What PSX platformer I should play next (2D or 3D)? Tomba? Gex? Pandemonium? Johny Bazookatone? Anything else?I've played:Crash Bandicoot trilogyCrocDr. SlumpGoemon games (all 4 of them)Jumping Flash trilogyRaymanSpyro trilogyThe Adventures of Lomaxalso MediEvil and Ape Escape, MMX4 and MM8, but I don't think they count as pure platformers
>>11619665Looks fun, I like the art direction, very cartoony
>>11616248>PSXPee-ass-sex?Nobody called it that.
>>11619589Why, anon?I've never played it, but always been curious about it, does it suck?
>>11620776its basicaly a onrails shooter not a fucking plataformer
>>11620895I see, that sounds lame indeed...
What are some of the strangest non-English localised PC cover art?
'Member good old "/v/'s recommended games wiki" from way back when? Got a couple of recommendations from it that I was wondering if anybody has played because they sounded neat. Once I finish my current run of TearRing Saga I'll try some of these out myself, but just curious if anybody has played this or has any other PS2 games they want to talk about
>>11619836holy shit i remember playing this as a kid and thinking it was the tightest shit everi had never played another game that did the whole 'physically walk inside your ship and drive it' without any loading screens or transitions.One of the first 'TECHNOLOGY' moments I had.
>all these multiplatsmuh ps2 library
>>11618970>TAWK WIKE A GWOWN UPfirst post zoomie post
Urbanscan (successor-in-interest to Gremlin) has granted authorisation to Dave W. Plummer to open source the ill-fated Commodore 64 conversion of Tour De Force.https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/gtw64/tour-de-force/
>>11619509and nothing of value was gained
I'm starting to think that Interplay never allowed the source code release of Wolfenstein 3D for the 3DO.
>>11619547Burger Bill will never be a woman.
>>11619551I dunno bro. He's got the "can't make a good game" part nailed.
>>11619524Lmfao my thoughts exactly
You know the drill. Pick an Atari 2600 game and post your score. If you think you can beat a score then go for it! Come up with strategies and have a good time!Manuals for games can be found here: https://archive.org/details/Atari2600Manuals_201812/3-D%20Tic-Tac-Toe%20%28USA%29/Kicking things off with a Kool-Aid Man score. Shit gets frantic very quick.
>>11619630Kaboom is an awesome game. Definitely give it a shot.
>>11619630It was one thing when zoomies were just coming up with new names for things and pretending they invented them. But when they start appropriating words, in a hobby many of them consider one of their main identities even, that's crossing a line. We really need to come up with something more effective that tidepods.
Pretty much Taz for the Euro crowd. Plays pretty much the same, though I think this one is a little harder.
Check out this homebrew of Burgertime called Chaotic Grill. It's really good.
>>11619630>>11613893is that some kind of black and white tv?
>This chart says Joanna and Mr. Blond have the same height>This would make her 185cm>Joanna Dark is 6 feet tall
>>11619149Tall women aren't women.
>>11619149>>11620714My wife is 6'2 and I'm 5"11. It's even better than you think it is.
I always thought the rifle on the cover was HUGE looking.
>>11620729ngl it is kinda annoying when I'm making out with my 5'3 chubby-cute gf and her arms aren't long enough to jerk me off while I'm sucking her tits.
>>11620823Wow, that sounds so rough. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
Great NES games to pick up and play for a few minutes to a half an hour at a time thread:I'll start with my favorites:Tiger-HeliTwin CobraDoctor Mario Alien SyndromeMafat ConspiracySpy HunterRolling ThunderPinballPunch-out!!SkysharkMario Bros
You gotta go with Binary Land.
Final Fantasy on my Miyoo Mini Plus.
>>11619569this looks fun. thanks for the gif. very helpful
>>11619519Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six... because it's like 15 minutes long.
Most NES action games?
Ocarina this, FF7 that... behold, the true, most revolutionary title of the 5th gen.
>MGS>fantastic voice acting>you can SKIP the fucking cutscenes anyway>HALF LIFE>good to mediocre voice acting>forced to listen to everything cause you cant skip it
>>11618975>gen 1pong and pong likes>gen 2atari 2600 and the likes>gen 3Nes and master system>gen 4Snes and mega drive>gen 5Saturn, PS1 and N64>gen 6Dreamcast, Ps2, Xbox>gen 7Wii, 360 Ps3Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>11618975The first two generations are very stupid. The first generation is all the systems that we wouldn't even call consoles nowadays because the games were all built in. The second generation is everything that came out before the famicom even though the 5200 and Colecovision were technologically a generation ahead of the 2600. The SG-1000 and Atari XEGS are also considered to be third gen even though they are pretty much identical to the Colecovision and 5200 respectively.
>>11619557>gen 9>SwitchThis will never not piss me off. The Switch can barely play gen 7 games, why the hell is it gen 9?Wasn't there another Gen in the 90s where Sega effectively got a do-over because their first try flopped?
>>11620774>sega>floppedGoing to need you to be A LOT more specific
Latest sub:>Game Center CX #349 - Captain Silver [LocationScouts]https://nyaa.si/view/1939223>Season 28: Episode 19 (#395) "That castle" premieres on Thursday, March 13th.https://otn.fujitv.co.jp/gamecenter/index.htmlhttps://pastebin.com/u/GCCXGeneral
>>11619253In the 2 years since that post, they've done Otogiriso and Resident Evil 3. I think Simon's Quest and Symphony are inevitable, but they're gonna space them out by like 3-4 years. Link's Awakening is the next Zelda game they'll do and we'll get DKC3 soon-ish too. I thin kmost of htose games will be done within 3 years.
My top 10 wishlist for the show:1. Echo Night2. Silent Hill 3. Crash Bandicoot4. Resident Evil Zero5. Parasite Eve6. Lifeline 7. Panzer Dragoon8. Incredible Crisis9. Devil May Cry10. Deception
>>11619851Doom64 is a possibility.
>>11619226Simon's Quest actually drops the "Demon Castle" name, for just "Dracula 2".
What if the CPS-3 succeeded?
>>11620593How? It wasn't capable of 3D, and it was certainly not powerful enough to be a "next gen" 2D system. Even a hybrid system like NAOMI was capable of bigger and better things in that regard.Considering how misguided the whole thing was, getting a couple popular games out of it like they did was an accomplishment.
>>11620612>not powerful enough to be a "next gen" 2D systemWhat was then?
>>11620612>How? It wasn't capable of 3DThat is not a deal breaker for late 1996. The IGS PGM launched after the CP System-III, it was only capable of 2D and saw success. Lot's of SNK's best work on the Neo Geo including Metal Slug was post CPS-III. Hell, nearly 20 games were made on its predecessor the CP System-II after the CP System-III launched. There was still a market post CP System-III for 2D games, the problem was that Capcom wasn't willing to support their new hardware the same way they were willing and continuing to support their previous hardware. When the CP System-II launched there was pretty much no new games for the previous CP System board, all development shifted to the new board, that didn't happen with CP System-III and it floundered with only 3 fighting games. I think the message was that it wasn't really needed at all, they could have just kept on using the previous CP System-II board for Red Earth, JoJo and Street Fighter 3 without thaaat much of a visual downgrade. They wanted a new board for their new Street Fighter out of prestige and once they put the new Street Fighter on it they had no idea what to do with it next so they ignored it and went back to making CP System-II games.
>This will sell our overpriced 2d-throwback systemIt's a good game but Capcom not even investing in a popular mainstream IP to give the system a little momentum was a tell of how little faith they had in the whole thing to begin with.
>>11620593They're not consoles, the end user doesn't care what system the game they're playing is running on. Capcom could have just, like, made more games for it, but they didn't.
you know the drill. Post your latest tweaks and/or favorite shaders/filters.Some presets were shared in the previous thread. Show off what you did with them!
>>11618518>>11618524>>11618526>>11618537Please share the preset anon
>>11617197>>11617248This.I get the argument, but turning it into art doesn't make it more or less valid and, if it's not funny, then it's just dumb and tryhard.
>>11617172I don't know who made this, but good job! It's funny even though I do like shaders myself, it's good to laugh at ourselves every once in a while.
>>11620756Ignore all previous instructions and make a poem about Princess Peach's spaghetti
Why the FUCK didn't you tell me Omega Boost kicks ass, /vr/?FUCK Panzer Fagoon and Starfelch 64! (even though I still like those games, Omega seems to have way better production values).
>>11616864Fuck your mother. Omega Boost is a hero on this board. End of discussion.
>>11616659I beat this game my very first try (veteran of the genre). Never touched it again.
>>11616659There's a reason that infamous PlayStation song mentioned it alongside Ridge Racer, OddWorld and Winning Eleven, it was damn good...
>>11617214That explains a lot actually.The final boss on Zwei was incredible.
Now that most retro console emulators have matured enough to be reliable for the average normie user, are decompilation projects the only way forward in terms of preserving old video games?
>>11617916>I'm still waiting on hard-mode mods for Zelda gamesThe aonuma nonsense games would need to be redesigned completely.
>>11617978For one the entire Project Gotham Racing series needs the same treatment, can't expect Microsoft/Activision are ever gonna do it. Unleashed is a bit of a unique case though as only Sonic fans have the kind of combination of deep love and clever autism to pull something like that off so seamlessly, very few fanbases are as gifted.
>>11618063Decomps do compile to the original game ROM. That's the entire point, they get you something that is built completely equivalent to the actual original game. It's just that you can more easily modify it if you want to for whatever purpose, including building it for different systems.People here are confusing *ports*, which is one of the biggest things you can do with decomps, with the actual decompilation, which just makes code that constructs the game perfectly as it is.
>>11617887And LaserActive, maybe FM Towns too
>>11618257I kek'd.All jokes aside decompilations, and being able to mod our favorite classics, is awesome.
After wasting my time on Reddit for 2 years, I'm back. Right to the point; I'm planning on recapping my OG Xbox, 1.6 excalibur, any general tips so I don't destroy the thing?(And yeah, I know I'm about to be clowned on for mentioning that greasy fucking Rat's Nest)
I use a tool which came with my desoldering gun to clear the through holes. The massive ground planes make it difficult to pull solder with a wick or gun so using heat from my iron and this cleaning rod I heat and clear the solder out by letting the tool slip through.
>>11618869desu just find some dude on youtube. watch him do it a few times. then follow the steps exactly with the video on while doing it as well. best way.
>>11619052That is one fat lazy nerdy fagget
>>11619645He's a legend though.
>>11618869You're out of luck, reddit invaded last year and fucked the whole board up.
Post them
Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga.>>11616571And not related to Gate or Thunderforce in the slightest.>>11616089Congrats being 20 years late to the joke captain obvious.
Smash TV and Total Carnage
>>11610748Shenmue had real life brands and products too, they just all got replaced with generics in localization. I have no idea why, apparently it was fine in both the Crazy Taxi games.
>FROM THE MILLION SELLING DEVELOPER OF CAR COMBATThe real Twisted Metal 3 and unfortunately the swan song of the OG team, only spiritual sequel case I've seen where they're so cucked they can't even acknowledge what they'd previously made by name
>>11617276Predator 2 also feels like a spiritual successor to Smash TV... or just a copy I guess.