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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.

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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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scroll to a random part of your download folder, hit the first image you see and post results.
please and thank you.
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We don't have to take your Pooh!
>buys pass
>makes shit
Evil n word
i bumped this thread. - 50 social credit

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You can only make ONE post in this thread a month. Let's see if we can make it to 2021!
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It's June and we're half way though 2024!
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thread started 5 years ago... O_0
enjoy the spring!
May is for Yay
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are you winning yet sons?
Happy 4th of July, /vip/!
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

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mootcat dance!
End of /v/orld, a fangame
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Which board has the worst jannies?

For me it's /tv/
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moot addressed this nearly 10 years ago; you can't win in a war of attrition against general threads
/g/ because it's basically unmoderated.
>150 file limit
>no /kr/
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nothing to do with jannies, the rules explicitly allow it after the bump limit is reached

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The U.S. Government is one of the most evil entities ever to exist. They stage things like 9/11 and mass shootings to make it easier to take away our guns.
Imagine what evils they will unleash once we are sufficiently disarmed.
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A trigger flag here.
Gather the pitchforks.
Heated debate there.
evil presidents
you completely missed the plot

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>Guideline 1/76, "On the Development and Handling of Operational Cases"

>The German word Zersetzung can be variously translated into English as corrosion, decomposition, breakdown, disintegration, annihilation, demoralization, undermining, or subversion. Zersetzung measures were aimed at opposition groups or individuals and used psychological manipulation on an individual or group basis in an effort to influence attitudes and convictions, with the ultimate aim of limiting or eliminating the effectiveness of dissidents. Guideline 1/76 lists a range of specific methods for "corroding" a target: discrediting his or her public image; orchestrating professional failures or problems in his or her social sphere; undermining convictions and sowing doubts about his or her personal perspectives; setting up personal rivalries and mutual suspicions in groups; assigning a remote job; circulating compromising photos, letters, telegrams or similar material; spreading malicious rumors (...) All of these measures were conducted covertly so as to keep State Security off the map, unlike its intentional displays of power. These undercover activities could be combined with official measures, however, if it meant the difference between success and failure - temporary arrests, interrogations, and warnings, as well as psychological terror in the form of violence or threats.

>-The History of the Stasi
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They are cowards who abuse isolated individuals. Gangstalking is organized crime, and gangstalkers are criminals.
These supposed gangstalking groups are said to recruit people who either get off on the power trip of it all, or who might believe they’re doing a “patriotic” good thing by “spying for their country” and following an innocent person around who, targets claim, they’ve been lied to about.
All their lives they have been losers and suddenly they feel part of something big, something powerful. They are very lowly paid, have to work at irregular hours, have to wait whole days just to watch their target pass by and are not very bright.
>This person lists some of the organizations that have used similar methods of surveillance and disruption-
In the 1980s and 90s, the U.S. military, along with the FBI, ATF, U.S. Marshalls, and similar federal law-enforcement groups developed tracking and subversion methods that bore mirror-like similarities to the aforementioned disruption programs, namely, to apprehend violent criminals, and terrorists. Nowadays, gangstalking is perpetrated either knowingly or unknowingly by governmental, corporate, and religious elements, including Fusion Centers and private security firms via the legalization by stealth, pork barrel, earmark, and misappropriation of taxpayer resource mechanisms.

I was banned from /tv/ for posting about a TV show.

Fucking haters.
Nice IP address.
Nice IP address.
I got a 3 day from /a/ for saying that locking your phone is stupid.
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>have a pass since 2016
>getting banned for absolutely random shit
>posts that clearly don't break the rules and would never have triggered bans for most users
>mods on IRC are justifying my bans on the fact that I have 80+ bans in my record
>despite the fact these 80+ bans were accrued over 8 years
>and most of the later bans happened because "lol you already have a bunch of bans in your history so you should have been more careful"

Okay what the fuck? Can we talk about this?

The pass keeps your 4chan history in sync. It makes bans pile up. Eventually mods will start having less tolerance with you, and this will lead to even more bans (which only reinforces their bias against you)

In my opinion this system AT THE VERY LEAST discourages people from renewing passes. But honestly it makes me feel like not having a pass at all.

A pass's ban history should either reset periodically or only show the past year's worth of bans (with more being discoverable by a website admin so they have a fallback if in-depth investigation is needed)

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It is very frustrating and stupid that I keep getting banned for “off-topic” posts on /tv/ and /sp/ like that’s not the entire fucking board. I never even make the threads either, I just reply to them.
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The mods on /k/ will ban you for the dumbest shit
did you, uh... read the ban message, sweaty?
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I've been banned probably 100 times this year alone and I don't get random bans. Blatantly off-topic/terrible threads do seem to get removed quicker but that's it.
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Everyone loves Yeji. Very true.
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yejibros should we keep the greasy mullet look or go back to shaved head?
yejibros our ac broke and it's too hot to sleep
yejibros our mother ate the last ice cream...
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Tom says hi
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Yeah he is
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Very nice
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Cozy boy

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>buy my pass last year with BTC
>go to coinbase portal
>generates a payment address which I can send the money to from my self custodial wallet
>wa la

>buy my pass this year
>go to coinbase
>there's no option for self custodial wallets anymore
>only wallets you can link are a bunch of web3 ethereum NFT garbage, or use crypto you bought on coinbase
>ok, I'll make a brave wallet and just convert the BTC to ETH
>there's fucking 10 DOLLARS in transaction fees
>I have to convert AGAIN from ethereum mainnet to ether on base to get reasonable fees
>barely have enough left from all the conversion fees

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could've just used a credit card or bought some ltc

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This June I have walked 140 miles so far.

I need to reach 500miles by the end of the month.
What would you do if I tried to have sex with you while you were on a walk?
your small and dirty penis wouldn't be able to have sex.

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