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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r (embed) (embed) (embed) (imbred) (inbread) (i'mded)
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Powkiddy/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy

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I vote the next thread is called handwashing general.
Some archivist anon that has the magnet for the Tiny Best Set Go? IA is still down and I got an R36S to boot: https://archive.org/details/tiny-best-set-go
>magically all the black and brown people become caucasian, as they claimed and insisted to always be, upon washing their dirty hands
I still remember that one South American dude fuding with the pink tattoo guy about being whiter than he was. And then we saw how pink his tattoo really was (along with how pale his skin is) only for the SA poster to never post an original photo again
To be fair he was really fucking brown and likely Brazilian
>feuding, not fuding
I'm not the South American poster self-mocking himself to remind people that I exist, please believe me. I can compound words!
Any device without a solid D-pad should be a complete non-starter for a handheld regardless of every other spec or price.

When are we getting the equivalent of hall effect sticks on D-pads so we don't have to suffer false diagonals anymore?

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Why is this version so sought after compared to the Wii version? Is it just "muh rarity" or is it a better version?
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Better controls and it represents the original vision of the game instead of the weird flipped perspective from making Link right-handed. Only downside is the lack of native widescreen support.
because link is canonically left handed and the wii version is non canon.
Their location varies by title, but Death Mountain is usually in the North and Lake Hylia is in the South.
It hits a niche, and I'm more on about if people tolerate Ocarina of Time, then TP is no issue. There's other positives to play the Wii version, like the soulful soundbites that play from the controller speakers.
thats usually a good sign when your defense of the game is, "you can probably tolerate it."

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Honest thoughts on the Ice Cavern? Should it have been a full dungeon, or is it better as a 20-30 minute affair?
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I think it's pretty cool.

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What are the essential retro SW games?
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i liked jedi power battles for PSX

I think there's a lot of good quality - particularly if you're a Star Wars fan, and particularly if you were on PC.

Space Combat (arcade and Sim-like)
>Tie Fighter
>X-Wing Alliance - check out the Upgrade Mod as well
>Rouge Squadron and Rogue Leader

>Dark Forces I and II (II has lightsabers, but it's best as a FPS)

The best Jedi sims
>Jedi Outcast and Academy for swinging a laser sword while neat tricks and force pushing groups of Stormtroopers off of ledges

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Having played Power Battles on the PSX as a kid, and actually beaten it as an adult a few days ago, I gotta say - don't bother with it. At least not without an infinite credits cheat (limited continues in the fucking year 2000).
I'm quite sure they haven't even checked if Plo Koon can beat Darth Maul at the final level and even the guide on GameFAQs agrees. One of the combos outright triggers a bug that makes him stunlock you to death.
>pod racer
If you have a modern xbox check the store because I got it for free on there. It's amazing to play it so silky smooth after growing up with the 64 version.
>Demoliton, as bad as it's considered
It's great actually

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>Resident Evil 4 invented over-the-shoulder gamepla-
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Ah yes the revolutionary 2005 game with tank controls, re4trannies are truly delusional
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You gotta play Splinter Cell, it's a great game and that's coming from an MGSfag who plays almost exclusively Japanese games. As for the 'innovation' part, it's not like with those mindbroken people writing about Tomb Raider's ''''lock on'''' system, it really is practically identical to what RE4 did but I've literally never heard anyone mention it when talking about SC. But to RE4's credit, I guess everyone liked how the whole game is basically 'over the shoulder', not just the aiming part, they liked that camera system and that's why everyone makes a big deal out of it
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God those graphics are so aesthetically pleasing, and the ambience in that game is so calm, especially when you're indoors

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>top tier soundtrack
>ridiculously fun either solo or in multiplayer
>hilarious crude humor
>perfectly balanced and challenging
>plenty of things to do
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The North American version censors all the profanity and rude humor to get an E rating which is a shame, but it's still a fun game.

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Where is your favourite location in gta San Andreas?
for me, it's blueberry

it will be forever burned into my mind once I was driving around blueberry at dawn and there was this chick shooting targets on a roof
how did they do it bros? fitting all of that into a ps2 game. impressive . also Bayside is cozy

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The constant bickering between Sony, Sega and Nintendo fags on this board lately has been ridiculous. Brothers, we must be united in our crusade against modern slop. Just because we prefer different horses, doesn't mean we can't ride together. ITT: Say something positive about a console you're not super into.
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sony is trash and sega is fucking dead. shut up
They struggled, I imagine, because every game they produced followed that pattern, which makes any sort of long gaming session a chore since the whole drop in, drop out gameplay loop is only fun for short bursts.

But Nintendo rarely strays from there formula during a generation
i dont want to see an oot thread ever again
filter threads you dont like.
>all but one of those gampads had analogue triggers

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Which one generally had the best versions of multiplatform games?
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imagine not enjoying the superior quiet snes version while listening to fat boys
Western games = Genesis
Japanese games = SNES

Of course nobody sane gives a fuck about 4th gen western games.
>genesis cannot produce the color yellow
sounds like bullshit
I just played the Genesis version of Clay Fighter and it's dogshit compared to the SNES version, so SNES wins.

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>be told it's the best rpg
>finally play it
>80s ultima combat
>saturday morning cartoon dialogues
is it one of those you had to be there cases?
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>you have the freedom to waste your time going to (x) instead of correct destination (y)

Nothing in OP's post suggests they're ESL.
I understand this might be hard for someone like you to grasp, but when people call you ESL it's not a meaningless insult. They're making a point about you specifically, and you're just not fluent enough to know what it means. Parroting that same insult in unfitting circumstances like this doesn't help your case at all.
>It's weird. I got all the way to the end and did all the side quests then got distracted by something in game. Some mini game or something involving chocobos, I think? And never actually bothered going into the crater itself and just... stopped playing. To this day, I've still never heard Sephiroth's battle music, read his dialogue or seen the ending.
I do this with countless games. I've never seen the endings to Chrono Trigger or Morrowind or Skies of Arcadia, but I've played the fuck out of them. Something just compels me to not want to finish it. Not FF7 though because I barely got 1/3rd through before dropping it.
Nothing causes mass spergouts on /vr/ like criticizing FF7. Every single time.
Shu'up jackass!

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Did you know that Sophitia's hair was silver before she became a holy warrior?
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I don't think she dressed like that while her foster parents still lived.
yeah, she didn't since she dresses like she does because it allows her to communicate with her magic sword better. and she didn't have that until she was an adult.
Carmella soprano looking cunt
That book was released in 1997 before the first episode of The Sopranos aired.
It's just the way japanese represents mediterranean women, from my mind, the only exceptions are Pauline, Rose, Marisa and Angela (Power Instinct)

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Are you a hoarder?
Physical or digital?

I can't stop downloading roms, collections, obscure rare games, old scans etc even though I know I'll never play 99.9% of them
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I'm not a hoarder. I'm a preservationist when the entire video game industry collapses you all will be hailing me for making sure Fugitive Hunter and Boogerman didn't get lost to time.
I am a bit of a hoarder. Seven different Commodore computers monitors, two Atari computers, and obscure z80 computer called the Nabu.

And now I'm obsessed with this computer put up by a company called dynalogic in the 1970s here in canada. They put out the Hyperion which was the first by a couple of months anyway portable IBM PC compatible ahead of compaq. But it wasn't quite compatible and it was just I think it was about $7,000 for that which was a huge amount of money back then. But I found a bunch of their cards that they had for an earlier version of a computer like the Altair 8800 except it uses a pinout similar to the S100 cards but they're not compatible as the Power Wheels Etc are different spots. Now I'm obsessed with getting all these old cards or anything but I need a chassis and something to run them off of.
Hoarding only exists if you lack space. If things are organized properly or you have enough room to keep things hidden out of view, suddenly its not hoarding in the eyes of the majority. Nobody ever calls out a rich person with a large collection of something as a hoarder.
Yes they do
been hoarding physical from thrifts for 15 years so I can keep on playing the way I always did, simple, beautiful, engaging... as long as it's cheap and good I'm in. Have a good stock of consoles, peripherals, games, crts and memorabilia of all sorts

nowadays I find mostly stuff from 6th gen onwards yet still I'm doing the needful so the lads and I can have a good retro fix whenever needed

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Is it the sound feedback that makes Killer Instinct stand out? Perhaps it's the combo-breaker mechanic? Or maybe... the diverse roster of fighters? Killer Instinct even had its own copycat, Eternal Champions by SEGA—a game that no one remembers. Other fighting games like Mortal Kombat relied on mindless violence over gameplay depth.

In my opinion, Killer Instinct was the pinnacle of its era in the fighting genre. While Capcom and SNK were too busy competing with each other and refining their substance (typical Japanese kaizen), RARE innovated the genre (classic European ingenuity). Agree or disagree?
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Nobody is taking away your MAME roms from you
>The combo mechanic is both ki's blessing and it's curse
They fixed it on current KI with counter breakers and shadow breakers, but, yeah, I know... no retro.
Nintendo could and will.
Stop victimizing yourself, virgin.
I just downloaded a bunch of roms and isos the other day.
Yeah, you got filtered.

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Is there any point playing the PS1 version before this? Im a zoomer looking to play the Resident Evil games, usually I play the original version of a game first but since this is a case where the remake is made in a time when games still had soul, with genuine improvements I'm drawn to it.
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I enjoyed the Remake, but I still enjoy the original more. I dunno what it is, it's just more fun to me.

>And then play Zero, which looks even more beautiful
It's also a bad videogame.
The original is worth playing not only because it's vidya history but it's a good game and has its own vibe. But I can also understand not wanting to essentially play the same game twice back to back unless you're a superfan so I'd say if you think you're only going to play RE1 once and move on to the next you can go with REmake if you want because it is a faithful remake that respects the original even if there are some changes fans don't like.

Use tank controls and a D-Pad and play Jill.
there's a reason they only remake GOOD games. play the original. it honestly makes more sense to remake bad games into good games but that will never happen
so long as it wasnt dualshock edition youre good
if you only play one version, play the original and definitely play it first

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