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Is it actually comparable to playing on original hardware? This seems godlike
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I never said there was just one autist trolling these threads, just that the autists seem to have similar bullshit in that they just copy-paste the same thing they have literally been copy-pasting for years.
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Someone familiar with emulation programming answer a few questions?

It would be great if there was a version of Fightcade 2 for MiSTER. I don't know shit about game emulation. Would someone using like fbneo on Windows to emulate a game be able to play against someone emulating the same game on the MiSTER Neo Geo core? My inclination is that it's not possible. But maybe it is.

Anyway, I think Fightcade 2 is freeware and closed source. It may never happen as well because of that. Maybe the only hope is that something like Fightcade gets developed for MiSTER? Probably named MiSTERcade. There'd be a lot less users so it'd need either one lobby, or very few lobbies and it wouldn't be able to have lobbies for every game like Fightcade.
I don't think it's really viable if even possible to have netplay on the MiSTer. The Linux backend is mostly just to run the menu system and a few background tasks, netplay of emulated systems generally involves constant gamestate syncing, generally through savestate-like systems. Most MiSter cores don't support savestates, and I don't believe the few that do can do it that fast. Then there is the issue of connecting a virtualized controller across the internet to one of the FPGA emulated console's ports.
and the shills copy/paste the same replies. Disingenuous bullshit about muh open source knowing full well it's a product sold for profit
So it's only possible with MiSTERcast, but that adds 1-2 frames of latency

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Why can’t he give credit? Is he a cheap ass?
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He is a shrewd, jewish merchant. How else would he get so fat?.
You should had been born a little mmmmmmm richer.
Fuck Harkinian and fuck his tax policy.
That was 22 years ago, that Ship has sailed.
No shit retard. The interest rate is too high for goyim like Link

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Why do so many people say that N64 emulation is bad? Using ParaLLEl emulator, I genuinely can't notice anything wrong outside of very minor graphical glitches. Every game I've tried runs at perfect 60fps.
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>uptilt instead of shielddrop

post more smash64 webms
Have you tried setting it to full speed in the settings. Different from runahead
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One of the big N64 emulators just went kaput, by the way. It's being replaced with a newer one called Gopher64, written in (of course) Rust.
Did Goldeneye run fine? I remember it ran like crap in whatever version was current circa 2012.

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>released on ps2-based arcade hardware
I assume Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is retro. Who is your main?
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My mains since T3
I wish this came out on actual ps2
>every file is compressed
>no duplicats
enjoy your 10 hour load times and stutters
This has a PSP port and a community over PPSSPP, doesn't it?

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>the difference between consoles in the same generation

We didn't realize how good we had it.
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Component looks good
most ps2 games don't support 480p and interlacing looks like dogshit
Dreamcast isn't a 6th gen system
>Dreamcast isn't a 6th gen system
Ok Sony pony

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How the fuck do they carry all that crap?

A normal human can carry maybe 10 potions and it would still be challening to fight with it and walk huge distances.

Not only do they carry thousands of fucking objects, they also travel half the world and fight non-stop.

It's not fucking realistic.
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>go into thread about jrpgs inventory
>devolves into someone posting their sexual fantasy about barrett and cloud fucking
I don't like jrpgs but cmon, sportslop games are super boring.
Women have more hiding places than men.
FPS shooterfags are always easy to spot.

How do you like yours ?
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Post proof
Over-easy with a side of bacon
Now you're the one proving you didn't beat the game

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claim your /vr/alentine
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Her raspy voice does things to me
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Can you recommend any? Pic not necessarily related.
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EXTREMELY patrician list
Serious sam games

You're welcome
>Soldier of Fortune, both of them.
This, I used to love open the enemies heads with the shotgun
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>FEAR 2 is literally a console shooter.
FEAR 1 translated very well to consoles: Low weapon limits with mostly "preference" balance, slow movement speed, straight forward level progression, and the slo-mo helped when things got too crazy for the sticks. I recall it running smoother on the 360 though.
The way they get blasted and fall apart is kind of crazy. Haven't seen much like it.
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What was the scariest non Japanese horror game you ever played? I'm about to get pic related, looks really promising.
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Thief games have some scary moments
Scratches has a tense gloomy atmosphere
System Shock 2 is probably the winner here though

the West has nothing on the level of Silent Hill unfortunately
Cry about it.
undying isn't really scary except for one jump scare but it's a good game
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I recommend Waxworks. I found the mine scary in particular.
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>game forces you to kill vampire waifu
shit game

it was alright. i didn't like the level design too much. setting was decent and some of the stuff was fun to use but after a certain point i just wanted the game to be over. i think american mcgee's alice was better but that's not really a scary game.

vtmb having the snuff films was probably one of the more unsettling things i experienced in a western game though. even when i was watching a speedrun of it, the audience watching got kind of quiet for a while after that part.

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ITT: Retro weapons.

I love this stupid-looking sword.
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for me its the laptop gun
>70 replies
>29 images
>0 mentions of the Guiding Moonlight

i am severely disappoint
I love Soulsborne, too!
Yes but not this kind of blade shape, that was more blades with weird piercing designs or multiple/jagged edges to slash with. The wavy kind of blade does not appear to have been designed for that purpose. It was either to add structural support, intimidation, or just a blacksmith showing off. Doesn't appear to have much of an advantage over a straight blade.
Could the actor who played The Mountain pull off Death Adder?

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Best 3 Zelda games of all time. They're the essence of what Zelda is about.

Anything else is fanfic tier faggotry. You just need those 3. They even have similar covers.
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Zelda: Shit on my Balls
Zelda: Shit on HER Balls
Zelda: Shit on THEIR Balls

Best 3 zelda games, uwu
Yes, in the short few decades video games have existed for, Zelda excels at being notably repetitive. It's fans are mostly autists who rank the quality of the games based on how similar they are to the platonic ideal of perfect Zelda.

The fans are as boring as the games.
>people know what they like and that's boring i bet they don't play diverse inclusive eclectic games like i do
Unironically, yes. I liked the first game and Link's Awakening well enough. After that they felt so samey it never held my attention to the end.
Put Link's Awakening over the Oracle games, LA is the only thing in OP that gets it right.

They're pretty close. Less dungeons but they're pretty memorable, at least more than most 2D games. Also, fantastic map.

contrarian replies to this comment

Every time I hear LttP mentioned it's about how the game didn't grab their attention, hasn't aged well, or wasn't as good as they remembered. It seems the reception today is much more lukewarm than it was 20 or even 10 years ago.

Is it really overhyped? Is the hate warranted?
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A lot of people probably can’t complete it without a guide, and using a guide trivializes the game and makes all the awesome overworld puzzles into little more than a bunch of fetch quests.
You realize you can just use a guide when you get stuck?
Is that worth addressing? Obviously LTTP is better than Z1, which was designed to be intentionally cryptic so that kids would share tips at school. If you’re hunkering down to play a single player game, it will be LTTP over Z1 every time.
You shouldn’t for LTTP.
Get a goddamn life, OP.

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I just beat this and I have a question for experts because I can barely find any information about this game's secrets and all that other shit. So Auriel/Rurufon tells you that some guy stole her things, it is implied that it's that bastard who leads you into traps two times. My question is, are you actually supposed to find him somewhere after the water area? Is it supposed to be some sidequest that you can finish or does that guy just disappear for good after the second encounter?
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I tested it while very overencumbered. The rate of life drain matched the life gain while I had just the ankh on. Putting on that armor piece you mention did not cause me to go positive in life gain.
Weird, I guess I was wrong
I'm too lazy to re-download the game and load my save but there is no way it doesn't stack. I vividly remember switching to several piece of equipment that heal constantly to sit there and heal and using several at once made it faster
You two actually made me boot up the game. I tested that piece of armor with some shitty healing pendant that you get in the scouring rush area iirc, it indeed doesn't stack and I have an explanation for that: both that armor and the ankh max out the restoration rate and you can't go beyond that which makes me think if there was no limit to that you'd be practically invincible with both equipped
But does she have exposed feet?

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What happened to the desktop theme CD-Roms that included simple but fun mini-games?
Otaku games!
>mojibake in title

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