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Add to your playlists: https://youtu.be/o_R7B5cWWRA

Play. Post. Play more.
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Not today. But I will tomorrow
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How about some Atari 7800 homebrew action?
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Managed to clear a maze
Making an all-digital version of a strange hybrid game was a really good idea. The physics felt passable.
Pretty damn brutal for a game about a baby though, especially before you get a feel for it. Ghosts making U-turns is some shit.
which emulator you using? Emu7800 is garbage and wont recognize the game file.

I just realized I got past the 100 mark: I have beaten 104 SNES games.

Last ones being Axelay (normal difficulty) and Breath of Fire II (which I found to be rather bland).
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Theres no “collector fag” or “recent pick ups” thread and I didnt want to kill a thread to make one.

I got Castlevania IV and Topgear from my local shop. Real happy, been after Castlevania for a while.
feel that
found some decent deals on dragons fury and rolling thunder 2 on genesis recently online, waiting for those to show up.
gunna probably bring my trade-ins to the local store soon and snatch up sparkster and sunset riders on genny
Keep trying and get good. I made it to the last level without YouTube or a guide so you can do it too.
If you want a challenging, polished game that actually requires you to try a little bit, you need ActRaiser 2. If you want a delightfully unusual game that drips with atmosphere, you need ActRaiser 1. If you want both at once, you need some other series entirely because this one won't suffice. There are good reasons to prefer each game in this series over the other. There are probably not good reasons for you, personally, to continue posting on this board in the near future.
The most obvious step to take from there is DKC 2. Demon's Crest has a lot of the appeal of Super Metroid, though unfortunately there isn't nearly enough of it. (But there might still be more than you notice at first, so explore it well.) SimCity is surprisingly full of charm. Classic Konami action with extremely good soundtracks: Castlevania IV, Gradius III, Contra III. Classic Capcom action: Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Mega Man X. One more Square JRPG with extremely high production value to go with your Final Fantasies: Rudra no Hihou (with the fan translation). Ogre Battle might be the best game ever for you if you're one of the very few lucky people who can get into discovering its arcane mysteries, but you probably aren't. Odds and ends that some will find highly lovable: Tetris Attack, Super Mario Kart, Uniracers, E.V.O., Earthworm Jim (Genesis version has an extra level, but the graphics and sound are crappier so screw that version).

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Can we have a recommendation thread?
What is the last /vr/ game that was brand new to you that blew your mind?
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For me it was Kuon, very stylish survival horror
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If anyone's into MetroidVanias, and also happens to like Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on Game Boy, and Spider-Man on Game Boy Color are usually titles that pass people by, that they might've enjoyed it. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is perfect if you want something short, though it's cryptic at the start, my advice is that the manual does give you a hint, in one of the images its got, after that things open up a lot more, and this ends up being a short and sweet adventure. Spider-Man feels more like any more modern MetroidVania, it's longer and the world is bigger, be ready to get lost in a pretty difficult sewer though, more than once... it was still great though, a great port of the excellent Neversoft titie, with a darker take on the story's atmosphere aswell.
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Kaze No NOTAM. Pilot a hot-air balloon accompanied by one of the best video game soundtracks of all time (recently re-released). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNFRUg5yEmo
My friend and me called the final fight between both players "white-trash simulator".
Enjoyed the music, pretty good.

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What year had the best video games overall?
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i seriously need a 2001 one
1992, 1993, 1994, 1998 & 2004
>since 1991 s*ga has shit out a s*nic game every year
>34 fucking years straight of shitting out another s*nic the sh*thog game
Yet they didn't shit out one for the Saturn that could really use one to not fucking flop

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Post-PC games that were extremely demanding at launch but can now run on potato hardware.
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Far cry wasnt too demanding, I could run it. Medal of honor pacific assault I couldnt
Also couldnt run battlefield 2
Neverwinter Nights 2 has terrible performance
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The game was released in 1995, when Pentium processors were just beginning to enter regular people's homes. Activision claimed MW2 required Pentium 75 for smooth gameplay (the minimum requirements were some 486SX, I believe), remember that Computer Chronicles episode with MW2 demo terribly lagging on a brand new P75? However, even P100 wasn't enough (unless you had a Voodoo card, which wouldn't be released until almost two years later). In 1997 I moved from 486DX2 to P133, 16 MB with a 1MB video card, and MW2 was absolutely not impressed with my configuration.
Does Instincts do anything better than the original? Or is it just a cut down port?

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Old Yu-Gi-Oh! Games thread since the one on /v/ got raided by Master Duel shitposters. Post about your favorites and talk about your memories with the old games.
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That was before the official card game, right? So what are they like, with CANONICAL MANGA RULES.
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>paying for roms
>paying for tons of BAD games
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Whites don’t like yugioh
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos trilogy. Great games, though it was nearly impossible to acquire all cards without importing full decks.

Also, I remember there were mods that included other characters like Marik with their respective decks.

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A thread for high scores and best times.

heres my drunken best at Gradius 3 SNES. Beat that!
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You're kidding right? Just yesterday I got 388500 and it was my first time playing the game
>heres my drunken best
Not kidding. He was drunk.

Does it improve the original design?
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The boxy design, though awkward, is harmless. And they removed the wrong buttons from the SNES design. As people have repeatedly explained above your post, they needed to remove A and X, but instead they removed X and Y.
they did not placed B & A like Y & B because they tought it would not look symmetrical.
I have a dogbone controller from the AV Famicom and its a shame, cause the dpad its really good, feels better then the one made for the NES and Famicom which sore's your thumbs, but the button placement wouldnt been THAT bad if the buttons were bigger.
I'll never understand how people who complain about the NES controller "digging into your hands" hold the thing. I've never had that problem.
But since I genuinely believe most posters have never gotten good at video games in their life, I believe this starts with not holding controllers correctly
i Like it a lot. original controller is fine but i like this one much more. the complete 93 top loader NES in general is a lot of fun. wish it had composite cables but RF is just fine. I seriously never get tired of NES. Most games outside of RPG's I can usually beat it within a weekend. hard to get that with even SNES titles

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Virtual Boy cartridges are too thin so there isn't enough clearance to solder the battery socket onto the PCB, but there is enough space inside of the case that I can place the socket next to the PCB and there will be no clearance issues.

If I were to run some short wires between the socket and the pads meant for soldering a battery to the PCB, would there be any problems with resistance or anything? The wire would probably be 1 centimeter in length, maybe 1.5cm. Also, does the thickness of the wire matter?

>why not just use a battery with tabs?
I don't want to use Chinese batteries in my games. I like installing sockets so that I can use good ol Panasonic's. Also I can't find tabbed Panasonic's for sale in my country unless I order an extremely large quantity.
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>would there be any problems with resistance or anything?
nah. should be fine.
>I don't want to use Chinese batteries in my games
i wouldn't either.

>Sockets are just another point of failure.
stop smoking fentanyl.
>stop smoking fentanyl.
If you think there's no chance that the cell can pop out of a socket when you drop the cart and wipe your saves, you're retarded. Tabs are just safer.
>If you think there's no chance that the cell can pop out of a socket
no. and if op wants to be extra careful they can put a dob of hot glue onto it and it'll never go anywhere if op accidentally drops it or whatever. again, i beg you: please stop smoking fent. it's not working out for you.
Not sure why you’re asking /vr/ nobody here is a real hardware enthusiast. I doubt even 5% knows how to use a soldering iron. This is a zoomer tranmulation board.
You're not wrong

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Being able to show your ID to security in MoH was so revolutionary. It was exact moment that I realized how wonderful video games are.
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I stopped thinking like this a long while ago when I realized I still immersed myself into games despite knowing these things.
That game was so fun. I so much liked this over jank stealth missions FPSs loved to throw at us. Really cool mechanic, and idea.
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So revolutionary it was only done decades earlier!
Let me guess, you hex edited some memory adresses, you made a broken demo in RPG maker, and now you're larping as a programmer

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So this game started a phenomenon for PS2 onlys?
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There is no good action rpg games like KH on the GameCube or Xbox. What the hell is the competition? Tales of Symphonia? Unless you try to argue Zelda is in the same genre which would be a tough argumf
Kairi original design was great shame it got downgraded in the sequels
>shame it got downgraded in the sequels
just like her character LMAO
yeah it was alright

This is the best game i've played in 5 years. And I don't even like dungeon crawlers.
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All of them if you like the game style but only 1 and 2 are translated and troonslator atttention whores are doing their typical routine where they claim they're going to do the other ones but never do and would throw a shitfit if someone else did it instead.
On the snes version you can get the warp magic right at the start of the game
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I really wish they'd put it on steam. And remake the other games. I quite like it.
It's a great game, i also loved it. When they say there's no good re-make let them play this one.

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>game gives you debuffs to cast
>most fights are over quickly, and make these cost-ineffective
>they're better spent on boss fights, which last longer
>bosses are immune to every single one of them, except for obscure exceptions that you won't know about until looking up a faq or something
>the debuffs are agreed to be worthless by everyone

Forget the never-using-megaelixirs conundrum. This one is way worse.
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>Hell, give them regeneration as well.

Dark Souls trolled millions of new players by making one of the very first areas you can access full of resurrecting skeletons that you don’t get the means to permanently kill till hours later in the game (unless you know to rush the necromancers, which most people wouldn’t know on a first play through without reading a guide)
Japanese people just don't like freedom that much, that's why they make bad RPGs
Probably same reason they make great 2D platformers while westerns make those dreadful mazeformers
I have a soft spot for Flash. Sometimes I feel like throwing the dice and stacking Acc penalties on the opposite mon as it wastes turns, even if I waste some too. It has saved me more than once.
>*Puts SaGa games in you're path*
Oh shut the fuck up Inafune. Jesus.
I've seen many people spell it like this. Is it a meme?

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So is Noah’s ark the first real collectaton? You can’t make progress without collecting every animal as opposed to other platformers where collectibles were a bonus.
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>is Noah’s ark the first real collectaton?
Yes, but in real life. As it turns out, God is a big fan of Rareware.
Lode runner-em-ups. You collectathon-em-up the gold/legally distinct thingamajigs to be able to progress-em-up in this genre definining platformer-em-up-with-ladders.
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>the first real collectaton
There's an entire library of ZX Spectrum games you're forgetting about
Arcade game. You don’t make progress. You increase your score.


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That time the Commodore 64 got a Battlefield Earth vidya.
Ah, nothing like returning home to my perfectly intact, non-blown dome.
Genre: goodboyvania

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