>>11568624Proto "you're"-posting
>>11568245What if I told you I have three mecium?
The objective best way to go about retro gaming>Set aside $1000, $1500 max. This is how much you'd pay for your setup to emulate overall, and you will likely never use all of this.>Buy a system for whatever you want to focus on most (unless you already own it)>Buy one (and only one) game for your collection. Do not buy any others, and you cannot have any others avaliable or play any others at that time.>Play that game until completion or when you're tired of it.>Sell it and purchase your next game.This is the best and cheapest way to game.>B-but I can pirate everything right now!We know boringfag, we all can. But you aren't going have incentive to actually play them. You are just hoarding them and wasting your harddrive space as much as if you're coomlecting on a shelf. This gets you to not only play a game but focus on all aspects of the game
>>11565638You don't need to do any of that faggot shit. Just choose a game and beat it. Stop doing this wishy washy dabbling into a dozen games.If I'm playing a long, slow JRPG, usually I will pick another action game to play alongside it, but most of the time you don't want to go above one game at a time.Don't force yourself to finish every game if you don't like it, but don't start playing something else unless you are shelving that game for at least a few months
>>11568752>>11565779It's funny how the zoomers who seethe about muh coomlectors don't realize that these same collectors were emulating games before said zoomers were even using a computer (and in some cases, before they were even born). And in a lot of cases, the people who contribute new ROMs to the internet only have said ROMs by way of collecting physical media.
>>11565638>You are just hoarding them and wasting your harddrive space as much as if you're coomlecting on a opposed to paying thousands of dollars hoarding plastic and cardboard that takes up physical space on a shelf?retardo
>>11565638I really wanted to build a physical collection, nothing crazy, just my favorite consoles, so Master System, Mega Drive, Famicom, Super Famicom and PlayStation 2, with a handful of physical titles for all of them, on shelf above the TV unit, also handhelds, Game Boy Color and Game Gear especially, though a PS Vita or DS would be welcome, with some cassette tape boxes for the handheld cartridges to put on the shelf since they usually had cardboard boxes most people threw away. I'm getting married a few months from now though, so money is short and my priorities are my wedding, and then a house, so any money besides this feels like I'm wasting it. I hope everyone here can build the collections they long for though, you guys are cool and deserve it.I'll just stick to emulation for now, thank God its never been easier.
Do you guys think this applies to video games too?Sure some curious people should dig for those hidden gems, but 99% of people are better off just playing the classics and some /vr/ recommendatiors, and avoid random shovelware scotformers(note I'm not a reader, I just found that quote interesting)
>>11568148zahn's books are more canon than disney's drivel
>>11566870It's easy to tell if a book is going to be good by looking at the author's life.
>>11567842yes yes good boy read the classics like you're told to
>>11566839Not for me.I quite enjoy playing some kusoge from time to time. As long as a title is at least 2 stars instead of 1, if it's subpar, but still has a few qualities, I can find enjoyment in playing, often enough to make the whole thing worth playing. Also, playing something bad and flawed has often made me enjoy and appreciate 5 star video games even more than would've had otherwise.
>>11566870Schopenhauer talks about this. What's important in an author is not WHAT he thinks about but HOW he thinks, which you can get an idea of pretty quickly.
If you ignore the lacking library and its actual history, was the 3DO actually a well-designed video game console? Could it have done better if it actually had worthwhile games on it?
>>11569160>It claimed to be a 64-bit system.That was a typo.
>>11560169this sounds informative but could also be bullshit thanks chatgpt
>>11569315>>11569315 (You)>>>11569160>>It claimed to be a 64-bit system.>That was a typo.The Jaguar had some interesting things going on with it hardware wise. But it was hamstrung by a Motorolla 68000 that runs at a clock speed of 13.295 MHz, and was suppose to be used as a manager for the two 32bit chips inside of the unit. The Tom and Jerry chips have some interesting polygon and hardware blitter capabilities. Cybermorph does look pretty good with its flat shadded polygons and use of the Jaguars gradient shading system. It looks like gourad shading. 3DO has games like Starfighter: [Embed]Which is kinda comparable to Cybermorph.
3DO Homebrew has also been interesting:
Retro video games thread. AVP2 was the last good Aliens game despite its flaws.
>>11568920Yeah, it’s supposed to be a haunted house in space.
>>11561016>isolation>Not an Aliens gameWhat? It's an Alien game, is that what you mean?
>>11559274>Predator 2 for both Master System and Genesis since they also look quite fun.predator 2 is fun but holy hannah is it hard especially early on when youre under gunned and just thrown into the chaos
>>11559274forgot to mention that there's also a Predator / Predator 2 game on the Atari of all gamesi've never played them but the predator one looks miles better than the nes version and predator 2 is a completely different behind the back arcade shooter typehas anyone played them? what do you think?
>>11559274>>11561479I've finished and now it's officially a 5 star video game for me. As a kid I always wanted to play an Aliens video game, that really captured the mood of the films, the horror, but with some action too, but never really got to playing any of the stuff I saw since it never appealed much to me... now, finally playing this, it's excellent. I felt like Ripley, stuck in this prison planet having to use the dangerous air vents to move around, struggling to find guns and ammo, though I'm aware the film had none, to fight off all these aliens, which succeeded in feeling scary! I got a game over for running out of ammo, thus having "no hope" of defeating the alien menace and that sent chills down my spine... being chased by one of the bigger aliens and/or getting low on health, having to go and explore, look around in this somewhat open, but also condensed, map. It's tightly designed and I loved playing though it.Bits Studios is turning into my favorite studios one playthrough at a time, their Game Boy stuff was stellar.>>11569236>>11569240I'd like to give all of these a shot too, I'm curious about the NES title I've heard so much abot, but the home computer versions do look interesting too, I'll probably keep playing more Alien related stuff for now, but I'm definitely giving the Predator it's share of attention down the line.
>new update is outWhat do we think? He made a bunch of bug-fixes and made some maps closer to how they originally were, but he also made some batshit changes like turning the water transparent for seemingly no reason.
When this game first came out I assumed it was chasing the casual audience because they removed the planning phase. But I've been playing it recently and it's actually still pretty alright, especially considering just how casual the tom clancy ip had yet to become.
>>11568361>predicts a war 6 or so years before it actually happens
>>11568361It has a very underappreciated AI system. Personally, huge open areas never gelled with me because they take away what makes these games interesting to me. That being said if it does click for you, look up Heroes Unleashed mod for it, it adds hundreds of hours of worth to the vanilla experience, new weapons, loadouts, missions etc. And it's standalone.
>>11568361I think it was supposed to more closely resemble the nature of war, where tightly orchestrated plans are almost impossible in an open battlefield. Rainbow Six deals with essentially a global police force, and so they have to have extreme levels of organization and planning in order to execute missions and save hostages. Ghost Recon is strictly military, where you're dealing with a lot more unknown variables, and while there are objectives, you're meant to adapt to the situation at hand to overcome it, rather than follow a strictly detailed plan. It's two different approaches to the same gameplay, essentially.
>>11568390The perfect amount of time for it to be closer to prescient than just lucky or obvious.
Helena and LeiFangWhen I was a kid I had trouble deciding who was my wife more but now that I'm older, Helena is definitely my only true love that needs to be made pregnant by me.Itagaki DOA thread I guess
>>11568625Sure. Another thing I learned from failure is: compatibility is nice, but not the end-all. For example, I've met a "gamer girl" and, although we could play together, the relationship overall wasn't very fun. On the other hand, I once had plenty of fun with a regular girl who showed no interest in gaming. It's not deterministic, of course; all that I'm saying is to not aim for the "perfect girl", there are always good and bad surprises to be had, so don't let that cloud your judgment. After all, we ourselves aren't perfect too.Hope your have good things coming your way!
>>11555556Marie Rose is great but the rest are shit. Shame Tecmo was too pussy to do a dating sim with the main cast, or Marie Rose for that matter
>>1155562320 in Japanese character terms is equal to 40
do people play these games online? the retro onesI'd like to get into them but I don't wanna play against AI
Why didn’t any American branches of Japanese companies put up the same fight that Sega of America did? They all rolled over pretty easily for their Japanese overlords even when branches like Nintendo of America had more power. Most deciding at best to be sneaky until the japs found out and curb stomped their ambitions
>>11569381Usually Japan is the talent that makes the games and America is the artless fucks who market / distribute the games and hopefully try not to fuck it up. Their "contributions" are usually adding edgy jokes that age like milk and censoring stuff.
>>11569381How are you going to put up a fight when they can just fire your ass?
>>11569381Nintendo of america had a very respectable amount of influence and are the only reason nintendo even succeeded in the west. They even let a western studio redesign donkey kong.
>>11569381sega was founded as a joint japanese american company, fundamentally different than the regional sales outposts that the other companies set up after the fact. sega of america had real power.
>>11569401With enough defectors you can put a resistance like SOA did. They had spin off media up the ass and multiple dev teams. Hell enough partnerships and you become more valuable like what happened with Sony in the 2010s. For some reason NOA cancelled all their western shows and ideas at once in the mid 90s and they couldn’t do shit besides baseball games, Nintendo Power and marketing with those being stripped away too
What are your favourite licensed games?
>>11558285I really liked Dark Duel Stories as a kid, but I dropped it after trying it again on emulator as an adult.The fusions are just unintuitive and if you pick cards that don’t make a valid fusion you lose your turn and one of the cards, so you can either guess and lose turns or look up a cheat sheet and waste time browsing lists of fusions every hand. Of course the AI always knows what’s gonna be a valid fusion.
>>11565080best one ever.
>>11563191I've finished and now it's officially a 5 star video game for me. As a kid I always wanted to play an Aliens video game, that really captured the mood of the films, the horror, but with some action too, but never really got to playing any of the stuff I saw since it never appealed much to me... now, finally playing this, it's excellent. I felt like Ripley, stuck in this prison planet having to use the dangerous air vents to move around, struggling to find guns and ammo, though I'm aware the film had none, to fight off all these aliens, which succeeded in feeling scary! I got a game over for running out of ammo, thus having "no hope" of defeating the alien menace and that sent chills down my spine... being chased by one of the bigger aliens and/or getting low on health, having to go and explore, look around in this somewhat open, but also condensed, map. It's tightly designed and I loved playing though it.Bits Studios is turning into my favorite studios one playthrough at a time, their Game Boy stuff was stellar.
I have always had this feeling that many not-so-memorable arcade-style console games would be praised by arcade players if the game had a release on that platform.
>>11569290I think that not enough arcade light gun games got released on consoles/PC.
ImpossibleUnfairHow did you beat him
>>11563889FLASH KICK
Having any idea how to cancel lets you absolutely rape the arcade AI in these games
>>11565035>Daigo circa 2003/04Seeing him grind choi's sagat into paste is always fun to watch
>>11565035>Old Sagat isn't banned in Japan, though.Yeah he is.They won't outright say it due to Japanese cultural reasons, but it's very obvious to anyone in the know who has dealt with Japanese people about these kinds of subjects.>but what about that one player who uses O. Sagat in tournamentsHe's not winning anything because he's not that good so they just ignore him for being a retard.
>>11563889anyone wanna hop on fightcade and play me in ST?
the level designs are fine but holy shit "CD quality audio" was an awful mistakeall of the regular genesis games sounds a million times better than this 90s cheesefesteven the jump sound effect just sounds fucking awful. give it a chiptune OST and its only slightly worse than 3&K
>>11568583Good effort OP!
This is the case across the board with early 90s CD games on the PC Engine, Sega CD, and others. "CD quality" music means cheesy, overproduced nonsense with zero bass.
>>11568583>played the US soundtrack firstI didn't even know they still made guys like you wtf
Nevermind. I got it mixed up, the JP tracks are just better.
>>11568553>the level designs are fineFinally a good Sonic CD thread by someone that gets it and wasn't just filtered.>but holy shit "CD quality audio" was an awful mistakeOh, OP had to ruin it. Great.
>Lazlow reacting to crazy people is much more funny and appropriate for the setting over a crazy radio host being reacted to by sane people>the writing in 3 is better than any other entryWhat happened?
>I was having really dark thoughts. I wanted to sleep with my own mother.>Now that I've done it, I don't want to anymore
>>11569074Who knows, no one actually plays those versions except to record glitches for tik tok. >>11569095It's easy for them to simply cut something from the radio, they do it all the time with songs. It would actually take some time and effort to change a character model or alter voice lines.
>>11569148Could have just cut the entire mission, it would make the mission with the bomb in the limo unexplained, but considering the absolutely dire state of all the other slapdashery with the definitive edition, I doubt that's why they kept it in.I dunno why people are so desperate to assume or see censorship in GTA, it has always been controversial and it never toned itself down over it, they pay lip service to being more "mature" which translated to having an unironic interactive torture scene on an immigrant the player is essentially told is innocent.
>>11569212>so desperate to assume or see censorship in GTAThere was a patch for GTAV that removed comments related to trannies. There is definitely censorship going on, so it wouldn't be past them to do some for the remasters, too.
>>11568468gta2 radio is pure soul
Old Yu-Gi-Oh! Games thread since the one on /v/ got raided by Master Duel shitposters. Post about your favorites and talk about your memories with the old games.
>>11568293>>11568298>>11568308Appreciate your detailed response> Launching with online for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4Is there a broken ass deck / card in there to keep an eye on? You know everyone will jump right in
>>11568350I doubt anyone will play those games onine considering how broken they are.
>>11568354>that flavorful effect textBeautiful.
>>11567787I'm just glad we're finally getting an English translation of Duel Monsters 4 and especially Duel Monsters 2, which I've always wanted to play since it keeps the awesome OG art from Duel Monsters, while also playing a lot like Forbidden Memories, and keeping Pegasus as the final boss which feels right.I'm excited to finally play Duel Monsters 2 and enjoy it.
I wasn't great at card games so I just spammed Cyber-Stein to summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate and it worked out most of the time
I've seen more and more zoomers trying and dropping these games, dismissing them as archaic, frustrating, clunky, poorly aged, and mid. Before they used to at least give them the respect they deserved, but acknowledged they weren't for them. Now it seems they are outright hostile towards these games.LttP specifically is one of their recent targets, where I can literally see the historical revisionism being written right in front of my eyes. There is a strong recent trend among zoomers that it was was never good in the first place, was always way overrated, and is just a total chore and slog to play.
>>11569071I agree with them, this game sucks.
>>11569071I am a zoomer and I love LttP. Although I can still acknowledge the few shortcomings that it has. They don't hold it back from being a classic that every Zelda fan should play.
>>11569138They are now that the rules allow sixth generation consoles. /vr/ was much better before that.
A Link to the Past (original title: Triforce of the Gods) is not exactly bad, per sē. I would describe it as decent. However, it simply lacks the je ne sais quoi of 1 and II, which I believe are superior games.
>>11569093>Half the reviews are written by anime pedosYeah I think Japan has caused irreversible damage to the young kids' brains.