Ive done some basic stuff and i want to learn more advanced stuff in origami as a project. What books are good for that?
>>611086"FAQs about origamiWhere do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.http://en.origami-club.comhttps://origami.me/diagrams/https://www.origami-resource-center.com/free-origami-instructions.htmlhttp://www.paperfolding.com/diagrams/What paper should I use?It depends on the model; for smaller models which involved 25 steps or fewer, 15 by 15 cm origami paper from a local craft store will be suitable. For larger models you will need larger or thinner paper, possibly from online shops. Boxpleated models require thin paper, such as sketching paper. Wet folded models require thicker paper, such as elephant hide.https://www.origami-shop.com/en/Hints and tips?For folding, The best advice is to always fold as cleanly as possible, and take your time. Everything else comes with experience.https://origami.me/beginners-guide/https://origamiusa.org/glossaryWhat are ‘CPs’?Crease patterns are a structural representations of origami models, shown as a schematic of lines; they are essentially origami models unfolded and laid flat. Lines on a crease pattern may be indicated by ‘mountain’ or ‘valley’ folds to show how the folds alternate. If you’re particularly skilled at origami, they become useful instructions for building models. A common base fold is usually discernable, all the intermediate details can be worked on from there.https://blog.giladnaor.com/2008/08/folding-from-crease-patterns.htmlhttp://www.origamiaustria.at/articles.php?lang=2#a4"from the sticky which has some resources you can check out
Best books for beginners are fun models that aren't more than 30-60 steps . John montroll is good .Also I like Fumiaki kawahata .Chen Xiao Usually convention books like NOA are easy to follow .
Join a Facebook origami group . Once your accepted you get suggestions on others to follow
Search no more mi friend, i started with this book (Im still finishing/reading it) and i consider it a good start: https://ia803201.us.archive.org/1/items/genuine-origami-jun-maekawa-2008/Genuine%20Origami%20%20%5BJun%20Maekawa%5D%20%5B2008%5D.pdf
>>611090this so much.
>>614560I didn't have good experience with this book. The theory is nice, teaching techniques and essential ideas in progressively more complex models. But a lot of the models, in my experience, even simpler ones can be too disappointing/challenging. I mean this book is supposedly written for beginners. I just checked gilad page, reviewing from memory:1. squirrel - the example photo and the one in diagram is different, so your result won't look the same as Jun Maekawa's2. box - "locks" and bullshit don't work. I honestly have no idea how to make this properly without glue3. spiral shell - good luck making everything aligned4. giraffe - I really dislike this one, dunno, the fact you fold the back and hide it behind really annoys me5. helmet - good luck making this stand, even gilad couldn't do it, fuck this model seriouslyI think I dropped the book a few models after this. I kept hitting problems that I blame on subpar models. I decided just to fold stuffs I find interesting from /po/. Not following Maekawa's curriculum. I'm much happier now. I just don't think the book is good recommendation for beginners. -----John Montroll's Teach Yourself Origami's first half has all of the essential models they used to teach in schools.
Try to follow this plan to become a successful folder . 1 .Sonobe .2 . Kusudama .3 tessellation .These are good because very repetitive folds practice makes foolproof and you can use glue for assemblyThen 4 .Beetle . 5 .Fish . 6 .Spider .7 scorpion 8 . Butterfly two colours .9 .Bee two coloursThen try some simple characters .After that you should be familiar enough with diagrams and precrease to attempt more complex models such as birds dragons .
>>611086Start with Alex Jones the Great Reset. You will be doing a lot of folding for the NWO.
>>619941wrong board, scipo