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File: PS2BBN.webm (3.9 MB, 640x480)
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Due to some recent developments in the PS2 loading scene it is worth considering upgrading from old OPL installs to something new like:

Unofficial Open PlayStation Loader (uOPL)
Extreme Elite Boot+
English Translated PlayStation 2 Broadband Navigator.

If you're curious what has changed about these I recommend looking into it here:
I just bought a broken PS2. I have old ppl on my current one but I don't feel like fucking with it, so this is perfect. Quick question... Does pop station/loader work better fro PS1 games now?
POPS is much improved these days thanks to the Hugopocked's patches
Good to know, thanks anon.
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i was using retrolauncher with neutrino which worked great, any reasons to switch to uOPL or XEB+?
>A project by @Krah to bring modern features to a stable release of OPL! @Krah is taking a break from development, but has left the source and release online allowing for contributions and forks to emerge, or even push upstream!
Dude barely starts development. Quits. Asks people to push changes upstream. Why didn't he do that himself? I don't get the PS2 scene (or the OSS scene in general). Instead of people working together in a single (good) project, they just fork it, change some stuff and leave it there to rot. Same thing happened to Grimdoomer's exfat OPL or ulaunchelf by israpp.
I have no idea what most of those are.
Can I just replace my old OPL with that new uOPL? I only use it to load PS2 games from the HDD.
Oh wow that UI looks phenomenal.
Might have to break out my slim again.
Does this work through network?
>Can I just replace my old OPL with that new uOPL?
Yes. While technically a fork you can consider uOPL the most feature-rich, complete and updated version. The main thing it brings to the table is having a Neutrino backend which means you can set that to kick in for problematic games that won't boot in OPL otherwise, so you'll have much better compatibility overall. That was the main thing OPL was missing compared to the alternatives, you were still stuck with the same old problems.
I guess I'll sit in on this but I'll admit my PS2 gaming is gradually starting to shift towards using a full BC PS3 for the purpose.

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