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Change your gaming disc right now!
Or else...
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Not as good as Revenge, but I like it.
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I cut the tabs off my snes and n64 so I could play imports
I like the aesthetics and drama wrestling along with how over the top older wrestlers were, like there's no modern equivalent to the charisma of, say, Macho Man, Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold
yeah i liked stone cold steve austin as a kid, wish id gotten to watch it
Wrestlemania 2000 was the superior game.
The Japanese version is the superior version.

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Wikipedia says the black one is more ergonomic,but it's also meant to be cheaper so I was wondering if anyone had experience with multiple negcon models and which one was best
From what I noticed the black one has the red buttons that protrude higher, while the white ones don't. I think this is a weakness of the white ones because it is awkward to press into the controller.

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This is what World of Warcraft looked like in 1999
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we were robbed
1 Slavering Ghoul (female) please
I would have stuck with Horde/Alliance but made the aesthetic/racial themes of the factions much stricter.

Alliance in Vanilla would be:
>Human, Dwarf, High Elf, Night Elf
This would be the traditional alliance races that were most prominent in the RTS games, plus Night Elves who have newly joined.
Possible expansion races:
>Gnome, Dark Iron Dwarf, perhaps other variants of Humans or Elves
There shouldn't be much room for expansion of the Alliance. They are a much more elitist group. They should look down on the more monstrous races. Thus, any new additions should be connected in some way to the existing races.

Horde in Vanilla would be:
>Orc, Tauren, Jungle Troll, Forsaken
The three races that form the Horde's basis in Kalimdor, plus Forsaken who have newly joined.

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I miss the Old Lore.
Remember when Garona's origin as a Half-Orc was plausible because by the time of Warcraft I, Orcs had been on Azeroth for twenty years, and that is why the eastern half of Elwynn became a swamp, and then a desert?
Remember when the Thandol Span wasn't a bridge connecting Lordaeron to Azeroth, but was just a narrow stretch of land where Dun Modir, Grim Batol, and Ironforge were located?
Hell, remember when Kul'Tiras(pronounced as COOL-tyr-az) was located in Baradin Bay, along with Zul'dare?

Redridge Farms remembers.

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Why are games from this era never talked about?
The early 2000s were a gold mine for experimental games.
Now that we have game engines that make developing games 10 times easier, games seem to have stagnated in terms of creativity.

I've made a thread like this before some time ago, in case you're experiencing deja vu.
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Damn, I've been looking for this game. No one seemed to even know it in a few threads I made. Cool thread, OP.
It even got a Steam release.
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My guess is that it's a massive mess, loads of so-so (but memorable, fun and creative) games, no real central way to get all of them and good luck unlocking a lot of these by now
There's just a ridiculous amount of stuff, to such a level that compared to console, it would be even less likely to find someone that found and played something you did, so a lot of these were just quickly simply forgotten
I wish a lot of these would just get on Steam
Anyways, here's my contribution:
IIRC it's a Lolo clone, or close
Really good Popcap game. They stopped selling it for whatever reason, it didn't play nice on newer OS IIRC? And it never saw a re-release
Solar Winds is my #1 game I was really interested in as a kid that seemed incredibly shitty and boring when I tried to play it again.

Retro Home computers are kinda a blindspot in my vidya knowledge. Post the best and most essential amiga games!
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>amiga games tend to have unique visual styles compared to other 16-bit systems
>leaned hard on tracker music, giving it a distinctive music profile you don't hear on other systems
>interesting library that's a fusion of early 90s PC games, cool european games that made their name on the amiga (like turrican and chaos engine), r-type clones, football/soccer sims, classic 80s arcade games (and copies of them), and one-man indie games

t. burger that never had an Amiga
Think I'll play the Amiga versions of a game first, no matter if they're the best or not.
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Luv playin' me miga when I ate me fish n chips roight roight
The cut-off point is usually when PCs got vga and moved on from adlib.
I miss my Amiga bros. Fucking coneheads ruined it back in 2004.

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How do I move?
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It was fine. Stop being a baby.
I like that you hardly have to do anything to actually beat it. I did a run doing the minimum and it said I finished in zero days. Weird since I had to sleep a couple of times.
kill lord british

here,get all the documents you need to have a pleasant experience.

I still don't know why people hated on this game so much back then
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Stories that offer context for what you're doing, and get out of your way, sure
>oh, he's in that pipe because he's a plumber
Like, people literally knew it was some other game that got rebranded though. Dinosaur Planet was in magazines.
Not at all. I really wanted to like SH actually, because it seems like it should be my kind of thing. I'm a Stephen King and David Lynch fan, for example.
I just don't like it. It's boring, and it's no Resident Evil.
>anons really hating on sunshine because it's not cookie cutter Mario
>then complain about le mandate
Make up your mind.
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>fixes sunshine
Also once you get good you notice how ridiculously easy the original fluddless stages were, and somehow /vr/ struggles with them cause "bad controls"

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What makes it so special?
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Great game.

The inverted castle was shit though.
Weird and completely out of nowhere question but it's an alright game I guess.
Symphony has aged so, so, soo much better than Castlevania 64.
Your magazine says "3D game is better than 2D game because 3D is betterer" while completely ignoring any attribute of gameplay or sound or actual graphics (and i mean graphics as in environment, atmosphere, etc).
On graphics, SoTN is a work of art while Castlevania 64 is a muddy slimefest.
Article opinion discarded on account of being british
The music and art are enough alone to make it special. There aren't that many save spots and you have to do some planning if you aren't op. Everyone else has probably yakked about the gameplay already.

Is it a good game?
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It's just a tad overlong but I consider it the most atmospheric level in the entire game
it's a good game that's a sequel to a fantastic game so it seems worse
How do you manage the trains? Do you just roll up and down? I started just using the special attack for iframes if I see I won't be able to dodge it but it still gots me from time to time, and getting hit by it takes like 1/3 of the life bar wtf
You can see which side the tram will appear on by the extra vibration motion. Prepare in advance and get out of the way, if enemies don't let you, use the special.
I'd like to hear the reason why if we're talking about the one with one railroad with the ninjas.

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>Development hell game made in USA
>Ends up being cancelled
>Still put the blame to Japan
Sega of America and their fanboys are so pathetic
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No way. Sonic Adventure was destined for the Dreamcast, you literally could not get close to making a game like that on the shitturn.
It was for the best that the game was delayed until more powerful hardware came around. It's hard to envision the game being as fast due to the Saturn's limitations, unless it was 2.5D like Bug! or something.
Honestly the game doesn't look that great anyways. But I am certainly not a fan of Sega Of America, since they are responsible for the piece of shit that is the 32X and let's not forget that they pulled the plug on the Sega Saturn, as well as pulling the plug on the Dreamcast way too early in 2001, when games were still being produced in Japan up until 2007.
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It's a known fact, the 3D part of Sonic Jam is basically them letting the assets they made not go to waste. That being said, it's not like the game we got is what was intended to be on the Saturn, it was going to be a very different game. IIRC more of an RPG than an action game.
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This game is truly amazing. Before the internet I had no idea people hated it.

ITT: Games only you played
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Guess I wasn't alone, haha.
Good stuff. I remember playing these and of course I was the only one in my group who played these games.

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Post the best game ever made.
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Probably the best mega man game but that's not saying much. It has a lot of problems.

There are far better action platformers on generation 3 and 4 consoles, and arcade.

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Previous Thread: >>11393328

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

Active Communities:

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>Actually good game for a change
vid unrelated of course
What makes a good boss to you in a Super Mario World romhack?
He can use Hat in Time style?
One that's fair, doesn't waste the player's time, has a variety of attacks/obstacles to dodge, and is stylish.

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What's wrong with this version compared to the others?

Is pixel remaster worth it?
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SNES with Ted Woolsey uncensored. Just keep in mind that some zoomer went ballistic on this board years ago when he couldn't figure out how to do Blitz moves because TWUC got rid of the tutorial.
Post full pic, please.
It was really shitty years ago back when his only source for "uncensorship" was the skyrender patch, and then every autist under the sun who watched the Legends of Localizations breaking it down tripped over their keyboard in the FFIII text-editor to produce their own Holy Word of Mato version of FFVI. It's much better and is probably fixed by now, but it took years of dancing with other autists to get him to whittle it down and go "hey yeah TED WOOLSEY uncensored, I meant to do that"
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Brave New World apparently got better with 2.0, I remember the earlier versions were trashed for the weird edgy Celes worship.
There are a few big hacks that put their own spin on keeping General Leo in the party and changing up enough of the story around it. Divergent Paths is extremely well done. Antinomia came out afterwards and seems pretty decent but its reception got cut short since it released pretty close to the end of RHDN.
But T-Edition is the gold standard, if you don't mind the fanfic-y crossing with other RPGs or the later versions that kept changing things arbitrarily.
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>a text hack that's not TWUE or GBA

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