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What games do you go back to again and again when you're feeling a little down? What /vr/ games are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face? For me it's pokemon gbc games.
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I have no time anymore. I play some Ms Pacman or maybe roll some Katamari Damacy if I'm feeling luxurious
Panel de Pon is this for me. It never fails to make me feel a bit better.
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards

It's really easy and you get enough GP to make a deck you like quickly, with a ton of cards that are awful in the OCG/TCG being downright broken in here, it's cozy... I'll always love Hourglass of Life, Skelengel, Doron... so many cards I'd never use in a real duel are just amazing here. Also, getting a copy of Dark Magician Girl is always a highlight, I can't recommend this enough if you're a fan too.
Animal Crossing
I wish there were more cosy games that aren't just indie slop for normie women
SotN is always my friend

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Campychads gather up!
>Still mispelling the dude's name
Why isn't this bot banned yet?
Best Jurassic Park game on the GBA? There's a lot of them
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Why was there never a proper Jurassic Park survival horror game? Dino Crisis is the closest thing, and the moral of the story is KIND OF similar but not really.

Maybe I'm just dumb, but I keep having to use a walkthrough for this game.
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kek, op made me laugh
that's normal. it was supposed to take you months to finish because it was very expensive
As if OP's here to read your post and didn't immediately leave after making the thread.
This is probably the most straightforward Zelda. The overworld is small and the dungeons don't really have any puzzles. You can find where you need to go and figure out what to do very quickly.

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>Zoomers will never fantom what was like to see graphical leaps this big
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For static objects? Sure. But prebaked shadowmaps just aren't going to cut it for moving objects.
Spectrecular post.
Their faces look like one big smear, and they have goofy little marionette hands. The character models in Shenmue flat out look better.
>graphical leaps


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I like that it's almost an old school action RPG. You might not explore dungeons or an overworld, but traversing the map gives that effect, and you do get the option at the midway point to tackle certain levels in a different order. You have merchant gargoyles in every level to buy weapon ammunition from. You might not level up, but you do find life bottles that extend your life and you can farm for money if you need to.
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medievel was the best thing ever in 1998, it was pure magic.
Yeah, it's called an action adventure game.

They're not exactly similar games, but you're free to have your favorites.
I think they were afraid to because Resurrection sucked so bad. I really liked the remake, personally, despite its flaws (which I consider minor). Shame the comic that used the original idea for 3 or whatever blew.
The one with Tranny Tim?
It probably has the best 3D melee combat of any 5th gen game. What else comes close?

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Is this game worth tracking down? I started watching the anime and love it, and I've heard the game is pretty decent, but it's not exactly cheap. Not insane prices but still more than impulse-buy territory (though for once being a britbong paid off as it was released over here). I know I could just emulate it, but it'd be nice to have it on proper hardware if possible (especially as PS2 emulation still seems to be a bit of a crapshoot).
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The game was enjoyable until it introduces some kind of sanity meter which slowly yet constantly goes down through the level/chapter.
Timers like this really break games for me. I just want to take my time and enjoy.
And as a based anon said: burn the iso.
I'm in a weird camp in this whole "to buy, not to buy," thing. On one hand, it's neat to own the things you like, on the other, after having a NDE... it's not the end of the world if you don't as in those last moments you realize you ain't taking that amazing vidya collection with you. Since then I've tried to sell a couple of the rare games I own and can just download and make copies of.
Basically, Matthew 6:19-21. At the end of the day, you only own what time and tragedy let you. I remember I had this old friend who had this retro gaming collection that would have made anyone here cry. He kept then safe in his own private museum... and what happened to that glorious collection? His house flooded ruining tons of retro boxes and artwork and the water got into so many of his games that there were to many to test and see if they worked.
Majoras Mask was my main childhood game, so it got me used to time limits... but you're right, in almost every case I prefer games without them.
You own the fucking disc you burn you insane hoarder. Who the fuck is gonna take it away huh?
Its for a specific kind of gamer, ones who value personality and soul over the raw moment to moment gameplay. Its pretty much identical to Chulip just condensed down a good bit, so if you've played that and liked it definitely check it out.
I own my USB/HDD/SD card/DVD-R containing the game and no one is going to take that away lol

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DoA is the best 3D fighting game series
By the way, does anyone have a xbox with the conexant chip and uses component cables?
All the xbox I have tried with this chip have nasty jailbars while using component cables
My 1.4 xbox doesn't have this problem and it uses another chip, just like 1.6 xbox
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Anyone have videos of good Soul Calibur 1 players? I've seen tournament vids and found them thoroughly disappointing.

It ran so fucking slow on DC tho, like playing underwater, sacrificing game speed for fps.
I really, really liked DoA4.

I remember being in High School and talking to a girl on MSN Messenger. Someone on the Gamefaqs forums posted a link with all the girls panties and I had the link pasted.

I meant to send them a link for some school shit and I accidentally sent the panties picture lmao
>It ran so fucking slow on DC tho, like playing underwater, sacrificing game speed for fps.
The fuck are you talking about?
It was like playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo with turbo mode off. I played it on my friend's PS2 as well and saw how much faster the game was.
of course, we only had bootlegs, so that might be why my dc version was so slow. I just checked a comparison video and was surprised to see they ran at identical speeds.
Maybe it was a PAL version?

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Playing this for the first time, well into my adulthood, and it's just as good as all the Nintendo youtubers said it was. It's not nostalgia.
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Based anon making tendies seethe in the replies
It's good but coming off M64 it does feel a lot clunkier. Still top 3 N64 platformers but goddamn would I kill for a one punch basic B attack or a smoother Z slide attack.
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CCW is the comfiest level in the game. How could you possibly hate it.
The tree level is great so good job in exposing your shit taste.
Lot of unskippable cutscenes, sluggish movement, and there's nothing interesting about collecting the McGuffins unlike the actual fun tasks you had to do in Mario 64. I don't like it.

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Post obscure fighting games here
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Fighters Impact might be it. It's not quite setting off klaxons in my head, but the selectable fighting styles feature does sound very familiar.

Maybe the Taekwondo thing is a mixed memory drawing from Fight Fever, one of the lesser known Neo Geo fighters
Too much YouTube shit (I probably wouldn't be saying this is every YouTube video wasn't sold to you as clickbait nowadays).
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>So, they took the motivation behind many beat-em-ups and applied it to a fighting game.
Sounds similar to the original PC-98 Variable Geo games where the losing fighter is humiliated in a sexual manner. Speaking of which - Advanced V.G. 2 for PS1 comes to mind as an example of a lesser known fitghtan. Erotic content is removed in this one but pretty gals are still there and the gameplay is competent enough.
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Keriotosse is one of my favorites. Cute little Power Stone precursor for the Saturn.
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Quite possibly the best production game controller of all time. What were they thinking? Who engineered it? How did they refine it? Where will it take us? We must all consider ourselves lucky to have been blessed with this divine treasure, which reminds us of our shared human heritage. Some claim that it has the power to achieve frame-perfect input and grants substantially improved gameplay skill.
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looks like it has the same snitty handle shape as their ultimate controller, and the A and B buttons are too low as the main inputs
Wii U Pro Controller is honestly solid aside from the retard stick placement. If they had fixed that it would have been superior to the Switch Pro imo because it'd have a non shit dpad.
The stick placement is the best thing about that controller
>Quite possibly the best production game controller of all time

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Can any platformer's series lore even compare to Kirby's?
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Mario honestly has decent lore. It's interesting to think that Mario is probably deceased by the time of the first Donkey Kong Country.
Not really, other than having some common characters and themes these games are basically stand alone excluding direct sequels. The only common thing between DKC and Mario is that Cranky might be Donkey Kong from the original game and Mario might be jumpman. Any thought more than that is Zelda timeline level bullshit.
pointless "deep cut" references isnt good writing
>wow, that drop of water felt just like the one from hydrocity zone in sonic the hedgehog 3!
When I call it a jif nobody understands me.
Also when I say application instead of app people look mystified.

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best controller
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They should've just done what Sony did, take the already good controller you have and put on the analog sticks it's missing, that's it. What a pain...
Seriously, why didn't the Dreamcast controller have bumpers?
I like it(would like to see how you would look on a model 1 controller) buy could Sony sue for copying their dual analog design so blatantly?
>you would look
*how 'IT' would look. I'm a retard that needs to proof read before posting.

a channel I'm subbed to shared this :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lwqasfotEA&t=61s&ab_channel=%E4%B8%8A%E9%87%8E%E8%91%B5 I like what's going on here, has this been used in any rom hack? The idea of going behind this painting and hearing that kinda creeps me out
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inside peach's pussy
>you found Toadstool's ???
what is it
Her cake

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If somebody actually fixed it with proper geometry culling and good controls the game would have to be redesigned from the ground up to not be trivially easy as a result.
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Thanks for expressing exactly what I was feeling.
Anon what I would give for a fully remastered version of your mom along with additional body fat, expanded pussy, and the same moans but with you watching by the bedside as I breed with your mother.
>playing mario 64: subsistence
lol casuals
Puppycam is such a gamechanger I can't imagine playing without it.
It only turns in very large increments that cannot be fine tuned.

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Load it up
Play a round
Get the high score
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Another thing of note, the screen in arcade is longer than in FC, so its easier to kill a lot of enemies at once with rocks.
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I liked Dig Dug II better
I resorted to save states, it's too hard not to choke at the end
Bumping because I wanna see this become a thing
Need a new game for a new thread or I'm picking Galaga or Wrecking Crew idk

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