This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".Helpful links:Game Tech WikiEmulation General Wiki
It's alright, but pales in comparison to Streets of Rage series. Feels like it drags on at times, but still has better pacing than Final Fight 2 I think.
>>11569072Probably the most annoying boss in the entire game.
>>11569146yep, I was very happy when I managed to beat him without losing a life for the first time
>>11569072Great play! Very hard to beat him without wasting a life. I did it once, but I feel like I lucked out.
>>11566691Play Final Fight CD OP
Holy shit, this game is fucking garbage.I would like to preface that Final Fantasy is one of my favorite jrpg series of all time. I have enjoy at least one version of every numbered entry, other than the MMOs and 15. I even enjoyed the less popular entries such as 3, 8, and the 13 series. I went into 2 with an open mind, to see if it was as bad as it was reported to be for so many years. I chose Pixel Remaster because I enjoy 1-6 and I had already purchased the bundle.This game's system does not work. You need to use spell in order for them to rank up. for many of the more straightforward spells (cure, fire, life) this is no issue. However, buffing and ailments spells (berserk, toad, haste, protect, etc.) are completely useless at early levels. Teleport and Warp can't even be used in the overworld before rank 2. In other Final Fantasy games, if I want a specific character or job to grow stronger, this is easily accomplished through regular gameplay. I can naturally become stronger without stopping in one spot to grind levels or abilities. If I want to master a spell in 2, the optimal strategy is always to stand outside of a town and have Firion and Maria spam it with auto-battle until it useable. This is because many low-level are too much of a detriment to use in dungeons, but also too useful at higher ranks to discard.The story is also a dud. The main trio have less personality than the blank slates in 1 and 3. The cast is so flat that I can't be bothered to care when they died. Thank god this game is easily exploitable. I would never have bothered with this murderous encounter rate if this game was hard.I understand that this game is a major stepping stone for the series. I can appreciate it for helping Final Fantasy form its identity. I am glad it exists. I feel like the later entries are stronger due to its experimentations. But I am still surprised by how mediocre this game is. Especially after playing what many people view as one of the "better" versions.
We all have that one game in our favorite franchise that we absolutely despise
>>11569230No we don't you schizo
>>11569217>This game also attempts a highly customizable character growth system, which later games expand upon.FF2s character growth system is too unique and is nowhere to be found in later entries. In FF3 you have things like equippable magic spells and summons that you can trade between party members which feels like a true FF system. 3 is also when they nailed the combat and it felt like they actually learned from the first 2 entries. I dont know anything about the pixel remasters but Famicom FF2 didnt have floating numbers, it didnt have auto retarget after a monster is slain, it doesnt play all the spell effects instantly when you cast on a group it does one at a time, it doesnt have back attacks. Theres a million little things in 3 that picked the series up to where it could actually compete with DQ.
>>11569251no one gives a shit about the combat. ff2's story runs laps around 3's, and story is why final fantasy sells millions
>>11569273FF2 and FF3 have the same story. You're participating in pointless american football by pitting them against each-other.
Why were old Capcom games so difficult?
>>11569189>but this used to create an army of hardcore players.if the game is balanced well it most certainly can otherwise you end up with a machine that feels like a vacuum cleaner. (honorable mentions to 194x series).>I remembers guys finish street fighter with one coinconsider for a moment the amount of coins that they pumped into the machine to get that good. i used to watch dudes back then spend hours at street fighter 2 continually pumping it with coins.
It wasn't some mandated thing, it's just that some of them had design philosophies. The situation with Megaman was that they thought it should be simple and short with very basic functions but to make it a compelling experience it should be hard to beat straight away and instead promote multiple playthrough with it's non-linear stage selection.
>>11568309Those games are all on the easier side for arcade games.Also you're dumb because I said GnG excepted yet you still mentioned those games.
>>11568404Megaman 2 was given an easy mode precisely because Americans thought Megaman 1 was too hard. Super Mario Bros 2 wasn't even released in the US, instead releasing the ROM hack Doki Doki Panic. Square chose not to release the actual FFII III and V in the US because they thought they were too complex. If anything consumer option at the time was that they didn't like the difficulty
>>11569261>Those games are all on the easier side for arcade games.They are not. You haven't played them and you sure as hell haven't 1CC'ed them zoomer
Do you use color correction when playing GBA?
>>11566648Some Retroarch comparison>raw, GBA color>PSP color, NDS color
>>11566550No, I like the bright, saturated colors.It gives the system a unique look, and I think it's a part of the GBA experience.
>>11566550Did any other GBA games offer pallette selection in the options aside from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance?
>>11568225Link to the Past, straight from the file select menu.
>>11568225They often did if they existed after the gbp was invented
I got layed in that year. What did you do, played games, little boy?
>>11569081I wasn't even alive.
Sonic 3
>>11569081We did both back then. Games and womenWomen weren't angry at video games then you dumb gen x fagget
>>11569081Sorry this is /vr/, not the senior citizens club
ImpossibleUnfairHow did you beat him
Realizing that despite having played the shit out of the various SF2 games as a kid both at arcades and at home, and having watched countless Fightcade/Evo/Combo Breaker matches, seeing Sagat in Boxer's stage looks weird to me like as if it's the first time.
>>11563889FLASH KICK
Having any idea how to cancel lets you absolutely rape the arcade AI in these games
>>11565035>Daigo circa 2003/04Seeing him grind choi's sagat into paste is always fun to watch
>>11565035>Old Sagat isn't banned in Japan, though.Yeah he is.They won't outright say it due to Japanese cultural reasons, but it's very obvious to anyone in the know who has dealt with Japanese people about these kinds of subjects.>but what about that one player who uses O. Sagat in tournamentsHe's not winning anything because he's not that good so they just ignore him for being a retard.
no game makes me feel more like a gamer than megaman 1-6
>>11568865No1 2 9 10 are the only good ones
>>11568873t. leadbrain gen xer
Classic mega man certainly was synonym of "retro gaming" for a while, especially after its revival after MM9. All the memes, the sprite edits, all the mega man fan games...
>>11569037Thanks for letting us know you're a leadbrain gen xer
>>11568865no not really&bass is pretty good though hardware footage. N64 resolution, framerate, textures and sound quality on display.
>>11569185How so?
>>11569205Awful animations in the cutscenes and the game itself only looks graphically marginally better outside that. Not worth the trade off.
>>11568932CTR is better
I always loved the look of Command and Conquer on the N64, and it played really well with the N64 analog stick. Shame it was the original Command and Conquer and not Red Alert. World Grand Prix looked quite good on the N64. This clip shows the game takes advantage of the N64's transparency effects. : Playstation Duke Nukem 3D is a really accurate port of the Build game. It basically uses the Build engine, with identical maps (with some alternations for performance reasons) , but downgrades the tile/ texture quality and runs at an ass framerate. The N64 game has a bit of re-imagining done to the level design and extyra censorship. But I always thought it was a well done port. It uses an enhanced version of Build that can render polygons. 2 looks really good on the N64: Evil 2 on the N64: while not perfect, I always thought was an incredible port. I owned it for the N64 back in the day. The BG's in some scenes are lower resolution. There are less textures overall. Video is interlaced and runs at 15fps on the N64. While the PS1 version, the FMV is at 30fps: Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
This is where console gaming died for me, after PS1 I became a PC gamer. After PS1 you couldn't find risky/unique or small studio games on consoles anymore, on PS2 it was all the same fps hack n slash slop.
>>11565401>>11565148The problem with your argument is that console games ARE PC games; emulation exists and you can use a controller. I play console games almost exclusively yet haven't actually touched one in years.
Ignorance is a pest
>>11565503Racing games were significantly better on 6th gen what are you on about. The consoles could finally do 60fps (if they so chose).
>>11568686Literally never heard of this game until now, I'll have to try it sometime but in the event that it is good, I'll counter with PN03 because the Gamecube was equally shit as it was good, a balanced console.
>>11565362And yet you can never name those gamesUh huh sure
Is anything affordable to collect anymore in this hobby?
>>11569262Xbox, PS2, anything newer than thatinb4 404
What are some fun and colourful puzzle games from the 16-bit and 32/64-bit era like Tetris Attack and Puyo Pop?
>>11567701Money Puzzle Exchange is badass
>>11567701Wetrix is the greatest puzzle game of all time.
>>11569060that really looks like magic drop
How about Chu Chu Rocket?
Why do so many people say that N64 emulation is bad? Using ParaLLEl emulator, I genuinely can't notice anything wrong outside of very minor graphical glitches. Every game I've tried runs at perfect 60fps.
>>11567906If i recall, Marth was actually one of the few many characters considered for the original game.
>>11561703/threadYou're a bunch of mouthbreathers. This is not a subreddit.
>>11568812>the people who visit dedicated forums for PC building and are the most actively plugged into the current state of PC technology all know the current cost of SSDsYes, obviously. I'm sure people who visit N64 emulation forums and are the most actively plugged into the current state of N64 emulation also don't say it sucks any more, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who haven't built a PC in the last 10 years and never kept up on the industry changes in the meantime.OP asked why so many people say N64 emulation is shit, and the reason is that most people learned 15-20 years ago that N64 emulation sucked ass and then completely ignored it after that and just keep parroting their outdated understanding forevermore.
>>11568978I would say that at least half if not the majority of posts on those kinds of places are from people who either haven't made a PC in years or are new and asking questions, and even still they know a SSD is not too expensive anymore. SSDs aren't just for PCs anymore either, consoles use them now too, not to mention SD cards in various devices, there are plenty of ways for people who don't keep up on PC tech news to know now that SSDs are not expensive.
>>11561701>Every game I've tried runs at perfect 60fps.That's absolutely not the real N64 experience.
Any other cool Japan-only games for the PSX?
>>11567645why not all?
>>11567447someone is working on a translation of Brightis but I played it with retroarch AI translation and it was by far the game I've played with which it worked the best
Black Matrix, SRPG about jedo-christian mythology. Has some neat mechanics like player deciding how exp is distributed after every fight and skills being affected by time during the fight and amount of kills. Also some bizarre soundtrack choices, just listen to the battle theme.
>>11569070does that get cached or do you have to wait everytime you go into the shop?cool webm and feature but man I would never play a game like that
>>11559937Mizzurna Falls is cool, despite being pretty tedious and broken at times.
Who actually played Myst when it first came out?
>>11567462>how much acid did they drop to come up with that idea
>>11568465Yeah I played the first few minutes but that was right before Christmas and then the holidays got in the way. Was funny seeing Brad Dourif in that opening "action scene". I do like the static, panel-by-panel way of OG Myst and Riven, but it makes sense that they wanted to advance the gameplay and implemented freelook. I'm sure R+R Miller would have gone with full 3D for the first games anyway if that had been an option.But the hypercard stack thing gives these games a special calmness and serenity. I was more suspicious of Presto being able to hit the mood, tone and atmosphere of these games. I think I'll just check out Exile later when I get home today.
>>11553032The newest remake on Unreal, for all its problems and the poorly scripted intro, is the definitive version. They did a great job on the environments, even though they changed the style in a couple places. Turn on the classic fmvs because they cannot make 3D characters.
>>11568484I got the impression Robyn never wanted it to be full 3D with the added complexity but he also probably didn't intend for Myst to be the perpetual (and stale) hat trick of the company. The panoramic nodes of 3 and 4 were the best compromise probably.
>>11554718>Riven was a little better in that regardA lot better, but that doesn't make Myst bad.This paragraph sums up his mindset pretty well.>It's a vacuous, ugly, and downright weird in its colonialist approach to Atrus's saviour-complex invasion of multiple worlds. More than anything else, it's deathly dull, never rewarding you for completing a "puzzle", just wearily trundling on until it doesn't quite stop.He thinks it's bad because the plot isn't spoonfed to him sequentially, he doesn't like how the journals are written in a train-of-thought manner (as though they were journals), and he doesn't like having to solve puzzles without being fed a doggie biscuit for doing so. Also something something white people.Maybe I'll mod Myst so that every time he solves a puzzle some confetti fires off from the edges of the screen.