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Due to some recent developments in the PS2 loading scene it is worth considering upgrading from old OPL installs to something new like:

Unofficial Open PlayStation Loader (uOPL)
Extreme Elite Boot+
English Translated PlayStation 2 Broadband Navigator.

If you're curious what has changed about these I recommend looking into it here:
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Replying to myself because apparently all this has been figured out:
Can you run burnt discs? If so, try to get ulaunchelf running off a DVD
I tried a burnt US region DMC1 disc I had from the past but that's ESR patched so it didn't work (at least I'm assuming that's the reason)
I'll go learn how to make a ulaunchelf disc and see if it'll boot that instead.
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Thankfully the FreeDVDBoot ISO with uLaunchELF on it boots. Time to figure out what the fuck I did wrong.
>reinstall fmbc again
>it just werks now
fucking okay I guess? At least I can try the master disc patching fuckery now.

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Okay, I swear to God this isn't another "durr would THIS have saved Sega???" thread, but let me see if I've got this right

>at the time the Saturn's hardware specifications were being discussed, the only part of Sega who had any experience with 3D graphics was the arcade division
>one of the options was to take the Model 1, Sega's main arcade board at the time, and use that as a basis for the console
>the Model 1 idea was rejected because most of the company felt more comfortable with 2D, and they believed the industry would continue to primarily use sprites for home consoles for at least another generation
>instead they went with what would've basically been a 32X on steroids, with a single SH-2 CPU
>when the PS1's specs were announced and Sega realized that wasn't going to cut it, they responded by adding another SH-2 and improving the GPU mid-development
>the chief engineer for the console believes the Model 1 idea would've made more sense in retrospect

Would it? I know there were several ideas for how the Saturn's hardware should've gone(the Model 1 idea, Sega of America's idea of using a Motorola 68k-based chip for Genesis support, the SGI deal that Sega of Japan didn't like) but I don't know which one would've been the most effective.
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Wait what? I played Taromaru several times but I don't remember that. Source?
The Saturn's hardware was literally not a problem, Sega America not supporting the goddamn thing was. It's actually the greatest argument for games selling consoles because in Japan where it had games it sold 4-6x as much as the much larger North American market where it was a nogames machine. Just in general why would anyone buy a product that the people selling it had no faith in
You people genuinely make these threads as a way of manifesting these changes into reality
You are mentally ill
The consoles themselves were fine, they just needed to spread out the release of the consoles more. In the 90s in North America you had the Release of the Genesis(technically late 89, shut up), Sega CD, the 32x, Saturn and the Dreamcast, all in the span of like 8 years. Parents were not going to buy their kids a new console every year or two. Compare that to Nintendo and Sony who released a console every 6 years or so.
Is the Satiator the best means of playing bootleg games on Saturn? Is there a good way to play burned discs, I will just do that if it's cheaper

Has anyone attempted to bleach a yellowed console by leaving it out in the sun? How did it work out?
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Leaving in the sun causes yellowing, but leaving in the sun also removes yellowing.. How does that work?
It's sun through a window what causes yellowing
Every piece of plastic i retrobright re yellowed in 2 or so months, and it became worse too.
it's popular to retrobrite old Commodores and Amiga, but those devices are keyboard that have hands touching them when used. A console doesn't get pawed at all that much, so you shouldn't feel bad if you just paint the thing. Granted, painting can be a last resort if you feel you'd rather try bleaching first.
For me most things haven't reyellowed but both of us have probably brightened less than 10 things. Seems to be random chance just based on the condition of the plastic. My nes dogbone is the most doomed of all and goes back to yellow within a couple of months

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What makes a Beat'em Up game good?
I rarely see discussions about their design philosophy compared to other genres like platformes, but I bet most people have at least one they are very fond of.
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>Cool moves that all serve a purpose
>Good music
>Fun enemy designs
>Enemies that force you to consider positioning and who to engage first
>Superjoy move
>Less time waiting for the arrow/hand to appear and say "go! go!" or enemies walking around just offscreen

The worst beat-em-ups are ones like TMNT II on NES where bosses have stupid amounts of health, all of your attacks do the same amount of damage and you're forced to rely on a single attack (like the dive-kick) because enemies cheat and have i-frames during their attacks or outrange you. There's no variety or actual challenge. The Spider-Man SNES beat-em-ups are also atrocious, with the sequel being downright pathetic and clearly rushed.
What are some good beat'em up games to really get into the genre? You know, ones that teach you the basics to enjoy most of the famous titles.
Good ones are designed around 1CCs (this is also how you can tell if a game's balance is whack), crowd control and cool shit happening with setpieces, varied ways the enemies come onto the screen, varied enemies and so on.
Characters don't have to be complex either. Even a simple control scheme like King of Dragons can be as good or better than a more complex one like Denjin Makai II. Same with items, some games have a ton of weapon variety but they all feel shit while some have a few that are super-fun.
45-1h for a playthrough is a good benchmark too. There are a few that manage to be good while being longer but way more that go on for too long.
Amen. Nothing more annoying than upping the playtime and difficulty with damage sponges.
That boss is pretty input ready in the arcade, dont' combo, use properly timed blocks, heavy attacks and running attacks
Hey man I just want you to know that >>11510889
is talking shit behind your back.

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>RGB monitors and SCART cables for all your gaming systems
>playing games at the proper speeds and resolution

What was it like, yuros?
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>RGB monitors and SCART cables for all your gaming systems
not even that kek
>t. have heard from western europoors i know oti who were actually there in the 80's and 90's that everyone was using fucking RF and didn't know better
You're crying about yuros right now completely unprompted.
This is was just a polite thread about people discussing different video signals with no one seething about Americans or Yuros until you showed up.
These "I didn't use X therefore no one used X" posts are fucking dogshit and extremely pointless
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Alternatively, do what we us military kids did in the 90s and play NTSC in Yuroland anyway. One of these bricks for the console, another for the TV.
Agreed. All I need is me speccy and heaps of cassettes from the high street shops.

I wanted to marathon The Lion King. Between all the versions, and I do mean all of them, which one is considered the best?
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Genesis version is generally considered better than the SNES one because of being a little easier and having a larger field of version.
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For me, it's Nintendo's cancelled Kimba game for N64 developed by the Super Mario 64 team
Mega Drive, graphics are meant to be enjoyed with dithering.
I'm really curious about the DOS version. If it supports Roland then it's a go.

Surreal retro vidya thread? RIP David Lynch
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I actually meant to say surreal but we agree it isn’t lynchian.
I want to throw the first curveball turd nugget and say that I do not get how anyone can stand asymmetrical sticks for anything retro.
He asked for cheap, not authentic.
That controller has Hall effect sticks and triggers, super low latency, clicky buttons and clicky dpad.

Ultimately he can get whatever he wants, but he asked for cheap, and it’s impossible to do better than that for 20 bucks for an xinput, plug and play controller for his pc which he is implying he wants.
first hours in resident evil amnsion on psx 1996 are really David lynch stuff, OST helped a lot.
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you fags talk about literally everything other than the grandfather of video games.
I would argue pinball machines aged much better than most early video games did, and I think they're much more fun.
What's your favorite table? What are you playing on and what tables are you trying?
My favorite table by far is cyclone. I love the amusement park theme and sound effects/music. Reminds me off going to theme parks with my parents when I was young. Mainly playing that and some other "simple" tables like pinbot on vpx.
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nice, i love that game
theres a ton of games from that era i would love to own, but i dont know shit about repairing or maintaining them. id feel like a real heel if i managed to ruin one
What's the QRD on repairing them? I have one that almost works. any good youtube channels?
>theres a ton of games from that era i would love to own
Which ones?
>but i dont know shit about repairing or maintaining them. id feel like a real heel if i managed to ruin one
Honestly, it's really not that hard if the playfield is good and you have 1) an IQ above 90 2) the game's schematics (almost all are available online) 3) a soldering iron and 4) spare parts.
For a home owner, it usually comes down to cleaning, replacing the batteries, the coil tubing, and the balls.
>>you should look into virtual pinball machines if you want something cheaper
Honestly at that point i'm not interested.
For me the appeal of Pinball is in large part the physical aspect of it.
We just need cheaper options, pirate clonekits whateverthefuck.
>Which ones?
im sure it's cliche at this point how often these games come up, but my top 10 machines, in no particular order, would be
medieval madness (williams)
theatre of magic (bally)
twilight zone (bally)
addams family (bally)
funhouse (williams)
no good gofers (williams)
white water (williams)
fish tales (williams)
viper night drivin' (sega)
grand lizard (williams)

Ok so what are the essential arcade style games on this thing? At the moment it's a Super Mario World / Gameboy machine for me.
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>And wait until you find out Mega Drive has RPGs too

it doesn't have that many though
most good megadrive RPGs are on mega cd
It has enough great ones like Shining Force 1 & 2.
Is Castlevania IV considered arcade-style?
What are you smoking? there are good and bad arcade ports on all those consoles
>Even the one made by compile without slowdown, are slog to get through.
it's way better than musha you shitter.

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Holy shit this game has s o v l off the charts
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I tried posting facing worlds but every pic comes up as corrupted.
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Looks like a very horrible upscale of a screenshot of E2M5. I'm too lazy to go and take a pic myself, so I just took this shitty and blurry one off of Google, but I feel like it's PROBABLY this area with the wood textures.
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Simultaneously the best and worse Metroid Prime game.
Nice video essay, care to elaborate?
The ammo bitching is overhated, i barely had an issue with it since i kept constantly preserving my Light/Dark Beam wherever i go.

Also i hope the Multiplayer is reworked in the upcoming remaster.

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>gets a whole music video
>then subsequently dropped


I think Arial could have been one of Sony's breakout stars. Imagine a corporate espionage game set in the wipeout universe starring her?
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>Completely produced uncut broadcast ? hard AV ??
WTF!? Did is Arial Tetsuo doing porn canon?
>Did is
There's something about a love hotel too but it's too hard to read.

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Not a perfectly executed game, slightly underbaked, but pure soul and creativity. This kind of innovation in platforming action is what the genre needed more of.
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i don't like the eye bleeding seizure-inducing graphics
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Gen 4 was actually pretty rich with Pulseman references in particular.
Most anyone that's played Pulseman will have noticed the enemies that bare a strong resemblance to Xatu (Gen 2), but even things like the evil organisation operating out of a Game Arcade (Gen 1) was a idea first done in Pulseman.

The main villain, Waruyama. His story as I recall is he was a human got together with a digital girl, and their resulting child was Pulseman who could freely travel between the real and digital worlds, but the experience transformed Waruyama into something evil and he established the Galaxy Gang.

Also this one tune in the soundtrack is a dead give away that Masuda composed it, and is the most "Pokémon" song to have pre-dated Pokémon.
I wonder if anyone's ever tried adapting it into a gym leader battle theme in a Pokémon ROM hack? It could work.
I think the most recent callback was in Gen8 with Boltund being called "Pulsewan" in Japanese.
Rotom, Volt Tackle, and Team Galactic's name are the only reasonable references shown here.
Everything else is just "this game ALSO has an arcade!" or "the antagonist has a base!" It's nothing.
Eh, I don't think "villain team uses a game arcade as a secret base" is a stretch, especially not from the same developers.

Maybe not as a specific reference, but at least a re-using of the idea.

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I'm making a modpack where the game is actually finished with extra features such as Shadow the Hedgehog and Hyper forms.
>new characters from the Chaotix to Flicky
(no modern or tranny shit, just sonic kino plus mario)
>finished red volcano zone
>finally finished dark city and grand eggship
>old stages are coming back such as mine maze
>everyones super
>hyper form possible
>most of it's OST are indev
>restore unused content such as eggrock boss
The SRB2 community is full of shit anyways (imagine treating mods as "intellectual property" at the same time as "art" where you MUST have a "license" to even use it on an open-source game), so there's no issue to "steal" them from the "artists.".
If you have an idea of what I should add, then don't hesitate to ask.
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>if you look at thok as a poor man's homing attack.
It's the rich man's Flame Shield
Did Equinox 2 ever come out? I literally care more about that than regular SRB2, at this point.
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No, but the in-game dates are approaching quick.
Sonic and friends took off into space at Cape Canaveral this past October, and the Russians will be bombing Ohio next Thursday
Much as I hate to say it, Whisper. Her kit is ridiculously versatile. She almost feels like a metroidvania character with how many different options she has.
Blaze, Marine, Shadow and Ray are all really good, too.

what beat em ups have you been playing /vr/?
on a side note: holy fucking shit setting up joy2key with neko project 2 was a fucking nightmare and no don't ask I have no idea how I got it to work
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>implying ESCAPE + Hiragana Switch Key isn't a feasible key combination
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Get the parfait!!!
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Hold on, let me get the meat inst-
>sailor moon beat em ups
Im just grateful that even in an all cute girls game, one of them is still a haggar.
Also shout outs to the command grab whip lady in the mega drive game.
I want to try Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhuan on Mega Drive

>bootleg game, completely unofficial because fuck Sega
>made in Taiwan
>adapted from a masterpiece of Chinese literature, no cringe writing
>released in 1996 when everyone else was playing Resident Evil
>game entirely in Chinese
>full of assets stolen from many other games
>great visual effects
>crazy good music that keeps you hyped
>hard and grindy
>YouTube playthroughs last two fucking hours

Yep, smells like pure SOVL

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