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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Is there any reason to play these versions over the PSX originals?
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Its the old Windows 95 PC version just patched to get it working on modern systems. Honestly you're better off installing the Japanese version and then using the Classic REbirth patch for more options, quality of life improvements and modding support.
I appreciate the feedback
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>calls everyone a faggot and does the same thing
Well I don't know the answer you double nigger
In the GOG version you can change the language to japanese to get the files required for rebirth as well. Rebirth is probably the best way to play. If you have AMD Graphics just make sure to read the troubleshooting section about using dgvoodoo so it works.

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I miss it
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I still like playing TF2C but yeah the playerbase sucks and I always have to mute at least 2 children screeching into the mic every time I join a server.
I remember the 2016 beta had deathmatch mode integrated with the usual rotation and I miss it, I liked having an arena FPS breather in between regular TF2 shenanigans.
I hate to admit it, but I like what the game has turned into. I remember playing it during the Orange Box days and thinking it was cool enough but it never kept me hooked. I came back years later, in 2019, with all of these new weapons, cosmetics and features and I was blown away. The game went from a fairly bare bones multiplayer add-on to Half-Shit 2 to one of the greatest games of all time. If you don't get the appeal of riding a tractor around 2fort while a conga line of obese Russian men follow in your wake, then it would be hard for you to understand the appeal, but it really is fun as fuck. There's a ton of depth to the gameplay too, which was vastly more limited in the original incarnation. Mind you I'm the type of cane-waving old man that refuses to play any game made after 2012 and has no social media, and I still can't deny my love of TF2.

The game suffered from a huge bot problem up until the past month, and it is unfortunately soaked with butthurt zoomers and yiff in hell tier furfaggot liberals, but if you can get past this, there is an amazing game to be found. You'll run into all types, but a few times a night you'll stumble onto the "good" crowd and have the time of your life. I don't think the community would have lasted this long if they had stuck with the original formula. Valve has gone the way of Blizzard and turned into a pandering money mill of garbage gacha games but I have to give credit where credit is due and say that their support of a nearly 20 year old game is pretty cool, even if they stopped giving a fuck for awhile. The fact there's a game with several million active players where you won't get banned for saying nigger in the year of our Jesus Christ 2024 is pretty astonishing, and I'm going to ride it out until things become truly gay.
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literally just play tf2classic
it’s easy to install and there’s a surprisingly solid player base
i actually have more fun playing classic than f2p tf2
Its not really whats being asked for
i just don't care.

i peaced out of TF2 when playing the game as intended started to be considered "tryhard behavior". MvM was my last chance & hope for the game but it felt like nobody was playing it and i'm probably one of the 5 or 6 people who actually wants to play vanilla TF2 so i just washed my hands of it and moved on. i miss the TF2 i loved and there hasn't been a game like that since.

What are some of the most chill/relaxing retro games?
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Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
Play it if you get the chance because it's a shining example of video games as a medium.
Pff. Try to play it like a chinese capitalist, not like a giga cuck faggot.
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>Mario Party

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i have been the "of all time" spammer

have you noticed me yet?

>search every inch of the map and collect 15+ different collectables if you want to progress
this game is aids
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If you're talking about notes reseting when you die then imo its only an issue on the last 2 levels, mostly because of the engine room/propeller jiggy and fall damage in click clock wood (I would also add that one jiggy when you have to swim in cold water too because damn that hole is tiny).
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>phone games
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>noooo we don't want to design a fun and engaging parkour course, just an egg hunt

i always left shitpissfuck hole eggs on the ground and only took the plastic ones because eggs are disgusting
>he never spent hours in a level just walking around it enjoying it's comfy atmosphere and looking for secrets or just walking around to do something while he enjoyed the music

Legitimately sovlless

Theres just too much shit that kills you in this game, the relaxed comfy exploring is dampered because i know if I pass up even one note I am gonna have to come back and get them all again

just give a jiggy for 100 notes and get rid of the note doors. its like mario 64 requiring you to get the 100 coin star in every stage before fighting bowser--- antithetical to the freedom of player choice these games should be about

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Just fuck my art and music style up, SEGA.
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For me it's Fire Stingray.
Damn this game has been on my "eventually" list for literally 20 years but this comment makes me wanna finally play it. You make it sound fun thanks anon
Kate Alan booty game too strong for ESRB
The scratched and weathered paint on the vehicles give this game so much fucking soul.
>made to date
weird way to write "of all time" O.o

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I enjoyed the sailing and exploration so much that the "triforce hunt" was basically 90% done by the time the game told me to go do it. In retrospect it was disappointing how many of the islands were small and shallow but on a first playthrough you just can't really beat seeing an island slowly appear on the horizon and grow more and more clear as you approach.
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>noobs in this thread whining about sails
these stupid faggots can't even superswim and they think they're qualified to talk about the game
>you have to use a retarded glitch to skip half the game and ignore the central mechanic to make the game good
>never played Zelda 1
You must be 18 to post here
Wind Waker is my favorite game in the Breath and Tears of the Wild Kingdom series. I really like how there aren't fucking shrines everywhere, there aren't gay people, the art style isn't diarhea, the dungeons are designed, the compendium is a figurine gallery, the soundtrack exists, and Zelda is actually fucking hot.
you have to pay a literal faggot SO MUCH MONEY

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What is the best way to play Chrono Trigger?
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DS for the expanded story . It gives you a bit of content that is the closest we will get to a third game connecting to cross and still has the psx fmvs
by not playing it at all bc dat shit is poo poo
Original Super Famicom version
The DS extras aren't anything special, that's all I know. Lost Sanctum gave me brain tumor
The extra content is awful and the overpowered rewards you get aren't worth the grind. You can quite literally speedrun a New Game+ in the same amount of time it takes to beat the DS extras. The DS version is a major case of "what the fuck were these retards actually thinking?" So much wasted potential.

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Qwerty editon


Retro sizerhttps://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheethttps://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
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I love the 1:1 aspect for GBC, it's a shame it doesn't can't get Qwerty to work on these emulators.
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how do u do fellow kidz????
>handheld cant play dvds
why even live??
battery life while gaming = 27min
what is the fucking point

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CRT filters are good now.
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why not GBA-specific shaders wtf
i don't like lcd grids
>there are dumbshits that actually think 120p CRT makes things look better and will refuse to play old games in 1080p or better but also won't just buy some old CRT from a dilapidated pawn shop so they install programs to make their crisp graphics games look worse

You sometimes forget that not everyone on here is PRETENDING to be an autistic retard.
CRT whine is painful to zoomers who didn't grow up with it
>make up a scenario to get mad at
>get mad at it
You good, champ?

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How did Pokemon become such a cultural force that still lasts to this day?
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>i even had retards saying "let's play without energy cards" so he just throw out zapdos or something.
being a big brained individual in a world of retards is painful anon i understand you.
Dragon warrior monsters (Now dragon quest monsters) was and still is better than Pokemon.
Mind control to destroy western nations. The japs got us back for the bombs.
the feds are doing far more work in that regard
trannification is nearly complete

--->Tifa (long range materia)
--->Yuffie (long range weapon)

Yuffie can be swapped with Cid, but otherwise this is the party most people should roll with.
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Black people who play JRPGs are roleplaying as Cloud, not the side character of Barret. He's also taking care of a child that was his presumed-dead friend's child, not his own; he's not really a "single father" it's more like he's her godfather and she was so young when her parents died that she only knows of Barret as her "papa."

Let off some steam by becoming a "flower girl."
Yummy feet.
Parasite Eve 1 and Musashiden were good
just pick the ones you like to look at. it's a jarpig, so you can overlevel and brute force everything

IX is absolute shit after the first disc. story goes absolutely nowhere after that, just continually spiraling into nonsense, culminating with the WORST. , most forgettable final boss in any FF. plus Trance Kuja is an absolute fucking joke even compared to easy FF standards, what an incredible disappoint after safer seph and ultimecia. IX fags are just furries and pedos butthurt that normal people think sci fi anime soap opera is cooler than a furfag soap opera.

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Thoughts on this? I've never played a SMT game but this looks Pokemon-ish.

What is the best version to play? I've read Light is easier.
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Strange projection.
Japanese title for this series is Devil Children
Honestly kids are sometimes very devilish. They tend to not have any filters and aren't fully domesticated to societal etiquettes.
Devil Children is the dark ages of SMT. From 2000 to 2003, Atlus committed a lot of ressources to it, and largely stopped producing any other SMT games until SMT3. They blindsided themselves on the state of the community by doing so, and consecutively were caught with their pants down when they released SMT3.
I loved it when I was 11 years old. I was basically in the perfect state of mind to enjoy an edgey Pokemon. Objectively speaking though, the games probably aren't very good.

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