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Previous Thread: >>11055448

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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FFVII graphic seem detail.
Mmm. Metroid. Always my favorite series. Hacks got me through the droughts. Love 'em. Thanks.
So did Voultar's new super epic and amazing SNES edge enhancer or whatever the fuck it was mod come out yet?
Probably the devs more occupied about bullshit instead of finishing the project

A lost jewel of the past
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Last level.is one of the most gorgeous sites on the SNES.

Also Yokoshima had a hard life
Why did you turn him white?
Is this one of those hentai rape battle games from new grounds?
The exorcist with an erotic body...
no, its a fairly competent platforming game with about as close to a 1 to 1 with the anime you can get while still being a good game.

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why did they nerf the lance so much? the dagger not only deals more damage, but fires faster, with less gap between projectiles (especially easier to multi-hit arremers), and has a 50% higher on-screen limit. The dagger is like 3x as good as the lance. And the funny thing is the lance is the second best weapon in the game, the other weapons are just all penalty weapon trash.

Honestly the whole thing feels so sloppy and thrown together compared to the first game. The hitstun feels worse, level design is worse, your character's sprite is too big, boss design is worse, penalty weapons blocking your path is way more common, the psycho cannon feels way less satisfying than the cross/shield from the first game, the chest system is obnoxious, and the list goes on.
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I'm talking about the ac version here only
retested the arremer thing, it has nothing to do with the weapon, stage 2 arremer takes 4 hits while last stage's 5 which leads to confusion
then play it again, world on high rank is just as difficult
last stage's takes 3*
I didn't realise internet posts can clear the shitter, neat
Not a fan of the diagonal projectile

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Why was is cancelled?
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That Mario game looks infinitely better than what we got.
Are you referring to the Melee screenshot?
>1 screenshot
>just a still image of pre-rendered CGI
Someone was definitely trolling with this one.
It looks early ps2 tier
The DKR trailer was running on hardware and was everything else in that ahowcase, and Kevin Bayliss confirm several times it was on active development.

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>what ?! your racing game doesnt allow you to pick up hot chick in your tuned up cars ?
this is the quintessential fast and furious 1 to 3 experience,and i remember the cars controlling better than in NFS underground 2.
best 20 bucks i ever spent.
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it's pretty mediocre. the softcore didn't do much for me, and the handling was middling at best, and definitely worse than something like juiced or NFSUG. also had some really obnoxious lens flares that blinded you on a turn in a few tracks. braindead easy too, the subaru impreza sedan can be tuned to like 500hp right from the start and will carry you up until endgame, when you need to upgrade to the r34 skyline. it's not bad, just kind of a 6/10.
oh, the engine tuning was quite in depth and interesting, though.
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Fun fact: this game was supposed to be published by 3DO, but they went bankrupt before release. When 3DO's assets were sold off in an auction, Namco paid more cash for the rights to publish Street Racing Syndicate than Ubisoft paid for the entire (Heroes of) Might and Magic franchise.
the softcore did a lot to teenager me.
i wonder if you can find these online.

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Just fuck my art and music style up, SEGA.
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The art style was cool but the music was absolute trash.

Except for this one, it's awesome:

Oh god you MUST murder everyone possible in these games, it is just natural and good, to say nothing of how much it helps you win tournaments
You mean there's another way?
Noritta is slick as hell.
That's my problem with it because I love everything about the ship and the pilots and I use it for Ghost Staff is I wasn't so acclimated to Sonic Phantom.
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For me it's Fire Stingray.

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Just spent $320 on a PS2 slim, Retrovision component cables, two OEM memory cards, a sealed OEM controller, and 12 games.

Did I fuck up, what am I in for? I had one when I was younger but sold it.
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A new UI isn't enough to consider it good unless you only use it to watch the covers in gallery.
After you pass over the UI and start a game then you'll have the same 15 year old bugs.
>software rendering
Oh, so you truly have no idea what you're talking. The software rendering is their most accurate option, anything else is faster but even more bugged
The fuck? They're much much cheaper, including fats, which are the best. This must be a bait.
I've got myself 50000 fat for 80 bucks combined with the original controller, memory card, and an hdd with adapter, which is not original. The laser is working, and the condition is alright.
Just admit you don't know what you're doing. It's worth spending a little time learning how emulators work and how to configure them, instead of throwing a tantrum online

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Hitscanners aren't fun enemies to fight if they don't have a wind up time or deal massive damage.
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You know what i was wrong i played more through it and you guys are actualy right.
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For me It's Raze
>For me It's Raze
No it's not
How about BuildGDX, then.
nta but NotBlood has surpassed BuildGDX

>GTA killer
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If they just had polls you could run over easily it would have been way better. Lost count of how many missions I failed because I ran into one.
You don't drive through telephone poles in a real car, this is a man's game, kid.
Realism makes games less fun.
Depends on the pole.
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Say what you will about Driv3r, but no one can deny it had SOUL.

--->Tifa (long range materia)
--->Yuffie (long range weapon)

Yuffie can be swapped with Cid, but otherwise this is the party most people should roll with.
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He's a black single father fighting the establishment for the good of the future, and for some reason black people hate him.

They're probably jealous.
>she's just a girl who falls in love easily
That’s literally me except I’m not a grill. Please send help.
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Black people who play JRPGs are roleplaying as Cloud, not the side character of Barret. He's also taking care of a child that was his presumed-dead friend's child, not his own; he's not really a "single father" it's more like he's her godfather and she was so young when her parents died that she only knows of Barret as her "papa."

Let off some steam by becoming a "flower girl."
Yummy feet.
Parasite Eve 1 and Musashiden were good

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I finally gave this series a try. Have I been gaslighted this whole time into thinking this was going to be a good game? The controls are fucking atrocious and unresponsive , the level design in world 2 takes a nose dive into Mario like pitfalls and spikes except with much worse controls than a Mario game.
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I've never encountered any major bugs during normal gameplay in Sonic 3 despite it being rushed enough to warrant that being part of the manual. Mania is the only classic-style game I've gotten softlocked in, more than once even, while also having encountered baffling crush deaths that would not ever have happened in the classic games (Not a bug, but a very strange gameplay oddity as even one pixel of Sonic seems to count).

I say the above as someone who doesn't like base Sonic 3 that much and loves Mania. The truth is the truth.
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I recall when most of /vr/ agreed that, despite its recent titles being hit or miss, mostly miss, Sonic used to be great, that both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles were excellent video games, and some of the best 2D platformers from that era. Why is it that we get "Sonic was never good" threads or replies so often now in /vr/ all of the sudden? Are those classics suddently not good? Since when?

Sonic 2's still so fun to just pick up and play.
why is every 3rd dude on 4chan extremely egocentric
>start series, play first game
>get to level 2
>make whiny /vr/ post
>Sonic used to be great, that both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles were excellent video games, and some of the best 2D platformers from that era. Why is it that we get "Sonic was never good" threads or replies so often now in /vr/ all of the sudden?
I noticed like late last year we got these threads almost weekly/daily and then it dropped off this year. I assumed there was an anti Sonic autist or two making all those threads and then they just moved on or got bored. I remember some of those threads had extremely obvious samefagging too

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Would it have saved the Sega Saturn?
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A bunch of autist isn't t enough to save a system, You need popular games.
Unironically bots. /v/ has the same issue of bots reposting the same thread over and over.
>Sub VHS videos... as opposed to what?
Any digital FMVs looked like garbage until 6th gen came around.
Just look at the lunar games where the FMVs on PS1 and Saturn look like pure vomit, while the simpler cutscenes of the SegaCD still look great to this day.
> the battles have poor framerate, but that was relatively common at the time, with N64 being by far the worst offender.
And yet OoT runs a complete 3D environment at 20fps, not great by any means but still far ahead of FF7.
FF7 was a product of its time, but it looks like shit really.
For comparison look at Legend of Mana, now that is what FF7 should've looked like.
Why would you use bots to spam threads about old retro games? What's the fucking point?
how long until he has to resort to talk about japanese games or go full fanfic like 'what if Nintendo and Sega collaborated to make the Saturn?"

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Games with cool sunset/dusk scenes or levels.
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How the FUCK does this level look so good?
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>164 replies
>No Rygar
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Just downloaded, played, and quit this in the span of less than 2 hours.

The overeworld/city doesn't really offer anything beyond a few minutes of goofing off. It's just a time vampire. The missions are just worse Ratchet, even other Ratchet-likes such as Metal Arms Glitch in the System are better. Only the story, characters and cutscenes kept me from turning it off earlier. Going for the sequel today.
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Can you kill or damage civilians in this game?
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he's gonna thill Praxis
yes, and it's pretty stupid.
>the BARON is shutting the water off to the slums we gotta get it back on or people will die
>jak kills 40 people driving to the gate
the fact that there are no streets and the need to constantly shift to ground level to avoid getting blown up means you're likely go mow down at least a handful of people on any drive.

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you do wanna drink from the chalice,right anon ?
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it ran fine for me in dosbox.
Which is which? I got the one where you and Geffrye get at the exit but he suddenly gets killed by Tobias who then just leaves and the credits come
i found these endings online.
i think you are suppose to use the elephant gun on him but other set of events can play out.

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