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No, Mario is shit without FLUUD in sunshine, they nerfed him compared to 64
The last two are so forced, I would say the steering control is more important than bikes
Where did the sunshine hate come from?
yeah, the stuff people love about mario kart wii is specifically the inside drift bikes, which greatly impacts how the steering works. the game is basically the smash bros melee of mario kart. however, for nintendo, it was obviously just the addition of bikes as their gimmick. i think it's less about a real justification and more that they just do gimmicks the same way they do with every other game they make. they didn't even bring the inside drift bikes back because nintendo prefers forcing their gimmicks over making their games play well.
From day 1? I love Sunshine myself but it was immediately apparent that others saw it as lesser, even back then.

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The great debate.
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>Contra 1 and Super c are cool. But Contra 3 is SO MUCH BETTER.
FF3 is much better than the shitty movie games in the snes
Nah this is a flawed logic.
8bit and 16bit both have the best sidescroll platforming games of all time and there's always debates (mostly pointless, as these games are all great, but whatever) about favorite entries in different series and in many cases, 8bit is still popular as is 16bit, examples: Mega Man, Castlevania, Punch-Out, Sonic, Castle of Illusion
Mario 3 had a giant world that was innovative in relation to Nintendo low specs consoles. How do you immediately sell the idea of scale with their limited tech? All for a one off world theme?

World doesn't have anything that creative besides the late game SPECIAL challenge. The cape was an instant skip level the majority of the time, while 3 only gave you that super tanooki level skip suit in rare circumstances. Which only worked once, while the cape is reusable. The difficulty is why Mario 3 is superior, while World is a casual breeze. The one area that sucks in Mario 3 is the auto-scroll boss stages, World definitely improved on that front.

The GBA ports has E-Reader stages that are lost media. If they had to remake one, 3 would seal the debate forever with better non-NES limitations for its audio.
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You're forgetting Yoshi. It was probably the best thing added to World and the most enduring thing since he's such an iconic part of the Mario universe now.

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I been using them off and on both Hyperkin and Pound when don't feel like using my CRT and they been fine, the only one that looks kinda rough is the Nintendo on 64 and Gamecube cuz just pulling from S video but Dreamcast,Saturn, SNES all look good enough to me.
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You knew what I meant. Converting from an internal RGB signal to composite or RF output. S-video if you're lucky.
>You knew what I meant.
Yes. You mean to try to fool people into thinking you know what you're talking about by tapping words you heard on youtube. It failed spectacularly and you made it even worse by trying to explain it.
Who crapped in your cereal?
False. It just means I like the idea of playing my game consoles on modern displays. Trying to find a CRT TV and playing on it is the real mental illness. I'm not looking to hold onto a big and bulky CRT TV, only hoarders do that. Also I do emulate(when necessary). But I like the console experience, since I won't have to worry about inaccuracy during game play.

Is a boogie man used by MiSTer shills to sell you an overpriced emulation box. I don't experience lag with my HDMI converters.
>Is a boogie man used by MiSTer shills
i only play on original consoles connected to crt. i'd still convert before i emulate, but i just use a crt with console because that's the best experience. you'll feel the lag if you ever play a game where it matters. i play competitive smash bros and the lag can be *really* bad on converted displays.

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Vidya music that goes way too fucking hard compared to the game that it's in

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None of these songs "go hard" because this board is not centred around 2010's hip-hop lyrics but retro games.
Posting megatrash is helping your point buddy
Drugs are illegal in Japan.
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I just replayed GTA3 and had a great time, and I thought Vice City would be the next one I'd replay, but curiosity got me to give GTA2 another try and It's really growing on me. I like the arcadeyness of it, and the PC version is a lot better than the PS1 version which I'd played before. I think I'm gonna play it all the way through :)
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It's funny that this game has a Max Payne reference considering the game in question didn't come out for another two years
Still the only base "retro" GTA I haven't played and I don't know why I haven't.
They should've axed the lives system. That's my biggest complaint.
You've played GTA Advance but not 2?

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Berk was more famous than Sonic for the average brit in the 90s
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Sonic yes, but what about Berk? I think Berk is a str8 m8.
How sad for them.
Not really, Megadrive was huge in Europe. The other thread, about Mario vs Dizzy was probably true for awhile though
What are you, gay?

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>stretching an already shitty composite signal over a massive consoomer CRT
No thank you, I ain't no goy. I know an 8-13" Sony PVM is the true retro experience that the devs (and God) intended.
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No it's nothing like that. You lose half the brightness because you are blacking out half the image. That doesn't happen with real 240p.
your pic looked like shit compared to a consumer TV due to the brightness loss. It's a massive decrease in quality to the point I would just play on LCD. motion clarity isn't worth that dim image.
it absolutely does happen with real 240 retard-anon, the darkening is caused by your eyes and brain blending the scanlines into the picture, using the exact same system that allows an RGB screen to work in the first place. the darkening is equal to the thickness of the scanline relative to the drawn lines. what this means is that the thinner scanlines like those found in a consumer trinitron and the less autistic PVMs cause less darkening, but the massive scanlines like those found in some PVMs and BVMs in particular (see pic rel) can completely crush a 240 signal because, like a crt monitor, those sets usually weren't designed for 240 in the first place. the only real saving grace is that as I previously said, a TV is generally going to be brighter than a monitor by default, which helps with the brightness reduction caused by extreme scanlines.
I agree with you on consumer TVs, old video games were absolutely designed for them. the benefit of a monitor is that the scanlines are a 100% optional aesthetic choice unlike a $2000 meme screen
I have both sizes.

A 13in is the perfect size for a desk, the 8in is just cool looking and should be part of a wall or something.

You're simply wrong. That's a Reddit lie. Composite on a good consumer tv or bust for gen 5 and back.

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Chrono thread.
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>Having trouble with the second, not even sure if I can do so.
You're technically not supposed to. Save it for New Game +
Which Demon Realm creature is this.
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Ayla's name was most likely inspired by Aiela, the cavewoman heroine from Ultima: Savage Empire. The names are pretty similar and she's the main girl in a RPG about modern people being sent to the past because of a strange rock and cave people fighting lizardmen. Ultima had some influence on other Square games so it's not unreasonable to think they took the name from there.
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Tell me if I got his timeline right:

>born in Zeal as Janus
>gets flung to 600 AD after the Ocean Palace disaster
>grows up and leads the mystic army
>Gets interrupted summoning Lavos in his castle
>gets flung back to 12000 BC in Zeal where he disguises himself as the prophet
>tries to stop Lavos again at the same spot he was hurled into a time gate as a child
>gets flung to 2300 AD and joins the party
accurate except that he joins the party in 12000

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Is Dreamcast the comfiest /vr/ console?

>looks amazing on CRTs
>most games run at 480p
>90% of the library is pick-up and play arcade kino
>can still easily connect to the internet and play with bros
>phantasy star online
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>should never have gotten a sequel
Agreed. And furthermore, that sequel should never have gotten a prequel
The controller is godly desu, I use it for anything that doesn't need analogs
>>>/v/ is down the hall and to the left

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The original.
No faggy combo shit, just honest manly hand to hand combat.
Special moves were hard to pull off and that added a sense of mysery to it. Literally the origin of the Fatality thar Boon and Tobias stole and based their whole game gimmick off of.
Great cast of dangerous looking fighters in a gritty realistic game world.
II onwards it became kiddie and cartoonish.
Super 2
Alpha 2
2nd Impact

good taste
I only got into Third Strike

I had SF2 on the PS1 and I thought it was terrible. Seriously imagine going from Mortal Kombat 1-3 and Megadrive d-pad to SF2 for babies and using a Dualshock no less. Poopy

Also not /vr/ but just wanna mention I couldn't get into SF4 either. I don't get why but I couldn't pull off any special moves or most combos in that game. Was I the only one? There's like a frame-perfect button press quality to the game or something, I don't get it.

Third Strike is kino though
I grew up with Turbo but I prefer SSFII and Super Turbo. III has great animation though

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>Resident Evil 2
>PC version
>Exclusive HARD mode
>Leon B
>killed every enemy
>this is my inventory after the Super Tyrant fight
How can this game be considered the best in the OG trilogy or even the greatest survival horror of all time? There are no survival elements at all and all bosses die from a few magnum shots
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Machine gun
This say everything about you
Sometimes I think it would have been an even better surprise if the game sprung Crimson Heads on you when you return to the mansion and all the zombies you didn't decapitate were revived and pissed off. Put the file explaining them and the oil canteen in the trophy room or something instead of the very first save room. The only problem is that it would work exactly one time, while Hunters can still catch you off guard even after multiple playthroughs.
Hello ChatGPT, or maybe it's DeepSeek this time?
>This say everything about you
>pick-up are hidden out of sight and you have to specifically look for them by pressing the action button everywhere and unlock unoptional doors just for them
i fucking hate AI.

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What are some of the best Pokemon Gen 1, 2 ,and 3 romhacks worth playing?
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Sell shitmon games to me please. For some reason, I always find playing with OC mons weird and I end up sticking with difficulty or completionist hacks instead.
I'm not a fan of the fakemon but it's just filled to the brim with pre 2016 4chan jokes. It's the only time I've actually been interested in talking to NPCs in a Pokemon game because they all have fun references that make me nostalgic. Also the music is really fucking good throughout and the difficulty is perfect for experienced players
I just wasted an hour and half laughing my ass off reading wiki entries of every clover pokemon. If I liked the original games I would totally play it.
> they backported pokemon


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/vr/ games that are the hardcore monsters of their respective franchises. Games that are divisive, difficult, lengthy and feel impenetrable even to those who have enjoyed other games in the series. But despite all that, they have a reputation of being the absolute best of the best to a decent chunk of dedicated fans. These are the only two that come to mind, but I'm sure there are more out there.
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>I'm one of those people who actually played through Sweet Home and that game is also a torture to play
sweet home is actually easy if you can just get past the first hour or so. 99% of the enemies you just kill in one hit and the puzzles arent that bad, the game only took me like 10 hours.
I think if you're playing on hard it's pretty tough for a first time. I think it's the hardest mainline RE game.
Assuming you're playing on normal, classic RE games from hardest to easiest
RE0>longbox RE1>REmake>CV>3>2
The funny thing is that there is a huge gap between 3 and 2, RE2 is just a hilariously easy game and I don't know why they decided to make it like that
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2... on the SEGA Game Gear.

We all know Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is one of the most beloved platformers of all time, but its handheld port... is somewhat infamous, not only for the bad ending where Tails seems to actually die, but because of the difficulty, mainly thanks to its resolution alongside some unforgiving level design. The 1st boss is the worst example, the ultimate filter most people never managed to get past. It's a shame because it's a good Sonic title and, the SEGA Master System version, where you can see everything in front of you, and where the 1st boss is fixed, is one of my favorite Sonic titles ever, just as good as the original.
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>bad ending where Tails seems to actually die
When taken out of context the final image of the good ending makes it look like they are both dead lmao

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How did Raw Thrills end up dominating the post 5th gen arcade scene? I majority of 2000s and later arcades you see at most places come directly from them
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Basically everyone who isn't working on nu MK is either at raw thrills or Stern
I don't think Sega is doing well these days. They sold off most of their arcade business not too long ago.
surely none of the money would've come from/gone to Sega re: MKGP anyway though? Thought they didn't collaborate on anything for Triforce with Namco after co-developing the pimped GameCube hardware, both just went their own way with games or did them with Nintendo only
The GD-Rom drive (from Dreamcast/Naomi) and the software development kit was Sega's contribution to Triforce.
There's probably an agreement where they split a portion of the profits for each cabinet sold since it uses common hardware all 3 companies helped develop. Maybe if it's a Nintendo canbinet, then Nintendo gets a bigger cut of the profit for that particular sale, but Sega still definitely gets something.

What's the best Roberta Williams game?
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Roberta is so cute. she seems to really appreciate her fans
cute in a goofy sorta way
>ywn have vanilla missionary sex with a young Roberta Williams with her dorky bangs and unshaven 80s bush as you look into her beady weirdly far apart eyes
>vanilla missionary sex with a young Roberta Williams with her dorky bangs and unshaven 80s bush as you look into her beady weirdly far apart eyes
That is the reward in Heaven if you 100% all her games without any walkthroughs.
im from heaven and can confirm this.
The only female in the video game industry that I would bang, even today.

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