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"Really really nice" Edition

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

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>sleep mode regressions are worth it
Sleep Mode is the best feature on the TSP so no thanks, I'll stick to stock until it's fixed.
>putting the device to sleep is more important than playing games
to each his own...
Thanks, I will consider it, but the price is definitely a bit high. Also, do you by chance know if mini LED is better or worse for eyes than IPS?
when this general getting pruned? it's been used to stealth discuss non retro shit for a while
when the other non-retro threads get cleaned up, which is never

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Why do some people act like CRTs had no scanlines and emulators created them out of nowhere?
>it was not noticeable from a distance!
ok, why can't you do the same when emulating and sit farther away then?
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Show us a screenshot Anon
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The thing with shaders is they're like assholes. Everyone's got a different idea of what one should look like, and they all stink.
Tell you what though, with society's increasing anal fixation, there's more consensus on what an asshole should look like. I truly believe the same applies to CRT shaders.
>I use a CRT but other people are trannies if they do it

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Where the hell am I meant to get the other $300? I retrieved the bee's nest, I helped the bee pollinate the boob flower, I beat the Terminator, I got the manure, I beat the Great Mighty Poo. What else can I do?
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Not a lot of people know, but a couple of the devs made a commentary walkthrough years ago.

It's basically just them drinking and talking shit but it's pretty comfy.

you didn't do the bat's tower chapter by the sound of it
Nope. Is that across the uncrossable bridge? Also I'm up to $800 after getting the cash on the top of Mt Poo.
Keep looking around for cash you didn't grab, first world has like 1500 total.
Seems to me like you don't do a whole lot of exploring in general. I've not had issues getting the cash just messing around.

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Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom (NES)
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How the hell did anyone beat this back in the day. Putting yourself through all that doesn't even sound fun
thats not how gaiden is pronounced
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>w-we lost the files sorry guys
are they retarded
I learned the difference from this thread and you are definitely not a gaiden.
Is that their excuse for not porting it after all these years when everyone thinks it's the best version? Jesus fucking Christ

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>Sonic Team: “Here’s your Mario 64 killer, bro.”
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>Sonic 3D: Fuckin’ Island
>it actually says Flickie’s
I didn’t have my glasses on when I looked at the cover.
The PS1 version, which came out before the 3DO version btw. And even back then many thought Doom was old hat.
>many thought Doom was old hat.
is that why everyone and their grandmother were making DOOM clones?
sort of besides the point, anyway, since SRB2 doesn't play much like original DOOM, now does it?
whether this game its better than m64 or not (it isnt lol) i still like this game a lot and i respect sonic team for trying to do something new and creating cool ips, instead of getting stuck with one game franchise.
Why didn't they just make a fucking Sonic game?

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I've finally done it bros. I've finally found the kind of RPG's I like and they are very specifically dungeon crawlers.

Could I get some recommendations on /vr/ related Dungeon Crawlers that kept you hooked from start to finish? WRPG or JRPG, doesn't matter so long as there is prepping and exploring.
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Bonus points if it manages to be comfy too.
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What game?

I know it's not retro but you should really check out Legend of Grimrock I and II. Pair that with some dunegon synthand you're good to go.
Also, both are on sale right now so good timing.

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What are some of the best games that aren't associated with any larger franchise? Its not a big series or anything.. maximum one sequel. Bonus for not associated with a big company either
Doesn't have to be some undiscovered gem
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Only middle schoolers talk like that.
It's one of the best games for the system, it's not mid at all.
busted. nobody played this shit.
you absolutely did not use the n64 d-pad.
why do you know how middle schoolers talk?
Holy fuck no it is not lol. it's not even top 20. it's a mediocre platformer that plays like shit thanks to the n64's garbage dpad

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hating Big is fatherless behavior.

>be me
>be 5
>struggling to beat the big the cat section of SADX
>ask dad for help
>dad loves sega bass fishing, instantly understands the mechanics and teaches me how to do it.
>dad hangs out with me and I have a fun afternoon playing my favorite comfy game witrh my dad

Big the Cat represents treasured memories for me lads, this was the only time we ever bonded over hideo james like his.
if you want to go this route then playing as sonic is only necessary until you unlock tails. tails story is the only one referenced in sonic adventures 2's story so its the only one you need to play since its the only one that is confirmed canon.

everything besides tails is bonus content.
no you can not because sonic's story is only concluded in the super sonic chapter
>it wasnt optional
They let you select individual characters, thats optional by definition retard. It isn't optional in 2 because you have to play as the other characters if you wanna play more sonic/shadow levels.
>only level in mario 64 is the castle entrance, everything else is optional.

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>no metal wolf chaos threads
>shitload of anti-american gear solid threads
zhangs, i swear to fucking GOD
>Do you know what day it is today?
>April 30th?
>No retard. It's Murica day.
fishnets are heckin kewl :D
>gets the date of the conception of the United States wrong
>Kojima is lauded as one of the greatest video game writers (mostly by illiterates who have never read a book from front to back to completion before)


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Good text-based game?
For me it's Zork (1989)
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What's Zork (1989), sounds way too late
You use directional branching, using lines to branch to every other box instead of just drawing boxes right next to each other. Easy.
Zork came out in 1980.
With the advent of AI, I imagine text adventures will see a resurgence, due to being able to comprehend and adjudicate every single possible word combination and context. As it currently stands however, it's extremely limited, and has not been implemented in a way that actually works. I've tried playing "roleplaying" tabletop with AI a couple times, but it just ends up recycling an endless loop of what it feels like the player likes to hear.
would love to recommend the hitchhikers guide text game. the BBC has it on their site and it is a lot of fun if you are a veteran text adventurer. It is absolutely tough as nails however so fair warning to anyone thinking about giving it a go.

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Why is hit detection so bad in this game?
>accidentally shoot the corner of the wall you're peeking around
>accidentally completely miss your shot because it goes literally right through the enemy you're shooting at
>accidentally melee the floor because you're not looking at the ceiling while meleeing an enemy point blank
Works on my machine
western game with bad hit detection, more news at 11
Better than Ultima Underworld and its fucking horrible ranged combat

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best sf
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characters share stages in third strike. incomplete?
The PS1 ports of capcom fighters were doomed.

>Darkstalkers 1 got a late 96 release, it was okay-ish but still cut down many frames on characters, ir was okay for a port made by brits of all things.
>Vampire Savior had all the characters, but it was fucking trash in audio and animation department.
>Alpha 1 was a 1:1 port i think
>Vanilla Alpha 2 was mid, cut down animations and bad remix music
>Alpha 2 Gold was slighty better but not by much and wasnt even included as a standalone, but with Super Vanilla and Super Turbo with SF Collection1
>Alpha 3 was really good with all the content and found a workaround to tge animations, the polyginal sparks and mirror matches.
>The Movie was just Super Turbo without the Turbo, played fine i guess but seriously, NO TURBO? plus the sprite fidelity of Intelligent Systems Arcade game was lost.
>Super Puzzle Fighter i never played
>Pocket Fighter was acceptable but still had cut down animations, only worthwhile addition was the extra infinate stage with the megaman cameos
>Children of the Atom is a port of a PC port, done by an american company, both were trash
>Super Heroes was also poop
>The VS games didnt had a chance on PS1, they shouldnt even bother, and MvC1 had the annoying weird zoom cut-ins.

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3D capcom games run on a modified PSX so they are the best SF games on PSX
3rd Strike used all its storage space and had far more content than alpha 1.
incomplete tho. shared stages.

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You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the NEC PC Engine. What games are you recommending? For every game the person doesn't like they get to kick you really hard in the balls.

>no supergrafx allowed
>hard mode: no rondo of blood

my 3 recs
>ys iv dawn of ys
>soldier blade
>parasol stars
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There is an arcade stick you can buy iirc
Gate of thunder
Lords of thunder
Rondo of blood
you prefer the default 3 button genesis controller with that dogshit giant hard-edged dpad with the comically large buttons?
>Devil Crush
that said...i always thought devil crush was overly hyped, and its better on genesis. improved bonus stage graphics and a new final boss so the game is legit beatable instead of maxxing out the score after 30 hours of playtime
>Super Air Zonk instead of Air Zonk
please explain...its worse than the first one in literally all aspects. even coryoon is also better
>You only have three games that you can recommend someone play from the NEC PC Engine.
No. I have all the games.

The remake of Riven comes out tomorrow. The demo is out now and it appears they have changed a lot of puzzles and rearranged places, which so far I think is awesome.

The big issue for me and probably a lot of people is that the 3D model characters that replaced the FMV actors look kind of cartoony and kind of take you out of the immersion a bit, which was one of the strongest points of the original. Also, the environment looks great at times but awful at other times (a lattice doorway, some plants).

Anyway, now that I know what's subpar about it, I am looking forward to seeing what they did with the rest of the game, and seeing all the changes they made, hopefully they don't suck but it's good in the demo.
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I agree, I'm playing through the original for the first time and it holds up

thanks, I was leaning towards the original as I really liked the pre-rendered backgrounds and FMV clips of the OG Myst.
I've been playing OG Riven as well here, it's lots of fun. You can hit your head on the wall with the puzzles and then appreciate what the remake did different. Also don't check any walkthroughs and minimize getting hints, the payoff is much more rewarding.
Haven't gotten back into it yet...
I booted the original Riven yesterday to compare a few scenes after finishing the remake and I ended up finishing the entire game in just 2 hours... which is crazy because I spent entire days on this game as a kid because I was too retarded to figure the animal puzzle out by myself and the walkthrough I was using had the wrong answer written. Maybe for the better because I sure as hell would never had figured out the fire marble puzzle.
Now I scribbled down my observations on Survey island and solved it on my first attempt even though they try to bamboozle you with the yellow marble.
>fire marble
I've heard the name but I haven't even seen this yet. I know it's at or related to Survey Island but I've been able to do fuck-all there other than open the dome for the book. Maybe it's the 72nd book if I'm supposed to do something with 9 and 8 to get a -nd number.

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redpill me on worms
i never met anyone that talked about it but would constantly hear about it in magazines and growing up
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/vm/ is too good but I would be down to play with /vr/

Fun simple turned based combat game, best played with friends hunched around the same PC.
>redpill me on
go back
The Worms 2 era of games in particular, 2, Armageddon, and World Party, are FUCKING FUN games, they are goofy and silly with great cartoon violence and little jokes, and they are also very tense and exciting turnbased games with a lot of strategy to them.
Being that they are turnbased, that means that they have full "couch co-op" support, in that you and pals can just take turns with the mouse and keyboard.

It's really regrettable that the re-release of World Party is super scuffed because it had a lot of additional features which Armageddon didn't, but Armageddon is still very good, and very fun, even has a multiplayer scene still.

And I thought the computer players had unreasonably good grenade and bazooka aim.

Stop sucking.
It's a party game really. Used to play it at kids parties all the time

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