about 20$ for a pack of 50 refill blades that last me ages) I wouldn't attempt anything fine with a bog-standard cutter.
the movies made them look so delicous. would be cool to have printable versions of the wizard cards too
Recently I got inspired by this guy who models their cosplays with cardboard and I got surprised by how good the round shapes ended up look like. I only want to make a mask with round shapes but every tutorial I found uses straight strokes for the template and I want to know if I can find more information of how to do it the other way
>>619700thank you!
The technical name for a shape that can be made from a flat plane via cutting, folding and bending but without stretching or compressing is a developable surface-, cubes, pyramids and cones are basic examples, and with computers extremely complex shapes can be segmented and unfolded to create patterns for 3-D objects.Curved creasing/folding (see pic) is another option that can develop amazing shapes with minimal cutting and assembly work
>>620336Has someone got this image? only the thumbnail is avalible
>>616163> saiyan armor caught my eye, it looks really good ! I want that template
i think its interesting, the structure looks good.
Pizza Cube
>>620391Very origami energy, truly a thing
am i a joke too you?
>>621779This whole thread is a joke.
>>620391this isn't a good excuse to keep ordering pizza, anon
Hey guys. I recently pulled this card. Do you reckon it would be possible to make this?
>>622120Man, waiting 900 secs to answer is the end of chan, so will be hard to get them. But probably there is, this would be a modular origami, i saw a Link from zelda that looked similar to what you want, so maybe looking for it and modifying it. Also Little Prince should be similar. All the luck
>Paperboots get smaller
>>616475someone got some instructions for the standard boat?
>>621882seconding this