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Are you getting the new vinyl collection of the metal gear solid OST anon? I know I am!

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>vinyl for digitally produced music
>album LP for something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
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>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The OST was released in 1998.
>something that isn't even meant to be listened to that way
The game's soundtrack was released in 1998. Either way, it's in a form in which you sit down and listen to it.
Id gladly accept it as a gift. But if im honest i usually have the volume low while playing games due to tinnitus. I remember the series having great music however.
I'm not giving a dime to Konami.

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Street Fighter II has the total package of World Warrior, Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting.

Also, I wonder why they took out the bonus stage with the oil drums on fire for the Super Nintendo version of World Warrior as well as the entirety of Champion Edition, Hyper Fighting, Super SFII and Super SFII Turbo.
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I'm talking about sprites.

There are 6 oil drums, which, by the way the SNES handles sprites of that size, they would have needed to use several sprites for each drum... plus the fire. That's why it was changed to a similar working one with a brick wall made of a background layer.
oil drum stage was replaced with bricks
pc engine CE doesnt even have it at all
2CE is so good
Black belt FTW
The PCE version is the best desu

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Why do we give so much credit to directors of games? A whole team made Metal Gear, programming the levels, enemy encounters, writing the scenarios yet people attribute everything to Kojima. Why are the others' contribution forgotten?
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Hideous Cojeetma'.
Imagine a Metal Gear without Kojima. Oh wait. Metal Gear Survive.
Because I rike movies. Did you rike Metal Gear anon?
Metaru Gia?!
japanese devs at least do it on purpose, builds team unity when you can just pin everything on one dude and everyone else works as an anonymous singular force without external media pressure. squaresoft/enix loves having its champion directors/producers they can wave around then use as a fall guy when shit gets rough, like hiromichi tanaka

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Post easy SNK games
fatal fury 1
the easiest fighting game in the entire neo geo library. very easy to 1cc

in fact, the console ports are tougher than the arcade version
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specifically the nes version
Fighting game, easy? Doesn’t the difficulty depend on who your fighting?
It's damn good, too.

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There's no reason to play Sonic & Knuckles with the Sonic 3 con feature. It's better standalone.
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Autism opinion aside, does anyone have the latest version of the Sonic 3 Complete sprites mod for Sonic 3 A.I.R.? The original seems to have been made private.
thanks for the infos anon, didnt know that
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OWC5Hosv8
this is entirely wrong and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Not sure what the latest version is but I have 2.1 saved
pixeldrain com/u/wyMg5fy3

>urble wing dam-
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ya dabba dab dab
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bipbablip bipbablip
dib dib dib dabba
Googoogoo surf it.
That is exactly how I heard this in my head when I witnessed that.

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>sega saturn is 29 years old
Let's have a thread about it.
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I wish there were more racing games.
In general or on Saturn?

It is a Saturn thread...
No need to be snarky
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What are some good technologically simple Saturn games? My Pi4 isn't fast enough to emulate very complex titles, but games like Crows Battle Action run perfectly. Deep Fear slows down when there's multiple models on screen.

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What's the oldest game you've played and enjoyed?
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its hard to fuck up pinball, and most of the time that happens because of a tie-in
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Scramble (1981) for the Vectrex. Genuinely a very good game. Played it for the first time a couple years back. Cosmic Chasm is another excellent one, but released in 1982.
Are you saying you don't find this to be the worst pinball game ever made?
I play a lot of 2600 games but I don't understand why anyone would like this
Probably Crash Team Racing
jungle hunt
2600 port is solid

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Best retro world war 2 games?
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I was excited to play Spearhead after AA, but something about it turned me off. Maybe that was that the reason. Never got around to getting the other expansion.
i enjoyed enemy territory a lot
None, you kill gnattseez in all of them
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>Hidden & Dangerous bros...now is the time to show ourselves

das rite
You don’t have to suck cocks if you don’t want to. That’s your deliberate choice

Post covers with soul
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As a kid, Magica was sex
It's not an rpg. It's an adventure game like Deja Vu, Shadowgate and Unenvited.
You play the role of Princess Tomato.
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It's not as bad as people claim. This box art actually tells you more about the game since you get to see the hero and he's got the sword as well. The Japanese/European box art is very artsy and pretty but it doesn't tell you anything about the game.

Whats better, RE2 or RE3?
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Sorry to say this anon, but the only reason why you care so much about A/B scenarios is because you're an easily impressed midwit conditioned to accept that more "scenarios" add replay value even if you're imprisioned in the design the game forces to play through. Resident Evil 3, with its multiple choices and variations offer far more freedom and diversity both from a narrative and gameplay perspective. Much like Resident Evil 1, stripping the linearity of progression engages the player into exploring and discovering things (such as the Mikhail grenade scene at the cable train) which are remarkably rewarding.

We can thank Aoyama (the director of RE3 and the creator of 4th Survivor) and Kawamura (the writter who greatly expanded on Iwao's concepts and ideas) for it.

I feel that. And unlike Resident Evil 2, where the whole police station or laboratories just felt like sterile locations, Resident Evil 3 files scattered through the city of survivors detailing their efforts to try and escape the nightmafe add a lot life to your adventure. It really felt like Raccoon City was the main character with Jill as this formidable protagonist pitted against all odds.
You're right, because 4 has better puzzles and you're likelier to run out of ammo in that one.
2 is the most popular for a reason. It's a comfy game
2 is more popular because it sold more and because it's easier
I like RE2 the most

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Is it worth playing? I don't hear much about it, even from people who love the original Vice City.
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I'm all for smaller artists and original music in the GTA games but apart from some of the pop tunes LCS just didn't have what I wanted. I guess Big Pun was a cool inclusion on the hiphop station but for me GTA3 had a far better selection of music.

Plus this is the best theme for any GTA game.
Perfectly captures the chaos and hustle and bustle of the big city, all the disparate elements in carefully set up stereo audio coming together framing the comic panel crime and drama of the city in a mundane and chill song that feels like just another day in Liberty City.

Not to get too sidetracked or imply anything about yourself, but GTA3 still seems to be the most misunderstood game in the series. Something that the scarface-lite or the life-sim gangster management games could never really grasp.
>GTA3 still seems to be the most misunderstood game in the series
I agree, I think it's the best GTA for causing mayhem around the city, and that's what GTA is fundamentally about

I also agree with what you said about GTA3's music selection being better than LCS's, its main problem is that there are few songs and they sound similar, but I still like them, same for GTA 1 and 2 radios
I agree, I really liked LCS radio. Found myself really enjoying a few stations, even Rush though I don't normally go for dance music. The mixes were fun.
Head had some good indie songs too. It did really feel like it was from 1998.
Hell yeah, Vic is one of the best GTA protags
Vice City Stories is a damn good game. It's got Phil Colins, it's got better shooting, it's got a proper ending, it's got a more personal story, and it's got the empire-building. It's more than a portable Vice City, it's better.

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All downhill from here.

It was a flash in the pan, a sudden park of soul that appealed to the whole world, and then collapsed increasingly into a game exclusively for people on the autism spectrum.
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It blows the "Great Kanto War" bullshit out of the water, because it means that Lt. Surge was literally just suppose to be a Vietnam/Desert Storm vet. Vermilion City is an analog to Yokohama, which has an American military base.
The guides entry explicitly notes that their population is very small and that it's larval stage is shrouded in mystery. It's even put in an entirely different grouping of Pokémon from Venonat. The idea is that you either put 2 and 2 together once you've caught both or realize the truth if you keep leveling up your Venonant. They don't evolve until Lv 31; WAY later than any other Bug type in Gen 1. Their Japanese names are even unrelated: Kongpang and Morphon. The disparity in their designs is on purpose.
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I do want to go back in the archives and find the posts made by the guy on here before DYKG picked up on the story. It's just funny to me that this very common guide wasn't translated until nearly 25 years later. It makes you wonder what other video theories or "facts" that Westerns believe about older games that are very wrong.
Interestingly, Black2/White2 lampshades this by the PWT announcer asking if Lt Surge is from Unova when he takes the field, but it's never actually answered and Surge's next appearance in Let's Go just calls him "The Lightning Lieutenant" to avoid the America/Unova debate.
Yep; they even changed all Pokedex references to Indian elephants to the new Elephant Pokemon from Sword and Shield. Pokemon is NOW set in a 100% fictional world, but back when it was just a little RPG on the GameBoy with no prospects of being a multi-billion dollar franchise, it was just "Tokyo and it's surrounding Prefectures in Japan, but with a few wacky monsters".

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Are you excited for RetroAchievement support for GameCube coming soon? What’s the first GameCube game you’re going to cheevo hunt on? When are finally getting RA support for C64, speccy, and Amiga? I know they said C64 was medium-close due to bizhawk exposing the memory, not sure about the other two. I think Amiga is far and DOS is the farthest out.
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>these replies
Anyone who defends this insanity needs to be shot
let people enjoy things
Kururin Squash, though it's not on the preview list, so I'll probably have to wait a while for someone to make a set.
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Achievements are gay. Just play the fucking game. Xboxer fags ruined gaming.

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Name good games for this system that aren't fighting games or Metal Slugs:
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this is actually true
League Bowling
Neo Turf Masters
-Blue's Journey
-Ninja Commando
-Super Spy
I was a college student who was really excited for KOF94, and found a good deal on a system + game. Then stumbled upon an excellent deal at a pawn shop.
I don't remember the circumstances, but I also came upon a nice deal on the CD w/games. So I actually had two AES systems + CD.

But yeah, shit was expensive. I think I only ever bought 3 games brand new.
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>blazing star

Don't forget its prequel

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