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/vip/ - Very Important Posts

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10/04/16New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts
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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.

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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
130 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
unchecked dubs in the sticky

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Tom loves you and he says hello
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looking good tom
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s m i l e
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10/10 would pet

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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
>/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
Richfag edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>Other servers
Currently no other server has an active 4chan guild or community.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
no one else can afford to post here!

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4chan should make having a pass mandatory in order to post. 4chan is a privilege, not a right.
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>4chan is a privilege, not a right.
That would basically be SomethingAwful. And given that 4chan came to exist because of SA users not being happy with the moderation there... God. It would be a full "circle of life" situation.
I mean, I'm pretty sure most 4chan users aren't happy with moderation these days either. There's too many shitposting tools around
I won't discuss moderation practices, not exactly the safest thing to do.

With regards to tools. unfortunately I have seen one of those places with the links and crap. Some people need to go outside more often.
>4chan should abandon the entire reason 4chan was made in the first place (anonymity)
Yeah, how about you go fuck yourself. Hiroshimoot is allowing the faggot mods to destroy this site.

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>And how would you like your steak cooked?
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give it to us raw, a wriggling
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medium prease
Medium or medium rare.
I almost always had the issue that when I ordered medium, they overcooked it, like on that pic somewhere between medium-well and well done. The one time I opted for medium-rare, it looked even more rare than rare on this pic. Even the one time I got my medium actually medium, steaks here tend to cost like twice of the other options on the menu, and the taste doesn't seem to justify it.
HARD medium. Any slightly towards medium rare or medium well and you're getting 0 stars.

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I am so glad I am very important. ^_^
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i am very tired
my very important poster <3
oh no im on my ww2 arc again how did this happen help me

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Stay away from /vip/, a board not meant for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but everyone except 4chan Pass users can post.

​/vip/ has a strict topic - talk only about unimportant subjects!

/vip/ is a permanent board, so don't expect any changes to rules or features anytime soon.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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What constitutes an irrelevant post?

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Crack the Downey code

35.9244917, 14.4078431
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IP Bizzie World to reaer'4*eg 22443.655345677.4432.99
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Go watch the documentary
Hitler's,s Gold:: 993F+W9R

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mfw trips
It's a slow board where trips are easy to get! Your trips mean NOTHING and you are WORTHLESS!
this is coming from someone dumb enough to think that saging on the slowest board of all time will accomplish something, so..
I love u

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>very important poster
>can still catch a ban
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not having to deal with the shitass captcha system is a massive boon

What bugs me is point 6 of the terms. Javascript is not optional anymore. Sure, I don't have to bypass a javascript based cloudflare check to post, but even with a pass there's no way of going javascript free and use just cookies. I imagined the pass would let me bypass cloudflare and use devices like a 3DS or Pale Moon / Seamonkey, but it's not possible with that gatekeeper. They probably need to update those Terms of Use.
/tv/ tranny does the same. even replying to an OT thread gets you a 3 day sitewide ban (invokes no trolling outside of /b/ rule)
Have you considered only making high quality posts to avoid such a fate?
absolutely not

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Since the mods fucked up and deleted the last thread, let's start a new one. You can only post in this thread once a month. Let's see how long we can keep it alive!
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Garlic Salt has entered the thread!
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Making my October post
See you in November
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Happy spooktober from /co/

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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting et al. belong on >>>/vip/nah.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io/
Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search
4bans public ban archive:
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: >>126662
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uhhhhhh guys
did [s4s] just fucking die?
to fill in today's updates broke [s4s]'s catalog feature so that the first page only displayed the most recently replied to thread until someone from the mod squad to fix it.
here is the live panic room
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/vg/ has implemented the 15-minute wait for new IPs that has existed on /biz/ for some time and anon fears it could spread site wide. My question is, why wasn't this done on /v/? Things are worse there than /vg/

This development, paired with the captcha solvers being buck broken, has not appeared to have had any visible effect on the most determined shitposters.
It's been added to /v/ and /vt/ as well.
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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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Back you go
page 1

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Welcome to /vip/, a board for 4chan Pass users. Anyone can view, but only 4chan Pass users can post.

/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

/vip/ is an experimental board, so expect frequent changes to rules and features in the coming days.
Currently, all global rules are enforced.
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